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Persuasive Techniques
Technique Meaning Effect
Problem and The advertisement first It blurs the lines between what the
Solution creates a problem and then readers want and what they need,
presents a solution to it convincing them of problems that they
never knew existed

Bandwagon Effect Appealing to the subject It convinces the subject that since
to join the crowd everybody is doing it, they will be
left out if they do not.

Testimonial Quotations or endorsements A personal story about product

from users of the product satisfaction is more likely to make the
reader believe in the brand and product

Association Placing the product next Readers associate the product with
to items to associate them whatever is placed beside that product
with the values that those and whatever values those things
things represent represent.

Synthetic Addressing mass audiences It reduces the distance between the

Personalization as though they were reader and the writer and establishes a
individuals through the sense of simulated intimacy which helps
use of inclusive language the reader connect to the audience in a
deeper way. As a result, the persuasive
intention of the writer is enhanced.

Irony When one means the Brings depth, insight and creativity in
opposite of what one says the text and brings complexity in the
narrative structure. Often used for the
purpose of capturing attention and
making the text more memorable

Glittering Making vague and empty It evokes positive feelings and

Generalities promises and using associations with an object and
positive language to attracts general approval for an idea
describe a small idea

Assertion Enthusiastic or energetic Such enthusiastic statements cause the

statement that is reader to believe the idea without any
presented with no second thoughts.
supporting ideas (might be

False Dilemma When only two choices are A logical fallacy that presents only a
presented yet more exist “black and white” kind of thinking when
there are actually many shades of grey.
The reader is made to choose between
only two things and hence their options
are limited

Plain Folks When the speaker presents It allows the audience to relate with
themselves as a common the speaker as they think that the
person speaker empathises and understands
their thoughts and feelings.

Name Calling Using derogatory words to Attempts to arouse prejudice among the
describe an enemy public by labelling the target
something that the public dislikes

Card Stacking Only presenting It attempts to persuade and influence

(selective information that is the audience about one side by
omission) positive to an idea suppressing the other
Commodification Converting human, social Conveying values through products
or cultural values to allows the creator to draw consumer
goods and services attention to their market offering

Pathos Inciting emotions of pity, Appeals to the audience’s emotions.

sorrow or sympathy Specific emotions such as care or
concern can be induced in order to
place the audience in a vulnerable
position and then market the product.

Logos Using statistical data and It convinces the audience by employing

facts reason and logic and giving credibility
to the ideas through statistical data

Ethos Uses statements from Appeals to the audience by highlighting

famous people or experts credibility. It invokes the superior
“character” of a brand

Text Techniques
Technique Meaning Effect
Juxtaposition Placing contrasting ideas Allows the creator to convey a unique
close to each other to quality about a product by placing it
highlight their with something that does not possess
differences that quality

Antithesis Two sentences of It allows the writer to lend a greater

contrasting meanings in insight into the subject and creates
close proximity greater emphasis and clarity. It also
highlights the stark difference between
opposing ideas

Repetition Repeating the same words It allows the speaker to put emphasis
of phrases a few times on importance ideas and make them more
memorable for the reader

Parallelism Placing similarly Makes the idea more memorable.

structured related Makes the idea easier to process for
phrases, words or clauses the reader because they sense a pattern
together. and know what to expect

Tricolon Three parallel clauses, The reader absorbs and retains

phrases or words which information more efficiently when it is
come in quick succession packaged in sets of three.
without any interruption

Hypophora Raising a question and It allows the reader to take the

then immediately providing discussion in a new direction
an answer to it It catches the reader’s attention as
curiosity is simulated by hearing a
It suggests and answers questions that
readers might not have thought of

Polysyndeton Using conjunctions or It slows down the rhythm of the phrase

connecting words which emphasises each individual item
frequently in a sentence in the list and makes the idea more

Mood Evoking certain feelings Affects the reader by creating varying

or vibes in readers emotions and providing a psychological
through words and feel for the narrative

Tone Attitude of a writer It affects how the reader perceives the

towards the subject or the writer’s intentions and can provide
audience emphasis, intent and emotion to words.

