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Geoffrey Hoppe
August 2001 - July 2002

(August 2001
- July 2002)
2002, Geoffrey


Question and Answer

LESSON TWO: "OWN YOUR DIVINITY" - September 01, 2001

Question and Answer


Question and Answer

LESSON FOUR: "THE LANGUAGE OF AH" - November 3, 2001

Question and Answer

LESSON FIVE: "THE SENSES OF AH" - December 8, 2001

Question and Answer


Question and Answer

LESSON SEVEN: "KNOW NO AGENDA" - February 2, 2002

Question and Answer


Question and Answer


Question and Answer


Question and Answer


Question and Answer


July 19, 2002
presented at the Kryon Midsummer Light Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Question and Answer

July 18, 2002

* * *

Geoffrey and Linda Benyo Hoppe

Tobias is an energy, or spirit, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe. Tobias is part of a spiritual group called the Crimson
Council. This council has the spiritual purpose of teaching the use of energies on this planet and other places in
Creation. Tobias and the Crimson Council bring an energy of wisdom and love, and a perspective from the other side
of the veil.
Tobias's messages to the Crimson Circle began in 1999 to a group of Colorado area lightworkers, also known as
Shaumbra. He often starts a channeled session with words like this:
“I, Tobias, will speak through our friend, the one we call Cauldre (Geoffrey Hoppe), but we will be speaking to each
of you, to your hearts, to your Divine Selves on this day. The words that you hear (and read) are not so important as
the messages and the love and the energy that we bring forth on this day to family, to Shaumbra.
Tobias has called the Crimson Circle the "Classroom of the New Spiritual Energy." It is here that we learn about the
dynamics of the new empowerment and enlightenment. According to Tobias, we are actually helping to create the
architecture of the new energy. We learn what it is like to integrate our True Selves with our Human Self, to be Divine
Humans walking on this planet. As we learn about our divine nature, we quietly and gently teach others to accept
and understand their own divinity.”

What is the Crimson Circle?

The Crimson Circle was started in 1999 by a group of Colorado area lightworkers. The Crimson Circle gatherings
are open to all who are on the spiritual journey. We now gather once a month for fellowship, channeling and
celebration of our journey. You are warmly invited to join us on the Internet, and at our monthly group gatherings.
See our calendar of events:
The purpose is to join with other Shaumbra to learn more about our divinity and share our experiences. There are
no dues to pay or nothing to join. There is nothing you have to "participate" in.... just be there and celebrate the
journey of life. The meetings are casual, informative and filled with joy.
Each meeting includes a channeling from Tobias. Tobias is part of a spiritual group called the Crimson Council.
This council has the spiritual purpose of teaching the use of energies on this planet and other places in Creation.
Tobias and the Crimson Council bring an energy of wisdom and love, and a perspective from the other side of the
Tobias has called the Crimson Circle the "Classroom of the New Spiritual Energy." It is here that we learn about the
dynamics of the new empowerment and enlightenment. According to Tobias, we are actually helping to create the
architecture of the new energy. We learn what it is like to integrate our True Selves with our Human Self, to be Divine
Humans walking on this planet. As we learn about our divine nature, we quietly and gently teach others to accept
and understand their own divinity.

Tobias of the Crimson Council is presented by Geoffrey Hoppe, aka "Cauldre," in Golden, Colorado. The story of
Tobias, from the biblical Book of Tobit, can be found on the Crimson Circle web site at
The Tobias Materials have been offered free of charge to lightworkers and Shaumbra around the world since
August 1999, the time when Tobias said humanity moved past the potential of destruction and into the New Energy.
The Crimson Circle is a global network of human angels who are among the first to transition into the New Energy.
As they experience the joys and challenges of the ascension status, they help other humans on their journeys
through sharing, caring and guiding. Over 70,000 visitors come to the Crimson Circle web site each month to read
the latest materials and discuss their own experiences.
The Crimson Circle meets monthly in the Denver, Colorado area where Tobias presents the latest information
through Geoffrey Hoppe.

Crimson Circle gatherings are open to the public. The Crimson Circle receives its abundance through the open
love and gifting of Shaumbra throughout the world.
The ultimate purpose of the Crimson Circle is to serve as human guides and teachers to those walking the path of
inner spiritual awakening. This is not an evangelical mission. Rather, the inner light will guide people to your
doorstep for your compassion and care. You will know what to do and teach in that moment, when the unique and
precious human who is about to embark on the journey of the Bridge of Swords comes to you.
If you are reading this and feel a sense of truth and connection, you are indeed Shaumbra. You are a teacher and
a human guide. Allow the seed of divinity to blossom within you in this moment and for all times to come. You are
never alone, for there is family around the world and angels in the realms around you.
Please freely distribute this text on a non-commercial, no-charge basis. Please include the information in its
entirety, including these footnotes. All other uses must be approved in writing by Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, Colorado.

© Copyright Y2000 Geoffrey A. Hoppe, P.O. Box 7328, Golden, CO USA. All rights reserved.

Contact Information:
For all Crimson Circle Business (Donations, Crimson Circle Meeting Registrations, etc):
The Crimson Circle
PO Box 828
Franktown, CO 80116
(303) 841-2561 -

NEW EARTH SERIES - from August 1999 to July 2000

CREATOR SERIES - from August 2000 to July 2001
ASCENSION SERIES - from August 4, 2001 to July 2002
DIVINE HUMAN SERIES - from August 3, 2002 to August 2, 2003
NEW ENERGY SERIES - beginning August 2, 2003 to August 2004
EMBODIMENT SERIES - beginning August 2004 and ongoing.

* * *

The Ascension Series



August 4, 2001

And so it is, dear friends, that we gather here together with you for the beginning of our new series, for our new
discussions with you. We notice you have new surroundings here! (referring to the new meeting hall) You have a
new place that we are called to. Much as to let you know that I, Tobias, that Spirit, that all who will gather here today
with you – we did not get lost along the way! (chuckling) We followed your energy here to this space.
It is often difficult for us to begin our words with you. When you invite us in, and we begin this melding process…
oh, it is so sweet! We can feel so much that comes from humans, the love and the emotions. It is such a privilege
and a joy for us to be with you. As you were breathing in here (during the breathing exercises before the channeling),
we could feel your sincerity. We could feel your love. We could feel your desire and wanting to bring in all that you
are, and wanting to bring in this energy of your divine being. We will talk much more of that on this day. We will talk
much more of that throughout this year. It is our honor to be here today. There are many, many that gather here. We
see that you have a bigger room now to let more of us in! (audience laughter)
Dear friends, let us talk for a bit first of the vision of why you sit here in this place. We have discussed this before,
that some 2,500 years ago of your human time the energies were right and appropriate to begin bringing in what we
have called the seed of Christ consciousness. Up until then the balance of energy of the human and of the spirit was
not ready to fully receive this. In your days of Alt (Atlantis) and Mu (Lemuria), you tried many different things to pull in
this energy. There were many technologies that you used to try to integrate, to try to find your divinity. But as you
know, it was not the time. It was not appropriate, and as you know, your divinity cannot be brought in through
technology alone. It is a meld of your own inner opening, your breathing it in. It is a combination of mass
consciousness. It is technology. It is all these factors brought together.
And until 2,500 years ago, it was not so possible to bring in this seed that you have been carrying with you ever
since you left the kingdom.
Then as individuals, as groups of humans, as families, and entire nations, you began coming to Earth, returning
after other lifetimes. You began to come back, but this time with the awareness that you were going to bring in this
seed. You brought it in with you in your consciousness to plant it, knowing that it would take a while for the seed to
germinate and to grow. It would take a while before any harvest was possible. But you all agreed to this.
2,000 years ago, many of you who sit in this very room, and who read these words and listen to them in other
formats… you came to Earth in strength and in numbers, and you placed yourself all across the world. You placed
yourself in Jerusalem, in England, in the Africas, in Asia, some as natives here in this country of the United States.
There was a shower, a rain shower, of you who now call yourself Shaumbra, of you who came in to plant the seed.
The one you know as Yeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus) was the one who got much attention. But all of you are the ones
who have helped bring this seed in. In the subsequent years and lifetimes since then, you have been working in
earnest. You have been working diligently to provide the fertile ground, the fertile energy for this Christ seed to
You are the ones who started the churches all over the world. No wonder that you feel somewhat ambivalent about
them on these days! But you were the ones who started these. These were the temples. These were the churches
where the Christ seed would begin its growth process and would reach out to the others. For these past 2,000 years,
dear Shaumbra, you have been coming back lifetime after lifetime, learning how to bring this energy in, providing the
space and the energy for it to grow. And you know from our past words with you, now is the time for this to come
And how do you best do this? You breathe it in. You breathe it in. This energy of divinity is within you. It is in your
body. It is in your consciousness. It exists all around you. We look at you now, and we can see it. It is so young. It is

so innocent. It is the child. Although it is your own divinity from Home, it comes back to you now, and it comes
through as the child. You are the ones who have the responsibility now to nurture it, to listen to its needs, to love it
and to care for it. As you do, you will find that it takes very playful form, that it becomes very expressive.
Right now there is still a new relationship developing between you and the spirit within. Neither is quite so sure of the
other yet. You, your human ego, find yourself putting on the brakes. At times you are not quite so sure what this new
energy is. But as you breathe it in, as you allow it – all of who you are – to come out and express itself, you will have
such a different life, such a different way of looking at things. The struggles that you have felt up to now will change.
They will change.
The vision, going back some 2,500 years ago, dear friends and Shaumbra, was to bring this seed of Christ
consciousness into this grand and glorious planet of yours. And as you did, and as you now allow it to emerge, to
come through you, to be breathed through you, this opens a whole new – what would you say – you call them
"portals." It opens whole new pathways, not into the darkness of your outer space, but it opens pathways all the way
back through what used to be the void, all the way through the Wall of Fire back Home to the kingdom. As you open
these pathways through the work you do, through the consciousness changes that you are going through and
through breathing, this allows All That Is, the kingdom of God and Goddess, to now begin their journey from Home to
Remember our words that we have spoken before: You do not go Home. It comes to you. This is the beginning of a
new part of your journey on Earth, a journey that began some 2,500 years ago. Oh, yes, you have been around even
longer than that. But the latest chapters of your book are 2,500 years old. You are opening those paths from Home to
you. We will talk much about this in the next year or so. We will talk about how to do this, how to affect your life, how
to help others, how to welcome the new visitors that come from Home to see you.
Oh, and speaking of visitors on this day – as you can tell now this room fills up a bit with those who come to visit
today. They are excited about being here, guests as they are in this place. They are excited about joining you. They
find it somewhat amusing that you would now move into a church building, when it is the church you started!
(audience laughter)
But you come back to the church now, don't you, looking different? You come back to the church as a more
integrated being, as a less dependent being, a more empowered being. Oh, the church is a wonderful thing, for you
did help create it. Look what you have placed upon the Earth. You come back now not under the umbrella of the
church, but renting space. (audience laughter) And this is appropriate. This is appropriate.
The room fills now – there are many here. Perhaps you can hear their chatter. Breathe it in. Breathe in. You will
hear the celestial chatter that is in this room. They are excited. They are excited for what we have to talk of today.
They are excited for this new series. They are excited simply when you open the pathways that allow them to be
here. For those who can feel these energies well, you will notice today that they are closer than they have been in
the past. Indeed you are in the first circle, the honor circle. But the ones who come in today who are in the second
circle… they are closer because you are opening the doorways that allow this to take place.
Your strange dreams lately? That is because the veil is not thick any more. You are seeing into other
dimensionalities. The strange feelings of imbalance that you have had – one foot in and one foot out – that is exactly
what is happening. The veil around you is becoming thinner. It is becoming thinner, and therefore, you are going
through new sensations, new feelings, the restless nights, because you are hearing things now when you are
quieted. You are hearing more noises around you, both in the Earth dimension and the ones close by.
This is an interesting group, in particular, that comes here on this day. These are aside from the angels that visit,
the runners that are now trying to work with you much more. It is funny, we add here that… it is very funny. If you
could see and you understood the entities that come here – how would you say – you would be floored. If you could
see the legions that make up the energies of the archangels, you would be so impressed. You would wonder why
they would come from all over the dimensions to be here. Dear friends, they remind you that you are the honored
and exalted ones. They remind you that they feel humble in your presence for what you are doing.
There is a specific group that comes here on this day. It is a bit difficult to explain their identity, but it is one that is
very close to you. It is very close and personal. Do you remember when we have spoken to you of the grander part
of your energy that stayed behind when you came to this place called Earth? This grander part, what you would call
your True Self, what some call the Higher Self, or your Golden Angel… the large part of your energy stayed behind in
a cocoon, an energy cocoon. The spiritual physics behind this was such that you and Spirit needed to take a deep
inner look, for as we have said, Spirit has always been an outward projection. But your True Self wrapped itself into a
cocoon, hid itself, made itself invisible. Your True Self in this cocoon has been watched over. It has been guarded
and protected and also disguised by legions of angels, so that it could sleep deeply, so that it could take an inner
Part of the role of your True Self all of this time has been – somewhat difficult to explain – but it has been taking
the potentials of your thoughts and actions and deeds, and then living out these potentials in other dimensions.
Indeed when you have three choices in front of you – to go left, to go forward, or to go right, and you, as the human,
the one who is in control, choose to go right, the other two choices are acted out interdimensionally from within the

cocoon of your True Self. At night when you dream, many times you see in a symbolic form all of the potentials, all of
the possibilities acted out.
Now you do not need to so much worry about this, for this is something that is being handled by your own True
Self, your Full Self. You do not need to worry about these potentials. They are simply energy elements. They do not
take on substance in your reality. They do not in any way come back to affect you on your human journey on Earth.
But again, we say, while you are going through all of your processes here in the 3D, there is so much else that is
happening. Your True Self, your Full Self is exploring the many, many possibilities while you are acting out the
chosen one.
Who comes to visit on this day is the energy of self that carries the potential, that carries the alternative realities of
who you are. That part of yourself comes to visit today. They come into the second circle, first of all to touch you and
to join you, but also to applaud you for the choices you did make. There were no choices that were right, none that
were wrong. They were all potentials and experiences. The ones you have selected … you have acted out on Earth.
The ones that you did not were acted out on an interdimensional basis.
Again you do not need to so much worry about these things. One day when it is appropriate, you will have the
opportunity to see and to feel what all of the other choices would have been like. But all the possibilities were
somewhat mind blowing, to be able to see all of the things that could have been done and what other potentials
would have been created as a result of these. The alternative realities come to visit you, the potentials of all who you
are come to visit. They come at this important time to say, "You have never made a wrong decision." The fact is that
you made decisions and you made choices, and you created a path that has led you from Home to this precise point
that we sit in now. If you ever question your journey and question the appropriateness of your actions, know that it
has brought you here together with Self, with Spirit, and All That Is.
Sometimes you tend to look at your life as a crooked path. We see your life as one of evolving changes and new
potentials. At times you choose the potential that has the greatest challenge. That is what amuses us. This group of
Shaumbra – you are not ones that like to take the easy road! (audience laughter) But the easy road was acted out
interdimensionally. As we have talked to you before, you have taken a very difficult journey here. The journey of the
human, the evolving human – you are the ones who took the lonely path, the challenging path, and you did this each
time you made decisions. You did this at your deepest level within you to open doors, to open doors for that divinity
to come in, for that seed to blossom.
That is why we sit with you here today. That is why those who come from celestial families that have tremendous
energy, archangel energy, are here today. That is why they come here today, to thank you for opening these doors.
They have asked me, as spoken through our friend Cauldre (Geoffrey Hoppe), to bring you news on this day, which
we will discuss in a bit.
Before we go into the first lesson of the new series, dear friends, we will pause, and we will ask each of you to
breathe in all of the love, all of the potential, all of the honor. Breathe it deep within your being. That is how you
integrate it.
We ask Cauldre to be in pause for a moment to allow this melding of energy to take place.
Oh, it is such a joy to be here! We are all smiling. We are so happy that you could invite us in. As we said before,
there is so much depth to the human experience. Oh, the emotions and the feelings! We see when you are excited,
and we know you have accomplished something you have set out to do. There is nothing quite like this feeling from
our side. Your laughter… there is nothing quite like this. Your enjoyment of the human pleasures, which we enjoy
also along with you… there is nothing quite like it.
Many humans punish themselves when they enjoy the pleasures of being human. Oh, dear friends, this comes
from what you feel was lifetimes of abuse of these things. But put those feelings aside. All of you have the wisdom
and enlightenment now of balance. Use the wisdom and enlightenment inside and enjoy the vitality of life. There is
tremendous depth that we have talked to you about, even in your music. It is like an ocean. Our music is like a
shallow lake compared to yours. Yours carries emotion and feeling and love and strength.
Now we will ask you to take a bit of a journey with us today, with your permission. The ones that are around you
now, the ones who are you potentials of True Self, potentials of all things you have done, who are your alternative
realities… they stand around you. They hug you. They will accompany you on this journey if you give your
permission. We now take you to an alternative reality in the future. We take you to the place, to the potential, that is
your own deathbed in this lifetime. We promise we will not let any of you slip through here! (audience laughter)
We take you to the potential of your own deathbed. It is the end of your life as a human on Earth in this current
lifetime. You are breathing steady and deep in this. You have learned that this is one of the most basic, one of the
purest things you can do. You are reflecting on this lifetime, on the work you have done. There is a sense of
fulfillment and completion. You are smiling, even though death is minutes or hours away, and you know that. You can
feel it. You are so attuned now that you know. You are laughing because you remember the great fear that you used
to have of death. But now you are smiling. You are filled with satisfaction and completion. There is no terror, but
rather a wisdom and a knowingness.

As you review your life, indeed, I, Tobias, am standing beside you also. I’m holding your hand. All of the others are
standing around smiling, knowing that you will return to our side of the veil very soon in consciousness. You will
return to our side of the veil and bring what you reflect on in your own life now.
You look back on when you came to Earth in this lifetime. For some it was shortly before the great war (World War
II), the war of light and dark. You knew your energies would be needed on Earth during this war and immediately
after it. You knew that this was a turning point and a challenging time for all of human history. You knew prior to
coming in that there was a great karmic clearing that would take place and with it all the learnings and the
understandings and the emotions. This was a phenomenal time period shortly before your World War II. It was, as
your books and prophets would say, the final battle, the final battle of light and dark.
But you know, dear friends, it really was not about light and dark. It was the final clearing for much of humankind. It
was the final clearing for major spiritual families that had came in. For the ones of Israel – indeed – it was a time of
clearing and retribution, with the rest of the world watching. The world watched to see if they would hide, or to see if
they would take part, to see if they would raise their swords for justice and love, or to see if they would turn their
back on their own brothers.
Many of you came in at this time, knowing that your energies would be needed shortly after this battle. Most of you
were standing at the gates, waiting to come in as soon as this final clearing, this final battle of light and dark, took
place. You rushed in. You found every available means of getting here, and now look at what you have – a big
population boom! Many of you came in, rushing in at that time, knowing that there were challenges and difficulties
ahead. Yet you made choices. You selected from the many potentials that existed to come in at that time, in your late
1940's, your 1950's, your 1960's. These were the turbulent years. These were the years that were predicted to be
the End Times. Many on our side of the veil – many, many, many – assumed that there would be a final clearing and
destruction of Earth in order to bring things to the next level.
As you reflect now back from your deathbed, remember those times of the early 1960's where the Earth – and all
that had been built, all that had been cultivated – could have been destroyed with a simple push of a button. Dear
friends, there was a moment when all of us on this side of the veil gasped. We closed our eyes, figuratively. We held
our hearts. This came within precious seconds of happening. We could not intervene. We cannot intervene. We can
simply send love and balance, and we can only do it through you. But when you opened your being to receive this
from our side, it added power and energy to your own thoughts of love and balance and moving forward. We tell you,
it was within seconds, but it did not happen. There are stories that will come out in the next decade when things are
revealed on your side about how close it came.
On your deathbed now, looking back over your lifetime, you knew you came in to be ones who planted energy and
love to prevent these type of things from happening. If you had left the planet at that time, you would still have done
a great service. You would have fulfilled so much for all of humankind, simply by being an energetic presence on
Earth to help prevent this from happening
Many of you began your spiritual studies in earnest shortly after this, this thing you would call the New Age, your
spirituality. Others of you simply knew it was not time. Your energy would be needed again later, and you set out in
life, seemingly apathetic to all of this spiritual stuff.
Now as you sit on your deathbed, reflecting on your life, you can see there was another knocking at the door that
came different and came stronger as you began approaching the millennium years. For many of you here and
reading this, this occurred shortly around the time of your harmonic convergence, when the measurement was
taken, of whether to go or not go. Again decision points, potentials, potentials that you as individuals and as
humanity selected. Many of you felt that knocking on the door in those years shortly after this harmonic
convergence. So many of you, the majority of you, came into your next level of awakening and understanding at this
As you look back now on your lifetime, you chuckle. You realize that in the early to mid-1990's you truly began to
wake up. Your search intensified. Oh, when you wanted to put it aside, when it hurt your head to think too much
about it, it kept on pushing you. That was the awakening seed from within you. But yet all of this time, your being,
your soul knew that there was one more hurdle, one more potential to get through, and that was the potential of
great Earth changes that would take place at the end of the last century.
It had been prophesized by many for hundreds and thousands of years that even if you did not destroy yourselves
that there would be potentials and there would be set ups in the Earth herself for this to happen. This was caused by
the need of Earth to release all she had held. The time was appropriate. The time was appropriate. It was predicted.
It was even put on the celestial calendar that you would find yourselves at the end of times. The Earth would begin
collapsing from geological events.
It was predicted that August 1999 was the beginning of the end, when the quakes and the storms and the
volcanoes would rattle Earth apart. It was only a potential, but it was one that seemed to be highlighted, seemed to
be the chosen potential of all things.
As you look back now from your deathbed of your life, you realize that you knew something was up, approaching
the end of the millennium. You knew it was not about just a calendar change. It was not a Y2K bug. It was something

much different. It was a potential, a strong potential for termination: August, 1999. Dear friends, look around. Think
about what we are telling you.
As you sit on your own deathbed in this lifetime, you look back, and you have to chuckle, for this very group of
Shaumbra began coming together in the strongest of ways two years ago in August, 1999 (the first published Tobias
channeling was in August 1999, The Departure of the Guides). In the subsequent time, in these two years since, you
group worldwide has connected very, very quickly. When termination did not occur, you knew it was time for the next
level, the next understanding.
Now again as you look back over your life you and consider the highlights, you consider the struggles. It is enough
to make you chuckle, for you remember taking things so serious. You remember trying to make things so complex.
As I, Tobias, stand beside you now on your deathbed, you say to me – in the potential reality – you say, "Tobias, why
did you not tell me to make it simpler? Tobias, why did you not tell me to enjoy life more? Tobias, why did you not
kick me in the butt once in a while?" (audience laughtrer) And we laugh, and we chuckle, and we say, "Dear friends,
oh, we did. Oh, we did."
Now reviewing your lifetime, again you reflect back on this very strange time period, this very strange time period
from August, 1999, to approximately August, 2001. You remember this as kind of a time of "no time." It was a time of
transition and adjustment. It was a time of very strange physical feelings, very strange emotional feelings. You did
not know exactly where you existed or why. You felt a strong pull to continue going forward, but yet you did not feel
grounded or anchored in anything. You felt you were in a tremendous period of transition. You did not feel at home
anywhere. You felt like you were a pack of wandering gypsies, trying to find something, knowing that it was there, but
not knowing how to find it.
And now I, Tobias, stand with you as you are on your deathbed. We both chuckle now. We chuckle because it
indeed was a transition period. It was a time of change and adjustment. There was much going on with you from
August, 1999 to August, 2001 at the deepest levels within your being. We chuckle together. We chuckle together
when we remember the date of August 4, 2001, when we gathered in a group, and I talked to you, and I told you
several things on that day that you found very difficult to understand or accept. But because you were open, and
because you allowed, it soon began to make sense. You were soon able to move into potentials that you never knew
But before we reveal these two things, let us talk to you somewhat of timing here. Timing. Much of the potential of
who you are is also contained and held in the grids. It is held in the magnetic and energetic grids of Earth before it
comes into you. It makes a journey of sorts from the cocoon of True Self, of finding its way to you, but being held in
the energetic grids of Earth before it fully comes in, before you are fully ready. If it comes to you immediately and
fully, it would upset the balance of all who you are as a human.
As you know, there has been tremendous work being done on the grids, for these past 11, 12, 13 years. There
have been adjustments that the Kryon has been making in response to your changing consciousness and in
response to the decisions you are making. Each time you make a decision to open parts of self, to integrate the
divinity, there is a corresponding change in the grid. Not just in your portion of the grid, but the grid for all.
This work has been going on for more than a decade, dear friends. The final adjustments to this grid will take place
in the next year or so. There is not a firm and hard date when this will completed. It is not like having a building that
is christened on a certain day. But you will find, in particular for the next one year until August, 2002, that the final
work is being done on the grids. What that means to you is that parts of yourself, your divine self, that have not been
available up to now, are now available. It will now start to come in. You and others – other grand, human masters –
have been attempting to pull this in, and sometimes you have been frustrated, because it has not been fully
available. But we are here to tell you on this day that now that the final adjustments are being made to the grid, it is
now possible to pull in these deepest parts of Self. You pull this in through you breathing.
But now let us go back to your deathbed. Here you sit, and I, Tobias, and the others who gather around you to
welcome you over to our side. We are looking back with you, reviewing your life. You chuckle when you look back to
August, 2001. You chuckle when you remind us of the very lesson that we gave you, when we talked to you and told
you that it was not about you any more. You remember when we told you that you had come to a place now in your
evolution as a human where life, where existence, where your path was not about you. You remember that you did
not so much understand these words when they were spoken by Tobias. How could life not be about you? How
could it not be about you, for it has been about you for all the times that you have been on Earth. Life has always
been about you, about your journey, about your karma, about your journey from Home.
But we will tell you on this day very firmly, very emphatically that it is not about you anymore! That does not mean
you do not exist. It does not mean that you do not have feelings. But you will find in these days ahead, it is not about
Lesson One of the new Ascension Series – "It is not about you anymore."
When you are in a situation… let’s say you are in a minor car accident. Do not look anymore and say, "Dear Spirit,
dear guides, dear Tobias, what are you trying to tell me? Why did this happen? What am I supposed to know and
learn? What did I do wrong?" We will tell you" It is not about you anymore. You are there in direct response to the

other individuals, to the other humans and the needs that they have. Your car might have gotten banged up, but dear
friends, it is not about you.
Your life, if you choose to accept this potential, will now be in service to others. As you walk into this level of
service, your own needs will seemingly be taken care of, automatically. It is not about you anymore. You have
transcended that. You have gone beyond that.
We will talk much more of this. We will remind you of it constantly!
Dear friends, you have the choice on this day, at this moment, to be the victim or to be the creator. And we already
know what you are choosing! When it is not about you anymore, how could you possibly be a victim? You are there
in pure service to others. We have been looking for – recruiting, as you would say – all across your world a group
who will be the teachers, who have walked through the difficult and challenging path, who have had the patience to
wait until the appropriate time when the energies of the grids would be adjusted, so they could accept their divine
self within.
And what do you do with that? You do not build monuments to yourself. You do not build empires for your security.
It is not about you anymore. You have the choice on this day, on this day, to move into service, to move into a new
role. Looking back from your deathbed with you, we chuckle. You ask, I, Tobias… you say to me on your deathbed,
"Tobias, did you know from all the potentials of decisions I had to make and the choices, did you know that I was
going to choose to be in service?" And I smile and tell you, "I never had a doubt."
What does this look like for you? What does this look like when you give of yourself in service? What we are
seeing right now is that life becomes simpler and easier. The focus is no longer on you, on your challenges. The
focus is no longer on "why me." The focus is now of service, of teaching, of helping the others.
There are across your world at this time in August, 2001, approximately 14,000,000 humans who are at this point.
They have gone through the journey. They have been waiting patiently these last few years. They are consciously
working on bringing in this new divinity. They are at the point of making this decision of being in service. It is a small
number, for there are many… there are billions of other humans who will need guides and teachers and those in
service. As you give yourself in service, it does not mean giving up your family and your jobs and your friends. It
means being in service to them and loving them and understanding now that you have moved to a new level. And
you can be a quiet and loving teacher for them.
You wonder about all the aches and the pains. You wonder about your past life karma, and its residues. When you
go into the consciousness of not being about you anymore, these things have nothing to stick on anymore. They
have nothing to stick on, and so they do not affect you so much. Yes, there is still a transition period in this. Dear
friends, there is much work that is taking place within your body, but when it is not about you anymore, how could
these things affect you? How could these things affect you?
Looking back from your deathbed, looking back on the path and the choices that you made, you remember one
other thing that we told you on this day that made you happy, but it confused you, and you had to spend a long time
thinking about it. But you laugh on your deathbed, remembering that when you finally got it, it was an overwhelming
feeling of completion and satisfaction and love that you felt. What is it that we told you on August 4, 2001 that
seemed unbelievable at the time, but made so much sense later?
It was simple. We told you that those who sit here on this day, those who read this, those who hear this, even if it is
years from now… we told you on that day, dear friends – and this is what we argued with Cauldre about all week –
we told you at this moment with tears in our eyes that – oh, whether you understand or not – you have already
ascended. You have already ascended. You have been waiting for this. You have been waiting for something to
come down to descend on you. You have been waiting for some great change.
But we tell you, each of you, all who are touched by these words, you have already done it. Surprise! Who did you
think would be there waiting for you, when you are the first? What did you think would happen when you ascended?
The definition of ascension is when you stay in a body in the same lifetime, but yet move to your next lifetime. And all
of you have done that. All of you have made the decisions in these past few years to stay. That is why we are here.
That is why the ones who represent the potential of your True Self come in on this day, specifically to applaud. You
have gone through the gateway of ascension. Ah, but the joke is that now the hard work begins!
That is why we can tell you in Lesson number 1 of the Ascension Series that it is not about you anymore. The
"you" is from the past. The "you" that you knew before was on the karmic wheel. You went from lifetime to lifetime,
trying to resolve and balance. It is not you anymore. You have ascended past that. Indeed their old energies will
always be close and always be familiar, but it is not you anymore. Do you understand what we mean? It is not about
you. You have moved beyond. You are not seeking ascension anymore. You have ascended.
Yes, there are still vestiges of the old energies. Yes, you are still walking on Earth. That is the trick and the joke of
your ascension. You have stayed in your body. You have kept the same contacts, but you have moved to a new level
of consciousness while you are here. That is why we have been smiling so much these past few years. As you have
struggled for this thing that you called ascension, we knew you had already made the choices.
Now at this time, dear ascendees, let us come back from your deathbed and that potential. Let us come back into
this reality, the "now" reality, where you see that you have completed a wonderful and full life. You will grow to an old
age. You see that that potential exists, of growing very old and helping many, many others, being in service to them.

You see that the potential is possible. You see that on this day in August, we told you that you have already
Now there is work to be done! There is still work that will take place on the inside, as the rest of you catches up
with your new consciousness. There will be work to do with others. And dear friends, you will find that in the next
year of time, as the final completion of the grid adjustments are done by the Kryon and all of other entities, you will
find things are still somewhat chaotic, but you will find new potential coming into you all of the time. As things happen
in your life now, we want you to consciously remember – it is not about you. It is now about the service that you
You are here in response to another’s needs, whether it is in the office, or the home, or in public. It is not about
you. You are the creator. You are not the victim. You are the creator. You are responding appropriately, even at levels
that you may not understand yet. But you are responding to energetic needs of others. When you find yourself in
those situations, and you are not so sure what to do, simply breathe. Breathe in your divinity, and the answers will
come to you.
And remember, it is not I, Tobias. It is not Spirit. It is not unknown guides that are giving you the answer. You are
breathing it in yourself.
There is much work that we will be doing with you this next year of time. We will be exploring with you what
ascension status feels like, what this new journey is like. We will be asking you, all of you, to begin documenting
what you are going through. The others who come through will need the information. They will need to know what
you went through. They will need to know how you brought in this divinity where at first there seemed to be a conflict
bringing it in, but how you were able to do it. There are books that need to be written. There are courses that need to
be developed. There is documentation of this ascension process that we are challenging all of you to do. Yes, you,
timid one. You have ascended, there is work for you to do, and we do call on you. There are a small number across
this world who are at this point. Grand and glorious? Perhaps not. It is difficult work, but you have chosen it.
We will challenge you in this Ascension Series over the next year to continue moving forward, to continue with the
work. It is needed. There are very few years between now and what you would call your quantum leap, the mass
change of consciousness. There is such a need for teachers and materials and programs, whether they are of the
body, the mind, or of the spirit. We challenge all of you. We will be channeling back to you to this whole next year
these experiences and feelings and understandings of what it is like to ascend. Grand and glorious? Not from your
perspective on Earth. But grand and glorious from ours indeed! That is why we continue to be so emphatic with you.
That is why we continue to ask you to stay on Earth and do the work, why the potentials of your True Self come in on
this day, for they ask you to select the potential of moving forward.
All of creation is watching. Now you understand the importance of your work? All of creation is watching and
waiting and wanting to know. We are waiting to come in, waiting to expand the first circle into the realities that you
have created, which do not exist within All That Is. Much to think about here!
It is an honor to be here with each of you. It is an honor to sit in person, to sit live with those who are among the
first to be ascending. We ask you to thank yourself for bringing yourself to this point. We will continue to work closely
with you. We will continue to work closely with all of Shaumbra. We will continue to challenge you at the deepest
individual and group levels. We will ask you to take actions now. We will ask you to be creators. We will ask you to
be teachers.
There are scores and scores of beings who will be assisting you on the other realms. There are those of us, such
as I, Tobias, such as your runners, such as the legions of the archangels who will work more directly with you on a
human earthly level. We will work with you in your sleep and in your dreams. We ask you to remember only two
things now. First, it is not about you anymore. And second, remember you are never alone.
And so it is!


August 4, 2001

And so it is, dear friends, we feel sometimes that you are singing to us (referring to the music played prior to the
session). We love this. We love when we gather with you like this.
Now before we begin with the questions on this day, we would like to point out to you that you are spiritual
explorers. You are ones going into uncharted realms and territories. It is difficult. It was difficult for the explorers of
your new world when they left the continents far away, and they journeyed to find the new lands. It had not been
done before. Their voyages were difficult and challenging, but yet so rewarding. They opened the pathways for the
others to follow. They charted the new territories. They drew the new maps. They recorded what they saw. They told
others about things to avoid, things to watch out for.
You are the explorers of the new spiritual realms. You are the ones going out ahead of the others. That is why it is
difficult. That is why it is challenging. That is why we took you to your deathbed today, to show you what it was like to
look back and to say, "I was one who went out and explored. I was the first to cross over. I went through the
difficulties, but my reward is the knowing of what I've contributed to the All, contributed to the love of Spirit. My
reward is knowing that I’ve made the path easier for the others."
Dear friends, ascension… it is a wonderful thing. You can now move through lifetime after lifetime, while staying in
body, and at the same time begin to integrate that divinity that has been waiting to come in. It is a wonderful thing. As
the final adjustment of the grids is made on Earth, you will see a new and different type of energy.
Do not look to the past for ways to handle things. And we will say that many times today in these questions that are
about to be asked, for we see what they are. We will say, "Do not look to the past." There will be new ways to handle
this. What they are, we are not so sure, for you will be discovering them. But there will be a new element of your
divine seed that comes into play in your reality now. It will not be held in the grids far away. It will not be hidden in the
True Self. You will be able to bring it to this very place that you reside in with your physical body.
And with that we know Cauldre tells us that we must rush along here, so we would be happy to answer your

QUESTION: Tobias, you are wreaking havoc on my love life and potential relationships. (audience laughter) You fill
me with love energies and teachings, but often it is perceived as being aloof or strange or menopausal by the
opposite sex. It’s so difficult. I know it's not about me anymore, but I want it to be, so I can find a relationship to share
all of this joy. You don’t make it easy. Please help.
TOBIAS: We can only have compassion for you. We know it is a difficult journey. But we remind you… when you
begin to not look at yourself as a victim of all of this, and you understand that you are moving to a new level, there
will be new relationships and new joys that are associated with it. Again this is all quite new. Do not look to the past
for the answers

QUESTION: In the scientific world, the scientific method provides some guidance for assessing the quality of
health remedies. In the world of complementary medicine, I can find no consistent criteria to use, other than intuition.
If you are a healer trying to provide assistance to others, what criteria do you suggest?
TOBIAS: There are built-in intuitive criteria for this. Again we will tell you that you are venturing into new territories,
and the criteria have not been developed yet. That is what we mentioned earlier. We are looking to you to specifically
document these, to specifically chronicle these, and to determine appropriateness. We do suggest you go into your
intuition but also to combine it with the patient’s intuition. Together there is an inner knowingness of the things that
work most appropriately. As you learn more and more, and as you begin to understand more of these elements and
these treatments you work with, yes, indeed, document what you have learned. Then you will discover the most
efficient and effective methods.
We throw in a caution here also that there is a tendency for many of you to look down upon your rather strict
scientific ways. You feel it is too slow. You feel it is too deliberate, and that for a quantum leap to take place in the
development of things, you must look in other areas, in other directions. There still is much value, wonderful value, in
the scientific protocols that have been set up. But we do underline that they are not conducive right now to the new
type of research that you are doing. As you learn from your healing and work and the treatments that you help to
create, there will come a point when it will be more appropriate to put these through the typical scientific protocols
that you go through. But now call on your intuition, and again do not go backwards for the answers. The answers
that you are looking for exist in a new place, a new potential that is not in the past.

QUESTION: Tobias, why do you ask us to begin documenting our experiences? I have long held that when we
need the memories and information, it will be there in total recall. Am I mistaken?
TOBIAS: We ask you to document it, because it is not about you. You are doing this for the benefit of others. How
could they all tap into your memories and brains? For you, it would be fine. For the many who need the
understandings that you come to, it will be important to document, to write down, to creatively find a way to illustrate
what you’re going through. Do you realize that there are a small handful of humans that are going through this
process right now? As we said, as of this timing, there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 14 million But do not
hold to that number, because it changes quite fast. It is growing rapidly. If there is a small handful of humans who are
going through the process, think about all of the others that are coming through soon. Where will they turn to for
help? What will be the best way to help facilitate their process? Do you want them going back for their answers to
the very churches that you created in old energy? No, this would stifle them. It is not that we are saying that the
churches do not provide a wonderful service, but it is – how to say – a step along the way.
These are the ones who will need the books to read to assure them that they are not going crazy. If you had had
these to read, imagine how much easier your path would have been! They are the ones who will need to go to the
classes to understand the difference between going into ascension and going through menopause. (audience
laughter) Because many of you are at that age when you are accused of going through menopause, you tend to
think that’s what it is. We are here to tell you something different. Oh, indeed you are going through a change.
Indeed your chemistry, your body, and your mind are changing. But it is not menopause.

We ask you to be the ones to create the classes, to create the tools, to create the communication vehicles in all
sorts of ways, to be the ones who are ready to answer the calls. If there are 14 million today, next year at this time
there could be 144 million, and it could continue growing from there. As we said, the time is short for the quantum
leap. It is not about you. It is about serving those who come after you.
We would like to make a point also that you are not bound to any contract here. Your contracts are done. They
have long been done. You do not need to do anything. You will not be punished if you do not accept this role. We are
here recruiting in love. We are asking you – if you so feel – to step forward. There are difficulties and challenges.
One of the potentials that you may select on this day – (and that is why the energy of your spiritual potential exists
here; it has never been brought in before, but it comes in) – you may choose at this time to not continue in this
process, because it is difficult. You may choose to lead a quiet life, what you would call a "normal" life. We will love
you just the same. We will still come to you in your dreams and be beside you. Life will take on a somewhat easier
pace, an easier role. We will still love you. But we also encourage all those who are ready to continue moving on that
your energies are needed at this time.

QUESTION: Tobias, it seems very difficult. It is difficult to watch our families work through their life challenges.
How can we facilitate that process without being involved with their choices?
TOBIAS: This is, as we have said in the past, one of the most challenging of all things. It will be the most
challenging for you. As you continue forward with your understandings and your wisdom as part of your new
ascension, it will be most difficult. It will be most difficult, watching the challenges that people go through. But we
remind you that you were in the same place at one time. As you step into your new role of service, there will times
when your compassion and love for humanity are so great that it will cause you to want to leave Earth.
In the past three to five years, there have been those humans who have agreed to be the very first to begin
integrating the energy of the divine field around them. They agreed to be the very, very first to try to develop this
within them. They found it quite difficult. They found that the human ego did not so much want to accept this new
divinity coming in. Many of those who agreed to be part of this – bringing this divinity in on a faster basis – did not
stay on Earth. The biggest reason for them leaving – the difficulty in having this new energy – was the difficulty in
seeing the human condition around them.
Many of you are beginning to understand this. You are seeing and feeling it when you go to stores, and you are in
public, that you do not feel part of that same world. It is not to say that you are better or more important, but you do
not feel that you can relate. When your neighbors come over, it is more difficult to relate to them now. You love them
deeply, but you just don't relate. When you are at parties… the one who just said, "Oh, yes, Tobias, I know what
that’s like. I want to scream. I want to run out of there." You feel like you don’t belong. Why is it that five and ten
years ago you could be the center of attention, you could be quite the socializer, but now it doesn’t fit? These are all

QUESTION: Tobias, could you expand on physical symptoms that are a part of the transformation process. Are
heart palpitations, inner ear symptoms, like spaciness, and dizziness and feeling a buzz and feeling vibrations on the
back of the neck, also surges going up the spine, a part of that?
TOBIAS: Indeed we are still working with you. (And that is why we ask you to document these things.) We are
finding that those physical symptoms most closely associated with this process are the ones that affect the spine.
Indeed the energy moving and surging through the body, we find, in particular, that there are sensitive areas in and
around the shoulders and neck. We find from you that there are more facial, headache type of symptoms. We find
that the pituitary and the pineal glands are most likely to be aggravated in this process. Anything associated with a
sense of disorientation seems to have a direct tie-in to this whole process you are going through. But we have found
for the most part that there is not a direct effect on the heart. This is not a common symptom of going through the
new energy. It tends to be more associated with the spine and with the neck and with the head areas, and also with
feelings of not having two feet on the ground, being in a spacey area. We will continue to work with you, but again
we ask you, whether you are a doctor or not, to share this information, to be part of the group that documents this for

QUESTION: Tobias, I work with breast cancer survivors. Many of them wonder what was the causative factor in
their lives. Is there a common emotional or energetic cause? Can you expand a little on cancer and our remedies for
it, especially dietary?
TOBIAS: This would be a very, very long discussion, but in a sense, there is a combination of factors that are
taking place here. One is on your psycho-spiritual level. There were – how to say – plans that you had for checking
out at a certain point. It was a set-up for disease that would have caused you to leave this planet. Again, because of
the options that you are choosing, because of the new realities you are choosing to go into, you are finding that the
initial attack of cancer takes place, but that it can be overcome. It can be overcome through your medications and
drugs and treatments, but you are finding more and more that you are overcoming it by those programs and
homeopathic remedies that provide a new balance.

As is being discovered, the vibrational and energetic fields of humans carry many potentials. To the doctor who is
now working on this, we tell you that there are many, many potentials that are carried here. It is up to you to help
determine what are potentials and what are being acted on. The fact that a potential exists does not make it real. It is
only a potential.
Now again we could discuss this at great length, but the greatest advances in your cancer treatments will be found
in the natural substances. The ones who are working with this today have not yet found the appropriate ways to
release the energies that are in these substances. Specifically, yes, the ones that come from the seas and the
oceans will carry the most potential, but is not limited to just that. There is a belief or a feeling that if you simply
ingest the substance that it will have the appropriate effect on the diseased tissue within the body. But there is yet
another step, a processing step that these extracts must go through before their true healing and balancing
capabilities can be released into the body. There is still a doorway that is closed between the potentials that exist
within these and the assimilation of these into the body. Much, much of this is going to waste now, for it passes right
There are those who are working on these techniques, but we encourage all who are in this field to find the ways to
– how to say – unlock these doors, to find the keys that will unlock the true healing capability within these essences.
These, in a very short period of time, have the strong, strong potential to replace any of your current chemical and
electronic types of treatments that you have for cancers, such as the ones that are so caustic to the human body. It
will not be, as we see, so very long before this type of cure is found. It will, however, take awhile to get through your
(regulatory) systems for acceptance.

QUESTION: Dear Tobias, what percentage of children being born are now Indigo, or another more evolved
nature? Is there an early way to identify them?
TOBIAS: As you come into Earth… you move in cycles. You tend to move in cycles. The timing is now ready for
nearly all of those being born to carry what you would call the attributes of Indigo with them. It is not a select group.
There are those who go through first, and then there are those who come through en masse. The Indigo period was
and is a relatively brief one. We have talked before of the next level, the next generation that comes in. These would
be – we have put the name on these – the "crystal" children, for they carry almost none of the old patterns, almost
none of the old attributes. Many humans coming in now are Indigos. All carry those energetic attributes. They will
stop coming through within the next six to seven years to allow yet the next group of "crystals" to move through.
Indigos carry a conflicting energy within them. They have come to Earth many, many times for the most part. Yet
they come in now bearing a new and unique attribute, an attribute of the new energy. However, this is causing
conflict within their being. Again they will need books to read. They will need courses to attend. Their parents will
need these same things to help them understand.
That is why we will be challenging you over and over again in this next year to begin documenting this process.
There is a temple of wisdom that each of you hold, that each of you contain. This to be shared with others. Do not
become so focused on the Indigos at this time. Understand that the work that you do, these tools that you help put
together will be used by humans for generations and generations to come.

QUESTION: Tobias, does everyone have inside of them a being like you, Tobias, that they can bring forth and
communicate with? How can we bring this being out?
TOBIAS: Cauldre (Geoffrey Hoppe) says you do not so much want this! (audience laughter) It is such a curse at
times, he says! Now we encourage each one of you to begin breathing in your OWN being, your OWN Self. It is a
Self that is you, and offers the divine elements, offers a new peace, offers a new balance. Breathe THAT in.
Now we say this, even in front of Cauldre, but this type of channeling will become old soon. It is not the way of the
new energy. You do not want to channeling some dead entity! (audience laughter) You want to bring in your own
light, and your own radiance. We have said before that there will come a point where we will leave. We will not be
here anymore. We said that to scare Cauldre! (audience laughter) We will always be beside you, but we will be
encouraging you more and more. We will be encouraging Cauldre – we do not even so much like the word
"channeling," – to be all that he is, and for you to be all that you are.
We have told you before, and we will tell you again, we do not know the answers to all of these things. You are the
first to be going through this process of divine integration. We are the ones journeying along with you. We are the
ones encouraging you. We are looking from a different overview and can therefore offer you advice along the way.
Dear friends, you are the first.
Imagine yourself in the role of a teacher in front of another human. You are glowing and illuminating. You are
shimmering in colors. They will ask who you are talking to, "Is it an angel? Is it someone from a distant universe, or
from another planet, or are you channeling a saint?" And you will say, "No, that glow and that illumination and that
love you feel comes from all who I am, the empowerment of my being, my True Self. I am allowing that to come
When the grids change, when the final adjustments are made over the period of the next year or so, many of the
entities that have been around will be leaving. And you know why. It is so that you can take your own power. You can

take your own place. They do not want you to channeling them. They are here simply in service to you. Many of
them will be leaving. They will not be quite so available at that point for channel.
We truly love talking to you. We find it so enjoyable now that you are opening up, now that you are chatting with
us, now that you don't feel so embarrassed about driving down the road, talking but having no one else in the car
with you! (audience laughter) We welcome these dialogues. We welcome the sharing back and forth. We welcome
when you laugh with us, when you allow us close into your life. Oh, this we encourage! You will find that you can
open to this. This will be easier and smoother.
We will tell you one thing. As much as we enjoy your friendship – and we hope you enjoy ours – do not ask us how
to do it. Do not ask us for the answers. Hold discussion with us, much as you would hold one with your co-worker.
But dear friends, when you ask us, you know what we have to do. We have to throw it back at you and say, with all of
the potentials that you have to choose from right now, all of the alternative realities, "What would YOU co-create,
what would YOU choose?" We will support you in those choices. We will walk beside you, whether you think that
choice was right or wrong. We will be there with you forever. You are not alone. The choice is yours.
This next year will be intense. We have much work to do together. We will challenge you at each one of our
gatherings. We will also love you. You will find as the grid is changed and completed that there will be a new
resource open to you. We will work with you to bring it in and use it. We will push you on this.
It is not easy work. But dear friends, as you looked back at the end of this lifetime (referring to the channeling
earlier in the day), and you reflected on all of the things, you said, "I was there, teaching others, facilitating them. I
was there at what will be described as the quantum leap of humankind. I was there at that moment of great light that
shined across the world. I was a teacher. I was one who opened the doors for the humans to come through on their
path of divinity. More than anything, I was one who opened the door, so that Home could expand to this place called
And so it is.


