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Eta Zeta Press

Texas State Organization of The Delta Kappa

Gamma Society International
Five Star Newsletter

Eta Zeta, Chapter 174, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas DKG Vision Statement:
Texas State Organization, Area 9 Leading Women Educators, Impacting Education Worldwide
Volume 60 Issue 1, August/September 2023 The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes
professional and personal growth of women educators and
excellence in education.
Mary Claire Welch, Editor

From the pen of… Join us for the

September Eta Zeta Meeting
President Marian Willard
Date: September 25, 2023
Greetings! We are delighted
that you have chosen to continue “Planning Programs for the Year”
your membership in the Eta Zeta Facilitator: Elaine Hudson
Chapter. Your membership is instrumental in
accomplishing our International and State goals. Time: 5:30 p.m. Eating and Socializing
As you know, this chapter will continue to Soar to 6:00 p.m. Meeting begins
Greater Heights.
Location: La Calle Doce Restaurant
When it comes to change, we have a deci-
1925 Skillman
sion to be just like the eagle. The eagle has the
Dallas, Texas 75206
longest lifespan among birds. It can live up to 70
years, but to reach this age, the eagle must make a
hard decision, this is where we are in our chapter. Hope to see you there!
We must continue to SOAR like the eagle and to A hybrid option will be provided for those of
ensure that we are strong. I truly believe that the our members who would like to attend the
initiatives set by our State President Bonnie Moore meeting by Zoom. Leigh Taylor will send a link
will allow members to work together with each to those who request one.
other and other chapters so we can serve our local
community throughout the year. If we believe we excellence in education. That’s what Delta Kappa
can, we are halfway there to SOAR to Greater Gamma is. That’s what the Eta Zeta Chapter is.
Heights of service. One small step in faith allows God to
A special thanks to all the members who bring us to the next level we need, and so it goes
attended the last meeting, and to those who stepped step after faithful step. Members let’s SOAR to
up and accepted new positions. Due to other obli- greater heights. Invite another member to attend
gations, we had to appoint new officers our First our meeting or join us on Zoom. I am so proud to
Vice President-Elaine Hudson, Secretary-LaToya be your president.
Maxey, and Membership Chair Mary Bixler. Your President ready to serve,
What is Delta Kappa Gamma? What is Eta
Zeta? We promote professional and personal Marian A. Willard
growth, and we are women educators and believe in
Texas State Organization President Bonnie Moore has chosen the acronym SOAR to challenge all
members to allow the following words to lead their chapters to success. She asks that each member SEEK
new members and opportunities by inviting one member to join our organization. In fact, she suggests to set
a goal of finding one new member per day. Bonnie requests that each member keep an OPEN mind and atti-
tude as others share their ideas, suggestions, and propose possibilities. Bonnie also encourages every chapter
to ACT to serve their members and community. Programs and projects can be planned to benefit both as the
chapter is creating their plans for the chapter. Bonnie reminds our TSO members to remember that relation-
ships are the key to gaining and retaining members. Chapter members can REACH out to each other to sup-
port each other and encourage one another as members are navigating their lives. By reaching our to each
other members can be responsive to their sisters needs.
By communicating and sharing ideas, thoughts, concerns and challenges, TSO chapter members can
grow closer and work together with greater understanding of each other. Communication with your Area 9
Coordinator and the Executive Committee can strengthen the bonds of our Texas State Organization Delta
Kappa Gamma Society. It is worth the time and effort to gain the deep friendship and to experience the fun
of fellowship. We can SOAR!