Technique Meaning Effect
Chronological The information in the Allows the copywriter to highlight
Structure infographic is presented pieces of information by associating
in a time progression them with periods. Moreover, it gives
context an overview about the history of the

Hierarchical Visualizes content that Allows the copywriter to highlight the

Structure goes from smallest to different levels of an idea and how
highest or most important they are interconnected with each
to least important or vice other.

Problem-Solution A problem is presented and It allows the copywriter to convey the

Structure then a solution is offered range of solutions that exist for a

Cause-Effect The cause of a situation Allows the reader to understand the

Structure is first presented and severity of the situation by
then the effect of the visualising the effects that it has
situation is depicted had.

Comparative Two comparative ideas are Allows the reader to understand the
Structure cleverly organised beside similarities and differences between
each other the two ideas and make an informed

Icons Simple pictograms or Allows the writer to give structure to

symbols the infographic and highlight key
pieces of information through pictorial
representation. It can also effectively
communicate important pieces of
information without relying on words.

Visual Metaphor A representation of a noun Helps the readers understand complex

through a visual image. ideas and emotions more effectively and
changes the audience’s perception about
a product or an idea.

Statistics Data driver points or Add credibility and authority to the

facts information presented in the

Key Takeaways Brief summary or It allows the reader to reflect upon

conclusion that highlights the information and provides a clear
the main points of the call to action

Quotes/ Short quotes from experts Adds credibility and social proof to
Testimonials or customers the information

Interactive Clickable Buttons, Make the infographic more engaging and

Elements hover-over pop ups, memorable for the viewer
animations Invites for an call to action

Newspaper Article
Technique Meaning Effect
Weasel Words Intentionally ambiguous, Allows writers to convey something that
vague or misleading words cannot be legally or truthfully said.
such as : like, helps, can It creates an impression that something
specific and meaningful has been said,
when in fact only a vague or ambiguous
claim has been communicated.
It allows the writer to evade or
retreat from a direct or forthright
statement or position.

Euphemism Using an innocuous word in It allows the writer to soften

the place of something uncomfortable topics or mislead
that is offensive readers. They also assist writers when
conveying socially embarrassing ideas
or topics to make them more acceptable.

Dysphemism A derogatory term used Allows the writer to convey disapproval

instead of a pleasant one for an idea or condemn a societal norm
or a social group.

Loaded Words Words filled with emotions Allows the writer to elicit an
emotional response in the reader -
positive or negative - beyond their
literal meaning

Political Cartoons
Technique Meaning Effect
Caricature A rendered image showing It is used to create deeper meaning in
the features of an the text by commenting on the person’s
individual in an character in an exaggerated way. This
exaggerated way usually creates a humorous mood for the

Irony When one means the Brings depth, insight and creativity in
opposite of what one says the text and brings complexity in the
narrative structure. Often used for the
purpose of capturing attention and
making the text more memorable

Symbolism An image or an idea that Can give deeper meaning to the text and
represents a more larger can allow writers to explain an idea or
idea a concept in a poetic manner without
saying it outright

Comic Strips
Technique Meaning Effect
Negative Space The empty space Allows a viewer’s gaze to be more
surrounding the subject easily directed towards the subject and
convey the feeling of loneliness and
emptiness at a physical or metaphysical

Voice-over A hard line separating the Allows the narrator to directly speak
narrator’s speech at the to the reader in order to reflect on a
top or bottom of a panel situation or convey emotions or add new
from the image within the details and insights to the text

Splash A kind of panel that spans It allows the writer to introduce a new
the width of the page character or highlight an important
action or event in a memorable way that
give these panels special attention.

No-border panel A panel where which has no It allows the writer to create a unique
borders effect and depict the subject as if it
is standing outside the storyline

Speech Bubble Frames around the If they appear as clouds, they

characters’ language and a represent the character’s thoughts.
kind of direct speech. If they appear in jagged lines, the
character is shouting.

