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ERD Work Divided up

Persons Group:
Fixing Potential students on ERD

Removing StudentID in Contact entity

Race and Nationality attributes should be their own entities, pulling from preexisting national databases

Remove Age attribute and replace with DOB with DATE as the datatype

Primary and Secondary Language needs to be linked to a recognized Language Entity instead of
Demographic entity

Remove the Country Attribute from Demographic

Add Citizenship Attribute to Demographic entity as datatype BOOL

Remove every SSN attribute

We need a cohort entity

ScholarID will be removed

Move ProbationID to forms entity

ScholarID moved to forms

ProbationID moved to forms

Make an Entity for Cohort (CohortYear, Start/End term)

ProspectStudents entity does not need a SSN attribute

Inventory/ Tracking Group:

Create an Entity named JobTitle to replace the JobTitle attribute (can also include BCBST workers)
- Senior lecturer
- Master Lecturer
- Instructor
- Clinical instructor
- Assistant professor
- Associate professor
- Professor
- Professor of practice
- Bluecross employees
- etc…

Remove the disjoints since the JobTitle entity will take over

Rename faculty to persons

Remove TeachingACourse

Remove SSN

Degree needs to be its own entity (faculty/persons can have more than 1 degree)

Remove HireDate and StartDate

Put HireDate in the contract entity

Courses/Grades Group:
GPA entity should be deleted since it can be calculated(final grade, credit hours courses, etc)

Delete these attributes

- Classtype
- ClassesOffered
- ClassID
- OverallGrade

StudentID (FK) in courses can be deleted

Term needs to be a many to many

Delete CourseTerm

The Term entity should connect the Student and Courses entity together

Overall Grade and Letter Grade Attribute should be deleted

Transfer needs to be deleted

Associative table between Student and Course entity

Forms Group:
Will test the forms entity with real forms to see if the entity is reliable on monday

For right now, look over the entity and make notes about can else can be added or changed

Purchase Group:
Will most likely need to be pulled out into its own ERD that will be connected to faculty/persons
Issues with supplyID
Issues with purchaseID
Issues with InventoryID
RoomNumber needs to be a VARCHAR2(5)

Look over PurchaseAmount

Delete DeliveryDate

Once the purchase entity is complete, it needs to connect to faculty

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