Life-Cycle Engineering Design

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Life-Cycle Engineering Design

K. Ishii Life-cycle engineering seeks to incorporate various product life-cycle values into the
early stages of design. These values include functional performance, manufacturability,
Associate Professor.
serviceability, and environmental impact. We start with a survey of life-cycle engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Stanford University,
research focusing on methodologies and tools. Further, the paper addresses critical
Stanford, CA 94305
research issues in life-cycle design tools: design representation and measures for
life-cycle evaluation. The paper describes our design representation scheme based on a
semantic network that is effective for evaluating the structural layout. Evaluation
measures for serviceability and recyclability illustrate the practical use of these
representation schemes.

1 Introduction
Design for manufacturability (DFM) has proven itself as a
key concept in competitive product development. DFM Reuse
helped many US manufacturers improve product quality, *- Assembly
reduce cost, and shorten development cycles. More recently, Raw Service
life-cycle engineering design has emerged as an extension to Material Disposal
DFM that covers not only manufacturability, but issues re- ^
lated to the entire product life-cycle (Fig. 1). With increased Impact
attention to the environment, the definition of life-cycle now Fig. 1 Product life-cycle
covers not only that of a single product, but resources that
result in the life-cycle of a manufacturer's line of products:
solid materials, fluid and gas emissions, and energy.
Life-cycle engineering seeks to maximize a product's con- There is also a wealth of research on component design
tribution to the society while minimizing its cost to the for producibility. Poli (1988) developed a methodology to
manufacturer, the user, and the environment. We focus on evaluate a plastic part design. The key question is the part
design and manufacturing decisions that significantly impact complexity: the number of geometry features such as ribs,
the product life-cycle. Most researchers agree that decisions bosses, snaps, and cutouts. The orientation of features is also
made during the early stages of design determine more than important since it influences the number of axes of draw.
80 percent of the life-cycle cost. Among the most significant Poli's methodology essentially gives an early estimate for
issues are the structural layout of a product and the materials tooling cost and molding cost. The natural extension of these
used. Life-cycle engineering requires designers to estimate programs is to incorporate the manufacturability concept in
the life-cycle cost and attribute it to the design and manufac- the computer aided design environment. Dixon's group (1986)
turing decisions. This paper focuses on (7) the current applied AI technology to accomplish redesigns. The purpose
methodologies and tools in life-cycle engineering design, (2) of this class of programs is to monitor the CAD data as the
significant research issues to further develop the field, and designers develop their candidate designs, find if any of the
(3) the author's own research results over the past several design rules are violated, provide reasons for the flaw, and
years. suggest remedies. Design for robustness has also targeted
component designs. Taguchi (1993) has been instrumental in
proliferating this concept, which seeks a design that is insen-
2 Recent Developments in Life-Cycle Engineering sitive to uncontrollable noise such as manufacturing errors
Many prior studies exist in the area of design for manufac- and operational conditions.
turability (DFM). Perhaps the most successful methodology Life-cycle issues during the product ownership period have
is design for assembly (DFA; Boothroyd and Dewhurst, 1983). also attracted attention. Ownership quality not only affects
Their computer program asks the user a series of questions warranty costs, but also has a major impact on product image
about the handling, orientation, and insertion of parts during and repurchase intent. Reliability design (Birolini, 1992) and
assembly, and evaluates the design in terms of the assembly failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA; Ormsby et al.,
time, its breakdowns, and assembly efficiency. Other promi- 1991) are traditional methodologies that identify potential
nent DFA methods include those of Westinghouse (Sturges weaknesses in the design. However, engineers must not only
and Kilani, 1992) and Hitachi-GE (Miyakawa et al, 1990). consider reliability but also address ease of service and
simultaneously specify support logistics. Hence, design for
serviceability (DFS) has attracted significant interest as a
Contributed by the Design Engineering Committee for publication in
the Special 50th Anniversary Design Issue. Manuscript received Sept. 1994;
method to enhance product ownership quality (Gershenson
revised Nov. 1994. Technical Editor: B. Ravani. and Ishii, 1992).

