Create Your Own Religion Project

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8 World Religions

Ms. Sitron and Ms. Soules

September 15, 2011

Create Your Own Religion!

Situation: You have been contacted by an organization in

Boston called SATOE (Sick And Tired Of Everything) whose
members are bored with all the plain old religions available to them. They have contracted you,
a World Religions expert, to create a new religion for them. They are putting their complete
confidence in you with this project: you have complete control over the name, philosophy,
practices, beliefs, and everything else of this religion.

Goal: To create a proposal for a new religion based on how we have defined “religion” in class
and the religions we have discussed so far. Does your religion have a god, gods, or other holy
figure? Does it have a holy book or document? How does one practice your religion? What
rituals are involved? It’s up to you!

Product: You have one of two options in creating this proposal. It can either be:
1) A type-written, two-page, double-spaced presentation to SATOE describing your
religion in detail
2) A colorful, illustrated, well-designed pamphlet detailing your religion

Your religion must include the following:

- Name
- Main belief
- Holy figure/deity
- Rituals
- Holy book/text/document

Optional elements can include, but are not limited to:

- Symbol
- Foods
- Dress
- Language

Your project is due Friday, September 23

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