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Social Media

Social media is a technological application and website, enabling users to have

interactive communication and participation in sharing information, opinions,
pictures, videos, etc. via internet connection. Social media is a computer-based
technology that allows interactive communication via the internet. Approximately
three billion people worldwide have a social networking account. Social media
websites, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linked-In, Pinterest, Google+, and
Reddit, help people to stay connected with their friends and families.
Now a days using social media is not useful at all times because there are so many
fake news posted everywhere we don't know which is the truth and not.

In solving this matter we have to be reliable on what we are going to post in social
media like how we give information to others. Social media can destroy also our
health, Sometimes people log on to their social media account daily for
meaningless purposes or only to kill time. Most often, they access their account
only to check for comments and see the number of views. They start getting
obsessed with their activities on social media. In such circumstances, the
psychologist confirms that the person is suffering from social media addiction.
Engaging in social media once in a while is unlikely to be harmful. However, there
are negative effects to consider when overusing social media. We can help
ourselves by controlling our addiction in social media by Deleting social media apps
that is not necessary, turn off your phones during work or class, take up a new
hobby, take off you phone in the bedroom and be responsible in using social

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