Blood Bank Management Software

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Blood Bank Management System

A Brief Introduction

Blood Bank Management System is a browser based solution that is designed to store,
process, retrieve and analyze information concerned with the administrative, inventory
management and clinical aspects of providing services within a blood bank.

Donor Registration: The application allows the users to store the donor details in the
application itself. As soon as a donor is registered, a unique identification number is
assigned to him/her automatically which remains same throughout the life time of donor.
Any subsequent donations made by the same donor automatically got linked up with the
same identification number.

Donor physical and medical details: System allows the user to store physical and medical
details of the donor at the time of the registration which could later on be edited during the
time of subsequent donations. Application also allows the users to check the eligibility
criteria of the donors for making donations, depending on which a track of the deferred
donors can be kept for the future referrals.

TTI screening and Inventory management: The Application provides its users to organize
and manage the inventory (Blood bags, blood component etc.) for their blood bank. User
can store the records for blood bags present in the bank, the blood components created and
imported in the bank. Every single unit/component will be assigned with a unique ID for
which Bar code can be generated and can be pasted on the bags itself for later on
identification. The end user is able to store the blood in quarantine till the time it has passed
the TTI screening as per specified standards issued by NACO. After which the blood which
has passed the tests will be moved to inventory with their unique identification numbers and
the rejected blood will be processed to the discard samples for which the reports can be
generated any time later on.

Blood requisition and Cross matching: The Application allows the user to request for blood
and blood transfusion for which the cross matching using the appropriate technique can be
carried out and the results can further be processed and analyzed by the experts to issue
the blood. Also various reports for blood requisition and the cross matching can be
generated at run time.

Secured environment and login facility: System provides the users a secured environment
to work inside the application by accepting the log in ID’s and passwords from the users.

Report generation: Various comprehensive reports can be generated any time by the end
user to measure the performance parameters in the blood bank and also to analyses the
inventory and other aspects in blood bank.



Blood Donation


Blood Issue

Billing Unit

Blood Bank MIS

Main Store

Main Store MIS



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This module manages the detail of:-

Blood Master
This screen stores Rate, Validity, Volume, Bag type etc of Whole Blood and Components.

Camp/Club Master
This screen helps to input the detail of any camp (i.e. Camp Name, Camp Code, Contact
Person, Address etc…)

Consultant Master
Here the users stores information of Consultants i.e. Name, Address, Email, Contact.

Indication Master
This screen stores name of all the Diseases for which a patient may require Blood.

Hospital/Nursing Home Master

Stores Data for Hospital/Nursing Home with their Address, Phone No and Area etc.

Corporate A/c Master

This screen helps to input the detail of Tied up Institutions/Corporate with address, phone,
Credit days limit and opening balance.

Corporate Rate Master

User stores the rate and service charges for blood/component for individual corporate.

Staff Master
This screen stores the Name of Blood Bank staffs with their designation.

This module manages the detail of:-

Here the users enter the schedule of blood donation camp (i.e Camp Date, Time, Expected
no of Donors, Camp Code etc.)

Camp Schedule
Users can view the detail of Upcoming Blood Donation Camps using this screen.

Donor Card Issue

This screen provides print option of Donor Cards based on Card No/Camp Code etc.

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Blood Donation
This module manages the detail of: -

Donation From Camp

Here the users input the required physical and medical statistics of all the Donors of a camp
i.e. Donor name, address, age, phone, sex, height, weight, BP, Hb, Temperature, Bleeding
time, pulse ,blood type, blood group, Rhd etc. This input screen also generates unique
member id for individual Donors. In case of any emergency requirement of blood the donors
can be traced easily.

In-House Donation
This screen manages In house donation, Replacement and Exchange process with all the
required physical and medical statistics of Donors.

This module manages the detail of: -

Grouping (Donor)
This screen helps to input the values of set of parameters for the group test of a specific
unit no.

This screen helps to input the values of set of parameters for the Du-test of a specific unit

Discard (Reactive)
This screen stores the reasons for blood discard (i.e.- Malaria, HIV, AHCV, HBSAG, VDRL) of
specific unit no.

Discard (Other)
This screen stores the other reasons of discard (i.e.- Leakage, Clotted, Color Change) of
specific unit no.

Expiry Management
This screen helps to filter and manage expired and short expiry blood stocks.

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Blood Issue
This module manages the detail of: -

Blood Requisition
User enters requisition of blood for a patient. The system checks the blood stock position. If
stock for required blood/component is available then the entry is stored against unique
requisition no. with the detail of patient i.e. Patient name, age, sex, consultant, nature of
operation, hospital name, bed no etc

Cross match
After completing the requisition entry process the sample is sent for the cross match. This
screen allows the user to store the result values of parameter after cross match. The result
can further be processed and analyzed by the experts to issue the blood.

View Requisition
Here the users can view the status of any requisition (Cross Match/Issue/Billing whether
done or pending). If served then it shows the Cross Match no. as well as Bill No.

Billing Unit
This module manages the detail of: -

Bill/Cash Memo
This screen is used to generate Cash Bill to individual patient. Free Issue of Blood against
Donor Card is also managed here.

Corporate A/c Bill

Invoice to various Institution/Corporate is raised for a specific period simply by selecting the
Party A/c and the Date Range.

Money Receipt
Here the users receive payment from corporate parties based on due bills. It stores the
detail of payment mode/date and settled bills.

Cancel Bill/Receipt
If required, bill can be cancelled by the user with cancellation rights. Reason of Cancellation
is stored for the future auditing. The screen is protected by security related restrictions.

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Blood Bank MIS
This module provides following MIS reports:-

Blood Stock Register (Summary/Detail)

Master Record Register (In/Out)
Donor Register (Camp/In-House)
Grouping Register
Du Test Register
Discard Register
Issue Register
Cross Match Register
Component Record Register
Camp Group Register
Camp summary
Cash Bill Register
Corporate Bill Register
Collection Register
Due Bills Register
And Many More…

Store Management
This module manages the detail of:-

Product Master
Company Master
Supplier Master
Item Groups
Issue Groups
Purchase Entry
Purchase Challan
Challan to Bill
Purchase Return
Issue Entry
Delivery Status

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MIS Reports
Stock Reports
In/Out Statement
Purchase Register
Issue Register
Return Register

Payment to Supplier
Outstanding Bills
Payment Register
Supplier Wise MIS

This module manages the detail of:-

User Groups
Group Rights
User Creation
Password Management
System Utility

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