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HANDOUT NO: 1 HANDOUT TITLE: Fundamentals of Data Processing

Electrical, electronic and control engineering
at the operational level
Effectively use computer applications for
documents used onboard ship.
KNOWLEDGE UNDERSTANDING Understanding of the Main Features of Data

LEARNING OUTCOME: Explain and identify the stages of Data


TOPIC 1: The Data Processing Cycle


NOTE: Using the annotating strategy, you will improve your academic

Annotating means writing down your thoughts about what you’re

reading as you read. It’s like you’re having a conversation with the
text. It’s writing short comments in the margins, not long

Annotation Rubric: Good readers annotate to: Identify important

information 30% Record connections 10% Ask questions 15% Interpret
ideas 25% Analyze information 20%.

The invention of computer technology was one of the most important
events of all time. With the improvement of computer technology and
ease of use, it has become a popular technology in the hands of
many. Data processing has also become popular with computer systems
making it easier to be handled. In the current times of multiple
industries ruling the economy of the many countries of the world,
data processing is a field that has numerous applications in most
fields like business, education, healthcare, research and more. The
importance is increasing with the increase in advancement in areas
like data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data
quality and data security etc.

Watch the video “How Computers Work- Binary and Data” Available

Anything we input to the computer is converted to a series of number
that is represented either by one or zero. These come from signals
transmitted through wires which can be on, or off; yes or no; true
or false; or 1 or 0. Every wire is equivalent to a bit – the smallest
piece of data the computer can store. Though we are not obliged to
study this number system because our computers do the conversion,
it is still good to know how our data travels from one computer to
another and how it changes it form.

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MPCF 1st Semester S/Y 2023-2024


1. CPU –Central Processing Unit serves as the brain
of the computer where all processing happens.
2. Input Devices – devices used to input data into the

3. Output – devices used to output data from the

Devices computer

4. Character – data type that stores alphanumeric


5. Sieving - defined as a method in which two or more

components of different sizes are separated
from a mixture on the basis of the difference
in their sizes.

6. String – data type that refers to series of


7. Information - is the produced output after the data is

processed into a meaningful manner. Merriam-
Webster Dictionary simply defines it as
knowledge obtained from investigation, study,
or instruction.

8. Data - is a collection of values used for

references or analysis. May it be survey
responses in research, project or possible
answers for an assignment, we collect raw
facts that might be of help to what we are
trying to answer or prove. Data can be
categorized by:
• Alphanumeric – combination of numbers and
• Image – graphics, multimedia art, pictures
• Audio – recorded sound, noise, tones
• Video – motion graphics

Data Processing Cycle
Data processing cycle as the term suggests a sequence of steps
or operations for processing data i.e., processing raw data to
the usable form. The processing of data can be done by number of
data processing methods.

Stages of Data Processing

Basically, the data processing cycle can be presented in three
main stages:
1. Input - The raw data after collection needs to be
fed in the cycle for processing.
This is considered the first step and called input.
2. Processing - Once the input is provided the raw
data is processed by a suitable or selected processing
method. This is the most important step as it provides

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MPCF 1st Semester S/Y 2023-2024

the processed data in the form of output which will

be used further.
3. Output -This is the outcome and the raw data
provided in the first stage is now “processed” and
the data is useful and provides information and no
longer called data. *Information

These three broad stages generally

cover the whole data processing cycle.
However, there are sub stages or steps
involved in between these three broad
stages required for the data processing
cycle to be completed. These deal with
the collection of data, choosing the
processing methods, practicing data
management best practices, information
processing cycle, making use of
processed data for the desired purpose.
The Data Processing cycle diagram is
presented below. The steps include:

a. Data Collection: This is the first step that will provide

the data for the input. Collecting data is a hard work
in its own but is most essential on which the results
depend. The quality of input will determine the quality
of output. This data collection can be done in various
ways by primary or secondary sources. This data might
include census data, GDP or other monetary figures,
data about a number of industries, profit of a company,
etc. Depending upon the data requirement its source
must be identified from which data will be collected.
b. Preparation/Sieving: Some people consider this as a part
of processing but does not involve any processing.
Preparation includes sorting and filtering of data
which will finally be used as input. This stage required
you to remove the extra or unusable data to make
processing faster and better. This is a broad step in
reducing the quantity of data to yield a better result.
c. Input: This is the feeding of raw and sieved data for
processing. If the input is not done properly or done
wrong, then the result will be adversely affected. This
is because software follows the rule of “Garbage in –
garbage out.” Utmost care should be taken to provide
the right data.