4 2 / V o l . 117, JUNE 1995 Transactions of the ASME

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Copyright © 1995 by ASME
their fastening methods, the material of the components, and
their size. One must design a data structure such that engi-
neers require very little time to specify the necessary infor-
Functional mation. The key is to find the smallest set of data that
facilitates the evaluation for the entire product life-cycle. The
author finds the use of a semantic network to be an effective
Design representation scheme for the evaluation of layout designs.
(2) Identification of Life-cycle Evaluation Knowledge: Previ-
Detailed ous research in DFM has developed a significant knowledge-
Design base and techniques in evaluating life-cycle costs. DFA and
Design component producibility evaluation methods are well estab-
Process lished. However, many life-cycle issues remain unexplored.
Fig. 2 Life-cycle design methodologies, product life-cycle, and Ownership quality as perceived by the customers is still
design cycle unclear, beyond the failure frequencies and serviceability
costs. Environmental compatibility is still vast and difficult to
Recent years have seen a surge of work in environmentally evaluate. One must package this knowledge in a form appli-
conscious design and manufacturing. Life Cycle Assessment cable to the evaluation of early designs.
(LCA) is a broad methodology for identifying environmental (5) The Evaluation Measure: The author considers the
burdens that arise from a product. The US Environmental life-cycle cost of achieving certain functions to be the most
Protection Agency (EPA, 1993) developed documents that useful evaluation measure. Further, if one can analyze the
address life-cycle concerns from raw material acquisition to breakdown of the cost, engineers can use that information to
final product disposition and include total energy use and improve the candidate design. Unfortunately, early design
pollution impacts. LCA seeks to minimize the environmental data do not provide accurate estimate of the life-cycle cost.
impact of the manufacture, use and eventual disposal of Hence, one must devise a measure for estimating the life-cycle
products without compromising product functions. So far, cost from the evaluation knowledge identified above. Again,
most LCA studies have focused on single material products for DFA, a wealth of research and validation studies have
such as disposable drink containers and diapers. For complex resulted in useful and sufficiently accurate evaluation mea-
products such as automobiles and appliances, LCA is often sures. We must continue to refine these measures and de-
too time consuming for designers to implement themselves. velop new measures for other life-cycle costs to seek an
Allenby's methodology (1991), commonly known as design for integrated evaluation tool. The task of life-cycle product
environment (DFE), ranks various environmental issues per- structuring also poses a challenge. We must develop a mea-
taining to each life-cycle stage. His method provides a more sure of cost to achieve product variations, and compare that
qualitative evaluation of designs and is more applicable to with the importance of the variations in pursuing customer
early stages of design. Product take-back laws in Europe and base and return in profits.
the recyclability laws in Japan provide a more focused goal. (4) Simultaneous Design for Product Life-Cycle: The above
Many researchers have focused on product retirement (Burke research challenges address design evaluations. The author
et al., 1992; Marks et al., 1993). The key is the "simultaneous" believes that these methodologies can be adapted to facilitate
planning for post-life use of the product in the early stages of an environment for simultaneous design of products, the
design, i.e., design for product retirement (DFPR). manufacturing specifications, service logistics, and retirement
Each methodology mentioned above brings benefits to plans. For example, assembly evaluation often involves quali-
engineering design. Figure 2 classifies the methodologies in tative simulation or "walk through" of the assembly process.
terms of the applicable stage of product life-cycle (horizontal Serviceability analysis can also lead to efficient design of
axis) and design cycle (vertical axis). Obviously, life-cycle service logistics and manufacturing plans for spare parts.
design requires the combination of all the viewpoints (Alting, The following sections describe our challenges to these
1992). However, combining the use of all the tools is not research issues. We focus on a unified representation scheme
trivial. Quality Function Deployment (QFD; Hauser and that accommodates layout design evaluation for assembly,
Clausing, 1988) is a powerful tool for relating customer service, and retirement. For serviceability and retirement
requirements, functional specifications, product design, and analysis, we have identified the necessary evaluation knowl-
process characteristics. Whereas QFD guides design teams in edge and developed our original measures of cost estimates
achieving the integration, engineers can further benefit from and procedures to compute and analyze the measures. The
a more quantitative methodology. procedures also facilitate simultaneous design of service lo-
gistics and advanced planning for product retirement.

