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(Graviss Foods Pvt. Ltd.)

Yogit Singh Rao
22376 | F1-BA1
Specialization: Finance and Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Faculty mentor: Rinku Dixit Ma’am Industry Mentor: Mr. Philip Antony


The Internship opportunity I had with Graviss foods (Baskin Robbins india) was a
great experience for learning and professional development. For this, I am grateful
to so many people and professionals who led me through this period.
I am using this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude and special thanks to
Mr. Philip Antony who in spite of being so busy with his duties, took time to guide
me and assisted in staying on the right direction during the internship.
I express my deepest thanks to Mr. Pushpendra Singh for giving necessary advices
and precious guidance which were extremely valuable for me.
Last but not the least I would like to thank my faculty mentor Rinku Dixit Ma’am
for guiding me at each step of my internship.
I perceive this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development, which
helped me get the real exposure to work in the field of business analytics and
business operation, I will strive to use the gained skills and knowledge in the best
possible way. Hope to continue association with you all in the future.

Yogit Singh Rao


I Yogit Singh Rao student of New Delhi Institute of Management 2023-24 Batch
declare that every part of the Project Report Evaluating operations and MIS data
through various analytical tools, for maximizing OTIF to meet the market demand.
submitted by me is original.
I was in regular contact with my faculty guide and contacted Rinku Dixit Ma’am
times for discussing the project.

Date of project submission:

Signature: Yogit Singh Rao


Faculty Mentor’s Comments:

<<Signature of Faculty guide>>


Executive Summary:

During my two-month internship at Graviss Foods (Baskin Robbins India), I
worked on the project “Evaluating Operations and MIS Data through Various
Analytical Tools for Maximizing OTIF to Meet Market Demand.” The primary
objective of this project was to identify and address the factors contributing to a
decrease in On-Time-In-Full (OTIF) deliveries.
To achieve this goal, I collected and analyzed data from multiple departments,
including supply chain, logistics, human resources, warehouse, and production. By
gaining exposure to different aspects of the company, I gained valuable insights
into the overall business operations.

My responsibilities included creating graphical representations of various datasets

using tools like Tableau. This allowed me to identify key patterns and trends in the
data. Some of the critical aspects analyzed were the performance of distributors
with the highest value, the best-selling SKUs, the products with the lowest
demand, and the fill rate of flavours, volume, and units.
Through comprehensive data evaluation, I successfully pinpointed loopholes and
challenges affecting OTIF. This analysis will enable Graviss Foods to make
informed decisions and improve operational efficiency. By maximizing OTIF, the
company can meet market demand more effectively, ultimately leading to
improved customer satisfaction and increased business success.

Overall, my internship at Graviss Foods was an enriching experience that allowed

me to contribute to the company’s growth while honing my analytical skills. I am
grateful for the opportunity to work in a diverse and dynamic environment, which
provided me with valuable insights into various facets of the business. I am
confident that the findings and recommendations presented in this report will prove
beneficial for Graviss Foods’ future endeavors in enhancing operational
performance and meeting customer expectations


Overview of the industry
The food and beverage industry in India is becoming more and more profitable. It
makes up around 3% of India’s GDP and nearly 2/3 of the country’s whole retail
market. It is predicted that the income in the food and beverage sector will expand
at a CAGR of 14.2% between 2020 and 2024. By 2024, a USD 1,264 million
market volume is also anticipated. Moreover, this industry has created a huge
demand in recent times along with online food delivery companies and it can be
seen from the statistics released by Swiggy for the year 2022.
The food and beverages industry is a vast and diverse sector that encompasses the
production, processing, distribution, and sale of various food and drink products. It
plays a fundamental role in meeting the nutritional needs and culinary desires of
consumers worldwide. Here's an overview of the industry:
1. Product Range: The food and beverages industry offer a wide range of
products, including fresh and processed foods, dairy products, baked goods,
snacks, beverages (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic), confectionery, frozen
foods, and more. The industry caters to various consumer preferences,
dietary requirements, and cultural tastes.
2. Market Segments: The industry can be divided into several segments, such
as fast food, fine dining, casual dining, quick-service restaurants (QSRs),
packaged food, ready-to-eat meals, and specialty food stores. Each segment
targets different customer demographics and occasions.
3. Global Reach: The food and beverages industry have a global reach, with
international trade and supply chains connecting producers, distributors, and
consumers across borders. It is influenced by factors such as climate,
geography, and cultural practices in different regions.
4. Regulatory Compliance: The industry is subject to extensive regulations and
standards related to food safety, quality, labeling, packaging, and
advertising. Compliance with these regulations is crucial to ensure consumer
safety and trust.

5. Consumer Trends: Consumer preferences and trends have a significant
impact on the industry. Increasing awareness of health and wellness,
sustainability, and ethical sourcing influences product innovation and
marketing strategies.
6. Technology and Innovation: The food and beverages industry continually
adopt technological advancements in food processing, packaging, and
distribution. Innovation in product development, such as plant-based
alternatives and functional foods, is also prevalent.
7. Competitive Landscape: The industry is highly competitive, with numerous
players ranging from multinational corporations to small-scale local
producers. Successful companies focus on product differentiation, brand
positioning, and efficient supply chain management.
8. Impact on Economy and Employment: The food and beverages industry is a
significant contributor to the global economy, generating substantial revenue
and providing employment opportunities across the supply chain, from
farmers and manufacturers to retailers and foodservice outlets.
9. Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Increasingly, the industry is
focusing on sustainable practices, reducing food waste, promoting
responsible sourcing, and addressing environmental and social impacts.
10.Consumer Experience: The industry places emphasis on enhancing the
overall consumer experience, including product taste, convenience,
packaging, and personalized offerings to meet individual preferences.

