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1 – Possessive adjective:
• We use possessive adjectives before nouns:
Ex: My house is beautiful. | She is her mother.
I – My It - Its
Whose car is this? ( Sam ) Whose house is that? ( Helen)
You – Your We - Our
This is his car. That is her house.
He - His You - Your

Whose pens are these? ( Me ) She – her They - Their

Whose tvs are those? ( You )
These are my pens. Those are your tvs.

• What is “WHOSE”?
We normally use whose to know who is the owner of something. In portuguese
we say: “De quem”.

• What is: This / That / These / Those ?


Close things This These

Distant things That Those

2 – Possessive pronoun:
• We use possessive pronouns after nouns: LIST
I – Mine It - Its
Ex: The house is mine. | This computer is hers. You – Yours We - Ours

He - His You - Yours

Whose car is this? ( Sam ) Whose house is that? ( Helen)
She – hers They - Theirs
This car is his. That house is hers.

Whose pens are these? ( Me ) Whose tvs are those? ( You )

These pens are mine. Those tvs are yours.

• Remember it is possible to use both possessive adjective or

pronoun. You choose.
Ex: This is my pen. ( Possessive adjective )
This pen is mine. ( Possessive pronoun )

• Answer these questions below:

1. Whose notebook is this? ( Lucas )

2. Whose cars are those? ( Alex and Paulo )
3. Whose smartphone is this? ( Mary )
3 – Genitive case:
• In genitive case we have two variations.

Subject (0) + ´ + S + noun: Subject (s) + ´ + noun:

Fred´s house. Carlos´ car.

Alex´s table Marcos´ house.

Dean´s shoes Nicolas´ headphone

Whose car is that? ( Luis ) Whose tvs are those? ( Dean ) Whose tvs are those? ( Dean )

That is luis´ car. Those are Dean´s tvs. Those are Dean´s tvs.
4 – Exercises:
1. Use possessive adjective.

a) Marion and Helen are students. .................... school is big.

b) I’m a taxi driver. This

c) You’re a musician. Is that..........piano?

d) The horse is brown. ............tail is black.

e) He’s a doctor. This is...........coat.

f) We are tennis players. These are .................. tennis racquets.

g) Pam is a photographer. This

h) That is Jim and Mike. ......... father is a doctor.

2. Choose A or B.

a) These a)he’s b) his

b) Is Anne’s skirt long? Yes, ......... skirt is long. a) her b) its

c) This isn’t my dress. Is it........... dress? a) you b) your

d) That’ a) I b) my

e) Is this the woman’s scarf? Yes, it is ............ scarf. a) their b) her

f) The cat is fat. ........ tail is long. a) his b) its

3. Fill in the blanks with “Possessive Pronouns”.

1) This book is Ahmet’s book. It is not ____ (you).

2) This bag is ____. I bought it last year. (Me)

3) This car is ____. He bought it two years ago.

4) I forgot to take my pencil. Can I use ____ ? (You)

5) She doesn’t have a cam. So she will use ____ ( I ).

6) I don’t have a camera. Can I use ____ (they)?

7) This pencil case isn’t _____ (I). Is it _____ (he)?

8) This is not _____ (I). I left it at home.

9) Is this car _____?(you)

4. Writte using the genitive case:

The skirts of the women


The tail of the horse


The offices of the doctors


The books of the students


The toys of the babies


The hat of Mrs Sally


The dress of my sister


The leg of the chair


The dog of the pupil


The name of the book


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