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Potential Flow Theory

Problem: For an incompressible fluid the velocity components are:

3 3 2 3 3 2 2 z
u=x − y −z , v= y −z , w=−3 x z−3 y z +

Determine whether the continuity equation is satisfied.

Problem: In three dimensional incompressible fluid flow, the velocity

components in x and y directions are:
2 2 3
u=x + y z , v =−( xy + yz + zx )

Use continuity equation to evaluate an expression for the velocity component w

in the z-direction.
Hint: Use continuity equation in 3D and find ∂ w /∂ z and then integrate w.r.t z to
find w. Your answer will consist of constant C.

Problem: The velocity components in x and y directions are given as:

3 3
2x y 2 yx
u= −x 2 y , v =x y 2−
3 3

Indicate whether the given velocity distribution is:

(i) A possible filed of flow (ii) Not a possible field of flow

Problem: In an incompressible flow, the velocity vector is given by

V = ( 6 xt+ y z 2 ) i+ ( 3 t + x y 2 ) j+ ( xy−2 xyz−6 tz ) k

(i) Verify whether the continuity equation is satisfied

(ii) Determine the acceleration vector at point (2, 2, 2) and t = 2.

Problem: For the following stream functions calculate velocity at a point (1, 2):
( i ) ψ =3 xy , ( ii ) ψ=3 x 2 y − y 3

Problem: What is the irrotational velocity field associated with the potential
2 2 2
ϕ =3 x −3 x +3 y + 16 t +12 zt

Does the flow field satisfy the incompressible continuity equation?

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