SF Rulebook Referense Manual

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1.1. These are the complete and canonical rules. They supersede
all other rules text except in-game text which may modify these
rules. Do not infer anything that is not in these rules.

1.2. These rules are meant as a reference and are written in an

extremely condensed and formal way. The Launch Manual will
include more flavor, a tutorial, examples, pictures, etc.

1.3. All terms defined in the Reference Manual (listed in the index at
the back of this book) are Capitalized.

1.4. Section names are Capitalized and Italicized. They are listed
with orientation maps in the beginning of the Launch manual.

1.5. Some Characters may add special rules, Items, Actions,

Abilities, or Sections. These are explained in the Character
Dossier. All terms defined in the Character Dossier (listed in
the index at the back of the Character Dossier), including all
Character and Project X names are Capitalized and Italicized.

2.1. Select Characters
2.1.1. Shuffle the Character card deck, draw a number of cards
based on the number of players as shown in the chart
below, and place the cards in 2 columns next to the board.
2.1.2. Take the matching Identity Cards for these Characters and
set them aside.

2.2. Tokens
2.2.1. Place the green Pods connected to Aft Airlock, arrow side
up, unless otherwise noted by a Character card’s special
setup instructions.
2.2.2. Place Items and/or Data on each Character card as
indicated on the right and/or top edge of the card.
2.2.3. Take the matching Kompromat ( / ) for each Character,

randomize them face down, and place them in Sections
with Kompromat icons starting from the bottom of the board
to the top, purple icons first, then green icons if there is
Kompromat remaining.
2.2.4. Place the pawns of the chosen Characters where indicated
on their Character cards.
2.2.5. Place any tokens related to the chosen Characters on the
board in the location indicated on the back of the token.
2.2.6. Place any other tokens where indicated on the board, and
keep a supply next to the board
2.3. Markers
2.3.1. Place the grey Minute marker on the Minute track in the top
left of the board in the space corresponding to your player
2.3.2. Place the Cameras marker in the “ON” position.
2.3.3. Place the Jammers marker in the “ON” position.
2.3.4. Place the Power Status marker on “Normal Power”.
2.3.5. Shuffle the 3 Reentry markers ( ), then place one
randomly facedown on the 0 slot on the Minute track.
Place the other two Reentry markers back in the game box
without looking at them.
2.4. Take one random Project X card and place it face down below
Vault X. Return the remaining Project X cards to be returned to
the box unused and unseen.

2.5. Choose player colors and take the corresponding tokens. Every
player should have 8 Influence cubes, 3 time markers ( ), an
Activation disc ( ), a Guilt marker ( ), a Bribe ( ), and a
reveal token ( ). Each player places their guilt marker on

2.6. Randomly determine the starting player and proceed with the
Sequence of Play.

2.7. Solo rules are found in the Launch Manual. For 2, 3, 6+ players,
or team games please note the special rules in section 17.

3.1. Players direct a conspiracy represented by Influence cubes of
their color (15.4.).

3.2. Players start Innocent and may become Suspect or Guilty (10.).

3.3. Players have a hand of Kompromat (8.5.2.) and Identity Cards.

This is hidden information.

3.4. Players choose one of their Identity Cards to be their Secret

Identity at the start of the game; their other Identity Cards

become Bonus Characters (BC). Rotate the BC card 180 degrees
and place it behind your Secret Identity only showing the top
part of the BC card (name and bonus icons).

3.5. Players may eventually Reveal their Secret Identity, becoming

their Player Character (PC).
3.5.1. Schrödinger Reveal. Alternatively, players may discard their
Secret Identity without revealing it and instead Reveal as
their BC, which becomes their PC. They no longer score any
Bonus Points (see 16.4.5 for more on Bonus Points).
3.6. How to win
3.6.1. Players score points for meeting their Agenda. Their PC’s
Agenda ( ) are their Primary Points and their BC’s Agenda
(Friend or Grudge ) are their Bonus Points. They also
score points for their unused and/or Possessed Bribes.
3.6.2. Players lose 1 point for each cube over their PC’s Influence
Limit that is not in their supply.
3.6.3. One or more players who are not Guilty and have
accumulated the most points win.