All these steps or stages have a particular sequence which must

be followed. If processing is done manually as the automatic
processing have inbuilt algorithms with predefined steps. In
automatic processing, the chances of error are drastically
reduced. This happens only when the input is a correct data or
data set.

Most of the programs which process data completely or partially

have a back-end with a pre-defined algorithm and sets of
operation. A single software is performing all the required steps
is considered to have a complete data processing cycle in its
back-end. A combination of a different set of hardware and
software is needed to complete the cycle in partial data
processing. It becomes the responsibility of the person operating
this set to feed and receive the output in a particular sequence.

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Different types of output files obtained as “processed” data

Plain text file – These constitute the simplest form or

processed data. Most of these files are user readable
and easy to comprehend. Very negligible or no further
processing is these type of files. These are exported
as notepad or WordPad files.

Table/ spreadsheet – This file format is most suitable

for numeric data. Having digits in rows and columns
allows the user to perform various operations. For ex,
filtering & sorting in ascending/descending order to
make it easy to understand and use. Various mathematical
operations can be applied when using this file output.

Charts & Graphs – Option to get the output in the form

of charts and graphs is handy and now forms standard
features in most of the software. This option is
beneficial when dealing with numerical values
reflecting trends and growth/decline. There are ample
charts and graphs are available to match diverse
requirements. At times there exists situation when there
is a need to have a user-defined option. In case no
inbuilt chart or graph is available then the option to
create own charts, i.e., custom charts/graphs come

Maps/Vector or image file – When dealing with spatial

data the option to export the processed data into maps,
vector and image files is of great use. Having the
information on maps is of particular use for urban
planners who work on different types of maps. Image
files are obtained when dealing with graphics and do
not constitute any human readable input.

Other formats/ raw files – These are the software specific file
formats which can be used and processed by specialized software.
These output files may not be a complete product and require
further processing. Thus there will need to perform steps
multiple times.

Central Processing Unit – The table below shows how the main
components of the CPU divide task to process.

Arithmetic Logical Unit Control Unit

Arithmetic Operations – Fetching instruction or data
performing calculations (add, item from memory.
subtract, multiply, divide)
Comparison Operations – Decoding instruction into
comparing data items to commands
determine if the first item is
greater than, equal to, or less
than the other item
Logical Operations – working Executing the commands, and, if
with conditions and logical necessary
operators such as AND, OR, and Storing, or writing the result
NOT to memory

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Computer Processing Operations

A computer can perform only the following four operations which

enable computers to carry out the various data processing
activities we have just discussed.

a) Input/Output Operations
A computer can accept data (input) from and supply
processed data (output) to a wide range of input/output
devices. These devices such as keyboards, display
screens, and printers make human-machine communication

b) Calculation and Text Manipulation Operations

Computer circuits perform calculations on numbers. They
are also capable of manipulating numerics and other
symbols used in text with equal efficiency.

c) Logic/Comparison Operations
A computer also possesses the ability to perform logical

For example, if we compare two items represented by the

symbols A and B, there are only three possible
outcomes: A is less than b (A<B); A is equal to B
(A=B); or A is greater than B (A>B).

A computer can perform such comparisons and the

depending on the result, follow a predetermined a
path to complete its work. This ability to compare is
an important property of computers.

d) Storage and Retrieval Operations

Both data and program instructions are stored
internally in a computer.
Once they are stored in the internal memory, they can
be called up quickly or retrieved for further use.

1. Data Processing Cycle. (2017, August 17). Retrieved from

2. Quistina, J., & Sike, D. (2016). The Importance of Data

Processing. Retrieved from

3. Data Processing Cycle | Definition, Stages, Use & Examples.

(2020, August 11). Retrieved from

4. Oneil, M. “Introduction to Data Processing”. Retrieved from

5. To, V.L. (2016, July 18). “Computer data processing”.

Retrieved from

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MPCF 1st Semester S/Y 2023-2024

LEARNING OUTCOME 1.2: Identify and explain the different Data

Processing Types and Methods

TOPIC 2: Types and Methods of Data Processing


NOTE: Using the annotating strategy, you will improve your academic

Annotating means writing down your thoughts about what you’re

reading as you read. It’s like you’re having a conversation with the
text. It’s writing short comments in the margins, not long

Annotation Rubric: Good readers annotate to: Identify important

information 30% Record connections 10% Ask questions 15% Interpret
ideas 25% Analyze information 20%.