Eta Zeta Project is Waiting

Eta Zeta Chapter’s decision to provide supplies to the Rainbow Room as a community project has
been a worthy project. The Rainbow Room is one of the resources created to support the mission of the
Community Partners of Dallas. The mission is: To provide what abused children urgently need today to
thrive tomorrow. Founded in 1989, Community Partners of Dallas was created to support the work of the
Child Protective Services in Dallas County. 9,787 children were served by the Rainbow Room in 2021. The
Rainbow Room provided supplies to children who had been removed from homes because of physical
abuse, sexual abouse, emotional abuse, abandonment, neglectful supervision, physical neglect, and refusal
to accept parental responsibility.
Currently, the greatest needs for the children being served by the Rainbow Room are:
- Winter coats in all sizes
- Girl’s shoes (size 8)
- Boy’s pants (size 14/16)
- Boy’s short sleeve shirts (size 10/12)
- Boy’s pajamas (size 10/12)
There is a facility where supplies can be dropped off at 7950 Elmwood Drive, Dallas, Texas 75247. Eta
Zeta members please bring your items to the upcoming meeting so they may be delivered to the Elmwood
Eta Zeta Programs at a Glance
Happy Birthday 2023 - 2024
Eta Zeta Members! August 28, 2023
La Calle Doce Restaurant
September 1925 Skillman Street, Dallas, TX 75206
Program: Welcome Back Dinner!
Joanne Szalay September 2
September 25, 2023
Dr. RoseMary Rumbley September 14
La Calle Doce Restaurant
Jeannie Morrison September 19 1925 Skillman Street, Dallas TX 75206
Program: Planning with Elaine Hudson
Betty Ackerman September 20
October 8, 2023
New Member Orientation
Evelyn Hamilton October 21 Location: TBD

Norma Matthews October 26 October 23, 2023

La Calle Doce Restaurant
November 1925 Skillman Street, Dallas, TX 75206
Heather Hawthorne November 9 Program: Induction of New Members

LaToya Maxey November 12 November 27, 2023

La Calle Doce Restaurant
Jeannie Morrison November 19 1925 Skillman Street, Dallas, TX
Program: TBD

January 22, 2024

La Calle Doce Restaurant
2023-2025 1925 Skillman Street, Dallas, TX 75206
Program: TBD
Eta Zeta Chapter Officers February 27, 2024
Chapter President- Marian Willard La Calle Doce Restaurant
1925 Skillman Street, TX
1st Vice President- Elaine Hudson
Program: TBD
2nd Vice President– Mary Bixler
Recording Secretary-LaToya Maxey
March 25, 2024
Corresponding Secretary– Mary Claire Welch La Calle Doce Restraurant
1925 Skillman Street, Dallas, TX 75206
Treasurer- Leigh Taylor Program: TBD
Parliamentarian- Evelyn Hamilton April 2024
Coordinating Council of Dallas County Spring Luncheon
Location: Lakewood Country Club
Picture/Graphics Credits All Graphics were taken from
May 6, 2024
free online Clip Art.
La Calle Doce Restaurant
All pictures were taken by Eta Zeta members for 1925 Skillman Street, Dallas, TX 75206
placement in our Eta Zeta Press. Program: Celebration of Eta Zeta Chapter’s
61st Birthday and Founders Day and Installation
DKG logos and images used with permission and of Officers
according to Society guidelines.
Eta Zeta’s Flight Plan for 2023-2024
To be able to SOAR… you must make the decision to fly. To be able to fly… you must have a flight plan.

It is time to honor outstanding educators you know by asking them to become a member of Delta Kappa Gam-
ma Eta Zeta Chapter. There are two categories of membership described for membership.
*An Active Member candidate would be a woman who is or has been employed as a professional educator. It
could be anyone who is in the process of educating children or adults in a school, business, library, health profession, or
the public as a professional educator.
*A Collegiate Member is an undergraduate or graduate student who is enrolled in an institution offering an
education degree, and has the intent to continue, academically and professionally, in the field of education. The under-
graduate student must be enrolled within the last two years of an undergraduate education degree.
Eta Zeta members can begin the process of Membership Recruitment by recording the potential member’s name
and contact information on a Prospect Card. The Membership Committee will reach out to your prospective member to
complete an application. The applications will be shared with the chapter at the next chapter meeting and a vote will be
taken on the acceptance of the recommended outstanding women educators nominated. An invitation to an Orientation
Tea will be extended to each of the phenomenal women educators where they will be given information about The Delta
Kappa Gamma Society International at the international, state and chapter levels. Upon the payment of their dues, the
candidates become members. An induction ceremony will be held at the next chapter meeting.
Please cut out the two Prospect Cards and
choose two outstanding women educators you would like Eta Zeta Chapter
to honor with an invitation for membership in Eta Zeta DKG Prospect Card
Chapter. Please submit this card to Mary Bixler, Member-
ship Chair at the next meeting. Please Print Clearly
Women educators can change the world. Eta Zeta Name: _________________
members can grow our chapter and change the world. We Address: _________________ City: _______Zip ______
can SOAR if we have a plan, we know our direction, and
E-Mail: _____________________
the winds of change are with us. Let’s make the decision
Employer: _____________________
to ride the wind and SOAR.
Position: _____________________

