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Collège Henri Cartan – Cocody

Unit 1 : People
Lesson 1 : Migration
Type of lesson (skill) : Speaking
Grade : 2nd A/C

LEAD IN ACTIVITY : Do you love Africa ? Do you want to travel to Europe ? Could
you accept to travel by boat (on the ocean) without legal documents ?
LEARNING CONTEXT : The students of 2nde of ‘‘Collège Henri Cartan’’ are talking
about the dangers of illegal immigration during a session of the English club in order to
sensitize their friends.



A. Vocabulary : to migrate (migration), passport, visa, international vaccination

certificate, to migrate/emigrate (move out) # to immigrate (move in),
immigrant, immigration laws, illegal immigration, to die into the ocean/sea.

B. Language function :
a. Expressing present and progressive actions

Structures :
• Every day, many Africans migrate to Europe.
• An illegal immigrant always faces difficulties in Europe.
• Presently, more Africans are moving to Europe from Libya to Italy.

b. Using of verbs followed by gerunds

Structures :
• I like/love travelling by car. or I like/love to travel.
• I hate hearing from people dying because illegal immigration. Or I hate to hear.
• NB :
Mister President enjoys travelling. (Never) He enjoys to travel.
Collège Henri Cartan – Cocody

A - Vocabulary
To migrate : to move from one country to another
Migrant : A person who moves from one country to another one
Push and pull factors
Passport : An official document used to travel
Visa : a permit to enter and leave a country
International vaccination certificate
To migrate/emigrate (move out) # to immigrate (move in)
Immigration laws,
Illegal immigration : migration of people into a country in violation of the immigration
To die into the ocean/sea.

Activity : Match each vocabulary word to its definition

_C__ 1. migrant A. to move to another country and live there

_F__ 2. migrate B. reasons for leaving an area

_E__ 3. immigrant C. someone who goes to live in another area

_A__ 4. immigrate D. reasons for going to an area

_D__ 5. “pull” E. someone who enters another country to live

there permanetly
_B__ 6. “push” F. to move and live in another area (usually for

B- Language function :

a. Expressing present and progressive actions

Structures :
• Every day, many Africans migrate to Europe.
• An illegal immigrant always faces difficulties in Europe.
• Presently, more Africans are moving to Europe from Libya to Italy.

b. Using of verbs followed by gerunds

Collège Henri Cartan – Cocody

Structures :
• I like/love travelling by car. or I like/love to travel.
• I hate hearing from people dying because illegal immigration. Or I hate to hear.
• NB :
Mister President enjoys travelling. (Never) He enjoys to travel.

Activity 1: The sentences are about migration, choose the best option of the verbs
in bold

1- Nowadays, west Africans migrates/ are migrating to Europe .

2- People die/ are dying in the sea on their way to Europe
3- Presently, goverments takes / are taking decisions to regulate the question of

Activity 2 : construct sentences with the following werbs : to like ; to hate ; to enjoy ; to


As a member of an NGO fighting against illegal immigration, you and your friends are
invited in a Liberian village to sensitize the villagers about the dangers of illegal
immigration in order to save lives.
Discuss with your friends in order to prepare the sensitization session.

1. Say what migration is to you.

2. Name some of the causes of illegal immigration.
3. Present the consequences of this phenomenon.
4. Suggest some solutions to stop it.

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