Various data processing methods are used to convert raw data into
meaningful information through a process. Data is manipulated to
produce results that leads to a resolution of a problem or an
improvement in the existing situation. Similar to a production
process, it follows a cycle where inputs (raw data) are fed to a
process (computer systems, software, etc.) to produce output
(information and insights).

Generally, Organizations employ computer systems to carry out a

series of operations on the data to present, interpret, or to obtain
information. The process includes activities like data entry,
summary, calculation, storage, etc. A useful and informative output
is presented in various appropriate forms such as diagrams,
reports, graphics, etc. Data processing is mainly important in
business and scientific operations. Business data is repeatedly
processed, and usually needs large volumes of output. Scientific
data requires numerous computations and usually needs fast-
generating outputs.
Watch “How Facebook Tracks Your Data” available at:
This is also available in your USB-OTG: Video 4

Collecting the right data is essential for various purposes.
Facebook, for example, uses our data wisely that it knows which
people we may know and add, what products, we may like to buy, and
places we would like to go to without asking us directly. Sometimes,
it is beneficial for effective and efficient use of the platform.
However, it can also be used against us by anyone who may have the
intent to steal, bully, and perform other cybercrime. Therefore, it
is not just about how you collect data but how we use the data.
Facebook made use of our data effectively by using different methods
of processing according to its specific needs.
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MPCF 1st Semester S/Y 2023-2024

1. Big Data — large enough that it can’t be processed by
traditional systems

2. Caching — temporarily storing data for anticipated

future reuse

3. Cube — multi-dimensional data; term used in data


4. Catalog — organization of metadata with management

and search capability

5. DataFrame — relational database table like construct

in programming languages

6. Algorithm - A set of rules for solving a problem in a

given number of steps.

7. Batch – a group of one or more program that will

perform a specific set of tasks that will
not require a user interaction

8. Mainframe - type of computer that generally are known

Computer for their large size, amount of storage,
processing power and high level of

9. Aggregation - the process of combining things. That is,

putting those things together so that we can
refer to them collectively.

10. Multiprocess - a computer system having two or more

or central processing units, each sharing main
memory and peripherals, in order to
simultaneously process programs

11. ATM – Automated Teller Machine (an electronic

banking outlet that allows customers to
complete basic transactions without the aid
of a branch representative or teller)

12. Serial a term used to describe the processing that

Processing/Seq occurs in the order that it is received.
processing -

Data Processing Methods and Types of Data Processing
1. Manual Data Processing

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MPCF 1st Semester S/Y 2023-2024

Data is processed manually without

using any machine or tool to get the
required results. In manual data
processing, all the calculations and
logical operations are performed
manually on the data. Similarly, data
is transferred manually from one
place to another. This method of data
processing is very slow, and errors
may also occur in the output. Mostly,
Data is processed manually in many
small business firms as well as government offices & institutions.
In an educational institute, for example, marks sheets, fee
receipts, and other financial calculations (or transactions) are
performed by hand. This method is avoided as far as possible
because of the very high probability of error, labor intensive and
very time-consuming. This type of data processing forms the very
primitive stage when technology was not available, or it was not
affordable. With the advancement of technology, the dependency on
manual methods has drastically decreased. This also makes
processing expensive and requires large manpower depending on the
data required to be processed.

2. Mechanical Data Processing

In this method, data is processed by using
different devices like typewriters,
mechanical printers or other mechanical
devices. This method of data processing is
faster and more accurate than manual data
processing. These are faster than the manual
mode but still forms the early stages of
data processing. With invention and
evolution of more complex machines with
better computing power this type of
processing also started fading away.
Examination boards and printing press use
mechanical data processing devices frequently. Any device which
facilitates data processing can be considered under this
category. The output from this method is still very limited.

3. Electronic Data Processing

This is a modern technique to process
data. The data is processed through
a computer; Data and set of
instructions are given to the
computer as input, and the computer
automatically processes the data
according to the given set of
instructions. The computer is also
known as Electronic Data Processing
Machine. Electronic Data Processing
is the fastest and best available
method with highest reliability and accuracy. Technology used is
the latest as this method uses computers. Manpower required is
minimal. Processing can be done through various programs and
predefined set of rules. Processing of large amount of data with
high accuracy, speed, and consistency is almost impossible which
makes it best among the available types of data processing. For
example, in a computerized education environment results of

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MPCF 1st Semester S/Y 2023-2024

students are prepared through a computer; in banks, accounts of

customers are maintained (or processed) through computers, etc.