4.1. Characters are represented by their corresponding Character
cards; they participate in conspiracies.
4.1.1. Player Characters (PCs) are Characters that have been
4.1.2. Non-Player Characters (NPCs) are Characters that have not
been revealed.
4.2. Character Types
4.2.1. Characters may be Human (hex), Robot (gear), Data
(diamond), or Items (square).
4.2.2. Item and Data Characters cannot hold Items or Data, unless
they are Integral (8.4.). They may not perform Actions
except as specified on their Character card.
4.3. Conspirators
4.3.1. Conspirators are Live Characters with at least one of
your Influence cubes on their card, and no other player’s
Influence cubes exceeding your own. You may only Activate
(15.5.) Conspirators.
4.3.2. Your Live PC is also your Conspirator.
4.4. Abilities
4.4.1. Characters have one or two Abilities at the start of the game
and do not lose them.
4.4.2. Abilities may be persistent ( ), immediate effect ( ), or as
an Action ( ).

4.4.3. Abilities are grouped into different types: Console (orange),
Conspirator (purple), offensive (red), defensive (green),
mobility (yellow), and utility (pink). These color groups are
only intended as a guide to quickly find Abilities of a certain
4.4.4. When a Character Reveals, and thus becomes a PC, it
gains one or more extra Abilities called Reveal Powers. This
is indicated by a icon and text on the Identity- and
Character cards.
4.5. Possession
4.5.1. Characters can Possess Items, Data, and Bribes unless
otherwise indicated. Those are placed on their Character
card; Items on the right, Data on top, Bribes on the left.
4.5.2. Characters may Possess multiple of the same type of Item.
4.5.3. Characters cannot hold Items beyond the Item Limit shown
on their Character card. Any Action which would exceed
a Character’s Item Limit cannot be performed unless
otherwise specified. Reveal Powers that provide an Item will cause
Characters at their Item Limit to immediately Drop an
Item of the revealing player’s choosing.
4.6. Live & Down
4.6.1. When a Character is incapacitated due to Hazards or Attack
it becomes Down; flip the Character’s pawn to its Down side
and mark its card with a Down marker ( ). Characters in
the game that are not Down or Annihilated are Live.
4.6.2. A Down Character may not take Actions or be Activated.
4.6.3. A Down Character can be Revived (12.11.) and a Down
Robot can be Repaired (13.11.) to change their state from
Down to Live.
4.6.4. Items are still Possessed by Down Characters, but may be
Picked Up (12.2.).
4.6.5. Annihilation Certain events will Annihilate Characters and/or
Items; mark their Character card with an Annihilation
marker ( ) and remove their pawn from the board.
That Character and all of their Possessed Items are
no longer in the game. Annihilated Items are removed
from the game. Annihilated Characters and Items never count as
Escaped. You cannot Influence, Activate, Renegotiate,
or perform Actions with or against them. Annihilated Characters and Items are not Colocated
with anything.
4.6.6. Escape Characters and Items in Mesosphere have Escaped,

regardless of whether they are Live or Down. Mark
their Character card with an Escaped marker ( ).
Characters without an Escaped marker ( ) nor
Annihilation marker ( ) counts as Unescaped. You cannot Influence, Activate, Renegotiate, or do
Actions with or against Escaped Characters or Items.

5.1. Sections
5.1.1. Sections are any named outlined areas of the board,
including Pods and Outer Space, but excluding
Mesosphere. Sections are connected through Corridors,
Vents or Airlocks. Sections may have Section Actions (13.).
5.1.2. Blue Sections have Gravity. Pink and green Sections have
zero Gravity.
5.1.3. Sections can be Lit or Dark. This is relevant for Suspicion
(10.). Dark Sections are denoted by a Dark icon ( ) and
can never become Lit. Every Section that is not Dark is Lit. They become Dark
in Blackout (7.2.2.).
5.1.4. Undamaged Sections may be Damaged. When Damaged,
place a Damage token on it’s text bubble. Its Section Action
cannot be performed until it is Repaired (13.11.).
5.1.5. Power Sections ( ) affect Power Status (7.2).
5.1.6. On Board refers to all Sections except Outer Space and
launched Pods.
5.1.7. Outer Space Outer Space is a special Section representing space
outside of the station; it can only be accessed using
Airlock (13.13.). Outer Space cannot be Damaged and its Asphyxiation
Hazard cannot be removed.
5.2. Colocated components are in the same Section. A Character
is not considered Colocated with themselves, but they are
Colocated with their Possessions.

5.3. Corridors are solid colored lines connecting Sections.

5.4. Vents are yellow dashed lines connecting Sections.

5.4.1. You may not Throw through Vents.
5.4.2. Only Characters with certain Abilities, such as Tunnel Rat,
can Step through Vents.
5.4.3. Vents cannot be Locked.