Emanata Unrealistic pictorial It is used to describe feelings, states

elements emanating from a of minds and thoughts and appeal to
character, symbolising multiple senses of the audience in an
something about that attempt to convey meaning

Gutter The space between panels Allows the reader to ‘fill in the
blanks’ and imagine what happens
between panels, a process known as

Graphic Weight The amount of contrast in Attracts more attention from the viewer
an image and creates deeper meaning. Can also be
used to show the contrast between two
things or to portray a traumatic or
melancholic situation.

Foreground The subject in the front It is used to put the subject into
of the depicted scene context and establish the subject as
the focal point of the panel

Background The objects in the back of To help add contextual information for
the image (usually not the the reader

Non-Sequitur A series of panels that Invites the reader to make their own
Transitions are seemingly unrelated to connections and therefore meaning to a
each other sequence of images

Camera Angles
Technique Meaning Effect
Bird-eye view A perspective as seen from It gives a broad point of view and
above, or at least far shows the vastness of the image in
away, from the minor focus. A clear impression of what's
details. happening.

Worms-eye view A perspective as seen from It is used to look up to something and

below, or from a very low make an object look tall, strong, and
angle with the camera mighty while the viewer feels childlike
pointing towards the top or powerless.

High angle Placing the camera at a It is often used to show inferiority of

high level to make the the subject in focus. It also shows the
object seem smaller. character's vulnerability.

Low angle shot A low angle shot frames It is used to emphasise power dynamics
the subject from below between characters. This is a perfect
their eyeline. angle for showing superiority and
evoking feelings of fear and dread.

Eye level shot Eye to eye shot, how we It is used to show equality between the
see people in real life. subjects. As one is seeing

Close up shot Show only the face and It is used to clearly see emotions. It
shoulders of the subject helps the audience to relate to the
in focus. characters and sympathise with them.

Street Art
Technique Meaning Effect
Social Commentary work that critiques one or One of its effects is that it shows how
more aspects of society so an individual responds in that social
as to highlight its flaws interaction. Moreover, social
and ideally prevent their commentary acts as a voice of the
continuation. marginalised and evokes feelings of
inclusiveness and hope.

Guerilla art Integrating pre-existing It shapes the meaning of the art

objects into the art piece according to different artworks. It
blurs the lines about the boundaries of

Irony When one means the Brings depth, insight and creativity in
opposite of what one says the text and brings complexity in the
narrative structure. Often used for the
purpose of capturing attention and
making the text more memorable

Icons Icons are images that look Icons share information more quickly.
like concepts they In a website, they help users navigate
represent. with ease. These are also eye-catching
which helps to summarise and
communicate complex ideas more easily.

Symbols Symbols are like signs It allows the copywriter to convey

which we have been taught something to the reader in an indirect
to read. manner. It often adds entertainment to
the text, which makes it engaging for
the audience.

Colour Effect
Red Anger, Passion, Love, Desire, Caution

Yellow Positive- joy, happiness, warmth, hope

Negative- caution, danger, cowardice

Black Death, Evil, Mystery

Certainty (When used in contrast to white)

Pink Friendship, Femininity, Cheerfulness, Love

Green Light: Growth, Renewal, Abundance

Dark: Jealousy, Envy

Blue Sadness, Peace, Despair, Placidity

Gold Success, Affluence, Royalty

White Purity, Sterility, Peace

Orange Warmth, Energy, Vibrancy

Purple Transformation, Royalty, Mystery

Gray Stability, Boredom, Death, Melancholy, Desolation

Brown Comfort, Safety, Nature

Font type Effect
Serif Traditional, sophisticated, formal, archaic

Sans-serif Modern, clean, universal

Script Elegant, classic, stylish, sophisticated

Slab Serif Bold, contemporary, trendy

Important Words and Sentence Stems

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