3 Fundamental Research Issues

An integrated life-cycle design methodology must help 4 Design Representation for Structural Layout
engineers estimate the life-cycle implication of a candidate To facilitate the evaluation of layout structure, we propose
design, identify cost drivers, and facilitate simultaneous de- the use of LINKER, a hierarchical semantic network com-
sign of the product, the manufacturing specification, service prising components and subassemblies (nodes) and the rela-
logistics, and product retirement plan. Such a task is most tionships between the nodes (links). Figure 3 shows the
effective at the layout design stage, at which time the design LINKER representation of a common drip-type coffee maker.
is still preliminary and many decisions are uncertain. The To accomplish automated reasoning about the design, we
evaluation measure must be flexible enough to accommodate must define both the syntax and the semantics of the network
this uncertainty. Another requirement is that the methodol- notation (Woods, 1975). Our current scheme targets the
ogy is easy to use and does not pose a significant additional analysis for assembly, service, and product retirement. We
burden to the engineers. We identified the following issues as currently use four types of nodes for the design description,
our current research challenge. defined as follows:
(1) Design Representation Scheme: A life-cycle evaluation (Nl) COMPONENT: A design element that cannot be dis-
tool requires a flexible set of data that contains pertinent assembled without permanent damage to the resulting pieces,
information about the candidate design. Typical information or loss of intended function following reassembly with the
required includes structural configuration of the components, resulting pieces.

Special 50th Anniversary Design Issue JUNE 1995, Vol. 117/43

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hot water tube

- component Z ^
- subassembly •
- fastenerO
- process O
- cover
- attach & cover
- engage
- supports

Fig. 4 Life-cycle design tool showing a clumped coffee maker


Fig. 3 System represented as a hierarchical network removing the first (supporting) item. The structural implica-
tion is that the supporting item is attached to or supported by
(N2) SUBASSEMBLY: A design element that can be disas- some other item in the system.
sembled into 2 or more other elements and performs its If a fastener or fastening process is required to maintain
intended function following reassembly with the original ele- the link, we use a link modifier, called a sublink. It augments
ments. a link relation, such as "panel attaches to housing using
(N3) FASTENER: A design element whose intended func- screws." Sublink data contains the number of fasteners or
tion or purpose is to maintain an assembled configuration of process points, clearance around the fastener or process
2 or more components and/or subassemblies. point, tool orientation and, for fasteners, removal and inser-
(N4) FASTENING PROCESS: An action or operation, ei- tion direction. Figure 4 is a screen dump from our Linker
ther physical or chemical in nature, whose function or pur- design representation for the coffee maker implemented in
pose is to maintain an assembled configuration of 2 or more ToolBook under Microsoft Windows.
components and/or subassemblies. The LINKER allows the user to evaluate a design from
The component, subassembly, fastener and process data various stages of the life-cycle: assembly analysis, labor oper-
comprise part or material cost, removal time, installation ation and labor step analysis for service, and product retire-
time, tools and training required to perform the action, the ment analysis. Our experience with industrial collaborators
name of the item or process, a user-defined part number or indicates that this integrated feature is an essential key to
code, and the next higher assembly (if applicable). We cur- promoting life-cycle engineering design. Each node or link
rently use five types of links: has a data page that the user can access by double clicking on
the graphical icon. Other data pages contain information for
(LI) COVERS: No physical connection exists between the assembly and service analysis. We believe LINKER can serve
two items, but the first item in the link must be removed to as a broad tool for competitive product and process develop-
access the second. The structural implication is that the cover ment and support ISO 9000 activities. LINKER, as a layout
is attached to or supported by some other item in the system. design representation, provides a front-end for our computer
(L2) ATTACHES TO: This represents a solid connection program for Life-cycle Assembly, Service, and Retirement
with no relative motion between the two items during opera- (LASeR).
tion. This link is broken by physically removing the first item
from the second. When removing the second item in the link,
the first item remains attached (i.e., the link remains intact). 5 Design Evaluation Methodologies
The structural implication is that the second item in the link
is attached to or supported by some other item in the system. 5.1 Life-cycle Serviceability. Service Mode Analysis
(L3) ATTACHES TO AND COVERS: This represents a (SMA) focuses on any form of service needs in estimating
solid connection with no relative motion between the two life-cycle ownership quality (Gershenson and Ishii, 1992).
items during operation. This link is broken by physically Service modes include regular maintenance, repair of failed
removing the first item from the second. When removing the components or systems, or service for undesirable side ef-
second item in the link, the first item in the link must be fects. The computer can use the LINKER to infer a sequence
removed to access the second. The structural implication is of labor steps needed to perform each mode of service.
that the second item in the link is attached to or supported Given a set of cost driving service modes and their frequen-
by some other item in the system. cies, the program can compute the total life-cycle service
(L4) ENGAGES: This represents a meshing-type connec- costs from the cost of each labor step.
tion with relative motion between the two items during The inferencing process starts inside the system and works
operation. This link can be broken by disengaging either of its way out (Eubanks and Ishii, 1993). Starting with the
the two items in the link. The structural implication is that malfunctioning component, the program examines all associ-
the 2 items are attached to or supported by some other ated links. Depending on link type and direction, as in
item(s) in the system. outgoing or incoming, the program will either: (i) generate a
(L5) SUPPORTS: This represents a solid connection with required labor operation pair (disassembly and assembly); (2)
no relative motion between the two items during operation. save the other component on a "component stack" for later
This link is broken by either physically removing the second processing; (3) do both (1) and (2); or (4) do nothing. When
(supported) item in the link, or by externally supporting the all links for the repair operation component have been
second (supported) item in the link and then physically examined, any components saved on the stack are processed

