Ensayo La Nube Es de Concreto Ing

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¿Will Colombia be part of the concrete cloud?

Nathalia Alejandra Garzón Gonzales(D7304754)

Erika Alexandra Rosero Cárdenas (D7304721)
Raúl Andrés Orduz Montejo(D7304723)
José Uver Yate Tapia (D7304027)

Ingeniería Civil, Facultad de estudios a distancia, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogotá,


Exposing the concept of the cloud is concrete relating to Colombia sounds curious, striking however
when you delve into the context you realize that it is. It is from the technological advance that has
been developed and that what the user perceives in reality is only the interface that allows even just a
click to manage various activities from a single place falsely perceiving that we have everything in a
virtual cloud, but that in reality what is behind is a huge base of infrastructure on which it is sustained
and is an opportunity that countries have to give a I jump and be part of those who can grow
economically but they have to make an investment not to the same sectors to which they have always
put the budget but to the new models that some countries have implemented and has allowed them to
have economic growth. Colombia has the opportunity to choose whether to continue in the same line
or make the leap to be part of that select group that takes sides and contributes to the development of
Colombian society, always bearing in mind a sustainable development that does not drastically affect
the environment and future generations have the same opportunities.

Keywords: economy, concrete, Technology, Infrastructure, Innovation, solar energy, environment.


Colombia has been categorized as one of the countries with a 20% population that is on the poverty
line, that is why the country's state policies must focus on other areas to change paradigms. We are in
a time of technological boom an opportunity to anticipate and visualize where the ball will fall that
will allow us to be part of the countries with great economic growth; since technological development
comes with the need to implement new models of equity where everyone participates in these
processes of creating and innovating, but this process requires investments in coverage of more stable
internet services (fiber optics), to expand the scope in education, to meet the needs of professionals
with the ability to fill market vacancies, Large technological development funds such as FINTECH
(Te cnología Financiera En América Latina) have set their sights on the region and have seen the great
Latin creative capacity they have developed despite the little investment that governments have made
in these areas. (Vasconcello, 2021).

Technological development is the opportunity for Colombia to have economic growth because we are
privileged by two oceans and one strategically located; at the entrance to South America. Additionally,
there has been the capacity to produce energy with less impact on the environment and we still have


the capacity to increase the production of solar and wind energy because we are in the tropics an area
with enough solar radiation on the other hand we have the climatic wealth provided by the mountain
ranges. All these qualities that the territory possesses make it easier to be one of the actors that provide
the infrastructure for large startups. This infrastructure can be from large-scale collection centers
either seaports or modern and intelligent logistics centers that allow optimal control of inventories and
customer orders in addition to that you can also have infrastructure with earthquake-resistant designs
for Data Processing Center in cold climates reducing energy consumption in the cooling of equipment
and thus optimize resources in addition to of that también es de vital importancia desarrollar una
infraestructura vial capaz de recuperarse en el menor tiempo posible . (DIGITAL-BBVA, 2021)

Saying that everything is in the cloud is just the illusion because everything is at hand just a click
away however that, is only the presentation interface, but behind. The reality is different, because to
make all that possible and have massive coverage requires a large infrastructure that is present in the
collection centers to market, in the servers that make this possible, in the roads that contribute to
logistics and most importantly the great infrastructure that is made to generate energy in the
hydroelectric plants.

In Colombia, according to the Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies – MINTIC,

ICTs are the set of resources, tools, equipment, computer programs, applications, networks and media;
that allow the compilation, processing, storage, transmission of information such as: voice, data, text,
video and images (Mintic, 2022), that every day take more relevance in all economic, cultural and
social activities worldwide.
Latin American countries such as Colombia, are behind in investment in information technologies
whose current average investment is 3% despite the fact that technology is associated with
sustainability (Izquierdo, 2022).
All this technology must be located in specific areas that allow generating its processes, the use of
energy is the first stage for the articulation of information networks and data storage platforms, as we
commonly call "cloud storage"; For this reason, Colombia is making leaps and bounds, as reported by
the magazine El Tiempo, (2022) in this country there is a supercomputer that has the capacity to
perform 103 trillion operations per second, using its capacity of 103 teraflops. A performance that
puts the country to compete worldwide in terms of the processing of information applied for
technological development and whose process has brought enormous challenges, especially in finding
the resources for the installation of the machine, including the improvement of infrastructure for its
proper operation.

All this technology that today advances and that occupies day by day the spaces in all the homes of
the world, has a main base for its operation, in it is the energy for its operation; thus, projects are being
developed that will allow to address large scenarios in terms of energy generation and with it large
investments in the subject of infrastructure, which is how the "Ituango Hydroelectric" project was
born in Colombia.
This initiative, classified as the most important energy infrastructure project in the country, whose
plant in its operation will generate 2,400 MW, which represents 17% of the country's electricity
demand (Ituango, 2022); infrastructure that is part of the information technology infrastructure, or IT
infrastructure, positioning itself as the project that generates more expectations for the other
departments with the promotion of their infrastructure, job creation and architecture in the middle of
the river.


