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Page 28
l11dul'ti11t1111111'11 s ill'l' till· ar 11111111, ~ ,vhi l hai r rnip loyrd H~ the pr1rn t'
nl""cr•, in rno-,f of
th,' indu ~t11,·s. Surh 111nt nr, :11 r ,vidrl y mrd in inrlmtria l app liu1tir1rr, frr,rn 10
, rnall work, hnp<;
l,np: indu~tril·~. I lw~r 11101m s ni c rn1pl o) cd in 11 ppli ui lio n~ sud,
w, <-cnrrif 11 i,r al pllrnp~.
Cl'"' r) ,·rs. n1111prr~s rn s n u~hr, s. 11ml dii Iling rn achi nc~ r te.
Principk of opci-ation

0 00)
- I I
-- t- ;- : - I

A three-phase power supply provides a rotating magnetic field in an inducti
on motor.
In induction motors , the AC power supplied to the motor's stator
creates a magnetic field that
rotates in time with the AC oscillations. An induction motor's rotor rotates
at a slower speed than
the stator field. The induction motor stator's magnetic field is therefore
changing or rotating
relative to the rotor. This induces an opposing current in the induction motor'
s rotor, in effect the
motor's secondary winding, when the latter is short-circuited or closed throug
h an external
impedance.1The rotating magnetic flux induces currents in the windings
of the rotor;1 in a manner
similar to currents induced in a transformer's secondary winding(s). The
currents in the rotor
windings in tum create magnetic fields in the rotor that react against the
stator field. Due
to Lenz's Law, the direction of the magnetic field created will be such as
to oppose the change in
current through the rotor windings. The cause of induced current in the
rotor windings is the
rotating stator magnetic field, so to oppose the change in rotor-winding
currents the rotor will
start to rotate in the direction of the rotating stator magnetic field. The rotor
accelerates until the
magnitude of induced rotor current and torque balances the applied load.
Since rotation at
synchronous speed would result in no induced rotor current , an induction
motor always operates
slower than synchronous speed. The difference, or "slip," between actual
and synchronous speed
varies from about 0.5 to 5% for standard Design B torque curve induction
motors. The induction
machine's essential character is that it is created solely by induction instead
of being separately
excited as in synchronous or DC machines or being self-magnetized as in
permanent magnet
motors .
For rotor currents to be induced , the speed of the physical rotor must he lo,,t'r
than that of the
stator's rotating magnetic field ( n, ); otherwise the magnetic field would 1101
be moving relative
to the rotor conductors and no currents would he induced . As the speed of
1hc rotor drops below
synchronous speed, the rotation rate of the magm:tic field in the rotor incrl·ns
cs, inducing more
current in the windings and creating more torque. The ratio hctwl·cn the rnrn1ion
rate of the
Page 29

.. __ _ _
magni.;,1·IC field
1 111. duc1.:·d 111
· 1Il C roto
r and the mlatinn 1.11l' of lhc 'llalor\ 1nlnti· 1· I I jc; c il kd slip .
l "nd.:-r_load._the srcc d_tlrops rind th,: ~lip inrrt ng ic' • •
·n~l'S l' 11011~• h lo i·1t·a ll' -;11Jli til- 11I lorquc to
load . For thi s rcns on. 111tlu ction nwtors a,·l· turn thi.:
, rniiL· limes n.: fnrc d 10 il 'i ;i<. y11r hro11 ou·; ntol
o rs

Syn chr ono us Sf>l'l'd:

An AC motor's synchronous sp1x ·J . 11
.• • is the rotation rot e ol 1hc slalo
e:xpresscd in re, t1lutions per r'.'l mag nc.: tic fic.:ld . whic h is
minute as
120 X f
• I 115 = p (RPM) .
• "he re f
is the motor supply's frequenc y in I lc.:rtz
J:".1les.That is. for a six-pole three-phase mot
and JJ is the num ber of mag nc.:tic
or with thre e pol e-pa irs set 120° apart.
6 and nsequals 1,00 0 RPM and 1,20 0 f' equals
RPM resp ectiv ely for 50 1lz and 60 l lz
s)·st ems . supp ly