4 4 / V o l . 117, JUNE 1995 Transactions of the AS ME

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in the same fashion. When the component stack is empty, the ers pay for production retirement. This trend urges engineers
program searches for a link to a next higher assembly. If it to make advanced plans for product retirement and seek
exists, the linked component will be processed next, thus recyclable designs. Again, LINKER provides an effective
moving up one level in the component hierarchy. If a next front-end for assisting in the advanced planning. Our method
higher assembly does not exist, the inferencing process termi- is based on a concept called "clumping." A "clump" is a
nates. collection of components and/or subassemblies that share a
We compute the labor step cost based on the labor time, physical relationship, and some common characteristic based
necessary tools and technician training required, and the part upon the end-of-life intent. Recycling requires that materials
cost and part availability. The labor step cost (LSC) is: and fastening methods within the clump be compatible with
existing reprocessing technologies (Mark et al, 1993). For the
LSC = {[(tL + pL) x cLR] + [cP+pP]) (1) coffee-maker example, one can group the product into two
recycling clumps and one reuse clump. One would recover
where: tL = labor time (hours) the plastic from the housing and the aluminum from the
pL = labor time penalty (hours) bottom cover and hot plate assembly. Since the carafe is an
cLR = labor rate ($/hour) easily breakable item, it can serve as a service replacement.
cP = part or material cost ($) These clumps will not require further end-of-life disassembly.
pP = part or material cost penalty ($) The issue is whether these clumps can be economically
The labor time is the sum of handling time and either separated, reprocessed, and sold. Components can also be
fastening or unfastening time. We add a labor time penalty to grouped for disposal. If the re-use or recycle value of a
account for special tooling requirements, special technician portion of the product is negligible, one might clump it for
training requirements, fastener clearance and tool orienta- disposal and eliminate the disassembly cost. Of course, if the
tion. Part replacement adds to the part cost and accesses a disposal clump contains a hazardous or toxic material, one
penalty based on part availability. We can now use Eq. (1) to must disassemble the system further to isolate and process
estimate the life-cycle service cost LCSC: the offending material.
Disassembly and reprocessing costs determine the system
n m
/ / recycling cost. For a given system, as the number of individ-
LCSC E E \fRj,k E LSC; (2)
ual clumps increases, the disassembly costs rise, and the
./=! reprocessing costs fall. Large, complex clumps, while easily
where: = removed from the system, require more complex reprocessing
fRj.k frequency of labor operation / associated
techniques. A larger number of simple, homogeneous clumps
with service mode k
may require more time to disassemble, but are simpler to
LSCjj = labor step cost i associated with labor
reprocess. The challenge in product retirement is to develop
operation j
the most appropriate level of disassembly. The general retire-
I = number of labor steps associated with la-
ment cost equation takes the form:
bor operation j
m = number of labor operations associated Total Retirement Cost = Disassembly Cost
with service mode phenomenon k
n = number of service mode phenomena be- + 53 (Clump Reprocessing Cost),
ing evaluated (typically 5 to 10)
We compute the labor step costs for a set of repair where: = total number of clumps (3)
operations and cost drivers displayed on a summary screen as
shown in Fig. 5. Values displayed are step cost, frequency of System disassembly cost is a key factor in the analysis for
occurrence over the entire repair operation set, and total product retirement. The total disassembly time for a system
life-cycle cost (frequency X cost). Users can interpret the (with no clumps) is calculated by summing the individual
cost breakdowns and seek improvements by redesigning the disassembly times for each element in the system, Eq. (4).
structure or enhancing the reliability of components and / m n
systems. O, = E Q + E (/„ X F)j + E (Pn X P)k (4)
1= 1 ;' = 0 k =0
5.2 Advanced Planning for Product Retirement. The
product take-back laws in Europe mandate that manufactur- where: Ds = system disassembly cost
C, = time to remove component
Fj = time to remove fastener
fllc £<ffl Help
Pk = time to remove or undo process
/ • = number of fasteners associated with one
Labor Step Analysis Summary
:• Service Cost! K; pn = number of process points associated with
;: ::gKi] : : : : : :
; Frequency
one link
Cost Ratmg:||52 | : ; : x : x : x : x-: : xox : x : x-x : : : 5 : .iiB'x
/ = total number of components in system
m = total number of links with fasteners
Repair hat plate assy
install base cover to lo
n = total number of links with fastening pro-
Install base cover to ho cesses
remove base cover from h
After calculating the disassembly costs, one must evaluate
remove base cover from I
remove hot water tube fr
the reprocessing costs for each clump. Unlike disassembly,
:old water tube f reprocessing cost is extremely difficult to estimate at the
Install cold water tube layout design stage. By the time products are ready for
install hot water tube t retirement, which could be more than 10 years for durable
| Labor Operation Summary [

