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Axe thématique
Territoire et mémoire

Part 2: A City upon the Hill

Durée : 4 heures 30

This chapter will be devoted to methodology and practice. It will be divided into four parts:
Section A: Using cultural elements as a basis for argumentation
Section B: Linguistic tools
Section C: Method
Section D: Practice

Section A

• You will research the signification of a famous quote by John Winthrop, and think about the significance
of this quote in American culture.

Section B

• You will compare the use of the definite article in English and in French to avoid the intrusion of your
mother tongue, and in order to recognize exceptions and literary devices.
• You will learn to pay attention to the spelling and pronunciation of transparent and semi-transparent

Section C

• You will learn how to comment on a quote.

• You will learn how to analyse rhetorical devices in a speech.

Section D

• You will practice oral and written comprehension, written expression and commenting on a quote.


Section A

Activity 1 – culture file

Famous quotes are often used to understand a country’s mentality.
The quote we are going to study is one of the most famous in American history and is useful to know to
understand American mentalities.

Évaluation de l’oral

You may be asked to comment on a quote with relation to the theme you have studied. Note that the
quotes you may be given will not be as difficult as this one, and that you will not be expected to know
the quotes already.

1. Observe this quote:

‘For we must consider that we shall be as a City Upon a Hill. The eyes of all people are upon us.’

2. Answer the following questions about this quote. The answers can be found on the
two websites indicated:
a. What does the quote refer to?
b. In what domains is the quote used?
c. Who was the author of the quote the first time it was pronounced/uttered?
d. Which famous American politician used the quote in one of his speeches?

utter = say.

a. Where was the quote derived from originally?
b. What does it imply in a modern context?
c. At which two periods of American history was the quote revived?
d. What was it used to endorse?
e. Name two other politicians who have used this quote to support their political views.

endorse = support, justify.

→ Check the correction.


Section B - Linguistic tools

Activity 2 - grammar check: l’article défini

L’emploi de l’article défini ou non est l’une des difficultés majeures de l’anglais. La traduction littérale
induit souvent en erreur.

1. L’article zéro:
Observez les expressions ci-dessous, puis expliquez l’absence d’article.
Au besoin, lisez d’abord le chapitre consacré à l’article dans la ‘Petite grammaire anglaise’.
a. Democracy;
b. Society;
c. Politics;
d. Politicians;
e. Capitalism.
→ Consultez le corrigé.

2. Emploi de l’article en anglais

Observez les phrases et les expressions ci-dessous, puis dans chaque cas, précisez si l’article est
employé parce que l’on :
— se réfère à quelque chose de connu de tous ;
— se réfère à quelque chose qui a déjà été mentionné par le locuteur ;
— évoque un nom qui est déterminé par son complément ;
— parle de toute une catégorie de personnes.
a. The President of the USA
b. The outcasts
c. The future
d. The politicians, as I said before, were arguing about the society our children will inherit

outcast = exclu.

→ Consultez le corrigé.

3. Exercices d’entraînement

Faites les exercices 216 et 218 de votre livre de grammaire.


Activity 3 - Spelling check
Make sure you know how to spell transparent or semi-transparent words related to the theme under
study. They may be tricky. Test yourself by translating the following words into English:
– La démocratie
– Démocratique
– Le parlement
– Le gouvernement
– Populaire
– La Monarchie
– Le Monarque
– La République
– La Démocratie participative.
→ Check the correction.

Activity 4 - Pronunciation
As we saw in Part 1, transparent words may be tricky to pronounce. Check the pronunciation of the
following words in ‘the Jones’ online. ‘The Jones’ is the reference dictionary for pronunciation.
equality / equal / quality / quantity / quandary / quota / quango
→ Check the correction.

Section C - Method

Activity 5 - Méthode : commenter une citation à l’oral

Nous prendrons l’exemple de la citation de l’activité 1, même si elle est plus difficile que les citations qui
seront proposées à l’examen.
‘For we must consider that we shall be as a City Upon a Hill. The eyes of all people are upon us.’


