National University of Engineering

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SEPTEMBER 25, 2023

Lima – Peru

In the country, Control Engineering has undergone significant development

over the years. One of the most important pioneers in this field is Félix Antúnez
de Mayolo, a renowned Peruvian engineer who made valuable contributions in
the field of electronics and automatic control. Antúnez de Mayolo is known for
being a pioneer in the development of automation in Peru in the mid-twentieth

Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo (1887-1967) was a prominent Peruvian physicist,

engineer and mathematician who made valuable contributions in the field of
control engineering. Throughout his career, Antúnez de Mayolo developed
important research and works that contributed to the advancement of this
discipline in Peru.

Antúnez de Mayolo graduated in mathematical sciences at the University of San

Marco and then traveled to France to obtain the title of Electrical Engineer at
the University of Grenoble. Upon his return to Peru in 1912, he taught in San
Marcos and began working on electrification and power generation projects.

One of the most outstanding contributions of Antúnez de Mayolo in control

engineering was his participation in the construction of important hydroelectric
plants in the country. He is credited with the fundamental studies for the
construction of the hydroelectric plant "Cañón del Pato", as well as the design
of the hydroelectric plant of "Machu Picchu" and the large hydroelectric
complex of "Mantaro".

These hydroelectric constructions are considered milestones in control

engineering in Peru, since they involve the implementation of advanced control
systems to manage the efficient generation and distribution of electrical energy.

In addition to his contribution to power generation projects, Antúnez de Mayolo

also made contributions in the field of physics and mathematics, proposing the
existence of the neutron, which led him to be nominated for the Nobel Prize in
Physics in 1943.
Javier Silva Ruete: Recognized for his contribution to industrial automation and
control engineering in the country. He founded the Peruvian Society of
Automation and Control (SPAC) in 1979.

During the 1960s, automation and industrial control began to take off in Peru. In
that period, there was a greater demand for professionals trained in the design
and implementation of control systems in various sectors such as the mining,
manufacturing and energy industries.

"The development of Control Engineering education in Peru has been a gradual

and significant process. In a key milestone in 1967, the first Electronics and
Control Engineering degree was established at the prestigious National
University of Engineering (UNI). This achievement marked a turning point in
the training of engineers in the country, since it was the first time that specific
academic training in Control Engineering was offered in Peru.

The creation of this career was fundamental to meet the growing demand for
professionals with knowledge in automation and control in various industrial
sectors. As technology advanced and automation became an essential
component of the industry, UNI played a crucial role in providing a solid
academic foundation in this area.

Control engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on designing

automated systems and processes to control variables and ensure that a system
operates efficiently and safely. In the context of Peru, control engineering is
applied in a variety of industries, from manufacturing to energy to mining. Here
is some general information about control engineering in Peru:

1.1) Applications in Industry:

Control engineering is widely used in the Peruvian manufacturing industry to

automate production processes, control quality and optimize production

1.2) Energy and Automation:

In the energy sector, control engineering is used to manage power generation

and distribution systems, including hydroelectric and thermal power plants.

1.3) Mining:

Peru is one of the world's leading producersof minerals, and control engineering
plays a crucial role in automating mining processes and keeping operations safe.

1.4. Agriculture:

Automation and process control are also used in Peruvian agriculture to

optimize irrigation, crop monitoring and water resource management.

1.5) Education and Research:

In Peru, several universities offer control and automation engineering programs

to train professionals in this field. In addition, research is carried out in
academic institutions and research centers in areas related to control

1.6) Fishing industry:

The Peruvian fishing industry benefits from automation and control for seafood
processing, vessel monitoring and supply chain management.
1.7) Regulations and Standards:

In Peru, there are regulations and regulations related to control engineering,

especially in critical industries such as energy and mining, to ensure the safety
and efficiency of operations.

1.8) Technological developments:

Control engineering in Peru continues to evolve with technological advances,

including the adoption of advanced control systems, smart sensors and the
integration of information and communication technologies.

1.9)Professional Associations:

In Peru,there are professional associations such as the College of Engineers of

Peru, which brings together engineers from various disciplines, including
control engineering, and promotes the development and updating of knowledge
in this field.

It is important to note that control engineering is a fundamental discipline in

improving the efficiency, safety and sustainability of industrial processes in
Peru and around the world. Professionals in this area play a key role in the
development and optimization of automated systems in various industries in the

Control system design is a specific example of engineering design. Again, the
goal of design in control engineering is to obtain theconfiguration,
specifications and identification of the key parameters of a proposed system to
meet a real need.
-The first step in the design process is to establish the objectives of the system.
For example, it can be said that thegoal is to control the speed of a motor
-The second step is to identify the variables you want to control (for example,
motor speed).
-The third step is to write the specifications according to the precisionto be
achieved. This required control precision will then lead to the identification of a
sensor to measure the controlled variable.
As designers, you must proceed to the first attempt to configure a system that
has thedesired control behavior. The system configuration will typically consist
of a sensor, the process under control, an actuator and a controller.
-The next step is to identify a candidate as an actuator. This will, of course,
depend on the process, but the chosen actuationmust be able to effectively
adjust the behavior of the process, for example, if you want to control the
rotational speed of a flywheel, you will select a motor as an actuator. The
sensor, in this case, must be z-layerto accurately measure the speed. A model is
then obtained for each of these elements.
-The next step is the selection of a controller, which often consists of a sum
amplifier that will compensate for the desired response and the actual response,
and then transfer this error measurement signal to an amplifier.

The final step in the design process is the adjustment of the system parameters
in order to achieve the desired behavior.

If the desired behavior can be achieved by adjusting the parameters, the design
will be finalized and the results will be documented. If not, you will need to set
a new system configuration and perhaps select a better actuator and operator.

Programming is an essential skill in control engineering. Control engineers use

programming languages such as MATLAB, LabVIEW, Python, and C/C++ to
develop control algorithms, simulate systems, and design userinterfaces.
In the Peruvian industry we can see them in the following areas:

3.1)Education and Training: In Peru, several universities and technical

education centers offer programs in electronic engineering, mechatronics and
control that include training courses. Students learn to use tools such as
MATLAB, LabVIEW, Python and C/C++ as part of their academic training.
3.2)Automation Industry: Peruvian industry has been experiencing growth in
automation and process control in sectors such as mining, manufacturing and
energy. This has increased the demand for control engineers who can program
control systems to improve production efficiency and quality.

3.3)Use of ProgrammingTools: MATLAB and LabVIEW are widely used in

Peruvian industry for the design and implementation of control systems. These
tools offer a wide range of capabilities for system modeling and simulation, as
well as forthe development of control algorithms.

3.4)Python Adoption: Python has become increasingly popular in the industry

due to its versatility and broad development community. It is used both in the
research and implementation of control solutions.

3.5)User Interface Development: In many control engineering projects, intuitive

user interfaces are required for monitoring and control. Programming languages
such as Python and graphical interface (GUI) development tools are used to
create these interfaces.

3.6)International collaboration: The Peruvian control engineering industry often

collaborates with foreign companies and participates in joint research projects,
allowing the adoption of the latest technologies and programming practices.

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