September 1, 2001

And so it is, dear friends, that we join together again in this energy. We can feel Cauldre (Geoffrey Hoppe) now. He
gets the chills coming through him, but it is really coming from us, as we gather here together with Shaumbra on this
day. So joyous is it for us to be here with you! So joyous to come through this energy portal that you create when you
invite us in. Now we can come so close to you. Such a moment! We will spend these next few minutes melding our
energy together, melding this energy of Home, of Spirit, of your divinity – those who are on this side of the veil, all
coming together with you. Incredible it is to be able to gather like this. Incredible!
In my days on Earth, which number several thousand years ago, we would gather indeed, but we could not pull in
the energy of Spirit, of our divinity, the way you can now. If every once in a brief while we would get just a glimpse,
just a glimpse of the type of energy that is flowing through here now, we would be so delighted. We would feel we
had touched God.
And now look at you! Look at what you are able to bring in. Look at the pathway you are able to create between
your space on Earth, through the veil, into our space. A direct line that works its way to your
true and divine being. Incredible! I, Tobias, look forward to the time when I will return to follow in your path on Earth,
to experience for myself what it is like to be in biology and to be able to hold my divinity. I look forward to this.
Breathe deeply, dear Shaumbra, breathe deeply. As you breathe, release those tensions, release those cares and
worries. Breathe deeply through your entire being. Breathe all the way to your feet. Breathe now also into your mind,
into that intellect that has served you so well. Breathe into your emotions. Breathe deeply into your emotions, for you
often forget to go there. It seems like so many times you use the pathway to your mind to (get to) your emotions, but
now breathe deeply. Allow this breath of your divinity into your emotional being as well, bypassing the brain and
going straight in, with no filtering, no telling self what is right or wrong, or how to behave, or how to act. You are
emerging and maturing spiritual beings. You do not need to have your mind telling you how to act anymore. Breathe
deeply and allow that emotional, wonderful, exuberant being that is within you to come forth without the judge and
the jury of the mind.
Now… (pausing) we look around this space on this day. We look around. (noting that Cauldre is now sitting on the
stage in the ballroom) We see we have been moved up onto a stage! (audience laughter) And we promise Cauldre,
we promise his dear wife, that we will not stand up for too long today (lately, Tobias has been nearly standing during
the channels), for we see the energy that was put here, the fear that we would get up and fly off the stage! (audience
laughter) We will not do that on this day, so you may relax, and you may go out to your zone (referring to Linda habit

of going out during the channels). You may go into your deep spiritual journey here. You do not need to worry about
Tobias dancing on this stage. (audience laughter) We will save that for another time.
It is often difficult to get started here, for we would just like to sit with you and enjoy this energy in this space. We
enjoy sitting here watching you at times like this. We can see, little by little here as the moments transpire, that you
are glowing and illuminating more and more. You are allowing that inner smile to come out. Indeed, you know you
are in a safe space. You are in a sacred space. Sometimes we would just like to sit here and watch you grow.
But there is much to talk about today. There is a new lesson to discuss. It will be a very simple one, one that does
not require much homework, but one that will perplex you. You will wonder how to embrace it. You will wonder what
to do with the information that we give you today. But it is simple. We ask you to look at this lesson from the
perspective that it is not so much about you anymore.
As we speak today, think about how you will teach this lesson to your students. Think about how you will help them
to understand this lesson that will be revealed on this day. How you will explain to them the simplicity and the truth?
So listen today from this other perspective. Say to yourself, "How will I teach this to those who come to me. How will
I explain this simple yet challenging and important concept of their own divinity?"
Let us talk for a moment here. Let us talk for a moment of your ascension. Now, in a manner of speaking, we have
been getting much spirit mail, much "thought mail" coming to us since our last gathering. We are somewhat thankful
that the information contained in the channeling from one month ago (The Ascension Series, Lesson One: It’s Not
About You Anymore) has not yet been on your Internet in written form. Indeed, the thought mail coming to us would
greatly increase. (audience laughter) We may not have enough assistance here to handle all this!
We have been hearing from many of you, wondering, saying, "Tobias, what is up with this, with this ascension?
What does ascension mean?" "Tobias, this is nothing of what I expected. You tell us we have ascended, but I don't
think you were talking to me." We have felt your frustration. Some of you have become angry, and we smile at this,
for we understand. You have asked for definition. You have asked for more insight into this. Today we share a bit
more with you.
Ascension. Ascension is when you do not need to die in between lifetimes. You do not shed the physical body. You
do not need to go through this very difficult and challenging experience of death and rebirth. It is all done while you
are still contained in the same package. Ascension is when you move from one lifetime to the other. In the past it
was important to work on a single set of contracts in a lifetime, to complete those, and then to leave, and to not have
the memory that is carried forth.
We have been speaking in the seminars here these past few weeks some of the important aspects of the human
journey. One of those that we have talked of at length is death. When the human goes through death there is so
much emotion and fear in this. There is so little understanding. In a sense, the anticipation of death by all, not just by
people who are lying on their deathbed, but by all… this anticipation builds up a tremendous wall of fear that needs
to be released now. In ascension status, dear friends, you do not need to die. You continue on. You do not have all of
this anxiety associated with the process.
There is a period of grieving, indeed. And there is a long period where you are going through deep inner changes.
All of you who are connecting to these words in one way or the other are experiencing this type of thing. But you do
not have to die. You do not have to leave your body. You move into your next lifetime. What is different about this
new lifetime versus your other ones is that you are not bound by contract.
Even before you came to Earth in this lifetime, you had a long set of goals and objectives. You had an extensive
spiritual contract. You had a checklist of things to work on. In a sense, this was the lifetime of final clearing. Now you
are transitioning, as you have ascended. There are no contracts. The difference between ascending versus dying is
that now you get to write the book. Now you get to create what it is you want and who you choose to be. It is no
wonder then that in your new ascension status things are blank, things are in neutral, things are waiting for you,
waiting for you to react. The transformation process you are going through… it will last for a period of time. There will
be ups and downs in your journey, but understand that it is all simply part of a process.
As we heard Cauldre say earlier, the reason that his eyes hurt so much this morning was not because the angels
were giving him a lesson, or Spirit was trying to teach him something. As a human he simply forgot to take out those
things he wears on his eyes (contact lenses), and he slept with them. There is no big lesson here. For any of you,
there are no large lessons at this point. There are just things happening in your life. It is not about you anymore.
There are no contracts. There are no lessons. The angels and the guides and Spirit and Tobias are not trying to bang
on the door of your house to get your attention. It is not so much about you.
The clearing that you worked on so diligently in the earlier years of your lifetime has proven to be quite successful.
You have cleared old karmas. In a single lifetime you have taken on more karma, more clearing and more lessons
than you have in the past ten lives put together. That is why it has seemed so intense up to now. And all of this time
that you were clearing past lives, you were also clearing ancestral karma. Oh, no wonder some of you are tired to
the bone! Tired to the bone. No wonder some of you long to return Home, thinking you do not have the energy to go
forward. But dear friends, I, Tobias, and all the others who come in on this day, are here to tell you that going forward
will not be like the past. It will not be filled with lessons and contracts and karma. Period.

We have heard some of you say, "How can you possibly say I have cleared my karma, for I have done such
terrible things? I have not yet begun to repay the debts." Then so be it with you! Continue your karma if you choose.
We will stand there, loving you and honoring you, walking beside you. But the moment you press the stop button on
the karmic merry-go-round, no matter where you are, if you consciously choose to stop, you can get off. There is no
prescribed amount of suffering that you must go through. It is in your enlightenment when you choose that you no
longer need this. You choose when you can get off… when you can get off this karmic merry-go-round.
In ascension status – that you are in now, all of you – you are in new territory, uncharted territory. None of us who
come here today to join you from the other realms has been to where you are. We are observers. We are
counselors. We are guides. But WE follow YOU. None of us has been into this new ascension status. The difference
is that there are no contracts, or karma, or lessons. That is the difference. It is up to you to create whatever it is you
choose. And in this series that we are now in, that we are now speaking to you of… what we are now channeling
back to you from your own being… it is funny. It is simple. We are simply taking your thoughts and feeding them
back to you. How could you be angry with us for telling you that you have ascended, when you have asked us to tell
you that it is so? We were glad when you announced to us that you had ascended, and we could now reveal this to
In your ascension status, it is up to you which way to go and what to do and what to create. The tools are coming
in and will continue coming in for you. As we have said so many times, work together. Help each other to understand
what it is like in this ascension status. You have crossed many markers. You have crossed the marker of the
destruction that might have occurred fifty years ago and sixty years ago of your time. You have crossed the marker
of the destruction that might have occurred two and three years ago of your time.
You are about to cross another marker here in the next year or so of your time, and that will be the completion of
an energetic tapestry that is being created to enable you to truly hold your divinity, to truly access all that you are.
This is the work of the Kryon with the grids. You will cross that marker also. You have crossed many, many. But the
important one is that you have moved from the old into the new. You have gone from one lifetime to the next. You
have ascended. Perhaps it doesn't look like what you thought it would – but then what did you expect? (audience
Now, there are those who come in on this day. As always, there are invited guests. And we should point out to you
that you, the humans, the "ascendees" – you sit in the First Circle, the circle of honor. You are surrounded in the
Second Circle by those who are the invited guests on this day. And we must also point out, for it has been asked of
us recently, "Is it limited to this group?" – the ones that we announce (referring to the invited guests). It is, in the
sense that they are the only ones who can energetically come this close to you. But there are many, many others
watching from afar. They cannot come in so close. They cannot allow their energies to intrude in any way. It would be
like, in your world, watching something on a television show versus being there directly.
The ones who you have known in this lifetime who have crossed over and are your very best supporters, even
though they were the ones who were the very hardest on you when they lived on Earth… they are the ones
watching. The ones who come from your past, your past lives – they too are watching, as a matter of fact, they are
even in this room today. This is one of the most popular shows on our side of the veil! (audience laughter)
We are watching with such interest and such curiosity. We have so much hope. We are watching the steps that
you take. We are so curious about the questions that you ask. We are cheering you on in every way. The hardest
part for us is knowing that we cannot do it for you… none of us. None of us can intervene or interfere. We can only
love you.
When miracles happen, when things out of the ordinary happen, it is not because the angels have interfered, or
intervened, or done it for you. It is because for a moment of time, even with all the tension or stress of a traumatic
situation taking place, you call on the help of the angels and of Spirit. What is happening is that you are letting your
guard down. You are letting your mind get out of the way. You are opening up to the energy of love that comes
flowing through the veil at that moment. It is not the angels who lift a car to enable someone to get out from
underneath. The prayers you have prayed have been heard, but when miracles happen, it is YOU allowing our love
to come in.
There are many on our side watching your progress to see what is happening, to see what you are experiencing.
Our invited guests that come into this space have to make reservations to be here. And the ones who come in on
this day… before we even announce them, we will ask you to stay out of your mind for a moment. Do not try to
analyze anything here, but simply breathe in their energy. Breathe it in. Do not try to guess. Do not try to
intellectualize. Breathe in their energy. Allow yourself to feel the ones who come in without putting any label on them.
Simply breathe it in.
For the ones that come in today to join in this room are quite familiar to you. They come here today for a special
reason, a type of energetic hand-off, an acknowledgment. The ones who come into this space, who are standing
beside you very, very close, in a familiar position… they are the ones who used to be your guides. They are the ones
who were your guides up until a year or two or three ago. They are the ones who held and occupied that balance of
space, the balance that created the appropriate energies between your world, your Earth, and our side of the veil.
Your guides where the ones who did not talk to you so much, but the ones who were with you always.

These guides, and others who have been your guides in the past on your journeys to Earth, come into this space
on this day. They stand beside you. They take the position that they once took as the solemn keepers of the gate,
the solemn holders of the energy, side by side with you. And they smile at you on this day. They know it has been
difficult for you to go through this transformation process. They know it has been difficult for you to walk the corridor
of ascension all by yourself. But it had to be that way. They could not accompany you on that journey.
They come back today, now that you have walked through the corridor of ascension, and they stand beside you.
But now, instead of the ones that hold your energy, they are the ones that applaud you. They are the ones that are
grateful to you. They are the ones who, more than anyone else, honor your graduation. And they come in today for a
reunion and a visit. Most of you have two standing beside you now, even the ones reading this message. Some have
three. There are others that – difficult to explain – back them up, who were guides to you, even before the ones who
stand before you now. Oh, in a sense, there is a whole chain of guides, but the ones who now occupy the immediate
energy around you in the Second Circle are your own guides, the ones who you missed so dearly when they left, the
ones you long for.
They come here today for a special reason, which we will talk of, but for this moment of time, we will pause. We
will allow the embrace, the time of getting acquainted once again, the time to chat with them for a moment, the time
for them to share the gift that they bring to you on this day. Each gift is personal. Each is meant for you. You may be
aware of it immediately. You may not be aware of it for a bit of time. All, who are touched by these words, know that it
is time to pause, to close your eyes, to literally open your hands and breathe in.
We will be in pause for a moment while this reunion and this giving of the gift comes to you. And by the way, we
ask you to share this gift. Tell the others who are here, the others who you talk to. Know that, after this gathering and
in the days and weeks to come, it is time to share with others what has been given to you. It is appropriate to tell
others what this gift was.
Now, we will return in a moment, after this reunion and giving of the gift takes place.
How do you humans say – we wish – we wish we could bottle this moment. We wish we could bottle it, and we
wish you could bottle it. We wish that you could have your students, the ones who will come to you, drink of this. And
you could say, "In the difficult times that you go through in walking this road to ascension by yourself, know that there
is a payoff, know that there is a sweetness about it." And you would hand them this bottle that has been taken from
this moment and ask them to drink of it, and they would see, they would feel, how sweet it is to have walked that
long road to be able to gather like this.
Now as we said, there is much to discuss on this day, but it is quite simple. It is quite simple. It is quite simple.
There is a lightworker by the name of Rachael. And this one that we call Rachael… it is not necessarily her real
name, but she is a real person. She is also a composite of all of you. She represents parts and pieces of all of you.
We tell the story of Rachael to help you to understand the lesson on this day.
Rachael, like you, came to Earth. She had lived a thousand and ten lifetimes on Earth before – not many,
compared to some of you who like to keep coming back over and over. (audience laughter) She lived a thousand
and ten lifetimes, and she chose this lifetime as her final clearing. She chose it, knowing there was the potential for
the Earth to be terminated, either by the hand of man, or by what you would call the hand of God. But she also knew
– for she had spoken at length with her guides and the angels on our side of the veil – she knew there was a strong
potential that all this would be circumvented, that this potential for destruction would be transmuted into the potential
of ascension, the potential of moving forward.
Either way, she came into this lifetime for the final clearing. And she was like many of you. She said, "This will be
my last lifetime. I will not come back to Earth again." And we joke, and we laugh, when we sit here and see you who
came back in ascension status!
Now this one we call Rachael had a difficult childhood, for her mother had abandoned her at an early age. Her
father tried to be loving, but he was overwhelmed by taking care of the four children. He could not find the time,
between his work and trying to support them in a decent way, to nurture any of them, so they spent much time alone.
They hardly knew what a babysitter was, for they could not afford one. While Rachael's father was busy at work, she
would be at home helping to care for the others. But more important, she was setting up the opportunity to be within
her self, to create her own games, to create her own fun, to create her own expressions.
There was very little guidance from her father. As a matter of fact, later in her teenage years, there was
resentment, for the family was starting to come back together financially. They were now able to afford a middle
class house in a middle class neighborhood in a middle class town. But now the father was treating himself to the
things that he had missed. He was going out at night, and he had lady friends. He spent little time with his four
children, and little time with Rachael. Indeed, there was much anger and resentment because of this.
As she grew into her later teens and into her early twenties, she would try to find the love that she had not received
from her father in other men, but these relationships did not work out so well. None were able to fulfill something
within her. There was something that had occurred when she was a child. There was an inner ringing that occurred.
There was an inner voice that kept coming up. It needed to be fulfilled. It needed a partnership. In this portion of her
life, Rachael looked for this partnership in her relationships with men.

Now, she was indeed one who was very bright, one that did go to college to become self-supporting. And when
she graduated, because her relationships were so poor, she threw herself into business. She worked hard. She
worked hard in large companies, moving her way up the ladder. But all of this time, there was something unfulfilled
within her. As we said, she kept on trying to find this in relationships, but these would not last so long. She would tire
of the men in her life quite quickly, for they did not fill the role she was looking for.
She became quite successful in business. In her early thirties, she opened her own business, and that took off as
well, for there was a drive within her and a light within her. Yet there was this continual gnawing, a feeling, a sense
that there needed to be something more, that there was something missing.
And one day a business associate of hers talked with her about this thing called Spirit. Oh, and immediately
lightworker Rachael shunned this and said she did not so much care for the churches. Her father had sent her, and
relatives and friends had taken her to their services and tried to convert her. They tried to have her enlist or enroll in
their churches, and none of this interested her.
But now, after these discussions with her business associate about Spirit and about self, she became quite
interested. She began to read books, like so many of you, and she began to go to meetings. She began to beam
from within for the first time in a long, long time.
Along the way she did find a husband, if any of you were wondering. She did find a husband, and she did have
several children, but part of the reason for doing this was that she felt she must. She felt that this was part of the
program for humans. She felt it was important for the looks of her business to have this mate so that people did not
think she was odd or different.
She got deeply involved in this spiritual work. The more she looked into it, the more she saw of herself, and the
more she realized that those early years that she had spent by herself as a child… she realized there was so much
more going on during that time. She realized that she was communing with Spirit. She was talking with the angels.
She was feeling her guides. There was so much that was going on back then. She remembered this, as she studied
more and more of these materials.
Yet she was frustrated, even with this New Age material. She was frustrated, for it felt good for a while, but still did
not fill the desire she felt within. She still did not know how to speak to God. In spite of all the wonderful people she
met, and all the wonderful words she heard, she still did not have that deep inner connection with Spirit. It was still
an outside and elusive thing. It still had not clicked within.
She heard all these words about being the Creator, and to a large degree, she was beginning to understand in her
intellect what this meant. She read the Creator Series, and she found value in it. Yet there was still something
gnawing within lightworker Rachael. She wanted to feel. She wanted that connection with whatever it was. "What is
it?" she would wonder at night. "Is it God in some far off place? Is it my former guides? Is it the angels?" She would
not feel this. She would think it, but not feel it.
Dear Rachael was so very frustrated with the process and wanted this connection so deeply, and we on the other
side sat and watched her and watched you. This brought tears to our eyes, because we understand at the deepest
level that you are so pure in your intent. You are so pure in your desire. All you want to do is to be touched by Spirit
and to be aware of Spirit’s love. We realize that. We realize, in listening to your prayers, that you are not asking for
all sorts of worldly goods. You are not asking – most of you – to be thirty or forty years younger. You are not asking to
have the brains of an Einstein. Your deepest, deepest prayer and wish and desire is simply to be touched by Spirit.
Now, we watch Rachael. We watch you. We know that you are working so diligently on your progress. But we see
one thing – and it became very obvious to us after our last gathering, very obvious to us, dear friends, that you have
all of these things happening. You have the availability of energy like it never was before. As I said earlier, we could
not gather together like this in my days two thousand years ago and have the type of energy you have here. We had
nothing like it! You have all of this available to you. You even have us letting you know that you have gone into
ascension status. You have the tools to create.
Oh, yes, there is much more to understand and to learn. But before we go another step further, and before
lightworker Rachael gets her true wish, there is one thing that each of you should look at very closely and assess
within you at the deepest levels. Dear friends, it is quite simple. There is no hocus-pocus here. There is nothing you
need to do. Lesson Two of the Ascension Series is, "Own Your Divinity." OWN YOUR DIVINITY! Own it at this
moment, right now.
And you say, "Tobias, but how do we own it?" It is simple to own it. How do you own a house, or a car, or your
talent, or your love? You simply accept it within your being. Why has it been so difficult for you to accept your divine
rights and your divine heritage that are here?
Lesson Two of the Ascension Series, before we go any further: Own Your Divinity. Take ownership of it.
We have seen since last month that you do not want to own it. You want to throw it out the window! You want to
deny its existence! You want to deny the very power that you have. You want an angel to appear before you – and
they do on this day, and there are some who still do not believe it! You want an angel to appear before you and take
you off in their arms. The only way you are going to see that in your lifetime on Earth is through death. Other than
that, do not expect to see the angel who comes, to take you and to carry you away.

We have stayed away on purpose. We have not manifested before you. We have not come forth to you in vision
for a reason. Oh, yes, there are others who see us, who see others. There are others who have appearances by
those on our side. We have not done that with you. And you know why. It is because we love you. It is because, dear
friends, we do not want to distract you from your own journey.
There is one person here who begs almost nightly for us to show up, to give her a sign, and then she will believe.
She says that when we show up, and we give her a sign, then she will believe. But dear friends, that is not believing.
That is not believing. That is dealing. That is bargaining. Take ownership in your own divinity. When you do… when
you do, then we will appear to you, and we will shake your hand. We will thank you for the work that you have done.
How do you take ownership? What do you do? We hear you asking now, frantically, in your mind. "How can I own
this divinity?" First of all, you will never own it through your mind. You will never own it through your mind. Your
divinity – and it is there – we can see it all around you. In many of you, we can see it emerging from within, because
you are breathing it in.
There is person who is reading this, and continues to intellectualize everything we say. He breathed three times,
and because great miracles did not occur, he was upset. And he says, "So, Tobias, this does not work so well." And
we remind him – this is an ongoing, conscious process.
Your divinity exists all around you. Each one of you here, including those who are reading this or listening… we
can literally see it emerging within you. It is not a concept. It is not just creative thinking. We can see it. We can see it
now rising from within you. For some, it looks like a flame within you. For others, it looks like a type of beautiful plant
that is growing. And in still others, it is a ball of light that is coming through. Each of you is somewhat different. There
is not a single type of expression of the rising divinity. It is unique to each one of you. It is there. Take ownership.
How do you take ownership of it, this thing called divinity? How do you take ownership? It is not through your mind.
If you sit down and try to write this out on paper, try to figure it out, it will hurt. It will cause you much pain in the head.
This thing called divinity is like a child. Even though it is you, it is the essence of you from as far away a time as
when you left Home. It is your divinity. It is your Full Self. And, we have to interrupt here for a moment, but we ask
each of you to stop imagining your Golden Angel, your True Self, as some external, twelve-foot tall, winged being, for
it is not so. As long as you continue to think of it that way, it will be difficult to integrate a twelve-foot being into
yourself! (audience laughter) It is not an external thing. It is within you. It is not an outside angel. It is the essence of
who you are. It is making its way through your body, your DNA, your cells. It is asking for expression through your
Own your divinity through your body by being playful with your body. You get so serious! You diet and hurt yourself.
Do you know what causes you to be fat? It is your damn diets! (audience laughter and applause) You hurt yourself
and your body by the thoughts that you put through it. Your divinity is coming up from within your body. Play with
your body! Feed it those chocolates! (audience applause) Oh, we know we will get this thought mail from many who
will say, "Oh, Tobias, medical history and science has proven these things to be bad." No, what is bad is some of the
thoughts that you have, some of your rules and regulations. (audience applause)
Sometimes I am sad that I did not return in physical body to your Earth, but other times I would not want to go
through what you are putting yourselves through. Enjoy your body, no matter what size or shape it is. Love your
body. Stop trying to create a certain pattern for it. Your divinity is rising up within it. This is one of the ways it comes
to you. Play with your body.
If you need a day or two of lying in bed and doing nothing but eating chocolate chip cookies, so be it! (audience
laughter and applause) You will quickly out-amuse yourself and realize that there is work to do. Your body will tell you
– if you simply listen to it, if you take ownership of it – what types of foods are good. Do not go by these prescribed
methods that have been written about, the ones that are all over your grocery stores and television channels. Listen
to your body. Play with your body. Allow yourself this luxury.
There are some now who even shake their heads, who say, "Tobias, you do not know what you are talking about."
And we say to you, "Fine. Continue your game of rules and regulations and self-punishment of your body." To the
others we say, "Go have fun!" Allow your divinity to come up. This is how you own it. You own it by playing with it, by
playing with it.
Your divinity is like a child. Even though it is your essence, even though it is all who you are, it is being rebirthed.
You died. You died, and now you are being rebirthed, and that is what is happening inside of you. You are birthing
your own divinity in your body, in your mind, in your emotions. Play with it!
How would you treat a child? Would you give a two-day-old child or a six-month-old or one-year-old child a list of
rules and regulations? Some of you may! (audience laughter) Most of you would find joy with that child. Most of you
would take responsibility for it, hold it in your arms, look at it lovingly, feed it, nurture it, and look forward to every
moment you could play with it. That is how you take ownership of your divinity.
Oh, you try to intellectualize it so much. How are you going to teach of this thing, of divinity and of owning it, if you
are intellectualizing it? Is it not easier to tell your students to go outside and play with their divinity, rather than to
write 100 books trying to explain what it is? The words would be empty. For each of you, own your divinity. Play with
it. You have forgotten how to play, haven't you? You have forgotten! We knew it. Our lightworker Rachael forgot how

to play, because there was so little of it in her lifetime when she was young. There was so little. She had such a
serious contract, as all of you have had.
We are jesting with you on this day. We know you came in with serious contracts, heavy contracts, challenging
contracts. We know you took on the most difficult things that you have ever taken on. That is why you have forgotten
how to play. You had so few games when you were young. You had to be so serious about life at such an early stage
and work so hard.
Even those who came from well-rounded families, even you… you had to prove yourself early in life. Look at the
young ones now. They do not have this. You are amazed when you find out there are ones who are twenty-eight and
thirty years old still living with their parents and still have not decided what to do with their lives.
You are the ones who had the heavy contracts, and you were very specific about your time frames to get them
done and how to do them. And you continue to push yourselves. You continue to approach your divinity in the same
way – that it must be studied hard, worked hard, that in order to be worthy of it, it must exhaust you, and must be
No, we are here to tell you that it is not that way anymore. You have ascended. You have left behind that old way of
doing things. It is time to play. And certainly, many of you will feel guilty about this. You will allow yourself five minutes
per day. You will structure it and organize it. And we are particularly jabbing Cauldre when we say this. (audience
applause and laughter)
You own your divinity by treating it as a loving child, nurturing it, attending to it, taking responsibility for it and
playing with it. You do not start teaching a child all of the things that come from your books and your schools when
they are young. This is the time of nurturing and having fun.
It is so simple. We said, when we began this discussion on this day, that it would be simple and would be
challenging. Lesson Number Two, the next big step in your ascension status, is to take ownership of this thing you
have been searching for for so very long, so very, very long. In the story of Rachael… she has been searching for it,
and she cannot even accept that it has finally come to her. She has been waiting for some grand angel to come, and
that would signify that she has ascended.
No, it comes from within. It must be owned from within. Before you can go too much further in this process and
truly enjoy all of the benefits and all the good things from ascension, you must take ownership of your divinity. The
way to do this is to treat it like a child, to play with it, to nurture it, to find time each day. Each day, dear friends, find
time to spend with yourself. Find plenty of time.
If you must go from this room and from this space with a specific assignment, which so many of you need to have,
your assignment and your homework is to find time each day to play with your divinity, to enjoy life. You are still
surrounded by this energy of hard work and difficulty and challenges and "DayTimers." When I come back to Earth, I
have vowed to NEVER have a "DayTimer!" (wild audience laughter and applause) It ruins a perfectly good flow of
expression, of life, of being.
It is hard for many of you to accept the fact that you are in this new ascension status. You are trying to deny it. But
it is so. It is truth. It is here. It is time to accept it. As you play with it, it becomes expression. It is expression that
moves throughout your being, and it moves into all things around you.
And as we have talked of in our last series (the Creator Series), it then brings the appropriate things back to you.
Stop struggling so hard. Stop struggling to bring these things to you. They will come. Now take ownership.
This was not the original lesson and discussion that we had planned for Lesson Number Two of the Ascension
Series. When we were initially working on the curriculum, there was something else. But as we approached this time,
and we saw the reaction from our last discussion, we then began taking a look at the situation. We then began
getting the information from you as to what you would like said. It became apparent to all of us that we needed to
interject this. It even became apparent to you that you could go no further in your path without taking ownership.
At this very moment, dear friends, each of you, breathe in your divinity down to your feet and own it. Do not let it
leak out, but own it, embrace it. Understand that you are spiritual beings. Understand that the past is the past. It
does not have to cling to you anymore. Because something was difficult in the past does not mean this new energy
and this new way of ascension needs to be so. Now when you breathe in this time, own it, hug it and nurture it like
you would a child. Breathe in deeply and own your divinity. Own your new ascension status.
Sometimes we ask, "What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for?" And then we see you are waiting for a
grand being to appear. There are others, not in this room, but there are others who are waiting for these little metal
ships, and waiting for green people to get out. And we say to ourselves, "They will wait a long time. (audience
laughter) They are still giving away their power to something on the outside." And it amuses us, because we can see
your divinity directly within you. We can see how powerful you are, what beings of light you are.
Now, hold that flame. Play with it. Enjoy it. Have fun with it. Walk from this room on this day with a new attitude,
with an attitude of enjoyment of life. You have reached your goals already. You have fulfilled your contract. Allow
yourself to enjoy. When you do, you change the cycles of energy. You change the way that the outside world reacts
to you. And it will start reacting differently. It will start coming back to you more joyfully. It will come back to you with
more fulfillment. The things that come to you will not be so hard and difficult and challenging. You can drop that from
your energy makeup right now. You can drop that difficult, challenging setup that you brought into this lifetime. You

do not need it anymore. It is, above all, for each of you, the time to play, and the time to enjoy. And that is how you
will truly take ownership of your divinity.
Now, those who were your guides that come in on this day stand beside you, love you, and thank you. They
remember when they had to hold your energy. They had to create that balance. They are here for somewhat of a
graduation ceremony today, knowing that you can now own that yourself. The ones who were your guides come in
today into the Second Circle to acknowledge that you can own your divinity, that you can hold this space.
Oh, there were some shaky days when they first left, some shaky days when you and they and us were not sure
you would be able to hold this energy. But you are. You are still timid about it, but each day getting a bit stronger,
owning a bit more. That is why they come here on this very special day. It is graduation. They tell you also to own
this space that they held for such a long time. They tell you to bring it in through your heart, to each morning
acknowledge the Allness of who you are, to each evening understand and acknowledge the I AM, not through your
head, but through your heart.
That is another challenging area, for you to think through your heart. You do not understand this so much. It still
seems to flow through your intellect. Your intellect, in a sense, is like the words on a page. Do you know you are
much like a book? The physical body is like the pages and the binding and the cover. And then you have the words
that are written. This is like the intellect. It is the spacing. It is the characters that are used. It is the way the
paragraphs break. It is your commas and exclamation points. It is even the design of the individual letters and how
they are put together as words and then sentences. This takes an energy and puts it into a series of symbols that
flows. Your intellect, in a sense, is like the words in a book, on the pages. Yet what leaps from the pages, what draws
your interest and attention, are the feelings and the emotions and the spirit. There is a spirit in your books. It is not
contained in the individual letters or the exclamation points, or the spacing between the lines. Those are simply ways
to express the spirit of the book.
You are the same. You have a body to get you around, to focus you in the now. You have a mind, which is a way to
take all these symbols and put them together in somewhat of a logical sequence. But it is your Spirit, and it is your
heart that needs to sing now, to come forth, to express itself. Your divinity does not come through the intellect. The
intellect is simply a way of organizing and understanding. The divinity flows through your entire being.
There are those here who try to say it is also in one space in the heart. It is in all the spaces. It is between the
lines. It is on every page. It is on the cover. It chooses to sing out in every way. This is all to say to you, do not try to
regulate the path. Do not try to intellectualize this process. Playing is not intellectualizing. Playing is simply having
fun for the sake of expression. Do the same with your divinity. Play with it, for the sake of expression. Own it. Own it.
And think of all the words that we have spoken on this day and your reactions and emotions to them. And think of
how someday you will sit in front of those who come to you and try to explain to them, explain to them it is time for
them to take ownership of their divinity. They will be the ones that look back at you with fear, for they have been
expecting you to hold it for them. They have been expecting you to be the guide, the one who shows them the way
to their divinity.
And one day you will cut them loose, and it will hurt you. It will hurt, for there will be part of you that loves them so
dearly. There will be part of you that loves even the role that you have been playing as the teacher. There will be a
day when you will tell them it is time to take ownership of their own divinity and to go outside and play. And they will
give you the strangest look. You will tell them to go out and play and to throw away all their rules.
Oh, students will come to you. They will have spiral notebooks after spiral notebooks with all of the great things
you have ever said to them – and with rules, and with damn diets and all of the rest of the intellectual guidelines.
They will clip things from papers, as you have done, that tell them how to live. You will take all those notebooks,
throw them off in the trash, and tell them to take ownership of their divinity by going outside and playing.
It is so simple, dear friends. We do not need to say much more. It is so simple. It is time to own it and to play with it
and to express it. It has been held up in your brain. You have been searching for it for so long that you almost forgot
what you were searching for. You almost lost your sense of humor. It is time to simply play with it.
There are those who will not like the words that we speak. They will not like that we say it is time to throw out these
things that you have learned. We remind you that they have served you well. They have brought you to this place.
They have gotten you to this point. But it is time to let these go. Listen to your body. Listen to your entire being, and
play with your divinity.
We love you dearly, and your guides ask if they can stay around and play with you for a while! (chuckling) We will
return in a moment for your questions.
And so it is.


September 1, 2001


And so it is, dear friends, that we return again for this time of questions and answers. It gives us such joy to see
when you laugh, and when you open up, and you let this energy of your divinity express itself through your face and
through your heart and through your belly and your entire being! We like to see this laughter.
In the story of the Lightworker Rachel (given during the channeling earlier in the day), it has been said on our side
that with just one very good laugh of hers, one very good, open laugh that she had not so very long ago, this
released and cleared all of the pain and suffering and the karma of one life. With just one laugh! That should tell you
something of the power of laughter, of the ability to smile and to let go and not to be so concerned.
It has been instilled in you to be such serious students for many, many lifetimes, particularly in the lifetimes that
you have had since you came in with Yeshua, in and around that time. You have been serious, serious students with
a big goal. We honor that goal. We honor all the work you have done and into this lifetime.
But we tell you now that in the ascension status that you are in, it is different. There is not the large amount of
studies. It is not about you any more. You are now the teacher. You are the one to help others to release, so it is time
for you to release now and to enjoy life. You are basing the potential of the future on what has transpired in the past.
You are assuming that there was a certain reaction in the past and that it will apply in the future. There is a new
spiritual physics, a new energy of Earth. It does not hold any more that what happened in the past will also occur in
the future. We exaggerate to a degree, but only to a degree here.
In the past you may have found that eating chocolate chip cookies all day long was not so good for you. Because
this happened in the past, does not mean it will apply to the future! There are those who still hold to the physics and
the understandings of the past and assume they will become part of the new energy. This is not true. There are
those who do not understand yet of a person getting off of one of your mind drugs. They assume a certain reaction
based on what they have observed when they were in the old energy, or dealing with people who are still in the old
What you and what they have not observed yet is the reaction in the new energy. It is different. It is quite different.
You have only put your toe in the water. You have not allowed yourself to fully experience. This is understandable, for
you are approaching this ascension cautiously. But you are assuming that because something happened a certain
way in the old energy that it will happen this way now. That is not true. Most things will be different.
Most ways you approach how to make money, how you draw in your abundance, will be different than what you
have learned in the past. You have been taught this thing about working for an hourly pay. This does not make sense
in the new energy. It is different. It is, in a way of speaking, an entirely new physics revolving around this number 4,
which we have spoken of so often. The "quad math" ties in with the quantum leap that you are all going through. The
convergence of science, of technology, of knowledge, and of spirituality is coming together at a very rapid speed. It
will converge in these next few years of your time. Do not assume what you learned in the old energy will apply in
the new. There is a new physics on Earth.
We challenge each of you at the core level. That is why we had to bring in the discuss of "ownership" in the lesson
today. You did not understand how to own your divinity. You were waiting for someone from the outside to give you
title and license. That is why we interjected this lesson early on. There is also a new spiritual physics, an energy
physics that takes place. It is like a type of curve that can be charted, for we know many humans like to do these
charts. (audience laughter) It goes something like this: As you move into the new energy, the more you hold on to the
old energy ways, the slower and more painful the process will be. Conversely, the sooner you release all of your old
energy ways of doing things and learn to play, you will find this ascension process to be so smooth and so beautiful
and so enjoyable.
If you choose to hold on, if you demand that somebody comes to you and tells you that you have ascended, if you
choose to say that an angel must appear, or something specific must occur, if you choose to challenge your divinity,
you will keep challenging it. And it will not appear. If you choose to own it, and to accept it, and to play with it, and to
enjoy each moment now in the new energy, so be it. You will be in a state of enjoyment. It is up to you. It is not up to
us. It is up to you to choose which game you play. So what do you choose on this day? With that, we will take the
first question.

QUESTION: Tobias, please explain that the statement "it’s not about you any more" does not mean that you can't
take care of yourself, that taking care of yourself is not selfish.
TOBIAS: There are many ways to look at this. We say take care of yourself. Take care of yourself, but again it will
be in a new way. It will not be in the ways you have learned about before. Take care of yourself in a playful way. You
have been so regimented and disciplined and stern. You, all of you, have been stricter with yourselves than even
your own parents who you complained of! You have been that way with yourself. Take care of yourself in a loving
and playful way. Tonight, go home and throw out each one of those lists of rules that you have written that cover
what you should know and read and do and eat and think and act. Throw all of them out! They are old – all of them.
Take care of yourself in a joyful way, not in a punishing way.
"It is not about you any more" also means that it is not about your karma. It is not about lessons. We did not bump
Cauldre (Geoffrey Hoppe) in the head (relating to a story told earlier in the day), trying to get his attention. He simply
stepped on a board in the wrong way. It was not about him. It is not about lessons that must be learned. It does not

need to be agonized over for days and weeks, wondering what Spirit is trying to tell him. Next time, he will use a
chain saw! (audience laughter) It is that simple. It is not about him. It is not about you. You have released. You have
walked through. You have finished your contracts. The new pages of your book are empty. Why would you want to
infringe upon yourself with more lessons? Why would you want to give yourself more heaviness? It is not about you,
unless, of course, you want to continue to hold on to that. And then we will watch, and we will wait in the greatest of
honor and love until you are ready to let that go.

QUESTION: Tobias, so if we are to be teachers, how will we know when we’re ready? When is it OK? I’m
explaining what I’ve read to friends. Have I begun?
TOBIAS: You may begin when you want to begin. Do not expect us to come to tell you. When you take ownership
for your divinity and all that you are, and you take ownership for being a teacher, the students will appear. Start now.
Do not wait. Do not wait for more clearing, for more classes, for more of any of this. Start now. Own that divinity. Do
not then assume what will happen, for it will be new. Do not assume they will come to you in a specific way or at a
specific time. Perhaps the one that is best to come to you is not quite ready yet. It is not about you. It is about them.
It is about them. Own your divinity today. Walk from this moment in joy. Quit thinking up here (Tobias pointing to
Cauldre’s head) about what will happen and when and how and what you need to do. You get yourselves all so
wrapped and so tight and so confused.
In ascension, you can enjoy life. You can enjoy all that it has to offer. You've been so busy, clearing lifetimes, going
through this lifetime of releasing that you have forgotten how to enjoy. In ascension you can enjoy. Do you
understand that? You do not need to do anything else, unless you choose to. You can choose to continue walking a
very rough road with no shoes, even though you are carrying the shoes over your shoulder, and there is a pathway
that parallels the rough road that is smooth… it is one of your moving sidewalks… you do not even have to move so
much. But we will let you walk that rough road with bloody feet and pain and difficulty and shake our heads and
wonder why you do not take the easy way now.

QUESTION: Tobias, I have been told that I am to channel. I resist and want to move forward. How can I do this?
TOBIAS: You say there are others telling you what to do, but that your own inner being does not feel comfortable
with it. We do not understand your question. It is answered in itself. It is answered in itself. Others may tell you to do
all sorts of crazy things. Listen to what is on the inside. When you listen to what is on the inside… do you know what
you are channeling? It is you. It is you.
Dear friends, the most powerful thing that you will ever give another who comes to you as a student is to show
them who you are as a human. The most powerful thing as a human guide that you can so is to sit before another
and say, "I understand and have empathy and compassion for the path that you have walked, for I have been there.
But look at me now. I am eating chocolate chip cookies, and I am not overweight. (audience laughter) I get up each
morning, and I enjoy hearing the birds sing. I go for a walk, not because I have to, but because I want to. I
channeling my inner self because it is the grandest of all beings. I allow my divinity to come forth. I own it. I express it
in the world around me, and I do it joyfully. Each day there is abundance in my life. It comes to me in ways that I do
not try to plan. I do not try to dictate and control. The abundance and the joy comes to me simply because I allow it."
When you sit in front of another, and you are being wise, and you are telling them good things, it is more powerful,
believe it or not, that you are channeling yourself, rather than some dead old man, like Tobias. (audience laughter)

QUESTION: Tobias, as we release the patterns of our ancestors that are in our DNA, etc., are they released from
our children? Thank you.
TOBIAS: You start a process that allows a greater potential for this to be released within your children. You cannot
do it for them. They still carry some of this lineage, but somewhere along the line, someone has to start the process
of releasing this ancestral karma. Someone has to initiate it, and then the others begin to pick it up. Someone had to
walk into the new energy first, and the rest follow. It is the same with releasing ancestral karma. Now that you have
done it, it will be easier for the ones coming behind you to do this. They may not even be aware that they are doing
it. They may not have to go through some of the difficulties you did.
But this is an excellent question, and this allows us the opportunity to tell you how important the work is that each
one of you is doing. It is not about you anymore. What you are doing is beginning a process for the others. Walking
first into this ascension status, difficult as it has been, and mysterious as it is, walking into it, you have started this.
You have started a chain reaction of releasing karma from your own being, from your ancestral being, from your
past. What you are really doing, dear friends, is something that goes even beyond that, something that we have
described. It is difficult to put words to it, so we ask you to simply feel the energy. We – how to say – we transfer this
energy. We translate it through the guides who are standing beside you so that you can feel the energy behind what
we tell you. Because words are insufficient, we ask the guides to help to relay this.
As we have said, there was an impasse in creation, in this creation, where all things, in a sense, were energetically
stuck. They could not go forth. They could not move. Creation, as we and you know it, stopped. It stopped because
there was something that needed to be resolved. This is what created the Order of the Arc – the archangels –

responsible for projecting their energy into the future to find a solution to this impasse of energy, so that all of the
second creation could move forth. What you are doing, as grandiose as it may seem, but as challenging and difficult
as it is… by the very work that you are doing as Lightworkers, as human beings is to help resolve this impasse. It is
to help things move forward.
(Tobias emphasis, strong and slow) IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU ANYMORE. You are working to find resolution to this
impasse so that creation may move forth.
We know that the solution is already here. We have spoken of this cryptically in some of the previous channels and
discussions. And we can tell you that things are moving forth, and you will see it in your cosmic events. You will see it
as your people look into the stars, and they begin to see, not what has already been written about, but yet another
new phenomenon. Understand when this is chronicled and publicized that this will be an indication that this impasse
of energy has been resolved, and that things may move forward. So, we deviate somewhat from the question, but it
allows us the time to talk to you and to explain more of the great honor we have for you. You see yourselves as
humans who have to drive through traffic to a job that you do not so much enjoy and go through the difficulties. We
see you as those who even the archangels are counting on and relying on. We love you dearly, and thank you for
this question.

QUESTION: Tobias, you have spoken about anti-depressants. I’m curious if others drugs hinder moving into the
new energy. Can you speak about alcohol, pot, or hallucinogenics?
TOBIAS: We are somewhat fearful of even talking of this, for we know Cauldre and the one who sits to his right
(Linda Benyo) will chastise us for this! (audience laughter) But that has not stopped us up to now.
There are few things that have the effect of these mind drugs that we have spoken of. These are powerful
chemicals, and it is also our … now Cauldre stops us. He does not like predictions so much, but we make a
prediction that with what is being learned and understood about these drugs, and about alternatives that are being
worked on, and that even some of this group and family may work on… these drugs, these very drugs will be pulled
off of your markets within the next three to five years, because it will be discovered what difficulties they create. They
would be pulled off sooner, but there are those who know that you could not just do this without an alternative
solution. We see these no longer being sold or marketed. We see other ways of dealing with this. This is not a
prophecy as such, but it is our understanding and a prediction in a way.
The other things that you mentioned here… it depends on how you use them in the first place. Alcohol is a great
way, a great way, of running from fear, you know. It is a great way of becoming stronger than the fear monster for a
short period of time. You grow faster than he does, but you know, as some of you here do, the next day… oh, he is
mad! (audience laughter) He comes back. However, if taken with the proper intent, the proper approach, dear
friends, these things are fine. It depends on why these things pass through your lips in the first place. I, Tobias, was
known for enjoying a glass or so of wine. (teasing) And I do have to say… I do have to tell Cauldre that this story that
has been written about me is not so true. It has been written that I would never drink more wine than one glass for
each guest that was at my dinner table. And Cauldre has been spreading the rumor that I had many guests for
dinner every night of the week. I did indeed enjoy the wine. I did find it to be relaxing, and I realized it was one of
life's many good things.
Dear friends, when these things pass through your lips, think of why you are doing it. When you smoke a cigarette,
for instance, are you doing it as a wall? Are you doing it to hide? Are you doing it because it is so instilled in you that
you forgot you don't need to do it anymore? We also say to Cauldre – he does not so much like us talking of him. He
smokes these things… and he is attempting to quit. We can already tell that he was using old energy approaches.
He is clenching his fists, and he is going to fight this, and this will not work. We know who will win!
In the new energy, it is learning to own who you are, understanding how to release things, and understanding how
to talk to them. That is one of the biggest things in the new energy, dear friends. Talk to these things, whether they
are fears, whether they are cigarettes, whether it is a problem. Talk to it. If you are ready to release these cigarettes,
but do not know how to do this… if you do not know how to fight them, simply talk to them. They are here at your
service. They will be an addictive force as long as you would like them to be, for that is what you've asked them to
do. Now ask them to leave effortlessly and painlessly. (We do ask Cauldre to release these preconceptions that he
has. He is so worried when we talk of this.) It is time to talk to these things and to listen to hear what they have to
say. The cigarette may say, "Here is a way that I would like to go. Here is how I would like to leave." Talk to all of
these things: emotions, objects, other people's divine selves. You will find this to be the most effective tool in the new
energy. Stop struggling with your brain to figure things out, and start talking through your being. It is the same with
any of these other substances you mentioned, with very few exceptions that come from the powerful chemicals. It is
how you take them and what you want to do with them.

