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ROURKELA RO]. Ug 1 [eis an important commercial centre of Odizha * Rourkela Steel Plant has a huge iron and steel. manufacturing base and one of the largest steel manufacturing facilities in India + The literal meaning of Rourkela according to the tanguage ‘Sadriis ° Your Home! * The Bengal-Nagpur Railway Coitipahy constructed the Howrah Nagpur railway, which ran through Rourkela and some merchants started settling at Rourkala with business motive, 1 The erstwhile revenue village of Rourkela is now popularly know as Cd Rourkela * State government agreed to transfer 5,181.86 acres of governnient land to the HSL. + Italso promised to acquire 15,305.92 acres. of private land for the project #30 villages inhabited by around 2,500 households were affected and displaced by the acquisition of land for the setting up of the steel plant and its township, # Sldwily there was a rush af workers f growing, the construction of the steel jplatit and business cortimunity started Population of 15,000 in 1951 increased to 90:286 in 1961 and it was recoded as a town and the largest one in Sundargarh PHYSICAL SETTING Northern boundary is formed by the Koel River flowing from the east and meeting with west flowing Sankh er just at the north-west corner of Rourkela Steel Township and flows down southward as Brahmani River, dividing the Planning Area into three parts. The Brahmani River takes its course southwards through the regian which borders in the South-West and Saranda forest in the Sauth and vast agricultural land in the East. MASTER PLAN AND THE SELECTED LOCALITIES OF ROURKELA PHYSICAL SETTING MASTER PLAN AND THE SELECTED LOCALITIES OF ROURKELA + Rourkela town is connected by the Howrah-Bombay line and well connected with the rest of the country by rail and road network. + Kolkata (529 km), Bhubaneswar (476 4 km), Ranchi (222 km) and Sundargarh (107 km) which acts as a market centre and gateway to the national and international market Planned with a envision of the plant functioning in full swing 19 sectors with 24,500 houses were planined, asic amenities of potable piped water, drainage, sewerage, electricity, Provision of number of primary and secondary schools in different sectors. Provision for setting tip of a Science College and an Engineering College, later came to be known as Regicnal Engineering College Rourkela and now ienown ag National Institute of Technology Rourkela, For health care, the Ispat General Hospital was set up and every sector had a health centre (row closed), There were space s for shopping centres( Ambagan/Central Market, VIP Market, etc.) , recreational spaces (1G Patk, Deer park, ete. ) were earmatked, To accommodate the growing population of Civil Township and reduce congestion and spatial concentration there was a Master Plan made by developing residential plats and civil ammenities, MASTER PLAN AND THE SELECTED LOCALITIES OF ROURKELA LAND USE = 3 Zones (i) Residential Zone (Yellow) = (i) Commercial Zane (Red) (Purple) LAND USE Table 3.5: Existing Land use of Rourkela Planning Area. SI. [Land Use ‘Area Area in No. (in Sq. | percentage | __km) | 1__| Residential [38411 1503 | 2 [Commercial 1.40 Osa | 3 Indu [21.45 328 | 4 | Recreational [281 1.08 | (5 | Public and Semi Public | 10.13 ast | 6 __| Transportation [41.76 | 7 | Agricultural’ vacant’ 112.28 | waste land | | Forest [4641 622 | 8 | Water bodies wet land | 2426 [9.36 | rE others: | 19.87 _| 7.87 Total 2! 100 Source : ORSAG Existing Land-use = 2010. ROURKELA URBAN LAND USE, 1981 N at Eick) DEVELOPMENT PLAN * Rourkela Development Planning Area comprises of = Rourkela Steel Plant 3,89 sqken = Sees Township 2095, = Two functionaries responsible for overall Development of Rourkela Panning Area = Civil Township 22.73, = Rourkela Development Authority = 52 villages 183.46 = Rourkela Municipality + Reserved Forest 11.37 sqkm = Others 16.72 © Planning Area- 259.18 ® Population- 2.72 lakh (census 2011) DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Total Male Female * City+ Outgrowths —3,20,040 169095 150945 = iterates 211189 ® Children (0-6) 29933 = Average Literacy ( 86.98% 91.18% 