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Nombre: Josué Mach.

Clase: English

Clave:07 Fecha: 11/07/2023. Grado: 9th Grade

What do you want to be when you grow up?

The life of a human being begins when someone is in their mother's womb.

When a human is born, they have no reason to worry because they are cared for by
their parents or someone in charge, but when someone grows up, they will begin to
see that no everything is easy in this life, they will begin to see that they have to worry
when they are hungry and see what to eat, see that money is not earned by it sekf and
and for that you have to work. That is why childhood and adolescence is a good time to
begin to see what you want to be, what you want to work for and how you are going to
live your life.

When i was born i was a very hyperactive child and had a lot of energy, so i had
to look for a profession in wich i had to use all the energy i had. At first i wanted to be a
professional soccer player, my favorite soccer player was, is, and will always be Messi,
but i was growing up and i realized that it might not go so well as i expected. So almost
at the age that i am, i decided that i wanted to have a good study to be able to get a
good job or maybe i would undertake it. I want to be a system engineer, because what
is the whole world of technology has always caught my atention.

Being as a system engineer is not a bad career to follow because the world is envolving,
technology and technological revolutions to facilitate certain jobs or improve the world
is what is most talked about and i can generate a lor of monetary income while i do
what i like the most.

In conclusion, i want to be someone who has a good monetary income doing

what they like the most, which is the world of technology. Being a system engineer is
what i would like to be when i am of legal age and find a good job or start it myself
same, i would also like to have a comfortable life but thanks to my effort.

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