In this way, the cloud industry has taken large investors on the radar in the last decade and has become
one of the strategies for which it has targeted a multitude of investment fund managers, being an area
that continues to accumulate followers with the passage of time and one of the spaces for the
articulation of construction and especially civil engineering is its Processes (Hector Chamizo, 2022).

Currently, many companies have had to migrate to the development of activities virtually due to the
global implementation of digital systems, being at the forefront in each of the markets makes it
essential to work with new technologies, this is how the ways of working that had been established
for a long time have had a change and all small or large companies have had to train their workers in
management. of platforms and put in funcionamiento otros servicios como el teletrabajo, entonces se
you can say that Homes are another center of operations where people must adapt their homes in order
to access many virtual media.
All these new implementations involve the use of many natural resources, for example for the
production of energy that guarantees the operation of all facilities, non-renewable resources such as
oil, coal and gas are required; without neglecting that these networks must be placed in large
infrastructures that also require resources such as water, sand, steel, wood, among others, all these
improvements and changes transform the physical world as it has been perceived over time. It is
important to establish that obtaining energy should not only be from these resources that are
exhaustible, but guide the world to obtain energy from other sources such as wind turbines and other
sources that allow us to advance technology responsibly. with the investments made.

At present we think that, if we do a job or if we include the environment in our work projects, then
we are actively participating in the common welfare that since we grow up and when we study our
careers indicate us and focus us on a friendlier and kinder world with the environment and really what
we are doing in a little bit of both parties, we protect the environment in one way, but we damage it
in another.
When we do projects such as obtaining energy through the sun, we can think that we are being friendly
to the environment and that on that side we are advancing in the world and the new modernity, but if
we deepen we have to observe that for each adaptation of a field where the solar panels are going to
go we have to make large foundations effectively depending on the magnitude of the solar field, Of
course, the purpose is to get energy from the sun, and that makes it environmentally friendly, but the
construction of the solar field is still outdated, in the conventional way where there is still cement,
gravel, rods, additives and many more aggregates that are part of a specific foundry, so we can
conclude that although we have every intention of working amicably and hand in hand with the
environment because we know what is important. that is that it is for our future, that of our children
and the conservation of the planet, we must work much more to achieve a tactic, a technique where
the cloud is no longer concrete, if not, that is environmentally sustainable from its zero beginning to
its end one hundred percent.
In countries like the United States, one of the world powers that continue to invest in technology that
is the world "advance" and the new era, but always, always, they need civil works, for the
materialization of their new projects, such as their location and natural needs that with a small,
medium and large project, as well as developed and underdeveloped countries such as Germany,
Sweden, Singapore, the UNITED Kingdom and Switzerland, each of them aiming for a 100%
technological world also want a healthy world for the environment, but the way has not yet been found
to have both, because for technology you also need infrastructure that is still and causing concrete


DIGITAL-BBVA, T. (15 de Enero de 2021). Alejandro Romero, de Llorente y Cuenca. Obtenido de
DIGITAL-BBVA, TRANSFORMACIÓN: https://www.bbva.com/es/la-transformacion-
Montealegre, A. (21 de Septiembre de 2022). revistaempresarial. Obtenido de revistaempresarial:
Vasconcello, J. (20 de Septiembre de 2021). La Transformación Digital de América Latina.
Obtenido de atlantico: https://www.atlantico.vc/2021-transformacion-digital-america-latina
computing.” La Infromación. 17 de Septiembre de 2022. https://www.lainformacion.com/mercados-
Ituango, H. (2022). Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Ituango.
Izquierdo, A. (2022). Así va la inversión en tecnologías de la información en el país. Revista PyM.
Septiembre de 2022. https://www.revistapym.com.co/articulos/digital/54790/asi-va-la-
Mintic. (2022). Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC).
Comunicaciones-TIC#:~:text=Las Tecnologías de la Información,%2C video e imágenes
Tecnósfera, R. (2022). Así es el supercomputador más potente del país. El Tiempo. 19 de
Septiembre 2022. https://www.eltiempo.com/amp/tecnosfera/dispositivos/detalles-del-


La nube es de concreto
Aniceto Zaragoza. Director General, Agrupación de Fabricantes de Cemento de España – OFICEMEN

