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Freddie L.

Untalasco 06 October 2021


Becoming a man among Borana

In every aspect of the world standard today, Ethiopia ranks one of the lowest

countries in the world. The economy, military capabilities, the politics are labelled as

one of the most corrupt governments. Human development is considerably slow. The

condition is considered one of the poorest. It seems nothing is good in this country at

all. The world standard today puts Ethiopia at the bottom of the list. Ethiopia today is

made up of 80 varied ethnic groups. Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in

Africa and one of the oldest in the world. It was once home to the highlanders, initially

comprised mainly known as Amhara, Tigray, and Oromo. These initial Groups are sub-

divided into smaller ethnic groups and tribes. They are distributed in the hot and dry

areas around the country.

If we consult books and even internet sources, they will say the ethnic conflict in

Ethiopia is all about - politics. However, this conflict can be traced back even to

primitive times. Just like all the civilizations, the clash is all about – SURVIVAL. The

documentary itself mentions three reasons for the unending conflict: Life sustain by

water, Land, and Livestock – 3L (sound like a trail). Most of the countries in Africa

considered water as synonymous with life. Extreme drought leads to water disappears

in an instant. Water represents life and fertility, allowing generation upon generation to

survive and thrive. Controls over water lead to conflict, tribes are now willing to kill

and be killed in the name of this precious mineral. Land symbolizes prosperity, signifies
ownership and belongingness. It allows generations to have a dwelling place.

Therefore, trespassing on the land of others is considered a violation of their basic right.

Livestock simply means resources and transport. Stealing them means disrespect. In my

wording, the conflict is about life, rights, and sustenance.

All of us are traveling on many trails in life. The trail is a track made by passage,

especially through a wilderness. Trail are paths, Doobaa said to Wario went they are at

El Soda crater, “The path does not climb straight-up.” Some trails in life don’t always in

the straight path. Just like the journey of Doobaa and Wario in the long salt journey.

Yes, they may follow the old and traditional trail from El Sod crater to Arbore, but they

need to walk fast, stop a little while, or spent the night in a new place to avoid enemies.

The trail of the salt journey is not safe; it is a path of danger and death. It is a path of

long conflict and misunderstanding even considered as a path of differences. What

makes the journey successful? I can say this because of the optimistic and happy

disposition of the family. Despite the uncertainties in the journey eventually, they will

reach Arbore. Doobaa reminded Wario of the places that they need to travel on. Only

one reminder is given, do not go on our enemy's territory and avoid them as much as


Along the trail, we can also encounter new understanding and perspectives. The

trail passes in the Bank of Chew Bahir, which is inhabited since time immemorial. The

walls of the shelter are covered with prehistoric engravings of many animals. The rock

serves as fortresses around the lake provides shelter to many hunters. Chew Bahir bank

is also the site of a long conflict between Borana and Hamer Tribes. The battle fought in
this ground, the warrior fell, blood cover the soil, deception, and killings are rampant in

this area. Doobaa considered this place as “full of demons”.

Finally, the journey of Doobaa and Wario reached Arbore. The village is a haven

of peace in this region of conflict. All people who live around this area can walk

without fear. Here even your lifelong enemies mingle with you. I can say that even in

this world that is seemingly in constant conflict. There is always a place where peace

may exist. Peace is maintained and attain.

Wario’s journey is successful. The journey is not only about salt it is also proving

Wario’s capacity to become a true man of Borana. The Journey is proving oneself, to be

a Borana who likes adventurous journeys. In the end, Wario discovers a lot of things.

He answered his father saying, “The most surprising are clothes made of animal skins.”

“They speak different languages.”

Perhaps I can relate it to our topic, what is truly helpful in dialogue? are we

going to be exclusive or inclusive? We need to know our similarities and differences.

The one who enters into dialogue and focuses only on the differences the dialogue will

be unsuccessful. Then more severe conflicts follow. We need to look at our similarities,

the same experiences that we are going through, then eventually find the same solution.

In dialogue, we need to go beyond our comfort zone and try to find our life in the life of

our dialogue partner. Arbore is a haven of peace and harmony. Interculturality becomes

possible went we learn to respect others, peace among us. Harmony gives us balance,

that there is no superior culture. We are all de same, equal, and unique from each other.

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