Some Members of the Flight Crew Phone: ______________________ Cell _____________

Sponsor: ____________________________

Return to Mary Bixler, Membership Chair

Eta Zeta Chapter

Mary Bixler DKG Prospect Card
Evelyn Hamilton

Marian Willard
Please Print Clearly

Name: _________________
Address: _________________ City: _______Zip ______

E-Mail: _____________________
Leigh Taylor
Employer: _____________________
Jeannie Morrison
Position: _____________________

Melba Timms Phone: ______________________ Cell _____________

Sponsor: ____________________________

Return to Mary Bixler, Membership Chair

LaToya Maxey Elaine Hudson

Eta Zeta Members Travel to McAllen to
Attend TSO Convention
Marian Willard, Mary Bixler and Mary Claire Welch attended the
TSO State Convention in McAllen, Texas from June 14 through June 17,
2023. All three were proud to be at convention representing Eta Zeta
Chapter. The ladies flew to McAllen on Wednesday to be ready to
attend different meetings on Thursday.
Marian Willard began her Thursday with the Chapter Presidents’
meeting as her priority. Mary Claire Welch as TSO Personnel Chair ar-
rived at convention to provide a surprise presentation honoring Carol McMillan, outgoing Lone Star News
Editor/Photographer, as one of her duties. She also was required to fulfill her role as Personnel Chair during
the TSO Business meeting. Mary Bixler, Membership Chair, attended different sessions to receive state in-
formation regarding Membership, changes to the role of Treasurer, ideas about Programs and Projects and
many other sessions. Mary Bixler and Mary Claire Welch also sang in the choir together. Practices and music
filled their time when they were not in sessions.
Important announcements about the Regional Area Workshops were made in sessions for all mem-
bers in attendance at the convention. The Regional Area Workshops will replace the TSO Convention in June
of 2024. They will be held on the same day across the state with different areas being grouped together
across the state. Question and answer opportunities were provided at each of the sessions. The plan is to hold
the Regional Area Workshops as an experiment to see how viable the change of meeting style is to serve the
state business and members during this first year. Many details have yet to be worked out and the process
will serve to discover what the challenges and benefits will be through the experience. The proposed practice
is that the full sized state convention will be held every other year. Members’ feedback will be sought to
make the decision of whether the change should be adopted beyond the first year. It will be important for all
chapter members to attend so that they can provide their input to our state leaders.
Tim Lee brought greetings and news of leislative news. He encouraged all educators to vote for Prop-
osition 9. He was adamant that everyone spread the word about voting for Proposition 9 because of its pro-
found effect on Texas educators’ need for the Cost of Living Adjustment and the vote will clear the way for
it to become a reality.
As always, the convention allowed members to be able to see friends and work together to further the
Texas State Organization’s progress. The meals were filled with honors, music, and ceremony. The time with
our DKG sisters was well spent. We will be looking forward to June of 2024 to be a part of the Area Region-
al Workshops!

Gretchen Dupnik, Leesa Cole, Carol

McMillan, Mary Claire Welch, and
Mexican dance group with TSO President Shalan Inmon, Mary
Dr. Gloria Crum watching as Carol
McAllen DKG member, Claire Welch, Carol McMillan, and
autographs one of her Fan Club
Dr. Gloria Crum. Cindy Neander presenting Carol
face masks.
her Medals of Honor.
Bradley Sue Howell Celebrates 90th Birthday
On July 1, 2023 Bradley Sue Howell celebrated her 90th birthday with friends and family. Bradley
Sue is a 51 year member of our Eta Zeta Chapter. She has served at the chapter, area and state level to further
the Purposes of Delta Kappa Gamma and to inspire others across the state and international level. Bradley
Sue is a beloved and treasured member of our chapter who attends meeting, when able, with her daughter and
fellow Eta Zeta Chapter member, Jane Walker. We celebrate and honor Bradley Sue Howell.