Slip :

I -- -- -- · ,.- -- -- ,-;'

Typical torque curve as a function of slip,
represented as 'g' here .
Slip, ~, is defined as the difference between
synchronous speed and ope ratin g spee d,
same frequenc y, expressed in rpm or in perc at the
ent or ratio of sync hron ous spee d. Thu s
ns - nT
s= - - - -
where ns is stator electrical speed, nr is
roto r mechanical spee d.Sl ip, whi ch vari
from zero at synchronous speed and 1 whe es
n the roto r is at rest, dete rmin es the mot
torque. Since the short-circuited roto r win or's
dings hav e small resistance, a sma ll slip
induces a large current in the rotor and prod
uces large torque At full rate d load, slip
varies from more than 5% for small or spec
ial purp ose mot ors to less that I% for larg
motorsThese speed variations can cause load e
-sharing prob lem s when differently sized
motors are mechanically connected. Various
methods are available to reduce slip, VFD
often offering the best solution .1 s

Page 30
Standard Torque:

Speed-torque curv f .
es or four induction motor types· A) Si I
Polyphase double cage . ng e-phase, B) Polyphase cage, C) Polyphase cage deep bar, D) .

.__ , 7u
---r --T-\-;
- !
I .,
-\ I
•t ,> .. '
•• •• ,. ..

Typical speed-torque curve for NEMA Design B Motor

The typical speed-torque relationship of a standard NEMA Design B polyphase induction motor is as
shown in the curve at right. Suitable for most low performance loads such as centrifugal pumps and fans,
Design 8 motors are constrained by the following typical torque ranges 12311a1

• Breakdown torque, 175-300 percent of rated torque

• Locked-rotor torque, 75-275 percent of rated torque
• Pull-up torque, 65-190 percent of rated torque.

Over a motor's normal load range, the torque's slope is approximately linear or proportional to slip

because the value of rotor resistance divided by slip, R;.(

5 , dominates torque in linear manner.QQI As

load increases above rated load, stator and rotor leakage reactance factors gradually become more
significant in relation to R~ / 5 such that torque gradually curves towards breakdown torque. As torque
increases beyond breadown torque motor stalls. Although polyphase motors are inherently self-starting,
their starting and pull-up torque design limits must be high enough to overcome actual load conditions. In
two-pole single-phase motors, the torque goes to zero at 100% slip (zero speed), so these require
alterations to the stator such asshaded-poles to provide starting torque.

Page 31

The AC induction motor comprises two electromagnetic parts:

• Stationary part called the stator

• Rotating part called the rotor

The stator and the rotor are each made up of

. d luminum winding, to carry current
• An electric circuit, usually made of insulate copper or a

• A magnetic circuit, usually made from laminate d T steel to carry magnetic flux .
s1 icon ,


Fig I.cross sectional view of an induction motor

The stator:

The stator is the outer stationary part of the motor, which consists of

• The outer cylindrical frame of the motor or yoke, which is made either of welded sheet steel,
cast iron or cast aluminum alloy.

• The magnetic path, which comprises a set of slotted steel laminations called stator core pressed
into the cylindrical space inside the outer frame. The magnetic path is laminated to reduce eddy
currents, reducing losses and heating.

Page 32


- ----------
-~ •• • . , . . . . . , • • . q of thl! la rninat·c<J<;ta!Or.
• 1\ ::-t:l ol m:-ul,1tul l'krtnl'nl "111d11111s. wh1l'h llll' pl nl'n l ,11 .,1dc th<.: slot. . f th
- . - I I ti . ro wer ra1·1ng o c
1 he crn:-s-scet1onal :ll"l':I 1,r llll':,;l' \\ i11di11gs lllll ',I he l.11 µL' t'llOII !,! I (Ir I t: • t I in
. ' . r ., ·Ii 2pha<,c conncc cc
mohw. h,r ::i ., -phn:,;e mot111-. .1 Sl'ls 1,rwi11di11µ s nre rl'q111re d . one ,o r c,,c

either star or delta.