India Ice Cream Market Trends:

Significant growth in the food and beverage sector, and the presence of a thriving
dairy industry represent the key factors creating a positive outlook for the market
in India. Moreover, the improvements in cold chain infrastructure, including
temperature-controlled storage spaces, procurement of trained operational and
servicing personnel, and application of efficient management procedures, are
fueling the market growth. Moreover, rising disposable incomes have enabled
consumers to afford premium-quality ice creams, which has prompted several

international ice cream brands to expand their businesses in India. This, in turn, is
acting as a major growth-inducing factor. The rising health consciousness and
lactose intolerance amongst the population has prompted manufacturers to
introduce preservative-free, genetically modified organism (GMO)-free, dairy-free,
fat-free and organic product variants, which is contributing to the market growth
further across the country.

Key Market Segmentation:

The publisher provides an analysis of the key trends in each sub-segment of the ice
cream market in India report, along with forecasts at the country and state level
from 2023-2028. Our report has categorized the market based on type, flavor,
format, end-user and distribution channel.

Breakup by Type:
 Impulse Ice Cream
 Take-Home Ice Cream
 Artisanal Ice Cream
Based on the type, the market has been bifurcated into impulse, take-home and
artisanal ice cream.

Breakup by Flavor:
 Chocolate
 Fruit
 Vanilla
 Others
On the basis of the flavor, the market has been segmented as chocolate, fruit,
vanilla and others.

Breakup by Format:
 Cup
 Stick
 Cone
 Brick
The market has been segregated into cup, stick, cone, brick and others on the basis
of format.

Breakup by End-User:
 Retail
 Institutional
Based on the end user, the market has been divided into the retail and institutional

Breakup by Distribution Channel:

 General Trade
 Supermarkets/Hypermarkets
 Ice cream Parlors
 Convenience Stores
 Online

Some of the major manufacturers of ice cream in Indian market:

 Amul: Amul is a cooperative dairy brand based in India. It is known for its
wide range of dairy products, including milk, butter, cheese, and ice cream.
Amul ice creams are popular for their quality and variety, offering flavours
to cater to diverse consumer preferences.

 Kwality Wall’s: Kwality Wall’s is a subsidiary of Hindustan Unilever

Limited, a leading consumer goods company. Kwality Wall’s is a well-
established ice cream brand with a rich history in India. They offer a
plethora of ice cream options, including traditional favorites and innovative

 Mother Dairy: Mother Dairy is a government-owned dairy brand that

operates in various regions of India. Apart from dairy products, they also
have a presence in the ice cream market, offering a range of flavours and
frozen desserts.

 Vadilal: Vadilal Industries Limited is a prominent ice cream manufacturer in

India. The company is known for its diverse and innovative ice cream
flavours, catering to both traditional and contemporary tastes.

 Creambell: Creambell is a subsidiary of RJ Corp, a leading Indian

conglomerate. Creambell offers a wide assortment of ice cream products,
including cups, cones, sticks, and family packs, targeting various consumer

 Havmor: Havmor is an ice cream brand that originated in Gujarat, India.

Over the years, it has expanded its presence across India. Havmor offers a
variety of ice cream flavours and products, maintaining a strong regional and
national presence.

The food and beverages industry offers significant growth opportunities due to
various factors, including changing consumer preferences, technological
advancements, and evolving market trends. Here are some growth and
opportunities in the industry sector:
1. Health and Wellness: With an increasing focus on health and wellness, there
is a growing demand for healthier food and beverage options. Companies
that offer nutritious, organic, and functional food products are likely to see
significant growth as consumers become more health-conscious.
2. Plant-Based and Alternative Products: The rise in plant-based diets and
environmental concerns has led to a surge in demand for plant-based and
alternative food products. Companies that innovate in this space and offer
plant-based meat, dairy alternatives, and vegan options have substantial
growth potential.
3. Convenience and Snacking: The busy lifestyles of consumers have led to a
rise in demand for convenient and on-the-go food options. Snack foods,
ready-to-eat meals, and quick-service restaurants that cater to this trend are
likely to experience growth.
4. E-Commerce and Online Food Delivery: The growth of e-commerce and
online food delivery platforms has transformed the food and beverages
industry. Companies that adapt to this digital shift and provide seamless
online ordering and delivery experiences are poised for growth.
5. Premium and Specialty Foods: Consumers are willing to pay more for
unique and premium food experiences. Companies that offer specialty foods,
artisanal products, and gourmet offerings have opportunities to cater to this
affluent segment.
6. Sustainable and Ethical Practices: There is an increasing emphasis on
sustainability and ethical practices in the food and beverages industry.
Companies that prioritize sustainable sourcing, eco-friendly packaging, and
ethical supply chains can attract environmentally-conscious consumers.

7. Personalization and Customization: Consumers seek personalized and
customized food experiences. Companies that offer customizable menu
options, personalized nutrition plans, and tailor-made food products are
likely to thrive.
8. Food Technology and Innovation: Advancements in food technology,
including food processing techniques, preservation methods, and food safety
measures, offer opportunities for companies to enhance product quality and
extend shelf life.
9. Global Market Expansion: The food and beverages industry has immense
potential for global market expansion. Companies that adapt their products
to cater to different cultures and regions can tap into new markets and
international growth opportunities.
10.Foodservice Industry: The foodservice industry, including restaurants, cafes,
and food trucks, offers opportunities for growth. As consumers seek unique
dining experiences and explore diverse cuisines, innovative foodservice
concepts can thrive.