QUESTION: Tobias, what advice do you have for those of us whose marriages are falling apart?
TOBIAS: Allow them to fall. It is simple. Why do you hold on so much to something that does not serve you or your
partner anymore? What rule says that a marriage must last forever? In your past lives, you were given one partner to
marry, and you must stay with them forever. That was not much fun in some cases. Now if you understand that your

marriage is not working, let it go. A funny thing happens when you let it go. It is free to be all that it is or nothing at all.
Stop trying to make it into something that is artificial, that doesn't work. We understand that it is painful at first to
release something. You are, in a sense, releasing patterns of the past, patterns of the old energy. And we know you
love this person at the deepest level, but in the deepest form of love, let them go. Let them go, and let yourself go.
You may be surprised that how letting them go truly brings them back to you, but in the new energy and with clean

QUESTION: Does wearing any metal jewelry inhibit the ability to channeling or receive energy? Does it affect the
energy field?
TOBIAS: Dear friends, metal does not own you. Metal does not influence you, unless you allow it to. If you believe
that wearing a metal bracelet or a chain of some type will interfere, so be it. It will. When will you understand about
owning your own divinity and not allow these silly things to get in your way? These metals and these rules and these
other things that you have… take the same amount of energy, and focus it on the internal strength that lies within
you. If you do not so much understand or even believe it, load yourself up with metals. Load yourself up with
everything. Perhaps you will channeling better. Perhaps you will have greater insights. It is like you put these things
in your path to trip over. And then you wonder why your elbows and knees hurt!
If you are not so sure, also ask these metal things. Ask them. They all have energy vibrations. They all have
personalities. They all have consciousness, but when you ask outside objects, whether it is a person or an object or
an animal, always demand that the answer come from truth and from love, for sometimes they like to play with you.
They like to fool you to see how aware and how God-like you truly are. So, demand as God to have the answer in
truth and love. Talk to these objects. If you are not so sure of things, ask them. Ask them. That is how you will begin
owning your divinity. When you use your divinity to talk to an object or a thing or a person or an emotion or a fear,
then you are owning it, because you are using it, and you are playing with it, and you are allowing it to express. We
do not want to hear these questions any more of what type of jewelry to wear or whether not to wear! We love you,
but we ask you to begin to use your own power.

QUESTION: Tobias, in 1974 the U.S. sent out a coded message into space. Within the last two weeks a response
appears to have been received in the form of a crop circle or glyph in England. Please comment. Who responded, or
what responded?
TOBIAS: These crop circles that you have… they are indeed powerful symbols, very powerful symbols. And I will
tell you here exactly what they are. It is up to you what you want to do with this.
The symbols that are being written on your land in particular areas are the acknowledgement from the archangels
of the highest realms that the work that you are doing on Earth is freeing up the energy of the impasse. As the
impasse is freed up, it is responding back to you in thanks. It is giving you a type of coded message. It is a "thank
you" card from the other side. To appreciate and to receive what benefits are being written upon your land, simply
look at it. You do not even need to be there. You do not even need to know that it is there, for it is coming to you as
new energy, as thankful energy. It is not the aliens trying to tell you what to do. It is not in response to a coded
message that was sent out in 1974. It is a "thank you" from heaven for the work that you have done. It is, in a sense,
a type of greeting card from the archangels, from the Order of the Arc, a "thank you" card going back to Earth.
But it also carries with it a new and enabling energy that is imprinted onto your Earth and into the grids and
available to each one of you when you are ready to start using it, when you are ready to start accessing it. It is the
new energy of Earth. It is a pat on the back from us, from you that has been held in this impasse from a long, long
time ago. Do not give credit to some aliens for writing this. Do not even give credit to the intelligence of your own
government to be able to produce this, for they do not even understand. Give credit to yourselves for the work you
have done.
Own your divinity and all that you are. Do not give it to another. Own it. Have fun playing with it, dear friends. Your
homework is to go play with it each day. Would you not play with a child each day and take the time? We ask you to
play with your divinity. Talk to this wall here. Talk to the tree outside. Talk to your shoe. It has some interesting stories
about your journey! Talk to the divinity of the others who sit beside you, and listen as much as you talk. There are so
many interesting stories. There are so many wonderful stories of the human journey. Begin to talk and to listen. This
will be ownership. Begin to play. This will be ownership. Own your divinity from this moment forth. It is up to you. If
you choose not to, we will simply have to continue coming back and talking to you for a long, long time like this. Own
it. Own it, dear friends, and we can all move forward.
We love you dearly. We love mirroring back to you what you already know but have not yet accepted on the
conscious level. We love saying back to you the very things you wish you could say to yourself. We will see you in a
few short weeks of your Earth time, but we will be beside you the entire time. We will be kicking you in the butt each
time you try to give your power away to us or to something else. (audience laughter and applause) We will bump you
on the head, like Cauldre here, each time you try to give it away.
And so it is.


October 13, 2001

And so it is, dear friends, that we gather together with you in the sacred circle on this day. Indeed, as your song
said, we are old friends. (Tobias is referring to the Simon and Garfunkle song, "Old Friends," that was played
immediately prior to the channel.) All of us, and all of you, go back so long ago.
Our journey together began at the "Wall of Fire." Our journey has taken us many, many places, through
dimensions that we could not possibly describe on this day. Our journey together as friends, as angels, as gods has
taken us into the very creation of this universe. Our journeys together as friends brought us to the point of the
creation of the Order of the Arc. You, and I, Tobias, were there together when that structure, that organization, was
created. We watched how energies that were in duality, that were at an impasse, and at times even battling each
other… we watched as those energies were collected together for the good of all, and this created the Order of the
Arc, the archangels.
Everyone of you can claim that you are part of this group. It is you, old friends, who moved from this time of the
Order of the Arc and came to Earth, You took on human form and then experienced many, many lessons. We were
old friends, you and I, in the days of Alt. We were old friends together in the times that followed. We were old friends
in the creation of the new Earth, the new world.
(pausing) I get emotional at times of visiting with my old friends, each of you. It has been so long since I have
walked with you in human form. I chose to remain here, on the other side in non-physical form, so that I could be
with you in a different way. I am here with the archangels, and with all of the others who are guiding you and being
with you and loving you on your journey. We know your journey is difficult at times, but has such an impact on All
That Is. It has such an impact on God, on Spirit.
There is nothing but love for what you are doing in your lives. There should not be one of you that thinks otherwise.
You are on a blessed journey. We know at times you feel you have taken the wrong turn or done the wrong thing, but
old friends, dear friends, do not look at it that way. Do not look at with judgment or thinking that you did something
wrong. It was not. You were just going to different levels of trying to understand how things work.
Today, as we go into Lesson Three of the Ascension Series, we will talk about why there is darkness at times. We
will talk about what it represents and what it means. But, as we are speaking of these things, remember to look
within. Look within.
As Cauldre (Geoffrey Hoppe) mentioned before he sat down, if you are taken out today, if you go into the "zone,"
allow this to happen because there is much other energy coming in, much other energy.
Now, we have to stop at times. We smile. We are overwhelmed with emotion. As we say, you are old friends. We
know you so well. We have seen the changes that you have gone through in these past four weeks and four days of
time (since September 11, 2001). We have seen how you have gone to some of the very deep, fearful places within
your being. We have seen how this fear has come up, how the confusion and the potential for great imbalance has
come in. And we have seen Shaumbra – you – respond in the most loving, in the most hopeful, and in the most joyful
As we look at you today, we see a few extra lines on your physical face, a few more gray hairs that were not there
when we got together last! We know it is difficult. We know indeed that you have been wondering what you can do,
how you can be of service, how you can bring the light out from you at this time. We know so many of you have felt
helpless, that there was little you could do. Many of you have felt fearful, not knowing how to handle these emotions
We, of course, have been here in this space now for many hours. And we heard the talk earlier. And indeed we
confirm for each of you at your heart level… we confirm for Cauldre, for he often wanders… we confirm that it is
time, dear friends, to be in service. It is time to step forward to do what you came here to do in this lifetime, as
lightworkers and Shaumbra.
You have worked many, many lifetimes on developing and refining talents, capabilities, and knowledges. You have
spent your lifetimes since the times of Yeshua working on specific areas of expertise. You have devoted lifetime after
lifetime to studying the inner energies and the outer energies in order to be here on Earth at this time – at this
appropriate time – to let those come forward. You have studied for thousands of years and many, many lifetimes.
Each of you studied something unique and different, something personal. In those lifetimes, if you remember now
energetically, there were always the angels around you, helping with this studying.
In between lifetimes you would also study these same capabilities and talents. You would study them from the
perspective of the other side of the veil. Then you would go back to Earth for another lifetime. It was not so much
about karma, as you would like to believe. You came back to study how to use these new methods of energy
balancing and adjusting.

Each of you have been studying certain areas related to energy movement and transmutation. Some have been
working on new ways of sending vibrations through music and tones. Others have been studying ways to open a
heart that is closed. Yet others have been working on the energetic qualities of money. These are but a few
examples of the types of things you have been researching in past lives and between lives.
These past lifetimes, especially since the days of Yeshua, have been about testing and refining these methods.
Each of you, without exception, has been working on a specific area. There is no doubt in our minds. We wish there
wasn't in yours!
And now, we look at you. We see that indeed you are ready! We see you are ready to answer the knocking at your
front door. But you are not quite so sure how it will be brought there or what you will do once it arrives! This is part of
the reason for the Ascension Series. We will delve into much of that.
Since the very start, when Cauldre allowed us to communicate through him, we have been talking about the
changes of Earth. It is here, dear old friends. It is here. The changes will come to the forefront now, and there will be
many, many changes in the next several years of your time. It will intensify. It will get more difficult for the outside
world, but not necessarily for you. Things will be more unbalanced than before. It will be more unbalanced than
before, because as was discussed earlier on this day, the ascension process that is taking place. You are leaving the
old energy. You are going beyond. There is a natural resistance to this. And as you make more progress, this
resistance will intensify.
Now, we will speak today of many things, but we want you to understand some of the terminology. We are limited,
in a sense, by your human languages. We want you to understand first that there is a difference between "void" and
"creation." There is a difference also between "light" and "dark." When you left home, to create the Second Creation,
you went into the void. This was not dark. This was not evil. It was nothing. It was so "nothing" that not even
darkness existed. You went into void, into consciousness that had never been gone into before, in order to create
something new out of nothing.
There are some interesting physics involved here. How do you create something out of nothing? That is what your
whole journey has been about. The void is not dark. It is not bad or evil. It is the void. By its very nature of being
nothing, when a force is applied within it, there will also be a resistance to it. This is duality at the spiritual physics
level. When you go into nothing and interject an element into it, there will be an opposing force. This does not make
that opposing force bad or wrong. It simply is.
Now, today we will speak of darkness. Understand that this is not a bad thing. We are not placing judgment on it,
but it is a type of opposing force that is part of the natural spiritual physics. When a group energy decides to move
forward, there is a natural response for another group to go backwards.
Now, we have been asked if there are dark forces on our side of the veil. It is an interesting question, difficult to
answer in human words, but we will attempt to define this. We do not look at it with the type of judgment that you do.
But there are entities and even groups or families on our side of the veil that are also resisting change. They are very
comfortable with the power that they have. They do not want to lose that power. They fear they will lose their identity
if they give up any of their power, so they tend to become isolated. They tend to cluster together in packs. They tend
to go off on their own. They like to establish their own energetic empires. Now, these same beings at times get tired
of being with themselves, so they go out and try to take energy from others. They try to steal energy.
On our side of the veil, there are levels that are not affected by the dark. For instance, at the vibrational level of
Yeshua. When these levels are attacked, it simply passes through them. It is like water flowing in a river. It flows in. It
flows out. At levels on our side of the veil, the attacks by the dark have no effect at all. There are those here who are
in such a place of balance and harmony that they cannot be affected by the others.
The darkness tends to feed on lower vibration areas. They tend to try to take energy from entities that have an
imbalance. This can create wars and conflict – yes, even on our side of the veil. We tend to – how to say – we use a
word here to be funny, not to be judgmental… these are the "bottom feeders." (audience laughter) They like to
literally hang around at the levels closer to Earth, not in human form but in energetic form. This is what you call the
"fourth dimension." This is somewhat of an imbalanced and confused state. We do not like defining dimensions so
much, but this is a term you are familiar with. So, these bottom feeders on our side of the veil will tend to hang out in
these areas.
These bottom feeders try to use their energies to affect humans on Earth. They look for imbalance. They look for
low vibration. Indeed, if there is a human with a great imbalance of the male-female, the bottom feeders will be
drawn to that. They will be drawn to this imbalanced person. And yes, in a way, they can influence humans. They
cannot make a person do something, and it is nearly impossible for them to "take over" a person, even an
imbalanced person. But they can influence the thoughts of an imbalanced human, to a degree.
So, the darkness on this side of the veil is much like the darkness on Earth. For instance, when a tree is
imbalanced, the insects will come in to help clear the imbalance. When a part of your being that is imbalanced, it will
go into disease. It is part of the natural clearing process. Energetic imbalance will attract energies that help clear it.
Dear friends, old friends, we love you so dearly! You are beginning to recognize who you are and why you are
here. You are now beginning to own your divinity. You stand so much prouder today than even six weeks ago (at the
September 1, 2001 Crimson Circle gathering). You stand so much prouder, especially now than four weeks and four

days ago (since September 11, 2001). You have learned much. We know it has been difficult. And you know we have
been around. You know that we have been as close to you as ever, because you have opened your heart, and you
have allowed us to be close. We know you have been breathing in and balancing your own divinity during this time.
Now, there are many who come in as our visitors today. We are being asked to caution you. This might be
somewhat difficult for some of you to handle, but there is a reason for these guests. See it through with us.
The first guest had an appointment to be here on September 1, the date of our last meeting with you, but we asked
him to delay. He is the one you know as Archangel Raphael. Raphael now enters the space you are in, radiant and
beaming, sending his energy out to each of you. His energy should feel familiar to you. Raphael walks with you,
particularly in the difficult parts of your journey. He has been walking with you lately. We jokingly refer to Raphael as
the Archangel of Fear. Raphael is one who works with you to transmute the energies of darkness and fear. He walks
with you during the most difficult of times. Raphael helps you transmute energies that are difficult or uncomfortable.
Raphael makes his presence known, and thanks you for opening your heart to him. We have waited for quite some
time to bring Raphael in. We introduced him to a group in your place called Reno (August 26, 2001) when we
discussed the issues of fear. He was scheduled to visit with this group five days later (at the September 1 Crimson
Circle), but we changed that. He comes in now at this time.
Raphael stands strong and noble. Indeed, he is an old friend. You asked him to be on the other side of the veil to
you connect with when you became a human. You can connect with Raphael at any time to help transmute fear, to
help transmute darkness. Raphael makes his presence known throughout this entire room, spreading his energy,
letting you know he is here.
The next guest we have invited in on this day … you may not like so much. We bring in a new visitor who will sit at
your feet, and who will perhaps be all over you during our discussion. There is one of these visitors for each of you.
This is a snake, who represents your own fears and your own darkness. This snake slithers in on the floor to coil up
next to you during the remainder of our time here together.
This snake represents your own darknesses, your own fears. Remember that first, the energy of Rafael filled this
room. We know there are a few who are somewhat uncomfortable and are now asking, "Oh, Tobias, we thought you
were our old friend! And now you bring snakes in to sit by us! What type of meeting is this?" (audience laughter)
We ask you to feel the energy of this snake. It is your fears. It is the outer manifestation of your fears. It is also a
swirling, rising potential of energy that sits at your feet at all times, metaphorically. The snake is depicted in the DNA.
It is your kundalini, a rising energy potential, but one that holds much fear.
There is also… (pause) Cauldre interrupts us to say, it was appropriate to invite you to go out into the "zone," but
he is not so sure it is appropriate to snore! (This is referring to a member of the audience who dozed off. This
comment created brief audience laughter and Tobias chuckling.) We will continue. Cauldre finds himself most
amusing, and we try not to laugh, but there are times when even he can be funny. (More audience laughter.)
Now, we will continue with the visitors on this day. There is an energy that enters this room now, at our invitation
and for a reason. It is an energy may be difficult for you to handle. The energy that comes in now is of three who you
would call of Middle Eastern descent who were terrorists, They are the ones who were part of this plan and this plot,
who were on these airplanes that caused these horrific events of September 11. There are three that asked us to be
here on this day. After much consideration, we have allowed them to be in the energy of this place. They are the
ones who planned for murder. They are the ones who held firmly to their beliefs. They meticulously plotted and
planned the intentional demise of fellow humans.
Their energy enters the room. And we remind all of you that first, the energy of Raphael came here and was
planted and established. These three who come today are not doing so well. They are not doing well. They thought
when they crossed over Allah would be there to greet them, and to have ceremony, and tell them how they have
defended the kingdom of Allah.
But instead, these three felt the suffering, the mass suffering and the pain and the agony. They stood in the tunnel
of nearly 6000 who crossed over on that day. They watched each one as they came through. They felt the confusion
and the imbalance and the anger and the sorrow. And when they thought it was done, when some 6000 humans
came through, and they felt that horrible energy, then they felt the energy of the families and friends in the prayers
that came through afterwards. They felt the grieving and the sadness and the tears.
Then they felt something that has changed them. They felt your loving thoughts and feelings, and of all the other
humans on Earth rise up. They felt the hope. They thought – and their co-conspirators to this day still think – that
their actions would have torn at and ruined the fabric of the new energy, of the new Earth, of the new way. They
thought the toppling of several buildings would start a chain of events that would go so deep that it would topple all of
those things that have risen up within humanity in these past years. They thought this would start clashes and
demonstrations and riots in the streets. What they saw was empowered, divine and loving humans caring about
each other, looking to immediately rebuild something that had been torn apart. They saw humans who were grieving,
but humans that more importantly were hoping.
And this has changed the three that come here today. None of them who are here -– they are standing on the
stage, if you would like to look to the right of me – none of them here expected what would happen. It has changed
them profoundly, for they saw a new truth. They saw the power of hope and love. They have seen how quickly the

fabric of the new energy is being woven. They are still in deep sorrow for what they have done, for they understand,
when they came to an awakening quite recently, that there was another way to do this. It did not have to be done
through violence and killing and righteousness. There is another way to handle the changes. There is another way to
handle the imbalance.
The ones who stand here today do not ask for forgiveness, for they know this is not appropriate. They do not come
here to ask this. What each one of them asks for – this is plain and direct – what they ask for is simple. They ask
nothing for themselves. They know there will have to be much transmuting and processing within their beings. But
they come here today, and when they told us what their cause was, that is why we opened the door for them to let
them in. They come here today to ask each of you to continue your work. We have asked you time and time again to
continue. The world needs teachers of divinity at this time. They come here today to ask in a way stronger than I,
Tobias, could ever ask.
They ask you to continue. They have seen the effects of what love and hope and truth can do. They ask nothing
from you, other than to continue with what you are doing. If there was ever a statement that would give credibility to
all that you have been doing in this lifetime, and even the others, it is the three that stand here. We ask you to hold
the energy of this moment, if you should ever doubt the work that you do.
They know, these three, that they have much clearing and cleansing to do. They know it will be a difficult road and
a difficult journey. They know that Raphael will be there with them on their long and difficult journey. You do not need
to send them healing or love. You do not need to feel sorrow or anger. You just need to understand the effect of what
you are doing. Four weeks and four days ago, they saw the effects of enlightened humans all over the world. They
clearly thought, from their perspective, that this would be the domino effect, that it would break down things. Do you
know that they felt so strongly about this that their second level plans were almost nonexistent?
Now, we are here to tell you that there will be much work for you to do. We are not asking you to pick up any
specific belief system or philosophy. We are not asking you to read any specific books or do any ceremony. As you
know, we are not so much in favor of these things! We are asking you to go within, for the answers lie within. We are
not asking you to teach this work of the Crimson Circle, lesson by lesson. We are asking you to embrace the
essence of it and to help bring it forth. We are asking you to be there when the knock comes at your door and to
begin your work.
The three that come in today are asking you the same thing. The three that are here today, just maybe, just
maybe, may be the ones in a new physical body who come knocking at your door. You will be an old and wise and
sage teacher. You will perhaps recognize their energy from this day, perhaps it will be 20 or 30 or 40 years in the
future, but they may come knocking, saying, "I don't know what it is about you, but I see a light. I see a balance. I
see a joy. Help me to understand."
Now, before we continue with the lesson of this day, dear friends, we ask Cauldre to be in pause for a moment. We
ask you to breathe in your own divinity. Find a relaxing position to breathe in your divinity. We will return after a brief
As we look at your energies, we see it as so much different. Some of you may not feel the same connection with
us that they have had in the past. We ask you to go several levels above from where you used to go. You have
changed; therefore, you will find us in a slightly different vibration.
Now, we would like to begin this lesson with a short story. It is the story of four Shaumbra who are walking down
the road of ascension. They were walking down Enlightenment Parkway. (audience laughter) They were walking
down this road that seemed to be out in the middle of nowhere. They were enjoying the beautiful sun on this day. In
this group of four humans, there were two men and two women. They were not saying many words to each other.
They were simply enjoying the day. They knew, much as you know, there are some beautiful days on this
Enlightenment Parkway, and there are some days when it is cold and windy and raining. There are days when you
can hardly find the road, much less walk it!
So, the four Lightworkers were walking along, somewhat carefree, their heads in the clouds, partly out of their
bodies, which is a tendency for many of Shaumbra! (audience laughter) Suddenly, a snake crawled up from the
brush, onto the road, and stopped directly in front of the fourth human, a woman one who was at the back of the
group. The snake slithered up to her and cut her off her path.
Now, as you know, Shaumbra, in particular, have a fear of snakes. There is a good reason for this.
The snake coiled its body, reared its head and directed energies of fear straight through its eyes directly into hers.
This broke down everything she had ever learned or studied. It broke her down for a moment. She shrieked, and she
went running back at amazing speed, back to the village where they came from that morning. She left so quickly that
the others in the group could not even catch her and settle her down. She was filled with so much fear! She was so
deeply terrified by this snake that she forgot every tool she had ever learned.
The snake was very pleased with his activities and his power, for he did not even need to exert himself. He scared
away this human. Be gone with her! He instantly slid back into the underbrush, out of sight, out of the way of the
other three Shaumbra who remained. They were confused. They did not know what to do. They were sad that one of
their own had run back to the village, and would probably not resume her path on this road to ascension for quite

some time. They discussed it briefly, and decided to continue on their path. They gave thanks and blessings that at
least no one was harmed.
The three remaining Shaumbra continued on the path, enjoying the day, when once again a snake appeared from
the underbrush. It came darting onto the road, in direct contact with one of the males. It coiled up his head and
opened his mouth to expose his pointed teeth. The lightworker said, "I will kill you. You make me angry! You chased
away one of the others. I'm going to kill you once and for all!" He pulled the knife out of the sheath, held his arm
back, and was about to strike a blow, when the snake coiled, released, and bit him in the leg. He died instantly. The
anger had arisen within him. He was going to save and protect the others. He was going to kill the snake, but the
snake was much more cunning. The snake was much faster. The snake caught him off guard and killed him. The
snake quickly escaped back into the underbrush, out of sight of the other two Shaumbra.
The two remaining Shaumbra buried their friend. They did ceremony. They wept. Then they decided to continue on
the road, two Shaumbra, one man and one woman. They continued walking and enjoying the day, but now it
weighed heavy on them – the events of one Shaumbra who had been scared silly and ran back to the village and the
other who had come to what seemed to be an untimely death. They continued walking, and as you already know, the
snake once again came from the underbrush, slithered onto the road, and put itself directly in the way of the one
woman who remained.
The one woman Lightworker who remained decided to use a different tact this time. Instead of trying to kill the
snake, she would talk the snake through its fears and angers. She knelt down, just out of reach of the snake. She
said, "Oh, dear snake, you must have had a difficult childhood! (lots of audience laughter) Dear snake, I raise my
hands now, not to attack you, but I will send you energy, and I will send you love, and I will heal you and all of the
wounds from your very disturbing childhood. Oh, dear snake, I imagine that your father beat you, and that is why you
are so angry. (audience laughter) And dear snake, I will sing you a lullaby to make you feel better, to nurture your
inner snake." (more audience laughter)
Now, the snake coiled back and had an interesting look on his face, a look that was quite puzzled. Here was a
human that was not displaying anger. Here was a human that was trying to change him. Here was a human who was
trying to process him. (more audience laughter) The snake looked at her, and a big smile came across his face. And
the woman Shaumbra thought, "I am connecting with him, heart-to-heart. Look. He is smiling." Suddenly the snake
leapt forward and bit her. She died instantly. (some audience laughter) And the snake retreated back into the
underbrush, laughing and laughing and laughing to himself. "Here was a human, trying to change the world and to
change me. She was the easiest of all my targets!"
Now, the one remaining Shaumbra is one who we will call Samuel. Now, Samuel buried this lightworker, this former
healer. Samuel buried her. And he was quite concerned now. He wondered about this road of ascension,
Enlightenment Parkway. This was not such a good thing, for now one of his kind had been chased away in fear and
two had been killed. He sat and thought for quite awhile about whether to continue on the path. Finally, he said, "It is
so deep within my being and deep within my soul that I must continue."
He continued walking, somewhat more carefully and more cautious than he had before, but he continued walking.
And as you already know, after a short period of time, the snake crawled up from the underbrush once again, now
feeling more invigorated and more powerful for having chased off three in one way or the other. The snake came
directly in the path of Samuel. The snake said, "I will allow you to go no further on the path. Like the others who you
used to walk with, I will kill you now."
Now, Samuel was much like each one of you here. Samuel had been so diligent in integrating his inner divinity, in
his search for his True Self and staying in his sweet spot. Samuel remembered a few things he had learned, even in
this terrifying moment. Samuel looked the snake eye-to-eye, who was coiled and ready to bite. The snake was
empowered with the blood of a human dripping from his mouth. He was so delighted with himself.
At that moment Samuel said to himself, "I must take ownership of my divinity. It is not about me anymore. I have
been told that. I must take ownership and be in a place of balance. I must breathe in – rather quickly here now. (brief
laughter) I must breathe in my divinity, for this is what I have learned to be true."
Unbeknownst to either Samuel or the snake, an eagle had been circling overhead, watching the series of events.
At the moment Samuel took in the breath, the eagle swooped down, grabbed the snake with its strong and sturdy
claws, flew up hundreds and hundreds of feet into the air, did circles and spins with the snake screaming and
slithering its claws. Then the eagle dropped the snake to his death on the ground.
Samuel breathed again, but this time, it was with relief. He continued walking on his path, and thought about the
events of this very strange day. He contemplated all that had happened. He thought about the eagle, who had truly
been there all of the time, waiting for the appropriate moment to come forth, waiting for the appropriate moment for
Samuel to be in his balance and his divinity.
Samuel continued walking on the path of enlightenment, when suddenly another snake appeared. It was a relative
of the snake who was killed. This new snake was very, very angry. This new snake darted from the underbrush and
stopped directly in front of Samuel. It was almost twice as long as the first snake. It coiled in front of him, and said, "I
will surely kill you now, for you have killed my own relative. I will have revenge. I must, for that is the way of our
snake god. We revenge all who do us harm."

Now, Samuel had been thinking quite a bit along his walk, ever since the first snake was killed. He knew it was a
blessed and sacred moment when the eagle came down. He also knew that it was a divine act, and he knew there
was more to be learned from all of this. So while he was walking along down the road, thinking, he came asked
questions of himself. "What is it that I should know about the events of the snake? What is it that I should do if this
ever would happen again to me?" He listened within for the answers to his questions. He knew that the answers
always come from within.
Samuel knew that he couldn’t just close his eyes and wish that the eagle would swoop down once again. He knew
it was time to truly take ownership of his divinity. He looked the snake in the eye and said, "Dear snake, what is it you
seek? Why are you in my path?" The snake was shocked! No human had ever asked this question. Humans had
acted in fear or anger or sometimes stupidity, but they had never displayed this kind of wisdom. They had never
asked, "Why are you here in my path? What is that you have for me?"
To his questions, the snake responded, "Dear Samuel, I am you. I am no different from you. I am not some
external reptile. I am your darkness, and I come here today to stand in your path because you, Samuel, do not like
change. You, Samuel, have issues that need addressing. I am here as a messenger to help you bring your issues to
the surface." Samuel thought for a moment and then asked the snake, "But if it is so simple, if it is so simple, then
why did the first snake kill and scare the other humans? Why couldn’t you just come to us and explain why you are
And the snake shook what little head it had (audience laughter) and said, "That is not the way the energy works. It
is only when we are asked, only when you have enough curiosity, only when you open the door by asking the
questions, can we then answer. We do not want to be changed. We do not want to be attacked. But when a human
comes to us – the snake that is within – and asks, then we must tell. We must share."
So Samuel now understood his own power, his own balance, and he understood why the snake had been sent
there in the first place. They talked for many, many, many hours. Samuel learned much through this experience
about himself. He saw the darkness and the fears that were within him, expressed through the snake. When they
were done, Samuel said to the snake, "I still do not like you. I still do not like when you show up on my path. I still do
not like what you represent. But, now I know that you come bearing a gift. Now I know there is a reason for your
being, and now I know how to address you and what to do."
Samuel continued on his path. There was an occasional but rare snake that attempted to stop him. He understood
it was just a test of his own being to see if he was still staying in his balance. But now, each time a snake appeared
before Samuel, he would smile, and he would say, "Why are you here? What is it that I should know? Why are you
here? What is it that you want?"
Dear friends, this story has many energetic elements to it. There are many metaphors and symbols contained in
these words. It would be a good thing to review this from time to time.
It is to know that the darkness within you seeks release. Lesson Three of the Ascension Series – the darkness
within you seeks release. The darkness is the snake that sits at your feet right now. It is the snake from the story of
Samuel. The darkness within seeks release.
As you move into your new ascension status, there are still issues. There are still the imbalances. They will appear,
but understand, as Samuel came to understand, that the darkness, at its core level, are issues and energies within
you that seek release. That is all.
If you hold an imbalance of fear within you, the darkness will cause you to go scampering back to the village where
you came from. If you hold fears and you allow them to let you forget everything you’ve learned, to shake you to the
core, you will run backwards to the village, back to your security. This snake of fear and darkness that scared you
away did not get what he came for. He was trying to scare you, but in reality he was really looking to be addressed.
The darkness seeks release. It has insidious ways of doing this. It has damaging and crippling ways of doing it. But
go straight to the core and understand that the darkness within you seeks to be released. You will then understand
the events in the world around you. You will understand what is happening with the current situation in your world.
The darkness seeks to be released!
When you try to kill the snake as the second, male lightworker did, when you go after it in anger, it is throws you
into imbalance. You have discovered that in yourself. When you are angry, when there is something that happens
from within and you get angry within yourself, you lose! Anger is an imbalance. Understand this when the snake is
standing in front of you, and you are angry, and you draw your knife, and say, "I will cut your head off. I will kill you
here." Even if you do manage to kill the snake, it will come back trhough all of its relatives. It will be there, because
the darkness seeks to be released. You have only inflicted anger and pain on it. But it will persist. It will be there. It
will be in your path of ascension and enlightenment. Anger does not solve the problem.
Look at the world situation now. If your country of the Americas had immediately responded to the events of
September 11 in anger, which in a sense, many of these terrorists had hoped for, it would have made the situation so
much worse. But yet, the world held a balance of energy that prevented any immediate strikes. It prevented an
assimilation of what was going on. Anger will not solve the problem.

Now, let us take a look at the third Lightworker, the healer woman. Her objective was to change the snake. She
wanted to process the snake. The snake wanted to be released, but not in that way. The snake didn’t want to be
changed to fit a certain mold. The snake doesn’t want sympathy. The snake didn’t want some sugary type of healing
that really only works on the surface. The snake was hurting within, the darkness within you. The snake wants real,
direct and true answers, and energies from you. It does not need some fluffy type of healing.
We want you to think about this also. The terrorists who stand here know that fluffy solutions will not solve the
problem. Their relatives – the organizations that they came from before their deaths – will not respond so nicely if
you sit speak empty words and do not show your strength. Our third Lightworker, the woman, did not show an
internal strength. She did not hold her divinity. She was in imbalance. She was trying to change something, trying to
change the world and transform it with an agenda that was her own, trying to change it to conform to a certain
picture of how she wanted it to look. That is why the snake bit and killed her.
Samuel, the fourth lightworker who was balanced in male and female energy, knew in a terrifying and difficult
moment that he could not think fast enough to pull all of his tools in when confronted with the first snake. But he
knew one thing that was simple – breathe, breathe in divinity. As you practice this each day, it becomes an
unconscious thing. As you breathe in, the divinity comes with it. Samual knew in a moment that the breath would
bring him to a balance and anchor his divinity. And what happened, what happened but the eagle soaring overhead
had always been there with a watchful eye, always waiting to get a piece of the snake, but waiting for the right
opportunity. That opened the door. An outside event happened, a seemingly outside, event happened that kept
Samuel from certain death. But he also had the wisdom to know that he must understand the reason why the snake
had been there in the first place. That is why, in his journey down the road, that he took time to think why the snake
was there. He knew, as you would know, that it was there for a reason. It was there for a reason.
When the darkness comes up, and the fear comes up, and the snake comes up within you, own your divinity.
Breathe it in. Stay in your balance. Do not try to change something that you do not quite yet understand. Do not try to
kill it. Do not run away in fear. Hold and own your divinity. Ask the darkness within you why it is there, what needs to
be released. There is an imbalance of energy within you that needs addressing. Perhaps there was an old remorse.
You do not need to go back into lifetime after lifetime to know exactly what it is. That would be a waste of time and
energy. But, there is perhaps an old remorse or guilt. Or perhaps it is part of a wisdom that it is not fully complete, so
it stands in imbalance within you. The snake will come forward at the appropriate time to let you know that there is
something within that needs to be released.
Energy, spiritual energy, is an amazing thing. We know you are beginning to study it. The group that went to
England and stood in the vortex of Avebury experienced it. It is still affecting their circuits. It is still affecting their
health and their tissues and their spiritual energies. They stood in the middle of one of the most powerful vortexes in
the world that was filled with energy that needed to be released, darkness that needed to be released. They
understand now its power and its capability. Within you is the same – energies that need to be released.
When darkness comes to you on the path of enlightenment and ascension, own your divinity. Hold it. Breathe in
and ask what it is you should know. And understand all the time this is about releasing and transmuting an old
Look into the world at this time. There are old energies that need to be released, old energies that need
addressing. They don’t come forward, and say, "We are hurting inside. Tell us what we need to do to release." It does
not work like that. As Cauldre calls this type of energy, whether it is within you or in the outside world… it is like
"spiritual cockroaches." They go, and they hide. They hide within you, these darknesses, these snakes. They are
hiding in caves. They represent an old energy of Earth that needs to be released. You must address them with
strength. You must address in balance; otherwise it will backfire on you.
There are old unbalanced energies of Earth regarding the original duality of male and female. It is time for those to
change. Things cannot go forward without these changes. So, what happens? They come up to the surface. There
will be other events here in the next several years of your time. There is a whole area that has an explosive energy. It
is a terminal energy. It is a low energy that will only eat on itself and destroy itself. It needs releasing. This is your
area of Africa. Look at the energy there. It is seeking release. But remember, remember the third lightworker. Do not
go there as Pollyanna-ish Shaumbra to try to change the world. It will come to you, and you will know what to do.
You will know how to handle it.
As you go through these many, many changes, and as you personally evolve, there will be imbalances that come
up from within you. Address these. Understand at their core level they want to be released. When they are, there is
an energy of the darkness that spins the light. Do you know this is another basic law of spiritual physics? When the
energy from the dark is released, it then spins the light. This allows you to soar to new heights. It allows you to
discover new things on your path to ascension. It is like a fuel. It is there in service to you. But if you do not release it
correctly, it does have the tendency to explode in your face.
Dear friends, we know this path is difficult at times, but we know each of you are gaining the wisdom and the
strength and the balance and the ownership to handle it. We know you've gone through many processes over these
past few weeks of time. We know that you are coming into your own. We can see it here today. We can see it. We
know you have many, many questions about what is happening to you, what is happening in the world. And within

you, contained within you, is the answer for each one of these. We are simply here, like Raphael, to help guide you
on your path, to walk with you, to reflect back to you, and if nothing else, to simply sit here in this energy, this energy
of love and hope and truth with old friends.
Now, we tell you that there is much work to be done. We tell you that if you begin looking at energies associated
with things outside of you – governments religions, organizations – you will begin to see quite clearly where the
imbalances are. You will be able to truly help facilitate a process. You will know when you are being called on. You
will know when it is appropriate to respond. You will know what to do. Understand at a core level that darkness seeks
to be released.
We are not much for predictions, for making prophecies, but we see the direction of things. We see that with the
events and the major leap in consciousness from four weeks and four days ago that changes will continue to sweep
the world. What we see is that there will be a change at the core level of your own churches and religions. There has
been much energy focused on these recently. This will continue. The churches that hold an imbalance of energy, that
hold duality, can no longer survive in the new energy. The churches that promote separation between God and man
cannot hold their own as you move into the new energy. The churches that create an enemy, the devil, other
religions… they cannot move so well into the new energy.
The churches hold a tremendous imbalance of duality energy at this time. You will see them always associated
with the core of the problems, as you have for thousands and ten of thousands of years. You will see this continue,
but you will see their walls come crumbling down, meaning they will be forced to change, to be more open, or they
will crumble and be out of existence.
Most of the energy of duality is held in those places that were built to worship God. Most places that were built to
worship God hold a tremendous imbalance of a male and female energy. That must come to a stop in order to move
into the new energy. The ones who hold the power of these places, of these churches and philosophies, understand
this. By understanding it, they become more fearful, and they make ignorant remarks to the press (referring to Jerry
Falwell’s remarks after the September 11 events). By becoming more fearful they will also become more righteous,
and they will hold on tighter than ever before. It is because they feel they are losing their grip. They are losing their
foundation. As the new energy comes to be, it is not appropriate for that old imbalanced energy of duality to be there.
Why do we bring this up, dear friends, as we talked about across the border not so long ago (referring to the
channeling in Toronto regarding the "new churches")? You are the ones who will build the new churches, but not
churches with walls or structures or rules. These are churches that teach one basic principle and only one – the
divine is within. The divine is you. Each individual has a birthright from the kingdom, a birthright of divinity. Let no one
else tell you that they hold the keys to your divinity! When you are a teacher, understand you are only facilitating a
process and a journey for your students. Tobias and Raphael… we are only facilitating a process for you. You will
only facilitate a process for others.
Now, Cauldre tells us we have spoken long, but we enjoy time together. We enjoy being with humans so fresh with
enthusiasm, so renewed in a way, tired at times, but you are so renewed here. You are so alive. That is what we feel
when we come in here. You are so filled with the breath of life and the breath of Spirit.
The three visitors – the ones that were the terrorists, who are now doing much contemplating on the other side –
asked us to be here with a group of humans who were actively and lovingly working through the darkness. They
heard there were humans who were truly learning to integrate the divinity, without taking power from another, without
owning another, without battling another. They asked to see one such group. They stand here today, not thinking that
they can ever fill your shoes. They stand here, wondering where they took the wrong turn on their journey, and how it
is that there are such enlightened and loving humans on Earth. They tap us on the shoulder and say, "Tobias, remind
the ones who are here… these are the real workers. They are not the sugary, fluffy workers. These are the real
workers." They can see in your energy the conviction, the ownership you have for your own divinity.
We love you dearly. We love this time that we sit in with you. These times are so precious. You are all like Samuel,
having learned so much, having gained so much wisdom. You are truly ready to teach the others. And remember –
and Raphael underlines this and adds an exclamation point – you are never alone!
And so it is.


October 13, 2001

And so it is, dear old friends who are Shaumbra. We come back into this circle to continue with your questions.
(chuckling) We will attempt to give you answers. Now, we know the time is running out here. We will forgo our normal
conversation that we have, for, in a way, we have said all that needs to be said on this day regarding Lesson 3. We
have gone through all these materials. All the energy is already within you. So, with that, and knowing that your time
runs out, we will go directly to the questions.

QUESTION: Tobias, why? (audience laughter)

TOBIAS: Now, if we were human philosophers, we would say, "Why not?" for that is the question. (audience
Why? … is such a good question, and it is about your journey. It is about your search. It is about your ascension. It
is the question that has been asked by entities ever since we left Home. It is about your journey on Earth. Ever since
you left Home there has been one basic thing – the search for God, the search for God. When you were in the void
and creating this Second Creation, the real question was about where to find God, how to get back Home. As we all
matured, we understood it was not about getting back Home. It was about creating something new. But, the search
for God continued.
The Order of the Arc was created, it was to help define a very imbalanced energy, an energy that was searching
for God. It was an answer to the question "why." It was about a venue and an experience that would enable you, and
then ultimately us, to once again know God, but a different relationship than you had with the King and the Queen
when you were Jack. The relationship now comes from within you. The relationship is yours to hold personally. It is
about integrating your divinity.
Why? If you return to the story of Jack, you will recall that we chose our words very carefully. It was said that Jack
was the prince, the son of the King and the Queen. One day he would inherit the throne. But, he wanted one last
journey. Why? It was to understand how to bring the energy of Home, how to bring the energy of God, how to bring
the divineness into you directly, into your experience and your being. Jack did not have ownership of this when he
was in the Kingdom. In order to be a true creator, Jack needed to discover this on his own.
You have been searching for God ever since. You are beginning to understand the dynamics of this and how this
works. It is difficult. It does not come so easy. Why? It is the fulfillment of a circle that started the moment Spirit
contemplated Self and began a whole dynamic of new creation, of duality, and of experience. It is the completion of
Spirit’s quest to know Self, to know of expression by living through experience.
And, why not? (audience laughter)

QUESTION: Tobias, now more than ever, we need to know about transmutation.
TOBIAS: That is indeed accurate. The first level of this was discussed on this day. The transmuting of energies
comes when you address it, and when you have the wisdom to know that these energies, as insidious as they are…
they want to be released. They want to be released to their highest, not your highest. That was the mistake of the
third Lightworker, the woman who tried to heal and to try to process. These energies want to be released to their
highest order.
The first lesson in transmutation is to ask what should be known. What are these energies searching to be
released from? What do these energies represent? Why are they holding back? Why are they causing fear and
darkness and terror and anger and all the rest of these emotions?
We will continue talking of this, as we said in a session like this not so long ago. We are still learning from you. We
are still learning. We have watched you over these past weeks in particular. We are coming to understand how fear
is transmuted, how it is worked with, not just from our theoretical standpoint, but also from the practical application
on your Earth. And, then we are giving you back this information.
For the next several of our discussions with you, the next several lessons, we will continue this story of
transmuting, of spinning, of evolving. Indeed, transmutation of energy is really evolving energy, evolving it. Each time
you attempt to move to your next level… each time you attempt to take your next major steps, this causes the
darkness to come forth. This causes the snake to appear on the road. The first level of transmuting is to ask "why."
We thank you for this question, and we will continue discussing this. This is such an important, such a vital area that
we will continue talking of it.

QUESTION: Tobias, ever since September 11, I have felt tremendous grief and tears overwhelm me at unexpected
times. I don't know how to deal with it. What's happening? What can I do about it?
TOBIAS: You, dear one, all of you… you have become so sensitive, in particular in these past six months of time.
You are opening up parts of your being. You are becoming so attuned to things. You are feeling the grief of humans
around you. But remember it is not about you. It is not about you anymore. You are here now in service as a teacher.
You are feeling the energy of those who need your wisdom and your teachings. You are hearing and feeling the
knocking on the door. It comes in the form of grief and emotion and anxiety and tears. You are feeling the pulse of
humanity. At the same time you are being called to service. This is the knocking at the door that we have spoken of.
This is the knocking at the door.
Now, when you understand that it is not just about you, it does not make the grief go away. It is not like you
become insensitive at all, but at least you know how to balance that energy within. You can feel that the humans and
that the Earth is grieving and going through difficulty. Then it is time to pause and ask within, "What is it now that I
am being called to do?" And, you know the answer will come to you. It may come to you in ways that you do not so
much expect, but it will come to you.
This is an excellent question. Understand it is because of the progress you are making. Understand there is also
part of you that is a loving, caring human that feels compassion for everyone that is hurting. That is the thing we love

about Shaumbra. You care about others deeply, sometimes to the point where you are not able to balance how it
affects you. You care about others so deeply that you take on these burdens yourself. Have compassion. Have love
and hope. Understand it is a calling now for you to do your work, the work that you have planned to do for thousands
of years. We thank you.

QUESTION: Tobias, is there wisdom in the military actions currently being undertaken?
TOBIAS: That is yet to be decided. (audience laughter) As we see from our perspective, there was incredible
wisdom… there is incredible balance in waiting for anything, even though there was immediate evidence about who
perpetrated these events. There was a careful waiting period.
Now, in the story of Samuel, in his first encounter with the snake, he knows it is time to breathe in divinity and
balance. Then there is an outside, unanticipated and surprising event that seems to intervene to protect him. Then,
later he learns, by asking from within, what it is that he should do. He learns that he should address the snake. He
asks why it’s there. He comes to understand that the snake truly wants to be released of the old ways.
Now, perhaps this will tell you that to be in a place of balance and strength is good. Understand that when you are,
it is not even necessary to pull out your knife or your sword. There will be an event that comes in from the outside to
help to rebalance the energy. As you remember, the second Lightworker, the one who pulled his knife in anger and
was going to kill the snake… he was killed instantly. That should tell you something about the nature of imbalanced
We do like telling stories of journeys on roads. We like that very much. (Archangel) Raphael is very big on that. As
a matter of fact, we joke with him on this side and say, "That is only a story." He will always start out telling us stories
with "there were three humans on the road… there was a human on the road." (audience laughter while Tobias is
teasing Raphael) He always starts his stories as such. (more laughter, partly at how amused Tobias seems – yes,
Tobias, sometimes we laugh at you, lovingly, of course)
But, that will tell you something about the balance that is necessary at this point. Understand that the darkness
seeks release. Understand that it must be addressed, but addressed from a place of strength. Now, we are not going
to even insinuate that we have the answers to this question. But we see directions. We see it is important to maintain
strength, but yet continually ask the questions, continually ask these old forces, what you would call dark forces,
terrorist forces… ask them what it is they seek, what it is they seek to release.
Push them with the unification of all the nations of your world. Push them to a table to talk. But, do you know what?
That will be hard for them to do. But, if there is continual pressure, mounting pressure from all of your leaders and all
of your nations, they will crumble to this. It will weaken them in the knees. Sitting down in a place of truth and a place
of looking eye-to-eye will cause them to tremble.
We hear that from the three who have been with us today. They say that is about the last thing that this group
wants. They want commotion. They want terrorism. They want to tear the fabric of the new energy. When they are
called to truth at the table, this will ruin them. They will not know how to handle it. These are all just speculations on
our part. The angry male, military-type of attitude, dear friends, could backfire if it's not in balance. It could backfire,
as it did on our second Lightworker. Strength with love and wisdom is what is needed right now.

