Unai - Writing Part 1

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Being a teenager is a unique stage of life that comes with both advantages and

disadvantages. One of the biggest advantages is that teenagers have the

opportunity to explore their interests, passions, and abilities. They have more
freedom to engage in activities that they enjoy, and they are more likely to find
new and exciting experiences that can form their future.

Also, teenagers have the ability to form strong and meaningful relationships
with their peers. Friendships and social connections are important during this
stage of life.

On the other hand, being a teenager also comes with a set of challenges. One of
the biggest disadvantages is the pressure to conform to social norms and
expectations. Teenagers are often expected to fit in and follow trends, which
can be difficult for those who want to be different or pursue their own

Another disadvantage is the physical and emotional changes that come with
adolescence. Teenagers may struggle with their self-image and identity as they
navigate these changes.

In my opinion, being a teenager is a unique and complex experience that comes

with both advantages and disadvantages. It is important for teenagers to
search for support from trusted adults and friends as they navigate this life.

Content(3/5): All content is relevant and on the whole informed giving some
points, explanations and evidence. On occasions, you could have developed your
points further by giving examples and full explanations. Remember to add an
introduction giving general background information about being a teenager and
rephrase the essay question. Do not forget to summarise arguments from your
main body paragraphs in the conclusion.

Organisation(5/5): Text is well organised and coherent, using a variety of

cohesive devices & organisational devices to good effect.

Communicative Achievement (3/5): Conventions of the task used to communicate

straightforward ideas and hold the target reader’s attention. Appropriate
register used. However, structure your main body paragraphs accordingly. Give a
point first, then an explanation and finally an example. (E.g Point- One advantage
is that…, Explanation- Because…/ Therefore…/ This demonstrates that…
Example- for example/for instance).

Language (3/5): Simple grammatical forms and everyday vocabulary used with
less common lexis appropriately used.. Occasional error which does not impede
communication. To improve, use a range of tenses and complex grammatical


Main corrections

…as they navigate through these changes.

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