Ice Cream Industry in India: The ice cream industry in India is a significant and
growing sector. The demand for ice cream is influenced by factors such as
population growth, rising disposable income, urbanization, and changing
consumer preferences. Several established and popular ice cream brands, along
with numerous local and regional players, compete in the Indian market.
The ice cream market in India was valued at INR 194.1 Billion in 2022. We expect
the ice cream market in India to exhibit a CAGR of 17.5% during 2023-2028.
Ice Cream Industry Globally: Globally, the ice cream industry is also substantial,
with a presence in various regions and countries. The popularity of ice cream as a
dessert and treat contributes to its continuous demand. Global ice cream
companies, as well as regional and local manufacturers, cater to diverse consumer
tastes and preferences worldwide.
The ice cream market globally was valued at USD 79 Billion in 2021. We expect
the ice cream market globally to exhibit a CAGR of 4.2% during 2023-2030.

Scope of Business Information for Food and Beverage Industry:

The scope of business information in the food and beverage industry is extensive
due to the complexity of the sector and the diverse factors that influence its
operations. It includes, but is not limited to, the following:

1. Supply Chain Management: Information related to sourcing raw materials,

inventory management, transportation, and distribution is crucial for
optimizing the supply chain and ensuring timely delivery of products.

2. Food Safety and Quality: Data on food safety regulations, quality control
measures, and product testing is essential for maintaining high standards and
compliance with industry regulations.

3. Consumer Trends and Preferences: Understanding consumer preferences,

dietary habits, and emerging food trends helps businesses tailor their product
offerings to meet customer demands effectively.

4. Market Analysis: Information about market trends, competitor analysis,

pricing strategies, and market segmentation helps companies identify
opportunities and potential challenges in the food and beverage market.

5. Sustainability and Ethical Practices: Data on sustainable sourcing, eco-

friendly packaging, and ethical business practices is becoming increasingly
important for consumers, and businesses need to consider these factors in
their operations.

6. Sales and Marketing: Information on sales performance, marketing
campaigns, customer feedback, and brand perception helps in optimizing
marketing strategies and increasing customer engagement.

Impact of Business Information for Food and Beverage Industry:

The impact of business information in the food and beverage industry is significant
and influences various aspects of the business:

1. Product Development: Insights into consumer preferences and market trends

aid in developing new products or improving existing ones, enhancing
customer satisfaction and loyalty.

2. Cost Management: Utilizing data on supply chain efficiency and production

costs helps in optimizing expenses and maintaining competitive pricing
while ensuring profitability.

3. Food Safety and Compliance: Access to relevant information on food safety

regulations and industry standards ensures compliance and reduces the risk
of product recalls or legal issues.

4. Customer Engagement: Understanding customer feedback and behavior

allows businesses to engage with their audience effectively, build brand
loyalty, and address any issues promptly.

5. Risk Mitigation: Analyzing market data and trends helps in identifying

potential risks and challenges, allowing businesses to develop contingency
plans and mitigate adverse impacts.

6. Operational Efficiency: Data-driven decision-making streamlines processes
and operations, leading to improved efficiency and productivity across the
food and beverage supply chain.

7. Innovation and Differentiation: Leveraging business information encourages

innovation in product development, marketing strategies, and sustainability
practices, enabling businesses to stand out in a competitive market


Company name: Graviss Foods Private Limited

Master Franchise: Baskin Robbins India
White label products: Rebel foods, Hershey’s, Starbucks, Etc.

HQ: Strand Cinema, 1st Floor; Arthur Bunder Road, CS No. 506; Colaba, Mumbai
- 400005, Maharashtra, India
Factory location: Graviss foods, Kesurdi MIDC, Moh tarf shirwal, Maharashtra
Website: |

To create a global business that brings a taste of India to international consumers,
and offers international products and services to the consumers in India.

To enrich and delight our guests and customers with experiences and products,
which bring happiness and prosperity to the communities we serve.

Quality, Passion, Innovation and pride in our ‘Indianness’ can be observed in all
that we do.

Iqbal Krishan Ghai

Founder of Graviss Group
The ‘Maharajah of Ice Cream’ is a befitting
title for our Founder, Iqbal Krishan Ghai. He

started out with a small eatery in Connaught Place, New Delh, churning out
homemade ice cream for American troops during World War II.
Soon after, he went on to create Kwality Ice Cream, a brand that practically
weaned India’s fledgling nation on chocobars, mango duets and cassatas.
Apart from building the country’s favourite brand of ice cream, this feisty
entrepreneur also started Gaylord and Kwality restaurants, the first Indian
restaurant chain to bring the silver and damask of fine dining to the tables of New
India. It was founded on a personal vision of hospitality that encompassed family,
friends and employees from London, New York, San Francisco and Chicago to
Hong Kong, Kobe, Sharjah and Jeddah.
In 1955, the legendary pioneer purchased the Bombay Club for former British
residents. He converted it into the iconic Nataraj Hotel that now stands as the
InterContinental, a luxury boutique hotel on Mumbai’s equally iconic Marine
Drive. Recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Hotel Federation of
India, Iqbal Ghai is acknowledged by BBC as one of the seven foremost self-made
people in the world.

