70 Questions Oaci Test

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1. Can you tell me the most terrifying experience you have had as a pilot?

Cuéntame la experiencia más aterrorizante que has tenido?

2. Can you tell me the most gratifying experience you have had as a pilot?
Cuéntame la experiencia mas gratificante que has tenido?

3. Can you tell me the most unforgettable experience you have had as a pilot?
Cuéntame una experiencia inolvidable que has tenido?

4. What would you do if you were flying at 2000 kms from the nearest airport and
find out that you have fuel for only 1000 kms?
Que harías si estas a 2000 kms del aeropuerto mas cercano y tienes combustible
para 1000 kms?

5. What would you do if a passenger suffers a heart attack?

Que harías si un pasajero sufre un ataque cardiaco?

6. Would you fly if you were tired and sleepless?

Volarías si estuvieras cansado o con sueno?

7. Tell me about your training as a pilot?

Cuéntame sobre tu entrenamiento como piloto?

8. What do you like most when you fly?

Que es lo que te gusta mas cuando vuelas?

9. What do you miss from land when you fly?

Que es lo que mas extrañas cuando vuelas?

10. What airport do you prefer and why?

Que aeropuerto prefieres y porque?

11. What would you do if you realize that there is a fuel leak?
Que harías si te das cuenta que hay una perdida de combustible?

12. What does your family think about your career?

Que piensa tu familia sobre tu carrera?

13. Tell me about your first solo flight?
Cuéntame sobre tu primer vuelo solo?

14. Why did you decide to be a pilot?

Porque decidiste ser piloto?

15. What are your responsibilities like a pilot?

Cuales son tus responsabilidades como piloto?

16. What was the most difficult situation you have had when flying? What
happened? What did you do?
Cual ha sido la situación mas difícil que has tenido volando? Que paso? Que

17. Tell me about the taking off procedures?

Cuéntame sobre los procedimientos para decolar?

18. Tell me about the landing procedures?

Cuéntame sobre los procedimientos para aterrizar?

19. Tell me about the funniest experience related to your career?

Cuéntame una experiencia graciosa en tu carrera?

20. What are the things you would never like to hear when you fly?
Que cosas no te gustaría escuchar cuando vuelas?

21. When do you consider necessary to return to your departure airport?

Cuando consideras necesario regresar al aeropuerto de salida?

22. What do you think about monitoring the plane from the ground?
Que piensas que se monitoree el avión desde tierra?

23. Can you completely trust your auto pilot? Why?

Puedes confiar totalmente en el piloto automático?

24. Tell me what are your warning devices?

Cuéntame cuales son los dispositivos de alerta?

25. Which is the regular procedure for taking off?17
Cual es el procedimiento normal para decolar?

26. Which is the regular procedure for landing?18

Cual es el procedimiento normal para aterrizar?

27. Have you ever seen a UFO?

Alguna vez has visto un OVNI?

28. Tell me your non flying duties?

Cuales son tus labores cuando no vuelas?

29. What’s your ideal flying crew?

Cual es tu tripulación ideal?

30. How do you cope with jet lag?

Como lidias con la fatiga por el cambio de horario en vuelos largos?

31. How many hours are you allowed flying per day?
Cuantas horas estas permitido volar por día?

32. What’s the flight engineer duty?

Cual es la labor del ingeniero de vuelo?

33. Tell me about the security controls before departing in the airport?
Cuéntame sobre los controles de seguridad en el aeropuerto antes de partir?

34. Do you have to follow emergency procedures before an emergency landing?

Which ones?
Tienes que seguir procedimientos antes de aterrizar de emergencia? Cuales son?

35. Why would you suspect that your flying devices are giving you wrong readings?
Porque sospecharías que tus instrumentos te dan una lectura incorrecta?

36. What would you do if you were dizzy during a flight?

Que harías si te sientes mareado en pleno vuelo?

37. What is the normal procedure if a passenger becomes aggressive?

Cual es el procedimiento normal si un pasajero se vuelve agresivo?

38. What would you do if your radio doesn’t work?
Que harías si tu radio no funciona?

39. What would you do if you don’t understand the English accent of the control
Que harías si no entiendes el ingles de la torre de control?

40. What kind of plane do you prefer and why?

Que tipo de avión prefieres y porque?

41. Does the weather affect your job? Why?

El clima afecta tu trabajo? Porque?

42. How do you like your job? Why?

Que tanto te gusta tu trabajo, porque?

43. Tell me about your normal weekly schedule?

Cuéntame sobre tu horario normal durante la semana?

44. Tell me about your last flight, how was it?

Cuéntame sobre tu ultimo vuelo, como estuvo?

45. Tell me about a flying experience that you remember now?

Cuéntame sobre una experiencia de vuelo que recuerdes ahora?

46. How does your job affect your private and personal life?
Como afecta tu trabajo en tu vida privada y personal?

47. Why would you change your altitude?

Porque cambiarias tu altitud?

48. Why would you change your flight plan?

Porque cambiarias tu plan de vuelo?

49. What is the most stressful situation for a pilot?

Cual es la situación mas estresante para un piloto?

50. What your favorite destination and why?

Cual es tu destino favorito y porque?

51. Which is the most difficult airport you have ever landed and why?
Cual es el aeropuerto mas difícil donde hayas aterrizado?

52. What’s your opinion about the airports in Peru?

Que opinas sobre los aeropuertos en el Perú?

53. What are the most common emergencies during flight?

Cuales son las emergencias mas comunes durante el vuelo?

54. How could you improve safety during flights?

Como mejorarías la seguridad durante los vuelos?

55. What’s your opinion about safety procedures in international airports?

Cual es tu opinión sobre los procedimientos de seguridad en aeropuertos

56. What is the worst mistake a pilot could do and why?

Cual es el peor error que un piloto podría cometer y porque?

57. Can you prepare for the unexpected?

Puedes prepararte para lo inesperado?

58. How would you react if there is a runway incursion?

Como reaccionarias si hay un obstáculo en la pista?

59. What can you tell me about the blind spot?

Que me puedes decir sobre el punto ciego?

60. How well do you manage stress?

Que tan bien manejas el estrés?

61. What airport do you consider easy to fly?

Que aeropuerto consideras fácil volar?

62. What are the things that may cause landing difficult?
Que cosas pueden causar un aterrizaje difícil?

63. What does your pre flight involve?
Que involucra tu pre vuelo?

64. What would you do if your radar doesn’t work?

Que harías si u radar no funciona?

65. What would you do if a woman was about to deliver her baby on board?
Que harías si una mujer da a luz a bordo?

66. What would you do in case of high jacking?

Que harías en caso de un secuestro?

67. Why can’t paxs have their mobile phones on during TO and L?
Porque los celulares deben estar apagados durante el TO y L?

68. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a pilot?

Cuales son las ventajas y desventajas de ser piloto?

69. What would you do if your LG doesn’t come down?

Que harías si tu tren no baja?

70. What routes have you flown?

Que rutas has volado?

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