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Nathan Mabee

January 24, 2007

Video Case Analysis

Consultant Report
Week 2


This report has been created to advise CanGo’s management as to appropriate courses of
action needed to address various challenges facing the firm. This is the first report in a
series of reports. It covers the first two videos provided for analysis.


1. CanGo lacks a long term business plan including mission, vision and value
2. The work environment is very undisciplined and unstructured. There is the owner,
the office manager, and the other office personnel. There are no signs of teams,
there is no delegation of tasks, and traditional office and business tactics and
methods don’t seem to be in place here yet.
3. Warren, the office manager, seems distant and is not managing effectively. He is
present at the meetings, where he presents the tasks that need to be done to the
office. He does not assign tasks to anybody in particular, except for Nick.
4. Cango is prepared to pursue one opportunity (the online gaming division launch)
without doing any type of analysis to see whether it is really a good business
decision or not.
5. Nick has been assigned as the Project Manager for, seemingly, a high-priority
project and he does not seem suited for such a position.


1. The issue of the lack a legitimate business plan is a serious one. How are the
employees supposed to know how to act, to decide, to do business? The decisions
that now face the company cannot be made without this. It will give the company
direction, a purpose. This responsibility lies with the owner of the company.
2. It is time for CanGo to grow up. They are operating like a small business when
they are no longer a small business. A clear office hierarchy must be developed,
with teams and leaders. Unqualified personnel must be trained or terminated.
3. Planning for the anticipated increase in orders must start immediately using
traditional and formal business management techniques. This is a legitimate
opportunity, provided forecast are correct, and one that must be taken advantage
of and implemented correctly. Create teams for each portion of the project to
establish accountability.
4. The new project that has been given such a high priority needs to be legitimized
as an actual opportunity. A market analysis needs to be done, as well as feasibility
and cost analyses. The project must be put on hold until this is accomplished.


• CanGo is riding a wave of success and growth.
• Their product selections have so far been good ones.

• Undisciplined work environment.
• Untrained or unqualified personnel.
• Lack of traditional business practices and procedures.

• Projected increase in orders is 500%.
• Prospective opportunity in the online gaming market. The opportunity must be

• The lack of a long-term business strategy gives CanGo no direction.
• A total aversion to any type of planning at all is glaring threat. The business needs
to be run in less of an emergent manner. The risks to the company become much
greater with no planning and risk management being done.

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