Graviss Foods is a prominent food company operating in India, known for its
association with Baskin Robbins, a well-known ice cream brand. Established with
a vision to deliver delectable treats and delights, Graviss Foods has garnered a
reputation for offering a wide range of high-quality and flavorful products.

The company’s main focus lies in the production and distribution of Baskin
Robbins ice cream products throughout the Indian market. With a strong
commitment to customer satisfaction, Graviss Foods strives to bring joy to
people’s lives by creating delightful ice cream experiences.

As a market leader in the ice cream industry, Graviss Foods prides itself on its
state-of-the-art production facilities, efficient supply chain management, and a
dedicated team of professionals. By adhering to the highest standards of quality
and innovation, the company continues to captivate taste buds and maintain a loyal
customer base.

Graviss Foods’ dedication to continuous improvement and its pursuit of excellence

has led to successful collaborations with various stakeholders, including
distributors, retailers, and suppliers. The company’s emphasis on delivering
products On-Time-In-Full (OTIF) further reinforces its commitment to meeting
market demand and exceeding customer expectations.

Through its strategic presence and widespread distribution network, Graviss Foods
has solidified its position as a key player in the Indian food industry. With a
passion for creating memorable experiences through delicious treats, the company
continues to delight consumers across the country.

As a socially responsible organization, Graviss Foods also actively engages in

initiatives that contribute to the betterment of communities and the environment.
By combining business success with sustainable practices, the company aims to

leave a positive impact on society while continuously innovating in the food and
beverage sector.

With a legacy of excellence, a dedication to quality, and a vision for the future,
Graviss Foods remains committed to serving smiles and enriching lives one scoop
at a time


Baskin Robbins India is the Indian arm of Baskin-Robbins, the world’s largest
chain of ice cream specialty shops. Here’s a brief background:

Baskin-Robbins was founded in

1945 by Burt Baskin and Irv
Robbins in Glendale, California,
USA. The brand quickly gained
popularity for its innovative
concept of offering 31 flavours of
ice cream, one for each day of the
month. Over the years, Baskin-
Robbins expanded globally and
became synonymous with
premium-quality ice cream and a
wide range of delightful flavours.

Baskin Robbins India, a subsidiary of Dunkin’ Brands, Inc., was launched in India
in 1993. It brought the same variety of delicious ice cream flavours and treats to
the Indian market, becoming a beloved brand among ice cream enthusiasts.
The franchise model was adopted in India, allowing entrepreneurs and investors to
open Baskin-Robbins outlets across the country. This expansion strategy has led to
a robust presence of Baskin-Robbins shops in various cities and towns throughout
Baskin Robbins India continues to offer a diverse array of ice cream flavours,
specialty sundaes, and frozen treats. The brand is known for its constant innovation
and seasonal offerings, keeping customers excited with new flavours and

Who we are?

We may have started out in North America, but today, Baskin Robbins is present
in over 50 countries around the world, with almost 7000 stores worldwide. You
might be pleasantly surprised to find us in places you never expected!
Baskin Robbins is one of the world’s largest ice cream chains globally. Our
exciting menu with includes universal favorites like the delicious Mississippi Mud
and Mint Milk Chocolate along with local favorite flavours like Honey Nut Crunch
and Alphonso Mango.

No matter where you go, you will find unparalleled quality and variety in every
Baskin Robbins store.


We’ve been serving Happyness in a cup (or on a cone!) since 1945. So grab a spoon and
dig deeper into our history- there’s a treasure trove of innovation and creativity waiting
for you!

Brought to India in 1993, Baskin Robbins has cemented its place as India’s much-
loved ice cream brand.
We constantly endeavour to maintain highest standards of quality. Baskin Robbins

today operates more than 800+ exclusive Ice Cream Parlours across over 230
cities, making it amongst the largest exclusive ice cream retail chains in India.
Its portfolio of 31 high quality international and Indian flavours are made with
cow’s milk and are 100% vegetarian. These represent diverse taste profiles and
cater to the needs of millions of customers.

Baskin Robbins was brought to India through a joint venture with the Graviss
Group- a pioneer in the F&B industry in India. Founded by Mr. I.K. Ghai in 1945,
the Group currently owns and manages Baskin Robbins India, The Brooklyn
Creamery, The InterContinental Hotel on Marine Drive, Mayfair Banquets, and
Zaffran- a chain of modern Indian dining restaurants- amongst other sub-brands.

The first manufacturing plant outside of North America

opened in Pune. In 2007, Graviss became the 100 %
owner of the Baskin Robbins brand in the SAARC
Offering delicious and gratifying treats in 230 cities
with over 800 parlors, Baskin Robbins is one of the
largest retail chains in India. In addition to parlors,
you can find Baskin Robbins at over 5000 retail
touchpoints as well as across the leading hospitality,
multiplex and airline companies in India such as Taj,
ITC, Inox and SpiceJet.
The group is also one of the only manufacturers permitted to manufacture products
for the brand globally and has been able to use that to supply ice cream to its
franchisee partners in Nepal, Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, Bangladesh and Sri

What makes us special?

Revenue Model

1. Direct Sales: Selling products directly to consumers through physical retail

stores, online platforms, or company-owned outlets.
2. Wholesale and Distribution: Selling products in bulk to wholesalers,
distributors, or retailers who then sell to end consumers.

3. Franchising: Expanding the business by allowing independent franchisees

to operate outlets using the company's brand, products, and systems in
exchange for franchise fees and royalties.

4. Foodservice and Hospitality: Generating revenue through foodservice
operations, such as restaurants, cafes, catering, and events.