5.5. Pods
5.5.1. Pods are removable green (zero Gravity) Sections used to
Escape from the station.
5.5.2. A Pod is Occupied if it has a Character, Live or Down, inside
of it.
5.5.3. Pods have an occupancy limit; no more than the indicated
number of Humans, Robots, and/or Monsters, Down or
Live, may be in that Pod. Any Action or effect which would
exceed this limit cannot be performed.
5.5.4. Pods can be launched using Timed Launch (13.6.), Section
Launch (13.7.), or Bridge Launch (13.8.) if the requirements
listed on the Pod are met. This is the primary means of
Escape. If a Damaged Pod is Launched, Annihilate the Pod
and everything inside.
5.6. Mesosphere is an off-station area. Everything in Mesosphere has
Escaped and is out of the game until Stationfall and cannot be
affected unless otherwise specified.
5.6.1. If Antimatter is brought to Mesosphere, it can still detonate

6.1. Hazards (triangles) designate Sections with grave environmental
threats to Humans and some Monsters (see Project X card). Any
Unhelmeted Humans Colocated with a Hazard become Down.

6.2. Down Unhelmeted Humans cannot be Revived in a Section with

a Hazard.

6.3. Fire ( ) and Asphyxiation Hazards ( ) can be removed with

Hazard Suppression (14.1.).

6.4. Outer Space has an Asphyxiation Hazard which cannot be


6.5. Fire will immediately Damage any Section it is in.

6.5.1. Fire cannot start in a Section with an Asphyxiation Hazard.
6.5.2. If Asphyxiation and Fire Hazards are ever Colocated, remove
the Fire.

7.1. Abandon Ship
7.1.1. Abandon Ship can be triggered as a Section Action (13.1.)
or as a consequence in a number of other situations when
the station is in grave danger. When triggered, flip the
Abandon Ship status marker. Remove all Locks. Pods with
only the Abandon Ship requirement may now be launched.
7.1.2. Abandon Ship is triggered if the Minute marker reaches “1”.

7.2. Power Status degrades if Power Sections are Damaged. Move
Power Status to the right if such Sections are Damaged, and to
the left if they are Repaired.
7.2.1. Backup Power When one Power Section has been Damaged, move
Power Status to “Backup Power”. Cameras and
Jammers turn OFF and cannot be turned back ON until
that Section is Repaired. Repairing a Power Section will permit Cameras and
Jammers to be turned ON but the Repair itself does
not turn them ON.
7.2.2. Blackout When at least two Power Sections have been
Damaged, move Power Status to “Blackout”. During
Blackout, all Sections become Dark. Section Actions
On Board (5.1.6.) are disabled except Timed Launch
(13.6.) and Airlock (13.13.). Release Project X (7.6.).
Trigger Abandon Ship (7.1.) but don’t remove Locks. Humans and Robots have Breach during Blackout: as
an Action, remove an adjacent Lock. Officers can’t move through Locks during Blackout. Repairing enough Power Sections to return to Backup
Power will return all Sections back to their previous
state and remove all Locks.
7.3. Antimatter ( ) is an Item; moving it outside of Magnetic
Containment or triggering Self-Destruct arms Antimatter.
7.3.1. Arming. Flip Antimatter to its armed (red) side and trigger
Abandon Ship (7.1.). Place the acting player’s time marker
on the Minute track 4 Minutes into the future. Armed
Antimatter will detonate when the time marker Resolves,
otherwise it will detonate at Stationfall.
7.3.2. Detonating. When Antimatter detonates, apply these
effects based on Antimatter’s location:

• Outer Space: Annihilate everything in Outer Space. Damage all

Sections with Outer Space arrows.
• Mesosphere: If in a Pod, Annihilate the Pod and everything
inside. If Possessed by a Character outside a Pod, Annihilate
the Character and all Possessions.
• On Board: The game ends, proceed to Stationfall.

7.3.3. If Antimatter would be Annihilated, it instead detonates

7.4. Jammers limit transmission of Data between Characters. They
can be turned OFF and ON with a Console Action (14.2.).
7.4.1. When Jammers are ON, Characters may only Copy Data to
Colocated Characters.
7.4.2. When Jammers are OFF, Characters may Copy Data to any
Character in the game that has not Escaped.
7.5. Cameras ( ) witness the Downing of Humans in Lit Sections,
which is relevant for Suspicion (10.1.2.). They can be turned
OFF and ON with a Section Action (13.14.) in Security Station.

