The Future of Hospital

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The Future Hospital: A Business

Architecture View
Ariffin Marzuki Mokhtar

Submitted: 5 Apr 2017 Directors Office, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Jalan Sultanah
Accepted: 8 May 2017 Zainab II, 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia
Online: 26 Oct 2017

To cite this article: Mokhtar AM. The future hospital: A business architecture view. Malays J Med Sci. 2017;24(5):

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The future hospital is a resilient, physical learning facility featuring digital enhancement
and leveraging an ecosystem of platforms for the Internet of Things (IoT) and analytics, achieving
patient-centric care delivery via multidisciplinary healthcare provider teams coordinated to
meet patients’ medical, psychological, social and economic needs. It exists in a just ecosystem
that assimilates the care spectrum from healthy living, the prevention of disease to acute care
and the rehabilitation of patients recuperating from illnesses. It will take some time for these
future hospitals to be built or for current hospitals to evolve and/or transform, but efforts to
spread wisdom among the stakeholders, healthcare providers and patients must start now. The
development of the digital components can also begin today, as can competency building for the
healthcare providers who will be staffing these future hospitals, ensuring that they are equipped
with competent staff employing patient-centric care processes that cater to patients’ current and
future needs.

Keywords: future hospital, technology, information system, information communication technology, business
architecture, patient safety

Malays J Med Sci. Sep-Oct 2017; 24(5): 1-6 © Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2017
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Malays J Med Sci. Sep-Oct 2017; 24(5): 1–6

‘The future is already here-it’s just not evenly 21st century. Fundamental reform of healthcare
distributed’ (1). is needed to ensure that all (patients) receive
care that is safe, effective, patient centred, timely,
Introduction efficient and equitable (12). The report also
set the four stages of evolution for the design
of health organisation based on three sets of
A number of articles have been written about
dimensions: the patient’s experience, knowledge
the future hospitals worldwide. The discussions
and skills management and care delivery. The
and findings includes visions, roles, competency,
most notable points in these stages is the patient-
capabilities, guidelines, and an architect’s
centricity of the design and the information-rich
perspective (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). The Royal
clinical environment that stresses competency
College of Physician, in the United Kingdom
building, a multidisciplinary approach to patient
triennially publishes the Future Hospital
care and coordinated care with information
Journal to provide a forum for debate around
technology as the basic building blocks for
the delivery of secondary healthcare (9). What
making systems work, tracking performance
are the characteristics of these future hospitals,
and increasing learning (12). The report sets the
and what are the challenges facing an existing
foundation for future hospitals to build upon
hospital that wants to morph into a future
the premise that they will have the capability to
hospital in Malaysia? The expectation for the
solve the current problems, cater to the ever-
future hospital is that it will have the capability
changing future needs of the patients and enable
to solve current problems, will cater to patients’
healthcare providers to deliver high quality and
ever-changing future needs and it will enable
safe care.
healthcare providers to deliver high quality and
This editorial’s aims to discuss, from a
safe care to their patients.
business architecture point of view, what a future
hospital is, why it is a needed, where and when
Background shall it operate, capabilities, competencies,
roles and responsibilities involved in the future
Modern hospitals are very different from hospital, and how to begin the journey toward
the cramped vermin-infested institutions of creating a future hospital that will cater to the
the past. Laws and regulations have made current and future patients’ needs including a
significant strides in ensuring the safety and staff empowered to deliver high quality and safe
comfort of patients admitted to the modern care.
hospital. Technology filled hospitals are
available in many parts of the world including
The Future Hospital
Malaysia, and they have served many patients
over the years. Issues still present themselves
From the start, the future hospital will be
in the form of rising healthcare delivery costs,
designed to be patient centric, with healthcare
questionable sustainability of the organisations
providers working in high performing
delivering healthcare, out-dated business
multidisciplinary teams who would look into
models and, patient safety concerns, such as
the patients’ medical, nursing, psychological
hospital-acquired infections, medical errors and
and socio-economic needs. Its goal, by design,
healthcare providers’ ethics. The Committee
is to provide a safe and healing environment for
on the Quality of Healthcare highlighted each
patients, delivering high quality services across
of these in its first report (10). There are also
the healthcare spectrum. The hospital’s design
unmet needs among the patients, care-takers,
will consider the strategy, people, structure,
families and the community such as autonomy in
rewards and processes related to it (13). The
therapy, informed consent and adverse incident
strategies for adoption by the future system
disclosure (11).
include clinician-hospital alignment, quality,
In 2001, the Committee’s second report,
patient safety, efficiency through productivity
‘Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health
and financial management, integrated
System for the 21st Century’ was pivotal in
information systems, integrated providers
providing a strategic direction for the design of
networks, engaged employees and physicians,
a 21st century healthcare delivery system. The
strengthened finances, payer-provider
report addresses quality-related issues more
partnership, scenario-based planning and
broadly, providing a strategic direction for
population health improvement (5). The people
redesigning the healthcare delivery system of the