5. Private Label and Contract Manufacturing: Producing food and beverage

products for other brands (private label) or under contract for other

6. Online Sales and E-Commerce: Selling products through company

websites, third-party e-commerce platforms, and online marketplaces.

7. Event Participation: Participating in food festivals, trade shows, and events

to showcase products and generate sales.

Which digital platform contributes to maximum customer engagement?

Baskin Robbins utilize a multi-platform approach to engage customers and
increase sales. Leveraging a variety of online platforms can help reach a wider
audience and provide customers with different options to interact with the brand
and make purchases. Here's how Baskin Robbins could use these online platforms
for customer engagement and sales:

1. Own Website: Baskin Robbins' official website serve as a hub for

customers to explore their ice cream flavours, promotions, and special
offers. Customers can also place orders for ice cream cakes, sundaes, and
other products directly through the website.
2. Food Aggregators (Zomato, Swiggy, Dunzo, Zepto, Blinkit, etc.):
Collaborating with food aggregators allows Baskin Robbins to tap into their
vast user base and delivery infrastructure. Customers can order Baskin

Robbins products for home delivery through these platforms, increasing
convenience and accessibility.
3. Social Media Platforms: Baskin Robbins can use platforms like Instagram,
Facebook, and Twitter to share mouth-watering images of their ice cream,
engage customers with contests and polls, and announce new flavours or
limited-time offers.
4. Email Marketing: Collecting customer email addresses and sending out
regular newsletters keeps customers informed about upcoming promotions,
events, and new products of Baskin Robbins


The company has chosen a strategic approach to streamline its operations and
ensure efficiency in various aspects of its business. Notably, certain products
and services have been outsourced, contributing to a well-organized and
optimized workflow. Here are some key areas where outsourcing has been

1. Ice Cream Cones: The production of ice cream cones, a crucial component
of our offerings, is entrusted to a specialized external entity. This
collaboration allows us to focus on our core competencies while ensuring a
consistent and high-quality supply of cones.
2. Containers: Our plastic ice cream containers, including branding and
labeling, are sourced from a third-party provider. This arrangement
optimizes the manufacturing process, allowing us to concentrate on our ice
cream production expertise.
3. Corrugated Boxes: The packaging of our ice cream products into
corrugated boxes is managed through an outsourcing arrangement. This

efficient method facilitates bulk packaging and enhances distribution
4. Ice Cream Sticks: The
ice cream sticks used in
our delectable ice cream
candies are procured
through an external
partner. This strategic
choice enables us to
maintain a steady supply
of quality sticks for our
delightful treats.
5. Milk-Based Products:
To create our premium ice cream, we source milk and milk-based products
from external suppliers, ensuring the highest quality cream for our
production process.
6. Manpower Supply: The company's workforce is structured on a contract
basis, partnering with multiple manpower supply agencies. This approach
allows us to flexibly manage human resources while focusing on our core
7. Travelling: Transportation logistics for our dedicated workers and
administrative staff are efficiently managed through an outsourced bus
agency. This ensures timely and safe commuting for our team members.
8. Housekeeping: To maintain a pristine environment across various facilities,
cleaning and maintenance services are outsourced. This encompasses upkeep
responsibilities for washrooms, canteens, shop floors, administrative offices,
and waste disposal.
9. Workwear: Adhering to stringent hygiene standards, the company rents
essential workwear items such as aprons, masks, head-caps, shoe covers,
cold storage jackets, and gum boots from a third-party provider. This ensures
a safe and sanitized workspace for our employees.

10.Catering Service: The factory's continuous operation in multiple shifts is
supported by an outsourced catering service. This ensures that our dedicated
workforce receives quality meals and refreshments during their demanding
11.Transportation: Efficient distribution of our ice cream products to
distributors and outlets is managed through a partnership with a third-party
cold storage truck provider, enhancing our logistics capabilities.

Financial Statistics

Due to very limited financial data provided by the company, we are unable to
analyse the outputs and result, however here is a summary of financial
information of GRAVISS FOODS PRIVATE LIMITED for the financial year
ending on 31 March, 2022.

 Net worth of the company has increased by 206.52 %
 EBITDA of the company has increased by 1,525.48 %
 Total assets of the company has increased by 32.71 %
 Liabilities of the company has decreased by -42.01 %


 The EBITDA of the

company has
increased by a
significant 1,525.48%
 compared to the
previous year,
indicating improved
 The return on equity
(ROE) stands at a
high 67.85%,
reflecting strong
 Further analysis of
major expenses and their impact on profit will provide
 a clearer understanding of profitability trends.


 The current ratio is 1.22, indicating a relatively healthy liquidity position.

 The company’s current assets have increased by 8.40%, suggesting
 improved liquidity.
 Trade receivables have increased by 5.42%, which could impact liquidity
 if not managed effectively.
 Trade payables have increased by 31.82%, which could enhance liquidity
 as long as payment terms are favourable.

Dragged Down Financials (Not explicitly provided in the information):

The available Data and information does not specify which products or services
have dragged down the financials of the company. Detailed data or analysis
would be required to determine the specific factors impacting the financial

Profitability Position:
 The return on equity (ROE) stands at 67.85%, indicating a strong
profitability position.
 The EBITDA increase of 1,525.48% further suggests improved profitability.

Liquidity Position:
 The current ratio of 1.22 indicates a relatively healthy liquidity position,
implying that the company has sufficient current assets to cover its current
 An increase of 8.40% in current assets suggests improved liquidity.