QUESTION: Tobias, my circle of friends and people I meet all want to pray for peace. I suggested they pray for full
consciousness for everyone on the planet. I believe full consciousness is remembering who we truly are, pure love,
so there can be only no room for anything else. Is this too simple?
TOBIAS: No, dear one, you are a wise one. You are a wise one. It makes us so delighted to see how far you have
come. Now, let us talk about prayer for a moment here. When humans pray, particularly in groups, we would love to
share with you what we see from our side. We see, at its core level, good trying to be done, but we see inappropriate
energies. When we hear groups of humans praying at times, there is so much confusion and imbalance that we have
to leap out of the way, to get out of the way of these prayers. Humans do not know for what they pray.
Cauldre… he thinks of these E-mails that he will get when we say these things, but (audience laughter) we must
continue here. It is when there is a consciousness of balance. It is when you look within first. When all these events
transpired (the terrorist attacks), we are not saying it was bad that the world prayed, but you should have heard
some of the prayers that were being said! They did not make sense!
Do you know what is more powerful than the prayer? It is a hug! It is a hug given without asking for anything in
return. It is a sharing of love and of energy. It is not trying to change or transform the person. It is trying to connect
with them. When two energies that operate at different vibrations touch each other, there is a new, higher level of
energy that is reached by both parties who have touched. When you hug each other, it is a simple expression of
love. There is a transformation that changes both. No one person's energy should be considered lighter or stronger,
better or worse. It is a connection that takes place.
Prayer is so misunderstood in your society. We challenge Shaumbra to begin looking into this to find the new way
to pray. Humans are so attached to that word "pray," and we know they are shocked when we say it is not effective
anymore. It is when you felt compassion, and when you had tears in your eyes, and you cared for another human…

this is what made the difference in the measurement of energy. It was not the prayers that were said. It was what
was felt in the heart.
The third Lightworker in our story today wanted to "process" the snake. She wanted to find the inner hurt child of
the snake. This was imbalanced energy. She did not know what she was trying to heal. She had no earthly idea, but
she thought she would heal the snake. She thought, as her own agenda, when she healed the snake, she would be
the hero. She thought she was the healer, and the snake was simply the patient. That is not the way energy works. It
is to understand why the snake is there in the first place. She did not understand that. She did not ask the question.
When you pray, you do not understand so much what you pray for. When you pray for peace, what does that look
like? What is peace? If you pray for peace, but yet there is darkness that needs to be released, then it is glossed
over. There is a sugar coating on peace, and it will not hold. That has been the problem in the area of your world
called the Middle East. There is a sugar coating that is saying, "Let us shake hands and be friends." But, the moment
they turn around, the snake arises within, for it has not been addressed. It has not been released.
When you pray for peace, what is it that you pray for? In a way, the agenda is, "Please, dear God, make my
problems go away. I do not want to see them." It is about understanding the rising of consciousness. Each time the
consciousness rises, the serpent will appear. But, it will become increasingly easier to deal with by saying, "Why are
you in my path? I am Shaumbra. I stand strong and divine, and I demand to know what it is you seek." We thank you
for this very enlightened question.

QUESTION: Last question. Tobias, you say to build new churches, but they aren’t churches. Then, why call them
churches? Isn’t it just a new way of teaching "walk your walk and teach it?"
TOBIAS: Indeed, and we carefully chose that word. It can be used, in a sense, because it is a word that humans
are familiar with, and they will understand it. It will make the transition somewhat easier for them. If you come up with
another name, they will not so much understand, and they will think that you maybe come from a different planet.
(audience laughter)
To use the word "church" is to show a new light, to show a new way for an energy that has already been
established. It is also to cause humans to raise the eyebrow, and say, "And, this is a church?" That gives you the
opportunity to say, "Yes, but it is new. It is without walls. It is without a book that is glorified. It is without worshiping
an entity who we have never seen and perhaps never will."
The new church is about understanding the relationship with God from within. Ever since you left Home, you have
been searching for God. The new church is you… the new church is you. This is where God and divinity can be
found. We chose our words carefully, because the church is not the building or the structure. The church is the one
who sits in front of you. The church is you. The search for God will end there. This is where you will come to know
Spirit. This is when you will come to know Home.
We would like to have one more question asked at this time. (There was a long pause here while Linda searched
for another question. Tobias said, after waiting a short time, accompanied by audience laughter, "We did not think it
would be so difficult." Linda’s response: "You’re pleasing yourself with answering so many of them already.)

QUESTION: Tobias, last, last question. I know that Christ refers to a level of consciousness and is the same as
Krishna consciousness, Buddha, etc., but there seems to be a difference between Yeshua Ben Joseph and
TOBIAS: Indeed, there is. This provides us with an opportunity to talk about something that we wanted to address
here, but the question was not asked, so we had to ask for the question to be asked. (much audience laughter and
Tobias chuckling) Cauldre does not like so much when we outshine him! (more laughter)
There is the energy of Yeshua, who you could say was the being or the entity, an old friend who walked the Earth.
This was his name and the energy imprint identified with it. Yeshua is part of a spiritual family. Now, human words
sometimes are quite limiting. But, he is part of a spiritual family. You would say that it is the family of Sananda. Now,
within the family of Sananda, there are many beings and many entities who carry this energy. Even on your Earth
you have many Lightworkers, you have many Shaumbra who channeling Sananda. Does that mean they are
channeling Yeshua? Not necessarily. Sananda is a broad family energy. It would be as if you had the name Smith.
There is a broad family associated with this, but your name is Jim. This is the individual.
So, there is the family of Sananda that is indeed part of the Order of the Arc. It is – how to say… it has somewhat
different attributes than the regular beings you know as archangels, but Sananda is a very unique energy within the
Order of the Arc. Its members, its family members, tend to come to the Earth at certain times of major changes and
major leaps of consciousness.
Now, that allows us to share with you what we wanted to. (audience laughter) I, Tobias, am one who walked the
Earth thousands of years ago. I am one who is an old friend with you, back to the times of Atlantis. I have also
walked with you in non-physical form, even in these past several thousand years.
But there is a grander, broader Tobias family energy. I am not just a dead human, or as Cauldre calls me, the "old
Jew." (audience laughter) There is a much broader family energy. It is in direct lineage to the Order of the Arc. The
Tobias family energy has been written recently by others as TO – BI – US. This is not so much an accurate

interpretation. It energetically would sound – these are very difficult to translate – it would energetically sound like
"To-ah-mus." But, you call it the family of "To-bee-us." This is a very broad, very large, very dynamic spiritual energy
that I, Tobias, am part of, and you are part of. It is different than just the Crimson Council, for that is a group within
this energy of "To-bee-us."
This group, this family that we are from, comes to Earth at specific times. We work closely with the Sananda
energy, but we come in as the workers of change energy. We come in at times when there has been a major
consciousness shift. This is the time to send in the seasoned energy workers. You are the ones who know how to
take the change in consciousness – to take this etheric energy – and to help implant it, to help it move forward, to
help it materialize.
We have been waiting for a while to discuss this, but dear friends, there is something much larger going on here
than even what you recognize. There is more than this entity called "Tobias," sitting here with you. There is a much
broader family energy that comes in when we talk. It is easier to address you as "Tobias," the human who walked the
Earth, the one who has compassion and understanding, the one who has walked with you, who is your old friend. It
is easier to address you through this energetic identity, rather than some – how to say – grand and broad and
illustrious energy that comes direct from the Order of the Arc, because then we could not talk as closely and as
personally as we do. So, I take on the identity of "Tobias" to be one on one with you. But, understand there is
something far greater, far broader going on here. It is the very reason why you are here.
This is how we wanted to end our discussion on this day, but the question was not asked! We want you to
understand the enormity of the work you do. You come in now at a consciousness change point. It is time for you to
do your work. You will know what that is if you simply ask the question. We have now asked Cauldre to put into force
the real purpose and the real meaning of the Crimson Circle, to be a place to nurture and support and to facilitate all
of the work that you are doing, to be a central point to come to when you need guidance or love or just hugs.
We love you dearly.
And so it is.



November 3, 2001

And so it is, dear friends, that we gather here together in our sacred space for yet another meeting of the Crimson
Circle and the Crimson Council. It is such a delight to be in this space with you today, to join together our energies
with you who are here.
We are getting more and more used to this, as you are getting more and more used to it. Have you noticed, dear
friends, that this shifting in energy, where we meld together with you, is not so surprising any more? It is not so
difficult to make that transition. It is much smoother. We can now glide in. We can, like the wind, be with you and
meld with you and love you and sit with you.
Ah, we were telling Cauldre (Geoffrey Hoppe), when your music was playing (prior to the channeling), that we
remember a time, not even so long ago, when the transition and the shift in energies were much more difficult. We
would come in with a very large entourage. There would be many who came in with us specifically to weave and
adjust the energies to make it possible to communicate with you at all levels.
But now, feel around, dear friends. We do not need this large group to come in. We do not need these major shifts.
We can come in almost as easily as when you walk into the door of this place. That is because each of you have
moved along so far on your path. You have come into so much new consciousness that we can connect with you so
much easier.
We have much to discuss on this day. We appreciate the breathing work that you did earlier. We ask all of you now
to once again integrate. Integrate your own divinity. As we heard said earlier, dare to integrate your divinity by
breathing in. Dare to achieve what you have been seeking for so long. Dare to fan the flames of your awakening
divinity, much like a smoldering fire that is ready to leap forward. As you know, the simple breath upon it will cause it
to ignite. It will cause it to come to life. That is what it is like when you breathe in. Breathe in now all the way down to
your toes. Breathe into your arms and your fingers. As you do, feel the energy of your own being, and then connect
here to the energy of I, Tobias. I am energetically breathing in also to connect to you. It is that simple. It is that
We have often said that we do not need to go into long discussions any more, long discussions that sometimes
even test your intellect. Do you know it is as simple as consciously breathing in your divinity? It is awakening within
you, but when you are not consciously connecting with it, then you wonder why all of these challenging or unusual
things are happening in your life. It is because you are birthing this Christ seed within you. You are birthing divinity

within you. When you breathe this in, it melds. It allows this divinity to ignite within you, to come forth in your life. And
then, do you know what, dear friends, watch out, because there WILL be changes.
Oh, we hear so many of you saying, "Dear Spirit, dear Tobias, dear whoever-I-can-complain-to-on-the-other-side
(audience laughter), why are all of these things happening in my life?" And, we smile, and we chuckle, and we say,
"Because you are divine, because you are going through an incredible process." It is the process that was known to
you and that was promised to you before you left Home, before you left the Kingdom. It was the promise of going off
on your own, outside of All That Is. Yes, you exist outside of All That Is. Cauldre still tries to figure that one out, and
he will never understand as long as he does it through that brain of his!
You left Home with the promise to self and to Spirit that you would go off on your own. You would learn what it was
like to be outside of All That Is, what it was like to be a creator in your own right. You left Home to release the reins,
to release the connection from Spirit. You did that intentionally. You did that with the love and the approval of All That
Is, the Eternal One, the King and the Queen – whatever name you would like to attach to it. You had the approval of
the most loving being to leave, to go off on your own. And now, eons of time later, and with so much experience that
there would not be enough libraries on your Earth to hold all of the information of your experiences… eons of time
later, you now come to the point where you are fulfilling the very reason you left Home. That reason is to understand
your own identity outside the realm of All That Is, to connect with that identity, to experience through it, and then at a
given point, to integrate your birthright, the Christ seed within, your God-self, to integrate that into everything that you
are. That is why we are sitting here with you now. That is why you are here, dear, dear friends. And, that is why I,
Tobias, sit here with you on this day.
You are at that magical, miraculous, incredible point, where you are coming to the full completion of the circle. You
are coming to the point now where you are completing the circle. And, that is when you integrate your divinity.
"Why is it so difficult to do?" you ask. We hear you asking that all of the time. It is so difficult because it has never
been done before. Truly. You are the first to be doing this. You are the ones paving the way. It is difficult, because so
much of you still clings to the old, for you are familiar with it. You are used to the old ways. There is a certain comfort
in the old ways, even if they did not serve you well, even if they were somewhat painful. It was a known quantity.
Here you are, dealing with the unknown, and to make it even more frightening, we do not know!
We have told you time and time again that you are the first going through this. We are the ones on the other side of
the veil, loving you and hugging you and hearing you curse at us (audience laughter), hearing your frustrations. We
hear you asking us, and whoever you can find on this side, "What is the correct way? How should I approach
something?" We can only smile and love you and tell you that we do not know. You are the ones going through this.
You are the ones who hold the answer. And, when you come to believe this and experience it, then you will move
through this whole process with so much more ease and grace. It will not be so disruptive on your physical being. It
certainly will be much less challenging on your mental being. You are the ones going through this for the first time.
That is why it is so difficult.
You can stop the process at any time. You can take even a vacation away from this ascension journey, if you need
to simply rejuvenate your being. You can raise your hand and say, "Spirit, and Tobias, and all of the others, this is not
for me anymore. I want to have a somewhat less crazy life. I want to go back to the comfort of my own home. I do
not want to be pushed and challenged so much." And, we honor this. We honor this totally, for we understand. As
Cauldre always tells us, "We do not see you going through this, Tobias. We do not see the others. You are back in
the luxury of the other side of the veil." As he says to us so often, "You come down here and try this." (audience
laughter) And, as he also says to us… Cauldre says, "Tobias, I cannot wait to be YOUR teacher." (more audience
Dear friends, it is a joy to be here. Feel the energy. Feel our heart here on this day. Feel your own heart on this
day. Aah… we love these moments. We would love to bottle these up. And, you know what? You can. You can. You
can hold on to this energy, and it will be there for you always. You can hold on to this thick and glorious and healing
and wonderful energy that you sit in now and call on it at any time. It does not disappear when you walk out of here.
It only goes to a place within you that, at times, you forget to access. But, it is always there. Together we are creating
an energy that is as tangible as the wallet that you sit on, or the purse that is beside you. It is that tangible. It can be
brought up within you at any time.
We mention this energy because it can also be shared with another human. There will be a time soon, when you
are sitting in front of another human, and you would like them to experience the blessed energy, the wonderful
energy that we are sitting in together now. You would like to help them experience this, to give them a taste of this
sweet place we sit in. And, you know, you can help. So, breathe in. Hold this energy for a moment. Remember what
it feels like, and know it can be shared with another human.
Now, there are many things we will do here today. But first, we have set the energy for a transformation to take
place here. There are things that seem to be blocking you. There are issues that are in your way. We would not
choose to use the word "healing," although that is probably what you understand and relate to more. We choose to
use the word "transforming." "Healing" implies that something is wrong and needs to be fixed. That is duality.
Judging that there is something wrong with you is duality.

That does not work for you any more. You are finding this duality game does not work for you any more, aren’t
you? You, who are banging your head on things, and yes, you who are bruising your legs and your knees… you who
are burning yourself, and all of the other assorted things…. this is because you are trying to solve your issues using
duality tools. They do not work any more.
Now, we do not so much like the word "healing," so we will use the word "transformation." There are issues that we
have been asked to bring forth today. For some of you these are physical issues, nagging pains, and the fear
associated with what might be wrong inside of your body. Do you know the fear you hold about what is going on in
there is worse than the actual reality? You who are running into difficulties in your head, trying to figure things out…
you feel like you are running into the wall. You who are running into emotional crisis, who are on a roller coaster, who
cannot understand why one day you are high and the other day you are low… it is time to put all those issues out
This is a safe space that we sit in. Put those issues out now. You do not need to hide them within. Put those issues
out. We will work here on a transformation, but we ask you to understand that every one of those things that was
occurring, whether it was a physical illness, a problem in the mind, or an emotional roller coaster… they were all
there to serve a purpose. They are there to serve a purpose. They are responding to your changing consciousness.
You have been trying to figure out what these have been telling you. You have been wondering why this pain was in
your being. You have been saying, "But, Spirit, but Tobias, I'm supposed to be Shaumbra. I'm supposed to be above
these things. These should not affect me." And, you know what? You are correct, but you have been approaching it
through duality.
Now, step into your Divine Will. Step into this divine moment and allow this to be transformed. That means not
placing an agenda on it, but rather allowing it to be released from the old energy hold that it has been in and to
transform itself into the solutions that you seek. Do this now. Let this issue, this problem, this illness out. We will work
with all of this energy here. We will work with each of you on the non-verbal levels to transform this. As the wise one
said earlier, "If you dare. If you dare." Because when you let these energies out, when you release them, a
transformation occurs that will lift your consciousness and your enlightenment to a new level.
Do you know, there is even part of you that does not know if it is ready to go to a new level? Because you do not
know what it is like, you are not so sure, so you tend to hang on to things, or to let them go little by little by little. But
now, dear friends, if you dare, let it go – all at once. Let that old energy that has been making you ill… let it be
transformed. Not healed, not changed, not hidden under a rug, and not destroyed – but transformed. Energy can
only be transformed. Humans want to change things and heal things or run from things. You remember our story of a
month ago of the four lightworkers and the snake. Energy can only be transformed. It can only be placed in a
spiraling motion that raises it to a new level. The transformation receives its energy when you release the old ways,
when you release the darkness and the fear.
But now, on this day, let us do it right here – if you dare. Place that issue or issues – yes, to the one who just
asked, you can place many issues out to transform. But, understand, at the core of it, that it is not Tobias, or any
other, or even Spirit transforming it. It is you, because you are allowing this transformational process to take place.
You are moving past the consciousness of healing. You are moving way past the consciousness of changing. You
are moving into a consciousness of divine transformation.
And, as we have been speaking here, we can see the changes occurring within so many of you. We can see a
swirling, spiraling energy. This is the indication of transformation that is taking place in this very room. When each of
you walk from this place, or for those who are reading when you put your book down, you will notice something
different. When you walk out of these doors, the world will appear slightly different to you. You are releasing the
darkness within. You are transforming it. Remember the words that we say on this day. You will no longer heal, and
you will no longer change. It is transformation.
Now, this process will continue the rest of our time together here in this intense transformational energy. This
process will continue in this safe space that we sit in. This is such a wonderful place to do this with humans who are
so open and willing to change. Simply allow. Some of you, we see… you are struggling. You are wondering, "Am I
doing it right?" (audience laughter) There is no prescribed manner for this. If you wonder what you should be doing
right now to help affect this transformation, simply breathe. Do not make things so difficult.
Now, so many times we invite others to these gatherings. Do you know, in a sense, they stand in line and ask to be
guests of the Crimson Circle? The talk here on this side – the "buzz" as you would call it – is that there is this group
of humans who call themselves Shaumbra, who have for the most part walked the Earth many, many, many
lifetimes. There is this group of humans who are family, direct energy with us on this side. This group of humans…
they used to sit around with us. They have gone to Earth now. They are making tremendous progress. They are the
first to walk into the New Energy. They are creating the templates. They are creating the new grids, these humans.
They line up here – if we could only sell tickets! They line up here to come to your gatherings. They want to see
what your energy is like. They want to see the transformation that is taking place. They talk about it for days and
weeks beforehand. One of the problems that I, Tobias, have is to make the selection of who is allowed to visit when
we gather. (teasing) I have made a few enemies here on this side because of this! Today, I have a number of my

companions and my co-workers somewhat upset with me, for I have not opened the energy of this room for any
visitors. No, I have reserved it for myself! (audience laughter)
Today, there are no visitors. It is just you, Shaumbra … and me. (more laughter with Tobias chuckling) It feels so
good not to have this other commotion on our side (more laughter). We can share this space together. Feel the
difference in this room. Feel the quieter, calmer energy. Oh, they get so excited when they come in here, and
sometimes Cauldre, when he is doing his channeling thing… it even disrupts him, and I have to tell him to just focus
on the words. But, today we do not have that interference. So, let’s just sit here for a moment. (more laughter) This
energy is so sweet! It is so nice to have you all to myself!
Now, this is being done for a reason, as much as I enjoy feeling all of your energy. This is being done for a reason.
And, the others on my side truly do understand. They truly do. I will be giving them a report at the end of our time
together. There is a reason for this, which we will cover. But, before we move into the next portion of our discussion,
once again – and I cannot say this enough, breathe life into your being. Breathe divinity up from the very core of who
you are. This is the fastest and the simplest way for your divinity to come in. Spend a moment. I will ask Cauldre to
be in silence for a bit. Simply breathe this in, and then we will move in to the next segment of our discussion.
Now, let us review what we have been working on for the past period of time. We began our discussion several
years ago with what is being called "the New Earth Series." We began our discussions with you by saying that your
guides had departed, that they had left. In that first year of time, starting with the information about your guides, we
talked about the Earth splitting in consciousness between the old and the new. Oh, you are seeing it now more than
ever. You are seeing the two consciousnesses as they go their own way. You are seeing the ones who still hold firmly
to duality, and are trying to fight their way out of it.
And, then there are the others – family, Shaumbra, the ones who have been bold and daring and who are moving
into their divine nature. This is the new Earth. This is no longer about duality. It has a balance of four. It is no longer
about you. It is about All That Is.
In that first series we talked about changes on Earth and things that would be happening. We talked about some
core and essential thoughts, all as a way of preparing you for what was going to come, all as a way of setting energy.
Remember this first year, this New Earth Series. Remember it when you teach your students. Remember to go back
to some of the basics with them to help them understand the way things work.
Then, we moved into the "Creator Series." We went through a new level of basic information. We talked much in
that year about acceptance, learning to accept, learning to get out of duality, and learning not to vote anymore
(audience laughter). We talked of stand behind the short wall. It is only when you stand back that you can begin to
understand how things truly work. Otherwise, you will be caught in duality. Otherwise, you will be taking sides, if you
do not understand how things truly work. By standing back and accepting all things, including yourself, you learn how
things have been created. And then, you learn at some point how to begin to affect a transformational process.
We talked to you in that series about Divine Will, and we know some of you were quite angry or confused. You did
not understand why you would need to release your Free Will. But now, we look at you. You understand. You are
learning more and more each day to understand what Divine Will is. It is a consciousness that sits above Free Will. It
is a consciousness that melds together all things and seeks an answer at the highest possible level, not the answer
in duality. Divine Will seeks an answer above that, an answer that you could not have possibly known was even
there before.
In the Creator Series we talked with you also about things like "dancing with what comes to your front door." You
are still struggling with this, we see. You are still trying to understand the spiritual physics of this. It is quite simple.
You are energy beings, housed in physical body, but you are energy beings. You attract the appropriate things to
you. You have been used to having to go out and find things. You are used to having been the hunters. But, when
you enter this divine space, when you are fully grounded in your new house, then the appropriate things come to
You are finding, more and more, that the appropriate things do come to you. You do not need to panic or fret or go
chasing up and down the streets, knocking on every door, trying to find an answer. You are learning to stay in a place
of divine calmness in your own new house. And, it will come to you, sometimes just in the nick of time – and we
know that aggravates you! (audience laughter) But, it comes to you. Then, it is up to you to dance with it. Then, it is
up to you to write those books, once you have the inspiring idea. Then, it is up to you to do the work.
And yes, you may have to sit up late at night at your screen-thing that you look at. And, you may have to get up
early in the morning and drive a distance to make these ends meet. That is your responsibility. That is your part as a
human angel. Those things we cannot do for you. Do you know, even when Cauldre tries to do this channeling at his
keyboard, we do not understand it? It is confusing to us. We cannot type for you. We cannot answer the phone for
you. We cannot drive to a different city for you. You must do these things. But, when something comes to your front
door – an enlightenment, an idea, even another person, even a new opportunity – it is then up to you to dance with
it, to do the work.
During the Creator Series, we went through many challenging lessons, lessons that challenged most of you at the
deepest levels, frustrated many of you, and delighted a few of you.

Then, we moved into the current lessons, what we have called the "Ascension Series." That is where we are. We
have finished the first three. We are at a milestone of sorts. We will be moving into a different energy now.
We started this series by letting you know, dear friends, that you have already ascended. You have already
crossed through that vibrational line that separates you from your old human self. You have already moved from one
lifetime to the other and stayed in the same physical body. You have already finished the Book of Life of all of your
lifetimes. No more karma, no more contract, simply clear and empty space to create in any way you choose. And, we
are so tickled at the words that were said at the opening of this gathering, "if you dare, if you dare, you can create
anything!" You do not believe that so much yet, but you can create anything – if you dare. Instead of taking one small
step, take one very large one. This is perhaps a little frightening at first, but you will see what a difference it makes.
Remember we told you several months ago, during the first lesson of this series, it is not about you anymore. It
only feels like it's still about you, because you allow it to be. You allow things to affect you. It is not about you
anymore. There is no contract. There is no karma. You are here now in service. You are here for a totally different
And, then we spoke to you of taking ownership of your divinity. We actually changed the lesson along the way…
because we saw that you were holding a concept of your divinity, but you weren't owning it. You were thinking it, but
you weren't BEING it. So, we talked to you of truly owning it. It is yours. It does not belong to us. It does not belong
to any angels or archangels. It is yours. Begin to own it. Begin to care for your divinity and to nurture it.
Then, we spoke to you in our last gathering about the darkness. We talked to you of releasing the darkness. It
seeks release. It is not there to purposely make your life miserable. There are still attributes within you that need this
transformational process, that need you ask, "Dear snake, why are you in the road? Why are you here?" Demand
the answer, for this snake truly is miserable. It truly seeks release, but it will hold on as tightly as possible until it
knows that you are genuine and sincere. The snake needs to know it can trust you. Then, it can release its old ways.
Then, the transformation takes place, when the darkness allows the release to take place, because you have been in
your truth. Then, a new energy bursts forward. It comes up, and it begins this transformational process that you are
going through right now, that you are experiencing right now.
Now, we ask you to think in terms of all that we discuss with you, things we are channeling from you. Think of
these, and remember these when you guide your students through this process. Think of the very steps that you
have taken along the way.
Today we would like to talk to you about something that is quite simple. You will find it very challenging at first, very
challenging. That is why we wanted to spend extra time grounding the energy today.
All of the answers are contained within you. So, you say, "Tobias, if they are, why do I not feel these, and why do I
not hear these? Tobias, why is it when I ask the question within that sometimes I receive a bad answer? Sometimes I
get this crazy voice, so I shut it out. I shut it out because I do not feel so comfortable with it."
There are those of you who seek to talk to us on this side, and you try to tune in, but you cannot seem to pick up
the frequency. You cannot seem to understand it. We are here today to talk about a new language, a language that
we are going to begin speaking in to you. It is a language that we ask you to speak in to us. It is a language that,
more than anything, you will use to speak in with yourself.
Let us back up a moment and review how you have done things before. We will bring up some examples that we
spoke of a week ago when we talked of four humans who had different ways of searching for God. Perhaps you will
relate to one or more of these. Let us tell you of the four humans searching for God.
The first human attempted to find God through her intellect. She was an excellent student. She was extraordinarily
smart. She worshiped the intellect, for it had done much for her in her lifetime. She read all the books on religions.
She read different philosophies, all of this in search for God. It took place in her mind. And, as we said to the group
one week ago, she is STILL searching for God.
You will not find Spirit in your mind. Oh, you will learn a lot! You will expand that brain of yours. You will have much
information stuffed in there, but you will not find your divinity. You will not find God in the books. You will not find God
in your mind.
Your processing, as humans, goes through the mind. Everything is funneled through it. Now you are going to learn
a new way. You take what is happening in your life, and you flow it in through your mind when you attempt to talk to
us and Spirit. We can see the stress and the pressure on your brain because you are attempting to run everything
through there. You have been trained to do this. It is not a bad thing. But now we are going to transform and move to
a new way.
Then, we spoke a week ago of the human who searched for God through spiritual rules and the regulations. This
one was a minister, and was proficient at understanding the Scriptures. He felt he could find Spirit by following the
rules precisely, by doing certain deeds on certain days in certain ways. And as you know, this does not work. That is
why we have asked you to release ceremony, other than the ceremony of joy. Do you understand that? We ask you
to release ceremony because you become trapped in it, much as this human in our example became trapped in
rules. Do you know if you took all of the rules to heart, you could not move? You could not do anything! If you study
these rules carefully, you will find they contradict one another. They were based on a consciousness of the time, and

they applied to certain groups. If you try to follow these 2000 and some years later, it will hurt, because they do not
apply to the energy that you are in.
There are those of you who think there are rules of the new energy and the new age. For instance, you try to talk
to us in such funny words at times. You think you have to be careful about using the word "could" rather than "may."
You think you have to define everything so precisely. Do you think that we are that stupid? (audience laughter) Do
you think we cannot feel your passion and your thoughts and your emotions? We really do not listen to your words –
ever! (more laughter) We FEEL you. It is not the words. Some of you are so afraid of using the word "no" or
"perhaps" or "maybe." We understand what you mean. Do not get locked in the rules. That is duality, dear friends,
thinking there is right and wrong. And, you will not move gracefully through this ascension process.
Then, there was the third human who was searching for God through her emotions. We told the story that she
would go to her church service every Sunday, and she would get that hit of energy, and she loved it. But, within an
hour or so when she was out the door, it would seem to leave. It would evaporate and dissolve, and it would be
gone. During the week she would go to these new age meetings also. (chuckling) She did not care about any
particular philosophy. She did not hold to any school of thought. She liked going to meetings. She rarely heard a
word. She liked going to meetings and sitting in the energy. She thought she would find God in this energetic hit. But,
she wasn't owning her own Self. So it would evaporate. It would leave. She was trying to find God through the
emotions, through the energy hits that came about. She is still going to a lot of meetings, and she has not found
Our fourth human – one so much like all of you – had done the studying, had followed the rules, had gone to the
meetings and had found that it had gotten her to a new place. They were wonderful things, but she was ready for the
next step. So, she began. She began going within. It is so simple. You have heard these words before. She began
going within. She began listening with compassion, first to herself, compassion for herself. What a wonderful thing!
What a bold thing, being compassionate! But, what we did not tell at the time, and what we will share with you now
today, is how she listened.
We sit with you here for a moment. We are not going to talk. We are going to send you certain energies, certain
feelings. Open yourself up to these for a moment, even if you are reading these words. We will take a moment to do
this. Simply open yourself to energy that I, Tobias, send out to each of you.
Now, what you are doing right now, so many of you are doing… you are taking my energies in, and you are
processing them. You are struggling. You are trying to define what I’m sending you. You are bringing this in, for the
most part, through your heart, but you are trying to process it through your mind. That is the old way. That is the old
way. There is a new language that you will use to communicate, first with yourself and then to others, that does not
run through the mind. This is where it will be challenging for you. You do not know where else to process this energy.
You are so used to processing it in the brain. You are used to trying to define the energy.
What energy am I sending you now? I am sending you the energy of a tree, because we know… Cauldre, he likes
trees. We are sending you the energy of a pine tree. We are sending you its essence. You have been trying to define
it in certain ways, and that's where you have been struggling lately.
We will talk about this more through the rest of this series, about specific tools and about specific ways. Today we
are going to talk to you in this Lesson Four of the Ascension Series about "The Language of Ah." Lesson Four … the
Language of Ah. It is not defined by the brain. It comes in at a different level, through your entire being. This will be
the challenge for you.
When you go inside and ask yourself the questions, you will be in a place of quiet. You will not process through
your mind. You will bring the answer from within you, but you will not try to define it or judge it in the mind. You will
not hear words in your ears or in your mind. When you go in and ask yourself the question, the answer will come in
the Language of Ah.
Now, we call it the Language of Ah, not because it has a high spiritual meaning, but because as you learn to deal
with this, when the answers do surface … you will suddenly go "Ah." (audience laughter) We did not want to call it by
some other name, because we did not want you to get so intellectual about the process. It is so simple – AH.
Now, we see that you are doing this more and more. You are seeking the answers from within, and this is a
wonderful thing. But, we see that you have been getting frustrated because you think you cannot hear, or you feel
that the answer was not appropriate. And, you are correct in that assumption. When an answer would pop into your
brain, you say, "No, I do not think so much that is the answer." You were correct. You were getting other
Now, when you ask a question within, you place it forth to your being, and you allow your divine being now to
process, to work through, and to come forth with the answer. And, then you simply wait. Do not try to figure out the
answer in your brain or hear it in your ears.
So many of you here have felt bad. You have said, "I do not feel things. I do not hear voices. I do not get a picture
in my brain." And, at this point in the ascension process, count yourself lucky, because you do not have to unlearn
any habits that do not serve you anymore. Those of you who have had the gift of hearing, or vision, or sense, feeling
things – we tell you now, it is time to change.

You will start getting the answers from a new place. It will be spoken to you from your divine center. We will call it a
"Divine Processing Center." And, it will come in the Language of Ah. You will not hear it. You will not necessarily feel
it. And, you will not see it in your brain. So, you say, "Tobias, I do not understand. Where will this come from? How
will I know?" AH! You will know! It will strike you. We cannot tell you where this place is, because we know what you
will do anyway. You will go in your mind, trying to figure it out.
There is no figuring out in the Language of Ah. It simply is. It is a knowingness that comes through you. You will
know it is truth. You will sense its truth, unlike that little voice that you have not trusted and at times that has mislead
you. In this Language of Ah, you will know it is true, and you will go "AH." It is quite simple.
The difficulty in using the Language of Ah is that you will want to try to figure it out in your human brain. That will
not work in this new energy. The brain is a wonderful thing. It helps guide you. It helps you go through information. It
helps you to discern things. It is a storehouse of knowledge and facts and figures. It allows you to drive a car and
operate your computers and such. It allows you to understand things at the level of energy you have been dealing
But, we will move beyond that. We will speak in the Language of Ah. We will do that now with you. Remember, we
just gave you this exercise a moment ago with the tree. We will do it again. We will speak to your Divine Processing
Center in the Language of Ah. Remember to keep your brain out of it. Do not try to feel anything, and do not try to
think anything. We will speak to you in this language now.
It is difficult, is it not, to keep your brains out of this?
Now, this will take practice and practice and practice on your part, but make it fun practice. Speak to yourself in the
Language of Ah. Do not seek your answers from us for the next 30 days of time. Do not even try to talk to us. Do not
talk to angels who are not there anyway, or guides. Do not talk to Tobias. I will be busy doing other things (audience
laughter). Speak to yourself. Do not talk to others. Do not try to use this new language on them. We will show you
how to do this later. We will show you how to communicate with a myriad of things. But, for 30 days be celibate.
(audience laughter) Not literally!
Speak only to yourself in the Language of Ah. Ask the question. Allow it the space that it needs. Do not try to
process through the brain. Understand that the answer may not come for days or weeks of time. And, it may not be
the answer that you expect.
We are laughing, because we are trying to explain a concept that is so new that even we have difficulty explaining
it to you. We are trying to give examples, but we do not want you to get so intellectual about this.
How do you connect with your divinity? How do you communicate with all of who you are? It is not through the
English language or French or any others. It is not even through the vision of the mind. Some of you have had that
gift of vision. It is not through the senses. It is at a new place. It is your divine center. You will be communicating
within your own being to yourself now for 30 days. You will get frustrated. We know that. You will get angry. You will
want to put all of this down. But then, you will go back to it, and you will continue using it. Then, you will get it. And,
then you will go, "Ah. Now, I see. I feel. I understand where it is, and I didn't have to struggle in my brain. I am now
able to communicate with my Divine Self in a language I never knew before, in a language that I did not even know
existed. It is a language of energy and vibration."
Do not try to define it right now. Do not try to even put a physical place on it. Allow it to just be, and it will come to
you. At the appropriate time the answers will make its way through your divineness, and it will make itself present
and aware to you on your conscious, human level. As the doctor (Mindy Reynolds) knows, it is like a giant bubble
coming up, coming up. It comes up from within you, and it comes to the surface. When it comes to the surface, it
expands and expresses. And, that's when you go, "Ah, now I get it."
The Language of Ah is something that you will use more and more and more on your path. As you become
proficient with it, you will use it for so many things in your daily life. Call it the miracle language, because it is. It will
help you to communicate first with yourself on levels you never knew existed. Then, it will help you to communicate
with all other things.
This is a new language, by the way. Now, it is similar to the language that we use on this side, the language that
we use with each other. Our language here has a vibration of… we are trying to define for Cauldre. It would be like…
we would call it "saleebus," "saleebus." It is a type of language we use here to communicate with each other. It is an
energetic language.
Your body uses a language of its own, an energetic language to speak to itself. You do not hear all the chatter of
the cells and the molecules and the organs of your body, but yet they speak to each other. You do not have to,
fortunately, have your brain get involved in all of these communications that go on within your being. It would
overwhelm you. But, there is a language that communicates within every cell, every atom, every molecule of your
body, every limb, part, and piece. They are all communicating. It is a language that does not run through your brain.
It is not a language that you have to define. It simply is. This new Language of Ah is similar to that language that
your own body uses for communicating with itself. But, it is on a new level. It is on a new level, because it involves
your awakening divinity.

How do you talk to yourself? How do you communicate with this new Self? You have been trying lately. You have
been struggling to bring it in through your mind. You have been using old energy ways, and they do not work. It is
difficult for us to explain all of this, because once again, we do not want you to intellectualize the process. It simply
is. It is a way of connecting with who you are.
How to practice it? Ask yourself questions. Talk to yourself. Do not talk to us, remember. Talk to yourself. Then, be
still. Be quiet. Be in a place of calmness and peace. Expect nothing from the old energy, but expect everything
coming up through your divinity. Do not expect things in an old energy way, but expect everything new. You will find
you are learning to truly communicate with all of who you are without words, without thoughts, without a certain type
of vision or feeling like you have been used to in the past.
This will be challenging. Even now we can hear you saying, "But, Tobias, how do we communicate without
thoughts or words or feelings or visions? These are the tools that we have used." We understand that. We
understand. We cannot tell you exactly where this new language comes from. All we can tell you is if you practice,
and you work with it, all of a sudden you will go "Ah."
We will be speaking more of this new language throughout the rest of our series. We will be pushing you to use it.
If you truly want to be masters at this and understand it, you will need to work on it regularly. You will want to work on
it daily. You will want to work on it when you are driving in your car. And, you will get frustrated with it. We know that
already. You will get very frustrated, trying to find and define where it comes from.
When you get tired of banging your head into the wall, and you get angry with me, and you wonder what this is all
about… when you let go, all of a sudden there will be a stream of divine consciousness that comes flowing through
you. In that flow is contained the answers to those things that you have asked about, as well as other things that you
haven't. And then, you will go "Ah." And you will get it.
We caution that some of you will be trying to go back to some old ways. You will say, "Oh, this is much like
something I studied 20 years ago." And, we tell you right now, it is nothing like what you studied before. We
guarantee it. This is new. It is a new language. The divinity that you have now was not there 20 years ago. The
consciousness that you have now was not there. You cannot go back in any book and find this. It is new for you and
you alone.
It is yours, this way of communicating with Self in the Language of Ah. It is yours. Own it. And, if we hear you trying
to call us up, we will pretend we are not at home (audience laughter). If we hear you calling up other entities, we will
go talk to them, and we will tell them not to pick up the line (more laughter). We want you to work on your own for 30
days of time. Work diligently. It will be difficult and challenging, but we know that you have it in you. Bring up this
language of Ah. It will come to you. It will not be in your mind. You will get a headache if you try to bring this up
through your mind. Do not try to bring it into the mind. It will come into another place.
I, Tobias, will have a big smile on my face as I am sitting up here resting, for I do not have anything to do for 30
days (audience laughter). And, when I am in my spiritual hammock (more laughter) enjoying the fresh air on this
side, I will smile when I hear "Ah." (more laughter) I will know that one of you has gotten it!
Cauldre, he says that we have not defined enough what this language is, but we will have to throw this back on
him and the others who think like this. You are trying to define something in your intellect that cannot and should not
be defined there. You want to know exactly what to do, and what it will feel like, and how you process it in that
human mind. That is not the way, Cauldre, or any of the rest of you.
It is simple, but you need to work on it. You will get to the point even with yourself in these next 30 days where you
are not defining your conversation or your questions to your full Divine Self in words of the mind. Initially, you will
probably want to do this, but as you work on this, you will set up a communication with your divinity, with your God-
self, where even you do not use words. You do not try to create it in the mind. It will happen very quickly, then it will
go back and forth, this communication path. You will just sense or feel the communication. And, it will come back to
you in the form of a response and a reply. It will not go through the mind.
Now, that is all that we have to say on this subject on this day. You have your homework now. We will stay here
through the rest of the day, but after that you are on your own. You will find this to be one of the single most powerful
tools in this new energy. It is the language of communication of divinity. You will understand it within your being first.
You will understand how you can transform your own life through this. Then, we will work with you later in helping
you to understand how to communicate with others – other things and other beings – in this new language.
We enjoyed this time together. We enjoyed seeing the transformation that has taken place here in between our
words. You have allowed the transformation, the release of what does not serve you anymore to help propel you to a
new place. Those things that have been bothering you lately, you have allowed to transform. When you walk out of
this room, use the Language of Ah to understand what happened and how it happened. Remember, the Language of
Ah does not come through the mind. You will feel it in other places.
We will return in a short bit to attempt to answer your questions, but we will really push you, each of you. We will
push you to have these answered in the Language of Ah on your own.
And, we have to make one more comment before we depart. Cauldre has been talking to me behind the scenes
throughout our day. He says that he thinks this "Language of Ah" terminology is corny (audience laughter). He says,
"Tobias, could you not have come up with some grander name, some long word that sounds impressive, so when we

talk to each other, we can be proud?" And, he says, "It will sound so lame to talk of this Language of Ah." (audience
laughter) And, we tell him, and we tell you, we did this on purpose! We do not want you to treat this as some lofty,
intellectual concept that is reserved for those who have special favor. "Ah" is for everyone. "Ah" is simple. "Ah" is
enlightenment expressed in your reality. "Ah" is a wonderful thing. "Ah" is what you also do, dear friends, when you
let out a breath of release, and transform. AH!
We love you dearly, and you WILL be alone for the next 30 days (much audience laughter).
And so it is.


November 3, 2001

And so it is, dear friends, that we return to this circle with you. We return to this energy. This energy is filled with
love and compassion and transformation. It is something that is not just for this moment. It can be taken with you. It
can be felt at other times. It can be shared with others. When we get to the point where we discuss with you how you
can share this with others… certainly, as you know, it will be in this new language that we have spoken of today
(during the Lesson Four channeling).
Your divinity is like a child. It is so much like a child that is being birthed within you. It is the fulfillment of your
journey ever since you left Home. You are coming to the point where you can birth your own God-self, the divinity in
through you. This is completion. This is what you are going through.
If you were communicating with a child, he or she would not understand a word you said, if you were speaking in
your verbal language, whether it is English, or Spanish, or any of the others. They would not understand. When you
communicate with a child, it is done on other levels.
That is why you have been struggling to communicate with your own divinity, to communicate with your own Self
and to meld with it. That is why the old ways have not worked. There is a new language, and it is not run through the
mind. It is not spoken in words. You will not hear it in your ears, at least not at first. Again, it is somewhat difficult to
describe, but it just must be applied. You must practice. You will find this space.
Now, we do have to say this language that we speak of – the divine language – it is new. It has not been used so
much in the past. It has not been studied and used by other groups of humans. Unbeknownst to Cauldre (Geoffrey
Hoppe), when we came in and started working with him, this was the language that we began with with him. This is
how we talked. He is not so much a psychic! (chuckling) He is not so much a sensitive at all. Even when I knew him
in physical form, he had a difficult time getting through the day on his own! (audience laughter) So, he does not
possess a special gift. And, this was part of our agreement with him. We would come in and communicate at a
different level. That is why it took several years for him to integrate this.
We began communicating with him in this new language where it touched his own awakening divinity, and it took a
long time before he really began to understand what we were saying to him. But, then it started to rise up. Indeed, he
was frustrated initially, because he knew there was something coming in, but he didn't know how to receive the
information or to understand it. But, with patience and with work on his part and ours, it began to come up, and one
day, indeed, he used the very words "Ah!" He understood. He got it.
Working diligently and practicing, both on our side and his, we began to use this new language in these very
channels. We do not do it like the others. It is not to say there is a right or wrong, but we simply note here that we
speak through him in a different way. We come in through this new language. Most of this language we communicate
in is not processed in the mind. However, a small portion has to be interpreted in words, so that it comes out
appropriately to you. But, this is not communication or channeling even in the conventional sense that others do it. It
is indeed using the Language of Ah.
When we speak to you in these gatherings, so much of it is in the new language. That is why some of you go into
"the zone." That is why some of you are so acutely aware, almost hyper-sensitive, because we are using this new
language to communicate, first to feel, to read your thoughts, and then to bring them in and up through Cauldre. This
is the new way. Eventually you will understand how to bring in and translate the Language of Ah into human words.
But, it will take a while.
Initially, while you're working with this, remember your divinity is like a child. Do not try to talk to it like a human
adult. It is on a different level. It is on a different level. It will take some work.
With that, we are happy to answer any questions on this day, but again, we ask you to listen to the questions that
are asked and allow those to go through your Divine Center. Allow the Language of Ah to bring forth the expression
to you. And, you will not necessarily hear it in the mind, in your ears. It will come from a new place.

QUESTION: Dear Tobias, can you speak of the transformation of marriage and partnerships between people?
Thank you.

TOBIAS: This is one area that is receiving the most amount of energy and the most amount of transformation right
now, but one that causes the most concern for humans. You have been taught that there is a ceremony that takes
place. You have been taught that there are certain rules that you must abide by. Relationships and marriages, all of
this… this is one of the areas that is causing the largest amount of guilt within humans at this time.
In a sense, you can look at marriage as one of the original ceremonies of duality. You take a man and you take a
woman – duality – and put them together and bind them, tie them together and make them stay together. Some of
your churches do not even allow you to leave, claiming God will be upset if you do! What type of hell is that, if you
are not happy? (audience laughter) It doesn’t even make sense to us that you would have to be with someone that
you did not so much like any more.
Now, the greatest thing you can do with relationships right now is to release, to be free, then to allow them to come
back together in a new expression. And, if it is not your choice to leave, honor the partner who you have chosen to
be with. But, release them, for it is not making you well, and it is not making them well if you are not happy.
In the New Energy there will be less relationships for a period of time. Your first relationship will be with yourself.
We told you it would be lonely at times. You are seeking to become integrated with Self. It is difficult to do in some
cases when there is a partner that does not so much understand your process. In the New Energy, the relationships
will be with Self for a period of time.
And, when the new relationships develop with other people, there will not be so many rules. They will be more
open. They will be based in trust, rather than in law. They will be based in love, rather than in rules and regulations. It
may be, dear friends, that you have a number of relationships at one time. It may be that your relationships with
those of the same sex become less inhibited, and you are not so fearful. They will become more open, because you
will be communicating with your partner in a new language.
It is not about duality. There is a new Language of Ah that allows you to understand your partner and their divinity,
and they to understand you and your divinity. Why would you need rules? Why would you need contracts or karma,
when you are operating at this very high level of love and integrity?
Relationships are one of the first casualties of the New Energy. This is truth, because relationships with a male and
female were created and are grounded in so much old duality. It was one of the original expressions of duality.
Speaking of which, we have talked to you in our recent gatherings and said that the real problems on Earth at this
time are not even about religions battling with religions, or countries against countries. The real core energy issue is
about the imbalance of male and female. Now, perhaps you will understand why relationships are the first casualty.
But, they also have the greatest potential for new consciousness in this New Energy. We thank you for this delightful

QUESTION: Tobias, I wasn’t affected emotionally very much by the September 11 attacks. I thought I was losing
my compassion until a relatively minor event sent me to tears. Lately I have been feeling frustrated by the way the U.
S. has been responding. We aren’t asking what part of the attacks we are responsible for bringing on ourselves. We
seem to be using the events to limit our freedoms. Can you comment on this?
TOBIAS: First of all, it is not to be so concerned that these events did not impact you immediately. There are
always those humans who are there as a grounding force, to be a balance for the others for a period of time. You are
simply one of these who held an energy of balance. You could not all go off on a transformation at the same time! It
would cause tremendous imbalance. But, now it is catching up to you. Now, you are working through your own
issues. You are honored as one who stayed in a grounded and balanced place during all of this.
Now, about your political question. Stand behind the short wall for a period of time with this. We know it is difficult
for those of you in the United States and in the free world to do this. But, stand behind the short wall, and understand
what is really taking place. Understand there is no right or wrong in this. It is very easy to choose sides. It is very
easy to become angry over the events. Stand behind the short wall, and understand that something needed to be
released … somewhere. There were tremendous pent up energies, and they were going to come through one place
or the other.
There was a tremendous consciousness shift that took place all over your Earth. As Lightworkers, we ask you to
continue with that transformational process. There are many humans, now that the event is well behind you, who
have forgotten the impact that this has had, who have gone back to the old ruts. We do not speak of Shaumbra,
because we know that that is not you. But, we ask you to continue this transformational work that started on
September 11.
As we discussed in our gathering last month, simply going and blowing up your enemy – trying to kill the snake in
the road – will not work. It will make some people feel safer for a period of time. It will make some people feel fulfilled
to have gotten some type of revenge, but ultimately, dear friends, it will not solve the problem. The problem must be
addressed by understanding what needs to be released.
Each one of you can have a tremendous impact on this by using the Language of Ah and asking at the divine
levels what needs to be released. Then wait for the answer. Don't expect it immediately. If you hear a voice in your
head when you ask the question, it is not coming from the place of most truth and most integrity. It will take you a
while to use this language. It will not come into your head as a direct answer. You will not hear it. But, then in a

matter of time… then you will go "Ah." You will get it. It will come from a new place within you. The answer, the
solution, the understanding and the compassion for this world situation will come to you. And, do you know what?
When it does… when you go "Ah," you will also understand how you can make a difference, how you can affect

QUESTION: Tobias, how do you stop or get rid of something that’s been natural since birth? I did all of the three
things you mentioned – seeing, hearing and feeling. Please help.
TOBIAS: We are looking at the real energy behind this question here. There are patterns that you, all of you, get
into that are difficult to change. There are events that happen that are attempting to get you out of this type of rut. We
call these "trauma points." These are things that happen in your life. It could be in a type of accident that happens. It
could be an event like your September 11. It is a trauma point. It causes transformation to occur. It makes change. It
puts you into a new mode of consciousness.
With your own personal situation that you refer to here, you, and we, do not want you to go through a trauma point
to make change, for sometimes these trauma points hurt very much. Sometimes, running into the wall does not feel
so good. A trauma point creates a way to make a rapid changeover in consciousness, but it is not such a fun way.
So, how do you change old ways? How do you move into new consciousness without having to get slapped upside
the head? And, by the way, for those who have been bumping their heads and their knees lately… it is simply that
your energy is trying to get your attention, trying to get you to shift off of an old way. Use this Language of Ah to
For you who asked the question, use the Language of Ah. Contained within that are the answers you are looking
for. As a matter of fact, this is the perfect opportunity for you now to make transformation in your life, to move past
these old ways and into the New. Go within for these answers. They are there. They are there. And, I can also tell
you from my perspective that you are so ready for change. But, do this now. Make this transformation without having
to hit a painful trauma point.

