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(Established under Section 3 of the UGC Act 1956)

Re-accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ grade (3.58/4) Awarded Category – I by UGC

Program: BBA LLB

Batch: 2020 - 2025
Semester: 2
Course Name: English (Communication Skills)
Seat No: 196094
PRN: 20010324114


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Ques. 1(B)
House No. 684
Shanti Colony
New Delhi- 110026
30 July, 2021
The Police Inspector
Punjabi Bagh
West Delhi District

Subject – To strengthen the securities due to threat of burglaries

Respected Sir/ma’am
I hereby write this letter to inform you that in my colony i.e. Shanti Colony there were various
attempts of burglaries in the past couple of weeks. And the main reason behind these attempts of
burglaries are recklessness of the security as the security guards are not performing their work
effectively and sincerely. The security guards don’t even ask any new person who enters in the colony
and just enjoy sitting on chair.
As yesterday only due to carelessness of security a thief entered in the colony easily and he tried to
enter my neighbor’s house by breaking his window glass but fortunately due to the sound of the glass
breaking my neighbors woke up and when they saw through the broken window the thief was running
towards the colony gate and the security guard had not even closed the gate or attempted to catch the
thief. I have also attached a CCTV footage with the letter which will help you to better understand the
irresponsible behavior of the security guards.
So, nowadays thieves are reaching the colony easily due to this and as it is a matter of our safety, I
request you to look into this matter and take the required actions at the earliest.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely

Ques. 2(B)
Communication in a basic sense relates to exchange of ideas, thoughts and information between two
or more people. Communication can be verbal, written or even non-verbal. Non-verbal
communication is used widely in our daily lives but it is hardly noticed. Non- verbal communication
is any communication which is not verbal communication. It can be in the form of gestures, facial
expressions, body language, physical touch etc. Non verbal communication can be of many times.
1) Kinesics- Kinesics is related to “body language” of the parties communicating. Some reports
suggest that 90% of the entire communication between people happens through non-verbal
communication and body language is one of the most important aspect of non verbal communication,
if not the most important. Sitting/ standing posture, usage of hands during conversation, eye contact,
etc are all forms of body language and play a vital role in how the receiver perceives the information
2) Haptics- It relates to “physical touch”. This aspect of communication is very important and shows
the interest/intimacy/ trust etc between the parties. A study conducted by Hornik showed that waiters
who touched their customers often collected more tips.3) Proxemics- The distance between the parties
while communicating also influences the outcome of the communication. It also shows what kind of
relation the parties have. Edward Hall, a psychologist suggested that if the distance between the
parties is 0 to 18 inches, it is intimate relation, if it is 18 inches to 4 feet, it is a personal relation, 4 to
10 feet, it is social and if its more than 10 feet, it is social.
4) Chronemics- It relates to effective use of time. For example, if a boss comes to the office early
every day, he is subtly communicating that he expects everyone to be on time as well.
5) Artifacts- Material objects are a very important part of one’s life. They have attached some
sentimental, emotional value. They are more or less an extension of a person’s self. Using these
material objects can boost up the confidence, motivation and energy a person has. (Wearing a bold
colour shirt)
6) Paralanguage- Various factors of speech including tone, pitch, speed, volume, silences and laugh
can have a huge role in effective communication. This is usage of language without utterance of any
word. To show that one is interested in a conversation, they can use “ohh” or “ah”.
7) Environment- The environment that one is a part of, reveals a lot about them. It can be the colour
of the walls painted in the house, how neat the house is, etc. it is also observed in supermarkets that
most toys, candies or chocolates are kept at the bottom of the shelf, allowing children to pick them up.

Ques. 3(B)
Communication is the art of transferring the facts, ideas, feelings etc. from one person to another and
making him understood. The basic objective of communication is to communicate meaning. The
sender initiates contact by giving out message signals, which the recipient recognises and gives
meaning to before responding. For communication to be complete, the message must be decoded and
understood by the receiver. Furthermore, communication is only considered effective when the
receiver's response corresponds to the sender's intended meaning.
The practise of exchanging ideas, thoughts, knowledge, and information in such a way that the
purpose or intention is realised to the best of one's ability is known as effective communication. It is
the sender's presentation of his or her points of view to the listener in the most understandable manner
Because communication is such a complex process, it's critical to be aware of communication
interference and roadblocks that could stymie the smooth flow of successful communication. These
barriers could be caused by the sender/receiver or the communication circumstances. However, they
must be avoided in order to become effective communicators. Any kind of interference like noise,
smell etc. as it is generally known to, might complicate the communication process and interfere with
our message in real-world settings. During the communication process, communication barriers might
occur, which can confuse the listener or reader, cause misunderstanding and confusion, and even lead
to communication breakdown.

Communication Barriers
 Improper Encoding: Improper encoding is a common stumbling block in the
communication process. Because the recipient doesn't grasp what's going on, there's a lot of
uncertainty and misunderstanding. Messages should be delivered in a linguistic code that is
understood by the target audience. The sender must take into account the receiver's
cognitive understanding of the communicative code in use. A communication breakdown
will very certainly occur if the audience is unable to understand the language/dialect.
Furthermore, communication breakdown occurs as a result of misunderstanding or
confusion caused by the use of an improper medium or linguistic form.
 Bypassing- The way of communication of a person depends on cultural background, the
state of mind and the way a person was grown up. Sometimes the sender while
communication can mean it in one way and the receiver from a different background can
receive it in an another or wrong way. For example, if a Russian tries to speak in English
and the receiver who is French understands it in a wrong way, then this a communicational
 Frame of Reference - The inability to see others outside of your own frame of reference
might lead to miscommunication and misunderstanding. When one interprets other people's
points of view from their perspective, they are allowing their prejudices and preconceptions
to work for them. The frame of reference is unique to everyone, as it is shaped by their life
experiences, exposure, education, personality, and a variety of other factors. To avoid
communication breakdowns, be aware of this fact and strive to step into the shoes of the
other person.
 Physical distraction- Physical distraction is another common communication barrier. For
example, if a sender is in a café having a meeting with some delegates and suddenly a
stand-up comedian starts speaking loudly and it distracts the sender. The sender then tends
to omit or forget things when is distracted or disturbed.
 Psychological and Emotional Interference - Any psychological or emotional instability
or disturbance might obstrrct efficient communication by causing a loss of interest and
concentration. Sadness, fear, rage, anxiety, or joy affect our reception and openness to other
people's views. Communication is a purposeful activity based on logic and reason, and
before engaging in a communicative engagement, one must ensure that they are not
emotionally charged (for example, very excited/ angry/ scared). When one is emotionally
charged, it may be difficult to focus on the message's content. Emotional over arousal can
have a negative impact on both encoding and decoding. Whether you're the sender or the
receiver, it's critical to concentrate on the message's content.
 Intercultural Differences - As previously stated, meaning is attributed to communication
cues by the receiver, and meanings are allocated in terms of the recipient's frame of
reference. Because the sender and receiver come from different cultures and have different
values, this perception of meaning can lead to misunderstandings during intercultural
communication. Our values, in reality, are our personal guides to thought and behaviour,
and they have a significant impact on us.

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