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Einstein 11

Earth Science Module 1

Activity 1.2
Make an illustration to depict how the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and biosphere are
interconnected. Use your surroundings or images you can find as a reference to your
illustration. Write a brief description of how your illustration shows interconnections within the


In the drawing I made, the atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere are all
interconnected. For agriculture to flourish, it needs the water source the hydrosphere provides.
The agriculture along with the trees and plants make the oxygen that is in the atmosphere. The
people that live in the city then inhale the oxygen in the atmosphere and release carbon dioxide
in return, which will then be used by the flora for their own gain. The factory and city are also
using geothermal energy from the nearby volcano.
Activity 1.3
Using this illustration you have done on Activity 1.2, identify and label at least five (5) energy
exchanges and five (5) matter exchanges. Use a filled arrow to indicate matter exchange and
hollow arrow for the energy exchange. You should write what matter and energy is exchange
beside their respective arrows and briefly write how it is exchanged. See Figure 2 labeling
matter and energy exchange.

Matter Exchange Energy Exchange

Water Kinetic Energy
(due to precipitation) (flowing water in river)

Oxygen Geothermal Energy

(from plants to humans and animals) (factories using the volcano as a source of

Carbon Dioxide Electrical Energy

(from animals and humans to plants) (the city using electricity for appliances,
gadgets, etc.)

Sulfur Chemical Energy

(due to sulfur cycle) (photosynthesis)

Nitrogen Electromagnetic Energy

(due to nitrogen cycle) (light from the sun)

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