House High in The Mist Keeper Guide

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Story Choices Component Setup

Answer the following questions and record your answers with
story choice markers:

1. One wants visitors because:- Perform the following steps:

A) He possesses ‘The Ruby of R’Lyeh’ as it can
control Deep Ones in this world and he is 1. Clue Cards: Claim the story’s clue Exploration cards
looking for his next victims to experiment it with. matching your story choice markers.

B) The ‘Ruby of R’Lyeh’ has driven him insane and 2. Exploration: Claim the following cards –
believes only he can find victims to provide Axe, Brass Key, Colt .38, De Vermis Mysteriis, Knife, Magic
blood sacrifices in tribute to the Great Old One, Phrase, Password, Ruby of R’Lyeh, Saturnian Wine, Sedative,
Dagon; The Patron of the Deep. Shotgun, Silver Key, Sledgehammer, Startling Evidence,
Torch, Whiskey, Nothing of Interest x9.
C) He was part of an old order that protected the
‘Ruby of R’Lyeh’ as it is a conduit from this 3. Obstacle: Claim the following cards –
world to the Other World of R’Lyeh. The Deep Lockbox, Locked Cabinet, Puzzlebox
Ones have been in search of it as they want to
merge our world with theirs. One is the sole 4. Lock: Claim the following cards –
survivor for the Order and needs to pass on his Barred Entry, Dark Room, Dreadful Passage, Guarded
charge. Passage, Jammed Door, Locked Door, Magical Lock,
Runelocked Door
2. One is hiding in the:-
A) Storage Closet 5. Build Mythos Deck: Build the Mythos Deck with the cards
B) Attic Loft containing the following icons –
Bat, Downstairs, Revolver and Upstairs
3. The Password is hidden in:- Then proceed to remove the cards “Unholy Presence” and
A) Gallery “Darkness Below” and return them to the box.
B) Master Bedroom
6. Claim Keeper Action Cards: Command Minion,
4. The room to collapse is:- Darkness, Deep One Attack, Evil Presence, Uncontrollable
A) Dining Room Urges
B) Hallway 2
7. Claim Objective Card: Take the card matching your story
5. The key to open the rest of the house can be found in:- choice marker #1.
A) Bathroom 1
B) Kitchen 8. Starting Cards and Threat: Draw 2 Mythos cards, 1
Trauma card and gain 1 threat.
Additional Information:
If instructed to place a monster in the Foyer, the Keeper places it in the space at the southernmost door.

If instructed to place a Maniac in play, the Keeper uses a ‘Maniac’ monster token and base as usual and then roll two die in secret; add the
result of both to the Maniac’s health. This Maniac is a named monster called ‘One’.

If instructed to place a Deep One in play, the Keeper uses a ‘Zombie’ monster token and base instead.
In addition, a Deep One uses the Beast combat deck as if it was a creature of that type instead of the normal Humanoid combat deck. A Deep
One is not a named monster. It still uses the special attack printed on the Zombie.

If instructed to place a Deep One Hybrid in play, the Keeper uses the ‘Hound of Tindalos’ monster token and base instead and adds +4 for each
investigator to that monsters’ health.
In addition, a Deep One Hybrid uses the Eldritch combat deck as if it was a creature of that type instead of the normal Beast combat deck. A
Deep One Hybrid is a named monster. It still uses the special attack printed on the Hound of Tindalos.

If instructed to ‘overlay a tile’ then the Keeper places the new tile over the original making sure that the doors connect to other existing doors.
Any unexplored items in rooms that have been overlaid are returned to the box face down.

If instructed to ‘replace a tile’ then the Keeper removes the existing tile from play and lays the new one connecting it to the nearest door or
hallway of an adjacent tile. Any unexplored items that were on the replaced tile are returned to the box face down.

Place the following cards in the rooms listed:

Pull out the following Exploration cards: Axe, Colt .38, Knife, Lantern, Saturnian Wine, Sedative, Shotgun, Sledgehammer,
Whiskey, 7x Nothing of Interest.
Shuffle these together and then place them in front of you. These are now considered the ‘Inventory’.
When requested to Seed a ‘Random’ card in a room below, draw a card from the Inventory and use it as that random seeded
(This may cause two ‘Nothing of Interest’ cards to be drawn whilst an investigator explores. Thematically, this means they
looked in part of the room and found nothing, then looked in another part of the room and found nothing.)

Bathroom 1 Hallway 1
• 4A: Silver Key, Clue 5 • 5A: Random, Runelocked Door
• 4B: Nothing of Interest, Random • 5B: Random, Locked Door

Kitchen Guest Bedroom

• 4A: Nothing of Interest, Random • 5A: Nothing of Interest, Random, Jammed Door
• 4B: Silver Key, Clue 5 • 5B: Brass Key, Clue 4, Jammed Door

Gallery Storage Closet

• 3A: Password, Clue 3, Locked Cabinet, Guarded Passage • 2A: Ruby of R’Lyeh, Clue 1, Puzzlebox, Magical Lock
• 3B: Nothing of Interest, De Vermis Mysteriis, Startling • 2B: Magic Phrase, Clue 2, Lockbox, Barred Entry
Evidence, Dreadful Passage

Bathroom 2
Coat Room • 5A: Clue 4, Brass Key
• 5A: Random, Dark Room • 5B: Nothing of Interest, Random
• 5B: Random, Runelocked Door

Master Bedroom
Attic Loft • 3A: Nothing of Interest, De Vermis Mysteriis, Startling
• 2A: Magic Phrase, Clue 2, Lockbox, Barred Entry Evidence, Dreadful Passage
• 2B: Ruby of R’Lyeh, Clue 1, Puzzlebox, Magical Lock • 3B: Password, Clue 3, Locked Cabinet, Guarded Passage

• 5A: Random, Locked Door Remaining Exploration Cards:
• 5B: Random, Dark Room Place 1 random card from the Inventory in each
empty room.

After all players have finished setup, read the following:-

The mist seems to have enveloped the inside of the house as well; you can barely make out your hand in front of
your face. As you close the door to stifle the sound of crashing waves at the base of the cliff you feel the house
give a quiver as though it wanted the door closed.
You turn back into the room and tilt your head listening intently into the surrounding nothingness. You can hear
the sound of a faucet running from a room nearby; perhaps whoever left the door unlocked forgot to turn it off?


• Updated some non-essential item placements in “Seed Cards”.
• Updated spelling corrections.

• Scenario 1a has been completely re-written. “Story Choice” 1a updated to reflect this.
• “Story Choice” 1b updated to include a reference to the ‘Ruby of R’Lyeh’.
• “Story Choice” 3 and 5 updated to better reflect the Story.
• Scenario 1c has been completely re-written. “Story Choice” 1c updated to reflect this.
• Updated “Lock” to no longer include ‘Sealed Door’
• Updated “Build Mythos Deck” with the correct symbols and removed question mark cards.
• ‘Suitcase’ removed from “Obstacles” as the puzzle was irrelevant to the story.
• “Additional Information” updated to increase Maniacs’ health.
• “Seed Cards” updated with the correct order where Clues are found.
• “Seed Cards” some rooms removed, as they did not require specific Seed placement.
• “Seed Cards” additional rule for ‘Inventory’ added to increase playability of Story.
• “Seed Cards” Foyer, Coat Room and Hallway 1 amended to be more random from story
• “Seed Cards” Amendments to lock and item placements in some of the rooms.
• Grammar error corrected on last sentence of “Prologue” as door was found unlocked by
the investigators.
• Startling Evidence moved as it no longer has any reflection on the story. It now also
better matches the number of cards in the room it could be placed in.

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