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Bitcoin is also decentralized.

All transactions can be seen by anyone at any time

Every transaction is anonymous
The government or central bank can print as much as they want – within reason
One bitcoin is worth over $70,000 in Canadian dollars
Bitcoin is cheaper to use than traditional wire transfers or money orders.

Bitcoin is cheaper to use than traditional wire transfers or money orders.

Bitcoin is also decentralized.
Every transaction is anonymous
One bitcoin is worth over $70,000 in Canadian dollars
Governments maintain the right to freeze your account if the situation warrants it.
All transactions can be seen by anyone at any time

Which of the following statements about Bitcoin is FALSE?

Bitcoin is also decentralized.
Every transaction is anonymous
The government or central bank can print as much as they want – within reason
One bitcoin is worth over $70,000 in Canadian dollars
Bitcoin is cheaper to use than traditional wire transfers or money orders.
All transactions can be seen by anyone at any time

Which of the following statements about Bitcoin is FALSE?

Bitcoin is cheaper to use than traditional wire transfers or money orders.
One bitcoin is worth over $70,000 in Canadian dollars
Every transaction is anonymous
Bitcoin is also decentralized.
Governments maintain the right to freeze your account if the situation warrants it.
All transactions can be seen by anyone at any time

Which of the following statements about Bitcoin is FALSE?

Bitcoin is also decentralized.
Bitcoin is cheaper to use than traditional wire transfers or money orders.
All transactions can be seen by anyone at any time
One bitcoin is worth over $70,000 in Canadian dollars
Bitcoins are different from credit cards because they are digital
Every transaction is anonymous

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