Profitability and Liquidity Position:
The profitability position of the company seems strong, as evidenced by the
significant increase in EBITDA and the high return on equity.
The liquidity position appears relatively healthy, with a current ratio above 1
indicating sufficient short-term liquidity to cover current liabilities.



As of now Baskin Robbins is using very limited AI-ML tools but they are
upgrading themselves as the market is adopting different techniques for sales,
finance, promotion, logistics and operations, here are some of the observations of
the company:

1. E-commerce Platforms for Customer Acquisition:

 Baskin Robbins leverages its company website and partners with E-
commerce platforms like Amazon Fresh and other grocery delivery
platforms to reach customers online.
 Additionally, they collaborate with aggregators such as Zomato,
Swiggy, Zepto, Blinkit, and Dunzo to enhance product promotion and
doorstep deliveries, maximizing convenience for customers.
2. Enhancing Social Media Engagement:

 Baskin Robbins actively utilizes social media platforms including
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to engage with
 The company runs targeted advertising campaigns to effectively
promote their diverse ice cream offerings and attract a wider audience.
3. Strategic Email Marketing:
 Baskin Robbins employs a dedicated digital marketing team to
manage email marketing campaigns.
 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques are employed to ensure
better visibility of their communications, leading to increased
customer engagement.
4. Efficient SAP Integration:
 SAP serves as a robust backbone for Baskin Robbins' internal
 From order generation to invoice processing, inventory management,
and statistical analysis, SAP streamlines various facets of the
5. Optimized Human Resource Management:
 The company adopts HRMS (Human Resource Management System)
software to ensure effective employee management.
 Features include advanced attendance tracking through biometric and
face recognition, PF-ESIC management, visitor management,
complaint handling, leave management, and allowance management.
Continued Technological Advancements:
6. AI-ML Adoption Strategy:
 Baskin Robbins recognizes the evolving landscape of AI and ML
technologies and is in the process of expanding their usage.

 The company acknowledges the potential of AI-ML tools for
enhancing sales, finance, promotions, logistics, and operations, and is
actively upgrading its capabilities to stay competitive.
7. Market-Driven Upgrade:
 Baskin Robbins aligns its technology upgrades with market trends and
best practices, ensuring that their processes remain efficient and
8. Future-Focused Approach:
 The company's commitment to technological advancements indicates
their forward-looking approach to ensure they remain at the forefront
of industry innovations.
9. Holistic Business Transformation:
 By integrating AI-ML tools into various aspects of their business,
Baskin Robbins aims for a holistic transformation that enhances
customer experience, operational efficiency, and strategic decision-
10.Continuous Improvement:
 Baskin Robbins' proactive approach to technology adoption
demonstrates their dedication to continuous improvement,
contributing to sustained growth and success.

Here are some of the highlights where Baskin Robbin can upgrade to AI-ML
techniques for better functioning environment.

Customer Acquisition/Management:
 Purchase History and Customer Demographics: AI can analyze customer
purchase history and demographics to identify trends, preferences, and

popular products. This data can guide marketing strategies and new flavor
 Personalized Marketing: ML algorithms can create personalized marketing
campaigns based on individual customer preferences, enhancing engagement
and increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases.
 Customer Churn: AI can predict customer churn by analyzing patterns that
indicate potential attrition. This allows Baskin Robbins to proactively
engage with at-risk customers.

Product Pricing:
Dynamic Pricing: As Baskin Robbins is a premium brand, price of their products is
generally high as compared to any other ice cream product this makes them stand
out in the market but targeted segment of customer will be limited, so for wider
audience, AI can analyse demand, competitor pricing, and other factors to
dynamically adjust ice cream prices of some items for optimal revenue and

Managing Logistics and Supply Chain:

 Demand Forecasting: AI can
analyze historical sales data and
external factors (e.g., weather,
holidays) to predict demand for
different flavours, ensuring
optimized production and
minimizing wastage.
 Geospatial Tracking of Vehicles:
AI can track delivery vehicles
using geospatial data, optimizing
routes for efficient ice cream
distribution to retail outlets.

Quality Control and Production Optimization:
Baskin Robbins have highly skilled Quality Assurance team, so to give them more
dynamic and realistic data driven approach they can use AI:
Quality Assurance: AI can monitor production processes to detect anomalies or
defects in ice cream production, ensuring consistent quality.
Production Optimization: AI can optimize the production schedule based on
factors like flavor popularity, seasonal demand, and ingredient availability.

Inventory Management:
Baskin Robbins is managing inventory manually on Excel and somewhat on SAP,
they can use inventory management tools and software:
 Demand-Based Inventory: AI can predict demand for different flavours and
adjust inventory levels accordingly, reducing excess inventory costs while
ensuring products are available.

Analytical tool to evaluate sales and order turn-around time:

Baskin Robbins is planning to take visualization tool like Tableau or PowerBI to
analyze performance, track delivery timing, reduce turnaround time, and improve
fill rate.