Bradley Sue Howell surrounded by her col- Bradley Sue surrounded by her grand-
leagues and friends Marcia Lee Bircher, John children and great grandchildren,
Beautiful Bradley Sue
Beard, Anna Ruth Penn (Eta Zeta), Judy Bry-
Howell being honored
ant (Eta Zeta) and Patti Hardeman.
on her birthday.

Mary Bixler Achieves

Online Learning Goal
Mary Bixler is a member of Eta Zeta Chapter who always seeks to
serve Delta Kappa Gamma and Eta Zeta with excellence. Mary is also a pro-
fessional with high standards of excellence as an educator with an intellectual
curiosity about topics of interest to her. Education just happens to be a topic
of interest and passion to Mary. At this time Eta Zeta Chapter would like to
congratulate Mary Bixler on her recent achievement.
On March 1, 2023, Mary Bixler received The American Montessori Society Instructor Academy Cer-
tificate of Completion for 280 hours of professional development. It was an intensive year and a half of online
course work, meetings, chats, and numerous weekly assignments in the form of summaries, opinions, graphic
charts, videos, and projects. The topics covered began with basics: biographies, philosophy, child develop-
ment, and moved on to new areas: andragogy, neuroscience, backward design, and deep dives. The instructors
of the course are leading Montessorians with a wide range of experiences. The students in the courses are
Montessorians who are instructors in teacher training programs, some of them very prestigious from all over
the United States and several from China. There were times that Mary thought she had made a mistake taking
on this much work, but she did not want to leave the virtual company of such interesting people. Mary
has been in teacher education (part time) for 40 years, and Mary always wanted to connect with other teacher
educators. This was the perfect opportunity, and she is glad she finished the program. Kudos and congratula-
tions to Mary Bixler, a woman educator of excellence!

We are so proud of you!

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Texas State Organization
Eta Zeta Chapter
Meeting August 28, 2023

Members Present: Mary Bixler, Evelyn Hamilton, Elaine Hudson, LaToya Maxey, Jeannie Morrison, Leigh
Taylor, Melba Timms, Marian Williard

Members Present Via Zoom: Sandra Foster Brown, Jane Walker, Mary Claire Welch, Cassandra Jones,
Betty Ackerman

Special Guest by Zoom: Kim Cole, guest of Maria Viera Williams and Mary Bixler

Location: LaCalle Doce Restaurant, 1925 Skillman St., Dallas, TX and via Zoom

Meeting Called to Order: The Eta Zeta Chapter Meeting was called to order at 6:03 P.M. by President Mari-
an Willard, who extended a welcome to members and one visitor present in person and by Zoom. President
Willard explained that the Texas State Organization Theme for this Biennium is SOAR, Soar to new heights.

Meditation: LaToya Maxey offered a prayer from the heart for the meditation.

Quorum Check: The quorum of 1/3 of active members was met with 11 members in attendance, in-person or
by Zoom, for conducting business of the chapter.

Adoption of the Agenda: There was a motion to approve the agenda and a show of hands to approve it.

Minutes/Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting: A motion was presented, seconded, and unani-
mously approved to accept the minutes from the May 8th meeting.

Correspondence: Mary Claire Welch reported that there was correspondence with Pam Burge, the previous
Communications and Publicity Committee Chair for the Texas State Organization to correct the omission of
Eta Zeta Chapter as a recipient of the FIVE STAR NEWSLETTER AWARD for 2022-2023. Mary Bixler
shared correspondence with TSO Webmaster Debbi Ball regarding the omission of Eta Zeta Chapter from the website list of Certified Chapter Websites for the Biennium 2022-2024 and its correction
on on August 24, 2023.