Méthode – commenter une citation

1) Dites pourquoi la citation illustre l’axe thématique choisi : The quote illustrates the theme ‘land,
territory and memory’ because it reminds us of the founding principles of America.
2) Si vous connaissez l’auteur de la citation, présentez-le brièvement : The quote was made by John
Winthrop, the first governor of Massachusetts. He was one of the Pilgrim Fathers.
3) Si vous ne connaissez pas l’auteur, faites des hypothèses : The language is old-fashioned, so we can
guess that the author is not contemporary. It appears to be a religious or political message, so the quote
was probably uttered by a religious leader or a politician in an English-speaking country.
4) Expliquez le sens de la citation : The quote is a metaphor, we can note the use of ‘as’. The metaphor of
a city upon a hill reminds us of either a protected place because of its geographical advantage or a vulner-
able place because everyone can see it. We can suppose it may be both. The use of ‘city’ reminds us of
Athens, used to mean ‘community’ at the time of the Antiquity. If we think of Athens, we imagine an ideal
community which is what the author appears to be implying with the use of capitalization.
5) Donnez votre opinion personnelle sur l’efficacité et la pertinence de la citation : To my mind,
the quote is effective due to the imagery which is evocative. We can easily visualize a city on a hill and
understand that it stands out. The old-fashioned language is also quite striking, as it is unusual, we pay
attention. We can note that ‘shall’ is no longer used to evoke the future; we use the auxiliary ‘will’. It is
not difficult to realize that the use of ‘shall’ has biblical overtones, it implies a moral obligation. In other
words, the author exhorts his listeners to build an exemplary community. This is still relevant today at a
time when the revival of citizenship and community-spirit is significant.
6) Concluez en disant pourquoi la citation illustre mieux l’axe thématique que le document qui n’a
pas été retenu : This quote illustrates the theme well in the sense that it refers to the founding principles
of America which are of universal scope. The photo of the Mayflower is more evocative of the symbol of
the ship itself as representing adventure and courage. Conversely, the quote reminds us of the conquering
of new territory, the founding of a new land and the memory of its first leaders.

Vocabulary recap
effective; efficace (s’emploie pour une stratégie- pour une personne on emploie efficient)
relevant: pertinent

Activity 6 - Méthode : reconnaître les procédés de la rhétorique

 a rhétorique fait partie des stratégies de communication. Repérer les procédés de la rhétorique
vous permettra d’atteindre le niveau B2 en compréhension et en expression. Il est fréquent que
les sujets d’expression vous proposent d’écrire un discours.

Méthode - reconnaître les procédés de la rhétorique

Voici quelques procédés de la rhétorique :

• La répétition, notamment l’anaphore ;
• L’allitération ;
• Le rythme régulier ou, au contraire, les ruptures de rythme ;
• L’emploi de métaphores ;
• Impliquer les auditeurs, s’adresser directement à eux ;
• Les questions rhétoriques ;


• L’emploi d’un ton particulier: sobre, ému, lyrique, emporté…
• L’insistance ;
• Une argumentation claire, crescendo ;
• Conclusion lapidaire.

Section D - Practice

(compréhension orale et écrite, expression écrite)

Activity 7 - Compréhension de l’oral

Utilisez la méthode suggérée dans la Partie 1 (Part 1) pour faire un compte rendu en français de

Enr. 3
Écoutez l’enregistrement trois fois, chaque écoute étant espacée d’une minute.
Titre du document : The Great Society.
En rendant compte à l’écrit et en français du document, vous montrerez que vous avez compris :
– la nature du document ;
– le thème principal du document ;
– à qui s’adresse le document ;
– le déroulement des faits, la situation, les événements, les informations ;
– l’identité des personnes ou personnages et, éventuellement, les liens entre elles/entre eux ;
– les différents points de vue éventuels ;
– les éventuels éléments implicites du document ;
– la fonction et la portée du document (relater, informer, convaincre, critiquer, dénoncer, etc.).
→ Consultez le corrigé.

Activity 8 - Compréhension de l’écrit

Utilisez la méthode proposée dans la première partie pour vérifier que vous avez compris les deux
textes qui suivent. Vous pouvez consulter le corrigé avant de répondre aux questions de compréhension
qui suivent les textes, ou regarder après avoir répondu aux questions. Il faut noter que vous aurez lors
de l’évaluation ponctuelle de contrôle continu une seule question sur les deux textes ou deux ou trois
questions sur chaque texte, suivies d’une question de synthèse. Ensuite vous devrez répondre à au moins
une question qui portera sur l’ensemble des trois documents (audio et écrits). Ici nous avons choisi de
vous poser une seule question sur les textes, mais en étudiant la correction et la grille d’évaluation de
la compréhension, vous noterez que si vous avez su comprendre les textes en appliquant la méthode
proposée, vous serez en mesure de répondre à des questions de compréhension relativement simples sur
chaque texte.