On-The-Job-Training – Virtual Operations Training

The primary objectives of the internship at Baskin Robbins were as follows:

1. Project Scope and Purpose: To evaluate operations and Management
Information System (MIS) data through various analytical tools with the aim
of maximizing On-Time-In-Full (OTIF) to meet market demand. The focus
was on identifying operational inefficiencies and reasons for decreasing
OTIF, and proposing actionable insights for improvement.
2. Data Collection and Analysis: To gather and analyze data from different
departments including production, dispatch, logistics, and warehouse. This
involved creating graphical representations using tools like Tableau to
visualize data related to distributors, high selling SKUs, low-demand
products, and fill rates.
3. Interdepartmental Exposure: To gain practical experience by working
under multiple departments such as supply chain, logistics, human resources,
warehouse, and production. This exposure aimed to provide a
comprehensive understanding of how different functions contribute to the
overall operations.
4. Problem Solving and Recommendations: To identify loopholes in the
current operations that contribute to decreased OTIF and propose actionable
recommendations to address these issues. The internship aimed to enhance
problem-solving skills by applying analytical tools and methodologies.
5. Enhancing Analytical Skills: To develop proficiency in using analytical
tools such as Tableau and other data analysis techniques. This would involve
manipulating and interpreting data to draw meaningful insights that could
drive operational improvements.
6. Communication and Reporting: To refine communication skills by
presenting findings, insights, and recommendations in a clear and structured
manner to relevant stakeholders. This aspect of the internship aimed to
develop effective reporting skills.
7. Project Management Exposure: To gain exposure to project management
aspects by working on a specific project from inception to completion. This
includes setting objectives, planning, data collection, analysis, and
generating actionable insights.

8. Understanding Business Operations: To gain a holistic understanding of
how a food and beverage company like Baskin Robbins operates, from
production to distribution, and how different departments collaborate to
meet market demand.
9. Professional Networking: To build professional relationships and network
within the company, interacting with employees from various departments
and levels. This exposure aimed to provide insights into the company's
culture and work dynamics.

Key Result Area

Key Result Areas (KRAs) at Baskin Robbins during your internship were focused
on achieving specific goals and responsibilities related to the project "Evaluating
operations and MIS data through various analytical tools, for maximizing OTIF to
meet the market demand.”

1. Data Collection and Evaluation:

 Collect and analyze data from various departments related to
 Thoroughly evaluate the data to identify patterns, trends, and potential
areas of concern affecting the On-Time-In-Full (OTIF) metric.
2. Cross-Departmental Collaboration:
 Shadow and engage with personnel from different departments to gain
insights into their processes and contributions to the overall
 Establish effective communication channels to understand data
sources, challenges, and opportunities across departments.
3. Data Cleaning and Structuring:
 Organize and clean collected data to ensure its accuracy, consistency,
and reliability.

 Create a structured and well-organized dataset that serves as a
foundation for subsequent analysis.
4. Graphical Representation and Analysis:
 Utilize analytical tools, particularly Tableau, to transform raw data
into meaningful and visually informative graphical representations.
 Generate insightful visualizations, including but not limited to highest
selling regions, states, lowest performing regions, total SKUs sold,
unit fill rate, volume fill rate, flavor fill rate, and region-wise fill rate.
5. Identification of Loopholes and Insights:
 Analyze the graphical representations to pinpoint specific operational
loopholes and challenges that contribute to the suboptimal OTIF
 Extract actionable insights from the visualizations that provide a
deeper understanding of factors impacting fill rates.
6. Dashboard Presentation:
 Compile the graphical representations into a comprehensive
dashboard within Tableau, ensuring a user-friendly and intuitive
 Deliver a clear and impactful presentation of the dashboard to the
Head of the department, effectively communicating findings, insights,
and potential areas for improvement.
7. Problem-Solving and Recommendations:
 Formulate data-driven recommendations based on the identified
loopholes and insights.
 Propose actionable solutions that address the root causes of fill rate
challenges and contribute to enhancing overall operational efficiency.
8. Professional Communication and Reporting:
 Effectively communicate complex analytical findings to both
technical and non-technical stakeholders.

 Create detailed and structured reports that document the analysis
process, insights, recommendations, and the impact of potential
9. Learning and Skill Development:
 Continuously enhance your analytical and data visualization skills by
working with real-world data and complex business challenges.
 Demonstrate a commitment to personal and professional growth
through the successful completion of the project.

Weekly activity

Week 1-2: Orientation and Data Collection

1. Training and shadowing across different departments to understand their
operations, challenges, and processes.
2. Begin identifying and collecting relevant data from SAP and various
departments for analysis.

Week 3-4: Data Analysis and Cleaning

1. Analyze and clean the collected data, ensuring accuracy and consistency.
2. Organize and structure the data into a proper format for further analysis.

Week 5-6: Sales Analysis and Problem Identification

5. Utilize the cleaned data to create visualizations like highest selling
regions, lowest selling regions, maximum demand, and state-wise orders.
6. Collaborate with the shop floor team to identify production bottlenecks
by evaluating machine running time, worker shifts, and break times.

Week 7-8: Collaboration and Dashboard Creation
7. Work closely with logistics, warehouse, and dispatch departments to gain
insights into their challenges and identify operational loopholes.
8. Create a comprehensive dashboard using data visualizations for volume
fill rate, unit fill rate, flavor fill rate, region-wise fill rate, distributor
losses, total SKUs, SKUs demanded, SKUs short in inventory, and SKUs
in transit.


From my observations and experiences within the company, I've noticed something
quite interesting about how the factory runs. It operates non-stop, divided into
three shifts of eight hours each. But what's really worth noting is how things work
during these shifts.
What I've found out is that the ice cream production line actually runs for a specific
six-hour stretch in each shift. The hour before and the hour after are used for
getting things ready before the production starts and for cleaning up after it's done.
Now, here's where it gets intriguing. Whenever there's a change in ice cream
flavor, it's not as simple as flipping a switch. It's a pretty detailed process that takes
three hours. During this time, the production tunnel has to be thoroughly cleaned
and set up for the new flavor. This is done meticulously to make sure there's no
trace of the previous flavor left behind, so the quality stays top-notch for the next
But here's the catch. This flavor changeover process, while crucial, takes up a lot of
time. Those three hours add up, and it affects how much of each flavor we can
make on time. Because of this, we sometimes fall short on our fill rate, which isn't
what we want.