7.6. Project X is a secret experiment represented by the Project X

7.6.1. Project X can be released via Blackout (7.2.2.), Release
Project X (13.3.), or Damaging Vault X. If Project X is
released, turn this card face up and follow its instructions.
7.6.2. Monsters are adversaries, represented by the red pawn,
which may be placed on the board during the game by
revealing the Project X card. Monsters are not Characters
but sometimes share Character abilities. They perform their
Actions at the end of every player’s turn as directed on their

8.1. Items are any square token. They can be Picked Up, Dropped,
Given, Thrown, Robbed, and take up an Item slot on a Character
8.1.1. Helmets ( ) protect Humans from Hazards and Attacks
with Bludgeons. A Human is Helmeted if they Possess a
Helmet and Unhelmeted if they do not Possess a Helmet. A Robot is never Helmeted, even if they Possess a
Helmet, and are not protected by Helmets.
8.1.2. Nanogel ( ) can be used to Revive (12.11.) Down Humans,
Robots, or Monsters.
8.1.3. Firebombs ( ) can be Dropped or Thrown, at which point
the active player decides if it ignites, causing a Fire Hazard
(6.) and discarding the Firebomb back to the supply.
8.1.4. Bludgeons ( ) can be used to Rob (12.9.) or Attack (12.8.)
Robots and Unhelmeted Humans, or Damage Sections.
8.1.5. Guns ( ) can be used to Rob or Attack Robots and Humans
(Helmeted or not) and Damage Sections.
8.2. Artifact ( ) and Briefcase ( ) are unique Items relevant for
scoring, but have no special abilities.

8.3. A Character must Possess an Item to use it.

8.4. Integral Items cannot be removed from the Character’s

possession in any way. Integral Items can be Annihilated by
certain effects or abilities.

8.5. Some tokens are treated like Items in some ways but are not

8.5.1. Contaminated tokens ( ) denote a Character is
Contaminated and take up an Item slot. If there are no
available Item slots, the Character must Drop an Item
(which does not count as an Action). Characters can never
have more than 1 Contamination token. Contaminated
tokens can only be removed by Decontamination (13.4.).
Contamination is relevant for some Characters’ Agenda.
8.5.2. Kompromat Kompromat ( ) can be Picked Up like an Item but
instead goes to the player’s hand. When you Use
Kompromat (15.5.5.) you can perform one Free Action
with the indicated Character if they are an NPC, or if
they are a PC, ask that player to perform an action. If
the PC refuses they become Suspect (10.1.). Unlike
Bribes, Kompromat can be used on your own PC. There is no limit to the amount of Kompromat a player
can have in their hand.

9.1. Data is not an Item. It cannot be Picked Up or Dropped. It can
be Manufactured, Copied, Transmiitted, Deleted, or Robbed by a

9.2. Characters may only Possess a single copy of each type of Data.

9.3. Data is stored on a Character’s personal computing device.

Stored Data is placed on the top portion of the Character’s card.

9.4. There are multiple types of Data; each type is Manufactured

and Copied separately.
9.4.1. X-Secret ( ) can be Manufactured in Bio Lab. If a
Character Possesses X-Secret and has your Activation token
on it, you may at any time peek at the Project X card without
revealing it to other players.
9.4.2. Evidence ( ) can be Manufactured in Security Station. It is
relevant for certain Agendas as well as Suspicion and Guilt
9.5. Manufacturing Data produces a duplicate of that Data into the
Possession of the acting Character.

9.6. Offsites
9.6.1. Offsites are off-station entities, such as Authorities and
News, which can accept copies of Data. You can Transmit
Data to an Offsite using Array Control (13.2.) or Deliver
Data to any number of Offsites with an Escaped PC after
Stationfall (16.3.). Data in an Offsite counts as Escaped
and may be relevant for endgame scoring and Suspicion.

10.1. Suspect
10.1.1. Becoming Suspect moves a player from “Innocent” to
“Suspect” on the Guilt track. It does not affect players
already Suspect or Guilty.
10.1.2. Any Action taken by the acting player during their current
Activate phase which causes a Human to become Down
in a Lit Section with Cameras ON makes the acting player
10.1.3. If a PC refuses to perform the Kompromat action proposed
by another player ( that PC’s player becomes
10.2. Guilty
10.2.1. If a player Transmits (13.2.) Evidence to Authorities, all other
Suspect players become Guilty.
10.2.2. A PC Delivering Evidence to Authorities at Stationfall does
not make other Suspect players Guilty.
10.2.3. A Guilty player cannot win unless their Escaped PC Delivers
Evidence to Authorities in Deliver Phase (16.3) at Stationfall.

11.1. You may not perform Actions with a Down Character.

11.2. Self Preservation. If a Character’s Action would cause them

to become Down or Annihilated, the Character will not take
that Action unless some Ability allows it. This only applies to
immediate effects of the Action, and only when there is a 100%
chance of becoming Down or Annihilated.