President’s Report: Marian shared that she enjoyed attending many good workshops and social events at the
TSO Convention in McAllen in June with Mary Claire Welch and Mary Bixler. Marian stated that she learned
that chapters can have fewer meetings to make time for more fun gatherings, such as playing Bingo or having
a Christmas party. She encouraged members to think of activities they would like to have and share any budg-
et requests for activities.
Marian reported that the biggest news from the McAllen Convention is the decision to change the an-
nual convention schedule to a biannual schedule. There will be Regional Area Workshops on June 22, 2024.
Our Area Workshop will include Areas 1, 9, and 17 and will meet in Dallas. The next state convention is
scheduled for June 2025 in Denton, Texas. Marian commented that you “need to do things differently to get
different results.”
Marian reminded members that dues must be submitted as soon as possible to Treasurer Leigh Taylor.
Marian reported that 1st Vice President Natalie Brown stepped down from her office due to increased
work travel, work commitments and family needs. Marian reviewed the “Year At A Glance”, stating that we
will have the new Area 9 Coordinator visiting Eta Zeta Chapter on October 23. Betty Ackerman resigned the
office of Secretary for personal reasons, but she is continuing her membership in Eta Zeta. Marian comment-
ed that we need replacements for the Secretary and the 1st Vice President, and asked if anyone is willing to
take on one of the offices to let her know. A scholarship deadline is in October. Scholarship Chair Cassandra
Jones was planning to share scholarship information, but she was in a car accident on the way to the meeting.
Scholarship information will be shared by email to members.

2nd Vice President’s Report: Mary Bixler read the report prepared by Maria Viera Williams, who was out of
town for work. 17 of 23 active members and 3 of the 8 reserve members have paid their dues. The 6 active
and 5 reserve members who have not paid are being contacted. Suggestions for recruiting new members were
shared, such as sharing a flyer of DKG benefits to prospective members. One suggested strategy is to go in
pairs to a library willing to allow you to share flyers and a prospect card with library patrons who are curious.
Wearing DKG paraphernalia can create curiosity that leads to discussion of DKG with women who may be
prospective members. Suggestions for retaining members are to plan engaging meetings and fun activities.
Flyers and prospect cards were given to members present and will be distributed by email to members unable
to be present.
Marian offered a Labor Day recruitment suggestion. Prepare and share goody bags at a school for the
return to school after Labor Day. Little bags with a piece of candy and a bit of information about DKG and
Eta Zeta can be placed in teacher boxes with the school’s permission.
Mary Bixler introduced our visitor Kim Cole, who is interested in joining Eta Zeta. She is a coworker
of Maria Viera Williams at International Leadership of Texas, where Kim is a Transition Coordinator. Marian
thanked Kim for visiting our chapter.

Treasurer’s Report: Leigh Taylor reported that the savings account has $1207.09 and the checking account
has $9469.28 currently. The amounts given do not reflect all the dues checks and payments made to state and
international. The Credit Union’s statement is issued at the end of the month. An update will be emailed to
members. Funds needed in the budget should be turned in by Sept. 1. The budget will be presented next
Marian suggested a popcorn fundraising program as a way for Eta Zeta to raise funds to offer scholar-
ships to prospective teachers. Giving scholarships makes others aware of our chapter. We could target colleg-
es to add collegiate members to Eta Zeta also. The Popcorn fundraiser is not set up yet, but when it is, it has a
short window of collecting orders. We will discuss the fundraiser again in September.
LaToya Maxey offered to take on the Secretary role for September through May 2024. Elaine Hudson
expressed a willingness to act as 1st Vice President through May 2024.

Parliamentarian’s Report: Evelyn stated that Amendments, Chapter 5, of the Robert’s Rules of Order will
be presented at the September meeting by LaToya Maxey and Lauren Timms.

Newsletter: The deadline for articles to be included in the August/September Newsletter is September 10.
Please share any awards or good news that you have received.

Birthday and Other Acknowledgments Song: The following members were identified as having birthdays:
Ida Durham, Bradley Sue Howell, Debbie Duke, Marian Willard, and Mary Bixler in July; Lauren Timms,
Natalie Brown, and Mary Claire Welch in August; Joanne Szalay, Rosemary Rumbley, Jean Morrison, and
Betty Ackerman in September. Mary Claire and Terry Welch celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary in
July. Leigh Taylor and her husband Gerald celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in August. Mary Bixler
led the members in the celebration song.
Meeting Adjourned: The Eta Zeta Chapter Meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. with members in a circle
holding hands singing “The Delta Kappa Gamma Song.”

Next Eta Zeta Meeting: September 25, 2023 at La Calle Doce Restaurant, 1925 Skillman St.

Respectfully submitted by Mary Bixler, acting Recording Secretary.