:•:•:! Navigation M m goods, reprocessing technology and demand for recovered

material could be very different from what it is today. In lieu
of a reliable cost model, we apply a knowledge-based tech-
nique called the Design Compatibility Analysis (Ishii, 1992)
Fig. 5 Output screen for serviceability evaluation

Special 50th Anniversary Design Issue

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JUNE 1995, Vol. 117/45
to obtain a qualitative rating and then map it to a rough cost
Elle Edit Help
estimate. The analysis routine looks first at the components
in the clump. It checks the knowledge base for any rules R e t i r e m e n t Cost Analysis
dealing specifically with components' material and post-life
Total Product Retirement Cost - $ 2.27
intent for the clump. The degree of compatibility maps to a
[0, 1] rating, as follows. Combined Retirement Costs

System Disassembly Cost .VX\\XXVVXVVvVVVVVS3

very compatible 1.0 + Clump ReprocessinRCost ^ ^ ^ 1 0.63
compatible 0.8 = TOTAL RETIREMENT COST

limited compatibility 0.6

incompatible 0.2 Clump Compatibility 8 Cost Brcakdi

hazardous . 0.0 Index Cost

Cltunp Retirement Cost Breakdown
[HJ fcpfocesiing cost g | disassembly cost
compatibility unknown 0.5 D.37J
- f clump 1 T.:. : l:! : : : .:. : ;:.:-:-:-:'i ! !
The compatibility rules (C-data) represent expert knowl- 0.920
clump 4
clump 5
• : ; ; :7
edge of the ease of reprocessing. A C-data contains its ID Total 0.63 10 J 0.92
number, the associated design components/features, a com-
patibility descriptor such as "very good" or "poor," reasons [ Quit j:i;;;j;i:| Design Description fi;;i| Navigation fjjiiij Evaluatel
and suggestions, and most important, the conditions for the
data to be true. Here is an example describing material Fig. 6 Retirement cost breakdown of ice dispenser assembly
C-data: ID = dfr016
elements = material A, material B, intent tern of springs, wires, and an inertial damper, whereas the
descriptor = incompatible: 0.2 1993 model dispenses ice using an electro-mechanical
reason = One ppm of PVC mixed with PET solenoid assembly. The 1993 model is a simpler design and
will cause discoloration of the PET. has fewer moving parts. For assembly evaluation, we used the
suggestion = Try substituting polycarbonate for Hitachi-GE Assembly Evaluation Method, while the program
PVC. used our original methods for serviceability and retirement
conditions = material A ="pet", analysis.
material B ="pvc", For all three areas of the life-cycle analysis, the new (1993)
intent is primary recycling. (5) ice dispenser model shows a significant decrease in cost.
Then, DCA individually compares each component with Assembly costs decreased by 19 percent, service by 27 per-
every other component, fastener, and process in the clump, cent, and recycling costs by 23 percent. The fewer numbers of
creating the set [0,1]", where n is the number of matching components in the new model contributed significantly to
compatibility data for the clump. We then map [0,1]" into a these decreased costs. Note that we assumed proportional
single clump compatibility rating CC(s) e [0,1] for each clumping strategies for both ice dispensers, since we normally
clump, s, using the following function. compare clumping strategies for a single design to improve
