Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Veterinary Helminthology

How many periods are (5) EMPiPlmPpt

there in the history? What 1. Early Civilization
are those and their time? 2. Medieval Period 700-1600 A.D
3. Period of helminthic
identification and classification
1601-1850 A.D.
4. Period of helminthic life cycles,
medical protozoology and
Arthropod Vectors 1851-1920
5. Period of preventive and
therapeutic parasitology 1921-

Clue: 16+250+70+40
When and what is Ebers E 1551
papyrus  Contains earliest records of
presence of parasites in man
 Described 4 important worms
o Taenia saginata TW of beef
o Ascaris lumbricoides
o Dracunculus medinensis
o Schistosoma haematobium
 Information regarding
ectoparasites: FFL
o Fleas
o Flies
o Lice
When and what is Mosaic E 1460
code  It concerns the animal flesh 
Israelites knowledge to the
relationship of helminths to
human ailments
 Clean and unclean animal
What does Mosaic Code Flesh of hog, camels and hares
restrict and why?  Basing on the presence of
bladder worm Cesticerci and
upon hog’s skin
What are present on the  Guinea worm- plague of the
mosaic code within the “fiery serpents” causing plague in
bible? the Israel 1600
 Fleas, flies and lice are also

What is the SN and CN of  Guinea worm

the fiery serpents?  Dracunculus medinensis
Who are the pioneers in the 4 AHG-P
EC 1. Aristotle
2. Hippocrates
3. Galen
4. Plutarch
Aristotle in EC described He described 3 (TAP) and noted 1 (BW)
and noted? TAP described
 Tapeworm
 Ascarids
 Pinworms
BW noted
 Bladder worm of hogs
Bladder worms SN and Cysticercus tenuicollis
location when noted? (g. Taenia) found on the tongue of hog
It causes Cysticercosis
Hippocrates in the EC Diagnosis and Removal of Hydatid cyst
described what? Clue DR
Hydatid cyst is referred to Pinworms in horses (liver)
as _ in _ Are horses IH?
From Pic: who recognized Goeze recognized the
the cestode nature of cestode(tapeworm) nature of hydatid
Hydatid cysts cysts
SN of pinworms Oxyuris equi -vet
Enterobius vermicularis -man
Galen in EC recognized and Galen described Hc and Cc and observed
observed? PW of horses
Who observed the urinary Plutarch
myiasis in EC
What is Helminthology in  Little advances in parasitology
Medieval Period  Great increase in prevalence or
no. of helminths and arthropod
o unsanitary conditions
o ineffective treatment
Why helminths and  due to unsanitary conditions
arthropod increased in MP  ineffective treatment
What are the only Only 2 described by Arabic ad Persians
important advances in Physicians
Helminth. In MP  urinary schistosomiasis
 filariid elephantiasis
SN of Urinary Schistosoma haemotobium
SN of Filariid Elephantiasis f. Filariodidea :
Filarial roundworm-thread like
Who are the pioneers of AJG
MP and write the years 1. Avicenna (1037)
2. Jean de Brie (1379)
3. Gessner (1558)
What did Avicenna Avicenna described morpho and
describe? sympthomato of BAP-G
 Beef tapeworm (trema) (Taenia
 Ascarids
 Pinworms
 Guinea worm
Who and where discovery Liver fluke
of liver fluke  By Jean de Brie (1st ever who
 In the bile ducts of sheep
 Associated liver rot
What is associated to the Liver rot
liver fluke
SN of liver fluke Fasciola hepatica
Gessner recognized human Cysticercus cellulosae
infection caused by?
Diff between C. cellulosae Cellulosae-man
and C. tenuicollis Tenuicollis-horse
What period was Plater and Pi 1603
his work  Diphyllobothrium latum
ATR: IH12, PH and DH of 1st IH Crustacean: coracidia procercoid
Diphyllobothrium latum 2nd IH small fish: plerocercoid
(give the stage) Paratenic H predator fish: Plerocercoid
invades the tissue
DH: any fish-eating mammal will then
release unembryonated egg from feces
which will embryonate in the water
What period was Wepfer Pi 1675
and his work  Cysticercus bovis
What period was AVL Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek
Pi 1676
 Recognized free living protozoa