11.3. Free Actions These actions do not count towards the 1 or 2

Actions a Conspirator may perform during their Activation.

11.4. Basic Actions are Actions Characters may perform that do not
require a specific Section.

11.5. Section Actions are Actions Characters may only perform in the
specified undamaged Section. They are denoted by purple text
below the Section title.

11.6. Console Actions are Actions that can only be performed by

Characters in undamaged Sections with the orange Console
icon ( ) (or by Characters with certain Character Abilities).

11.7. This rulebook only lists Section and Console Actions that are
available in every game. There are Section and Console Actions
which are added to the game with specific Characters, and
those are listed on the Character’s special token(s) and the
Character Dossier.

12.1. Step
12.1.1. Move a Character to a connected Section through a Corridor
or through an Airlock. Characters with Tunnel Rat ability may
also Step to Sections connected through Vents.
12.1.2. Dragging. During a Step, a Character may Drag another
Colocated Down Character with them. A Character may
never Drag or be Dragged more than once on a player’s
12.1.3. Locks prevent Steps through Corridors. Some Characters
have special abilities, such as Officer, which allow them to
Step through a Lock, which removes the Lock.
12.2. Pick Up
12.2.1. Move a Colocated Item to the Activated Character’s
Character card, it is now Possessed by that Character.
12.2.2. A Character may not Pick Up an Item if doing so would
exceed their Item Limit.
12.2.3. If Kompromat is Picked Up, it immediately moves to the
acting player’s hand.
12.2.4. A Character may not Pick Up Items Possessed by Live
Characters, only from Colocated Down Characters.
12.3. Drop
Move a Possessed Item from the Activated Character’s
Character card to its current Section.

12.4. Give
12.4.1. Move an Item from the Activated Character’s Character card
to another Colocated Character’s card.
12.4.2. An Item cannot be Given if doing so would exceed the
Colocated Character’s Item Limit.
12.4.3. An Item cannot be refused when Given.
12.5. Throw
12.5.1. Move a Possessed Item to any connected Section through a
Corridor without a Lock.
12.5.2. A Character cannot Throw through Vents.
12.5.3. Characters can Throw to Outer Space by using the Airlock
Section Action (instead of the Throw Action).
12.6. Copy
12.6.1. Place a duplicate of one type of Possessed Data on a
Colocated Character’s Character card.
12.6.2. If Jammers are OFF, instead place it on the Data slot on the
Character card of any Character in the game that has not
Escaped or been Annihilated.

12.7. Delete
A PC may return one type of Data from their card to the supply.

12.8. Attack
12.8.1. With a Bludgeon, make a Colocated Robot or Unhelmeted
Human Down.
12.8.2. With a Gun, Down any one Character in the same Section.
12.9. Rob
12.9.1. With a Bludgeon, take an Item or Copy a Data type from a
Live Colocated Robot or Unhelmeted Human.
12.9.2. With a Gun you can Rob any Colocated Live Character.
12.10. Sabotage.
With a Bludgeon or Gun, Damage a Colocated Section that
is not already Damaged. Place a damaged token ( ) on
the Sections Action text box. Its Section Action cannot be
performed until that Section is Repaired.

12.11. Revive
12.11.1. With Nanogel, make a Down Colocated Human, Robot, or
Monster Live, then flip the Nanogel token from 2 to 1, or
return it to the supply if it is already at 1.
12.11.2. You cannot Revive a Human if they will immediately become
Down again, e.g. if they are Unhelmeted in a Section with a
12.12. Wait.
Skip an Action. You may retrieve your Activation Disc to your


13.1. Abandon Ship
Trigger Abandon Ship (7.1.) in Bridge with any Character with

13.2. Transmit.
13.2.1. Copy one Possessed Data type to one Offsite by placing a
duplicate on top of the Offsite icon ( or ).
13.2.2. Any Character in Array Control may perform this Action.
Jammers do not effect this Action.
13.3. Release Project X
13.3.1. Trigger Abandon Ship (7.1.) and release Project X (7.6.).
13.3.2. Release Project X may be performed in the Bridge or Cryo
lab by a Character with Officer.

13.4. Decontaminate
13.4.1. Return a Contamination on any one Character in Tanks to
the supply.
13.4.2. Decontaminate action may be performed by any Character
in Tanks.
13.5. Eject Antimatter.
If Antimatter is in Magnetic Containment and not Possessed,
move Antimatter to Outer Space and if unarmed, arm it (7.3.1.).

