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Shopping as a Hobby: A Time-Wasting Pursuit?

Shopping, while enjoyable for many, cannot be considered a serious hobby and is
ultimately nothing more than a waste of time. Engaging in shopping activities as
a hobby can easily become an obsession that diverts valuable time and resources
away from more meaningful pursuits. It encourages a culture of consumerism,
where individuals are constantly enticed to acquire more material possessions,
often leading to financial strain and a lack of fulfillment in the long run.

Contrary to the essay title's assertion, shopping can be a legitimate hobby for
some individuals. It provides an avenue for self-expression and creativity
through exploring different styles, trends, and aesthetics. Engaging in shopping
as a hobby can also foster a sense of community and social interaction, as
enthusiasts gather at malls, boutiques, or online platforms to discuss and
exchange ideas.

Rather than dismissing shopping as a complete waste of time, it is important to

find a balance that promotes responsible consumption and mindful shopping.
Instead of mindlessly accumulating possessions, individuals can approach
shopping as an opportunity for conscious decision-making.

Content- 3/5

Organisation- 3/5

Communicative Achievement- 3/5


Total- 12/20

Spain offers a range of popular courses and promising job opportunities.

Business administration and management, engineering, tourism and hospitality
management, information technology and computer science, healthcare and
nursing, renewable energy and environmental studies, and education and language
teaching are among the top choices. Spain's strong business landscape and
engineering industry make business and engineering courses highly sought after.
The country's status as a popular tourist destination drives demand for tourism
and hospitality management courses. The growing tech industry creates
opportunities in it and computer science fields. Healthcare and nursing courses
provide stable career paths, while renewable energy and environmental studies
cater to the increasing focus on sustainability. Education and language teaching
programs address the demand for English language proficiency. Overall, Spain
offers diverse educational paths and thriving job prospects across various

Content- 3/5

Organisation- 1/5

Communicative Achievement- 3/5


Total- 9.5/20

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