.a-:Y~ U J > . - - - Stator Slot

1~----- Stator Laminations

,--..~f'r--+nHJ-- Rotor Laminations

)\.~4,'\~~->?fi~~-fff-t-- Rotor Slot

Fig 2: Stator and rotor laminations

Fig 3:stator laminations Fig4:stator with a smooth yoke

Page 33
Design of Stator:

Stator of an induction 111otor consists of stator core and stator slots.

Stator s·Iots.· Ill
· general two .
types of stator slots arc c111ployed ·Ill 111
· duc 1·ion motors viz open s1ots
' f
and semiclosed slots. Operating performance or the induction motors depend
s upon th e shape 0
the slots and hence it is important to select suitable slot for the stator slots.
(i) Open slots: In this type of slots the slot opening will be equal to_th~t
of the
(ii) width of the slots. In such type of slots assembly and repair ofwmd mg are
However such slots will lead to higher air gap contraction factor and hence
power factor. Hence these types of slots are rarely used in 3_ induction motors
(ii) Semiclosed slots: In such type of slots, slot opening is much smaller than
width of the slot. Hence in this type of slots
assembly of windings is more difficult and takes more time compared to
open slots and hence it is costlier. However the air gap characteristics are
better compared to open type slots.
(iii) Tapered slots: In this type of slots also, opening will be much
smaller than
the slot width. However the slot width will be varying from top of the slot
bottom of the slot with minimum width at the bottom as shown in Fig. 10.
(i) Open type (ii) Semiclosed type (iii) Tapered type


Generally full pitched double layer windings are employed

for stator windings. For double layer windings the conductor per slot will
be even. These
conductors are suitably arranged along the depth and width of the windin
g. Stator slots
should not be too wide, leading to thin tooth width, which makes the tooth
weak and maximum flux density may exceed the permissible limit. I lence
slot width

Page 34
-- -- --
(' 10 t •8 ·1csla ·
Further th e
should be sos c' Icctcd such th,1t lhc llux dc11si1 y in 100th is betw . · crc•1vcs I . ·
• k •
slots should. 110t be too (IL'Cp a1so ol 11cr w1 ~c 1hc 1cu a g L' n.: aclancc 111
' ·' · • •
111ac hi11c has to be rrov i_ dcd bc~o rc .
g oflhe
'.rope_r slot lllSu lation as per the vo ltage rntin th1 ck~ tss
slot insu lulio n is call ed the slot liner,
msertmg th e insulated coi l in the slots. This ed coi
111111 . Suitable 1hickncss of insulation call
of which may be taken as 0.5 111111 to O. 7 rato r is 0.5 mm to o.7 m~
laye rs of coil s. Thickness of coil sepa
sepa rato r sepa rates the two
· s and 0.8 111111 to 1.2 mm for high • voltage mac mes . h' Wed ge . able
. . of suit
..ior Iow vo Itage mac hme ·1 1 · Lip of the
·m POs1 ton
thici · ,..uiess (3 .5 nun to 5 mm ) 1.s placed at the top of the slot to hold the coi
slot is taken 1.0 to 2.0 nun.

conduc:tot lrc.ulaUon

([C. ,l-- ~r- - sloth ,

i1/,.-11,::::=:.,i.g,9 ; - - - , - collsepat>tut

~'h 'jr --;r- ---cc nc1u ctot

f~k- -,,1- -- - - - C < l i l in>u~tl

The rotor:

of slotted silicon
n motor. The rotor also consists of a set
Rotor is the rotating part of the inductio electrical
of a cylindrical magnetic circuit and the
steel laminations pressed together to form
r is of the following nature
circuit. The electrical circuit of the roto
slots, whic~
per or aluminum bars installed into the
Squirrel cage rotor consists of a set of cop of rotor along
of the rotor. The construction of this type
are connected to an end-ring at each end
Page 35

·t1 . ct·
wi 1 wm mgs resemble s a 'sLJUirrcl c-1ge
- -- . lly die-cast into the
' ' . /\lu111i1111111 rotor hnrs are uSua . otor bars ai·e

· 1 h. I · . . I1 th ,,1um1num r
roto1 s ots. w 1c 1 results 111 a wry ru gged cnnstrlll:l1011 Lvcn thou g c' ·
· ct· · .
t flo ws through
t e
m irect contact with the steel laminntions. pral'.lirnll y all the rotor currcn ·
Iii aluminum bars and not in the lamination .



