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Term Project – Part 4 (worth 40 points)

You represent Acme Technology and are hiring a subcontractor to assist you in
installing a network with desktop computers, monitors, printers, servers, cabling
and software in an office building.

This is the culmination of the term project. In this final assignment, you will take
the information that you entered in Part 3 of the term project and create a
project network diagram showing the schedule in a graphic format, using the
Activity-on-Node method.

Your assignment is:

From the table you submitted in Part 3, create a project network,

showing correct precedence relationships.

Activity C
Duration: Activity B
18 days Duration:
(17, 35) lgth of proj.
[82, 100] (0, 295)
Activity H [0, 295]
Activity D 38 days
Duration: (201, 239)
83 days [201, 239]
Activity A (17, 100) Activity G Activity J Activity K
Duration: [17, 100] Duration: Duration: Duration:
17 days 101 days 18 days 38 days
(0, 17) (100, 201) (239, 257) (257, 295)
[0, 17] Activity E [100, 201] [239, 257] [257,295]
Duration: Activity I
78 days Duration:
(17, 95) 38 days
[22, 100] (201, 239)
[201, 239]

Activity F
18 days
(17, 35)
[82, 100]

* in TermProj3 I gave the duration as a high/low number, for simplicity’s sake I used the average of
that time frame rounded up

What is the duration of your project?

The duration of my project is 295 days.

What is the critical path?

The critical path of my project is the activities in this sequence: A-D-G-H(I)-J-K

How much slack does each activity have?

There are not many activities in this project with slack. The ones with slack are
Activities C, E, and F. Activities C and F have a large slack time of 65 days, while
E has a slack time of 5 days.

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