13.6. Timed Launch.

If inside a Pod that has met its launch requirement, place a
time marker of the acting player on the Pod. When the time
marker is resolved, move the Pod into Mesosphere. If the Pod is
Damaged when it is to move, it is instead Annihilated along with
anything in it

13.7. Section Launch.

If in a Section connected to an Occupied Pod that has met
its launch requirement, immediately move one such Pod to
Mesosphere. If the Pod is Damaged, it is instead Annihilated
along with anything in it.

13.8. Bridge Launch

13.8.1. This Action requires Abandon Ship to have already been
triggered as a precondition.
13.8.2. Immediately move all Occupied Pods that have met their
launch requirements to the Mesosphere. If any of the Pods
moved are Damaged they are instead Annihilated along with
anything in them.
13.8.3. Bridge Launch may only be performed in Bridge by a
Character with Officer.
13.9. Manufacture
13.9.1. Create the specified Item or Data into the Character’s
13.9.2. If the Character’s Item Limit is reached, the Item cannot be
13.10. Meditate
13.10.1. Retrieve all your Influence cubes from the Betrayal box.
13.10.2. Meditate may only be performed in Therapy Garden by a PC.
13.11. Repair
In Machine Shop, make a Down Colocated Robot Live.

13.12. Self-Destruct
13.12.1. Trigger Abandon Ship (7.1.) and arm Antimatter (7.3.1.).
13.12.2. Self-Destruct may only be performed in Bridge by a
Character with Officer.

13.13. Airlock
13.13.1. Step or Throw in the direction allowed by the arrow(s) to or
from Outer Space. You may Drag as part of this Step.
13.13.2. A Character may instead eject a Colocated Down Character
into Outer Space.
13.13.3. This Action cannot be taken from Outer Space into a
Damaged Section.
13.14. Cameras ON/OFF.
Character in Security Station can turn the Cameras ON or OFF.


14.1. Hazard Suppression.
In one Section, exchange a Fire Hazard for an Asphyxiation
Hazard, or remove an Asphyxiation Hazard.

14.2. Jammers ON/OFF.

Turn the Jammers ON or OFF (7.4.).


15.1. The game takes place over 10-15 rounds (depending on player
count) called Minutes. A Minute consists of all players taking
one turn, beginning with the starting player then clockwise to
the next player. When every player has taken a turn, proceed to
End of Minute (15.8.).

15.2. A player turn consists of the following phases in order: Reveal

(optional), Influence (optional), Activate or Renegotiate, and
Resolve. Any discs placed stays until moved during a later turn.

15.3. Reveal
15.3.1. Reveal as your Secret Identity or perform a Schrödinger
Reveal (3.5.1.). Place the card face up in front of you.
Place your reveal token on the corresponding Character
card, which is now your PC. Retrieve your cubes from that
Character to your supply and move other cubes on that
Character to the Betrayal box.
15.3.2. Your PC’s Reveal Power (4.4.4.) is now active; perform any
one-time effects upon Reveal.
15.4. Influence
15.4.1. Place as many Influence cubes as you like from your supply
onto a single Character card that is not Down, Escaped,
Annihilated, or a PC.
15.4.2. Your PC’s Influence Limit is the number indicated in the
white cube on both the Character card and your Secret
Identity Card. This is the maximum number of Influence
cubes that can be outside of your pool at scoring before you

start losing points.
15.5. Activate
15.5.1. At the start of the Activate phase, before the player’s
Activation disc is placed or moved, any Character with an
Activation disc on their card is considered Exhausted.
15.5.2. Place, move, or keep your Activation disc on a Live
Conspirator (4.2.) and perform one Action with them if they
are Exhausted, or two Actions if they are not.
15.5.3. Human and Robot Conspirators may also perform a Free
Pick Up or Drop Action at any point during their Activation.
Some Characters may be able to perform additional or
alternative Free Actions.
15.5.4. Using Bribes Once per game an active player can, during their
Activation phase, use a Bribe to perform a Free Action
with any Live NPC (or Live PC with permission) that has
not Escaped. The Bribe token used is placed on the left side of
its Character’s card. Perform one Action with that
Character. The Bribe remains on the card until Scoring. If Bribing another player’s PC, that player may decline
after hearing the intended Action. If they do, retrieve
the Bribe to your supply. The Bribe will be available for
use in future turns, but you may not perform another
Bribe attempt this turn. You cannot Bribe your own PC.
15.5.5. Using Kompromat Once per turn a player can use 1 Kompromat at any
point during your Activate phase. To use, place that
Kompromat on the left side of the Character card
matching the token to show it has been used, then
perform one Action with that Character. If using Kompromat on a PC, that player may refuse
after listening to the intended Action. If an Innocent
player refuses Kompromat they become Suspect. The
Kompromat is returned to the hand of the refused
player. You can use Kompromat on your own PC.
15.6. Renegotiate
15.6.1. Instead of Activating, retrieve your Activation disc to your
15.6.2. You may also retrieve one of your Influence cubes from a
Character that is not Escaped or Annihilated to your supply.