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Texas State Organization
Eta Zeta Chapter
May 8, 2023

Members present: Betty Ackerman, Mary Bixler, Evelyn Hamilton, Bradley Sue Howell, Elaine Hudson,
LaToya Maxey, Leigh Taylor, Lauren Timms, Melba Timms, Maria Viera-Williams, Jane Walker, Mary Claire
Welch, Marian Willard
Members present via Zoom: Sandra Foster Brown
Special Guest: Maria Viera-Williams’ husband, Jim Williams
Location: La Calle Dolce on Skillman, Dallas, TX, and via Zoom
Meeting Called to Order and Welcome: The Eta Zeta Chapter Meeting was called to order by President Mari-
an Willard at 6:03 pm, and a welcome was extended to all present either in person or via Zoom.
Quorum Check: President Marian Willard confirmed a quorum being present for conducting business.
Meditation: Bradley Sue Howell shared with members an inspirational fable that in a humorous way re-
minds educators to recognize students as individuals and to set them up for success by helping each one to
develop their own unique strengths.
Adoption of Agenda: A motion was made by Mary Claire Welch and seconded by Bradley Sue Howell to ap-
prove the agenda as printed. A vote was taken to approve the agenda.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the March 27th Eta Zeta meeting were provided for review by the
members. Betty Ackerman moved to approve the minutes, and Bradley Sue Howell seconded the motion. A
vote was taken to accept the minutes as recorded.
Correspondence: Mary Claire Welch reported there has been correspondence regarding DKG members who
have passed away. She also reported that she was asked by the DKG state president to encourage Eta Zeta
members to explore the international website ( International President Debbie LaBlanc is
providing podcast sessions to get members focused on becoming more active.
President’s Report: Marian Willard extended special thanks to Mary Claire Welch for chairing the Coordi-
nating Council of Dallas County and leading Eta Zeta to be able to host the spring luncheon event which took
place at the Lakewood Country Club on April 22nd.
Marian shared plans to attend the state organization conference that will be held June 13-18, 2023, in
McAllen, TX. At least three Eta Zeta members are making plans to attend the conference.
Recommitment Ceremony: President Willard led the members as they stood in the DKG rededication and
renewed commitment ceremony.
Founders & Chapter Celebration: Mary Bixler led the members to remember and celebrate dedicated
founders. Several members participated in the celebration by reading about various founders.
The names of Eta Zeta charter members were read and honored. Eta Zeta was established in Dallas exactly
sixty years ago; April 27, 1963. One of the charter members is still living. The names of the charter mem-
bers are listed in the yearbook.
Ceremony of Remembrance: Mary Claire Welch conducted this white rose ceremony to remember Eta Zeta
members who have passed away; LaDelle Rose Smith, Cynthia Virginia DeVies, and Sharon Ann Kraus. A
generous amount of time was taken during the ceremony to share personal recollections and remember the
contributions and unique qualities of each of these ladies.
To conclude the Ceremony of Remembrance, Mary Claire read the poem, “Gifts and Giving.”
First Vice-President’s Report: Natalie Brown was not able to attend tonight’s meeting. Marian Willard
thanked Natalie for suggesting wearing different hats to celebrate the special contributions of the founders.
Treasurer’s Report: Leigh Taylor shared the treasurer’s report for March 2023. Annual dues of $100 should
be paid by June 15th.
Parliamentarian’s Report: Evelyn Hamilton with the assistance of Lauren Timms and LaToya Maxes guided
the membership to consider procedures for Making an Amendment to a Motion. This procedure will be
demonstrated at the August meeting.
Announcements: Mary Claire reported that the Eta Zeta Chapter is eligible for the Five-Star rating because
five newsletters were submitted.
President’s Achievement Awards: Certificate of Achievement were presented by Marian Willard to:
Evelyn Hamilton, Mary Bixler, Mary Claire Welch, Betty Ackerman, Leigh Taylor, and Maria Viera-Williams.
Perfect Attendance Awards: Marian Willard presented awards for perfect attendance.
Songs: Mary Bixler led members in singing the birthday/congratulations/anniversary song, the birthday
songs for Delta Kappa Gamma and for Eta Zeta, and the Delta Kappa Gamma song.
Meeting Adjourned: The Eta Zeta Chapter meeting was adjourned at 7:17 pm and cake was served.
Next Eta Zeta Meeting: August 28, 2023, at La Calle Dolce on Skillman in Dallas, TX, as well as on Zoom.

Respectfully submitted by Betty Ackerman, Recording Secretary

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