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Brainstorming about the Peace

The culture of peace consists of promoting a series of values, attitudes and behaviors that
reject violence and prevent conflicts. They try to solve problems through dialogue and
negotiation of the obligation between people and nations, taking into account a very important
point that is rights, respecting them and including them in those treaties. This was defined by a
UN resolution, and was approved by the United Nations Organization on October 6, 1999 at its
fifty-third session.

Dismantle the “culture of violence”

The Culture of Peace Foundation, chaired by Federico Mayor Zaragoza, who was director of
Unesco for 12 years, focuses its work on "promoting the transition from a culture of violence to
a culture of peace." They defend going to the roots and leaving behind deeply rooted values in
society, such as competition without measure, in favor of attitudes of cooperation.

To this end, the Foundation organizes educational courses and workshops on democracy,
human rights and a culture of peace, in which the value of dialogue is emphasized to reach
meeting points. "In a few years the great transition from force to word will be achieved", they
consider from this entity, which has received financing from Triodos Bank.

Act for justice

"Peace seeks the elimination of all kinds of violence, not only the physical one that has its
maximum perversion in war, but also the structural one that condemns poverty for reasons of
economic power."

In this way, the commitment to peace of entities such as Justicia y Paz, which has been
operating in our country since 1968, is reflected. This non-profit organization carried out an
active work in favor of the allocation of 0.7% of GDP for developing countries, and is currently
one of 23 organizations to which Triodos Bank customers can donate interest on their accounts
and deposits.

Make peace with the planet

Another of the characteristic features of the culture of peace is that it is closely linked to
respect for nature. This is one of the points of the Manifesto 2000 for a culture of peace and
non-violence, promoted by a group of Nobel Prize winners during the International Year for the
Culture of Peace.

The culture of peace is formed in a long-term process of action, established on moral and
ethical principles of universal recognition, which seeks to plant in the minds of human beings,
the bulwarks of peace. Educating in a culture of peace and citizen training is a challenge for the
educational community, since they must see its different components as a way of transforming
society, which will allow human beings to find solutions that allow them to face conflicts
without violence, with force. necessary to reach solutions in which everyone is a winner, in a
society as convulsed as the Colombian one. This article aims to reflect on some of the
challenges that occur in the educational community in the process of personality formation, in
search of a new type of citizen, capable of interacting, relating to other people, respecting the
rules of coexistence. , know their rights, fulfill their duties, and constructively insert themselves
into the new society.
he culture of peace is part of the socialization process, through which a system of values, skills,
attitudes and modes of action is assimilated, which reflect respect for life, human beings,
dignity, the environment, promoting knowing how to participate, value and live together,
rejecting violence, avoiding conflicts, from assertive, dialogical communicative relationships
and favoring the development of empathic relationships between people.

The development of the culture of peace occurs through education. Educational activities,
embodied in campaigns, solidarity projects, conferences, museums, publications, among
others, persuade millions of people of the need to promote a possible and desirable culture of
peace. These activities disseminate the idea, introduced by Unesco and developed by the
United Nations General Assembly, which states, among other things, that the very creation of
the United Nations system, based on universally shared values and objectives, was already an
act of great importance for a transformation that would allow moving from a culture of war
and violence, to a culture of peace and non-violence, which consists of the assimilation of
values, attitudes and behaviors, which reflect and inspire social interaction and redistribution,
based on the principles of freedom, justice and democracy, respect for all human rights,
tolerance and solidarity; who reject violence and strive to prevent conflicts, addressing the
causes that cause them, in order to solve problems through dialogue and negotiation,
guaranteeing the full exercise of all rights and means, to participate in the process of society
development. It is assumed as an objective to reflect on some of the challenges that occur in
the educational community in the process of personality formation, in search of a new type of
citizen, capable of interacting, relating to other people, respecting the rules of coexistence,
know their rights, fulfill their duties, and insert themselves constructively into the new society.

It could be said that the actions of those involved do not contribute to the construction of an
environment of peace, where conflicts can be resolved based on the principles of respect for
human rights and the integrity of people.

The challenge for those involved in the conflict and for the school community is to find a
solution that allows putting into practice actions that favor the principles and values that
promote a culture of peace and nonviolence.