Editorial | The future hospital: A business architecture view

operating the future hospital must be competent borderless ecosystem that fosters the facilitation
to cater to the current and future needs of both and enablement of clinical services across the
the patients and staff alike. A competent staff has hospital, community and patients’ home settings.
knowledge and mastery of its subject matter and This is a huge paradigm shift for both patients
engages in continuous improvement methods, and healthcare providers, that will necessitate a
building the skills needed to use the tools of their competency building programme to allow both
trades (including digital tools) effectively and the groups to gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes
ability to self-motivate for lifelong learning (14). they need to grow their partnership and for it to
The competencies of future hospitals include, but flourish in time.
not limited to, the design and implementation The hospital’s management team must take a
of patient-centered integrated care, the creation facilitative and enabling role (using a leadership
of accountable governance and leadership, platform) that promotes this shift, to ensure
strategic planning in an unstable environment, its sustainability by conducting programmes
internal and external collaboration, financial for both healthcare providers and patients.
stewardship and enterprise risk management, Information and communication technology
the engagement of full employee potential and will play a vital role in this partnership, and an
the collection and utilisation of electronic data ecosystem of platforms must be designed to
for performance improvement are also part of allow the partnership to be executed in a digital
the system (5). platform designed for patient partnership (19).
Future hospitals will operate based on a Here, the patient will have access to and will
mindful infrastructure for high reliability that input data on his or her health and symptoms
includes the capability to discover unexpected and the information will be available to each
events (mindful anticipation) and manage them of his or her healthcare providers. This digital
(mindful containment). This mindfulness will platform can also be escalated into a lifeline,
lead to high reliability with five characteristics if the patient is in dire need of urgent care.
that define these institutes: pre-occupation This lifeline will not only be digitally available,
with failure, reluctance to simplify, sensitivity but also physically present in the chain of
to operations, commitment to resilience and survival that extends beyond the hospital to
deference to expertise (15). The hospitals reward the community and homes via a network of
system will be value-based, which is defined as healthcare outreach providers. Patients’ homes
outcomes attained over the costs incurred. The will serve as a hub for many sensors related to
multi-disciplinary team rewards will be based their wellbeing (leveraging the technology of
on outcomes and performance for excellence the IoT in patient care) and will function, when
across the board, with transparent measures needed, as an extension of the hospital with
based on continuous feedback on both tangible provisions for the escalation of care by using
and intangible indicators (16). Processes will be outreach teams who shall be made available to
managed across the enterprise using the best assist them should the need arise (18). These
of practices that are continuously measured healthcare providers will work seamlessly as part
through feedback on their design and execution of a multidisciplinary team that uses another
dimensions, and compliance is assured via platform, one for clinical care delivery, allowing
a closed-loop mechanism (17). Information for collaboration among team members from
and communication technology will play an many disciplines.
important role in the future hospital as a tool for The talent management platform will serve
delivering high quality, safe and patient-centric as another facilitation to leadership, patient
care by allowing partnerships between patients and care platforms that allow collaborations
and providers including the co-ordination of to occur in a knowledge-sharing ecosystem.
multi-disciplinary teams of care providers across Each of these platforms will be supported
the care spectrum in a decentralised manner by a comprehensive, secure and borderless
(18). technology infrastructure that allows it to work
seamlessly across platforms and care settings.
Patients’ Digital Engagement It will also serve as a coordination point for the
physical resources needed for such partnership
to occur. This is what it means when we say that
The future hospital’s recipe for success
the future hospital will have both a physical and
will rely on engaging of patients as a part of the
digital presence; each will compliment the other,
multidisciplinary healthcare team in one secure
allowing the patient meaningful access to his or 3
Malays J Med Sci. Sep-Oct 2017; 24(5): 1–6