Wound rotor consists of three sets of insulated windings with connections brought out to
three slip rings mounted on one end of the shaft. The external connections to the rotor
are made
through brushes onto the slip rings as shown in fig 7. Due to the presence of slip rings
such type
of motors are called slip ring motors.


Between stator and rotor is the air ,a wl i ·I . . . ..
of the motor like magnetizin' . ~ p 1 c 1 '~ a very cnt1cal part. The performanceparameters
affected by length of th . ·. g cur;~nt, power factor, over load capacity, cooling andnoise
e air gap. cnce length of the air gap is selected considering the

Page 36
ad\'antagl 'S nnd . gnp lrng lh./\d vrn1tagcs :('1) Inc·rc•ic
di~·1ll, '.1111 •.1!.!l, , o 1. 1nt gcr a,r . l oad
' 'cd over
. .. ·' iccd in tooth
, 1·lll)!( lll
cn11 ac1ty(11) lnct\"' Sl'l I lllll
... ) l{rdt1l'l'll tt11hala11l'cd llHt /..! llCII·C r11 II('JV) J{ctlt
• •

pulsa tion (,) Rcdul'l'd 1111 isc

(i) lnrrcascd l\1agnl'tising cum·nt
(ii) Reduced power factor
the power factor can be unde rstood from the
Elfrct of magnetizing CUJTl'tJt and its effect on
phasor diag ram of the induction motor shown in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14 Phasor diagram of induction motor .

important parameters in deciding the
Magnetising current and power factor being very au
rs are designed for optimum value of
performance of induction motors, the induction moto
gap or minimum air gap possible.

Number of slots:
relation to number of stator slots otherwise
Proper numbers of rotor slots are to be selected in
the motor. Cogging and Crawling are the two
undesirable effects wilJ be found at the starting of
bination of number of rotor and stator slots. In
phenomena which are observed due to wrong com
hooks and cusps in torque speed
addition, induction motor may develop unpredictable
characteristics or the motor may run with lot of nois

of the will be usually
The rotating magnetic field produced in the air gap
s of the order 3rd, 5th and 7th. The third
nonsinusoidal and generally contains odd harmonic
netic poles compared to that of the
harmonic flux will produce the three times the mag
will produce the poles five and seven times the
fundamental. Similarly the 5th and 7th harmonics
s in the flux wave affects the torque speed
fundamental respectively. The presence of harmonic
t of 7th harmonics on the torque speed
characteristics. The Fig. 16 below shows the effec
motor with presence of 7th harmonics is to
characteristics of three phase induction motor. The
its normal speed. The 7th harmonics will
have a tendency to run the motor at one seventh of
seventh of its normal speed as shown in
produce a dip in torque speed characteristics at one
torque speed characteristics.

Page 37
Cogging: . . , . to nurnbcr of stator
In some cases where in the number or rotor slots arc not proper 111 1c1<1 l10.11. . there wil I be a
stationary. Unclcr such .coll(II111011s gg'
r: . . 1
slots tI1e macI1111e re1uscs to run nnd rcma111s ing •
• C'I C( I CO 7
locking tendency between the rotor nnd stator. Such a phenomenon is ' l b. selected in
Hence in order to avoid such bad effects a proper number ~f rotor slot~ ~ c O ~lot pi tch to
relation to number of stator slots. In addition rotor slots will be skcwcc / 00 s sps 'Ind noisy
minimize the tendency of cogging, torque defects like synchronous hoo s an. cu · :
. . . - - . ·11 1 . ·ease the rotor resistance anc1
operation while runmng. Eflect of skewmg w1 s 1·gI11IYmci dh d ces
~ . . I .
increases the starting torque. However this w1l mcrease the Iea kag•e reactancc an cncc re u
the starting current and power factor.
Fig 16 Torque speed characteristics

Some more parts, which are required to complete the constructional details of an induction
motor, are:

• Two end-flanges to support the two bearings, one at the driving-end and the other at the non
driving-end, where the driving end will have the shaft extension.