Types of data processing on basis of process/steps performed

1. Batch Processing
This is one of the widely used type of data processing which
is also known as Serial/Sequential, Tacked/Queued offline
processing. This is the processing of previously collected
jobs in a single batch. A group of one or more programs
(batch) will perform a specific set of tasks without requiring
a user interaction. The fundamental of this type of processing
is that different jobs of different users are processed in the
order received. Once the stacking of jobs is complete, they
are provided/sent for processing while maintaining the same
order. This processing of a large volume of data helps in
reducing the processing cost thus making it data processing

Batch jobs can be stored up during working hours and then

executed during the evening or whenever the computer is idle.
Batch processing is particularly useful for operations that
require the computer or a peripheral device for an extended
period of time. Once a batch job begins, it continues until it
is done or until an error occurs. Note that because of the
technology’s rapid innovation, it is not impossible for these
conditions to be altered.

2. Real time processing

As the name suggests this method is used for carrying out
real-time processing. This is required where the results are
displayed immediately or in lowest time possible. The data
fed to the software is used almost instantaneously for
processing purpose. The nature of processing of this type of
data processing requires use of internet connection and data
is stored/used online. No lag is expected/acceptable in this
type and receiving and processing of transaction is carried
out simultaneously. This method is costly than batch
processing as the hardware and software capabilities are

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This technique can respond almost immediately to various

signals to acquire and process information. These involve
high maintenance and
upfront cost attributed
to very advanced
technology and computing
power. Time saved is
maximum in this case as
the output is seen in
real time.

3. Online Processing
This processing method is a part of automatic processing
method. This method at times known as direct or random
access processing. Under this method the job received by
the system is processed at same time of receiving. This can
be considered and often mixed with real-time processing.
This system features random and rapid input of transaction
and user defined/ demanded direct access to
databases/content when needed.

This is a method that utilizes Internet connections and

equipment directly attached to a computer. This allows the
data to be stored in one place and being used at an
altogether different place. Cloud computing can be
considered as an example which uses this type of
processing. It is used mainly for information recording and

4. Distributed Processing
Distributed systems use multiple central processors to
serve multiple real-time applications and multiple users.
Data processing jobs are distributed among the processors
accordingly. This method is commonly utilized by remote
workstations connected to one big central workstation or
The processors communicate with one another through various
communication lines (such as high-speed buses or telephone
lines). These are referred as loosely coupled systems or
distributed systems. Processors in a distributed system may
vary in size and function. These processors are referred as
sites, nodes, computers, and so on. ATMs are good examples
of this data processing method. All the end machines run on
a fixed software located at a particular place and make use
of exactly same information and sets of instruction.

5. Multiprocessing
This type of processing perhaps the most widely used types
of data processing. It is used almost everywhere and forms
the basic of all computing devices relying on processors.
Multi processing makes use of CPUs (more than one CPU). The
task or sets of operations are divided between CPUs available
simultaneously thus increasing efficiency and throughput.
The break down of jobs which needs be performed are sent to
different CPUs working parallel within the mainframe. The
result and benefit of this type of processing is the
reduction in time required and increasing the output .
Moreover CPUs work independently as they are not dependent

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MPCF 1st Semester S/Y 2023-2024

on other CPU, failure of one CPU does not result in halting

the complete process as the other CPUs continue to work.

Examples include processing of data and instructions in

computer, laptops, mobile phones etc.

6. Time sharing
A time sharing system allows many users to share the computer
resources simultaneously. In other words, time sharing refers
to the allocation of computer resources in time slots to
several programs simultaneously. For example a mainframe
computer that has many users logged on to it. Each user uses
the resources of the mainframe -i.e. memory, CPU etc. The
users feel that they are exclusive user of the CPU, even
though this is not possible with one CPU i.e. shared among
different users.

Time based used of CPU is the core of this data processing

type. The single CPU is used by multiple users. All users
share same CPU but the time allocated to all users might
differ. The processing takes place at different intervals
for different users as per allocated time. Since multiple
users can uses this type it is also referred as multi access
system. This is done by providing a terminal for their link
to main CPU and the time available is calculated by dividing
the CPU time between all the available users as scheduled.

In above figure the user 5 is active but user 1, user 2, user

3, and user 4 are in waiting state whereas user 6 is in ready
status. The time-shared systems are more complex than the
multi-programming systems. In time-shared systems multiple
processes are managed simultaneously which requires an
adequate management of main memory so that the processes can
be swapped in or swapped out within a short time.

