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When I was decided to tell my story to the world, I was a patient at Briarcliff
Mental Institiution, Maussachusetts, USA. My name is Lana Winters. I was a
dedicated journalist who tried to expose the secrets of the Briarcliff and ended up
being a patient in the asylum. But, was I indeed mentally ill, or did I just muted by the
authorities in order to hide their darkest secrets I have just discovered. I guess the
readers can make an inference and start to question what did I found in this place. It is
now the year of 1984, it has been 20 years that I truly experinced hell. And now, I will
not keep you any longer to highlight the resilience and the horrors that can unfold
within the walls of Briarcliff when I was there.

As I said before, I was a journalist who dedicated her entire life for this job.
Like every other journalist, I needed a striking story to get recognition and to make my
living. However, how could I predict I would ended up in this situation. Let me tell
you my story from the beginning. It was the year of 1964. There was a forest 15.7
miles away from the town, a mental Institution,Briarcliff, and nobody knew what was
happening behind these closed doors. A brilliant idea formed in my mind, and I
determined to open those doors for myself as possessing as a patient. I made up my
perfect story which I take on a serial killer’s crimes and finally I achieved to get access
for my striking story which will give me reputation.

I faced numerous horrors within this place which is nothing but a hell hole.
Inside of the asylum felt like this is a set of a horror movie and I was the starring
actress. I was taken to the common room after the questioning. In the room, I observed
various different kinds of patients, but there was a man who does not look alike crazy.
He was surprisingly super calm and his eyes were say “my mind is not gone”. His
name was Kit Walker, who will be my side to this day. As I states, He was not look
alike insane at all and I was right because he was charged by killing his wife who
suddenly dissappeared and he was assumed as the serial killer Bloody Face. As the
time goes, we decided to escape from Briarcliff together when I complete my
investigation for my story. But, there was something we did not calculated, my
curiosity and late night walkings was cought by someone, Sister Jude. She was
running the institution with an iron fist and there was no escaping from her. When she
caught me while I was having my one of the night walkings, she decided that I was a
danger for other patients with my actions,indeed I was, she subjected me with various
forms of psychological and physical torture to prevent my curiosity and protect the
hospital’s order.

Contrary to Sister Jude’s accusation against me, She did not know, I was
coming from the stairs leading to basement. In my late night walking, I heard screams
which seems normal for an asylum. However, it was not come from any of the cells of
the patients, it came from the basement. I followed the screams of pain. There was a
woman on the table whose arms and legs cut. It was obvious that chemicals were
tested on her too because her skin was wounded and inflamed. I disgusted and terrified
just by looking at her. This was my the story I was looking for. I needed to find out
who was responsible for this that is why I started to explore the room. Another door
caught to my eye, the second I opened the door, I wished I never had. She was not the
only one. There was at leat 10 other bodies which tested on and died. While trying to
understand what I saw, I heard two persons’ talking from the stairs. I needed to escape
to my cell but there neither time or other door to escape. Unfortunately, I hide myself
to the rooms of dead bodies. As far as I could see from the key hole, there was an old
doctor. The other person was the Father Timothy. There was a third person, Pepper,
she was one of the patients. I hated knowing what was going to happen to her but I
still could not help her. Shockingly, what I was expecting did not happen. The old
doctor and Father Timothy went after hang her highy with chains. The moment they
left , I ran to the stairs and reached to the hall. This was the moment, both I caught by
Sister Jude and punished. But, it was not for once, I was not going to stop chasing
what was happening there. I determined to go to basement as soon as I get my chance.

After 5 weeks in punishment and surveillence, I got my chance. But this time I
was prepared, I stole the voice recorder from my psychologist Doctor Thredson's
office during my session. All the things I record tonight will be my evidence of this
crazy train. I hide myself the same room. Pepper was still here, but she was pathetic
and soon she was going to pray to be never born. I must have to be quite. The doctor
was coming. “Oh... the things that I witnessed...Oh, God! Did I just made the mistake
of my life? Was this worth to see to have my reputation”. I thought to myself in a
thrilling feelings and my body shivered. At least, I got my evidence. The only thing
that essential is to escape with Kit . I was on my way to Kit’s cell. Whrn I reaced the
cell, Kit was already awake. We walked slowlyin a deathly silence. We were just a
minute close to the escape and we will be outside of this insanity. Nevertheless, I
forgot someone’s eyes were on me, Sister Jude. She saw us while we were on our way
to kitchen’s back door. I heard that she was crying the words “ the patients are
escaping, close the doors”, They put the alarms on. “ There is no escaping from this
hell” said Kit. “No” I said, “there is still hope” and I encouraged him to continue.
Everbody was awakened, I was terrfied. I have never experinced this kind of anxiety
in my life. It does not matter now because we did it, we were in the garden. The only
thing, we have to do was to lose our traces in the forest and we ran as fast we could
possible to the freedom.

Now, I sit in this chair, telling the story of my book “Maniac”. I dedicated the
book to my ever lasting supporter Kit Walker who shared the same traumatizing
events as me in Briarcliff. Some reader curious about what happened to the Briarcliff.
I can say it found what it deserved. It has closed forever and the doctor who made the
experiments, appeared one of the Nazi scientists who hide his identity after World War
II and sentenced to death as Father Timothy. Overall, I went to the institution as a
dedicated and fearless journalist and came out as a survivor, I proudly say. And this
lifetime experience gave me one of the greatest friend soneone can have.

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