El mundo digital ha reorga-

Desde hace algún tiempo, en nuestra sociedad Algunas cifras pueden ayudarnos a com- nizado y está reorganizando
y, cómo no, en nuestra arena política, se ha creado una prender mejor esta transformación y ampliando el mundo físico,
pero no lo ha sustituido.
disyuntiva imposible entre el mundo digital y el mundo El reciente accidente del Ever Given, en el canal de CORTESÍA EVALORE

real. La modernidad y el futuro están asociadas a lo vir- Suez, ha llamado la atención sobre la existencia de
tual, mientras que el pasado y la obsolescencia se asocian esos enormes barcos de 400 metros de eslora, casi 60
con el mundo físico. Pocos errores pueden ser más cos- de manga y unos 16 de calado, que pueden llegar a
tosos. No vamos al teatro a ver telones, sino a disfrutar transportar hasta 24.000 contenedores. Nuestro mundo
de la obra. Que el mundo digital reordene el mundo digital genera unos tráficos que no dejan de crecer –las
físico –como un determinado escenario condiciona compras en la red se han multiplicaron casi por cuatro
la representación– no solo no significa que vayamos a en tan solo siete años– y a veces no somos plenamente
poder prescindir de lo material, sino que, más bien al conscientes de lo que esto implica en el mundo real.
contrario, en la mayoría de las ocasiones incluso crecerá. Solo en el ámbito naviero, este movimiento de mer-
Detrás de las pantallas táctiles y de las hermosas cancías requiere buques cada vez mayores e infraes-
presentaciones, detrás del telón, palpita el mundo real. tructuras compatibles con puertos, canales y puentes
Cuando se encienden las luces de conexión de nuestros en continua adaptación a los nuevos calados, esloras,
computadores no pensamos que, para que funcionen, mangas y puntales necesarios para dar servicio a un
se consume a escala global más energía que en toda tráfico comercial creciente. Y es una evolución sin fin.
Italia. Tampoco somos conscientes de que nuestras Pero quizás estas grandes actuaciones sean menos
preferencias y gustos se almacenan en inmensas cons- relevantes que el sistema arterial logístico de aprovi-
trucciones propiedad de las grandes plataformas de sionamiento y distribución que exige esta economía
internet, situadas muchas veces en climas o entornos digital.
fríos para reducir el enorme consumo eléctrico que En España se han construido en los últimos años
requieren. O de que esas pequeñas compras que reali- superficies logísticas que equivalen a 2.700 campos de
zamos online se suman a otras muchas hasta traducirse futbol y el proceso está aún lejos de finalizar. Superficies
en un inmenso comercio mundial que exige numerosas logísticas que están conectadas gracias a millones de
instalaciones logísticas y un extraordinario movimiento vehículos y cientos de miles de kilómetros de carreteras
de vehículos y mercancías. y vías.

Noticreto 165

En España se han construido en los últimos años superficies

logísticas que equivalen a 2.700 campos de futbol y el proceso
está aún lejos de finalizar.

El mundo virtual nece-

Pero no todo es tráfico de mercancías. Cuando Y si analizamos lo que ocupan los campos fotovol- sita además energía, cuya
observamos el comportamiento de las personas en el taicos en funcionamiento y programados en España obtención no es virtual.
contexto del mundo digital, vemos que el fenómeno del (aunque los proyectos que están en análisis multipli- CÁRDENAS

teletrabajo está conllevando un cierto desplazamiento can esa cifra) comprobamos que tienen una superficie
de actividades hacia residencias ocasionales y segundas del tamaño del término municipal de Madrid –que es
viviendas que exigirá, a su vez, la construcción de dota- mucho mayor que su casco urbano–.
ciones adicionales para adaptar los servicios y comuni- El mundo digital, por tanto, ha reorganizado y está
caciones al nuevo flujo de población en crecimiento. Y reorganizando y ampliando el mundo físico, pero no
todo eso, además de suponer medidas a veces dolorosas lo ha sustituido. Prestar atención a la transformación
para zonas en declive, exigirá una rotunda materialidad. digital y no a la física es ir al teatro a ver el telón. Los
Todo ese mundo real que subyace bajo el digital países que han entendido bien el reto están trabajan-
requiere y requerirá –a pesar de los avances realizados do intensamente en la transformación de su mundo
y previstos en la estrategia de economía circular– la físico, ya que sin esta transformación perderán la
utilización de muchos recursos naturales, sin los cuales carrera de la modernidad. Y esto significa nuevas y
no pueden fabricarse los vehículos, ni construirse las in- mejores infraestructuras.
fraestructuras necesarias para que funcione el conjunto Cuando echamos un vistazo a los diez países que
del sistema. lideran los rankings internacionales en la transfor-
Como ya hemos apuntado, el mundo virtual necesita mación de infraestructuras y de los procesos de digi-
además energía, cuya obtención tampoco es virtual. Solo talización, descubrimos que siete de ellos coinciden
en España, centrándonos en algunas fuentes energéticas en las dos listas: Estados Unidos –que además ha
y a modo de ejemplo, tenemos más de 21.000 turbinas anunciado recientemente un plan de infraestructuras
eólicas. Estas torres de acero construidas sobre bases de por dos billones de dólares que se suma a una inver-
concreto que pesan en conjunto más de 46 millones sión privada en redes digitales desde 1996 que supera
de toneladas, se distribuyen por la geografía nacional a los 1,4 billones de dólares–, Países Bajos, Alemania,
través de una infraestructura de caminos con una longi- Suecia, Singapur, Reino Unido y Suiza. Ellos saben
tud que duplica toda la red de carreteras existente en la por qué lo hacen: la nube es real y tangible; es de
Comunidad de Madrid. concreto.

Noticreto 165

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