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Name: Muhammad Shahmir Yousaf

Roll No: 21L-5259

Section: BSCS-5K

TASK (Report at pg 376-377)


-Does the report follow the ABC format?

The ABC format in a report typically stands for Abstract, Body, and Conclusion.

● Abstract/Introductory Summary:

The report starts with an introductory summary that provides context,

objectives, and phases of the project. It sets the stage for the rest of the report,
outlining what has been done and what is planned.

● Body:

The body of the report includes sections on work completed, work planned, and
conclusions. These sections provide detailed information about the progress
made, the methods used, and the future plans.

● Conclusion:

The conclusion provides a summary of the findings and plans for the next steps
in the project. It also mentions the intention to conduct onsite interviews in the


-What additional information does the report include?

The report includes the details of the three identified phases of the project, namely
phone inquiries, a survey and employee interviews.

It included a detailed summary about the phone interviews with competing companies,
shedding light on their respective training initiatives.

It further outlines the schedule for completing the project, including the expected dates
for survey returns, evaluation, on-site interviews, and submission of the final project


-Who is the audience for the report?

The audience for the report is Jeannie McDuff, Vice President of Domestic Operations.
Evidence is:

● The report is addressed to Jeannie McDuff, indicating the intended recipient.

● The report provides updates and progress related to the project requested by
Jeannie McDuff, including actions taken and planned.

Final Thoughts about the report:

In general, the progress report adheres to the ABC format by encompassing an abstract
outlining the project's objectives and phases, a comprehensive account of completed
tasks in the body, and a conclusion expressing optimism towards the project's
prospects. The report also provides essential information regarding the work done,
schedules, and the intended audience, Jeannie McDuff.

Nonetheless, there is an opportunity to augment the report further. For instance, the
report could offer more specific insights into completed tasks, such as details about the
survey's content or any initial findings from the conducted phone interviews. This would
address the comparatively lesser information pertaining to the second phase of the
project. Additionally, it could explicate the level of confidence or concern regarding the
project's progression more explicitly.
In summary, the report effectively communicates the completed work and associated
details. However, minor refinements could enhance its effectiveness by providing a
deeper understanding of the undertaken tasks and emphasising the sentiment
regarding the project's advancement.

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