QUESTION: Last question. Tobias, why am I going to the first school (Crimson Circle School 1) when you're not
going to be there? Thank you. (Tobias had stated during the Lesson Four channeling that he and the other entities
would not talk to us for 30 days while we were learning to use the Language of Ah.)
TOBIAS (chuckling, and audience laughing): You ask a very good question! And, Cauldre wonders also! And, we
will give you the answer. We are – how to say… we argue with Cauldre here. He thinks we are cheating!
(During the school) we are going to literally take you out of your current reality and take you back to a past of long
ago. So, in a sense, you will not be existing in the "now" during the period of this school. You will be somewhere
else. Therefore, we can work with you, because it is not in the "now." (audience laughter) It is in another dimension.
There is more to that, truly, then what you understand when you come through the end of this school period. You
will know more of what we have talked about. But, from the moment you arrive at the school we will take you to a
different space, to a different energy that is not… it is not in the "now" that you know. We will be going way, way, way
back with you.
Dear friends, use this time in these next 30 days. Use it to go within to an area that has never been accessed
before, a new area. Go there, and do not use the mind. We know that will be difficult for you, because that is how
you always process. But, do not use the mind in this case. Go deep within. Sit in a place of quiet and allow your
divinity to communicate with you in a way that you have never, ever experienced before. Allow your divinity to share
its Self with you. Do not process from the brain. Do not process in any place you have used in the past. Use this
opportunity to allow your divinity to show itself to you, not in a way that your mind can imagine, but in a new way that
it wants to communicate with you. Remember, it is like a child. It does not know your languages. It does not know
your actions. It does not even read your mind. Go within and listen at this new level. The Language of Ah.
For I, Tobias, it has been a delight to be here today with you alone in this space. It has been quite a while since we
have been able to have our time together like this. All of you are making such wonderful progress on your path. It is
difficult for you to realize at times, but you will be getting more and glimpses of where you have come from and how
far you have journeyed. It has been a delight for me to be here with you, to be – how to say – a guardian of sorts,
one who walks with you, your coach, a friend indeed. It has been a delight to hear so many of you consciously
acknowledge that you will continue walking this path, consciously acknowledge that you will be teachers of the New
Energy. This brings great joy to me.
Next month our guests will return. The room will fill up with energy once again, but I will always remember our time
here together. Until then, dear friends … Ah!
And so it is.


December 8, 2001

And, so it is, dear friends, that we gather together again in this sacred space that you have created, and that you
have allowed us to come into with you on this blessed and sacred day. We are honored to be here with you.
(chuckling) Yes, indeed it has been a while since we have been in direct contact. But, now notice… notice, dear
friends, how different the energy is! We talk to you from a different place here. We flow through Cauldre (Geoffrey
Hoppe). We flow through each one of you in a different place since we met last time. Indeed, the divine language –
the Language of Ah – is beginning to come through; therefore, we can touch you different and feel you different. We
even see you different. In all ways and all senses you are different. You have changed, dear friends.
Breathe in the sacred energies that come in today. Breathe in your own divinity. Do this now. Do this now. Let this
flow within you. Let it flow out now to those around you. Breathe in your divinity, and then allow it the freedom of
expression as you breathe out. Let it touch the one next to you, the one in front, the one behind. As you breathe out
your divinity, it indeed takes on a sacred and blessed life of its own. And, it touches all things. Ah! Dear friends, it is
so simple.
Now, before we continue on this day, it is to let you know that I, Tobias, am honored to be here. I am honored to be
here at this time of celebration (referring to the Christmas season) that you have. Your room is so festive! It is so lit
up! It is so filled with the colors of red and crimson. It is so filled with the energies of your holiday. This is the one time
of the year that you truly allow yourself to be, to express, to share with others, to give. It is so sad that there is only
one time of the year when you are so open like this! But, this is a lovely time to come in to visit.
Now, before we continue here, we must stop for a moment and ask Cauldre to please loosen his tie. (audience
laughter) We do not understand why humans wear funny clothes. (more laughter) When I walked upon the Earth
over 2000 years ago, we did not wear such tight things upon our bodies. You wear these belts. And, these ties do not
make sense, for they restrict the energy. It is that I wore a dress in my days, (audience laughter) a robe, as it were.
But this allowed the energies to flow through the entire body. So, with Cauldre’s approval, we will relax a bit here.
(Cauldre moves to adjust his necktie.) We will not go any further and take off more garments (more laughter). But,
this is much, much better.
Now, it is for all of you to relax a bit, for we are friends here. We are family. We are Shaumbra. Relax in this place
that we gather in today. Feel the difference in energies from when we met last month, especially those of you who
have been working on the Language of Ah, those who have been calling up this divine language from within. We
have seen many interesting and many funny things in these past weeks of how you have been approaching this. But,
we are so delighted that you are attempting to work with it, that you are putting the time and the effort in.
Now, that is not to say that all of you have been practicing. We have seen many who have begun working with this,
and after one attempt, they felt it did not work so well. They felt that they would just wait. They would wait to come
back into this room and into this energy. They would wait for another time.
But, dear friends, we are challenging you right now. We are pushing you in a very playful way to work with these
tools. They are difficult at first. And, as you know, we do not have the specific answers. We cannot tell you where to
go for this divine language within. We can only tell you that we see it, and that we sense it within your entire being.
We know it is there.
But, you must be the ones to bring it up, to use it and to apply it in your life. Many of you walked from here the last
time. Many of you put your computers down after reading or listening, and you felt that you must work hard on this.
And, you set it up as a difficult or challenging exercise. Indeed, in a way, it is because it is so new, this Language of
the Ah.
But, dear friends, what we would suggest to you, and we will talk about much today, is to play with these things.
Yes, challenging, but when you play with them, it can be much more rewarding and much more fun.
This Language of Ah will emerge from within you one way or the other. It is like a seed that is germinating and
sprouting within you. It will continue to do so one way or the other. The Language of Ah, the divine sense, will come
through. But, dear friends, if you play with this tool, if you put it to practice, it will come up faster. It will come up
healthier, and you, as a divine human, will be more balanced than if you just let it come up any old way.
Take this divine language. Play with it. When you walk from here on this day, play with it. Have fun with it.
Experiment with it. The more you do, the faster it will come through you and the better understanding you will have.
The more you play with it and practice, learn how to use it, the more the consciousness of Earth will change, and the
faster you can become a true teacher of divinity.
We bring you these words each month because they are things that are already happening within you. As we have
said so often, we channeling you. We tap into the overall consciousness of Shaumbra, of Lightworkers, of humans,
and of Gaia. And, we speak back to you the energy and the words of what is already happening. But, perhaps you
may not have known how to articulate it, how to understand it. We are mirrors for what you are going through right

This Language of Ah, the Divine language that we spoke of in our last gathering, is the most basic and the most
powerful tool for bringing your divinity into your human reality. It is a tool that can be applied today, that can be
applied now, and that can begin working for you in this lifetime.
Shaumbra, you have been searching for the way. You have been searching for the understandings that will bring
balance to your life. You have been searching for the tools that will bring you to the levels that you have dreamt of.
The Language of Ah is the most basic in your new ascension status. Play with it. We challenge you to play with it.
And, when perhaps it does not work as you expected the first time, continue playing with this. This will give it vitality
and energy and freedom to burst forth in your life.
It is not an intellectual game, dear friends, as we said so many times at our last gathering. The Language of Ah is a
vibration of your divinity that is coming into your reality now. It is not an esoteric tool. It is not a game of the mind. It is
something new, and we will talk more about it today. It is so important that in Lesson Five of this ascension series…
we will continue speaking of the Language of Ah. This is the first time that we have devoted two lessons to a single
subject. We want you to understand how powerful and how real it is.
This language of Ah is not reserved for the few who are psychics or sensitives or mediums. It is not reserved for
ones who channel. We joke with Cauldre because he and the others here who channeling will find it even more
difficult to use, in a sense. It is so new… it is so new that those of you who thought you never had the sense for
beyond will find it the easiest to grasp.
As you know, we backed away for 30 days of time to allow you the space to work with this, to look inside yourself.
(teasing) Now, we caught some of you cheating! (audience laughter) We caught some of you going to other entities
for support and guidance! We cautioned you of this last time, but yet some of you did away. And, this is fine. But, did
you notice that the response that you got back from them was either very muddled, or it wasn’t what you thought it
would be? In a few cases you were asked to not call them up! (audience laughter) It is not that they are so busy on
the other side, but it was to nurture and to encourage you to go within, to begin using this. It was very interesting to
see how so many of you approached this in different manners. Some of you worked on it diligently. Some of you
treating it like a ceremony, in a sense, some of you thinking that you had to do daily ritual at the same time and the
same place. This is not how it works.
But, we thank you for trying. We thank you for working with this. Others explored realms that you have never
explored before. You went outside of the ordinary to look, to find this Language of Ah. Some of you came to
wonderful new insights and new feelings. Some of you hit it right on the point. Some of you opened the doors to it
immediately and felt that sensation and felt the feeling of "Ah, now I get it."
Many who went there right away tried to repeat or to replicate this process at another time and another situation,
and found that this divine language did not come through. And, then they got frustrated, and then they went back and
looked at their path and said, "How did I cause it to happen in the first place? I will repeat the same procedure. And,
if I do, the energy will be the same, and it will come through again." And, you found out that it did not, because you
went back into the mind to try to figure out how it works.
What you should know is that it works… it works in the moment, and it works spontaneously. It works without effort.
It works with ease. The reason why it worked for you the first time is because you simply let it, because you
acknowledged your own divinity and your own God-self. And, then you let it come through. And, it did, as if by magic,
but the magic is you. When you went back and tried to repeat the process, you were now in your intellect, and you
were blocking the natural flow of this coming through. That is why you went into the wall. That is why you got
But, to all of you who have been practicing… to all of you who have been playing with your own divinity… we give
you thanks for focusing on this. We give you thanks for trusting yourself enough to do this, as crazy as this all seems
at times. We give you thanks for doing this.
For those who tried once and became frustrated – and yes, even a few cursed Tobias and some of the others on
our side – and said, "This doesn't work. This isn’t meant for me." We ask you to be more playful. Be more playful
with yourself, not only with the Language of Ah, but also in all aspects of your life. It is okay to be playful.
Do you know, when we sat together with you in the Order of the Arc, creating the very reality of Earth and your
dimensions around it… do you know, it was designed as a playground? It was designed for you to go and play. And,
along the way perhaps, you have forgotten who you are, who you were, and you have forgotten how to play.
Play more, Shaumbra. Sing more. Dance more. Laugh more, Shaumbra. Indeed, you have a tremendous
responsibility at this time, carrying much of the energy of change with you on this Earth. But, play more. Enjoy more.
And, celebrate more. Be gone with your ceremonies! All of them! With the exception of the ceremony of joy. Release
all of those, because they are burdensome. Have ceremony of joy in your life, ceremony of joy with the others
around you.
Today, there is a grand ceremony of joy (referring to today's Christmas celebration) we have together here. There
are no rules. There are no requirements. There is no – how to say – kneeling for hours of time or sitting in some
meditative position for hours or days on end. We gather here in a ceremony of joy. We gather here in this energy, in
particular, because you come to that time of the year, the end of your calendar year, when you allow yourself to let
your hair down, to take your tie off, to relax and to enjoy. You allow yourself the space to feel like a child again.

You do this in honor of the one called Yeshua. And yes, he is our very special invited guest here today. Some of
you already knew this because you let go, and you allowed yourself to feel Yeshua through the energy of the
Language of Ah. Yeshua, for those who are feeling this energy, and who can see it, he was on my left, your right. The
energy of Yeshua sits on your right, here with Cauldre on this stage. I am on your left. No, the other left. (audience
laughter) Very confusing at times, we know.
Yeshua has been here since you first started gathering on this day. His energy is in this room with you in a
ceremony of joy, in celebration for all that you are. You think that it is about honoring him? Indeed, it is not! It is about
honoring you for your journey.
Many of you felt a new energy come into this room when we started. Indeed, it was the energy of Yeshua. So many
of you have walked with him. So many of you are connected directly to this master of love. So many of you work with
him each day, work with these energies. Perhaps you have not even realized it is Yeshua. But, indeed, my friends,
he is Shaumbra, just like you.
Now, Yeshua would like to speak a few words at this time to you. And, we see now, Cauldre… he is panicking.
(audience laughter) And, we tell you – with Cauldre’s permission – a little bit of a secret. Cauldre… he is
overwhelmed by this energy. He does not think he is worthy to channeling this one that even he has walked with, to
channeling Yeshua. So, we are challenging Cauldre to let go of this and to allow Yeshua to come directly through him
and through each of you. We will be in pause here for a moment while we make this adjustment.
Yeshua (speaking through Cauldre): This issue of worthiness… all of you… is one that I would like you to release.
That has been so challenging for all who are here and connecting. You have felt unworthy of the god that sits within
you. You have felt you have done things wrong in your lives or in the past or before you came here. In this New
Energy that you walk in, release any feelings of unworthiness, and know that it is time for you to integrate your
birthright as God, as a divine human.
When I walked the Earth with so many of you, I shared a message that "You are God." It was difficult for most to
understand then, and difficult for most to understand now. But, what I did, dear friends, was because of you. It was
because of the work that you did. It was because of the efforts that you put into your journey that it was possible for a
human, for me, to truly manifest this on Earth. But, understand what I am saying. It was not me. It was because of
you. It was because of all that you had done.
It is time for you to accept this within yourself. Oh, we are such a family, and there is such support here. It is time to
accept the god within, to bring this through. And, as my dear friend Tobias has been saying, "It comes up from you
through the Language of Ah."
The message that all of us brought to this Earth thousands of years ago was so simple. Go back to that energy
and remember, "You are God also. You are God also." You are worthy of all that comes with this. You are worthy.
And, Cauldre is worthy of having me sit here with you. As a matter of fact, dear friends, it is I who am honored. It is I
who am honored to be here.
And, on this season that you call Christmas, it is not about a child Jesus being born, or a man Jesus walking the
Earth. This season is about the birth of your own divinity within you. Use this time to nurture yourself. Use this time to
celebrate your own God-ness. Use this time to be in joy. And, remember always, you are family. We are always here
with you. We do not need a big ceremony or long periods of time to bring this energy in. We are here always for you,
walking with you, sharing your journey with you. Feel the energy of I, Yeshua, and all of the others who come in.
Indeed we are your family.

Now, dear friends, Yeshua stays in the room with us for the rest of our time here, but always accessible, always
open to you through the Language of Ah. Yeshua is not some grand master who is different than any of the rest of
you. Yeshua is you. Yeshua walked with you, and ate with you, and shared with you.
And, yes, Yeshua did things that may be questionable. He was not always such a saint, but it was important to get
things done at that time. There were rules that needed to be broken. He cursed on occasions. He drank too much
wine (audience laughter) – with some of you here! (more laughter) He had all of the desires of a human. He did not
fight them. He understood them. He worked with them. He understood his humanness.
You are no different than Yeshua. He stands here today as just another one of you. Understand this, and release
these things holding you back. Allow yourself to soar to new heights.
Now, dear friends, we will take a brief pause here to rearrange energies. And, we will continue to talk more of the
Language of Ah. We will continue to speak of this, because it is such an important tool at this time. We will help you
to understand more of how to bring it into your life, to make it part of you. We will be in pause for a moment, and
during this time, breathe in and open yourselves to this divinity that is awakening within you.

Now, Yeshua says, if you do not mind, that he would like to come off the stage and walk amongst you at this time,
to be with you. So, if you feel a breeze near your hair… if you feel a light touch on your shoulders… if you to feel a
presence around you… he will just be visiting with you during this time.
Today we will tell a story today of seven farmers. We will tell a story here to help you understand better what is
happening within you.
There were seven farmers who each had their own property. Each had their own products or produces that they
were growing and offering back to others. They lived close together, so they formed a co-op amongst themselves.
Each one of them was independent, yet they found that when they put their collective energies together, they were
stronger, and they were more efficient.
There was one farmer who grew wonderful corn … large, succulent ears of corn on his land. And, when it was time
to harvest, he would go out in the fields and collect all of the ears at one time. Then he would put these on trucks or
other means of transportation, and he would ship his corn off to a central location that was managed by one of the
other seven farmers. At this central facility, his ears of corn would be processed. Some would be canned, some
would be wrapped, some frozen, and others dried for sending out to market later.
There was the second farmer. This farmer grew beautiful, beautiful strawberries. They were a sight to behold. They
were plump, and they were red, and they were delicious. Like the corn farmer, this farmer would plant his seeds at
the same time each year, and then he would tend to his crop. He would pick out the weeds… he would shoo off the
bugs. And, when the time was appropriate, this second farmer would harvest his crop of strawberries, and they
would be sent to the farmer who managed the central facility for the co-op. At this facility the fresh, ripe strawberries
would be processed. Some would be made into juices. Some of the strawberries would be frozen. Others would be
put into different forms where they could be stored and distributed and shipped out at the appropriate times.
There was the third farmer. He grew wonderful melons and delicious cantaloupe so sweet that when tasted it
would make the mouth tingle. He, like the other farmers, would also add his love to the crop. He was diligent each
day in going out, tending to the fields, assuring that the crops had the proper moisture, that they had the proper
nutrients. And when it was time for harvest, he would bring in his crop of melons. He would send them off to the
central processing facility that was managed by one of the seven in the co-op. From there the melons were put into
all sorts of different forms, some to be stored, some to be sent to market immediately as fresh produce, some to wait
until the appropriate time.
There was the fourth farmer who grew vegetables. He grew lettuce and broccoli, cauliflower, and radishes. All of
these crops that he grew were so fresh, and they were so filled with the love of Gaia, the love of Spirit, and the love
of the farmer that you could literally smell them, even before they were cut open. You could smell this aroma of
freshness, of nature coming through, even when the crops were growing in the fields. You could smell the crispness
of the lettuce. You could smell the strong scent of the radishes. You could literally sense the freshness.
And, when the time was right, this farmer of the produce gathered his crops up. Like the other farmers, he would
send it to a central processing facility that was managed by one of the other seven farmers. From there it was
packaged in many, many different forms. Some of his produce was stored, and others were sent to market
There was the fifth farmer who grew carrots in the ground. This farmer loved to go out and put his hands in the dirt,
and feel Earth itself, and feel the carrots. When he pulled them from the ground to inspect them, he loved the texture
and the feel. He loved the firmness of these carrots. He loved the texture of the stalks, the sensation of the vegetable
And, this farmer also loved the work that he did and put his heart and soul into it. And, when it was time, he too
went out and put his hands in the dirt and harvested the crops. His carrots were sent to the central processing facility
that was managed by one of the others. The carrots were put into many different forms, some as juice, some as
fresh produce, others to be frozen for later use.
There was yet another farmer. This sixth farmer grew onions. And, these onions, he knew, would be used to flavor
and to enhance and to bring forth a passion when mixed with other foods. They would be used to make fine meals.
They would be used to bring life to foods that might otherwise carry many nutrients but be somewhat boring in taste.
His onions were so large and so succulent that it made not only his eyes tear up, but also the eyes of any who ate
his onions. And, like the others, when it came time for harvest, he would gather up his crops, and they would be
shipped off to the central processing facility. They would be changed into many different things, some stored for later
use, others sent off to market immediately.
And, there was the seventh farmer, the one who managed the central processing facility for the co-op. Now, this
farmer also raised chickens. His chickens were treated with great honor and great care. These chickens then
delivered wonderful eggs, eggs that supplied protein and nutrients, eggs that helped people wake up in the morning
and give them the appropriate type of energies through the day. The hens joyfully produced eggs over and over
again for this farmer. Each day he would collect the eggs, and they would be sent to the central processing facility
that he managed. Some of the eggs would be sent to market immediately. Yet many others would be changed in
nature for storage and distribution at the appropriate time.

All of the farmers sent their harvest to the central processing facility, which oddly enough was located at the very
furthest point of all the farmers' lands. All the goods were being shipped there, for this was the most efficient way at
the time. Collectively, the farmers could be more efficient and more profitable. So, everything was sent to one
location, and then resent to market or stored.
Now, at a certain point the farmers learned of a new processing machine. This machine allowed each individual
farmer to process his crops at his own location. This seemed like a true breakthrough in technology. No longer did
the carrot farmer have to send his goods to the chicken farmer for processing. No longer did the one who grew the
strawberries have to send them to a central processing facility. Each individual farmer could process their own goods
and deliver them immediately to market.
So each of the farmers invested in one of the new processing machines. These new machines were smaller and
lighter and less expensive than the large machines at the large central processing center. The new machines were
convenient. They were fast. They could respond to the changing needs of the harvest. It was no longer necessary for
the farmer to plant and to harvest all at one time. Rather, it could be done in stages. The farmers could plant seeds
in small plot of land one month and another plot another month. The new small, on-site processing machines could
handle this much better and more efficiently than the large machine.
So, all seven farmers in the co-op agreed that each would have their own new high-speed, high-tech processing
machine. They would continue to work together, for they felt there was strength when they were connected. So, they
hired an expert who came in and set up what you would call an "intranet system" between the farms. This intranet
system allowed each farmer now to communicate with the others automatically. The carrot farmer could see how
many pounds of melons the melon farmer was harvesting. They could access each other's information. It was very
fast and very efficient. Based on the information that was coming in over this intranet system, they could measure
and monitor and adjust their own planting and harvesting so all of this production would complement each other.
Now, the seven farmers in this co-op made a large change, dear friends, when they moved from a central
processing center where goods were stored and shipped. They made a large change when they each took over their
own processing, but yet were connected by intranet.
As so many of you know, they had problems with this intranet system. It was frustrating at first. They were some
who cursed. There were some who wanted to go back to the old ways. Some were afraid of this technology. They felt
it did not have the grounded energies of the old ways. There were some who were not so willing to learn how to use
their new processing machines. They were used to putting their goods onto a truck and sending it off to the central
And, now they had to take responsibility for their own harvest and for their own processing. They had the
assistance of all the others in the co-op through the intranet, but it frightened them to a point. But, each worked with
the others. They shared information. They got together on a regular basis to discuss the pros and the cons, how to
get through the difficult and challenging times. They learned the software capabilities of this system. They learned
how to make their processing systems run very smoothly.
Soon production increased like never before, like they could never have imagined. They were much more efficient.
Their shipments now to the market were done on an "as-need" basis – what you would call a "just-in-time" system.
There was no longer the need for massive storage and freezing and packaging. Their products came from the fields,
went through processing, and were shipped directly to the market. With the information provided by the intranet
system, they understood how to plant, harvest and process on an as-needed, just-in-time basis.
The farmers got together a year or so after they implemented this new system. They got together over strawberry
juice. And, they chuckled. They chuckled amongst themselves at how daring they were transition to this technology.
They chuckled at the difficult, challenging days … the days they lost money, the days that they would much rather
have retired from farming than go forth with this new technology.
But, they chuckled now, because they were much more efficient. They were much happier, and they were able to
pursue new activities now. They chuckled, and they said, "Could you have imagined just one year ago where we
would be now?" They all shook their heads "no." They could not possibly have imagined where they would be in their
new way of doing things, because there was nothing to compare it with in the old days. When they sat and planned
for their new method and their new technologies, they just had a glimpse and a hope of what it could do for them,
how it could make them better, more productive farmers.
But, they chuckled now – a year later – with the understanding of what had really happened and how it had
transformed them. It made them so much more responsible and productive. Each of them now owned their own
crops and processors, everything from start to finish. But, yet they were still in this co-op together.
Now, you say, "Why, Tobias, do you tell us a story about farming today? What relevance does this have? We are
not farmers in this room. We do many other things, but farming is not what this group is known for."
We tell you this story to help you understand the Language of Ah, the Language of Ah that we spoke of last time.
And, as a reminder, "ah" is not an energy. It is not about sitting in your chairs and having a mantra, saying, "Ah." It
is not about that. Nothing will happen if you do that! The Language of Ah is quiet, yet powerful. It is an invisible, but
yet omnipresent energy. It is your awakening divinity that comes in. It cannot be chanted. It cannot be demanded. It
cannot be made to work. It can only be accepted and played with, and then integrated into your life.

Dear friends, all of you who have been searching this past month or so for the Language of Ah within you… we tell
you now where it comes from. It comes in through your seven senses. That is not a mis-channel. It comes in first
through your seven senses. It is much like the story of the farmers. The Language of Ah comes in through the
senses that you are already using and already aware of.
It comes in through your sense of hearing, but it is not hearing like what you have known before. It is a new way. In
the Language of Ah you will be sitting with a group. You will be sitting with an individual perhaps. And, you will be
listening to their words, but yet as the Language of Ah emerges through your sense of hearing, it will it be like having
an expanded or new sense of hearing. You will not just hear the words of the others around you. You will hear
something between the words, and it will be a knowingness, and a deep understanding that causes you to go, "Ah!"
The Language of Ah, the Divine language… it comes in through your sense of hearing.
The Language of Ah comes in, dear friends, through your sense of vision. It comes in through your eyesight, but in
a different way. When you are in a situation, you’ll see it one way through your literal, visual eyes. If you stand back
just a moment, and you allow the Language of Ah to come through your sense of sight, you will see something new.
There are those who have seen something in this room today, the energy of Yeshua. They have seen it with their
eyes. That is what is happening. It is coming in through your sense of vision, this Language of Ah. And, you will
begin to see things that have always been there, energies that have always been present, but your sense of vision
was limited. And, now it is opening up, and the Language of Ah, the divine language, comes through the eyes.
The Language of Ah comes through your sense of smell, dear friends. It does. Your sense of smell (Tobias, taking
in a deep breath)… it is, in a way, an intuition. It is feeling. You use it much more than you are even aware of. Some
of you classify it as one of the cruder senses of the human experience. But, your sense of smell is very subtle. You
don't just smell odors, dear friends. You smell energies.
The Language of Ah… it is like a new sense of intuition, a "sense of scents." As you allow it to come forward, you
will have a knowingness that comes through your human ability to smell out things. You will have an intuition when
you are in situations. You will have a new understanding that comes in through this nose of yours.
Breathe in for a second. Do this now. There is much more to the breath than you thought. There is this sense, this
smell, this intuition that comes in. When we tell you to breathe in, it is not just about air in your lungs. It is not just
about expanding your divinity. It is about a new intuition that comes in through your smell sense. But, in this it is
expanded. It is new. It gives you insights and intuitions that you have not had before. Breathe!
The Language of Ah… it comes in to places that you are already using in your human experience, dear friends. It
is not in some elusive place. It is not outside your energy field. It is not in your heart chakra. It is not in your toe. The
Language of Ah comes in through all of your current human senses.
The Language of Ah also comes in through your human sense of taste. Taste. But, when it comes in through here,
you have a new and a better level of judgment and discernment. Instead of things being black or white, good or bad,
you will have a new taste, a divine taste of things. It is also a type of intuition, but it is centered in a type of judgment.
You will not so quickly go to a black and white judgment, rather you will go to a new level that is tied in to the Divine
Will. The Language of Ah… it comes in also through your taste, through your discernment. You will have a new type
of discernment and understanding of things that are in your reality.
The Language of Ah also comes in, dear friends, through your sense of feel, through your sense of feel, or touch,
as you would call it. You are used to nerve endings in your skin. You are used to the physical, the body touch. But, as
the Language of Ah emerges, it will come in through that sense also. You will have a new touch of things, a new
feeling of things. It will allow you to do things much more powerfully than ever before, such as healing that is
associated with the hands, feelings and sensations that are associated with the skin. You will have a type of intuition
and understanding and premonition that comes in through the touch, through your skin.
Now, we pause here for a moment to explain something to you, to all of you. The Language of Ah emerges from
your current human senses. It will birth. It will blossom from within through that you are already using. But, it will add
new perspective to your hearing, to your sight, to your smell, to your taste, to your touch. It will add a new dimension
to each one of these things.
But, what do you think happens in the meantime, as this language is coming forth? You will have change and
transformation in each one of these human senses in the meantime, much like the farmers went through much
change when they went from a central processing center to an intranet system with individual processing centers. It
was not easy at first. There were challenges. There were some breakdowns. There were days they each wished they
had stayed with the old ways of doing things. There were days when they wondered why they were such crazy
Dear friends, in this process you are going through, there will be days that your eyesight seems worse than ever.
You will attribute some of that to old age. You will cuss Spirit, and you will cuss Tobias, and perhaps even Yeshua,
and wonder what is happening to your eyesight, because it is blurrier than ever. It is going through changes, and
these changes are necessary. This transformation is a natural process.
There will be days when you don't hear so well, and you say, "Huh?" a lot. (audience laughter) And you say,
"What?" Or, you won’t ask somebody to repeat themselves because you are embarrassed of your hearing. And, you

are thinking, "I'm growing old. I cannot hear so well." But, dear friends, it is not about that. Your sense of hearing is
changing, so that you can hear the divine Language of Ah from within and from others. There is a transformation
process, and there will be a period of time where perhaps you do not hear in certain ranges and certain frequencies.
Do not be so worried. It is simply a change, much like the farmers went through their change in technology. You are
going through a change in the senses that have been with you since all days as a human.
Many of you think you have lost your sense of smell. It is almost non-existent. But, once in a while, we know you
smell something different. You try to put an identity on it, and you cannot. You smell something that is so unusual, but
yet so familiar. But, you cannot remember where that is coming from. Your new sense of smell and intuition are
awakening. And, while it does, the old sense of smell may seem dormant. It may seem like it is not working so well,
but dear friends, it is just so that you can go through this changeover process.
The same with your sense of taste… it is changing. You wonder why things either taste much worse than they ever
did, or why they lose so much of their flavor. Your taste buds… they are changing so that the Language of Ah can
come in from within them.
The Language of Ah is singular, but it shows up in many different places. Your intranet and internet are singular,
but they show up in many different places.
Now, about your skin… you will notice changes here. You are not going through puberty again. (audience laughter)
Those rashes and that itching and the dryness and all the problems with your skin, dear friends… this is the biggest
organ of your body. Your sense of feel, touch, sensation… it is changing, and the Language of Ah is singing out
through every nerve ending that you have. Certainly it will effect your skin for a period of time. It is not to worry here.
If you run off to a doctor – (chuckling) as even Cauldre was known to do recently – dear friends, they will not
understand what you are going through. And, we caution you – we cautioned Cauldre – do not glop yourself with
these ointments that the doctors give you, for you are preventing the new sensitivity from coming through. These
things that are happening to your skin… they will balance out shortly, just like with the farmers, and their intranet,
and their new equipment. It took a bit of time to make the changeover.
And, there were days when the farmers lost money and lost production. There will be days when you will be sick.
There will be days when you will be down, when you cannot hear a ___ we say (blank space left on purpose by
Tobias). (audience laughter) There will be days when your skin and your body itch. There will be times when you
think you are just getting old and decrepit, but dear friends, the Language of Ah… it comes from within. It comes
through all of your senses.
Then, there is the sixth sense. We always wonder why your scientific types have not identified it, for it is there. You
have a sense of emotion. It is a sense. It is different from any of your physical senses, yet it is a very important
sense. Your emotions. This will be changing also. The Language of Ah will burst forth through your emotions. You will
have new understandings and new passion as this does. In the meantime, you may cry a lot and not understand
why. Your emotions may be up and down like a roller coaster, all over the place. The Language of Ah is coming
through this basically non-physical sense called emotion, and as it does, you will have so much more compassion for
yourself and for others.
And, there is the sense of mind, of the brain. It has not been called a sense in the typical terms by any of your
scientific types, but it is one of your seven human senses. The human mind is a place that brings in information. It
stores information, and it judges information. It is valuable, but its main purpose has been to catalog and then judge
information, to decide if something is right or wrong, to decide if you should go left or right. It catalogs past
experiences to help you make decisions for what is going on today in your life.
The brain, the mind, the intellect is a valuable human sense. It is frustrating at times, for it is so limited compared to
what it could do. And, what it can do is not about intelligence, and not being able to recount historic facts that
happened 3522 years ago. That is not the value of the human brain. This sense is wonderful at bringing information
and deciding then how to use it. And, as the Language of Ah comes in through the mind, it will bring a new form of
knowledge and understanding into your life.
The central processing center for the farmers represents the brain. All of your current human senses are
connected to your brain, even though it is a sense in itself, even though the farmer who managed the central
processing facility was also a farmer. All of your other senses of feel, touch, taste, sight, all of them are connected to
your brain. They have been connected to your brain.
But, now each one of your seven senses with the Language of Ah is getting their own processing center. In the
new divine energy, information does not have to be processed through the brain, the sense that is the furthest away
from the other senses. Things do not have to be shipped to the brain anymore before they are distributed into your
Each one of your senses in the divine energy has its own form of intelligence. And, we do not like to use even that
word. They have their own form of responsibility and responsiveness. In the Language of Ah you will not send the
information back through the brain. The brain does not really want it anymore. The information will come
independently through that hearing, the knowingness; through the sight, the insight; through the smell, the intuition;
through the taste, the discernment; through the touch, the sensitivity.

Understand the Language of Ah works through each one of your current seven human senses. But, now it
operates individually. Yes, they are all intra-connected. They all understand when you have an experience through
your new sense of touch, using the Language of Ah. All of the other senses will be aware. They may pitch in to help
at the appropriate time. They may limit their production in order to make the production of the hearing the most
powerful at that time. They will work to balance each other, for they are connected. But, much like an intranet, there
does not have to be a central processor. They are independent, yet they work together.
Dear friends, as you have been looking for the Language of Ah within you these past 30 some days, know that it
comes in through your seven current human senses. Do not look for it outside of you. Do not look for it behind a
hidden door within. It comes in through your senses. It is that simple.
We wanted you to spend a bit of time over these past weeks, working with this, playing with it, discovering it on
your own before we revealed to you how it comes in. But, now we share with you – and for so many who are
connecting with this information – now you are going, "Ah, that is why I saw something but I was not so sure I saw it.
That is why I had an emotion, a feeling, a passion, and a compassion about something, but I did not know exactly
where it was coming from." The Language of Ah, seven senses. Is it not interesting – seven senses and seven
former chakras?
The Language of Ah, dear friends, in a sense, is also its own language, but it comes in through all of these very
important points, in very important parts of your human experience. It would not dare to come in at some other place.
It comes in from what you are already used to and what you are already working with. That way there can be a
balance of the divine language with your current human experience. If the Language of Ah came in from some totally
new and foreign and different place, it would be hard to integrate in your day-to-day life. So, it comes in through the
senses that you are already familiar with and already working with. Allow it to work through these. Play with the
touch, and the hearing, the sight, and all of these things. Allow it to come in through here.
Dear friends, this Language of Ah is the first and the most basic and the most powerful tool of all the tools in the
New Energy. Some day you will sit in front of your students who come to you. You will try to help them to understand.
You will help them try to play with it, this Language of Ah, the divinity that is coming up. You will explain to them how
it comes in through their current seven senses. And, you will help them to understand the power to see things that
they could not see before, to hear beyond words, to feel beyond the physical sense, to taste, to smell in new areas.
This is a very important tool that we ask each of you to continue to play with.
We will talk about it more indeed. But, until we get together again, play with this. Understand where it is coming in.
Work with each other. Spend time with each other playing with this. There are no rights, and there are no wrongs
here. No one has written the book yet. So, play with it. Be the ones who discover this Language of Ah, the divine
language, coming in through the brain, a sense of its own, but in a way that no longer judges, in a way that doesn't
have to store vast quantities of information anymore. That is the old way of storing things. It is old. All things now will
be brought to you appropriately in the "now," just like the farmers who adapted and adjusted to their new technology.
They no longer had to store goods. It was all done just in time, on demand.
Your new Language of Ah will not be stored. Your divine energy does not need to be stored for a long, hard winter,
or a cold and rainy day. It comes to you just in time at the most appropriate moment when you need it – in the "now."
No more storing and saving. Release that. It will happen in the "now." A bit frightening for many of you, for you are
used to having great storage bins of information, of emotions, of money, of goods, of all sorts of things. But, now it
will be just in time.
Lesson Five of the Ascension Series – the Senses of Ah. Work with it. Play with it. Allow it to come in through you,
and allow the changes that are occurring in your physical body as you adjust to the new language. It is powerful!
Even the musicians who have been brought here on this day and who agreed to play… they are now incorporating
the Language of Ah into their work. They are incorporating their divine vibration into their work. It is coming out, and
you are sensing it through your hearing, and your feeling, and, your brain, and your eyes to a degree. They are
performing their music at all those levels within, from their brain, through their feelings, through their hearing, and
their other senses, and their touch.
This is an example of the Language of Ah being created by two (musicians Peter Sterling and Stacy Frank) who
are talented and gifted, and share it with all of you, so you can sense this within yourself. When you listen to it later
today, be in your Language of Ah. We helped to orchestrate these musicians coming here specifically so you could
use this occasion to play with your own seven senses. Listen beyond just the ears. Know beyond just the brain.
Yeshua will be singing tonight. Yeshua will be sending his vibrations through the instruments, through the voices,
through the fingers. He will be guiding these two tonight. He will be helping them to bring through this divine
language, so that each of you has the opportunity to experience it, and feel it, and know that you own it. It is yours.
Now, we are indeed having a ceremony of joy here with you. We talk long, and we talk loud sometimes. We do
this, in a sense, to help you – how to say – bring in the energies at other levels. We distract you at times to help
open things up, with your permission of course. But today we are truly having a ceremony joy with you.
And, yes, that was Yeshua that sat beside you, and rubbed your shoulders. That was Yeshua that touched each
one of your senses as we were talking about them. That was Yeshua who wiped that tear from your eye. Yeshua will

stay here. His energy will be most present throughout our entire gathering here on this day. He will dance in the
aisles with anyone of you who dare to get up. (audience laughter)
Dear Shaumbra, we love you immensely. We thank you for taking on the challenge of playing with the Language of
Ah in your life. It comes through your seven senses. We are back after 30 days of silence, talking to you,
communicating with you, being with you now. Let us do it together through your divinity.
We love you dearly, and you are never alone.
And so it is.


December 8, 2001

And so it is, dear friends, that we are here, those in the Crimson Council. We are here, indeed, calling on each one
of you, calling on the human angels to begin using your divinity in your day-to-day life. It is not separate and different
any more. It does not exist in a far-off, different place. It is not outside of you. It is within you, and it is coming forth
now and expressing itself through all of your seven senses.
How do you make this practical in your life? When you are talking with your children – when you are having
conversation with them – allow this divine hearing now to let you know what they are really saying. Not just the
words that come from their mouths and from their brain, but their real needs, their real feelings. When you
acknowledge that your divinity is expressing through your hearing or through any of your other senses, then it does.
And, then you will hear your children tell you things in a way you've never heard before.
When you are with your patients and your clients and the ones that you work with on balancing and healing, your
divine vision – what comes through your eyes – won't be just what is obvious in front of you. You will see things in
them and around them that you have not seen before.
You can apply these divine new senses. It does not come from a distant far-off place. It comes through you.
When you are at your job, making decisions for your company and for those who work for you and those who you
work for… this Language of Ah, the divine language… it is even part of the sense of your mind, your intellect and all
of the experiences and the understandings of your company and its competitors and the market and the people
behind each of these. These have been stored in your brain, but now with the divine language, you will have a new
sense of balanced judgment about what is really going on.
This will allow you to see things from a new perspective. It will allow you to have a type of judgment that is no
longer based in the old ways, the ways that were getting so very frustrating for you. Now, the mind, using divine
language, will have an expanded knowledge of what is really taking place. Your contributions to your company, and
to all who your company serves will take on whole new dimensions.
What we are telling you in this is that the Language of Ah – the divineness that you are – can come into your daily
life. Do not sequester it to only your spiritual life, to only that "nice" part of you. Bring it into the part that drives down
the street and that has to use all the senses to operate the car – the sight, the hearing, the touch, the wisdom,
knowledge, feelings – all of these things come into play. Use your divinity when you're doing something so mundane
as driving a car, but yet something where you can begin to apply your divinity.
In your health, when you are trying to determine what to put in that mouth and to take into your body… your sense
of divinity will come in. It will come in through the nose, the mouth, the intellect, the feelings. So, acknowledge that it
is there, and listen to it, and feel it, and sense it.
Now, you will not necessarily get it right the first time. Do not become frustrated. Continue to apply it. You will learn
quite well. That is when you will get the "Ah" that we spoke about in our gathering last month. That is when there is a
deepened understanding, and you go, "Ah, that is what my body has been wanting. But, I’ve been trying to deny it,
because I’ve been on a damn diet!" (audience laughter) "Aaah. Ah, this brownie is exactly what I have been
needing!" (more laughter).
The Language of Ah, dear friends… it is so simple. But, it is also like a child that is emerging from within you,
expressing itself through the senses, through the corridors and the distribution channels that you already had
opened. It is coming in through you, but it needs to be nurtured and loved, not challenged and shut down.
In this time of your Christmas and your holiday season, where there is celebration for the birthing of the Christ,
celebrate the birthing of your own Christ and your own divinity. Use this time to allow expressions through all of the
seven existing senses. Use it to have fun. Use it to go to a whole new level.
Now, we will be brief with our comments here, for Cauldre tells us time runs short and pizzas come in. (audience
laughter) So, we will go directly to our questions on this day.

QUESTION: Dearest Tobias, how do we let our light shine, at the same time helping others to let their light shine?
TOBIAS: It is what we talked about today. Humans – you Shaumbra – have been searching for this mysterious
and often elusive way to let your light shine. You have been looking for an eighth or ninth sense that would come in.
Yet, it is in the seven that you already have! Your light can shine through every one of your existing senses. You are
looking for something totally brand new, coming to you as if by magic. It is coming to you in what you already know,
and in what you are already so proficient with, and working with.
Dear one, specifically in response to your question, your light IS shining. You are so filled with desire for service,
but your light shines. You are ALREADY making such an impact on consciousness. As you work with the Language
of Ah, you will begin to see the effect that you truly have. You will see how your light is shining and how it is changing
things around you. You are – how to say – quite a generator of light. Now, let it express fully.

QUESTION: Last Christmas you spoke about the introduction of the clear crystal marble, representing Christ
consciousness. The more I integrate that marble and move past duality, the more I become the marble in situations. I
am in a situation now where I feel on a soul level that I am being called in to bring Christ consciousness into a state
of duality, and it seems as if I am being resisted by the dark and the light equally. My inclination is to move away and
move toward those that are ready. How should I navigate, and when is it appropriate to walk away? Thank you.
TOBIAS: Indeed, that is one of the largest challenges for Shaumbra, for you are integrating a new energy. This
clear marble, this fourth element that we spoke of a while back… you were the ones bringing this. As you know, and
as you have experienced, this can cause both the dark marble and the light marble to resist and resent you. This is
duality in action!
You can see this in your own family situations. You now come in with a new clarity that neither of the other charged
elements like so much. They will challenge you to the core. But, listen and feel with the Language of Ah as to why
they challenge you. Understand that it is not about you, and you will come to realize the reason why those around
you – from the light or from the dark – are challenging you.
They WANT to know how strong you are. They WANT to believe in you, but they cannot believe in you unless
there is conviction and strength and wisdom behind who you now are. You will find this in work situations and in
family situations. And, dear Shaumbra, you will find this particularly in spiritual situations. The ones who – how to say
– wear the label of "light" will challenge you deeply! And, the ones, obviously, who wear the label of black will
challenge you, but it will not hurt so much as the ones who challenge you who claim to work for the light.
The reason that they challenge you is because you represent change, and change is difficult for them. You know.
You have been through it. The reason why they truly challenge you is that underneath it all, they WANT to believe
you. They have found that their ways of limitedness and duality do not work anymore.
We see so many lightworkers who are frustrated because their expectations lie in duality! Their expectations, their
dreams, and their goals are unbalanced to the light. Perhaps it will take a bit of studying of these words to
understand what we mean. Now, you come along with a clarity, with an integration of light and dark, male and
female, positive and negative. You come in with clear attributes, and they want to know, above all, that you are real.
They do not want to be lead down the road by another guru or another teacher who does not teach Truth. They do
not want to spend another nickel at seminars and seminars that are fluffy. They do not want to read another book
that leads them into more frustration, or more confusion. They challenge your clarity because they want to know you
are true and you are strong. Thank you for this question.

QUESTION: Are there tools, techniques, or technologies already available that can help us learn how to use the
Language of Ah?
TOBIAS: No. (audience laughter)
Now, we will back up a bit here. And, again Cauldre does not always like what we have to say, but we choose to
say it anyway. You take classes. You take courses in many things, such as reading auras, such as –how to say –
understanding past lives. These things have all been appropriate. They have gotten you to this place. But, dear
friends, we ask you now to use your new sense and your divinity to feel whether these things are appropriate.
There are many new and emerging techniques, and we feel many of these facilitators will be consciously or
subconsciously integrating much of this Language of Ah. They may not call it that. They may call it a "divine
vibration." They may call it the "god sense". But, they are beginning to understand that there is a new energy
Use your own intuition to understand. Your intuition will come faster than your mind goes to work. You will know the
answer before you hear it in any of your other places in your mind.
Now, also understand that there have been no books written. There have been no seminars created on the
Language of Ah. It was only a bit over a month ago since we first talked of it. You are the ones to be doing that. You
are the ones to be walking through it first, learning how to use it, and then helping others along the path. Your help
may be in the form of a song, a book, a seminar. It may be simply in the form of a counseling with someone. It can
take many different forms.
Dear Shaumbra, do not look to the others. You will have the responsibility for learning to use these things, and then
being the teachers. Do not go to your bookshelves, or even to your Internet for information, because you have not
written it yet.

