Factors Affecting Mathematics Performance of Grade 11 Students

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CHAPTER 1: The Problem and It’s
Statement of the problem
Theoretical Framework/Conceptual
CHAPTER 1: The Problem and It’s

Scope and Delimitation

Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms
As in the case in the past, most people today
still believe that mathematics is all about
computation. However, computation, for
mathematicians, is merely a tool for
comprehending structures, relationships and
patterns of mathematical concepts, and
therefore producing solutions for complex real
life problems (Romberg,1983).
This perspective of mathematicians has gained
more attention and importance with rapid
advancements in information and
communication technologies. It has become
necessity for people of all ages to reach,
analyze, and apply the mathematical knowledge
effectively and efficiently to be successful
citizens in our information age. In particular,
students need to be well-equipped with higher-
order mathematical knowledge (Wilson,1990a).
In most countries, Mathematics is one of the
compulsory core subjects in primary and lower
secondary levels of education.
The quality of teaching and learning in
mathematics is a major challenge for education.
General concern about mathematics achievement
has been evident for the last 20 years.The
current debate among scholars is what student
should learn to be successful in mathematics.
(Kimball, 1989).
Statement of the Problem
Generally, this study aims to find out the
factors affecting the mathematics performance
of the Grade 11 students.
Specifically, this study seeks to answer the
following questions:
What are the Teacher-related factor that can
help students on their mathematics
What are the Student-related factor that can
help students on their mathematics performance?
What is the mathematics performance of the
Is there a significant relationship among the
student-related factors, teacher-related factors
and mathematics performance of the students?
Ashcraft (2002) described highly
math-anxious individuals who avoid
math and lower their competency
and even ultimately alter their
career path.
 The factors affecting the mathematics
performance of the Grade 11 student was
the focus of the research. The educative
developmental system and a relationship
study was the focus of the research because
it aimed to determine the factors affecting
mathematical performance of the Grade 11

related Factor
related Factor
Hypothesis of the Study
Is there a significant relationship between
the Teacher-related factor and
mathematics performance of the
Is there a significant relationship between
the Student-related factors and
mathematics performance of the
Scope and Delimitation
 Thisstudy focuses on determining the factors
affecting the mathematics performance of the
Grade 11 students at Andabuen National High
during the School Year 2018-2019.
 The researchers use the descriptive type of
research as a main tool in gathering data.
Grade 11 students were the respondents in this
study. The study covered the mathematics
performance of the Grade 11 students.
Significance of the study
The result of the study will be beneficial to the
Students. This study will greatly help especially
the students who will to study as a senior high
school to become aware and to know how to deal
with it. Whatever the result of this study, it will
give enough knowledge to the students about the
factors affecting the mathematics performance
of Grade 11 students.
Significance of the study
 Parents. This study will greatly help the parents
to determine their children’s mathematics
Teachers. The result of the study helps the
faculty members of Andabuen National High
School Campus to identify the factors that affect
the Mathematics performance of the Grade 11
students. The result of this study also will be the
basis on how they act and teach towards the
 ANHS administrators. The result of this
study helps the administration of Andabuen
National High School to create strategy plans
such as programs to make the student aware
on their mathematics performance as a
senior high school students.
Definition of Terms
Factors- One of the things that cause something
to happen.(Merriam Webster)
Mathematics Performance- For PISA, it
measure the mathematics literacy of a 15 year
old to formulate, employ and interpret
mathematics in a variety of context to describe,
predict and explain phenomena, recognizing the
role that mathematics plays in the world.
Instructional/Teacher-related factors –
Represents all the factors external to the
learners within an instructional environment
that provide.
Individual/Student-related Factors –
Including: age, gender, physical, and mental
health, pre-existing attitudes, beliefs and
behaviors regarding alcohol use; values,
behaviors and expectations of family

Todetermine the factors affecting

mathematics performance of
Grade 11 students
This research study sought to find out:
The teacher-related factors that can help the
students in their mathematics performance.
The students-related factors that can help
the students in their mathematics
CHAPTER II: Research Methodology

