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Router Configuration win7

JOB 1 [get the Ip Address of the router]

1. Click start
2. Click control panel
3. Click network and internet
4. Click Network and sharing
5. Click adapter setting
6. Right click Local area Connection
7. Click status
8. Click details
9. Copy the value of IPv4 Default Gateway

JOB 2 [Entering router Portal]

1. Open any web browser [Firefox or Google chrome recommended]

2. On the URL Text box type the IP address of the router
3. Enter USER Name and Password [refer to the user manual of the router]

JOB 3 [Configuring INTERNET or WAN]

1. Click internet
2. Select the type of connection
a. Dynamic IP - automatic connection sometimes need Mc Address
b. Static IP – the ip address is given by the internet provider
c. PPPoE – user name and password is need , given from the Internet provider

JOB 4 Wireless Configurations [WIFI Router]

Pre requisite JOBs: Job1 to job 3

1. Enter Wireless or wIFI
2. Set the radio to Enable
3. Set MODE to AP
4. Set Band to your choice from the list
5. Set Enable SSID# to 1
6. Set SSID to your choice name [SSID is the name of your WIFi]
7. Set Auto channel to disable
8. Set channel to your choice
9. Click Apply


1. Broadcast SSID – set it to Enable the wifi enable device can detect the router
- Set it to Disable , wifi enable device cannot detect the router
2. Encryption select the latest encryption
3. Click apply

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