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Name: Janedie Robles

Section: Arch 3A

Indolence in the modern era for the Filipinos was still as relevant as what Dr. Jose Rizal has been
exposed during the Spanish Era. This is the product of the lack of support not by the foreign bodies but
the government itself. Today, we are no longer part of the spanish colony, but still modern indolence
comes to be a major part that contributes mainly with our economic strata. This issue should not be
ignored for it will help shape the Cultural Lifestyle and Filipino Pride of every Filipino. Cultural lifestyle,
by diminishing modern indolence we can nurture the roots and enrich our culture and so that we can have
deeper understanding for ourselves in answering the question, who we are as a Filipino. We can have a
definitive identity from the other country if we only have a clearer vision of being a Filipino. Filipino
Pride is the result of having a clear vision of who we are and what our purpose in society is.

The Philippine Government must be vigilant when it comes to nurturing our local roots. In
society, there are numerous industries that have died long ago due to the fact that the Government has not
remained vigilant and serious in combating the colonization mindset. There are cultural critics in the
country in which our government is quite aware about it stating that the native products of the Filipinos
died and that Filipinos are looking for other sources of income just to survive with their respective
families. Long ago, we were the source of rice being exported to other ASEAN countries but lost its
credibility when other neighboring countries started to give rice supplies to us. We are now importing rice
to other countries knowing that we are the ones who trained their rice farmers before. Not only we could
tell that modern Filipino indolence is not happening even though Local Filipino Music has made its own
part. Filipinos, especially the young teens, are now engaged with modern Korean popular music groups
showing and performing their own local cultures to us. We are not saying that this is not acceptable but
this should be in moderation especially when aired on the local radio here in the Philippines. The
government must provide laws to regulate foreign music in our country and that we must patronize our
own local music by strengthening and prolonging music plays in our local airwaves so that even the
smallest unit of the society could reach every individual. Serious enforcement should take place in every
establishment such as in restaurants, cinemas, hotels, schools and the like and that sanction to violators
shall be implemented.

There should be a reform that should happen in our governing bodies, but most importantly we as
Filipinos must need groundbreaking support to our local artists and local workers. This is our own
products from our own efforts, in order for us to be known to foreign bodies, we must start giving
unconditional support to our own work force. This is our fight and that we are all related to each other.
Let us not think differently when it comes to our blood related people.

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