Activity UCSP

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Name: ____________________________________________ Section: ________________________

Date Started: ___________________ Date Completed: ___________________ Score: __________

Learning Activity Sheet

Sharing of Social and Cultural Backgrounds of Students as Acting Subjects or Social Actors, Agents, and Persons
Directions: Fill in the information needed on the table. Answer the questions that follow.

A. Province

B. Language and dialect

C. Favorite food or delicacy

D. Political views

E. Educational attainment

F. Religious belief

1. What is distinctive in the culture of your parents’ respective provinces in relation to food, language, and
religious beliefs? What insight can you draw from it to understand your parents more closely?

2. Does the educational background of your parents affect the significance of their roles in your family?
Explain your answer.

2. What is the significance of understanding the cultural and political backgrounds of your parents?

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