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Lengua y cultura inglesa IV

There are four ways to talk bout
the future in the English language

Present Present
Will Be going to
simple continuous

I'm going to my
We're having a
The train departs I believe we will hometown
party at Ramón's
at 2 o' clock. pass the exam. at the weekend. tomorrow.
Present simple
We use the present simple to talk about future events that are part of a schedule or a

We can use will in these sentences, but the

present simple implies that the arragenment is

Their plane arrives at 2 o'clock

1. To make decisions at the moment of speaking, for example.
The phone starts ringing.
I'll get the phone.
2. To express beliefs about the future.
Marta will be at home at noon.
We will have to take the Tube.
3. To talk about hat people want or are willing to do.
I will go to the gym tomorrow.
Maybe I won't take the train back home.
4. To express fear, hope, promises,refusals, and expectations.
I hope she won't get that drunk this time
I will pick you up in the afternoon.
Shall is most used in questions with I or we to makeoffers, suggestions or invitations, to
give advice and instructions.

What shall we do
I shall go with you to the
shopping centre?
Be going to
We use it to talk about plans or intentions. The desicion has
been made before we use the tense. (we can also use the
present continuous).

For example, Maria is going to plan next week's party.

They're going to move to England next summer.

We use it to express predictions based on evidence.

Somethig might happen or we have been told that something
may happen.

For example, She is going to have a baby.

It's not going to rain today.
Present continuous
It is often used to express plans or arrangements between
people. It usually refers to the near future.

For example, We're meeting tomorrow for the first time.

We're travelling back to London on monday.

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