• Two sets of bearings to support the rotating shaft,

• Steel shaft for transmitting the mechanical power to the rotating load,

• Cooling fan located at the non driving end to provide forced cooling for the stator and rotor

• Terminal box on top of the yoke or on side to receive the external electrical connections

Figure 2 to show the constructional details of the different parts of induction motor.

End Bell



Motor Stator
Fan Blades
End Bell Page 38

D E S IG N :
sses the Natio nal
Motor D es ig n Cla tic s fro m induction m ot ors,
nt ch ar ac te ris rent cl as se s
e di ffe re nt ap pl ic ations need di ffe re a US or ga ni za tio n, ha s specified diffe
Si nc
turers A ssociation
(N EM A ), es for clas ses A -D
EJ:cticaJ _Manufac te ris tic s. Ty pi ca l torque sp ee d- cu rv
, with different char
of m du ct io n m ot or .
are sk et ch ed below
30 0 I
r-- r--..

~" [') /
I'""" ',
5 20 0 V ~,......
' ..._ C

5 10 0
u. 1

0 10 0
0 50
ss A)
e ro to r re si st an ce to be ei th er lo w (cla
designing th pt h to obtain a
d D ar e obtained by th e effect of sk in de
Motor Classes A an ed by ex pl oi tin g D are
gh (c la ss D ). Cl asse s B an d C ar e obtain uc to r de si gn s fo r classes A through
or hi
to r circuit. Exampl
e rotor cond de pt h effects.
variable resistance ro s B ha s a de ep er ba r to exploit skin
, cl as pically fabricated
ring classes A and B lass C rotors ar e ty
shown below. Compa nc e th is ef fe ct . C een the
e bar w id th m ay vary in order to enha co nd uc t at st ar tin g. Th er e is ai r betw
Th cage will s m us t ha ve
ges. Only the ou te r at cast ro to r design
with two seperate ca ag e flu x) . N ot e th
an d at th e to p of th e slot (to reduce leak es ca pi ng . C la ss D ha s a small cond
cages uminum from a fabricated
clos ed slot de sig n to prevent molten al am pl e sh ow n ha s an open slot, for
a class D ex
ce at all slips. The
giving a high resistan
rotor design.

Page 39
- - - -- - -
-- - - - --
--- - - - - - -- -
A summary Of t I1c performance ol . the motor classes is
C J. . prov · I . t · the tahl c belo w:
ic cc in __ __ __ ___ __,

-- - Clas , A II n ..;,11 - -,;,,;,c -- Ii (1,s s I)

[:J-il~ ra~t~-fo: 1:·;e7-=ro

Ver) 1ligh Starting
Type General Puq1nsc ( lcncral Purpose I ligh Starting ·1orqu c ·1orquc
. - .
=-- - 00~~ o¾J~atc<l for - r
Start Torque motors, 200% rated larger motors, Approx 250% rated ,,, 275% rntcd
' 200% rated ,
smaller motors
smaller motors I

~ C
_=-== -g
cd== =! 500%-600% rated I -~][~-- ~ = ~=
Torque 200%-3003/corated
->200o/c0 rated
Slightly lower than

=== I
class A ·


p l;== ==
<0=.== =1 1

<0.05, lower than must be <0.05, k0.05, higher than class High ,
High, ca:~e;s much •

typically 0.07 to
similar sized class B usually <0.03 B 0.11 , can be up to 0.17
. . Fans, Blowers, Pumps, Compressors, pumps, High inertia
App I1cat1ons As for Class A I
Machine Tools applications, e.g. 1
conveyors I
mechanical punches 1

