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Canine obesity

Like obesity in humans, canine obesity occurs when a dog carries a certain amount of excess body weight.
Excess fat is a serious health risk in dogs, just as it is in humans. Too much weight can result in health
problems like diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. Many times, canine obesity may be caused by owners
loving their dogs too much. Unrestricted access to food and treats, in combination with too little exercise
5 may contribute to the dog’s weight gain.

Daily walks can help prevent canine obesity.

It is not difficult to determine if a dog is obese. If the ribs, waist, and tuck-up — the area between a dog’s
ribcage and rear — are not showing, the dog may be overweight. If there is fat all over the dog’s body and
its stomach hangs, it may be morbidly obese. If there are fat deposits over the spine, ribs, and tail, it may be
obese. A dog with ideal weight usually has a small amount of fat over his ribcage, and his waist and tuck-up
10 show.

Canine obesity can be compared to human obesity in many ways. Often, when a person eats too much and
gets too little exercise, he can become overweight or obese. The same is true in dogs. An inactive lifestyle
and constant access to food can cause excess weight gain in dogs. Like humans, obese dogs often have
trouble catching their breath when they exercise and may be at risk for serious health problems. For
15 instance, too much fat can lead to heart disease and clogged arteries.

Obese dogs may also develop arthritis as the bones and joints strain under the excess weight. In addition,
the animal may have trouble keeping cool in hot weather. Like humans, diabetes may also develop in
relation to canine obesity. Unlike humans, however, dogs often have no control over their access to food.
They are often dependent on what their owners give them.

20 There are many factors that contribute to canine obesity. Often, it is an owner who is unintentionally
contributing to his dog’s weight gain. When a dog stares or begs for food, its owner — struck with pity or
adoration — may give in to the begging or supply their dogs with treats throughout the day. In addition,
some owners can contribute to canine obesity by leaving their dog’s bowl full or by overfeeding it at regular
mealtimes. While an owner may do these things out of love, he may actually be doing his pet more harm
25 than good.

In addition, the dog’s owner is not taking it to play outside or playing with it indoors to burn off calories, the
dog could start gaining extra weight. A small dog may be especially at risk because of the temptation an
owner may have to carry and coddle it. Disease or sterilization surgery may also be factors that contribute to
canine obesity. Spaying or neutering may cause a hormonal imbalance in the dog or may lower the dog’s
30 metabolism.

There are several canine vaccines on the market which can be used to protect your dog from preventable
diseases. As a general rule, canine vaccines are administered to puppies at two-to-four-week intervals until
16 weeks of age, and to adult dogs at intervals of three years. Vaccination recommendations vary,
depending on your veterinarian's position on canine vaccines, and it is best to follow the advice of your vet.

Canine vaccines are used to protect dogs from preventable diseases.

35 Canine vaccines can be broken up into two groups: core vaccines, and non-core vaccines. Core vaccines
are vaccines which are strongly recommended for all dogs, while non-core vaccines are optional canine
vaccines which are administered on an individual basis. For some dogs, the core vaccines are enough,
while other dogs, such as dogs which board frequently, traveling dogs, and dogs who work outdoors, should
receive some of the non-core vaccines as well.

Veterinarians recommend dogs get vaccinated for distemper at an early age.

40 One of the core vaccines, rabies, is often required by law, due to concern for the well being of wildlife and
people. In addition to rabies, the core vaccines include canine distemper, adenovirus, and parvovirus. All of
these diseases can be fatal to dogs, and they are also very common, especially in kennels, making
protection at an early age crucial.
A dog can get their vaccines at a local veterinarian clinic.
Non-core canine vaccines include Bordetella, leptospirosis, Lyme, and coronavirus. In addition to these
45 vaccines, dogs who work outdoors can also receive rattlesnake vaccines, in which they are exposed to
rattlesnake venom so that they can develop antibodies. The use of rattlesnake vaccines is a topic of debate
among veterinarians; some feel that it is not advisable, while others are willing to administer these vaccines,
as long as dog owners understand the increased risk.

Properly starting vaccines in puppies is important for dogs, people and even other animals.
When discussing canine vaccines with your vet, make sure to discuss your lifestyle, as some vaccines may
50 be more applicable than others. Also ask for a copy of your immunization record, so that you know what
your dog has been vaccinated against. Be aware that if you plan to travel with your dog, some areas of the
world require proof of specific vaccinations and sometimes a quarantine before your dog will be allowed to
enter. If you travel a lot in Europe, you may want to apply for a pet passport, which will smooth your dog's
border crossings in the European Union.

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