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The lions share

Have butterflies in stomach

Take the bull by the horns
Take my hat off to
Lose heart

1. "The lion's share": This phrase means the largest or

greatest portion of something. It comes from the
idea that a lion, being a powerful and dominant
animal, would take the biggest portion for itself. For
example, if there are five people sharing a pizza and
one person eats three-quarters of it, you could say
they took the lion's share.
2. "Have butterflies in the stomach": This expression is
used to describe the feeling of nervousness or
excitement in the stomach, often experienced before
a big event or when feeling anxious. It's like having
tiny fluttering butterflies moving around inside you.
3. "Take the bull by the horns": This phrase means to
confront a difficult or challenging situation directly
and with courage. It's like grabbing a bull by its
horns, which requires bravery and taking control of
the situation instead of being afraid or avoiding it.
4. "Take my hat off to": This expression is used to show
respect, admiration, or appreciation for someone's
achievements or actions. It's like figuratively taking
off your hat as a sign of
acknowledging their excellence.
5. "Lose heart": This phrase means to
become discouraged or lose hope in a
particular situation. It's like feeling
disheartened or losing motivation
when facing difficulties or setbacks.
as different as chalk and cheese
by heart
dismissed from
have one's head in the clouds
leading authority

"As different as chalk and cheese" -

«Разные, как мел и сыр» - two
things are very different from each
other and have nothing in common.
Example: "The two siblings are as
different as chalk and cheese. One
loves sports and the outdoors, while
the other prefers reading and staying indoors."

"By heart"- «Наизусть» - knowing something so well that you can remember it
perfectly without needing to read it.
Example: "I know all of the lyrics to that song by heart. I've listened to it so many
times that I don't even need to read the words anymore."

"Dismissed from" - «Уволен с» - being fired or let go from a job or position.

Example: "The employee was dismissed from the company for violating their code of

"Have one's head in the clouds" - «Витать в облаках» - being distracted or not paying
attention to what is happening around you because you are lost in thought or
Example: "The student was often caught with their head in the clouds during class,
and as a result, missed important information."

"Leading authority"- «Ведущий авторитет» - a person or organization that is highly

respected and knowledgeable in a particular field or subject matter.
Example: "Professor Williams is a leading authority on 18th-century literature, having
written several books and articles on the topic."
muscle pain
nose bleed
travel sickness
heart disease
splitting headache
sore throat
high temperature
food poisoning

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