High starting inrush
current causes power Applications that Very high inertia I
system problems, it can Repl acem ent for require high start applications. e.g. in a
cause the supply Clas s A due to torques. Note that the punch or reciprocal
Notes voltage to sag and lowe r start curre nt. pull up and pull-out pump where the slip
requires special The stand ard off- torque can both be may vary between 0
starting techniques. the shel f lower than the start and 0.50 Much less
More efficient than com mod ity moto r. torque. Less efficient efficient than other
same sized class B than class B designs

Page 40
1\1.-\NllFA CTl lRIN (; Sl<:( Tl(lN H


l ' l't\'S ,,t•st:1h1r nnd n1t11r 111\.' 111111111 1·Ill·tlltl. •l 11,, 1hi •'l ·'ll'l' llllll. I
, ,, " 1 1 I.. •1 1 ll 0 11 ·•Il . l ·I
:-;T.-\ l'OR l'ORF :sh1h11· l'1,r1.· is tn11n111itl' t1trl·d hy st"d, ut g 11 1 0 111111 1 11
lamina til)I\S rnlkd j'\11\l'h in~s .
. r· ·1· . Ill 'l!l't: 11 0 111111,1111 111 '•,
ROTOR ('()RF :Rl\11)\' l'l'I~ is 11\111\11 I.ltl' lltrl'l I by .s t11ck111p• II S I tl 1
:\tkr this shnn is insL'rh.·d in the rotlll' I'Y tit.: I . irocl•s s c1tlkd s·I1111·I ,,11' I i11k 111v I Ill' rotor , ..
I ·: i.. -. 1111 d 1liw1 1l1l· .,t,,dt
tirst hl':lh.'d nnd till' \\ shnn ,s mscrlCl I .Ill I' t •11 nI.I.. t;(l(lllll P, lhL'
. . r11tllr S111111
. ., ·I . I th. 1ir1 H:L':'>"' l·,il kd
\!1.'IS lod,L·d .Alkr tins rotor bms mc .m s.ct• ·tl:·d i11 thc rotors nl:-i ,y . L , d ri ~,., hy
- .· ••uitcd thro11~•.11 coppt.:r t.: 11 11
llti\'in g.nfkr bnr llri\'in g the hnrs urc s I101·t cu e ·
induct ion brazin g.

► l\1ACH1NE SHO P:
This shop deals with the mncl111-11_
·ng of sha fl d t tor frame .
nn s a
SHAF T:Typ es of shaft: :
• Plain shaft
• Ribbe d shaft

The variou s machi nes used are:

• O&M Vertic al boring machi ne

• GORA TU CNC Shaft mach ine
• HOM MA Mach ine
• Centr e Lathe
• Millin g Mach ine


This section deals with the stator windi ng.UsuallyT he stator
windi ng is a chon kd doub k lay ~r
winding and is conne cted in star. The star point is forme d
on the windi ng, or canb~ mad~ outsid ~.
The stator windi ng canbe design ed with 'Delta ' conne ctions
alsoa s per requ~ st.Th~ conduct<.lr
strand s consist ofelec trolyti c coppe r and have a rectan gular
cross sec tion. Th~ coils m-~ inscrt ~d
in the open slot of core . The slots are closed off by a magn
etic mater ial. Thcunifor111 uir g~1p
field makes for small pulsat ion and surfac e losses , and thus
fora high eftici~rH.:y. Th~ magm.·tic
slot seal also reduce s the startin g curren t andth e noise. The
stator windi ng is a doubk ·- layc:r coil
windingand is provid ed with MICA LAST IC 0 insula tionco
mplyi ng with dass F insul;11ion
requirements.This insula tion system is based on integr
ated micaa nd is mad1..• by a sp1..•ci;ll
synthetic resinim pregn ation proce ss. The insula tion posscs
sc:shi gh ckctr ic slrL'llgth. high
resistance to moistureand aggres sive gases and vapor s, excdlc
nlnH.· chnnic al st.ability and long

Page 41
------------- - - - - - - -

, :,, __ --
c ,.;_'::::~
.. - - - ~-.