QUESTION: (An audience question was asked about relationships. Because of the very personal nature of the
question, Tobias chose not to directly answer it in front of the entire audience. Instead, he gave a general answer
about relationships).
TOBIAS: Now, in answer to questions about relationships… this is very difficult for us specifically to answer.
Relationships are very intertwined with energies of the past potentials of the future. Relationships are old, in a
sense, and very new, in a sense. This is another area we will talk of later in this Ascension Series. A whole
discussion will be laid out about relationships. But, it is to say right now that there is no right or wrong answer about
If you go to a psychic or a medium, and they tell you that a relationship is no longer appropriate, it is time for you to
leave. Yes, it is time for you to leave … it is time for you to leave that psychic or medium immediately!! (audience
There is no book on your side or ours that says a relationship is right or wrong, that says a relationship is new or
old, that it is time to leave or not. This is one of the most challenging areas that we work with you on, for you ask us,
"Should I leave Billy now?" How would we know? (audience laughter) Perhaps Billy should leave you for asking a
question like that!! (much audience laughter)
When you do these things… when you ask another about your relationship… you are disempowering yourself. You
are not using your divine senses that you now have so available to you. It is a simple question. It is a simple
question. Are you being given the space to be divinely free by this other that you have chosen to journey with? And,
do you still share in a common love and compassion with each other? Can there be a future built on mutual honoring
with each other? Those are the questions. It is so simple, but you must answer them.

QUESTION: Tobias, thanks.

TOBIAS: (chuckling) We will say a word about that beyond, "You are welcome." Now, understand, dear friends,
our role here is simply to bring forth to you the information that is already on the tip of your tongue, but you have not
quite defined it yet. Our role here is to reflect back to you and to encourage you along the way, indeed. So, it is we
that thank you for the work. It is we that understand you are on the edge of the edge. You are the ones taking the
lead. As Yeshua and I have said here on this day, we are amazed at how you will break through the barriers, how
you will withstand the pressure and the criticism from the duality all around you to continue moving forward with all
this. Thanks.

QUESTION: Could you teach us how to be a good teacher, how to be better students?
TOBIAS: (emotional) Dear friends, there is no better group of students than the ones that sit here, than the ones
who call themselves Shaumbra. There is no better group of students! Now, I, Tobias, have had the opportunity to
work with other groups of humans, but THIS is family. This is the group so dedicated to the work that, even after
challenging and difficult experiences with your relationships and your health, being criticized and ostracized by the
very ones who are the closest to you, you continue to do the work. How could any of us – Yeshua, Michael, Raphael,
Uriel, Amael, all of us – how could we ask for any better students than the ones that sit here?
And, as you know, dear friends, the best teachers are the ones who have gone through the experience! The best
teachers have opened their hearts and their compassion, so they would know exactly how to teach. The teaching
that you do will be intuitive. It will be at the moment. It will be just in time. You will be responding to all of your divine
and human senses to the situation around you. You will know, as the teacher, when to plant the seeds with your
students. You will know, as the teacher, when to pull the weeds and nurture the crops. You will know when it is
harvest time, when it is time to let your own student go. It will be difficult at times. You will want to hang on to that
student, for you love their emerging energy. But, as the wise teacher, as the spiritual farmer, you will know when it is
time to harvest and release them so your student too can now go be a teacher.
There is no better group than Shaumbra!

QUESTION: Last question. Tobias, what advise do you have for those translating this material into other
TOBIAS: Translate it from your heart. Translate it in Truth. Use your divine senses when there are questions. And,
above all, call me, for I will come, and I will speak to you in many different ways. I will help you to understand what
was the energy behind the original words. There will be many different translations of this material for many, many
years to come. And, there will be those who challenge a specific translated word or phrase. There will be some who
will want to argue, "Tobias meant this, or Tobias meant that." Ask Tobias. I will tell you. I will share with you.
What will always remain intact in the translations is the energy behind the words. What will always come through,
no matter who translates it, and no matter how accurately they do the translation, we are the ones on this side who
translate the energy and the vibration, and it will always be laid down the same. The words might change. Vibrations
will continue always through these translations that you have.

Now, it leads us to a closing comment here. It is up to you, all of Shaumbra and family, the ones that sit in this
energy today and the ones that connect to it. How far you want to go with it, how far you are willing to bring this
energy? We are not talking about sitting others down and making them read each word on the page, but we are
talking about how far do we carry this message of the awakening divinity to others?
It is up to you. If you are so willing, and if you so accept the challenge, then you will get a lot of knocking at your
door. You will get new opportunities. You will get those who seek your council and wisdom and advice. You will get
those who open doorways for you also to put forth the learning materials, to put forth the information. We are not
talking about lesson-by-lesson of the Tobias materials. We are talking about what is being created in your minds, in
your heart, and your divine senses.
This group of Shaumbra has a dream. You have a dream to help bring this information to humanity, to help bring
your experiences, and to help bring the single statement to all of humanity. And, that statement is, "You are God
also." Dear Shaumbra, are you ready… are you ready to help others come to understand that they are God also?
Are you ready to use your human and divine senses to help you do this? Are you ready to move to the next level?
Challenging, perhaps, but if you allow it to be, it will be more playful than ever.
We will continue to intensify here the energies of this family, of the channels, of what we are challenging you with
from an inside level. We are challenging you to be a divine human, challenging you to be God also. We will continue
to put the pressure on in a loving but firm way.
In the meantime, dear friends, remember to take the time to breathe in your divinity. Allow it to come into your
reality as you exhale. Take the time, as family and Shaumbra, to celebrate, enjoy, to have ceremony of joy for all that
you are, and all that you do.
Now, go eat chocolate!! (referring to the Christmas party, followed by audience laughter and applauding)
And so it is.

January 5, 2002

The Five Divine Senses

drawn by Debi Smith

Awareness (I AM)
Imagination (Creation)
Compassion (Unity and Togetherness)
Focus (Power) – blend imagination and compassion to create reality
Expression – using energies to birth creation


And, so it is, dear friends, that we gather together with you on this day, in this wonderful energy, and in celebration.
As your music suggests, (referring to the piece of music called "Celebration" played before the channeling) we are in
celebration of the journey that you have been on. This journey that has taken you through so many wonderful
experiences, so many challenges, and to places that Spirit, and that all of us on this side of the veil, and even
yourself could never have imagined. It has been a beautiful, sacred multi-dimensional journey. And, indeed we come
in on this day in celebration of many things, which we will talk of here, but mostly in celebration of where you are at.
Dear friends, dear Shaumbra, breathe in at this time. Breathe in all of who you are, and all of who you are
becoming. Breathe in the spirit that is dancing within you, that spirit that is also in celebration of where you are at.
We are coming to a time of merging of energies, the merging of the human and the divine, all within you. Breathe
this in. Breathe life into the fire of divinity that is within you. This is how you bring it forth. This is how you bring the
essence of who you are into your reality.
It is such a joy for I, Tobias, to be sitting here with you today, speaking to you more clearly than ever before. I’m not
talking here of just the words that you hear coming through our friend, Cauldre (). I am talking about the clarity of
how you and I address each other, of how we share, and how we communicate. It is much clearer than what we
have ever experienced before.
Feel this energy. Feel my love and caring and friendship, directly through you, through all of the seven human
senses that we have talked of. Feel the presence of your own "I am." It is not something removed or different, not
something outside of you. Sense your own "I am" presence birthing at this very moment within you.
Ahh, such celebration we have here with you today!
Now, indeed there are other energies that are here, visitors who we will introduce shortly. Dear friends, these
energies are very appropriate at this time. They are rather intense, so those of you who were feeling the warmth and
the heat before, this is not just from things external to you. It was not just your sense of feeling in your skin and in
your body that was overheating. It is also coming through the Language of Ah.
The visitor who comes in today… the time is appropriate, and this energy of our honored guest is intense. It is fiery.
It is the appropriate time. Feel this new energy. Yet, it is an energy that you know of, that you have worked with, an
energy that you helped to create, but whose time was not appropriate to be here until now.
We will let you sense our visitor before we actually make the introduction.
Let us talk for a moment of this time of transition you are in. On your calendars you recently turned the last page of
an old year (2001), a year that was particularly about duality, a "three" year in your numerology. You turned the page
to a new year. You saw the numbers 2-0-0-2 (two-zero-zero-two) written upon the pages, and for many of you, this
had an impact on you. Perhaps you were not able to immediately understand why the energy of these numbers hit
you so. Today, we will share with you what it is about.
It is a "4" year, but it is the balances of a "2" on one end and a "2" on the other. It is a year of shifts and changes,
and it is a year about transitioning into a very important new energy. We have been speaking to you about "4" for
quite a period of time. As a refresher, the "4" is "2" squared. You are going from duality – the energy of duality – into
the energy of the "quad."
You do not go back to "1." In their spiritual teachings, so many talk about going back to "1," similar to talking of
going back Home. But you do not go there. As God, you continue to expand, and you continue to express in new
When you were at home in the Kingdom eons of time ago – but not so long ago at all – the energy was about
oneness and singularity. When you left Home, went through the Wall of Fire and eventually came to Earth, it was
about "2." It was about polarity. It was about the mirror image. It was about seeing yourself, dear God, in a new and
different way that you could have not seen in the energy of "1." So, you created "2." You have been in that energy for
so very, very long. Earth has been about the energy of "2," polarity, light and dark, the lessons of good and bad, male
and female, opposites. Your journey on Earth has been to understand, at the most intimate levels, what duality, what
"2" was about.
Now, we shift into a new energy. You are not only shifting into a "4" year, but you are also shifting into the fourth
age of God-man, of God-woman. There have been three ages before this. We will not go into all those details on this
day, for we like to talk, (chuckling) but sometimes we are asked to keep our discussion within time limits. But, you
are entering into your fourth age as God in human form.
This is a "4" year and a significant year. It is the year of the completion of the changes in the grid. The grids, in a
sense, are reflections of your consciousness. The grids are like an energy surrounding this planet of yours. The
energetic grids surrounding your planet keep energies in, and keep other energies out. The grids are a reflection of
consciousness. The grids, in a sense, store potential of your new spiritual energy that was not ready to come in.
The grids also provided a filter or a buffer. You did not have full access to the energy of your divinity all at once.
There are many human and spiritual physics laws at play here. But, the grids are like a form of buffering and
protection. They also provided limitations on what you would be able to do. They limited you from accessing all of
your divinity.
The year 2002. You are some 5 days now into this. It is more than just about numbers on a calendar. In a way, you
can say you chose this calendar year. You chose this sequence of numbers to make the final changes.

As I, Tobias, speak to you now, and as our visitors flood into this room, there is much work being done in the final
adjustments of the spiritual grids of Earth. There is a team, an entourage that many of you are so familiar with. It is
the energy of the Kryon that is changing these. They can only change the grids in direct response to your changing
consciousness. It is not that the Kryon does the attunement, and then you change. It is that you have been changing,
therefore, giving permission and allowing the Kryon to make the changes in the grids.
As we gather here now as family, they are working at this moment on these changes, on the attunements of the
grids. What this will do is allow you a new type of access to all of who you are. It will allow a new type of fuel. It will
allow a portal from your full divinity in order illuminate that seed of Christ that is within you. It is a ray of sunlight that
comes in, that breaks through a cloud cover that has been around you for so long. And, this ray will directly beam
upon the Christ seed that is germinating within you. This ray, this beautiful golden, copper, whitish ray will shine, and
it will bless your divinity. It will bless the Christ seed, and allow it to grow in new ways.
The veil is being reduced through the changes of the grid, dear friends. Right now, this is all happening. It is all
happening in your year of 2-0-0-2.
What to expect this year for you, for your world? It is quite simple. Imagine yourself sitting on a swing, going back
and forth, back and forth. You are enjoying the ride, but also knowing that as you swing back and forth, there is a
certain amount of fear or trepidation that you could go too high or too fast. There is a momentum and an energy
being created by the swinging back and forth.
It is like a pendulum going back and forth, but always gaining momentum, always gaining momentum. At some
point it takes off. There is no more back and forth motion. Instead, you take a quantum leap.
You may remember what that is like on a swing, where you feel you are just going to keep going around. But here,
as the momentum of this swinging gains more energy and more movement, this will help to catapult you and help to
catapult Earth into this time of quantum changes, what you have called the changes of the year 2012. But, as we
have told you, it will come sooner.
In this year of 2002, you find yourself on a swing, going back and forth. And, dear friends, it is more than just a
story. It is more than a metaphor. It will be a year of swinging back and forth for you personally and for the world
around you. Hang on to those ropes of your swing! It could be a wild ride! (audience laughter) But, dear friends, if
you are in the right energy and you are in the right balance, it can be fun rather than fearful. You will understand the
back and forth swinging movement, rather than fearing it.
Remember that the year 2-0-0-2 is balanced on each side by an equal energy, and energies that are learning to
work with each other and to balance each other. Remember that as you swing from one side to the other. Remember
the energy of 2-0-0-2, well balanced in all respects. It will be a year of swings and changes for you.
As you read your newspapers, you will see the swings happen also all around you. Do not let it throw you off
balance. Do not let the world situation frighten you. Do not go to the place, dear friends, of feeling your world is going
through an Armageddon.
Perhaps, in a way, your world IS coming to an end, but not like you thought. Not with disaster, not with the type of
terror and destruction that you have seen in your past lives. The world, as you know it perhaps, IS coming to an end,
an end of an age, an end of a time, an end of an old balance. You are entering into a new. It will be a year of swings
for you.
And, while you are on that swing, going back and forth this year, dear Shaumbra, look down at the ground. Do you
know what you will see, waiting for you to just fall off that swing? Waiting so it can bite you like it bit the others?
(audience laughter) It will be a year of the snake. But, you will be on that swing, and as long as you do not focus the
attention on the snakes that slither below you, as long as you enjoy the ride on your swing, and you celebrate where
it will take you, the snakes cannot bother you.
Ask the snakes why they are there now. You will get some very interesting answers, and not what you thought they
would be!
The snakes are there, and they serve a purpose. You thought they were just waiting for you to lose control and to
fall on the ground, so they can devour you like a little bunny rabbit. (audience laughter) But no, they serve a different
reason. 2002, the year of the snake!
Those who you will guide and teach will be deeply challenged by their snakes, by their old issues. Their old issues
are trying to be released, trying to be transformed. When you sit with those who come to you, you will know why their
snakes are there, because you have a new sensitivity and a new way of listening and understanding.
In 2002, an interesting energy dynamic will cause self-doubt. But at the same time, this energy has the potential to
create new self-empowerment. While you are on that swing, you may wonder why you are there, why you are going
back and forth. You will hear some faint voice from within, from the past, calling to you like a parent, calling from the
house, saying, "Get off that swing now. Come back home. Get off the swing. You are being frivolous. There is work
for you to do. You are spending too much time playing. You are out there in your own imagination, in your own
fantasy land." You will hear that voice, a distant voice, yelling to you to get off the swing and come back home.
Dear friends, you will be challenged with self-doubt during this year. You will wonder if you are doing the right thing.
You will wonder why you are spending so much time on this swing. You will wonder if you are just wasting time and
energy in your own fantasy land. And, you will wonder if you should go back to the old ways. 2002 is the final call of

the old energy that has been within you, represented by the voice and the energy of a parent, a scolding, frowning
parent, trying to get you back. The voice will be distant, but you will hear it. 2002 will be a year of self-doubt, when
you have to ask yourself why you are there, why you are on the swing, what you are trying to accomplish.
Now, we will tell you that when this occurs, if you go intellectual on yourself, you will get stuck. It will be difficult to
work your way out of self-doubt. It is at this point, when you have the intense self-doubts and these grand questions,
to be in a place of peace and acceptance of yourself. Within your being, ask what is happening. Ask why the doubt
comes in, and ask your Divine Will to provide the answer.
Divine Will is what transcends. It is above free will. There is an answer in Divine Will that was never obvious to you
before. When you get into a deep self-doubt situation this year, go to your Divine Will. Go to your inner divinity and
listen for the answers. Tune out those old voices of the parent calling you, telling you to come home, telling you to
get off your playset. 2002 – the year of self-doubt.
Dear friends, 2002 will also be a year of sensitivity. You will have deep sensitivity for what is going on within you
and the world around you. You will have compassion like you have never had before. It is an awareness that you
could not have previously imagined. This sensitivity comes in through all of these places that we had talked of in our
last gathering, through the seven senses. Your senses will be so awake and so alive at times that the energies
around you may literally hurt. You will be so sensitive to energies that sometimes you will have to take refuge.
Sometimes you will have to get away.
While you are on your swing this year, going back and forth, you will look out at the other houses, and the other
people, and the cars on the street, and at humans walking down the sidewalk. You will have sensitivities and
awarenesses that you have not previously had. You will find yourself energetically flying into a situation another
person is going through, drawn into that like a magnet, feeling their pains, feeling their challenges, feeling everything
about the situation.
Perhaps, it could be a joyful situation. You could find yourself immersed in their joy, feeling what it is like from their
standpoint to move to a new level. You could feel what it is like when they fall in love, when they have something
good happen at their job. In 2002, you will find yourself like a magnet being drawn into energy situations of others,
because you are becoming more sensitive. And, this is appropriate.
When you find yourself falling out of your own balance and not sure you can find your way back to your
centeredness, remember the numbers of this year, the balance of 2-0-0-2. You will be increasingly sensitive to all
things around you, to energies. Know this and you will be more prepared to handle what comes to you.
The year 2002 is about the final adjustments of the grids. It is about the Kryon finishing their work. The Kryon will
complete what they came here to do, in order to allow this ray of divine light, of your OWN light, to shine down upon
your blossoming Christ-self. The clouds are going away. The veil is being released.
As you go into this year, remember the four "S’s" that I, Tobias, spoke to you of: The many Swings that will happen
this year, your increased Sensitivities, your Self-Doubt/Self-Empowerment, and of the Snakes that may show up in
your path. Remember this, dear friends.
It will be – how to say – a wonderful year. It will be a year of celebration for the journey. With all that is going on in
the world, you will be so relieved that you have done this work prior to now. You will see others going through
challenges like you have in the past. Most of those challenges will be behind you. You will be able to be a much
more balanced divine human guide for the others.
We will give you a challenge today. Take what has been within you, what has been a hidden passion, what you
have kept down, what you have been so excited about, but yet so afraid to bring forth to the world. Dear friends,
bring it forth now in this year, in this energy. Bring forth that thought, idea, inspiration, invention, new technique,
energy essence that you have been holding the lid on. You know what we are speaking of. Bring it out this year. It is
needed on your planet. Now is the time when it will easiest to bring it forth. That is the challenge we give each one of
you. Put those fears aside. We know why you chose to continue staying here on this Earth. Put the fears aside and
bring forth this new energy that you have within you. The others need it.
There is an idea, there is a passion that lies within you, but you have been holding back. Do you know there are a
hundred and a thousand humans who are waiting for you to bring that forward, and many more after that? We can
see from our perspective how they are waiting anxiously for you to do this. You think no one cares or would
understand what this is that you have to offer? We see thousands and thousands who are waiting for it, who are
relying on you. Be bold this year! Bring it forth.
Now, we do love the energy of our family here. We love the energy swirls that are taking place here in this room
with you.
Now we would like to bring forth the one who is our invited and very honored guest on this day. He is the one who
has been prodding you here as I, Tobias, have been chatting away. He is the one who has been disrupting the
energies here to work with you on different levels. He is a grand one. If there was a conference table in the Order of
the Arc, this wonderful being would sit at the front, right-hand chair. He would sit next to the head chair. And, you
wonder who sits in the head chair?? It has been vacant for a while, but it is you! You have been busy doing other
things. You have not been able to preside at the spot that you indeed own.

This one that comes in today carries the name of Metatron. He comes in to visit on this day. His energy is so
powerful that even a whisper from him is so grand and large that it could – how to say – knock you over. So, we had
to do much prior to our gathering on this day to create a framework that would temper the energy. Metatron comes in
on this day to be here with you. It is Metatron who influenced this celebration that we have here today, and the
energies behind it.
Now, it is interesting to note that Metatron has not been one who could directly work with humans. The vibration of
his name gives that. Most of the archangels who work directly with the humans have an "i-e-l" (or a-e-l) ending to
their names, such as Uriel, Amael, Michael.
Up to now, dear friends, Metatron has not been able to directly interface with humans. Metatron has had to
dispatch other archangels or other entities from our side for the interface. If he had directly interfaced with you as a
human, it would have blown your circuitry. It would have burned you up. It would have been too much energy. But
with some advance work, he is now able to enter this space.
Metatron comes in today to fulfill a promise. He made this promise when he sat next to you at the table in the
Order of the Arc. Metatron comes in today to fulfill a promise that is even written of in your scriptures, but it is taken
out of context. Metatron said, "I will come to Earth to see you again when the energies and the times are
appropriate." And, he comes back now, without the other archangels having to interface for him. He comes back
directly to be with you.
There is a reason for this, and there is a reason for his visit. This will be a scientific year for Earth. It will be a year
of many technological developments. The reason is simple. You have made the change in your own consciousness,
and this allows science to move forward. Consciousness provides the energy for scientific changes. Indeed, science
and spirit work together, hand-in-hand.
Metatron helped to architect the technology and the physics and the math of your universe and planet. Metatron
came to Earth, never as a human, but he did come to Earth when the energies were being formed. He came to help
you and the others create the energetic templates for Earth. He helped place within Gaia certain crystalline energies
that would surface at the appropriate time.
Metatron returns now to be with you. With the changes that the Kryon has made in the grids, Metatron can now
come in and be of assistance to you in the work that you are doing.
Metatron has been depicted as the one who sits closest to Yahweh, the one who sits next to God, indeed, the one
that sits next to you. Metatron is one who holds the balance between human and divine, but could not do it directly
because of the immense responsibility and energy behind this. He had to use others.
Metatron has been called the "Angel of Death." This is somewhat of a wrong interpretation. He prefers to call
himself an "Angel of Transition and Change." He assists you, whether your transition is that of leaving the body
between lifetimes, or whether you are simply transitioning into the New Energy, into your ascension. That is what he
comes forth to do.
Metatron will be an important part of the work that you and the Crimson Council do this year. It is the year of the
final releasing of old energies and the bringing in the new. It is a wonderful year of balancing, shifting, and changing.
For those who are wondering, Metatron is not a single entity. It is a composition of energies. It is not a male or a
female. Metatron is a collection of energies from the Order of the Arc, representing all of the archangels AND you. If
you would put this together as a composite, this is Metatron.
You will see Metatron with your new eyes, or in your psychic eye. You will see Metatron at times, taking on a
human-like quality – radiant and glowing – but human-like. Understand this is your way of perceiving Metatron, but it
is not a single entity.
Many of you will see Metatron in your dreams or lucid states. It will be a very high energy – a shimmering vibration
– ranging from the copper tones into the golds, into the flaming whites.
You may see a bright light out of the corner of your eye at times, a flash of light. You are seeing a touch of
Metatron coming into your awareness field. When you see that bright flash of light, you are allowing this energy of
Metatron to come in. It will be an important energy to work with throughout this year.
Feel beloved Metatron now in all of your senses, in all of your being. It is a high energy, almost metallic. It is a very
technical and very sophisticated energy. It does not have some of the warmer tones or mellower tones that you
would find with Amael or Raphael. It is very intense and crisp. This helps to make the transition that you, that Earth
will be going through this year.
Now, we will take a pause for a moment here to readjust the energies to allow Metatron to come in even closer.
Take a deep breath, dear friends. Take a deep breath. Get comfortable in your seats, and we will go into Lesson Six
here in a moment.
Yes, and Metatron reminds us to tell you, "Do not worry so much when all those electronic devices break around
you this year." (audience laughter) Unfortunately, that is part of his and your energy. You will find devices will simply
break down. They are of the old, and they cannot hold the energies that you are now bringing in. When this happens
– after you get done cussing that device – breathe in and allow for a moment. You will have an understanding of how

to bring the new and appropriate equipment into your reality. This could be everything from your computers, to light
bulbs, to your electronic devices. The electronics will be the most affected, but there are mechanical devices, too.
This is the energy of Metatron, very technical and scientific, filled with physics of the New Energy. He also asks us
to tell you that he is simply delighted to be here today!
Now, we will continue speaking of the Language of Ah. It will be our third lesson on this subject. We have devoted
three lessons to this subject because it is SO important. It may take some time to understand and to get used to and
to begin working with. But, it is SO important that we have devoted not just one, and not two, but three entire lessons
to it.
(chuckling) When we left off last time, we were telling our rather succinct story of the seven farmers. (audience
laughter) We thought it was very to the point, but Cauldre… he is asking us not to go into such long-winded stories!
But, we may. (more laughter)
Today we will tell a SHORT story, because we have already talked a long time before we got into this lesson! We
will tell a short story of Shaumbra, of one whose energy is part of family. She is part of each of you. We will call her
Nancy was not able to be here last month in person, but she did bring in the information from your Internet and
listen to it. Nancy listened to Lesson Five, the Senses of Ah. And, she, like so many of you even now, fell asleep.
And, that is all right. She fell asleep during this lesson, but she indeed also heard this WONDERFUL story of the
seven farmers. She was one that actually wanted it to go on longer! (audience laughter). She was so disappointed
when we brought it to a close! (more laughter)
After listening to Lesson Five, Nancy found herself a bit tired, which is normal, dear friends, because so much
energy work is done during this time. Even those who aren’t here will find themselves tired, in a way, but in a good
way. They will find that there is much change going on within their being.
Nancy was suddenly aware that she was very hungry, very hungry indeed! All this talk of crops and food and
farms, all of this delectable and wonderful nutrition in Lesson Five. She was very hungry indeed. She was aware that
hunger was calling out through her being.
Nancy paused for a moment, wondering what to eat, imagining the wonderful cantaloupe and the wonderful
strawberries from the story of the farmers. She imagined an omelet filled with cheese. She imagined the sweet taste
of the vegetables that she would put in the omelet. She imagined what it would be like to eat this omelet.
She went to her refrigerator and to her cupboards, looking at what was in store. She had an energy of compassion
for her body when she did this. When she looked at certain foods, she felt their vibration. She had compassion for
her physical body, seeing if it resonated with the vibration of the foods that she was looking at, seeing if that was
what her body called for at the moment.
As Nancy was looking in her pantry and her refrigerator, she also thought about her family. She thought about what
foods they liked, wondering if there was enough for her meal and perhaps enough to feed them later. Nancy
considered if there was an appropriate balance of what her body was calling for, what would be needed by others
later, and what was available at that moment. She felt the energy of all of this.
Soon she determined she would cook. She pulled the spices and the raw goods from the shelves and from the
refrigerator, and cut them up into appropriate pieces. She focused on preparing the meal, on putting it together. She
focused on the amount of time certain things would need to cook. She focused on the levels of ingredients that
would be needed, how many cups of this, how many tablespoons of that, and how many pinches of this.
Soon she started to put all these ingredients together. The pan was hot. The oven was ready. The bowls were
ready to be filled. She began to take full expression by putting these together and actually making the meal. All of
this because of reading the story of the farmers and her hunger.
She sat down and fully enjoyed what she was eating, knowing that she had prepared it herself – an important point
here. She had prepared it herself. It had resonated with her body. She had put together the appropriate balances of
ingredients, even though the cookbooks might have said to use less of this spice and more of that seasoning. She
did it based on her own understandings and sensitivities.
When she ate the food, not only did it taste good and satisfy her hunger, but it also provided her physical, and
mental, and spiritual being with appropriately balanced energies. It brought the energies from the point of awareness
that she was hungry, to the point of taking these into her being.
That night, she slept wonderful. We did not even wake her up at 4:44 – she was sleeping so well! (audience
laughter) She slept well because the integration of the divinity into the DNA was going so smooth that it did not feel
disruptive or restless during the night. I think we make our point to you, so many of you, very clear here.
There was an appropriate balance of nutrients and energies that came into her being. She disregarded things like
counting calories when she prepared her meal. Oh, dear friends, it is so restrictive when you do that! Why do you
count calories? Count energy quotients that go into your being, not calories, not fat grams, not protein. These are
things of the old.
"What are energy quotients," you ask? Ask yourself! Ask your sensitivities! Ask your senses that we spoke of in
Lesson Five! Ask your body! It will give you the balance of energy. (chuckling) Perhaps it would have been

appropriate for Nancy to bake a large chocolate cake and devour that! If this is what her body balance was asking
for, this is how she should have responded. Now, in this case it was different for her. But, she slept so very well that
night, and the integration work, the blossoming, flowed so smoothly within her being.
Now, you ask, "Tobias, why do you tell us this story of cooking today? First you tell us a story of farming and now
of cooking. Where is this all going? How does this help us to understand the Language of Ah?" Dear friends, there is
another portion we want to talk about today, another portion that is on a different level, but it is now ready to come in,
much like the energy of Metatron is ready to come in now.
There are spiritual senses, senses that are used by you and used by us on different levels than your human
senses. These have always been available, but while on Earth you have not used these so much. They have
remained somewhat barricaded, somewhat clouded from you. They have been somewhat unavailable to you. Yes,
you use them when you come back to our side of the veil. When you leave physical form, you pick these up again.
There are inherent. They are part of who you are, but when you come to Earth, you tend to leave these behind. They
are not available, but they are coming in now. So much of the reason for Metatron coming today is to help carry
these in, to help bridge that gap.
There are five of these senses. The five divine senses are etheric, multi-dimensional, non-physical and non-
human. There are five. Imagine the shape of a star, of a five-pointed star.
At the top of the star is the first of these five senses. It is the SENSE of AWARENESS. Now these are etheric,
spiritual, divine senses, the first being awareness. You developed this sense immediately when you left Home, when
you left the Kingdom. Up until this time, you really did not have an awareness of who you were. You simply were.
But, when you left the Kingdom and went through the Wall of Fire, you immediately developed a sense of
awareness. This is the "I am" Sense. "I am part of God, but yet I am my own identity." It is the first of these five
Now, going counterclockwise on this star with five points is the divine SENSE of IMAGINATION. Imagination.
When you imagine something, it begins to bring it to life. It begins to shape it. We also call this the Sense of
Creation. Each one of you has something in your imagination that we spoke of before, that you are holding the lid on.
It is there. It will be coming through. This is what we challenged you with before. The divine sense of Imagination
takes the energy and places a type of energetic form to it. It starts to coalesce it. It starts to bring it in. This is the
sense of Imagination.
Moving again counterclockwise on this five-pointed star is the divine SENSE of COMPASSION. Compassion. We
also call this the Unity Sense. This is the divine sensitivity that gives you an understanding that you are I Am, but you
are also part of All That Is. This sense of compassion allows you to see God in another's eyes. It allows you to feel
and to understand another. This is what links you to every other human, to every other animal and to every molecule
on this planet. This is the sense that links you to All That Is.
Without this sense of compassion and unity, you would be very, very much alone and lonely. When we speak to
you in our gatherings, and we say, "Dear friends, you are never alone," we are triggering this sense of compassion
and of unity and of togetherness. We will not call it "oneness," but we will call it "togetherness." This is the sense that
allows you to understand what another person or entity is going through. Use it when you teach.
I, Tobias, love this sense so very much. It has touched me in my lifetimes as a human, and each time that I come
into this space with you. Each time I visit you individually, oh, my divine sense of compassion bursts forward! This is
the sense that brings tears to my eyes and unknown tears to your eyes. Compassion.
Now, let’s continue moving around this five-pointed star. Next is the SENSE of FOCUS. Focus. We also call it the
Sense of Power. It is the ability to take raw energy that comes from the imagination, blended with compassion for
others and for self, and focus that energy, to bring it to reality, to bring it to life.
This sense is so important, dear friends. So many of Shaumbra have allowed this divine sense of Focus to go
dormant while you have been on Earth. You forget to focus. You forget to bring it into your reality. So many of you
have totally ignored this divine sense. You don't want to necessarily focus on being human, for someone along the
way told you that it was a sin. You ignore the sense of focus, and it is so important for the balance.
Focus on your imaginations and on your compassion and on your humanness. The sense of Focus draws the
energies of the raw God-power and brings it into a focus. It begins to funnel the raw energies. This energy of focus
will – be – SO – important – this – year. We are going to underline that. THE ENERGY OF FOCUS WILL BE SO
You can no longer live out in the "ozone." It is a type of denial. You are not accepting your humanness, because
somebody told you it was a sin. It is so sad that humans have been taught this.
Original sin: We do not even understand the concept! There are those who die, who come back to our side,
wanting to know if they can be cleansed of the original sin. And, we have to shrug our shoulders, and say, "What
original sin??" But, they do not choose to believe that, and they go to the next on our side and the next and the next,
looking for someone who can help wash away or absolve this original sin, because they were taught on Earth. Oh,
there is so much work to do here, in this area of departing. You know who we are speaking to. You know we are
talking to some of you directly. It is time to get on with it. Great changes can be made if these things are resolved on
your planet, on your Earth, before they come back to our side.

"Focus" will be a key word this year. Live on Earth. Be a human. Focus your energies there. Focus in your projects,
in your work, in your families, and everything around you. There is nothing in your life that is not appropriate.
Remember this one point of focus, this sensitivity, this sense of divine Focus.
When you are on your swing and there is that large 12-foot cobra snake at your feet, and you ask him why he is
there, remember that we talked about Focus. He will have a few words to say to you about that! It is difficult to be on
that swing, going back and forth to new heights, if you are not focused on what you are doing.
Those of you – Cauldre stops us here – he does not like what we were about to say. But, we have an agreement
with him – we will say it anyway! (audience laughter)
Those of you who meditate, dear friends, don't do it anymore! You were un-focusing. You were unraveling during
your meditations. We speak to nearly every one of you. Meditation WAS a wonderful thing. It got you to this point.
But there is a great, great misunderstanding of meditations.
You were taught how to leave your focus through meditation. We are asking you to do the opposite. You were
taught to leave your humanness. Indeed, some of you were taught to focus on a candle or focus on a thought. But, in
a sense, you were letting go of any other balances that were in your being. Yes, meditation did help you to get to
parts of your consciousness. But now, dear friends, your meditation should be a focus on Earth as a human.
Meditation should be about all that you are, not trying to forget who you were.
We know… some may not like these words. Some have not liked other words we have spoken! But, dear friends,
we come to you in truth and in love and to help all move forward, to help you and to help all move forward.
The final point of this star – this final divine sense, dear friends – is EXPRESSION. It is Expression. You hold
energy that is within you, that you have focused on, that you have imagined and brought in. It is now time to express
it on your Earth plane in your humanness.
In our short story of Nancy and her cooking, she imagined the meal. Then she went to the refrigerator and pantry,
and used her compassion to understand what would be the best balance for her, as well as the others. She used her
focus to begin preparing the foods in the appropriate manner. Ultimately she used her Expression when she began
putting them into the pans and stirring them into the bowls. She took her human energy and made it happen.
"Expression" is taking the other divine senses and now bringing them forth. There are many of you here who get
stuck at this point. There are many of you that want your guides or Spirit to do the Expression. You are willing to
imagine what it is you would like to create. You are willing to have compassion for others. You are willing to even
focus on your humanness and on the needs and desires and wants that you have. But, when it comes to lifting a
hand and doing it, fear comes in. Self-doubt comes in, and the snake shows up, and says, "Don’t lift that hand."
That’s when we hear so many of you say, "Dear Tobias, dear Spirit, dear anybody-who-will-listen-these-days, will you
do it for me?" (audience laughter)
Expression is the bursting forth of energy that is welling up within you, that is desiring to come forth. But YOUR
hand must be lifted in order to express. There will be those who come knocking at your door, and you must open it
with YOUR hand. You must allow this new divine energy to burst – and to birth – forward, to come into your reality. It
is Expression. Bring it forth. Be bold here!
Now, these are the five divine senses. They correspond, and they work with your seven human senses that we
spoke of in our last gathering. They work together. The seven human senses are in your tangible reality. They are in
your fixed reality as a human. They are associated with body parts like the ears and the eyes and the nose and the
mouth and the skin, the intellect, and your emotions.
These five senses that we talk of today… they are divine senses. They are not necessarily new, but the application
for them in your human reality is new. You are now able to meld the human and the divine senses together. Is it not
interesting, dear friends, that there has always been discussion of the seven plus five chakras? And, in a sense,
there are seven human senses and five divine senses.
Now, we will give you a bit of technical information that comes through Metatron, for he asks us to clarify here. It is
not a straight line that connects one point of the star to the next. It is a curved – inwardly curved line or arc – that
connects one point of this star to the other. It is a curved line. It is an arc that connects one to the other. Then
energetically – how to say – there is a circle at the center of this. We will ask Cauldre to draw this on his computer
thing that he does, so you can see. But, there is a circle inside the shape of this star. There is a circle that then
connects each one of the inward arcs. (Note: See the drawing created by Debi Smith at the end of this text.)
This will help you to understand. It is not sacred geometry, no. But, it will help you to understand the energetics,
the patterns of this. These are your divine senses that now can be brought in and used at the human, at the Earthly
One other thing we ask you to do now. Imagine yourself, your body, yourself. You generally have a head, two arms,
two legs. The five divine senses correspond to these parts of your human being.
The sense of Awareness is represented by your head, dear friends.
The sense of Imagination is associated with your left hand.
Compassion is associated with your left foot… ergo, the human saying, "if you could only walk in my shoes."
There is an energy associated with the right foot with the sense of Focus, "dig your heels in." Do you not tap your
right foot, dear friends, when you are trying to stay focused on something, when you are nervous, and you might go

out of your body? And, then you bring yourself back in with the tapping of the right foot, because it is associated with
or somewhat connected to this divine energy of focus. Do not misunderstand – that energy is not located in your
foot, but it is associated externally with that foot.
Then the right hand, the hand of expression – what do you do when you shake someone's hand? You express
something to them. It could be many things, but it is brought out. It is the powerful healing hand; although, yes, as
many of you know, there is a balance between the two. But, the Expression is generally associated with the right
hand. It is the one that creates expression and movement.
Now, we know we have covered much ground here today. It will take some time to assimilate. But, understand that
the divine senses we use on this side, – that you use when you are here with us – are now available to you, each
day a bit more available. They are now available to you with all the changes that have been made in your
consciousness, and also the corresponding changes of the grids that are being done and will be completed this year
by the Kryon.
It is not just the seven human senses where the Language of Ah will come in. It will come in through your
awareness for who you are now, a new awareness for the angel that you are. It will come in through your
imagination. Your imagination will be ripe, and it will be bursting in these days to come. It will come in more than ever
with your compassion for others and for yourself. Do not reserve compassion just for others. Bring compassion into
your body and for yourself.
The Language of Ah will come in through the ability to focus, the ability to funnel energies in. This is what Nancy
was doing with her cooking. She was taking raw energies – the ones that the farmers worked on – and bringing
these in, focusing them. That is what your divine sense of Focus does. Your universe is filled with energy, raw,
undefined energy. Focus makes it possible to bring it in and apply it on your level. This will be an important one for
you to work with this year, not what we would call the most fun one, but so very important.
And, finally Expression. If Nancy had just imagined her cooking and had compassion about it and had focused on
what she was truly hungry for, she would have starved if she hadn't expressed it, if she hadn't gone into her kitchen
and begun the work.
Now, the Language of Ah comes in and is available to you in these five divine senses. These senses that have
always been there. This is how we operate on this side. We do not have things like smell and taste. Now, we can
smell and taste things through you when we activate our sense of compassion. That is how we relate. That is how
we understand what you are doing. We use this compassion so much in our dealings with humans.
This compassion is what Metatron was not so used to using in dealing with humans. Because of his strong energy,
this is what we had to harness, in a way, to temper, and to filter to make it possible for him to be here today without
throwing you for a loop.
These senses of the divine now come in, and they work with the seven human senses that we talked of last time.
They are available to you in the Language of Ah to use. It will take some practice and some work. Work with each
other and practice on each other, dear friends. It will take some time, but you will find this is such a new and
wonderful way to create, to express, to focus, to even be aware of who you truly are.
When combined with the seven human senses, you will find it so possible to do things that you would have called
magic or a mystery or a miracle only a few years ago. But, the interesting thing is when these things happen, they
will not appear so miraculous. You will have the understandings of the physics and the science behind them. And,
you will say to others when they are standing in awe and marvel of what you have done… you will say to them the
words that the Master of Love said to you and to the others, "And this, you can do also." It is not a miracle. It is not a
gift from God in the sense that God gives this gift everyday. It is not a special gift. It is one that God, that I Am
created… what you call this miracle.
Dear friends, as you work with the energy of the Language of Ah, this will enable you and your empowerment to
create things in a way you never would have thought possible. And, you know what? We know you already know
this. You won't rush out and try to create all sorts of money, all sorts of material things, because that is not what is in
your heart. That is not what is in your heart. You will create things that will ultimately bring others into their divinity.
And, when you do, dear friends, when you use this language of your own divine being, the abundance will be there
automatically. Not because God said you were worthy on this specific day, but because you have created an energy
balance that places it there. It may come from strange or unusual places that you have not been so used to, but it
will be there.
We have enjoyed going through this series, this Language of Ah with you. We will continue to speak of it, but we
will move on now with our lessons after this. But, we will encourage you to continue using it. We will communicate
with you now in this Language of Ah. Metatron will use it to communicate much of the technical and the physics that
he brings in now. We will communicate in this language. We will open our meetings with a moment of divine
communication before words are said. We speak to you one-on-one in this new language, the Language of Ah.
Meld the seven human senses with the five divine senses to truly bring this in, in the most powerful and impactful
way. These are tools, dear friends, that each of you will need this year, the year of swings.

We love you dearly. We love sharing this time. Metatron has not been able to get this close to humans for so very,
very long. It is a delight for him to be here on this day. He departs with a burst of compassion for you. You are never
And so it is.


January 5, 2002

And so it is, dear friends, that we continue with the energy of this day. We continue with the celebration of this time
that allows the energies of Metatron to come to Earth, finally. It was foretold. It was prophesized that he would be
here, that he would come, and place his energy in Earth once again at the appropriate time. It was envisioned that
the time of his return would be at the time you had raised your consciousness. You are coming to the completion of a
long journey, and it is appropriate for Metatron to be here now.
It will be a very fast-paced year, based on the changes that are taking place. It will be a scientific year, not just from
a world standpoint, but also from your individual standpoint. It will be a technical year in many respects. Understand
that technology and science are all a response to consciousness. When you find yourself with new technical or
scientific capabilities in your life, this is an acknowledgment that you have shifted, and you have changed. The
appropriate physics of Spirit and of the universe can be now translated onto Earth in human form, in your daily life.
There is a tendency at times for those who are Shaumbra, those who do this work of divinity, to shun technology.
Many feel that it is an encroachment on the energies of Spirit. Some think they are so pure that they cannot be
infringed on by technology.
You will find in this year of 2-0-0-2 (two-zero-zero-two) that the balance is consciousness and spiritual awareness.
But it births the application of science and technology. Science is changing. There is much work taking place with
what you call "stem cell" research and cloning. This is a way of trying to increase the longevity of life, of healing the
body. This is appropriate, for it changes the human molecules and DNA to enable you to live not just one lifetime in
the body, but multiple lifetimes in the body.
Science and technology is catching up. Metatron is the one who comes in to directly influence this now in your life.
He is the one. He is the consciousness that takes raw energy, universal energy, and works with you to interpolate the
physics and the energies, even the math and the wavelengths behind it, and to help bring it in to the human level at
the appropriate energy balance.
It is a grand celebration that Metatron can come to Earth now. It has never before been possible, other than in the
early days before Earth was truly matter. But, now that it has developed and mature and ready to go to the next level
because of the work you've done, this energy comes in. That is why we are celebrating today; celebrating your work,
celebrating a grand shift that takes place.
We will speak more, and we will invite Metatron back during our times together this coming calendar year. We will
go into some of the physics of divine energy. We will get technical with you of how this works and how you can apply
it, how you can create what yesterday you thought was a miracle, but today you will accept as natural and as real.
With that, we would be delighted to attempt to answer your wise questions.

QUESTION: Dear Tobias, what can you tell me about sacred geometry and how the geometrical forms that I have
been creating are related to Lightwork, healing tools, etc?
TOBIAS: This is such an appropriate question, for you can say that the energy of Metatron is the guardian and the
guide of sacred geometry. There are several points to make here. Some of your current understandings of sacred
geometry that is written in the books and that is available on your Internet are so far off! (some laughter) We do not
quite understand where these come from. There are depictions of the Metatron energy on your printed pages that do
no justice at all, do not look like Metatron. There is a reason for this. The sacred geometries that have been created
were created with an Old Energy understanding. Things have changed quite a bit now.
We will speak more of sacred geometry in the future, specifically in our next lesson next month. But, for now,
understand that you will come to a new understanding of sacred geometry if you pull in the basic star. Pull in the
basic star, shaped with the curved lines between the points and the circle in the center that connects all the inner
arcs. (See the illustration in Ascension Series Lesson Six.) Begin using that as the basis for your particular work in
sacred geometry. And, then combine that with the seven sensory points of your human level. You will understand
once you start to draw this out. You will come to a new understanding of sacred geometries.
As you already know, sacred geometry is about taking raw energy, beginning to define it, which would be the
imagination, and then to bend it, or re-dirert the focus of it in different ways. We use… we do not call it sacred
geometry here. It is more of a form of "celibus," which is more of a universal energy. Now, your challenge is to take
the bends and the arcs and formations of raw energy depicted through lines, which become complex mathematical
formations, and then to understand how to use this on Earth. Use it to add to the leg of the star that represents

focus. As we said, this is also called the "power point" or the "power aspect." Understand how to use this sacred
geometry to again increase the power levels of this.
Now, we chuckle here, because there is much technical energy coming through here as we speak. And, we are
challenging Cauldre, even while we are talking to you, to get better this year at translating and channeling technical
information because we will continue to talk about this.
There are waveforms of energy that are coming in. It will be important for all of you to be able to understand these.
Take away that mental block you have in your "brain thing" that keeps you from understanding technical things. So
many of you have been working in what you would call, the right brain mode. And, now maintain, bring in that
balance of the two on one side and the two on the other in this year. We thank you for your question. We will
continue to speak of sacred geometry, but use this representation of the star we talked about (in Lesson Six) as the
basis for your new work in sacred geometry.

QUESTION: Tobias, I was told by Archangel Michael that I am a carrier of the Metatron energy. Please tell me
more of my role here with energy. Thank you.
TOBIAS: In a sense, you are all carriers of the Metatron energy. There are some like you that have a closer
connection, a deeper compassion for it. You have been working with Metatron on the etheric levels, in particular, in
your dreams states. You teach classes here on our side about Earth Energy so we can understand. You are
technically oriented, but you have that barrier that we talked about. It is time to lift that. Forget the fact that you don't
have a degree in this area. It has nothing to do with it. You work closely with these highly complex, universal
mathematics and physics. The challenge for you is to bring this into your Earth level. Your self-doubt will try to stop
you this year, but bring it in at this level and begin applying it. Meld the human senses with these divine senses, all in
the Language of Ah, and you will see how easy it is to understand concepts you have struggled with before.
Indeed, you are one that is very close to the Metatron energy, and you will find this will be an exceptional year for
you. You will burst forward with new understandings. It is important to also bring these understandings down to a
level so those who you talk with don't get lost. You will see in their eyes if they begin to leave … because they do not
understand you. Do not talk so lofty and etheric. Use the Language of Ah at all levels, but particularly at the
compassion point. Understand where they are, so you can better understand how to speak to them. We thank you
for this delightful question.

QUESTION: Tobias, you’ve not spoken recently of world events, such as the expansion of the U.S. hunt for
terrorists beyond Afghanistan. Am I to pursue my spiritual growth and just ignore those events?
TOBIAS: Indeed!! (audience laughter and applause) Your spiritual growth shapes and changes those events. Your
mind and your duality only make them worse. As you pursue this new awakening within you, it has so much power
that, yes, even a single person’s enlightenment can stop a war. Imagine what you can do as a group! Imagine what
you can do when you put your consciousness together!
Dear friends, after your September 11th the world did not fall apart, because you had changed your
consciousness. There was a group that got out of duality, a group that stood behind the short wall. Difficult as it was
during those times, you stood behind the short wall. You brought in Divine Will, rather than "polarity will." You helped
to influence. You helped to make this a much more peaceful and smooth transition. Indeed, there were events that
were difficult to understand or embrace at the time. But look, in these few short months, what change has occurred
in the world. It was not the end of the world in terms you would have thought. It was not major war and conflict.
We are not so much into predictions of world events, but from what we can see from our vantage point… we see
there will be much worldwide good that comes here in the next several months. These are understandings related
directly to these events of your 9-1-1. There will be much good. But, as we said, this will be a year of swings. In one
moment you will see peace in your Mideast. And, the next moment you will see terrible bombings. There is the
potential for your Mideast to end up in a major, major clash this year. It is an attempt to find resolutions to old
energies. It is up to those involved, and also all of you, whether that is done in anger and war, or whether it is done in
release and compassion.
The events of the world, by the way, change as fast as your consciousness changes. That is why it is difficult for
us, for Metatron, for any psychic, any channelinger on Earth to predict what is going to happen. We know, looking at
the predictions, there are far fewer that are met than not. In other words, we hear all of these predictions being made
by ones who claim certain understandings in these areas. Their percentages are so very low on realization and
actually happening. Dear friends, you would have more luck working with a bad slot machine! (audience laughter)
Once in a while somebody hits on it, but from an odds standpoint, it is very, very seldom. And, then all the attention is
focused on that one prediction out of 100 that they got right. And, they publicize it and claim to know all. Dear friends,
even we do not play that game of making many predictions. Things change as fast as your consciousness changes.
Thank you for this wonderful question.