Text 1: Let America be America again

Let America be America again

Let it be the dream it used to be
Let it be the pioneer on the plain
Seeking a home where he himself is free
(America was never America to me)
O, let my land be a land where Liberty
Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath
But opportunity is real, and life is free,
Equality is in the air we breathe
(There’s never been equality for me,
Nor freedom in this ‘homeland of the free’)
Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark?
And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?
I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart,
I am the Negro bearing slavery’s scars
I am the red man driven from the land
I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek-
And finding only the same old stupid plan
Of dog eat dog, of mighty crush the weak
I am the young man, full of strength and hope
Tangled in that ancient endless chain
Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land!
Of grab the gold! Of grab the ways of satisfying need!
Of work the men! Of take the pay!
Of owning everything for one’s own greed!
I am the farmer, bondman to the soil
The free?
Who said the free? Not me?
Surely not me? The millions on relief today?
The millions shot down when we strike?
The millions who have nothing for our pay?
For all the dreams we’ve dreamed
And all the songs we’ve sung
And all the hopes we’ve held
And all the flags we’ve hung,
The millions who have nothing for our pay-
Except the dream that’s almost dead today
O, let America be America again.
Langston Hughes,1994.


Text 2: The failure of the Constitution

Interviewer: You write about having some American Indian heritage yourself. Did that influence your
research and writing at all, in terms of how you felt as you were reading about this?
Sarah Vowell: Well it influences who I am in terms of my relationship with American history. I wouldn’t
exist if not for the failure of the constitution. I wouldn’t exist if the Indian removal policies of Andrew
Jackson hadn’t forced my Cherokee ancestors on the Trail of Tears at gunpoint. Knowing that, at such an
early age…has sort of clouded my view of American history. It doesn’t just influence how I think about the
world-that you always have to be aware of who is telling a story, and how a story is told.
Extract from an interview with the author Sarah Vowell.
Smithsonian Magazine, November 4, 2008

a. Question sur les deux textes

Using elements from both texts, analyse the vision of America that we are given by the two authors.
(100 words)
→ Check the correction.
b. Question sur les trois documents (document audio et les deux textes)
Using elements from the three documents, show that the vision of America in the first document is
totally different to that evoked in the two texts. (60 words)
→ Check the correction.

Activity 9 - Expression écrite

Choisissez l’un des deux sujets. Vous devrez répondre en anglais et en 120 mots minimum.

Question A
You are taking part in a summer school in the USA. You are enrolled in a debating society. Each member has to
write a speech entitled ‘The Great Society’. Write your personal speech.

Question B
How can each and every one of us contribute to building a better society?


Question A :
• Bien respecter la forme du discours ;
• Penser à utiliser les procédés de la rhétorique (activité 6 et le corrigé de l’activité 7) ;
• Vous pouvez reprendre des expressions utilisées dans le discours de la compréhension orale, telle
que ‘So will you join me.. ?’.
Question B :
• Veillez à bien structurer votre expression : introduction, deux parties, conclusion ;
• Posez une question dans l’introduction (‘problématique’) à la quelle vous répondrez par une
argumentation claire ;
• Donnez des exemples concrets en s’appuyant, si possible, sur des éléments culturels du monde
anglophone ;
• Pensez à utiliser des exemples des documents étudiés dans la partie compréhension.

→ Check the correction.


Activity 10 - Commenting on a quote


Choose one of the following quotes and say why you think it illustrates the theme ‘Land, territory and
Quote 1.
‘America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.’
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1835.
Quote 2.
‘If there is one principle more deeply rooted in the mind of every American, it is that we should have nothing
to do with conquest.’
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1836)
→ Check the correction.

Activity 11 - ‘Recap’ de la séquence

Complétez le texte à trous :
The first settlers in America were called________________________________. One of their leaders, John
Winthrop wanted to build an exemplary___________________________. He compared this place to a____
________________________________. Many American politicians, like____________________________
or_________________________have also used this expression to convince people to build a better society.
Another politician, LB Johnson, encouraged young people to help to build a_________________________.
According to him, this would mean ____________________________________________for everybody.
Many artists and writers, like Hugh Langston and Sarah Vowell have criticized America on account of the
lack of__________________________________. In Sarah Vowell’s opinion, it depends on who is telling
the_____________________________about America to know whether the principles of the Founding
Fathers that they wrote in the_____________________________are respected or not.
→ Check the correction.

You are now ready to do the exercises of the assessment: oral and written comprehension and written
expression. Use the methods studied in these two chapters and pay attention to the grammar points. Use
the cultural elements studied if you think they may be significant examples.


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