__-- -
,..,;,. .,,,' ,;.'

... .::..-- ·
TI1e various tests performed after the completion of winding are:
• Before bracing:
• Insulation r~sistance
• HVDC Test"
• lnterturn Test
• After Bracing but before Brazing:
• Insulation resistance
• High voltage
• After VPI: AC Test is done after VPI.
• Insulation Resistance
• Polarisation Index
• Tan-delta
• Final High voltage

This section deals with the complete assembly of various parts of the induction motor
• Capsule(stator core+statorcoil)
• Stator frame
• Rotor
• Two end-flanges to support the two bearings, one at the driving-end and the other
at the non driving-end, where the driving end will have the shaft extension
• Two sets of bearings to support the rotating shaft
• Cooling fans
• Terminal box on top of the yoke or on ~ide to receive the external electrical

Page 42
• Main Term inal Box
• Neutr al Term inal Box
• Space Heate r Term inal Box
• R TD Term inal Box
• BTD Term inal Box

. . . g r . 1 l. mola rs ,I.he vario
This sectio n deals with the comp lete tcst111 · us t c s·ts
o 111c uc io n ··
perfo m1ed on induc tion moto rs are:
• Ty pe tests
• Routi ne tests

ROU TIN E TES TS: The. primary purpose of the routin

e test is to inSure free~ o°: fr~m
electrical and mechanical defec ts and to demonstrate b Y means 0 f key tests the s1milanty of the
, .
motor to a "standard" motor of the same design. The "stan dard" m otor is an imaginary moto r
· tics
whose performance charactens would agree exac tlY WI·th the expe cted perfo rman ce
Depending on the size of the motor, all of the following tests
const itute routi ne teSt s:
• Cold resistance: The cold resistance shou ld be as per the
en ginee ring
specifications and at the same time it shou ld be balan ced
for all the three phas es:
lN,V W,WV.
• Insulation resitance: measured with the help of de
megg er
• 6.6 kV and abov e: S kV DC
• 3.3 kV: 2500 V DC
• 41SV ,690 V: 1000 V DC
• Polarisation index: the readi ng of megg ar shou ld be doub led with in 10 mins .Pl is
measured for moto rs rated 3.3 kV and abov e.
• BTD:both driving end and non- drivi ng end
• Spaceheater: temp eratu re and IR
• Bloc ked rotor test: to perform this test the shaft is lock ed by exter nal mean
balanced 3 phas e volta ge is appli ed to the stato r term inals
and is adju sted till rated
curre nt flow s in the stato r wind ing.p er phas e valu es of
appl ied volta ge,in put
curre nt and input powe r are recor ded.t his test gives the
copp er losse s of the
• RPM : meas ured with the help of strob osco pe
• Shaf t volta ges: drivi ng and non- drivi ng end
• Vibr ation : taken at horizontal ,vc'rtical and axial posit ions of both drivi ng and
non-drivi ng end.

Page 43
·t· hie
• No load test: done nlkr the heari ng lempcrntu1 c hcconics s" · theIinduction , sc values of
motor 1s made to run al nn load at rated vollagL· alll rrcqL . ic.:ncy.pcr
. I Pu
. d stator ·cl •cl ti11 test gi ves
app11c put e111TL'nt anLI 111put
· powc,, · '•1rc rccoI c · ·
the core losses and friction and windagc losst.:~ or thc motor.
• High Yoltagc test
• Tan delta test

· tics of the motor. This test
TI1e purpose of a type test is to evaluate all the performance cI1arac1ens
consists of the followino::, tests in addition to the routine tests:

• Torque points:

► 100% Ir
► 1503/olr
► 2003/olr;
The following torque points are measured:
► Starting torque
► Pullout torque
► Pull-in torque
► Operating torque
• No load saturation curve:
► To separate iron losses and friction and windage losses.
• Noise level measurement:
► Noise level should not be more than 85 dB.Noise is measured at total 8 points lm
away from the machine.After this background noise is taken.
• Tan Delta measurement
• Temperature rise test: temperature rise in 30 min. should be less than I degree Celsius.
Temperatures of the 12 RTD's and BTD are taken.air inlet-outlet temperature for all
machines,water inlet-outlet for CACW motors and iron inlet-outlet temperature are taken.
• Fractional load test: the motor is loaded fractionally in various
steps:25%,50%,75%,100%,125% etc at rated voltage and the readings of
frequency and kW are taken.

