TedTalk Analysis 4

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What was the purpose of the speech?

To inform, persuade, or entertain and why do you

think that? What was thesis of the speech?

The purpose of the speech was to inform. I think this because he is describing why
people succeed and instructing on how to as well. The thesis of this speech was that
the golden circle is the reason for the success of many.

What is the "Golden Circle? Explain it.

The golden circle is how some people can inspire and others cannot. It is three circles
the largest being what you do, the second being how you do it, and the third is why. You
use the circle from the inside out.

In chapter 17 of the textbook, we are introduced to Rhetorical Proofs. What is Pathos,

Ethos, and Logos? How did the speaker promote pathos, ethos, and logos? How does
each of the 3 rhetorical proofs help him with his speech?

Pathos is appealing to emotions Ethos to status and Logos to logic. The speaker
promoted these by using examples to appeal to many different statuses, presenting
facts, and making you feel. The three rhetorical proofs help him with his speech by
grabbing a keeping people’s attention, by appealing to different emotions, logic, and

Think of the topic you want to do for your Persuasive speech. Come up with an
argument using the Golden Circle method. Do not use the same argument Simon uses.
Use the Argument element in chapter 16-17.

I care about the safety of planes, pilots, and passengers. Flight instructors need to give
more rigorous training, and they need more rigorous training to be a flight instructor.
This will ensure the safety of all parties, and decrease the amount of crashes.

Now think about Monroe's Motivational Sequence (Pages 306-310). How does the
Golden Circle and Monroe's Motivation Sequence work together?

In both, you are starting with the why. The intro is why you should listen and the golden
circle is why you should care. Going through the rest of the speech is your how and
what with your body. And then encompassing it all into the conclusion.

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