O My God

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O my god,your grandma finally gave you her old pc.

Now you can finally enjoy roblox while not being

limited by your phone,but there is just one problem.Your new gaming rig is EXTREMELY SLOW. But
then,you realise there is one place that can always save you in time of need,AMAZON,so you start
searching for more ram,WAIT,why are you searching for new ram even thouth that is not the only
part of your pc that is important,(text ne citaj:That is what I saw on the internet),oh don’t you dare
trust the internet,trust me,you can have my word that after this video you will know exatctly what to
do and what is the best deal for you to upgrade your computer.So lets get right into it. So we will
start with the thing you wanted to upgrade in the first place,RAM. So,why do we need to upgrade
ram and when?

1. RAM

You only upgrade ram when you are running out of it while gaming or doing some other ram-
intensive. Also its always important to check if you are running integrated graphics on your
CPU,because IGPU’s use RAM as VRAM which we will get into later. So depending on what you

Play and use your system for, you might be just fine with 8 Gb of ram,But for some more
demanding games be sure to use 16GB,and also always use double channel if possible.You should
also make sure that your ram is DDR4 and not DDR3.

2.So you have upgraded RAM,but your pc is still very slow and cant run anything but barely
roblox,the next step is to check what kind of Graphics Card you have. OMG you HAVE A G100 ARE
YOU CRAZY,NO WONDER IT CANT RUN ANYTHING. So now that we have checked what kind of GPU
you have,we can go onto seeing what kind of deals we can find,OH and I almost forgot,what kind of
psu you have? 650 Watts? Ok I can work with that. So we will start by telling you about GTX 1650,I
honestly wouldn’t recommend this gpu because it is not worth the money,its way to expensive for
how much performance you are using compared to RX 570,speaking of witch,I REALLY recommend
getting an RX 570 because of its great price-to-performance ratio.

3.So now that you have a new GPU everything should be just fi-OH what are you saying,your games
are still stutery,oh I know hot to fix that problem,you are having a bas CPU,you see,when a GPU
outperforms a CPU that can be a problem because it can be so bad that a GPU has to slow down so
that a CPU can catch up.Now that is a bottleneck if I ever seen one,in a nutshell,bottleneck is like
putting a horse,and a turtle with one leg to run a marathon together,its obvious that a horse will
have to slow down or even stop to wait for a turtle.Now that we now what the problem with your
CPU we can find the right replacement.Its kinda obvious,if you are having an AM4 socket than you
can just go with ryzen 3 3100 or ryzen 5 3600,but you are having an LGA socket,god may help you.

So now,that your pc is done with the upgrades,you can finally hop onto roblox to play some adopt
me with your friend that you don’t have.

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