DISPATCH: This section deals with the complete painting,finishing and finally dispatch of
induction motors.

Page 44

Features Customer benefits

' Con:!E_act design

Low sEace re_:1uirem~n~~ h loading capability
· Casi iron frame and end shields Heavy duty,extreme Y g . .
. . ti
and sigrn 1can t dam2ing
. chractenst1c s
Tortionally rigid motor frame w maintenance
High vibration_~u~hty
'• Reliable bearing design

M1CALASTIC®insulation with vacuum

High bearing lifetimes and lo
· J F
costs(tem--Eerature nse c ass --E
High lifetime

Eressure im_ere~ation
Optimized cooling High load capability under_.
acceleration ,averload cond1t1ons

internal airn/Cooling
for circulation arrangement: The ILA4 motors have two shaft-mounted fans, one
and the other for external atmospheric air circulation. The external fan blows
the cool air through external ribs over the frame surface.
The shaft-mounted fans will usually have a fixed direction of rotation only. Fans
suitable for both directions of rotation can be provided if specifically ordered.

Page 45



is conne cted in star. The star point is
The stator v.inding is a chorded double layer winding and
·winding canbc desig ned v-ith 'Ddta '
formed on t_be windi ng, or canbe made outside. The stator
st ofekc trolyt ic coppe r and ha..,~ il

I connections alsoas per request.The conductor strands consi

rectangular cross section. The coils are inserted in the open
by a magnetic material. Theuniform air gap field make s
and thus fora high efficiency. The magnetic slot seal also
noise.The stator windi ng is a double-layer coil windi ngand
slot of core . The slots arc close d off
for small pulsa tion and surfa ce losses ,
reduces the starti ng curre nt andth c0
is provi ded with MICA LAST I C
ts.This insula tion syste m is based on
insulationcomplying with class F insulation requiremen
mpreg nation proce ss. The insula tion
integrated micaa nd is made by a special synthetic resini
urean d aggre ssive gases and vapo rs,
possesseshigh electric strength, high resistance to moist
excellentmechanical stability and Jong life.
pack is shrink fitted centr ally in the
The stator frame is made out of cast steel .The stator core
ceme nt.
stator frame thus it issecured against rotation and displa

Stator frame

Page 46
; ion ar
(dr frc end and non -dri ve end ) nn d" <.:) li~dric:c1l<;hc1ft cxr cn c.
The shafts han.· t,Yo journ[l/s 11011 -dn vc end .
. A sec ond sha ll ext ens ion Ille.I } be pro vid ed al the
1.he drive end

- -_--
'--- · ~. ·
- 1iil

_ :M '

I __ --
n ,,
- -m
JI "

----= ---= --== --:-- - -
.. - -:-,,.
:9 '
. ;111 1
··· · ·· · · · · · · · - ·

:Eii iiii ff ;- fi fli f

d on to the sha ft and cla mp ed
& sec ure d
The laminated rotor core is presse e bar s are
ries Sq. Ca ge win din g, Th e cag
against axial displacement and car e.
pro file and are ins erte d firm ly sea ted in the slo ts of rot or cor
with ~pe cial g. Th e rot ors
uiting rin gs by ind uct ion bra zin
They are connected to short circ wa y of sha fte xte nsi on.
am ica lly bal anc ed wit h hal f par alle l key ins ert ed in the key
are dyn

END SHIELDS: cas tin g and

non -dr ive end s are dis k sha ped
The end shields .at the drive.and typ e and
d for tak mg the bea rmg ass em bly wh ich is app rop ria te for the
type variant of the machine.

End sh iel d

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