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What is Energy?

 The ability to do work.

 Work = force x distance

 Energy is measured in units called

JOULES which can be abbreviated to J.
Two Types of Energy:
Kinetic and Potential
 Kinetic Energy: The energy of an
object that is due to the objects motion.

 Kinetic energy = mv2/2

 m = mass v2 = velocity squared

Kinetic Energy Problems

 What is the kinetic energy of a car that

has a mass of 2,400 kg and is moving
at 20 m/s?

 REMEMBER: mv2/2

 m = 2,400 and v = 20 m/s SO….

 2, 400 x 20 x 20/2

 You have to multiply by 20 twice due to

velocity being squared!!!

 Answer: 4,800,000 Joules (J)

Problem #2

 What is the kinetic energy of a 4,000 kg

elephant that is running at 2 m/s?

 4,000 x 2 x 2/2

 Answer: 8,000 J
Problem #3

 What is the kinetic energy of a 2,000 kg

bus that is moving at 30 m/s?

 2,000 x 30 x 30/2

 Answer: 900,000 J
Final Kinetic Energy Problem

 What is the kinetic energy of a 3,000

bus that is moving at 20 m/s?

 3,000 x 20 x 20/2

 Answer: 600,000 J
Potential Energy and
Gravitational Potential Energy
 Potential Energy: energy that an object
has because of the position, shape, or
condition of the object…STORED

 If the object has height the potential

energy is known as GRAVITATIONAL
Gravitational Potential Energy

 GPE = weight x height

 What is the gravitational potential

energy of a cat that weighs 40N
standing on a table that is 0.8 m above
the ground?

 40 N x 0.8 m = 32 J
GPE Problem #2

 What is the gravitational potential

energy of a diver who weighs 500N
standing on a platform that is 10 m off
the ground?

 500 N x 10 m

 5000 J
GPE Problem #3

 What is the gravitational potential

energy of a diver who weighs 600 N
standing on a platform that is 8 m off the

 600 N x 8 m

 4800 J
Mechanical Energy
 Mechanical Energy: the total energy of
motion and position of an object

 mechanical energy = potential energy =

kinetic energy

 Remember that mechanical energy stays the

same unless some of it is transferred to
another object.
Five Forms of Energy
 Thermal

 Chemical

 Electromagnetic (electrical and light)

 Sound

 Nuclear
Thermal (Heat) Energy

 Produced by random motion of particles

that make up the object

 Examples: fire, friction, light bulb that

has been on, sun, stove coils
Chemical Energy

 Chemical Energy: energy of a

compound that changes as its atoms
are rearranged….a substance changes
into a brand new substance.

 Examples: digested food, burning

paper, rusting nail
Electromagnetic Energy

 Electromagnetic energy: electrical and

light energy combined….energy of
moving charged particles.

 Examples: microwave, amps, sun, light

bulbs, hair dryer, video games
Sound Energy

 Sound Energy: energy that vibrating

objects transmits through the air

 Examples: vocal chords, guitar strings,

musical instruments
Nuclear Energy

 Nuclear Energy: comes from changes

in the nucleus of an atom; most intense
form of energy; dangerous to humans

 Examples: sun, nuclear power plants,

nuclear warfare

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