QUESTION: Tobias, can you see the war on terrorism manifesting in bombing in other countries?

TOBIAS: In this year of 2-0-0-2 (two-zero-zero-two) there will be great swings. In those great swings indeed there
could be many outbreaks. There could be much anger. Anger, in a sense, is a way of releasing Old Energy. So, there
could be these things. When they happen, Shaumbra, stand behind the short wall. Stand behind the short wall, even
in situations with the Jews and the Palestinians. There is not one that is right and one that is wrong. There is not one
side that is God's chosen side. It does not work that way. Stand behind the short wall, and you will see energies
there, particularly when you use the Language of Ah, that you have never seen before.
Even with your terrorist situation, when there is a tendency for many who reside in your United States to be
somewhat righteous, understand even then there was not a right or wrong. There was just Old that needs releasing.
There is a snake in the road. You will see much of that this year.
The only prediction we will make is that it will be a year of great swings. Watch your stock market. It you play your
stock market, be ready for a real ride. It will go up and down. And, that is all appropriate.
We will make one – how to say – small observation. We won’t call it a prediction. Towards the end of your year, in
the waning months of this year, you will see conflicts heighten. This is because the adjustments to the gridwork will
be near completion, and there will be energies and forces and people that do not so much like this. There will be
what some call a – how to say, funny words – a re-appearance of Satan. And, it will come in different forms, but
some will say Satan has come back. And, in a sense they will be right. It is not the one you think of with horns and a
pitchfork, but the energies of Old, the energies of dark. They do not so much like the changes, but in a sense, they
are helping to fuel the changes. They will pop up in the waning months of this year for one last stand. Thank you for
this question.

QUESTION: Tobias, thank for being here. What part do you and others on that side of the veil play in our
TOBIAS: That is a very good question and again, we will get… (distracted) Metatron says we will get more into
that in these next few lessons where we define some of the physics. But, how do we help you with expression? You
are going through the process of integrating your divine sensitivities with your human senses. In other words, you
bring these to Earth. When you are ready for expression… when you have imagined… and you have added
compassion, (which, by the way, adds a fuel of its own to your creations)… and you have focused on the reality that
you are in… then, you are ready for expression.
We cannot do it for you, but there are energies that can be brought in to assist. We cannot lift your hand for you.
You have to do that. But, when you do lift that hand, and you do begin the work, you will feel an energy of not only
support and love, but we can help you to create new energy for yourself that was not available before. In a sense,
we can help you take a limited and defined amount of energy, and expand it. We can help you create more than was
there in the first place. It is a type of energy birthing that we help you with, but you ultimately bring it into expression.
There is much that we can do to assist. As we have said, we cannot do it for you, but once you begin moving this
energy, then we can come in and play a very important part. Excellent and wonderfully technical question.

QUESTION: When I am awakened at 4:44 A.M., I feel a pulsing vibration throughout my cellular body. Can you
comment on this please?
TOBIAS: It is two things. It is that your DNA, and even at levels below your DNA, has been worked on, so you are
very, very sensitive at that point. Your whole body is at a heightened sensitivity level. It is a good thing that you wake
up at 4:44 when the energies around you will not affect you nearly as deeply as other times. What you are sensing
again is something that we and Metatron will speak of in the next few lessons that we deliver here. There is a – how
to say, human words are sometimes limiting – but there is a universal pulse. It is a cycle, in a sense, of energies, but
somewhat different than what you may be used to. There is a high end of this cycle or frequency, and there is a low
end. You are feeling this pulse, this universal pulse. It is a type of spiritual energy, but one that can be brought to
Earth. It has a high point and a low point to it.
Now, we will speak much of this in the future of how these highs and lows work in tandem with each other, and
how you can take advantage of the high point and for your expression, but how in a low point not get yourself
bogged down, but to understand it is like a propellant. That "low" will help soar you to new heights. So, when you are
in the low portion of this energy cycle, of this wavelength, so to speak, use that to propel you. But, in short answer to
your question, you are simply feeling this universal energy come through you. Thank you for this.

QUESTION: Last question. Dear Tobias, thank you for a beautiful channel. Is there any reason behind the specific
locations of each of the divine senses on the star that you described? And, is there any reason behind why you
introduced them in a counterclockwise direction? Thank you.
TOBIAS: There is a reason for the particular placement on this star, because it corresponds to an energy center
that is located near that portion of your physical body, for instance, compassion being your foot. Again, if you want to
activate the Language of Ah through that divine sense of compassion, it is to imagine your foot. It is to focus an
energy there. This will help to activate that compassion point. Again, it is not IN your foot, but it is associated with
that area.

The divine senses we brought in today do not need to go in a particular order or sequence. They can go in any
order. That is why there is a circle at the inside of this star shape, because it allows the instant connection from one
aspect to the other. Now, we're getting too much detail here. But, in the arc that goes from imagination to
compassion, that connects those two points, there is yet another energy that is embedded in there. It is the meld, or
the summation, of imagination and compassion put together. It creates yet a new energy that we will speak of here
more in the future. There are power points within each of those arcs.
Yet, you do not need to go around the star in a particular order. We went that way today for simplicity and
understanding. But, there is yet another arc that goes from the point of imagination on the star, what we would call
the left hand, that goes over and connects with focus. And, within that arc is a particular energy attribute that can be
But, we are getting quite ahead of ourselves here. These are – how to say – we are revealing so much to you
about the lessons that we will be going into in this next phase. We will get into some very specific ways of accessing
and melding and unifying the various energies, but don't get too far ahead of us. We will need something to talk to
you about! (audience laughter) This is all information, dear friends, that you already know. We are just bringing it out.
We see you racing far ahead, and this is wonderful. This is wonderful.
There is no particular order that you have to go in. You will find that you can take awareness and meld it with
compassion and come up with a delicious new recipe. We used the example today of Nancy cooking this food
because we will be talking about new recipes of energy. We will be talking about ways of combining all the
ingredients that are here in these power points and melding new types of balances to create new types of things.
So, we end this discussion by asking you to do one simple thing for us. Do not get too far ahead. Spend the next
month of your time, activating those divine senses on your human level. You have not been able to do that before.
That again is why Metatron is here.
Work on and acknowledge the divine sense of awareness, but now an awareness of "I am… I am human… I am
Spirit… I am one… I am all."
Activate the sense of expression, and bring it into your every day life. Don't allow that barrier to be there. That
stops the energy from being fulfilled in your daily life.
Spend the next 30 days now, acknowledging and allowing these divine senses to come into your human reality.
Meld them with the seven human senses. And, then you will have a complete understanding of the Language of Ah.
You will have a complete understanding of a new type of sacred physics, geometry, and math. Don't get too far
ahead here, because we want to make sure each one of these centers is appropriately opened and grounded in your
everyday life.
This is a year of celebration, a year of love and honor for all you have done, and a year of many swings that we
have talked of before, of many changes. We will continue on this path with you, exploring, trying out these new
things, opening up parts of you that have been dormant or unavailable for so long.
And, we ask one other favor here. Metatron asks us to bring this forth. From time to time, dear friends, applaud the
work that is being done by the entourage of Kryon in making these consciousness changes, in making the grid
changes. They have been working long and hard and very, very fast in response to your consciousness. But, thank
them for this work that they have brought forth. Applaud them for this work, because when you do, in a sense, you
are also applauding yourself for the very work and the very changes you have made.
We love you dearly, and we will be getting very technical here with you in these 30 days or so between our
meetings. We will be visiting you with a different type of energy, and not always at night any more. You will find now
there will be – how to say – somewhat of a wonderful infiltration of these energies into your daily life when we come
in to visit with you. So, when you see that bright gleam, that bright flash of light that comes in off of the corner of your
eye – it is like a sparkle that is brilliant, and it appears out of nowhere – remember that Metatron and all of the others
are there, and that you are never alone.
And so it is.



February 2, 2002

And so it is, dear friends, that we gather again in our circle with family, with Shaumbra. This energy is so sweet
indeed, so very, very sweet! On this day in particular, your hearts are open more than ever. We can feel your
acceptance. We can feel the hope that you have in your being. We can feel the strength of each of you here and
each of you connecting with this material. You are developing strength within your being, transitioning from what you
have perceived to be a mere human. Now you are developing into a divine human, walking in more awareness than

ever. You are a divine human filled with love, filled with compassion, a divine human that is now able to accept this
energy into their being and to hold it. That has been the challenge for you, dear friends, these past several years.
The new energy is coming in, and certainly you have been allowing it. But, now it is about whether you can hold it
in your being without it just flowing out unused or without it disrupting your system, becoming unbalanced, becoming
such that you are not grounded as a human. But, you are learning, we see, how to hold your energy! It is so
I, Tobias would like to stand up right now in honor of all of you, (audience laughter) but I have been asked not to do
that. But, in a sense, I am standing. View me as such, standing here today specially dressed for this occasion. And,
the others that come in, too… they are specially dressed. Many of you can see this, and you will perceive it as we
speak here. We are dressed in our finest energetic robes, energetic garb.
We are shimmering on this day in the reds. It is appropriate not only for this time of the year in your calendar
(Valentine’s Day). It is not only appropriate because this is the Crimson Council. It is appropriate because the reds
are about love. The reds are about compassion and feeling. The reds are about the relationship of a teacher to a
student. That is why the color that fills this room on this day is red, is crimson, and is shimmering.
We come in honor of a teacher that sits here. The teacher is not us. The teacher is you! We are truly the students.
We are learning from each of you, as strange as that may seem. We are taking what we are learning from you, and
spreading this throughout all of the corridors and all of the dimensions of the omniverse. You are the teachers, we
the students, coming to learn from the wise ones who still do not fully understand who they are. But, you are
beginning to get glimpses. You are beginning to accept and acknowledge who you are. You are beginning to take
part of that power and that strength and hold it within the reservoir of your human consciousness.
It is a delight to be here on this day. Feel the energy, friends. Breathe this in. Breathe it in now into your being. Feel
the energy of who you are. Breathe in the love of the ones who begin filling up this room. They come in from the
other side of the veil to be here on this day. This is a day when indeed I did tell Cauldre (Geoffrey Hoppe) that we
would have an interesting lesson for you, an interesting one indeed.
We think this lesson will be one of the more challenging for you. It will be one that causes quite a bit of discussion,
quite a bit of confusion. And, based on how well I already know Shaumbra, so many of you will cuss Tobias for
weeks to come! (audience laughter)
But, dear friends, as you accept all of who you are, and as you accept the fact that you are God – that you are
Spirit – as you accept this into your being, you become so much stronger. You become so much more aware. This
opens new dimensions and whole new areas of consciousness for you.
Now, in the past few weeks of time we know many of you have been going through the swings that we talked of.
You have been going through the swings. Your sensitivities have been high. You have been very sensitive to the
people around you, to the energies around you. You have been sensitive even to the cycles of your own energy,
more so than before.
Perhaps you thought that as you walked into this New Energy – into your ascension status – these sensitivities
would be less. You thought you would feel others less, be less affected by them. You thought you would be less
affected by your own cycles, by your own ups and downs. You are now learning that you are more aware of them.
You are more sensitive.
So many issues have come into your life recently. There is a reason for this, a reason for the issues – sometimes
old and other times new – popping into your life. We will talk more about that with this new lesson.
But, before we get into the lesson, let us now bring in… Cauldre is seeing the picture, as many of you might able
to. Let us bring in all of those who are waiting to be here with you on this day. Once again, as with last month and
with others to come in the future, the energy of the one we call Metatron is here with us. But, it is different than last
time. For some of you last time, the energy was quite harsh. It was quite warm, perhaps too warm on your physical
being, perhaps somewhat unsettling and unbalancing when the energy of Metatron came in during the last lesson.
But now you are more adjusted to that energy. You have been working with Metatron now for weeks of time. You
can accept more of this intense energy. So, today it is more familiar, as Metatron makes his way into this space that
we share together.
In our last gathering we had to filter the energy of Metatron, for it would have been too overwhelming. It could have
blown out some of your circuits. But, today there is not a need for so much of that filtering. Metatron comes in, of
course, gently, with much care and compassion. There are not so many shields.
When Metatron came into this circle a month ago, he was not accompanied by others. But, today there is an
entourage that joins him, that comes in with him. They, too, are dressed in robes of crimson reds, and gold. These
are tall ones, and they stand at the perimeter of our energetic circle. They line this room and this space. They line the
They work closely with the energy of Metatron. They are much like guards of the energy. They are ones who help
balance. These are ones who work directly with your runners, helping to fulfill and complete grand cycles of
energies. They are tall beings who stand here. They accompany Metatron as he journeys closer and closer to the
energy of Earth. They help provide a balance.

When you work with the energy of Metatron, as so many of you will be doing, you will feel this entourage. This is
an important part of the Metatron energy. There are angel-entities who will work more directly with you than what
Metatron can do directly. It is still difficult, even though you are in a much higher energy now, to work directly with
Now, we ask you to feel this within your being, to breathe it in, to allow it in. As you open, as you join into this
energetic circle, it builds the energy in such a strong and wonderful way. It allows us to truly see and feel what you
are going through so we can then put back the appropriate energies you.
Dear friends, there are those who have asked about the energy behind the numbers of this day, behind your day
02-02-2002 (said very deliberately as "oh, two… oh, two… two, oh… oh, two). From our perspective, these numbers
by themselves do not carry much energy. But, what happens in your human consciousness, as you become aware
of the sequence of the numbers… you become aware that it is "0’s" (oh’s) and "2's."
As you look at this date and sequence of numbers, it does something. It affects mass consciousness, which
ultimately has an effect on Earth, on all humans, on each one of you. When you look at these numbers, you are
seeing, once again, the numbers and the symbols of polarity. The "2" represents polarity and duality. This energy is
so ingrained that it is difficult to imagine anything else. But, then you see this with the "oh" next to it, a "nothing." And,
you know something is going on. You know you are becoming more aware of the energy of duality.
Dear friends, dear Shaumbra, go out and talk to an "ordinary" human on the streets, one who has not been on the
journey that you have been on, one who is still in their karmic cycle, one who is still living deeply in duality. Talk to
them about duality and polarity. They will not understand you. They will think you are a bit "touched." They will
remember, too, this movie that you talk of. (This is referring to the movie "A Beautiful Mind" that was mentioned by
Cauldre prior to the channel.) They will think you are talking to strange voices. (audience laughter)
Shaumbra, you are becoming aware now that there is this thing called "duality." When you look at the numbers of
this day, you see it directly in front of you. You see duality, and you know at your inner levels that you and that Earth
and eventually the omniverse are moving away from duality. We will talk today of how you begin doing this, of how
you begin transitioning out of duality into other realms, and how to release yourself from duality.
What have you seen, in particular, these past two, three, and four weeks of your time? You have seen issues
directly in front of you, relating to duality. You have seen it come stronger than ever before into your life. You are
upset at times. You think it should be getting easier, and you wonder why you are faced with more issues than ever
There is an energy that is being released within you. It comes forward in your life, seeking release. There is a way
to do this. There is a way to release the energy of duality that has been with you since the time you left the Kingdom.
It will be challenging to release this. It will feel odd. It will be difficult at times.
There will be times when you will want to hold onto duality and polarity, because it is an energy that you
understand at the deepest levels within your being. There will be times when you feel, yes, indeed so very alone.
But, it will not take so much before you move beyond that, before you release that and come to new and greater
understandings. It will take some work. It will take some time. But, dear friends, we are now seeing now you can hold
the energy of divinity within your being, and not just for fleeting moments. You are truly beginning to hold it in your
body, in your spirit, in your mind, and in all of your senses.
It is a wonderful thing to see! And, that's why on this day in particular we have dressed in our finest energies to be
here, an acknowledgement to you that you ARE making progress, that you ARE able to hold this divinity in. That was
one of the big questions that you and that we had, particularly going into this lifetime of yours. You felt relatively
certain that you would be able to overcome the karmic challenges, the final clearings that you set up for yourself. So
many of you took on several lifetimes worth of karma in one life. But, you felt confident that you would overcome this
in a single lifetime, or half of a single lifetime. But, none of us was so sure how well you would be able to hold the
energy of divinity within you as you transitioned into the New Energy.
We come here on this day that symbolizes duality, a day of 02-02-2002 (again, said very deliberately as "oh, two…
oh, two… two, oh… oh, two") to tell you that you are beginning to hold this energy within. This is the energy of your
divinity. We can see that you are breathing, and by breathing you are igniting this fire of divinity within. But, this fire is
not blown out so easily anymore. It continues to glow.
There are many entities in this room now. It is quite full. They are here, if you can see, with smiles beaming on their
angelic faces. In a way, dear friends, there is not much more we need to say on this day, but, as you know, we will!
(audience laughter)
Now, we will do a quick review. Some of you may be touched by these angels of Metatron that come here today.
You may be touched during the day. With your permission, they will be moving all around you. They will not be doing
healing or adjusting. They simply want to stand beside you to familiarize you with their energies. They are here to
develop an energetic bond with you. When you leave this space, that energy comes with you, so that you are familiar
with it. So, do not be startled when you feel a "touch" on this day.
Dear friends, we are at the midway point of this Ascension series. We are at the midway point of this series that
has you walking through the doorway of ascension. In our first lesson we spoke of the fact that – guess what – you

have already ascended! And – guess what – it was nothing like what you thought it would be! You had thoughts…
you had illusions… you had perceptions about what ascension would be.
For so many of you who come from the more traditional Christian backgrounds… you thought you would float. You
thought you would be pure angelic energy. You thought that in ascension, you could get rid of that – how would you
say – damn physical body (audience laughter), and that you would have no more aches and pains. You thought in
ascension that all things would work perfect for you all of the time. That wouldn’t be much fun now, would it? (more
laughter and Tobias chuckling)
But, dear friends, your perception of ascension was based on an Old Energy concept of duality. You perceived this
from the mind of yesterday, without having the full consciousness of what it truly can be. If you had ascended based
on your Old Energy consciousness, it would not ultimately have been as fulfilling and as complete as what you can
experience now. We will speak of that in this lesson.
In Lesson One of this series we said, " It is not about you anymore." You are off the karmic cycle. You no longer
have to go through karma. It is not about you anymore. When you are in the middle of some conflict with other
humans, understand that it is not about you any more. They are still going through their processes. They are still
going through their karma. They will engage anybody who happens to be close by and attempt to pull them into the
drama. You do not need to go there with them. It is not about you.
When somebody criticizes you, or is angry with you, do not let that energy stick on you. It is about them. It is, dear
friends, about your compassion for them and for yourself, compassion to understand they are still walking through
their processes. Have compassion to accept them, and not to try to change them. They are choosing their own path.
Shame on those who try to place their thoughts, and their desired outcomes on others! Shame on those who feel
sorry for the one who begs on the streets! This is not compassion! This is your agenda! Compassion is the
understanding of reasons why that human has chosen to be the beggar on the street corner. Honor that dear human
for who they are, for what they wear, for how they smell. Honor them, rather than try to change them. It is not about
you any more. It is about learning to accept all of these things around you.
That was Lesson One, a difficult lesson in many respects. Suddenly you were in the Hall of Ascension, and it
looked nothing like what you thought. Nothing. Surprise. It is an empty hall with all of the potential of love and all the
potential of completion of the very reason why you left Home. It has all the potential of compassion, all the potential
of expanding the energy of All That Is. But, in a sense, it is an empty hall, waiting for the new inhabitants to come in,
waiting for the new inhabitants, for you, the "ascendees" to come in, and to begin shaping it in any way you want.
We know you are somewhat disappointed that there wasn't a grand welcoming party for you when you walked into
the Hall of Ascension. It was not filled with lavish foods and angels floating about, and even like in your movie (Harry
Potter) with candles hovering in the air. It was empty. It is yours to create now in the most appropriate of ways, in the
most divine of ways, ways perhaps you do not consciously understand right now. But, you will begin to.
Metatron is in the center of this room, beaming in a way that I have never seen him before. He is like a ball of
shimmering colors, predominantly in the reds, directly in the center of this space. It is lovely for me to see this. I had
to stop for a moment. Intense, wonderful energy here, friends!
Now, I will get back to my point. As we moved into Lesson Two, we had to do a bit of switching around. What was
to be Lesson Three, we made into Lesson Two. We did this based on what we saw with you, based on what we saw
happening in your world at that time (early September 2001). In Lesson Two, dear friends, we spoke of taking
ownership of your divinity, taking ownership. What we saw was that you were beginning to understand the concepts.
You were coming to realizations, but you were still deferring to others, other entities, other angels, other humans.
You were still not accepting your own strength and your own power, and the fact, dear friends, that you are divine
humans. You were not owning the fact that All That Is … is who you are. In a sense, you were waiting for a grand
angel to come down and to do it for you. You were waiting for some type of celestial instructions to be delivered to
you, a scroll, a parchment dropped at your feet to say, "Joe, do this." We are not picking on anyone here in
particular… (audience laughter)… but somewhat. (More laughter because of a well-known "Joe" in the audience.)
Dear friends, you were not owning your divinity. You were still looking outward. You were still waiting for some
magical door to come swinging open, for some grand being to come in. We had to change the lesson at that time to
remind you to own your divinity. It is yours, and ONLY yours, and ONLY you can activate it.
We were quite emphatic in that lesson. But, we also knew that you would need the strength, the inner strength and
balance in the days to come, for this channeling was delivered on your first day of September. It was delivered
before an event that struck your world, on what you call your "9-11."
Let us talk for a moment about this "9-11." It has shifted Earth. It is not something that you can read about in your
papers per se, but it has caused a major shift in consciousness. You could say this is measured by certain
resonance factors (referring to the Schumann Resonance). There are some potential scientific equations. There are
ways that you think you can measure the "spiritual quotient." You are getting close. You are not quite there.
But, there was a shift that took place on that day. As we said at the time, the three days that followed were the
most important in modern Earth history. For what happened in those three days, in the hearts and the souls of

humankind, would determine the direction for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years of time to come. Humans
responded. Oh, how they responded! How it showed across your world in the tears and the caring!
It was interesting. With all the chaos and the destruction and the sadness that took place with this event of "9-11,"
we were somewhat shocked at the response. In the three days that followed, what came over the Earth for most of
humans was a quiet, and a compassion, and a true sense of unity and oneness and caring.
What came over the Earth at that time surprised us to a degree. But, I guess we shouldn’t have been. There was
little agenda, other than loving each other. The overall, predominant energy of humankind was not to take up arms,
was not to go slaughter another and perpetuate even more duality. The overall agenda was not to seek revenge. So
often this is the way of both your religions and your politics. Instead, in the hearts and the souls of the individual
humans on Earth, it was a time of reflection, and quiet, and caring, and no agenda.
A major shift occurred, a shift that is allowing us on this side of the veil to work more directly with you. It has helped
Metatron work closer to the Earth plane. This September shift bumped up the consciousness and the vibration of All
That Is.
Then, in our Lesson Three, dear friends, we talked of the snakes. They seek release. What we were really saying
to you in this message is that there are snakes in your life that come about. They will continue to be there. You would
like to think they would be completely gone. But, they serve a purpose in life, and in spirit. They serve a purpose just
as they do on Earth with Gaia, where snakes are part of the animal kingdom and serve a purpose. They also serve a
purpoose in your own life.
There are still issues, including the issue of duality, that come directly into your life at this time. You would like all of
these issues to be gone. You would like to say, "Tobias, I am in ascension now. I should not have to deal with these
things. They should be gone." But, dear friends, they come to you now, stronger than ever, to be dealt with, to be
understood. Once they are understood, you can truly go to grand new levels within your own being.
In the next three lessons – Lessons Four, Five, and Six – we spoke to you of the Language of Ah. And, we will
continue speaking of this, as long as you allow us to sit with you and to visit. The Language of Ah is so simple, so
simple. It is a new way of perceiving and understanding. We have not gotten into the details yet of this, but it is a
new way of collecting and gathering energy and bringing it into your being and using it in the most efficient manner.
But, for right now, the Language of Ah is a way of perceiving and sensing on your divine levels.
We spent three lessons with the Language of Ah because it is so important. We know you are using it in your life,
and as we have said, the Language of Ah will come in one way or the other. It will touch your human senses. It will
touch the divine senses that are now stabilizing around you. With the knowledge and the understanding of these,
you will be able to better use them. You will be able to better integrate this into your life, and you will be able to better
teach this to the others that come to you.
We come to the midway point of the Ascension series. Metatron was brought in at our last gathering. Metatron is
here again today and will be a frequent guest and visitor. When he is not directly in our circle, he and the energies of
the entourage will certainly be all around. As we mentioned in our last gathering, there is a reason for this, this highly
technical, highly scientific energy coming in, as we will be delving into more of these areas.
We will be speaking to you through the second half of our series of how energy works, how you can use it. You can
be like your radar dish that collects it, and refines it, and transmutes it, and then places it in the proper way. But,
there are some understandings that need to come in first before you go out and just start taking in this raw energy.
This is the purpose of our discussion on this day.
Now, we will take a brief pause here to do a final adjustment of energies. Then, we will get into Lesson Seven of
the Ascension Series. We ask you to get comfortable in your seats. We ask you to breathe in deeply. We ask you to
touch the hand of Metatron and all of the others who are here with you. We will return in a moment.
Metatron has a brief message before we continue. He brings a simple message to you today. It is about the joy of
being human. As you know, he has not been in human form. He is so delighted to be able to be in this close to you.
He reminds each of you to take a moment each day to be joyful of the human experience. He has seen and felt
things in the last few weeks that he has never been able to before, because his energy has not been able to get that
He has sat with you at movies and enjoyed the pleasure of sitting in that space, sometimes with others, sometimes
alone. He has sat with you, dear friends, as you have been driving down the road, seeing all the makings of man, the
buildings, the roads. Many of you see sadness when you look out at these things. Metatron says that he sees joy. He
sees joy. He sees the efforts of humans, perhaps not always getting it right in their mind, but at least there is an
attempt. He sees the heart and soul of humans wanting things to be in a balanced, loving energy.
As Metatron has sat with some of you at your restaurants this past month, as you enjoyed a fine meal, he could
feel what it was like to taste something solid. He could feel what it was like to have a sip from the glass of wine. He
could feel the intimate surroundings, the friendship, and the discussion. Oh, indeed, he could feel that there are
burdens in your life, but the message he wants to pass on to you is … take time each day to feel the joy of being

It is an honor to be human. It is fulfilling to be able to touch another person. We cannot do that on this side. We can
meld energies, but we cannot have the sensation of human touch. When you touch another human, you can
combine the divine senses with your human senses.
You can have the joy of sitting with your pet, and talking to them on many levels. Do you know that there are more
of you using the Language of Ah with your pets than with other humans? (audience laughter) And, it is natural. It is
natural. They understand. Now, you are talking to them, not through your brain, but through your entire being,
through all of your senses. Have you not noticed, dear friends, that you are closer to your pets now than you were
several months ago? You seem to understand them in new ways.
Metatron asks you have joy in being human, and of all the rewards that it has. Can you imagine when you combine
this feeling of joy with your new divine awareness? Ah! What a beautiful thing! Divine awareness combined with the
human being-ness. You can have it all, in a sense. You can be in matter, in form. You can be immersed in this
wonderful dimension that you are in AND have an awareness of who you truly are.
Now, there is a lightworker, Shaumbra, by the name of David. David is so much like all of you. David reads these
lessons. He goes through the material. He works on all these things, just like you. And, David, like you, struggles
with many of the concepts. At times he hits the wall, and at times has even walked away from the Crimson Circle and
has said that this is not for him! These lessons do not always make him feel good, for they are challenging. But
David comes back into this energy because he understands, at the deepest levels, that this is the energy of Home.
Now, David is a human, a human learning to integrate his divinity into all that he is. David has a wife and two
children. David has a regular job, and he has bills. David has many wishes and desires, the first of these being to be
in service to Spirit. He is a wonderful Human In Being, like all of you.
There are things that David does not like about his job. David wishes that he was paid more money, and he wishes
that he did not have to work in a certain department. He does not get along so well with some people. And, he does
not like where he has to park his car (audience laughter). He does not like the fact that he only gets three weeks of
vacation. There are many issues associated with where he works, but he puts up with these. He cooperates as best
he can, but there are days when it takes a toll on his energy.
David also has issues with his wife. They disagree on some but not all things. And, with his children… he wishes
his children were doing better in school. He wishes his son was more athletic, like David was in his youth. But his
son is not and David wishes he was. And, deep down beneath, David wishes his daughter was a bit more attractive
(audience laughter). It would be easier for her to get married, he thinks, if she just had gotten a little bit more of her
mother’s looks.
Now, David has many, many agendas, like all of you do. He has many issues. He takes the spiritual knowledge
and enlightenment that he has gained and tries then to use that energy to shape the things around him – at his
home, at his office. He uses the energy even when he has an agenda …for instance, when he buys a lottery ticket.
He tries to use this new energy to influence the outcome, so that he can win the lottery. Can you believe it?
(audience laughter)
Now, David got to the point where he became very frustrated with himself. He doubted who he was. He was
walking into the New Energy, and feeling his divinity rising from within, but also getting very frustrated with himself.
He felt he could not influence things around him. He was not able to use his power to influence or change things
around him.
David got very depressed, deeply depressed. He was riding a difficult low wave, and while he was riding the low
wave, he was attempting to do anything to get out of it. David, like so many of you, liked the high waves. He liked the
high cycles, but not the low ones. He didn’t like them at all.
We will digress for a moment here in the midst of this story of David. You experience depression, and periods of
frustration on your journey into the New Energy. You fight the lows. You try to avoid them like the plague. You wonder
what's wrong when you go into the low cycles. You even go to the doctor and get drugs that will take you out of this.
But, we are here to tell you that these cycles are appropriate. We are here to tell you – and we know Cauldre is
already trying to stop us. (audience laughter) We will be patient. (more laughter) Do not try to fight the low cycles. It
is natural that these cycles occur. It is natural that you go through them. Dear friends, in your New Energy, in your
new vibration that you are in, you cannot – how to say – you cannot bottom out. You cannot lose touch of yourself.
We know there is this concern – how low, how low can you go? You feel that if you do not hang on, and if you do not
try to crawl out of that low cycle, it will consume you like a tidal wave.
But, dear friends, we will speak directly of the energy that causes these and how to work with it. But, we can tell
you now to stop trying to fight these low cycles. They are as important as the high cycles. If you do not have the
lows, you will not have the highs. Soon you will learn that it is all part of a whole. Soon you will learn that the highs
and lows, in a sense, only represented the old balance of duality. And, now you can look at them in a different light.
For those of you who are going through these cycles, it is natural. Allow it to happen. There is as much, perhaps
more, to be gained in these low cycles. And, yes, we know they feel terrible. They feel terrible because you are
resisting them. You are not gathering the energy from them. They feel terrible because you have a preconception,
based on the energy of duality, of how you should feel or not feel, what you should think or not think.

You are going through these cycles so intensely now because the duality within your being is heating up. It is
heating up, so that it can be changed into something else. You try to avoid the lows. You will only knock out the
highs. We will talk more of this, and that is part of the reason for Metatron being here. We will speak directly of the
physics and the energy behind these in our lessons to come.
But, now let us get back to the story of David … David who was experiencing the highs and lows in his life. David
had so many thoughts on the way that things SHOULD be in life and within him, preconceived notions based in the
Old Energy of duality. And what was he finding? He was finding that he was hitting the wall. Things weren’t the way
he thought they were going to be. Once in a while there was a glimmer of hope, and things would work out well, and
he would have a particularly good day. But, the next day that gnawing of frustration and depression and doubt would
return. It was an incomplete feeling. It was a terrible feeling.
David, not knowing which way to turn, called on us very recently. He said, "Dear Spirit, dear Metatron and Tobias."
He did not call me "dear," for he was angry with me. "What do I do now? Where do I go from here? Why is it that I
don't feel the sense of fulfillment and happiness and joyfulness that I would truly like to feel?"
What we said to him, we also told another group a week or so ago in a place that has high walls around it. It is a
place that has bars, in a sense. In your contemporary version there is barbed wire. It was a prison where we first
planted the seed of the energy of Lesson Seven. And, it was a most appropriate place to plant this seed, most
This seed has been growing since. In a sense, it is the very reason why you have gone through the issues that you
have for the past several weeks of time. What we told David… what we told the inmates of this facility is … HAVE
We will title Lesson Seven of the Ascension Series, "KNOW NO AGENDA." Or, as we like to say here, a "no, no"
agenda. (audience laughter and Tobias chuckling) And, I do have to tell you that that humor came directly from
Metatron. He is practicing being a funny human. (much more laughter and Tobias chuckling.)
Dear friends, Lesson Seven is to KNOW NO AGENDA. This will be challenging for you, as it has been for this one
we call David. At first he said, "Ah, no agenda! That sounds fine." But, when he began applying this in his life, David
realized one thing right away. He realized that he liked agendas! (audience laughter)
Agendas are the core energy of duality. You have had agendas ever since you left Home. You will feel naked
without an agenda. As you begin to work with this lesson, you will truly call I, Tobias, and perhaps even Metatron,
crazy. You will say, "We have to have agenda!" And, you will try to intellectually justify why you have to have agendas
in your life.
We planted this seed a week or so ago in a correctional facility, not so far from here, with inmates who are in a
completely different type of energy than you. They do not consider themselves free, while you are. We planted a
seed there when we spoke of releasing agenda.
And, you know what, dear friends? The ones who are behind the walls that I, Tobias, can relate to – although I do
have to say, conditions were much worse when I was imprisoned – they have it so easy. They had much better food!
(audience laughter) They had heat and light, and I did not see any rats. All I saw was rabbits! (chuckling) I could not
believe this was a place of punishment. Now, I should not carry on about my own challenging and difficult times.
Perhaps one day I will get Cauldre to write a book about my experiences in prison. But, first I have to get him to write
the first Crimson Circle book! (more audience laughter)
Lesson Seven: KNOW NO AGENDA. Metatron likes the way that sounds! Dear friends, when you leave this space,
thinking that this was perhaps a very easy lesson – "It is easy to release agendas" – understand that agendas are an
energy of duality, an energy of polarity. It was appropriate to bring forth this lesson on this day, this day that has the
numbers of duality right in front of your face.
It will be challenging to be without agenda. You will find yourself in situations where agendas are so natural, where
you are so close to them that it is difficult to see anything else. There will be times you will cuss and stomp your feet,
and say, "But, I have to have agenda with this issue!"
Speaking of agenda and of recent events in your world, there are those who have agenda for terrorism, for
dominance over other humans and control over other humans. It is an old agenda. It comes from the time when you
left Home, when you were trying to consume another entity’s energy as a way to get back into the Kingdom, as a
way to get Home. Wars are as old as the very time you left Home.
Control of another is old, and we have found that this does not work so well. That is an agenda. It is an agenda
that you could say is of the dark. Do you know that there is another agenda, an agenda that some of you here might
be guilty of? You will argue until the end of the day that you are right. I ask you to look in the mirror at your agenda.
You are the ones who call yourselves the "peacemakers," the "liberators," the ones who pray for world peace. Do
you know that you have an agenda also? "No," you say, "but Tobias, peace is good." We will not argue that, but we
tell you that you have an agenda. Call it an "agenda of the light." That perpetuates the agenda of the dark. You play
the game also. We speak here of letting go of your agenda.
Look at some of the energy behind this lesson. It is a continuation of some of the lessons that we have already
discussed. It is important to bring up at this point in your journey. Having no agenda means allowing Divine Will in,
Divine Will to open up new potentials. Having no agenda is indeed an extension of the lesson where we talked of

"standing behind the short wall." However, when we introduced that lesson, we were asking you only to stand behind
the short wall. We knew that you still had agenda. We knew you still had your own opinion of the outcome.
Do you know that agenda, by definition, is having a desired outcome of a situation? It is placing your energy on a
desired outcome. Dear friends, when there is agenda, you are playing the game of duality. Period! You have a
desired outcome. Take away agenda, and you take away duality. Take away agenda, and you allow yourself to move
into a new energy. It takes you outside the realms of duality. It takes you into a new consciousness, a consciousness
of ascension that is not so focused on the energy of two, duality, polarity.
Know no agenda, dear friends. Oh, you will be highly challenged with this. You will feel naked without agenda in
your life. You will feel that you are – how to say – without backbone. You will feel like a jellyfish without strength,
because up until now agenda has given you strength, great strength. When your agenda was strong, you were
strong. You became strong in the Light or strong in the Dark. You were strong in the battle of duality. For a period of
time you might feel wobbly. You might feel like Jell-O without agenda. You might feel like running back to duality,
where there is a security blanket of agenda.
So many of you have had such strong agenda these past years. You called yourself Lightworkers. Wonderful
beings. It was a blanket that protected you from the realities of the world around you, a blanket that made you feel
good. "I am a warrior of the light," you said. "You are fighting a battle of duality," we say.
Dear friends, this is Lesson Seven. It is a very important, a very delicate, and a very challenging step. We will use
as a bridge for our other lessons in this series. Remember your reactions to Lesson Seven. Remember the
experiences that you have in the first days and weeks, and even months after hearing or reading this lesson. There
will come a time when your students come to you – the new humans crossing that Bridge of Swords – and say,
"Dear Shaumbra, dear teacher, I'm learning these lessons. I am studying them. I’m becoming a divine human. But,
why is it that issues are suddenly in my face like never before? Why is it that I am feeling depressed and can't fight
my way out any more? Why is it that I am feeling the way I am? After all this work, why is it that I like I am hitting a
You will sit down, and you will talk to them about this energy of duality. They are about ready to leave duality. You
will tell them that when duality is ready to leave their consciousness, it seems to come back to them in full force.
That’s why you've been having challenges these last few weeks. That is why your Internet message board has
been in such chaos these past few weeks. We specifically asked Cauldre to stay out. And, do you know what? He
wanted to jump in. He wanted to have an agenda and post it on your message board! (audience laughter) He wanted
to get involved. He wanted to justify what he was doing and what I, Tobias, was doing.
Thank you, but we do not need that justifying. We had fun, watching all of your agendas come up on your message
board. It was a microcosm of the total Crimson Circle appearing through your Internet. Agenda. Go back, and read
the messages that you put there. Yes, all of you, all of you who are hearing this and reading this… go back and read
the very messages that you posted. Look at your agenda. Go deep and look at what you were really saying. You will
be surprised after sitting through the energy of this lesson. It was about agenda. It comes up strong now.
Dear friends, there will be much discussion about this lesson. You will have many questions. In our subsequent
lessons we will dissect the energies behind this. We will help you to understand, from a spiritual physics standpoint,
how energy comes in, how it is used, how it comes out in consciousness.
KNOW NO AGENDA. Release it from your life. Journal. Write down, or share your experiences with others,
because you will be on a very interesting ride here for a short period of time. You will feel like you are being spun
through some sort of tunnel, perhaps completely out of control. But, we do know this: You will land in a very good
space, a space where you can look out over duality. You can see duality like you never saw it before. Without
agenda, you can move out of duality and into divinity. We ask you to experience this until our next lesson together.
You will discover something new for yourself. When you are in a situation with other humans, and there is agenda
– argument, or discussion, or debate – and you release your agenda, you also release the other human. You release
them from having to defend their agenda as well. When you put down your sword, they put down theirs. Watch to
see the interesting interactions that take place between you and others. When you know no agenda, notice how it
changes the energy of a situation around you.
We will tell you one more thing before we depart on this day. You will be tested in the agenda department in these
next weeks of time. Even when you think you are doing well and patting yourself on the back, and saying, "I've
learned how to release agenda," someone will walk up to you, and poke you in the behind with their sword (audience
laughter), trying to get you to adopt their agenda. In order for their agenda of duality to have energy, yours must, too.
In order for any sword fight to take place, you both have to pick up the swords.
They will come to you, wanting you, prodding you to pick up an agenda. They will ask you to take a position on
something. They will criticize you, and they will say, "What is wrong? Have you no backbone anymore? Have you no
opinion? Have you no strength? Are you just becoming – how to say – a piece of melba toast?" (audience laughter)
But, as you experience being agenda-less, something new will happen. A new realization will come.
At the beginning of this gathering, as Metatron came in, we told you that you were finally able to hold the strength
of your divinity. And, we knew that we were on target for the discussion on this day. When you begin to truly hold

your divinity – a new type of strength, not the strength of duality – then you are ready to release the old agendas. At
times it may feel like you are walking without clothes on, dear friends, being without agenda. You may feel naked.
Let us tell you what agenda is like, as we see it. In the omniverse, there is a flow of energy. At the core of all things
there is an energy that is always illuminated. It is always flowing. It is not in cycles. It is not "on/off." It simply is. This
is the energy that you brought with you when you left Home, when we all left Home. This is a constant, illuminating
energy. As the energy spreads out into the omniverse, it becomes somewhat like an on/off energy.
We will get into more of that later, but think of the energy flow like a river, flowing smooth, flowing free, flowing
openly. Agendas are like boulders in the river. They block the flow of energy. And, as enough boulders are placed in
the river, it creates somewhat of a dam. As the dam is created, it blocks up the flow, and debris collects on the dam.
Then all sorts of problems start, dear friends.
Your agendas are like boulders in the water, blocking and restricting the flow of energy to you. The boulders have
been collecting debris. It is time to remove the boulders and allow all of your divine energies to flow through you
openly and freely. Have fun with this lesson until our next time together!
Dear friends, we have to add one more thought before we depart. When you run into difficulties with this lesson,
when you do not understand, when you have questions, do not hibernate. Do not run the other way and pull the
blanket over your head and try to ignore things. Communicate with others who are Shaumbra. Go on your Internet.
Be in your local groups. Talk to each other. The one sitting next to you IS experiencing much the same as you, but
you keep it to yourselves. You keep it so private. Do you know what happens when you share your thoughts and
feelings? You realize that you are on the right path, that you are a divine human, and that indeed you are never, ever
And so it is.


February 2, 2002

And so it is, dear friends… as we have said before, we love your human music. Metatron comes in so close today,
and in your analogy, you would say he gets teary, listening to the music, feeling the energy of love from all the ones
who are here today. And, Metatron also reminds us to tell you that this title for this Lesson Seven ("Know No
Agenda") were his words, specifically. (chuckling) He says it was his first attempt at human humor. And, he is quite
proud of the name he gave this lesson! (audience laughter)
Now, an interesting thing happened shortly after your time of "nine-eleven" (September 11, 2001), this great test of
duality. It was the agenda of one side of the energy to create such a turmoil that it would cause an equal or perhaps
stronger energetic reaction, perhaps an equal or stronger agenda. In a sense, it was Old Energy. It was duality trying
to perpetuate itself. It could feel itself getting weaker. It could feel itself begin to fade from the face of Earth, this old
duality. So, it created an event to help prop it up, to give it energy.
And, what happened in your beautiful, wonderful world, as you were silent in the days following the attacks? You
were compassionate and. You did not strike back immediately. You did not go for revenge at the impulse …
spontaneously. You went into a time of quiet and reflection. What happened is what didn’t happen! You didn't spark
the energy of duality to continue the battle. This was monumental! This was energy-changing! You left your agendas
out. You did! You just placed your beingness and your love and your compassion on Earth.
Dear friends, as you "know no agenda," we want you to apply this to yourself more than anything else. You are
more filled with agendas when it comes to yourself and what you think is right or wrong… what you should or
shouldn't be doing… how you should act… how you should dress… where you should be in life for the age that you
are… how you think your family perceives you… what your parents might have wanted you to do. These are all
YOUR agendas on YOURSELF.
Your spiritual journey is probably your biggest agenda! You have an agenda regarding where you think you should
be… how smart you are… how enlightened you are… where you are in relationship to others. The agendas that you
place on yourself are like huge boulders sitting in the stream of divine energy, attempting to come through. Take
away the agenda from yourself. It will be easier to look at external agendas relating to your family, your work, and
your friends. The difficult agendas to release will be those on the inside.
We ask each of you now to imagine your agendas. Imagine them like a necklace that you wear around your neck.
We ask you to imagine this and to take that necklace off. Place it on the old bookshelf with all of your old books, and
your old accoutrements, and your old symbols. Each time you feel an agenda coming up, symbolically remove it
from around your neck and place it gently on the old bookshelf.
As you are without agenda for yourself and with others, you will begin to see things in a whole different light, in a
way you could not have imagined before. You had an agenda for what you thought ascension should be. You had a
desired outcome. Be without agenda, and you can truly understand ascension.

When you watch this grand game of yours tomorrow on your television (referring to the Super Bowl), you will want
to have agenda! It’s duality right in front of you: Duality … pick one team… pick the other… pick the spread, dear
friends! That’s duality! (audience laughter) Be without agenda. Watch the game. You will see things you could never
have seen when you were in duality, when you were in polarity. As we said, it perhaps will not be as much fun right
away. Use this example of watching your game. It will not be as much fun, being without agenda, but you will see
things that you could not have seen before.
One final word on this subject… we brought this discussion of agenda up a week or so ago of your time in front of
a group that is behind walls (at a federal prison). They are incarcerated. These dear Shaumbra – indeed they are,
just like you – they do not have the freedoms that you have. They do not the full capability of free will as what you
have. You have much free will. You can make many choices in your life. They do not have nearly as much as you do.
Watch how they work with this energy of knowing no agenda. They will have it, in a sense, easier, and it will be
more understandable for them. That should tell you something about the nature of free will! Free will, in a sense, is
limiting. It is part of duality. The ones who are behind walls will come quickly to understand the true nature of Divine
Will, free of the restrictions of duality. That is why we placed this energy with them first, these dear ones.
Now, with that, we would be delighted to answer questions in the short time that remains.

QUESTION: Tobias, what is it I should know? (audience laughter)

TOBIAS: On this day, you should know no agenda… that is what you should know. (audience laughter) WHAT
for a while! You already know it, but you haven’t experienced it. As you release the agenda you have about yourself
and about the desired outcome of your journey, you will come to the realization of all that you already know, but it will
now be complete with the experience of having left Home and completed the circle. Thank you for this question.

QUESTION: Tobias, I see agenda as the reason why we do anything. How can you do anything if there is no
reason for doing it?
TOBIAS: That is precisely our point! (audience laughter) And, you precisely argue the very purpose of having
agenda. And, as long as you want to carry it, we will still love you. We will still honor you. You find it difficult to put it
down. And, we understand that. Agenda, you think, gives purpose, because you are still walking in duality, as nearly
all humans are. Without agenda, you are NOT without purpose. Without agenda, you are merely free to explore
totally new levels of consciousness.
Now, agenda does not mean that when your body says it is hungry that you should not feed it. That is not an
agenda. An agenda is a desired outcome. Agenda, for instance, is saying that you must have a certain career path.
Or saying you must have a certain desired outcome in your marriage. Or saying you must have desired outcome for
the way your children grow up. That is agenda.
In our story of David today, he had an agenda, even about his own daughter who he wished was more beautiful.
That was his agenda. It kept him from understanding her true beauty. Do you see what we mean by agenda? It limits
what you experience. It limits things.
It will be challenging to release the agenda. You will feel, for a moment, that there is no purpose, or that you have
no backbone, that there is no strength. But you will quickly come to see that without agenda you can move beyond
duality into new levels of consciousness. And, we know, many more questions will come up about this. We ask you
to talk to us, to talk to other humans, to Shaumbra about this. We know this won't be the last of this type of question!
Thank you.