(1) the maximum in the set, if it consists only of numbers its overall recyclability.
greater than or equal to 0.5. The case study established the high potential of our tool as
(2) the minimum in the set, if it contains at least one a life-cycle design aid in the layout stages of product develop-
number less than 0.5. ment. The key feature is the consolidated design representa-
(3) 0.5 if the rule set is empty, indicating neutral compati- tion LINKER, which allows rapid evaluation of various life-
bility. cycle costs. We do not claim our model to be an accurate cost
To map the [0, 1] rating to cost, we use Eq. (6). The cost estimator, but the tool does identify cost drivers and allow
decays exponentially as the compatibility increases. The cost users to compare different design alternatives. To validate
curve is a result of a series of discussions with industry. If the cost model, we are currently tracking the actual cost of
clump compatibility CC(s) = 1.0, we assume the cost to re- the new product. Early indications show that the reduction in
process the clump is equal the market value of the recovered manufacturing cost is close to our prediction, although some
material. A clump with CC(s) = 0 indicates that there is a of the improvement comes from parts standardization and
hazardous or toxic material in the clump and a reprocessing better product line structuring. Validation of the service and
cost of infinity. If the clump has a rating of "incompatible," retirement costs would require continued monitoring.
i.e., CC(s) = 0.2, then we assume that the clump is not worth
reprocessing and it must be disposed of. Hence we assign a 6 Conclusions and Future Work
standard landfill cost for the clump, computed as a function
of its weight or volume. This paper began with a survey of methods aimed at
improving the life-cycle quality at the early stages of design
ln(CC(s)) and identified the significant research issues in developing an
CRC(s) = LFC(s)x (6) integrated life-cycle design tool: design representation and
ln(0.2) life-cycle evaluation measures. We then presented a repre-
sentation based on a semantic network and evaluation meth-
where: CRC(s) = Clump Retirement Cost ods for serviceability and product retirement. These methods
LFC(s) = Landfill Cost led to a PC-based computer program that allows the designer
CC(s) = Clump Compatibility to quickly evaluate a layout design for life-cycle costs.
Equation (6) substituted into Eq. (3) provides the total Our software addresses a rough model of the structure
product retirement cost. Figure 6 shows the output of the and obviously is not a comprehensive design tool. We view
retirement analysis for the coffee-maker example. our model as a vehicle to develop practical methodologies,
particularly in identifying the pertinent parameters and eval-
5.3 Industrial Example. We applied our tool to two uation measures. Within our collaborating companies, the
models of an in-door ice dispenser from GE refrigerators. model has significantly raised awareness of life-cycle cost
The primary difference between these two designs is that the issues and led to practical training materials. Likewise, our
1992 model dispenses ice using a primarily mechanical sys- cost model does not target accurate cost estimates, but rather

