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the Team Canvas

Most important things to talk about in the team to make sure your work as a
group is productive, happy and stress-free



Wl'iat 60 ●.'■re itaMcl Wnst are guidir^g
Wha! ate our eariies and the roies
prij'cij^les? Whai are sM-r aorrirnni! values
we have in i.he teem'-’
!hal 'nVc v.-ani io tc ?l ihe core of our etern"


To become a better functional

team with a foundation.


Wha; are iho rules we want lo
Wha; 'A’c want !c -n-hio' as a
group'; Wisar are oar’u?y goals rna"
ara 'sasible. r'wronraoia anc iina- Why wa ooric Hnw iiti \v‘.- ncnninuiiinaiu =!uU y.y<o sn> K; :i:dv!?
Hr_<x ‘In v,n :Vi.yki- nni.ini; no nxnnurn nsi'i
ho^ irn'o'i; vvhai vvo are ricn :q r
!ho f:;'-;; nine: ? -onat we do ? X
Let each other talk and listen.

4. Avoidance of accountability- without committing and buying in to a clear plan of direction, even the most focused and driven people often hesitant to call out their
peers on actions and behaviors that seem counterproductive to the good of the team
a. Respect each other and hold each other to a high standard of performance
b. Use KPIs

5. Inattention to results- when team members put their individual needs such as ego, career development or recognition, or even the needs of their division above the
collective goals of their team

How a cohesive team behaves;

1. Trust one another
2. Engage in unfiltered conflict around ideas
3. Commit to decisions and plans of action
4. Hold one another accountable for delivering against those plans
5. Focus on achievement of collective results

Building trust gives you the foundation blocks to tackle how to deal with conflict, then commitment, accountability and results. If you try and tackles these In
a different order you will soon find the foundations of the team are not in place i.e. you wont get the results for long if the team are not accountable for their
work, committed to the goals, can have constructive conversations (conflict) and trust each other.


Team culture is a collection of values, behaviours, working practices, and beliefs that team members create and share while aiming to achieve their collective purpose.

When team members cooperate, share experiences, knowledge, support, and care for one another, they become excited to collaborate and do extraordinary things at work
as they are aware that people around them care and respect their point of view. Creating a team culture and a team bond empowers trust within the team, setting the
foundation to building high performing teams.

When forming new teams or resetting existing teams way of working its important to ensure everyone has an equal voice and input to be able to share experiences, ideas
and problems with the team.

Team Canvas Charter

Creating a team charter helps teams align working practices, set values, resolve conflicts and build productive culture fast.
1. Absence of trust- stems from unwillingness to be vulnerable In the group. Trust is the foundation of real teamwork. To be able to air dirty laundry, admit mistakes,
. concerns, weaknesses without fear of repercussions. The loudest voice normally wins by default as there is not a safe feeling in the team to challenge or debate
a. In the context of building a team: Trust 1s the confidence among team members that their peer's intentions are good and there is no reason to be
protective or careful around the group of their vulnerabilities.
I. Vulnerabilities: weaknesses, skill deficiencies, interpersonal shortcomings, mistakes, and requests for help


a. Personal history exercise: (ask all team members)

i.# of siblings?
II. Hometown? '■ -

Unique challenges of childhood?

IV. Favorite Hobbies?
V. First job?
VI. Worst job?
b. Team effectiveness
Each team member identifies:

a. Single most important contribution makes to the team

b. One area to Improve or eliminate to improve the team

2. Fear of conflict- teams that lack trust are incapable of engaging in unfiltered and passionate debates of ideas. Resort to veiled discussions and guarded comments,
a. Confiict (ideological)- produce best possible solution in shortest time
i. Acknowledge conflict is productive and many team have a tendency to avoid it
ii. Mining-"miner of conflict" need someone to extract buried disagreements between the team and sheds light on it, force team membersto work
through them, requires objectivityand commitmentto resolve confiict until its resolved
iii. Real time permission- team members must help coach each other to not retreat from debate. Recognize when people engaged are starting
to be uncomfortable with the level of discord, interrupt and remind them that what they are doing is necessary
IV. Unhealthy conflict- blaming, defensiveness, stonewalling, contempt
V. Healthy conflict- sharing supportive listening, use facts and data vs "feelings"

3. Lack of commitment- without being able to air opinion during passionate and open debates, team members rarely, if ever, buy in and commitmentinto decisions
though they may feign agreementduring meetings
a. Clarity and buy in, make clear and timely decisioTis and move forward with buy in from whole team
b. Consensus- all opinions have been heard, genuinely considered and discussed, if at impasse leader can make it
c. Certainty- commit even when they are not sure if a decision is correct, better to make a bold decision and be wrong, then to make no decision
d. cascading messaging, review key decisions made and decide which messages need be confidential or communicated,
e. Clear deadlines. Contingency and worst case scenario plans
Inattention to Result Avoidance of Accountability Fear of Conflict

Encourages team Places undue burden Fail to tap Into all the
Ignore controversial
members to focus on Stagnates/fails to Misses deadline and on the team leader as opinions and
topics that are critical
their own careers and grow. key deliverables. the sole source of
to team success.
perspectives of team
discipline. members.
individual goals.

Creates resentment
Waste time and energy
Rarely defeats
among team members with posturing and
is easily distracted. who have different Encourage mediocrity. Have boring meetings.
competitors. interpersonal risk
standards of

Lack of Commitment Lack of Trust

Windows of Dread meeting and

Breeds lack of Jump to conclusions find reasons to avoid
opportunity close due confidence and fear of about intentions and
to excessive analysis spending time
failure. aptitudes of others.
and unnecessary delay. together.

Create ambiguity Conceal their

Revisits discussions Hesitate to ask for help
among the team about weaknesses and
and decisions again or provide constructive
directions and mistakes form one
and again. feedback.
priorities. another.

5 Dysfunctions Of A Team
High Performing Team Dysfunctional Team
● Highly motivate and stable team ● High team turnover
● Consistently hitting ot^ects and result ● Poor performers
● Focused on the team results ● Focus on own results, not the team

Resuits ^ Accountability
Accountability Poor performance is tolerated
● Poor performance is dealt with
● Team standards the same for all Lack o ownership from the team
Objectives missed
● People understand and own their work Avpktdnceof

Commitment Commitment
● Keep discussir^g the same thing over and
● Clear objectives and priwlty over
● Buy in from the team
● Wont commrt to work
● Fully engaged team members Lack of Commitment
● Unclear otyectives and priority

Conflict Conflict
● Have heahhy team debates ● Avoid people
Fear of Conflict ● Avoid iJTobiems
● Work out solutions to issues together ● Don’t confront issues or behaviours
● Challenge poor behaviour quickly

Trust Trust
Lack of Trust ● Hide mistakes
● Ask for help
● Make assumptions
● Share weakness and help each other
● Believe everyone is tr^ng th^’e best ● Hold grudges

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