15.7. Resolve
15.7.1. Remove any of your time markers on the board placed
during a previous Minute and Resolve the event. If there are
multiple markers Resolving, you may choose the order.
15.7.2. If your time marker is on a space on the Minute track,
Resolve it at the end of your turn in that Minute.
15.7.3. If a Monster is in play, perform its specified action(s) after
Resolving any other events.
15.8. End of Minute
15.8.1. After every player has taken a turn, advance the Minute
marker. Proceed to the next player’s turn.
15.8.2. If Minute marker moves to “1”, trigger Abandon Ship (7.1.).
15.8.3. Reentry. When the minute marker moves into the “0”
minute space, flip the Reentry Token. If it’s a fireball ( )
Stationfall happens immediately, otherwise Stationfall
occurs at the end of Minute “0”.

16.1. Stationfall is performed at the end of the game, regardless
of how it was triggered. Move the Minute marker to the listed
spaces and follow the instructions in order.

16.2. Reveal.
In player order, any players that have not revealed their Secret
Identity must do so, following the instructions in 15.3. but do
not gain any benefits from Reveal Powers (unless indicated).

16.3. Deliver Data

16.3.1. In player order, any Escaped PCs (Live or Down) may Deliver
Possessed Data to any number of Offsites unless otherwise
restricted. Place a duplicate of that Data on top of any
16.3.2. If a Guilty PC Delivers Evidence to Authorities, they lower
their status to Suspect and are eligible to win the game.
16.4. Scoring
16.4.1. Characters in the Mesosphere count as Escaped regardless
of whether they are Live or Down.
16.4.2. Annihilated Characters count as Down for scoring purposes.
16.4.3. Any Characters and Items in Mesosphere are only Colocated
with other Characters and tokens in the same Section
(e.g. Characters and Items in a Pod are not Colocated with
Escaped Characters outside that Pod).
16.4.4. Primary Points (Agenda) Players score points for meeting their PC’s Agenda . If a point row starts with a “+”, then the first
nonplussed row preceding it is a precondition to
scoring those points. (e.g. many Characters get points
for escaping, but also get points for Possessing certain
Items or Data. They will not score points for Possessing
those Items or Data unless they also Escape)
16.4.5. Bonus Points If the Bonus Character is a Friend, score 1 point per
Friend icon ( ) if that Character Escaped . If the Bonus Character is a Grudge, score 1 point per
Grudge icon ( ) if that Character was Down and did
not Escape.
16.4.6. Other Points Score 1 point if the player still has their unused Bribe. Score 1 point for every other player’s Bribe on their
PC’s card.
16.4.7. Point Penalties. Lose 1 point for every Influence cube
outside of your pool over your PC’s Influence Limit (15.4.2.).
16.4.8. Winner. The winner is the player with the most points who
is not Guilty. There may be more than one winner if tied,
playing with 6+ players, or in team games.
16.4.9. Tiebreakers. The tied player with the fewest cubes in the
Betrayal box wins. If still tied, the tied player with the most
unused Influence cubes wins. If still tied, share the victory.

17. RULES FOR 1, 2, 3 and 6+ PLAYERS

17.1. 1-player rules (Solo) are found in the Launch Manual.

17.2. 2 players
17.2.1. Set up the game as in a 4 player game, except each player
is dealt three cards and selects two separate Secret
Identities, representing a coalition of two cooperating
conspiracies, each with a separate color. Each player still
only has one Bonus Character.
17.2.2. 2 player turns Each player plays with two colors, representing their
two separate Secret Identities. A player choose which
color belongs to each Secret Identity during setup. Place the four 2 player Minute markers on the Minute
track in alternating order. The two players alternate
acting with each color (e.g. player 1’s first color then
player 2’s first color then player 1’s second color then
player 2’s second color). After taking a turn, move that color’s Minute marker
to the next Minute space, on top of any prior colors’
Minute markers. At the end of the Minute, flip the stack
of Minute markers, and proceed to a new Minute. Abandon Ship happens immediately when any color’s
Minute marker reaches “1”.