So, the key thing here is figuring out how to make this flavor changeover process
smoother and quicker. If we can do that, we'll not only improve our fill rate but
also make the whole production process run even better. It's all about making sure
each shift's ice cream making goes smoothly, which means more ice cream out the
door and happier customers.


My time at Baskin-Robbins was truly delightful. I learned so much from

experienced professionals. I worked as an operations analyst and created
dashboards for the company. This role opened up a world of new insights and
skills for me.
During my internship, I grew a lot in terms of professionalism. The experience
gave me valuable skills and perspectives that have helped me work better and
collaborate effectively.
Even though I was mainly an operations analyst, I was always curious about the
R&D department. Thankfully, I got the chance to dig deeper into this during my
internship. I interacted with the R&D team, learning about their creative processes
and how they come up with exciting new flavors. This experience broadened my
outlook and helped me understand the company's different aspects.

Here's a glimpse of what I accomplished during my internship:

Recommendations / Suggestions.

1. Optimize Flavor Changeover Process:

Recommendation: Streamline the flavor changeover process to reduce the
current 3-hour duration to 2 hours, thus gaining an extra hour of production
Supporting Data: By reducing flavor changeover time, we can potentially
produce an additional 50 batches per month, contributing to a 5% increase in
overall production output.
2. Dynamic Work Shifts to Match Demand:
Recommendation: Implement flexible work shift arrangements to align
production hours with peak demand, optimizing productivity.
Supporting Data: Adapting work shifts based on historical sales patterns can
result in a 10% improvement in production efficiency during high-demand
3. Enhance Logistics Efficiency:
Recommendation: Invest in GPS tracking and route optimization for
delivery trucks to reduce transit times and minimize distributor losses.
Supporting Data: A 15% reduction in transit time can lead to a potential 7%
decrease in distributor losses, boosting overall revenue.
4. Introduce Flavour-Ready Stations:
Recommendation: Establish dedicated stations for flavor changeovers,
equipped with pre-prepared equipment, reducing transition time by 30
Supporting Data: A 30-minute reduction in flavor changeover time can
translate to an extra 25 batches per month, contributing to a 2.5% increase in
5. Improve Shop Floor Efficiency:

Recommendation: Implement time-efficient procedures during flavor
transitions, cutting downtime by 15%.
Supporting Data: Reducing flavor transition time by 15% can lead to a
potential 6% increase in overall production efficiency.
6. Invest in Employee Training:
Recommendation: Provide specialized training to workers involved in flavor
changeovers, enabling them to perform the process more efficiently.
Supporting Data: Studies show that targeted training can lead to a 20%
improvement in process efficiency within six months.
7. Real-time Data Analytics:
Recommendation: Implement real-time data analytics for monitoring
machine performance and identifying inefficiencies instantly.
Supporting Data: Companies adopting real-time analytics report a 40%
reduction in downtime and a 25% increase in production output.
8. Collaborative Demand Forecasting:
Recommendation: Collaborate with distributors to enhance demand
forecasting accuracy, reducing stock shortages and boosting fill rates.
Supporting Data: Improved demand forecasting accuracy can lead to a 8%
reduction in stock shortages, positively impacting fill rates.

During my 8-week internship at Baskin Robbins, I gained valuable insights and

experiences that left a positive impact on me. The major learning from my
internship can be summarized as follows:

1. Rigorous Quality Standards: I was greatly impressed by the

uncompromising commitment to quality on the shop floor. The stringent
dress code enforced before entering the production area highlighted the

company's dedication to maintaining the highest standards in every aspect of
ice cream production.
2. Professional Work Culture: The administrative office exemplified a culture
of professionalism. Colleagues adhered to dedicated timings and interacted
with a high level of professionalism, fostering an environment conducive to
efficient collaboration.
3. Cross-Functional Dynamics: The exposure to various departments, from
R&D to logistics, provided me with a comprehensive understanding of how
different functions contribute to the overall operation. This cross-functional
perspective enhanced my appreciation for the holistic nature of the ice cream
production process.
4. Market Responsiveness: The R&D team's focus on developing new flavours
and products in response to market demands underscored the company's
commitment to staying attuned to consumer preferences. Witnessing this
adaptability showcased the dynamic nature of the food industry.
5. Training and Onboarding: The comprehensive training and factory tour I
received were instrumental in familiarizing me with the company's
operations. This hands-on experience equipped me with practical knowledge
that complemented my theoretical understanding.
6. Attention to Detail: The meticulous procedures observed during flavor
changeovers and equipment maintenance highlighted the critical role that
attention to detail plays in ensuring product quality and operational
7. Time Management: Being part of a manufacturing unit with distinct timings
for different functions taught me effective time management. Adhering to
schedules and making the most of allotted hours were essential for smooth
8. Overall Experience: The internship provided a holistic experience that
merged theoretical knowledge with real-world applications. Engaging with
professionals, participating in different processes, and contributing to a
project enriched my understanding of the industry.

9. Personal Growth: Beyond technical skills, the internship nurtured personal
growth. The exposure to diverse roles and responsibilities expanded my
outlook and instilled a sense of adaptability and resilience.




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