What period was Redi and Pi 1684

his work  Described the animal nature of
Hc and Cc
Who removed Loa loa from Mongin 1770
human eye
CN of Loa loa Translated to “worm worm” but is known
as eye worm
ATR: Eyeworm is located Conjunctiva or subconjunctiva of the eye
commonly at the (specific)
Period and work of Pallas; Pic 1781
clue Mh  Discovered
Acanthocephalan parasite thorny-headed worms which includes
means? Macracanthorynchus hirudinaceus
M. hirudinaceus is the Macracanthorynchus hirudinaceus is the
parasite of the small intestine of the pig
Period and work of Goeze Pic 1782
 Differentiated Taenia saginata
and Taenia solium
 Recognized the cestode nature of
hydatid cyst
 Discovered kidney worm
 First accurate description of
Trichuris trichiura
Taenia saginata vs Taenia  T saginata gravid proglottids in
solium 3 main differences feces have many uterine branch
compare to T. solium
 T saginata (cattle) and T solium
 T solium have rostrum and hooks
– T saginata have none
_ of Taenia hatch to Oncosphere
penetrate the IW and
travel to the musculature
Upon reaching the muscle _ Oncosphere : Cysticerci
of Taenia hatch into _
What kind of worm is T as in Taenia and T as in Tapeworm
Taenia? cestodes
SN of Kidney worm, what Dioctophyma renale is a nematode
kind of worm? (particularly in swine)
Is kidney worm Dr the FALSE -it’s the largest!
smallest parasitic nematode
worm known to infect
SN of human whipworm? Trichuris trichiura is a parasitic nematode
What kind of worm
On the 18th and first half of Many spp. of worms and arthropods
19th _ were IDed and systems of classification
were formulated
Period and work of Owen Pi 1835
 Described the larva Trichenella
Period and work of Dubini Pi 1838
 Discovered hookworm
Ancylostoma doudenale
Period and work of Busk Pi 1843
 Discovered Fasciolopsis buski
Period and work of Pi 1771
Linnaeus  Accurate description of
helminthic parasites
 Classification of principal group
Period and work of Zeder Pi 1800
 Taxonomy of CNT +
acanthocephalic worm
Rudolphi clue: CNT-C Pi 1808
 Gave the SN of phyla Nematodae
and Trematoda
Lammark work Pi 1818
 Placed leeches under phylum
In Plma the past discoveries Consolidated to new discoveries including
are  Life cycle
 Protozoan parasite
 Arthropod vectors were
Who discovered Bilharz on 1851
Schistosoma haematobium
Work of Demarquay Discovered Wbm/ Wuchereria bancrofti
Work of Bancroft Discovered Wba/ Wuchereria bancrofti
Work of Kerbert Discovered Paragonimus westermanii
Work of Manson  Showed that Culex pipiens
fatigans is vector of Wb
 Diphyllobothrium erinacei
Work of Leukart Onchocerca volvulus
Work of Melnikav Larval stage of Dipylidium caninum within
the dog louse
Smith and Kilborne Ticks are the transmitting agent of Texas
demonstrated that fever
Smith and kilborne said that Babesia bigemina- protozoa causing
ticks carry Texas fever, Texas fever
what is this EA
Who traced the Ross- ATR: AMP: haemoproteus and
development of avian plasmodium
malarial parasite
Work of Reed Proved that yellow fever EA is
transmitted by Aedes aegypti
ATR: Schistosomiasis Bilharziasis
another name
ATR: T/F is S. haematobium No! it’s a BLOOD FLUKE
a liver fluke?
ATR: Paragonimus Lung fluke causing paragonimiasis
westermanii CN
ATR: W. bancrofti is the EA Lymphatic filariasis
ATR: EA of river blindness Onchocerca volvulus -FilN
ATR: Dipylidium caninum Lice (chewing) and fleas “flea tapeworm”
Study of the life cycle of 1. Epidemiological investigation
parasites paved way to (2) 2. Installation of preventive
EiIpmPtc measures
3. Preventive and therapeutic
campaign of international scope
In the installation of DESTRUCTION OF
preventive measures what 1. Insect vectors
are involved? 2. Reservoir
3. Host
4. Mollusk IH
In the campaign what  Finance -Rockefeller Foundation
foundations financed and  Developed -WHO
WHO reduced the Parasitic diseases including
prevalence of  Malaria
MAH  ASS (Trypanosoma brucei)
 Hookworm (Ancylostoma
duodenale/ Necator americanus)
Who discovered Necator Stiles 1902
What did Steenstrup on Ppt Steenstrup recognized that cercariae as
did? -clue: recognized larval flukes and disclosed the alteration
of the host
T/F Cysticerci are NOT the FALSE: Cysticerci are the larval stage of
larval stage of tapeworms tapeworms
Who said that cysticerci is Kuchenmeister
the larval stage of
Who established the life Von Siebold! Ff: Echinococcus granulosis
history of Echinococcus is called the hydatid cyst-cylophyllid
granulosis in cattle and dog

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