Research Design
Respondents of the Study
Data Gathering Procedure
Research Instrument
Research Design
The research utilized a quantitative
descriptive-correlational design. A quantitative
approach was used in order to measure and
interpret the results of the study with the use
of statistical analysis. It is a design that
involves collecting data in order to test
hypotheses or answer questions.
Research Design
The descriptive design was utilized in this study
which aims to describe, identify, and document
the Factors Affecting Mathematics Performance of
Grade 11 students. It made use of data gathering
for analysis and interpretation of the results.
The Respondents of the Study
The respondents of the study were the
enrolled students in Andabuen National
High School for the School Year 2018-2019.
The total population of the student were
577 and 9.19% are Grade 11 students. A
total of 30 were taken from all the Grade
11 students to answer the research-
Administrative questionnaire.
The Respondents of the Study
The researcher used cluster random
sampling. The Grade 11 students were
chosen because they are the most
appropriate respondents for this
research. of Andabuen National High
School SY 2018-2019.
Research Instruments
Structured questionnaire is the major
instruments for data gathering and
descriptive studies. It is used to inquire
into opinions and facts to certain questions,
information about condition or practices of
which the respondents presumed to have
knowledge (Tejero et. Al. 2004 ).
Research Instruments
In the study, the researchers adopted the
Factors Affecting Mathematics Performance
Scale. This instrument was used by the
researchers to gather relevant data for the
study. The questionnaire was adopted from
Balbalosa Jennilyn (2009).
Data Gathering Procedure
 Theresearcher conducted the survey in
Andabuen National High School about the
Factors Affecting Mathematics Performance
of Grade 11 students.
Data Gathering Procedure
The researcher make a letter to ask permission
to conduct data gathering within the school. A
formal request letter was shown to Grade 11
room that was signed by the school principal
for the distribution of questionnaires and with
the permission of the advisory classes. After
that, the respondents were also presented
with a note about the significance of the study.
Data Gathering Procedure
The questionnaire was in the form of checklist
to facilitate easy answering by the
respondents. The researcher personally
administered the survey by room to ensure a
hundred percent retrieval of the
Simple random sampling
Data Analysis
 The generated data from the survey
questionnaire were subjected to the following
statistical tools used:
Arithmetic mean was used in the student-
related factors and teacher-related factors
that can helps students on their mathematics
Data Analysis
Pearson Product Moment Correlation/
Pearson r was used to find out whether
there is a significant relationship among
the student-related factors, teacher-
related factors, and mathematics
performance of the students.
The overall computed SD and computed
significant value of the table above is 1.054
and .730 therefore the teacher-related factor
is supportive and there is a very high positive/
negative correlation between the teacher-
related factors and mathematics performance
of the respondents. This is related to the
study conduct by Saritas, (2004).
The overall computed SD and computed
significant value of the table above is 1.0082
and .610 therefore the student-related factor
is supportive and there is a high correlation
between the student-related factors and
mathematics performance of the respondents.
This is similar to the study of (Harner, 1974)
and (Hull 1990).
The figure 1 illustrated the academic
performance in mathematics of the grade 11
students who are our respondents. Based on the
graph, the highest final grade in mathematics of
the students is 89% and the lowest is 73%.
Based on the K to 12 level of proficiency, the
level of the students in mathematics was
approaching proficiency (𝑥ҧ = 83.50; SD = 4.883).
It is similar to the study of (Rasmussen &
Marrongelle, 2006).
Based on the table, the student-related
factors, teacher-related factors and
mathematics performance of the
students have positive correlation but
there is no significant relationship
among them. This is related to the
studies conducted by Romer (2011),
Fullarfon (2014).
Summary of Findings
Based from the data collected, the
following findings were revealed:
The significant relationship between
the teacher-related factors and
mathematics performance of the
Summary of Findings
Based on the result, the teacher-related factors
has an overall mean rating of 3.134 which is
interpreted as supportive according on
Qualitative description. Most of the teacher-
related factors are interpreted as supportive
and there is some very supportive while the
computed significant value is .730 which is
interpreted to a very high positive/negative
Summary of Findings
Using the Frequency distribution, mean,
SD and Qualitative description, we
determine that the teacher-related factors
have a very high positive/negative
correlation with the mathematics
performance of the respondents.
The significant relationship between the
student-related factors and mathematics
performance of the respondents.
Based on the result, the student-related factors
has an overall mean rating of 3.134 which is
interpreted as supportive according on
Qualitative description.
Most of the student-related factors are
interpreted as supportive and there is some
very supportive while the computed significant
value is 610 which is interpreted to a high
correlation. Using the Frequency distribution,
mean, SD and Qualitative description, we
determine that the student-related factors
have a high correlation with the mathematics
performance of the respondents.
The mathematics performance of the students.
The overall mean score of the academic
performance of the respondents is 83.50 and
using the “Level of proficiency” of K to 12
Curriculum, we identify that the mean score of
the respondents 83.50 was approaching the
Proficiency level.
The significant relationship among the student-
related factors, teacher-related factors, and
mathematics performance of the students.
Based on the result, we determine that the
student-related factors, teacher-related
factors and mathematics performance of
the students have a positive correlation.
In the major findings, the following conclusions
can be drawn:
The teacher-related factor is supportive and
have a very high positive/negative correlation
to the mathematics performance of the
respondents that must be maintain and keep
using to help them improved their performance
in mathematics subject.
The student-related factor is supportive and
have a high correlation to the mathematics
performance of the respondents that must be
maintain doing and keep trying.
The students had a proficiency level toward
mathematics subject that must maintain or
keep it up and there are some students
need to improve their performance.
Generally, the teacher-related factor and
student-related factor is supportive to their
mathematics performance.
Based from the findings and conclusions of the
study, the following are recommended:
Students,especially the completers should
express their selves into different competition to
improve their confident and learning in the
different mathematics activity such as joining
seminars,and mathematics organization like
MTAP to practice their process skills and improve
their knowledge level toward mathematics.
Teachers should elevate their teaching
styles in teaching mathematics concepts
and give emphasis to the application of
process that are related to their daily life
Teachers should sustain positive relationship
with the students which will likely develop
active teaching-learning process and can
generate active class participation.
Teacher should also develop learning materials
to improve the level of mathematics knowledge
and skills of the students with regard their
attitude and class learning environment.
The proposed materials made by the
researcher can be subjected to validation and
improvement and can be used to another
corresponding study for the enhancement of
teaching mathematics-grade 11.

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