To promote a culture of peace and non-violence, it is important to recognize and practice the
principles and values that guide us to act with respect for the integrity of people and their
rights; not to solve differences through violence; to be responsible, empathetic and supportive
people who act in accordance with legality and justice, since these principles and values are
considered to be, among others, the support of a culture of peace.

Likewise, it is pertinent to emphasize that the values and principles that we learn from our
relatives are reinforced at school and in the areas where we develop, for which we must
assume that, if from childhood we act in accordance with the values and principles already
mentioned, we would be contributing to generate a culture of peace in the areas of our
coexistence, which requires a constant effort that is manifested in the daily actions of people in
all stages of life.

To understand the above, look at the following image and delve into the concept of a culture of

The culture of peace is the set of ideas, values, beliefs, knowledge and ways of being that
human beings build by living together.
At birth, we integrate into groups where a culture already exists. For example, in your family
there are values that you learn; In your community, customs and traditions are practiced,
people speak, live and dance in a certain way. Cultures are something alive: you receive part of
them and you also help to transform them with your ideas, actions and values.

Therefore, a culture of peace and nonviolence has to do with choosing, building, and
integrating into our lives those values, knowledge, and ways of being that help us combat
violence and seeBut what is the purpose of promoting a culture of peace and non-violence?

In the General Assembly of the United Nations, on October 6, 1999, the Declaration and
Program of Action on a Culture of Peace was announced, in which it was mentioned that the
progress towards the full development of a culture of peace achieved through values,
attitudes, behaviors and lifestyles conducive to the promotion of peace among individuals,
groups and nations.

It highlights the need to put an end to the violence that proliferates in the world, committing
ourselves to face conflicts peacefully, to eliminate discrimination and intolerance while
respecting the rights of individuals and peoples.

Facing personal and community conflicts, without violence, is only part of the culture of peace,
since there are also other types of violence that manifest themselves in poverty (which is
structural violence) or the unequal development of women and men. (which is cultural
violence). Some actions that favor the culture of peace are oriented towards coexistence
between people and others have to do with the relationship between countries.k justice, that
is, that make peace.

This is because peace in the world requires that nations respect each other, that they do not
use their power or wealth to subjugate others and others, in addition to renouncing war or
arms production as a means to impose their will.

Likewise, the culture of peace implies minimizing violence and applying a high level of justice.
So, peace is not only the absence of conflicts, it is also accepting differences and having the
ability to listen, recognize, respect and appreciate others, as well as live peacefully and

To continue reflecting on the subject, watch the following video where the conditions that
must exist to generate peace are highlighted, in addition to identifying the types of violence to
implement actions that contribute to promoting it.

As you could see and hear in the video, peace is generated by meeting needs such as survival,
well-being, people's identity, the exercise of freedom and guaranteeing ecological balance.
When it is not achieved, it results in human degradation.

Violence is not only blows or bullets. There are at least three types of violence: direct violence
(blows), cultural violence (discrimination or exclusion of people) and structural violence
(poverty and lack of opportunities to study). Therefore, the idea that peace is not only the
absence of war is limited, since there are many other forms of violence.
Based on the above, it is important to point out that there are other ways of understanding
peace, for example. Consider that peace is an environment in which is achieved:

 Less violence, such as:

 Beatings, deaths and war.
 Discrimination or unequal treatment.
 Poverty, inequality and injustice.
 Greater justice, such as:
 Equal rights and respect, without discrimination.
 Attention to the needs and dignity of all.
 Opportunities for full development.
 But then, how does the culture of peace manifest itself?
 Peace exists when:

Different forms of violence are combated and reduced. All forms of violence are equally
harmful, so they must be combated. It is necessary, for example, to overcome poverty, avoid
discrimination, combat insecurity and everything that generates an atmosphere of fear or
prevents the full development of people.

Conditions are created for a good quality of life. This is related to justice and is achieved when
the needs of all people are met, there are opportunities for development and equality and
respect are experienced on a daily basis.

These elements allow us to consider that peace is expressed in several ways: it is a way of living
together based on respect and the rejection of violence. It is also a condition for living in
dignity because it implies that each person can develop and receive what he or she needs to
exercise his or her rights within a society.

To learn about some of the actions and values that every person should develop to promote
non-violence, watch the following video.

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