her health and treatment information across the Evolving an existing hospital into a future
care spectrum. Patient partnerships, knowledge hospital will require a different methodology as
sharing and the co-ordination of resources based the existing hospitals will be deemed a legacy
on the patient’s needs in a resilient environment, system that shall require to a new systems (22).
will ensure that care is delivered not only safely An assessment of the hospital’s core, operating
but also to a high standard. This quality will be environment and support environment must
measurable by the indicators from each activity be done to determine the extent of change that
and data from sources close to the patient care is required and then factored into the evolution
transactions, thus allowing analytics to be used initiative.
continuously to monitor the data and transform The second step with a legacy system is
it into decisions and actionable care for patients similar to the design of a new hospital elaborated
across the whole spectrum of the healthcare above: the future systems are the architecture
ecosystem. targets for the core, target architecture for the
core, operating and support environments, all of
Challenges for Establishing the Future which will need to be designed and built based
on the insights gained from the assessment of
Hospital in Malaysia the legacy system incorporating its systems
engineering, management and project activities
There are two challenges in designing a new (along with its key processes and products) and
or evolving an existing Malaysian hospital to be taking into consideration the technology that is
a hospital of the future. The first is having the available both now and in the future.
capability to design a new future hospital from All of these plans must be executed as an
scratch, and the second is the capability to evolve evolution or transformation programme over
current hospitals to meet these new standards time, with milestones and deliverables to guide
(20). These capabilities can be broken down into them. Both can be used as examples for any
capability increments to address the challenges. organisation in Malaysia seeking either to design
The increments can be further be divided into or evolve into a hospital of the future.
three dimensions that include processes, people
and materials.
The process dimension is first catered for Conclusion
by defining the concepts, business processes
and information management needed for the The future hospital is not about the physical
future hospital. The people dimension includes structure/technology; it is about building staff
individual and collective training efforts, competency, creating a just ecosystem that
plus professional development for healthcare consists of platforms for patient engagement,
providers and non-clinical or managerial staff talent management and associated business
staff. The material dimension includes the services supported by technology by design. The
infrastructure information, technology and future hospital is about delivering high quality,
equipment in the hospital that the healthcare safe, efficient and effective care. It is also about
providers will use. Using the above framework, the engagement and facilitation of patients’
a roadmap for a future hospital can be devised interactions with their healthcare providers.
for both capabilities. In order to design a Finally, it is about employing innovative new
future hospital, a team must first have the methods to re-invent the care processes to serve
competency to plan, build, run and monitor the patient population.
the overall initiative (21). This competency In summary, the future hospital is a digital
can be built individually, or via a collective facility that humanises healthcare for patients
programme that leads to the team’s professional in the quest of cures for ailments. It is a highly
development. This programme will enable reliable organisation that is resilient, manages
the team to design the concept of the future knowledge and is just to the healthcare
hospital and its business processes, including providers, including the stakeholders (23,
its information management plans. Only then 24). It exists as an important component of
can the materials for the projects be defined an ecosystem that promotes the full spectrum
including the infrastructure, information of healthcare services in the community it
technology and equipment identified. These serves, and it is centred on the digital home and
will be used to estimate the cost to build both family units it supports. These are the winning
the physical building and digital entities (20). characteristics of the future hospital that will

Editorial | The future hospital: A business architecture view

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I wish to thank Dr Nor Zainiyah Norita binti
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approval of the article.
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COBIT 5 Certified
Deputy Director (Operations) Hospital Universiti
Sains Malaysia and Senior Lecturer 10. Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS, editors.
Department of Anaesthesiology, School of Medical To err is human: building a safer health system.
Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Committee on Quality of Healthcare in America,
16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia.
USA: Institute of Medicine, National Academies
Tel: 609-7673005/3002
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