Note: The term ‘Time Sharing’ is no longer commonly used, it

has been replaced by ‘Multitasking System’.

As soon as the time slice of user 5 is completed, the control

moves on to the next ready user i.e. user 6. In this state
user 2, user 3, user 4, and user 5 are in waiting state and
user 1 is in ready state. The process continues in the same
way and so on.

Data Processing System

It system is a combination of machines and people that for a set of
inputs produces a defined set of outputs. The inputs and outputs
are interpreted as data, facts, information, depending on the

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MPCF 1st Semester S/Y 2023-2024

interpreter’s relation to the system. A system may involve some

combination of:

• Conversion is converting data to another format.

Example: pictures, snippets, mp3, sound recordings, etc.
combined and converted into video
• Validation – Ensuring that supplied data is “clean, correct
and useful.”
Example: Facebook does not redirect you to your timeline
if you entered an incomplete/wrong login credentials.
• Sorting – “arranging items in some sequence and/or in
different sets.”
Example: Computing final grades and arranging them from
highest to lowest.
• Summarization – reducing detail
data to its main points.
Example: A book chapter
summarized in 2 to 3 pages
• Aggregation – combining multiple
pieces of data.
Example: A car object is an
aggregation of engine,
seat, wheels, and other

• Analysis – detailed examination of complex data by dividing

into parts/sections in order to understand its nature or to
determine its essential features.
Example: analyzing gathered data to identify possible rooms
for improvement.
• Reporting – list detail or summary data or computed
Example: compiling the total responses of 100 people who took
a survey
• Presentation – data presentation is helpful in taking
Example: converting listed reports into graphs/charts for a
more comprehensive data presentation

What makes Data Processing Important

Nowadays more and more data is collected for academic, scientific
research, private & personal use, institutional use, commercial
use. This collected data needs to be stored, sorted, filtered,
analyzed and presented and even require data transfer for it to be
of any use. This process can be simple or complex depending on the
scale at which data collection is done and the complexity of the
results which are required to be obtained. The time consumed in
obtaining the desired result depends on the operations which need
to be performed on the collected data and on the nature of the
output file required to be obtained. This problem becomes starker
when dealing with the very large volume of data. For example data
collected by multinational companies. They collect data about their
users, sales, manufacturing, etc. such services and companies
dealing with personal information and other sensitive information
must be careful about data protection.
The need for processing becomes more and more critical in such
cases. In such cases, data mining and data management come into
play without which optimal results cannot be obtained. Each stage
starting from data collection to presentation has a direct effect
on the output and usefulness of the processed data. Sharing the

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MPCF 1st Semester S/Y 2023-2024

dataset with third party must be done carefully and as per written
agreement & service agreement. This prevents data theft, misuse and
loss of data.

Data in any form and of any type requires processing most of the
time. These data can be categorized as personal information,
financial transactions, tax credits, banking details, computational
data, images and simply almost anything you can think of. The
quantum of processing required will depend on the specialized
processing which the data requires. Subsequently it will depend on
the output that you require. With the increase in demand and the
requirement for such services, a competitive market for data
services has emerged.

Important Data Processing Tools

1. Surveying Tools – SURVEY MONKEY, etc. software tools which help us
in easily organizing those elaborated surveys to help us gather the
relevant content from the right people.
2. Statistical Tools –SAS (STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SYSTEM) etc are
statistical calculation tools that help in plotting those big
graphs and charts to help us study certain relevant pattern and
thus do effective comparisons and draw proper conclusions.
3. Calculation and Analysis tools – EXCEL and CALC, etc. are those
mathematical software tools that help in applying relevant formulas
to process the whole data.
4. Database Management tools – ACCESS and BASE, etc. are the tools
that help us to manage a large amount of data that otherwise become
too tedious to look after or refer to as and when we require to do

1. Methods and Types of Data Processing | Most Effective Methods.

(2015, July 24). Retrieved from
2. Basic Concepts of Object-Orientation. Retrieved from
3. Durmaz, H. (2018, December 13). Introduction to Data
Processing Systems with an example. Retrieved from
4. To, V.L. (2016, July 18) “Computer Data Processing”. Retrieved
5. Rathee, K. (2020, July 15). “Complete Data Engineer’s
6. Types of Operating System. Tutorials Point. Retrieved from
7. Thakur, D. “Time Sharing Operating System”. Retrieved from

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