17.2.3. You can not Schrödinger Reveals (3.5.1.) in 2 player games.
17.2.4. If you Reveal (15.3.) only your active Secret Identity retrieves
cubes to their supply. All other cubes, including those
belonging to your other Secret Identity, go to the Betrayal
17.2.5. The Influence Limits of each Secret Identity must be
separately respected and penalized at the end of the game.
17.2.6. Kompromat that is Picked Up still goes to the single player,
and can be used during either of their Secret Identities’
17.2.7. Players get two Bribes (one of each color), but they can only
be used during the appropriate Secret Identity’s turn and
cannot be used on the PC of their color.
17.2.8. Players do not score Possessed Bribes given to their own
Secret Identities, regardless of color.
17.2.9. At Stationfall, combine the points of both Secret Identities,
your Bonus Character, and Bribes.
17.2.10. A player cannot win if either of their Secret Identities are
17.3. 3 players
17.3.1. Each player is dealt three cards and chooses one to be their
Secret Identity; the other two are Bonus Characters.
17.3.2. If a player performs a Schrödinger Reveal (3.5.1.), that
player may Reveal as either of their Bonus Characters. That
player discards both their Secret Identity and the other
unrevealed Bonus Character.
17.4. 6-8 players. There are two winners in 6-8 player games without

17.5. 9 players. There are three winners in 9 player games.


18.1. Split players into teams of 2 and set up the game as normal,
except instead of dealing two Identity Cards to each individual
player, deal each team 3 Identity Cards.

18.2. Together the players on each team decide which of them will
play as each particular Secret Identity. A single team Bonus
Character will be left over.

18.3. You can not Schrödinger Reveals (3.5.1.) in team games.

18.4. Artificially set the turn order such that no team has two
consecutive player turns.

18.5. During scoring, tally all points for each of your teammate’s
individual scores and add them together. The team bonus card
scores for the team overall.
Sequence of Play
1. Reveal (optional) 15.3.
2. Influence (optional) 15.4.
3. Activate 15.5. / Renegotiate 15.6.
4. Resolve 15.7.

Basic Actions
Attack 12.8. Give 12.4. Sabotage 12.10.
Copy 12.6. Rob 12.9. Step 12.1.
Delete 12.7. Pick Up 12.2. Throw 12.5.
Drop 12.3. Revive 12.11. Wait 12.12.

Section Actions
Abandon Ship 13.1. Decontaminate 13.4. Repair 13.11.
Airlock 13.13. Eject Antimatter 13.5. Section Launch 13.7.
Bridge Launch 13.8. Manufacture 13.9. Self-Destruct 13.12.
Release Project X 13.3. Meditate 13.10. Transmit 13.2.
Cameras ON/OFF 13.14. Timed Launch 13.6.

Console Actions
Hazard Suppression 14.1. Jammers ON/OFF 14.2.

Abandon Ship 7.1. Deliver 16.3. Nanogel 8.1.2.
Actions 11. Down 4.6. NPC 4.1.2.
Agenda 16.4.4. Drag 12.1.2. Occupied 5.5.2.
Annihilate 4.6.5. Escaped 4.6.6. Offsites 9.6.
Antimatter 7.3. Evidence 9.4.2. On Board 5.1.6.
Artifact 8.2. Fire 6.5. Outer Space 5.1.7
Asphyxiation 6. Firbomb 8.1.3. PC 4.1.1.
BC 3.4. Free Action 11.3. Pod 5.5.
Betrayal Box 15.3.1. Gravity 5.1.2. Possession 4.5.
Blackout 7.2.2. Guilty 10.2. Project X 7.6.
Bludgeon 8.1.4. Gun 8.1.5. Reentry 15.8.3.
Bribe 15.5.4. Hazard 6. Resolve 15.7.
Briefcase 8.2. Helmet 8.1.1. Reveal Power 4.4.4.
Bonus Points 16.4.5. Integral 8.4. Power Section 7.2.
Cameras 7.5. Item 8. Schrodinger Reveal 3.5.1.
Character 4. Jammers 7.4. Secret Identity 3.4.
Colocated 5.2. Kompromat 8.5.2. Section 5.1.
Conspirator 4.3. Lit Section Action 11.5./13.
Console Actions 11.6. Live 4.6. Self-Preservation 11.2.
Contaminated 8.5.1. Lock 12.1.3. Stationfall 16.
Corridor 5.3. Manufacture 9.5. Suspect 10.1.
Damage 5.1.4. Mesosphere 5.6. Unescaped
Dark Minute 15.1. Unhelmeted 8.1.1
Data 9. Monster 7.6.2. Vent 5.4.
X-Secret 9.4.1.


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