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Recruitment Diversity
Australian organizations supply equal employment opportunity (EEQ) in the workplace. It means
candidates should be treated fairly irrespective of difference in race, sex, religion or any other non-
job-related factors (Raymond J, 2103).

This organization HR partner is an equal opportunities employer and is very aware of encouraging
diversity in the workplace. They particularly focus on gender diversity and ethnicity diversity and
seek to improve the recruitment within those two groups.

1.1. Gender Diversity

In order to encourage the gender diversity, the current 2020 Strategy has been applied and set a
target for increased numbers of female partners. This firm wants to increase female partners from
15% now to 35% in 2020. It shows that the organization views female partners or employees as a
valuable strategic resource (Goodman et al., 2003).

There are two major benefits with increased female Partners. The first is that the higher the level of
female representation in management may attract more female applicants to the organisation. It
will extend the talent pool for the organization in terms of recruitment. The second is attracting
more female to work in the organization, the type of clients who are attracted will also change,
meaning the male dominated industries and female dominated industries both looking to utilise
your services or productions, hence to improve turnover and engage a new group of consumers
(Konrad et al., 2008)

1.2 Ethnicity Diversity

Now, the organization is exploring the Asian market. Therefore, the current 2020 Strategy has also
set a target for increased numbers of partners with an Asian background. By the year 2020 this firm
wants to have 7% Asian background partners.

The organisation views employees and leaders of the firm with diverse backgrounds as important.
However, what becomes clear is that this firm does not have any mechanisms in place in order to
encourage diversity within their workplace for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partners or

Compared with the native average, aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders are the most
disadvantaged group in Australian labour market. Their unemployment rate is four times the native
average (Raymond J, 2103). Therefore, organizations in Australia including this organization should
have included in their strategic business plan, targets to recruit and promote more Aboriginal

In the end, not only this organization should pay attention to recruitment of aboriginal Australians,
but also the whole nation and society should be aware of how best to.
2. Recommendations (For Alvin)
2.1. For gender diversity:
1. This organisation should be careful not to push female in to senior roles when they are not ready
for them, or do not have the relevant skill set, just because the current strategic business plan has a
target to be met.

2. This organisation should also be mindful not to alienate male workers. Keeping the equal
employment opportunity (EEQ) is essential for both male and female.

2.2. For ethnicity:

1. Establishing aboriginal employment office. The function of this office is to provide aboriginal
Australians job applicants with professional career opportunities.

2. The organization should provide scholarships for aboriginal Australians in university because the
high-level education could help them in recruitment activities.
Goodman, J.S., Fields, D.L. and Blum, T.C. 2003, ‘Cracks in the glass ceiling: in what kinds of
organizations do women make it to the top?’ Group & Organization Management, 28: 4, 475–501.

Konrad, A.M., Kramer, V. and Erkut, S, 2008, ‘Critical mass: the impact of three or more women on
corporate boards’. Organizational Dynamics, 37: 2, 145–164.

Raymond J Stone, 2013, ‘Managing Human Resource’, John Wiley Sons Australia, Ltd.

The last reference is our textbook, but I am not sure it is correct, so please check it. Thanks Tara.

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