4 6 / V o l . 117, JUNE 1995 Transactions of the ASME

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seeks to identify cost drivers and capture relative differences Allenby, B. R., 1991, "Design for Environment: A Tool Whose Time
among design alternatives. We believe such rough cost mod- has Come." SSA Journal, Vol. 12, No. 9.
Birolini, A., 1992, "Design for Reliability," Kusiak, A., ed., Concurrent
els are still useful in guiding the designers at the early stages. Engineering: Theory and Practice, John Wiley, pp. 307-347.
Whereas our prototype shows promising results, there are Boothroyd, G., and Dewhurst, P., 1983, "Design for Assembly: A
many more challenges in life-cycle engineering design. De- Designer's Handbook," Boothroyd Dewhurst Inc., Wakefield, RI.
sign representation and evaluation measures continue to be Burke, D., Beiter, K., and Ishii, K., 1992, "Life-cycle Design for Recy-
the central research issues in our future endeavors. clability," Proceedings of the ASME Design Theory and Methodology Confer-
ence, September 1992, Scottsdale, AZ, DE-Vol. 42, ISBN 0-7918-0936-6,
(7) Addressing functional designs: LINKER only contains pp. 325-332.
structural information about the design and thus cannot Dixon, J. R., 1986, "Designing with Features: Creating and Using a
attribute the costs to functional intent. We also cannot read- Features Database for Evaluation of Manufacturing of Castings," ASME
ily incorporate failure modes and effects analysis into the Computers in Engineering, Vol. 1, pp> 285-292.
Eubanks, C. F., and Ishii, K., 1993, "AI Methods for Life-cycle Service-
current program. Some form of functional representation ability Design of Mechanical Systems," Artificial Intelligence in Engineer-
must accompany the corresponding structural layout. ing, Vol. 8, pp. 127-140.
(2) Total life-cycle evaluation: The current program evalu- Gershenson, J., and Ishii, K., 1992, "Design for Serviceability," Kusiak,
ates assembly, service, and product retirement separately. A., ed., Concurrent Engineering: Theory and Practice, John Wiley, New
York, ISBN 0-471-55492-8, pp. 19-39.
Whereas the designer can use the program iteratively to Hauser, J., and Clausing, D., 1988, " T h e House of Quality," Harvard
improve life-cycle quality, we ultimately want the total life- Business Review, Vol. 66, No. 3, pp. 63-73.
cycle cost including the environmental impact. Missing pieces Ishii, K., 1992, "Modeling of Concurrent Engineering Design," Kusiak,
include early evaluation of components, service logistics and A., ed., Concurrent Engineering: Theory and Practice, John Wiley, pp.
support cost, and most importantly, the cost of environmen- 19-39.
Marks, M., Eubanks, C , and Ishii, K., 1993, "Life-Cycle Clumping of
tal impact beyond product retirement. Product Designs for Ownership and Retirement." Proc. of the ASME
(3) Life-cycle design of product structure: Our previous ef- Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Albuquerque, NM. ASME
fort focused on a single product. Most companies provide a DE-Vol. 53, ISBN 0-7918-1170-0.
line of products to cover the widest customer preference. Miyakawa, S., et al., 1990, " T h e Hitachi New Assemblability Evaluation
Method (AEM)," Trans, of the North American Mfg. Res. Institution of
One must look at the life-cycle of the entire product line and SME, p. 352.
accommodate the necessary model variations in a most cost Ormsby, A., Hunt, J., and Lee, J., 1991, "Towards an Automated
effective manner. F M E A Assistant," Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering VI,
G. Rzevski and R. Adey, eds., Computational Mechanics Publications,
Southampton, UK, pp. 739-752.
Acknowledgments Poli, C , Graves, J., and Sunderland, J. E., 1988, "Computer-Aided
Product Design for Economical Manufacture," ASME Computers in Engi-
Sponsors of this research include the National Science neering, 1988. Vol. 1, pp. 23-37.
Foundation, NASA Lewis Research Center, General Elec- Sturges, R., and Kilani, M., 1992, "Towards an Integrated Design for
tric, General Motors, and Ford. The author also acknowl- an Assembly Evaluation and Reasoning System," Computer-Aided Design,
edges the members of the Life-cycle Design Laboratory at Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 67-78.
US Environmental Protection Agency, 1993, "Life-Cycle Assessment:
Ohio State University for their work that led to this paper. Inventory Guidelines and Principles," E P A Report No. EPA/600/R-
92/245, Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC.
Taguchi, G., 1993, Taguchi on Robust Technology Development: Bringing
References Quality Engineering Upstream, ASME Press, New York, NY.
Alting, L., 1992, "Life-cycle Design of Products: A New Opportunity Woods, W. A., 1975, "What's in a Link: Foundations for Semantic
for Manufacturing Enterprises," Kusiak, A., ed., Concurrent Engineering: Networks," Readings in Knowledge Engineering, R. Brachman and H.
Theory and Practice, John Wiley, pp. 1-17. Levesque, eds., Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Los Altos, CA.

Special 50th Anniversary Design Issue JUNE 1995, Vol. 117/47

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