Save The Wagons

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Save the Wagons!

An encounter for four to five charaters of levels 1-3

Written By
Jeff C. Stevens

Some artwork by © 2017 Elven Tower Cartography, used with permission. All rights reserved.

Jeff C. Stevens

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s
Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected
under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or
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Copyright © Jeff C. Stevens 2017

Save the Wagons!

Dungeon Master’s Map with Key

Save the Wagons!

Kenku Hideout - Player Map

Kenku Hideout - DM’s Map

Save the Wagons!

Save The Wagons! It appears two of the caravan passengers
By Jeff C. Stevens are running around in the clearing. A
woman screams as she runs from a bandit
• Exploration / Combat who is tracking her with his bow. The other
• An encounter for a party of four to five passenger, a dwarf by the looks of him, carries
characters of 1st to 3rd level. You may add a crossbow and is running toward a small
additional Kenku for higher level characters. outcropping of stone as a sword wielding
• Possible locations: anywhere bandit chases him.
Two bandits appear to be yelling at a man
who is standing next to the first wagon. Two
Encounter Synopsis more bandits stand over a body that lays next
A caravan of four canvas covered wagons is to the second wagon. No activity appears
traveling the Savage Frontier, making its way to around the third wagon. One more bandit
another town or settlement within the region. stands over another body that lays next to the
Giants recently came through the area and fourth wagon.
trampled the homes and gardens of the members
of the caravan. The caravan is now under attack
by bandits. Kenku (CR ¼; MM, p194) bandits! What’s Going On?
The section below explains what is happening
Kenku use mimicry to communicate. Keep this at each wagon and area of the map.
in mind if you have any of the Kenku speaking
during the encounter. They may not speak in full A: Marcus Hapleman, human farmer, is in
sentences. his late 40’s. He and the other members of the
caravan are tired of the recent giant activity.
Mimicry. (MM, p194) The Kenku can mimic They decided to pack up and head for a safer
any sounds it has heard, including voices. A area. Now he must deal with these blasted
creature that hears the sounds can tell they are bandits. To make matters worse, he has no idea
imitations with a successful DC 14 Wisdom what they are saying. “I can’t make out a darn
(Insight) check. thing they are sayin’!”
B: Two Kenku bandits are standing over the
Unless otherwise noted, all NPCs have the body of the late human carpenter Earl Yarst.
statistics of a Commoner (CR 0; MM p345) Another Kenku is on the other side of the wagon
and is considered hidden. He will remain hidden
and use his mimicry to try to coax a hero to him
The Encounter and use his Ambusher trait. He may yell “Help!
Help!” in a human voice of your choosing, or he
As the party is traveling, and before they
may yell something else. That is entirely up to
reach the encounter, have them roll a DC 12
you. Use whatever you think might lure the party
Wisdom (Perception) check. On a success, they
to him.
hear screams originating from further ahead.
Perhaps just over the crest of a hill in the road, C: Two Kenku are inside the canvas covered
or from around a wooded bend. wagon. They are rummaging through it and
Read or summarize... looking for valuables. If the party attacks any
of the other Kenku bandits, have these Kenku
roll a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check once
A group of four canvas-covered wagons is
per round. On a success, these Kenku hear the
stopped on the road ahead. Several hooded
commotion outside and prepare to surprise the
creatures wearing cloaks can be seen
adventurers. They will begin using their mimicry
brandishing swords and holding bows while
skills to make the sound of a crying baby in
they keep the caravan from moving.
hopes of luring the heroes to one of the
Continued next column....

Save the Wagons!

openings. One Kenku covers the rear entrance,
the other covers the front entrance. Both have
The Aftermath
their swords at the ready and will use their If the passengers are rescued, they will offer
Ambusher trait. a reward of 5 gp total. They do not have a lot of
coin to spare. The wagons contain items that
they need to perform their trades – blacksmith,
Ambusher. (MM, p194) The Kenku has farmer, and seamstress.
advantage on attack rolls against any creature
it has surprised. The passengers will gladly accept an escort
to the next town. Or, they may decide to turn
around and head home. I leave this decision
D: A dwarf man lays on the ground with
to the DM. You may award an additional 200
an arrow sticking out of his back. Grim
XP if the party escorts the caravan to its final
Bottlebeard, dwarf blacksmith, leaped from
his wagon when the bandits came upon them.
He was about to pull a dagger and confront the
If any of the Kenku are captured and
bandits, but he ended up being shot in the back.
interrogated, the adventuring party may learn
The bandit that shot him now kneels next to his
that the Kenku have a hideout nearby. If they are
body and is rummaging through Grim’s pockets.
interrogated, remember that the Kenku speak in
Grim’s brother, Grale, ran when he saw his
mimicry and may not form full sentences. Their
brother fall. Grale is currently running for the
voices may change while they answer a question
small outcropping of rocks and hopes to pick off
and they may use sounds rather than words.
the bandits with his crossbow.
E: Willameana Sruggins, half-elf seamstress, You may use the next textbox as an example of
was driving the third wagon. She is an anxious the Kenku’s answer. Alternate voices between …
woman and, when the bandits attacked, she and make the sounds listed in ().
became frightened and started to run. She is
now being chased by a Kenku who is tracking “Hideout...hidden path…to the north. Over…
her with his bow. Willameana is very confused (make sound of rushing water)…up (crunching
and keeps darting from one direction to the sound of rock)…(knock, knock, knock).
other. Thus, the Kenku is having a very hard
time finding his shot. Once the encounter
begins, if this Kenku is not dealt with, he will
The Hideout
find his shot in 5 rounds and successfully hit
Willameana, killing her outright. Use the Kenku Hideout map if the adventures
hunt for the hideout.
F: Grale Bottlebeard, dwarf blacksmith,
witnessed his brother’s death and is now making Four more Kenku bandits are in the hideout.
his way for a small rock outcropping. He plans Place them as you wish. The hideout is stocked
to pick off several of the bandits from a safe with two weeks of rations for 6 medium sized
location with his light crossbow. A Kenku bandit humanoids. 75 gp, 93 sp, 44 cp, and two small
chases Grale with a sword. The bandit will emeralds (25 gp each) can be found in the
catch up to Grale in 2 round and attack Grale on locked, wooden chest. A successful DC 10
the 3rd round. Each of these creatures moves Dexterity check with thieves’ tools unlocks the
toward the rock outcropping on each of their chest.
turns. Grale is slightly more seasoned in combat
and uses the stats of a bandit (MM, p 343). In addition, there are three short swords,
two short bows, and 48 arrows in the closet. A
If engaged, the Kenku change their focus forgery kit (PHB, p 154), and a set of thieves’
to the adventurers. The passengers are then tools (PHB, p 154) are located on the table.
able to find safety at the rock outcropping and
inside the wagons. The DM’s map includes a secret room. You may
use this room if you wish.

Save the Wagons!

Save the Wagons!

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