82, © Sox Rat 88 © Child Sex Ratio 895 ECONOMIC PROFILE = Civil To ship = Majority of the workers are Main Workers. * Steel Township workers out of which 93% are mafn | workers male population. = Less number of working ® Rourkela Planning Autharity Blocks ng po = Out of whic marginal main workers condary Sector acids mos! economy fallowed by Tertiary and Primary Sect INFRASTRUCTURE PROFILE = WATER SUPPLY. = The SAIL (then HSL) constructed the Mandira dam 15 km from the Steel Plant, and it used to supply water to the Plant but to due to the recent scarcity of water, new network of pipeline has been drawn from there to supply to the Stee! Towns! = The Steol Township alko gets water from the Koel river with pumping stations at Sector 20, Sector 18 and Jhirpani = The Civil Township gets water from the Tarkera Dam, = The citizens’ water supply is about 2.8 hrs per day, = The water purification plant for the Steel Township is at Sector 20. Water Intake at Koel River, Sector 20 Water Purification at Hill Top, Sector 20 INFRASTRUCTURE PROFILE = ELECTRICITY SUPPLY = Electricity is supplied from Hirakud Power Supply to the Civil Township = The NTPC pawer plant supplies to the Steel Plant and the Steel Township. = ROADS + NH23 passes through the city connecting Ranchi, in North and Angul, Cuttack and Bhubaneswar in South, Connected by State Highway with Sambalpur, Raigarh, toward South West and Jamshedpur toward North East. The Ring road forms the main arterial road for the Steel township and the Civil Township. In the Steel Township the roads are laid in 3 m wide linear roads for the blocks which connect to the Sm wide main. roads and they connect to the Ring Road fo ‘aco nea tnat —————_ or, Oto 9 ae ro oe he coca & 3° some es ci nD % ® a ae nS Main Road of Civil Township Main Road of Steel Township INFRASTRUCTURE PROFILE = RAILWAYS = Rourkela Railway junction is situated in Howrah-Mumbai line under South Eastern Railway. ty is dire Ahmedabad, R connected hi, Dh h Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore ad and Pune. = Rourkéla junction o7 more line goes fro Fe line goes to Biramitrapur, One Bimalagarh to Kiriburu Mines. = Many goods trainalso pass th = AIRPORT Rourkela every day = After inception of Rourkela Stee! Plant, the Government of India build an Air Strip at Rourkela in 1960's and till 1991 it was under Government control. = In 1991 the management and control of this Air strip was transferred to SAIL ® And recently AAl has approved for its upgradation to Airport HOUSING PROFILE = The Status of Housing in Rourkela is governed by 3 factors = Rapid Urbanization Sean TR athikata Block Bisra Block eis jourkela Urban 123857 "= Socio Economic Diversity Aggiomeration = Major variety of social and economic status of (Source: Cerausefindia 200) ? =) Migration due to job opportunities Urban! Development (small leve = Dichotomy OSHB Houses Constructed (Basanti and Chhend Colony) HIG. A (0 HIG B (Dy HIG A Hic B MIG 1 Mig 11 mi 34 38 6 a6 421 434 329 us ug 1 ug 11 ews SER SHOP TOTAL 1753 316 214 991 7 60 5114 HUDCO plots distributed (Koelnagar) = HIG 56 + MIGL 1000 = MIGIL 600 = us $00 = TOTAL 2150 SELF-FINANCED Plots HIG MiG 11 TOTAL 38 1s 13 HOUSING PROFILE * Railway Colony Quarters SAIL Quarters = Typei 420 = Cheap Type 3747 = EX+Hostel 105 = Type? 377 = Lroom 1524 = Ex Flat 696 = Type3 17 = 1LBR-AT = SOB pee = Types 19 12727 = SPL 58 = Types 1 | 1BRHT 2278 Tora 3.732 = IBRLT © 953 = MBRHT © 1258 = MBRIT 45 = BRHT 330 = Total 834 * PRIVATE HOUSING = Jagda: * BLOCKS = Kuanrmunda, Lat = SLUMS = Notified Sh . atified Shums ADMINISTRATIVE PROFILE ENVIRONMENT PROFILE = Rourkela has a reserved forest of 6.22% of its area, * The Quarters in the Steel Township is are allocated with same space around it for gardens, * Plantation is done every year on the vacant lands. = Each sector is divided into blocks and each block is punctured with open spaces and every house has at least 2 trees planted and there is prohibition on chopping down of trees. REFERENCES = Demography itstream/1.0603/1 ® http://shodhganga apter%5.pdf = http ® Phatographs- comyrkltips THANK YOU

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