QUESTION: There are so many individuals on antidepressant drugs who are covering up their low points. Without
these drugs, they may find themselves in a new deep pit of despair and unable to find any joy in their lives. Suicide
could be an issue. What is your suggestion for their moving through this, and how can we be supportive of them
without creating our own agenda for them?
TOBIAS: That is an excellent question, and we will attempt to answer part of it now. Other parts of this question
will be answered in upcoming lessons. There is energy that comes forth from Source, from the core of all things.
And, as this energy goes deeper and deeper into the void, and even into your creation, it is transformed into cycles,
into frequencies, or pulses. There are some on your side, on our side even, who see this as a pulsing, as an on/off
pulse of energy, on/off, like a blinking light. There are others who see it like waves, like frequency waves. Either way
of thinking works with this.
As you bring in the energies into your life, into your consciousness, it does go in cycles, or waves, or pulses. There
is a reason for this. It is part of duality. It is a way of generating more energy. What we are saying is that the "highs"
and the "lows," or the "on" and the "off" are important right now.
Many humans try to avoid this. They try to do everything that they can to avoid the "lows." We can tell you that
when you are without agenda, the "lows" will not be what you think they are. The "lows" will not be like they have
been in the past. Agenda makes the "lows" miserable, because it takes a reverse energy cycle and grinds away at
and causes friction against it. That is why you feel so bad, emotionally and/or physically.

When agendas are released, it no longer becomes "high" and "low," "good" or "bad." It just becomes changing
energy. You do not, and you will not feel it, dear friends, as depression vs. exuberance. You will feel it just as waves
of energy coming in. Release the agenda, and you will not feel the friction. You will not feel the pain that you have
experienced in the past.
The problem with these psychotropic drugs is they tend to flatline cycles of energy… spiritual, raw energy, that is
coming in. It levels out everything. The cycles of energy, from the core of all things, were not intended to be flatlined,
like you are trying to do with your drugs, or like you are trying to do with your own attitudes. You want to take out the
"lows," but, dear friends, it is a natural part of All That Is.
In order to truly walk into ascension, in completeness and fullness, you will have to leave these drugs behind. You
fear this because you are in duality and because you have so much agenda with yourself. You fear that if you go off
of these, you are going to "bottom out." You are going to commit suicide. You are going to go crazy.
We will tell you how to release these drugs. It is to release your agenda! Then, there will be no fear of bottoming
out. Then, you will be simply riding wonderful waves of energies that don't have any points of duality associated with
them. That pill that you take represents your agenda. It represents your fear of duality and of yourself. Look at it.
Look at your agendas that are incorporated into that pill and all of your belief systems around it.
You fear letting go of it, because you are afraid of what? Letting go of who you have been up to now! Sooner or
later, this lifetime or one after this, you will have to let go of that. You will have to let go of your other agendas as well.
There are many energy practitioners and counselors who are part Shaumbra. They understand how to walk you
through this. Seek them out. They will help you. They will work with you to release this thing that is holding you back.
They will help you not only release the medication, but they will also focus on helping you to release your agendas.

QUESTION: Tobias, what is it that we focus on if we have no agenda?

TOBIAS: There is no need to focus on anything other than being. When Metatron first came in on this day, he was
amazed at the wonderful energy of human beings – Being-ness in human form. He commented on it during our
lesson. He said, "Such a joy is it to be a human! Why do you need to focus on something?" We know why. It is
because that has been the way of duality. You focus on this side or that side. You focus your attention here or there.
There is no need to focus.
We know some of you are already rolling your eyes, saying, "Tobias, without focus, I become nothing." And, that is
correct. You become nothing that you were before. You leave it behind. You become all that you are. You become
divine and human, all rolled up into the same wonderful package, the same sweet package. There is no need to
focus, as in the terminology that you are using right now, on any particular thing.
There will come a point when you will understand in a whole new way – that we could not even describe here – of
how to place focus on energy in a holistic way. Right now you are placing focus in a dualistic way. As you move
through the understanding of this lesson, you will come to these understandings. And, indeed we will talk about it
more. Do not worry about focus right now. You will come to this new understanding that is more complete.

QUESTION: Tobias, to let go of outcome… does that mean to let go of goals?

TOBIAS: Indeed! And there will be some confusion, dear friends, amongst you about what is "agenda," what is
"goal," what is simply part of living. Agenda, as we described it, is a desired outcome, a specific desired outcome.
Your goals, in many ways, have been good. They have brought you to this point, but they are filled with agenda. It is
now preventing you from seeing the whole picture. It is now preventing you from having a complete consciousness.
Release these for a while.
We know all of you are wondering what will happen without your precious goals, without your… you do not call
these things "agendas." That’s right, you call them "goals." (audience laughter and Tobias chuckling) We are
sometimes a bit slow to understand these. But, understand also… go inside, and ask yourself, "What is agenda, or,
as you would call it, "goal?" And, what is simply a moving forth? There is a difference. There is a difference.
Getting in your car and going to work in the morning is not necessarily an agenda. Thinking that you should have
so much money in the bank, and you should have such and such title on your business card, and that you should
have a certain corner office with certain benefits… that is an agenda. Yes, that is an agenda. Our dear friend David
wishing that his son was more athletic… that was his agenda. Why? Because David wished HE had been more
athletic. He wanted his son to fulfill certain things that he hadn’t himself. That is an agenda. But, taking his son
fishing because he loves him… dear friends, that is not an agenda. That is simply human being-ness.
So, we know there will be many more questions relating to the subject, and you will feel very uncomfortable for a
period of time. You will question, "What is agenda? What is goal? What is normal? What is not?" Ask yourself, "Is this
based on agenda?"
Do you come to the Crimson Circle meetings each month for agenda? Look at the reasons why you come here. Do
you come here simply to visit with family, to be in energy? Or, do you come here because you desperately are
seeking a spiritual solution? Perhaps you have found some of it here, perhaps not. Is that your agenda? Or, is the
agenda to be simply human with other humans in this room. Look at all the things in your life, dear friends. Ask
yourself, "Is it agenda, or is it simply enjoying the being-ness of human?"

QUESTION: Dear Tobias, for about three months almost every time I look at the clock – ANY clock – the last two
digits are 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5. I also see 11-11, 12-12, 4-4-4, etc. Is this my Higher Self trying to communicate with
me or what is the significance?
TOBIAS: You are seeing symbols of alignment, whether it is numbers or words or vibrations. You are seeing things
beginning to line up. It is, in a sense, a way of your own divinity letting you know that you are on the right path, that
you are making appropriate progress. But, also sometimes within the specific numbers are little reminders. You could
say they are reminders that you placed along the way for yourself.
When you see the number "two," for instance, it represents duality. When you see the number "four," it represents
moving into the new consciousness. When you see the numbers "one and one," it represents duality once again, but
shown in a different way. These are all little awarenesses that you are coming to. You, in a sense, placed them there
as a reminder that you are coming into new awarenesses.
This will be a common occurrence, seeing numbers that come together. And, again it is a reminder. It is a reminder
you have placed there. It is not Spirit trying to tell you anything. When Spirit wants to tell you something, there will be
no uncertain doubt that it is coming from Spirit. You wonder sometimes… you say, "Is Spirit trying to tell me this? Are
the angels trying to tell me this? Is Tobias?" Oh, you will know in no uncertain way when we are ready to tell you
something. Look at it from the standpoint of what you are trying to say to yourself.

QUESTION: Tobias, in all the wisdom of our divinity, why were we unable to find a way to learn what we wanted to
learn in duality without so much pain and suffering?
TOBIAS: When you come through this, when you complete the circle, believe it or not, you will look back and not
see pain or suffering. Believe it or not. It only appears that way when you are in the midst of it. The pain and suffering
only appears that way when you are caught up in duality. The pain and suffering that you have right now – Cauldre
does not believe us! – but it is only an illusion, dear friends. It is only an illusion.
As you release your agendas, as you "know no agenda," you will chuckle because you will realize there never truly
was any pain or suffering. How could God, who loves you so much, and the angels who love you so much, and
Metatron who loves you, and is like a child in this playground of humanness … how could true pain or suffering take
place? It is an illusion based on your experiences in duality.
When your agendas are released, there is no pain. When the boulders representing your agendas are pulled from
the river, there is nothing for the water to push against. There will be no agendas for the energies of spirituality, of
your divinity, to have friction against when you agendas are removed. Then you will see that there never truly was
pain. It was an illusion.
We know you do not like us saying that because you are sitting there right now, thinking, "Tobias, this is a pain.
The pain that I feel in my body and in my heart is real."
I know that. I have walked in your sandals long, long ago. I remember what it felt like to have the human pain,
physical and emotional. And, it was so real at the time. But, now I am so ready to jump back into human form
because I know that it was an illusion. I think that I can overcome the illusion from what I've learned from you, from
what I learned today from you.
When I come back, I will not carry agenda. I will not be trapped in duality, and therefore, I will have the joy of
human being, rather than the pain and suffering. And, I will wink at you when I see you along the road, knowing that
you are one who paved the way.
Dear friends, duality’s time has come. It is time to release the black and white, the good and the bad, on and off,
up and down. No longer do you need the mirror in front of you, the mirror that first appeared when you crossed
through the Wall of Fire, when you became aware of Self. You needed the reflection. You needed something to look
in. You needed to see the opposite. You have carried duality with you ever since you have known. But, its time has
come. Its time has come.
Without agenda you can transition past duality into the consciousness of the New Energy. Have fun these coming
weeks. Have fun, playing with one of the most potent tools. And, now remember… you understand the Language of
Ah. Use it in talking to yourself, sensing things, and understanding now how agenda fits in to all of this.
We love you dearly. And, we are always beside you.
And so it is.


March 2, 2002


And so it is, dear friends, dear Shaumbra, that we gather together again in our sacred energy with family and
friends and ones who are dearly loved. We have much to speak of today. We have many things to cover.
We see the energies change so much here when you open your heart, when you allow us to come into this space
with you. We have done this together now as a family and as a group many, many times together. You are getting
used to allowing this flow to come in.
It is so easy for us now to come through the door to visit you. We do not need all sorts of special fancy passwords.
We do not have to beg you any more. We do not have to assure you so much that what you are feeling within your
being… what you are experiencing all around you… the knowingnesses that you are coming to in this Language of
Ah… it is real. It is real.
The doubt that has been with you – haunting you – is leaving you. Oh, there are still traces and residues of this,
but the doubt that you could sit with family and Shaumbra in a space like this and feel God within you… that doubt is
slowly going away.
Five years ago it would have been difficult for you to truly accept the actual essence and the presence of Spirit and
your own divinity and angels from the other side of the veil… that they could be sitting with you now, could be
present in this space. But, you have learned well to breathe all of this in.
Breathing… there is no intellect involved here. It simply is. You have learned to breathe your own divinity within
you. You have learned to hold your divinity, to hold it as a precious energy that belongs to you. You have learned,
dear friends, to breathe this divinity in.
And, as it comes in from within you, then you are aware of all of the other energies that come with it. You are
aware of I, Tobias. You are aware of the visitors that we have with each session like this. You are aware of all of the
potential of Spirit. Your awareness of your own God-self and divinity comes first. It comes first. All of the other
awarenesses and understandings come after that. My… my, how you have learned this well!
We have all sought other masters. We have all sought other gurus. Oh, in my days, which I like speaking about…
in my days we followed masters. We followed prophets. We followed other entities even as humans do today. But,
this group, Shaumbra, the ones who have taken the long road, the lonely road at times and the quiet road… ah, you
have learned so well that there is only one master. And, I, Tobias, am looking at it right now. That master is YOU.
As you follow your own knowingnesses and your own divinity, then you see the grander picture. You see the
angels. You see the other entities. You see Truth. And, you hear things that you have never heard before. You have
learned not to follow something from the outside. That is why we love you so much. That is why this room fills with
love today.
We have many, many, many visitors today with us. The energy of this room warms up, partly for Cauldre (Geoffrey
Hoppe), so he might not be so chilly up there (on stage, on this particularly cold day)! But, it warms up for all of you
as the entities come flooding in. And, we will introduce them in a moment.
But, before we do, we ask something simple of you. We ask you to do this with no agenda. We ask you to help set
the energy of this space on this day. Dear friends, so many of you know what we are going to say, "Stand up,
breathe, and hug those around you." This will help bring in all of the energies. (audience laughter) Stand up, breathe,
and hug those around you without agenda.
(Tobias pauses while audience stands and shares hugs with each other, with laughter and talking back and forth.)
Now, dear friends, Cauldre is always worried about what we are going to do! (audience laughter) And, when he
knew that this moment of hugging was coming, he said, "Oh, Tobias, you will lose them here and now." (more
audience laughter) "You have broken this wonderful energy that you have started."
But, we know better. We know Shaumbra. We know that instead you have intensified the energy. You have taken
the tension out of the air, so that we can truly work with you today in Lesson Eight, so we can truly work with you in
the energy of this lesson. That is what is important here, more than all of the other lessons we have worked together
on with you. It is the energy of this lesson.
It is a simple lesson that we will speak of. There will be no homework with it. (audience laughter) There will be no
challenges with this lesson. It simply is. It is one we have been looking forward to for quite some time. Indeed, there
are understandings that go with it. But, it is an energy. It is a morsel for you to feel, and to sense, and to own on this
But, before we get into the actual discussions of this day, let us introduce our guests. You will understand later why
they come in today, and why it is so important. Indeed, as so many of you feel, the energy of Metatron is here. Oh,
indeed this energy is so important right now. It is part of what we are all doing together, for as the grids of Earth are
changed in response to your consciousness, the veil is reduced.
There is a magnetic influence that comes both from Earth – what you call Gaia – and there is a corresponding
electromagnetic grid that surrounds your planet. There is even a broader grid that surrounds your place in space. It
is not specifically related to your solar system. But, there is an energetic grid that encompasses a wide, wide area of
your planets and your sun, and even past that.
Metatron comes in closer. He has not been able to do this in all of the history of humankind. He comes in closer
now. And, it is in direct response to you understanding and becoming aware of your divinity and of your ability to hold
it. In the first gathering when Metatron came in, we had to have many energetic filters. The energy was so strong,

and it would have overwhelmed you. But even now, just a few months of your Earth time later, we do not need nearly
the amount of energetic filtering. Metatron can come and go quite easily. Metatron can sit next to you now. Metatron
can convey his energy and his love to you quite easily.
So, indeed you will feel this energy coming closer and closer… closer and closer to you. This is because you are
holding your divinity.
Perhaps, you still do not understand it in your human mind. Perhaps, you still struggle, "What is this thing of
divinity?" But, dear friends, we can see that you are beginning to hold it. That level of doubt is going away. You are
still having many challenges. You are going through a very challenging time in the history of your soul, in the history
of the omniverse, in the history of All That Is. You’ll look back someday, and you will understand of what we speak.
You are going through a most challenging time, but yet you are moving forward. That is what we love about you.
You continue to expand and to grow. Oh, there are times, we know, when you feel like it is important to sit on the
sidelines for a moment, but then you are right back into the evolution of All That Is, helping to journey forth.
That is why Metatron comes closer and closer… closer and closer to you. Metatron IS you, dear friends. You are
part of that energy, of that energetic family or group that makes up Metatron. It is not really a "he." It is not an
individual. It is a consciousness of God. It is a consciousness of love.
There are also those from the Crimson Council who come in today. This is the family that you join when you come
back to this side of the veil. This is like a Home away from Home for you. When you reunite with those who you had
known in the most immediate lifetime of yours… and you hugged your grandmother… and you hugged that dog that
you loved so much as a child… then, you realize that all things are all right. And, you realize that there is purpose
and meaning and flow in Spirit.
When you get back to this side, then generally you return to the energetic family of the Crimson. You return to this
group that you have spent so much time with, this group that has been working with the understandings of the
energy of teaching. You return to those who you have known since nearly the beginning of your time, those that you
have worked with in helping to create this universe and this beautiful place called Earth.
When you return here, and you come back and sit with us, dear friends… oh, there is not this hierarchy that you
must go through – unless you want to. No, you sit at the table with us. We sit as equals. And, we are amazed! We
are in awe of what you have recently done on Earth. We sit with you for a long time, asking questions like, "What did
it feel like? What was that feeling of fear? What was that feeling of joy? What caused you to make a certain decision
at that certain time?" Oh, we are intrigued with the stories that you have. We sit around and talk of this for quite
some time.
The energies of the Crimson Council are here on this day. This is an important and noteworthy day. Indeed, it is.
This is a turning point, a shifting point. And, it is not what you think. But, it is a turning and shifting point.
Our very special guests on this day bring in the energy of excitement. Perhaps, you could feel it, even before you
sat in your chair. Perhaps, you can feel the giggling and hear the laughter and feel the excitement of this group of
visitors that come in on this day. There is something they want to learn from you. They want to connect with you
There is a large group of souls who are preparing to come in to Earth in these next four to five months of time.
They are in their final preparation stages for coming back to Earth. And, they come to visit this group today. They
want to observe a group of humans who are at a leading edge of this work of divine integration. They want to
observe a group who has walked through the doorway of ascension, because they know they will be doing this soon
Cauldre asked us to put a specific number on these children that come in on this day. There are thousands here
today, but in a way their energy is combined together so it does not feel so crowded or overwhelming.
These soon-to-be children come in today to watch and observe. No, they are not gawking. They are in awe. They
know they will be following a path similar to yours quite soon. Some of these soon-to-be-human children are already
adopting the energy of the human child. Even though they are old and wise souls, they come into this room today
like children because they are in their preparation for coming back to Earth. That is why there is such an energy of
innocence. That is why there is so much laughter and silliness with them as they come in here.
Dear friends, some of the soon-to-be children are ones that you knew, that were your teachers in this very
lifetime… indeed, ones who were grandparents for you… ones who were special friends you lost at an early age, but
you have stayed connected with at other levels.
Many of the soon-to-be children are ones you have known in previous lives, or ones you have known in this
lifetime. They join us today to understand your journey and the path. They come here to be with the ones who are, in
their words, the "trail blazers." Many of you here will be their teachers. So, they come to sit next to you today.
So, we have quite a crowd here today – the energy of Metatron, the energy of the Crimson Council, the energy of
the new children. They come today to learn about the new balance. They come today to learn about the releasing of
duality. Like you, they have spent many, many lifetimes on Earth, taking on this intensified duality, learning to play
the game of duality. They come in today to watch a group of humans who are releasing duality and releasing

We know that our last lesson (Lesson Seven: "Know No Agenda") was a difficult and challenging lesson. For some
of you it was so challenging that you heard the words, and you put these down, and you said, "The time is not right
for me. I do not understand the concept, so I will not think about it for the time being." And, that was wonderful,
because even just the energy that you connected with in that lesson was enough to begin an internal process that is
helping you to release agenda.
Our last lesson was a difficult one indeed! It will also be difficult one for you to teach to others. They, like you, will
not quite understand what agenda is. They will have to go within their being for greater understandings. Dear friends,
the ones you teach about agenda… they too may put the book down at the time and walk away, walk away from you,
saying, "This is not right for me. I do not so much understand this teacher and what they are asking of me!" We know
that many of you had that reaction. But, it was a key lesson to understanding what we are going to talk about today.
And, what we are going to talk about today is a beautiful, and a wonderful, and joyful thing.
Now, before we proceed, it is important to talk for a moment of where you are… where your world is… what things
will be coming your way… how we see it from our side. As we said, you are going through a very challenging period
right now. You are learning to integrate your own divinity. You are learning to release the ways of the Old Energy. You
are learning to release the Old Energy with honor, not to throw it out with the trash. Honor the ways of the Old
Energy, even the ways of what you would call your New Age, because it brought you to this point.
(chuckling) Oh, we know, some of you have called us crazy when we asked you to release many of the New Age
things – the crystals, the prayers, the meditations, the aliens. We know these things have been a comfort, like a
comfortable blanket, for you. We have challenged you to release these things, for indeed they too have been
agendas. They too have been like boulders in the river.
Many have run the other way when they heard some of our words. They do not want to give up these things. They
do not want to give up these things that are wonderful in a way, but distractions in another way.
By releasing the ways of the Old Energy, you are releasing your agendas. By releasing them, you are forced to
look within yourself. How difficult to do! It is much more fun to look at someone else's astrological chart than to look
at yourself. It is much more pleasurable, dear friends, to sit in a meditation where you clear your mind and focus on
one thing than to have to use the Language of Ah and all of the senses to help connect with who you are.
These things are challenging, we know. That is why we love you so much. You have learned to gently place the
Old Energy ways on the bookshelf. You have learned to continue moving forth into the New Energy by releasing the
things of the Old Energy. This has allowed you to truly begin making that divine internal connection.
And, that is what it is all about. That is what you ask us to come here to talk to you about each time. "Dear Spirit,
dear Tobias, and All That Is, come and talk to us about how to make that divine connection while still in human form.
Talk to us about how to once again make that connection with the energy of Home." That is why we speak these
things to you. You are beginning to hold your divinity, beginning to keep it within your being. Oh, that is so important.
Instead of flashes of energy coming through, instead of getting a hit now and then, you are truly holding it in.
What lies ahead for you in this next period of time? You will continue to have experiences. And, indeed as long as
you are in human form and reside in the energy of duality, there will be challenges. But, you will begin to have a new
level of trust within yourself.
Things will start coming together. Things that you have been yearning for will start coming together in strange and
mysterious ways, but ways that YOU have set up. You will begin to understand how you can truly be your own guide.
You do not need a guide that is an angel. You do not need a guide that is a human professing a certain philosophy or
selling a feel-good-quick scheme. Your soul is your own guide.
As you release the energy of duality around you, you will come to new awarenesses, and in those awarenesses
new potentials of what can be. You will come to a new way of creating. We are not talking here, dear friends, of
months or years from now. It is happening now. These changes are already within you. You are already starting to
experience these things. This is not a golden promise held out in front of you to have at a later time. It is happening
to you now.
We know so very well how you have gotten tired of the promises that you hear over and over from those who
profess to be spiritual leaders and guides. We know you have gotten tired of hearing about tomorrows. That is why
we have pushed you hard. That is why you have pushed yourself hard. That is why it is already happening for you
and will continue to.
What do we see ahead for you and Shaumbra? A new way of living, a way of living that is already within you and
already beginning to take shape. A way that is easier. The more mundane things in life will somehow magically,
mysteriously take care of themselves. You will not need to put specific energy into the specific details of life. They will
take on a life of their own and seem to work for you automatically.
And, you will know that this is not a miracle. When others around you want to know how these "miracles" happen
to you, you will chuckle, because you will have known how hard you have worked to get to this point. Where there is
an alignment and a melding of energy now, it comes together in a very divine way. And, it is YOUR energy. And, it is
YOUR God-self. It is not some Higher Self that you do not even know so well. It is within you. It IS you now.

What we see for you and for Shaumbra ahead is a release of the harshness of life. With it comes a new wisdom to
know how to use these new energies. Indeed, for the one who is asking… indeed, you will understand, not in your
head, but in your spirit, how to bring balance back to your body. That is what is already happening to so many of you.
When your body goes through shifts and changes, you will understand not to fight it. You see what we are saying
here. There is a new rebalancing of your body, but you will not be so overly concerned and so anxious when your
body goes through adjustments. This is natural, particularly during this time you are in. Your body needs to go
through changes. Honor it. Stop fighting it. If your body needs rest, listen to it and honor it. If your body is purging in
ways, through what you would call flus and colds, allow it to do that. It needs it now to release much Old Energy.
Each night when you lie down your physical body is like a factory. It goes to work. It cranks up. The third shift
comes in. And, many changes occur within you. There is a literal changing of your DNA and sub-DNA. There is a
literal sweeping of the floors and cleaning house and throwing out the trash. And, the trash has to come out
somewhere! Sometimes it comes out through your skin. Sometimes it is in your muscles. Sometimes it comes out in
ways that Cauldre does not want us talking about! (much audience laughter) But, you know of what we speak. Allow
these things to happen.
What is your own Earth going through at this time? In a way, it is going through the type of energetic changes that
YOU have gone through over these past 10 and 20 and 30 years. You can look at the energies and the cycles of
Earth, and you can see what is happening if you look into your life in these past years. Think of what it was like for
you, 10, 20 years ago – the turbulence… the quest to understand who you are… the quest for identity and meaning.
The consciousness of humankind is at that point now.
Think of yourself in your teens, in your early 20's. Think of how life was then. Think of how you were looking for
answers, and not finding them always. Look at how you deeply, deeply longed for meaning in your life back then, a
journey that has brought you to this very place at this very moment.
This is what Earth and humankind are going through now. Many shifts, looking for meaning. When the
consciousness of Earth discovers that those who have held an energy of leadership and authority and trust have
misused that… oh, dear ones, there is much anger… there is much feeling of being intruded upon… there is much
mistrust! That is what is happening now. Look at your own institutions and your corporations. Look at the churches.
We have spoken of this before. The walls come tumbling down. The trust leaves. That is happening on Earth now.
What we are saying is that there will be chaos around you. There will be turbulence all around you. And, it will
continue these next few years. It will get very intense at times. When this happens, when you read your headlines, or
watch your news, or see these things happen, remember the turmoil that you went through 10, 20 and 30 years ago
in search for your own truth.
You will continue to see extremes of duality on your Earth at this time. We are not saying that there will necessarily
be grand disasters or events like your September 11 occurring again, but there is the extreme of duality in a time like
this. This is not a time for the middle ground. The energies are playing off of each other very strongly right now, very
strongly. You will be living in a world filled with much growth, just like you grew so much years and years ago in your
first awakening.
Your Earth will be going through much, trying to understand the consciousness and the energies around it. In
particular, you will see later this summer and into your fall months a build-up of these energies. Clip the headlines for
your album to look at later. Put this in your journal as you see the events taking place. And, you can write on each
one, and you can underline it – duality in extreme, duality in action.
The energies will be heating up later this year, because, as the final adjustments of the grids are made on Earth,
the extremes come forward. The Old does not want to change. The Old does not want to change. Plus, new energy
has to be created to propel consciousness forward. How is this energy created? When there is a friction! It is when
there is a battle between the forces of duality. That is why you will see these things.
You are wise enough now to understand that your world is not coming apart at the seams. You are wise enough
now to release that anxiety that you held for so long that perhaps this is the end, the Armageddon. You are wise
enough now to understand that this is duality playing in extremes, much like children play in extremes at times. They
are trying to find the limits. They are testing their own abilities. They are trying to find the boundaries if there are any,
so they play to extremes. That is what is happening on your Earth now. That is what you can expect.
As we have said at the beginning of this Ascension Series, it is not about you any more. It is not. The world is
evolving and expanding. And from our perspective, it is all a beautiful and wonderful thing. It is all part of a process.
There are events that we do not so much enjoy, like your September 11th. We were sad because you were sad.
We were sad that things went to that extreme, but ultimately you have the wisdom to understand that all of these
things are appropriate at this time of change. These changes will continue intensifying through the end of the year.
Dear friends, have no agenda about them, and you will see what is truly happening, and you will see the true
Now, after the end of this calendar year, after the changes of the grids take place, there will be an extraordinarily
large number of humans who choose to leave Earth. They have been holders of energy. They have been waiting for
the appropriate time. We do not make any predictions of how this will happen, for those asking, "Will this be

disease? Will this be war?" It will most likely be a combination of events – natural disasters, wars indeed, diseases
indeed. It will be a larger number… it will be more intense than what it is right now.
There are those who have been holding this energy and know it is time to go. As they do, they make way for the
new ones who will come in. They make way for the ones who are like the children in the room today. They also leave
because they know that with the new energy of the grids, it will be more and more difficult for them to be in their old
ways. As you know, sometimes it is easier to leave and to start over than to continue on the path that you are on
now. Sometimes it is easier to come back to our side, to become refreshed and renewed before you come back to
This is what we see happening in the next period of time. Dear Shaumbra, own your divinity. Hold it within you.
Have no agenda. You will to come to new and greater understandings.
Today’s visitors, the soon-to-be children, come in even closer now. They are excited about coming back into
human form. Oh, they had many lifetimes of challenges and difficulties. But, they are excited, for there is something
new happening. It is not happening tomorrow, or a week from now. It is happening at this moment.
To help you understand what that is, let us go back to the time when you were at Home and in the Kingdom, back
to when you were in the First Circle. This is to help you understand the spiritual physics of what we talk of today.
In the First Circle there was the energy of "Was." It simply was. That energy of Spirit did not know love, for there
was nothing to compare it with. All That Is… simply was. All That Is was not aware of Self. It did not need to "be." It
simply "was." It was an energy that existed and flowed. It was not even an energy of "one," as you would think of it.
For, in order to have a "one," you would have to have something to compare it with. Spirit simply was.
As we have talked about in our story of Jack, at some point something happened – and yes, we will talk of this
some day in great detail – that caused this energy of "was" to want to understand…what it was. It wanted to
understand all that it could do and all of the potentials. When this happened, when there was the slightest
contemplation on the part of Spirit of who Spirit was, then the energies became mirrors for each other. There was a
type of split. It would not be what you now call "duality." That came later. But, there was a mirror image of self.
As we have talked about in our stories, this created the energies of the King and the Queen. They loved each other
deeply. But, even they did not understand what love truly was. They sought to understand this new feeling, this new
energy. For, in the First Circle, it was difficult for them to even understand love.
From this union, and from this to-be-discovered love between the King and the Queen, you were birthed. You were
birthed from an energy that was part of the King and Queen, but yet different and separate. You, the creation of
Spirit, went forth outside of the First Circle. That in itself is amazing! For, how can you go outside of All That Was?
How can you go outside of a circle that contained all of the known energy and had the ability to expand itself within
that circle? These are all things we will address, all fascinating issues.
You went forth, out into the void. When you did, this created duality. You were split into billions of pieces, and
brought back together again at a point. Now you had your own unique identity. But, in that unique identity, you had
also forgotten how to get back Home. You were set free, outside of the realm of Home, to go explore and to create.
In order to do so, you took on the original energy of duality.
Duality – let us talk about it in terms of that white marble and the black marble, the two forces that work off of each
other. Duality was created in your consciousness to help you understand who you were. Without duality, dear
friends, how would you discover who you are? How would you come to know yourself? There had to be a mirror.
There had to be an opposite for you to truly understand. This energy of duality has been with you since you first left
Home. It has been the tool that you have you used, that you have owned and become so familiar with, to help you
see aspects of yourself.
Now, you used this energy of duality to create the universe, and to go explore. You used it to understand the depth
of the dark and the height of the light. As you used these energies back and forth, it brought new meaning and new
identity to who you were. And, they also worked to propel each other. For, if you had not had the energy of "dark,"
"light" would have been static. If you had not had the energy of "light," "dark" would have gone into an abyss. They
work together!
As these energies of duality worked back and forth, it did indeed slow down all things in your universe, the
universe that you had so grandly created. You have always carried these energies of duality with you. They have
always been part of who you are.
When it came time for what we have called the Order of the Arc, when the Earth was created, you came to Earth
once again, carrying these energies of duality with you. You had the energy of duality, the polarity of the "plus" and
the "minus," the "black" and the "white," the "high" and the "low." And, you also had the veil, the veil, which brought
you to a new level of experience. Now, not only had you forgotten the energy of Home, but you had also forgotten
the energy of home away from Home. It provided the opportunity to come to this grand place to take on body, to slow
things down so that you could make conscious decision, so you could make conscious choice – all this a way of
helping you to understand who you truly are.
Now, these energies of duality have been at work within you all of this time. They have remained polarized. There
are times when you are more influenced by what you would call the white marble. And, there are times when you are

more influenced by the black. This is to give you a depth of experience on both sides. When you move from a 2/3
light energy and 1/3 dark to a 2/3 dark and 1/3 light… when you move from one to the other, this helps to give you
new understanding and depth.
You have used the opposing energies of the light and the dark to help propel you forward, to help move your
consciousness forward. They have been important elements for you. That is why we say, "Be careful when you
speak of being Lightworkers." You are all workers. You are divine workers. Be careful, dear friends, when you speak
of being Warriors of the Light, because you are also Warriors of the Dark.
To deny your duality of the energies of both the white and the dark marble… to deny that is to deny part of who you
are. You will go into energetic imbalance, and you will not be very happy. It is a balance of these elements that is so
important – and so important right now. You have an intense fear of the darkness. But, you have been there. You
have played in it. You have gone to the depths of it, even in this lifetime, and certainly in other lifetimes.
We spoke to you a month ago about agenda. When you have agenda, it energizes one of the elements of duality.
And, that is fine and wonderful when you are still playing that game of duality. Have agenda all day long, and you will
see the effects! You will polarize one end, and that will cause an equal and opposite reaction in the other part of
duality. When you place all the emphasis on the light, that also builds the dark, and vice versa. That is why neither
polarity, the light or dark, has ever been able to win over the other in the course of all humanity, and in the course of
the universe, and in the course of your own soul.
Have an agenda towards one thing, and it has an equal and opposite energetic reaction towards the other. No, this
is not karma. This is spiritual physics. This is playing! This is having fun! Oh, it would be so boring, if there was only
light! What would you do? You would have no experience. So, when you polarize one marble, it also affects the
We have also talked of this third element, this "gray" element that would move back and forth. This creates
momentum. This creates energy. This is the pendulum effect, or what we now call the "swinging back and forth." All
of this pendulum effect, back and forth between the poles of duality, is appropriate. It is creating a momentum and an
All of this time, dear ones, we and you have been on a quest for love. That is what we have been doing. Spirit by
herself does not understand love. That is why you, Spirit, are on this journey. That is why you have taken the
elements of duality, the spiritual physics of "2" and put them to work so well in your life. You have been on a quest for
love, trying to understand, to learn, to feel.
You, Spirit… you, divine one, have also been learning to understand your own identity. As you do, as you come to
understand the identity of your own divinity, then you begin to understand God. It has been said that you could never
figure out God in your head. And, indeed that is true. It comes in through your heart. And, it comes in after you learn
to understand your own divinity. When this happens, dear Shaumbra, then Home comes to you. As we have told
you, you never go Home. That was not the purpose of all this. You don't go Home. Home comes to you.
Now why do we speak of all this today? You have come to the point of great wisdom and understanding. You are
learning how to release your agendas. When you do, you take the energetic pendulum off of the energy of duality
that you have had since the beginning. There are no longer the swings back and forth.
When the agenda stops, this creates something new. It creates a new love, dear friends, a new love. When you
take agenda off, combined with the grand wisdom that you have gained over lifetimes and lifetimes… now the
elements of duality can meld together, each with their own imprint intact, but no longer as opposing forces. They can
meld together and create, not one, but a spiritual quotient of 4. That is why we have spoken of 4 over and over.
Duality is the energy of "two."It brought you here to help you understand who you are. It was a play-tool for you,
this white and dark marble. When you release agenda, do not put a spin on either one of those energies. They
combine, in a sense. As you could say, they make love with each other. This creates the energy quotient of "four."
This is the new understanding of love. And, this is Lesson Eight of the Ascension series, the New Understanding of
Love. (chuckling) In a sense, there is no lesson that goes with this. There is nothing you need to do. It is already
happening within you. It is not something you have to mentally work on. You do not need to leave this room, or leave
this page, and go do something. You only need to understand that you are coming to a new understanding of love. It
is happening and will continue to happen within you.
In the past, your understanding of love was somewhat limited. Your understanding of love was part of your quest
for love. You would seek out another individual who was compatible and who truly filled the void within you and
helped to balance you in ways. Indeed there were strong emotional feelings in connection with this person, but
ultimately you did not find yourself through them. You only found a partner or a mate to take the journey with. They
did not hold any energy of your divinity.
Your old understanding of love is very limited, very limited. Oh, you tried so hard to love at times! You told yourself
you must love others… you must love what you're doing. But, you didn't have a clue what love truly was. In the new
understanding of love, it goes beyond words. It is not what you think it is. It is the release of duality. It is no agenda.
No agenda.
Now, those elements of duality that you have always had with you… shed their old energies. Oh, you might feel
some of the effects on you physically. Allow this to happen.

The energies of duality are like waves, or wave lengths. There are highs and lows. They play off of one another.
The lows propelled you to highs. The highs brought you to new insights that could sometimes be called low periods.
They worked with each other. It is now about embracing ALL of that, the highs and the lows, the white marble, the
black marble, the positive, the minus. Embrace all of it. Don't focus on just one energy of duality. Embrace all of it.
This will give you a new understanding of love.
The new love will start within yourself first. Start within yourself first. This new love begins with you. Do not feel you
need to go out and spread it all over the world right away. That will come. We will talk about that. Nurture it within
yourself, much like you would nurture a child. It will start within.
You have done so much to avoid the lows and the pains and the darkness and the negative and the bad. But, it
has all been part of you. It has been part of this grand game, if you call it that, or grand experience. Embrace all of it
now. Release the agendas about the right and the wrong. Release the agendas about what others need and about
what the world needs at this point. Embrace the highs and the lows, because they ARE all part of the same.
That is why we have spoken so ADAMANTLY about these drugs of yours. They take away the light and the dark.
ALL of those elements are important. You need the ups and downs. It is how they are polarized now, how you work
them within you.
There is a new love that is within you. And, it is an understanding. It is, in a sense, a wisdom, a feeling. It is so
difficult for us to put into words. But, it is emerging. There is nothing you need to do. That is why today's lesson is so
easy, and it is such a turning point. That is the reason why there are so many guests here on this day. You do not
need to go home and scratch your head about this. The energy of the new love has been planted in this space. It
was already within you. Now, it is anchored here.
The reason why the soon-to-be children come in today is because they want to understand this also. They have a
journey in front of them. But, they want to see a group of humans who has come to the point where duality can be
released. They want to see a group of humans who has transcended the old energetic ways of duality. They want to
see how this new group accepts the dark and the light, the up and the down… accepts all these… no longer
struggles, trying to get out of the void… no longer tries to cling to the high points… but understands that the rhythms
of this are all appropriate, and in doing so, that there is no energizing of the old elements of duality.
It is a new love, but it is nothing like what you thought it would be. It does not have to do with another person, at
least not at this time. It has to do with your own being and your own soul. It is already happening to you, as we said
before, not tomorrow, not the next day. It is already happening. Simply let it be, dear friends.
This new understanding of love will continue to flourish and to grow. That is why it is so rewarding for us, so
honoring for us today to give this lesson – because there is no lesson. There is simply acknowledgment of where
you are.
Indeed, there are words for you to look at, to help you to understand where it is that you are at. But, the important
thing is that you are here. The important thing, more than anything… as agenda is taken off, there is this melding…
there is this new dynamic of what used to be duality. But, it is now going to this energy of four, rather than two.
What happens here in the new understanding of love is that Home, Home can finally come in. That is what is
happening. That is why we are so fascinated. That is why the children-to-be are so excited. For the first time since all
of us left Home, Home is starting to come in. Home is starting to, in a sense, reawaken, expand forth, come to meet
This is what we have all been excited about ever since our journey began. We all wondered, "Where is Home?
Where is Spirit?" We all wondered when that time would come when Home would come to get us. And, you thought
that Home would save you. But, it’s not like that. There is no saving. Home comes to greet you and to hug you and to
thank you for this long journey that has changed the nature of All That Is. "Was" is no longer "was." "Was" IS now.
Dear friends, when we say that you are never alone on this day, we mean it like never before, for Home is finally
able to begin coming in. It comes in through you and through your divinity and your ownership of it.
You are never alone, for Home is now touching you.
And so it is!


March 2, 2002

And so it is, dear friends, that much energy has been placed here today. Much energy has come in anew today.
This was, in a sense, a lesson that is not a lesson at all. As we said, there is nothing to study. There is no struggle or
strain. This lesson is about an acknowledgement of something that has taken place because of all of the work and
effort that you have placed into it. What is important on this day is not the words that are said, but rather the
"becoming" that takes place within you.

When we speak of New Energy, indeed it is so very true. The old ways of duality are leaving. They are melding
together… going through a sacred alchemy of their own. This is releasing the need for the interplay between the
dark and the light that has always existed. They do not need to drive each other like they have in the past.
There will be a new type of energy, which we will speak of in our next gathering. It is like a whole new spiritual fuel.
Your society is used to running on oil and petrol. It would be like suddenly realizing that you no longer needed the old
fuel. It has been replaced by a new energy that drives your society. The new spiritual energy is much like that within
your own energetic make-up now.
Duality, an energy used to move yourself forward, can now begin leaving. When that happens, you come to a new
understanding of love. As we said before, the quest for love has been on ever since you left Home. The quest for
love is the desire to understand who you truly are. You have sought to know your Self with your own unique identity
and fingerprint… a being who IS Spirit, but has uniqueness as well… a creator in your own right as well… one who
will soon inherit the throne, as we have spoken of. The new understanding of love is something that you have
Now, so many of you are saying, "But, Tobias, I have felt nothing. My life is still filled with hardships and
challenges." We understand that. But, we also know that this is a marker in time and consciousness for you. We see,
from our perspective, that the release of duality is present within you, and that you will come to a new understanding
of what love truly is.
This new understanding is not about finding a soulmate, for they did not have the answer for you! (chuckling) They
are also in duality. It is not finding a "twin flame," for there is no "twin flame." There is YOUR flame of divinity. There
is not a lost piece of you. Love is not simply finding a mate, or having the affection, and the passion, and the care
that you have for a child or a parent. Oh, indeed those are all types of love.
But, there is a new understanding of love that comes in when duality is released. It is the fulfillment, the completion
of the Second Circle. It is the fulfillment of a journey.
Now, is there work ahead? Indeed, there is! You still live in a world of duality around you. It will still have an effect
on you. You are still going through the transformational process. You are still releasing energies from the past. There
will still be body aches and pains for a period of time. There will still be doubts and swings back and forth. But you
will notice an underlying and an overlying New Energy, an energy, an understanding of love that you could never
have had before. It begins within you. It is not found in another person. It is found in Self.
As we said, this is a lesson that is not a lesson at all. But, some day when you sit with those who come to you for
guidance, you will know they have learned that it is not about them; they will have learned to hold their divinity and
own it; they will have learned to sense things on new levels through the Language of Ah; and they will have learned
to release agenda. You will then know that they are coming to a new understanding of love.
Oh, that new understanding of love will be a new fuel and energy unto itself! There will no longer be the need for
the interplay of duality, of the 2/3 to 1/3 ratio, of the back and forth. Those polarities always drove each another. It is
not needed anymore. It is a weight that is being released and dropped from you.
Does this happen overnight? No, dear friends. It is a process that takes a bit of time. But, the glimpses will get
stronger and clearer. You will look back and say, "Oh, I did not understand three words of what Tobias said on that
day of March 2nd. But, now I understand. Now, I understand that an energy came in on that day. I understand that I
was ready for a new awareness. I did not know the words so well." "But now I understand," you will say, "what Tobias
was talking about, for he was speaking the language of my own soul back to me."
The message we brought forth to you on this day was from yourself. And, it was saying, "The time is NOW. The
time is in this moment. It is not in the future. In this moment the duality is leaving. Slowly, quietly, and patiently, it is
leaving. It is leaving, and it is being replaced by a new understanding of love, a love that has no agenda."
Can you imagine that? Love without agenda! A love that is patient and quiet with you… a love that is honoring of
you and of others… a love that continues to fulfill itself over and over… continues to grow unto its own energy. Yes,
yes, creating New Energy, all by itself!
In duality, energy was created when one element, perhaps the dark, collided with the light. Those aspects of who
you are, in a sense, were bashing into each other and creating an energy as a result of the collision. That is how
energy was created. Oh, in these months and years to come, it will seem so crude the way you used to produce
energy to move you forth.
The energy of love will fulfill itself and complete itself over and over and over again. Dear friends, love does not
need to be understood in the mind. It does not. Love, this new understanding of love, will not come from the mind. It
will come from all parts of your being. That is why we needed to talk of the Language of Ah before we ever got to this
You will come to understand how this was a real turning point for you and your own process. Ah, things will
change. That is why the Metatron directly asked us to talk today about the changes that would be occurring within
you and the world around you. Indeed, you are changing. You are.
Our visitors, the children-to-be, come here on this day to see what it is like when a human enters their divine stage,
releases duality, and comes to a new understanding of love within their being. They are quite honored to be here
with this group. And, they are anxiously awaiting the questions and answers. (audience laughter) So, let us begin.

QUESTION: Ok, Tobias, I’ve been curious for a while about the terms "Old Energy" versus "New Energy." When I
use them, I get an uncomfortable feeling. Can you speak of this? The terms feel so polarized.
TOBIAS: Indeed, and just for you, dear one, we will devote our entire Lesson Nine to this subject to satisfy your
question. We do not want to go into detail now. We will speak in our next gathering of the New Energy, of what it truly
is, of why we can talk so openly and without polarization about the Old Energy and the New. But, bear with us for the
next 30 days or so.

QUESTION: Tobias, if we have no agenda, how can we have a purpose, and how are we supposed to go through
daily life?
TOBIAS: This is an excellent question, and as we said in Lesson Seven, there will be times with "no agenda,"
when you first begin to use this, that you will feel like a jellyfish with no structure or no strength. Do you know that
duality gave you strength? It energized you. And, that was the purpose! It polarized you. It created energy. Now, it
will feel awkward at first, being without agenda, but then you will come to a new understanding of true love that will
surpass any of the old understandings of duality.
We cannot tell you how to do it. It is not a mental exercise. It is an experience that you go through. Play with the
release of agenda. We are not telling you that you have to throw all of this out right away. Play with not having
agenda. And, then other times embrace the agenda, and see how the two compare. See how it evolves around you.
We can tell you one thing, dear one who asked this question. If you try to hang on to agenda now while duality is
leaving you, it will be most uncomfortable. You will find yourself wanting to throw agenda out the window because it
will not serve you well. Use actual experiences in your life, those that will be coming into your life, to play with this, to
play with releasing agenda. It must be at your own pace, what feels comfortable for you. If you feel the need to hang
on to it for a while, so be it. We honor you for this.

QUESTION: Can you talk about the correlation between the Earth’s declining magnetic field and the increase in
vibration of the planet and what effects we as humans can experience because of it?
TOBIAS: Indeed as the grids are being changed, this reduces the strong grip of the veil. As the grid work is being
completed, it also provides the potential to release duality all around you. Duality, in a sense, is held in place by the
magnetics of Earth, so you will find polar shifts occurring more erratically than they have in the past. The magnetic
poles of Earth have always shifted, and there are patterns within these shifts. At times they are rapid, and at other
times, they are very slow. If you would ever plot these changes in the intensity of magnetic shifts, you will see that
they correspond to consciousness changes on Earth. You could almost map these compared to world events.
So, now you will see more erratic changes in the polarity of Earth. Is that not appropriate, as you release duality,
that the Earth poles would also, in a sense, lose their grip? Cauldre asks us to interject that you can literally chart
this through your scientific services that are available – through your Internet.
The magnetic poles of Earth will shift quite erratically and dramatically, and then they will almost come to a
standstill. And, all of this will greatly confuse your scientists because they will not understand. But you will. You will,
because you will know it's indicative of the changes that you and humanity are going through.
At the same time the intensity of Earth's magnetics will also fluctuate. It will change back and forth. There will be
periods where the magnetics will get stronger, and then much weaker. And, again this will confuse your scientists,
because it will not follow the patterns of the past. What you are going through is not normal. It has not happened in
the past. And, indeed the vibrational resonance of Earth will continue to change. It will continue to increase. It has
increased dramatically in these past few years of time.
In a sense, it is a very crude indicator of your own vibrational changes, your heightening vibration. So, you will see
this… what is called your Schumann resonance… increase, but it will not be in a predictable pattern. This is similar
to what we spoke of at the beginning of our session today. You will see changes all around you. You will see
extremes of polarity taking place in human consciousness. Then you can see how this change in consciousness
then affects the magnetics and the vibrations of Earth. All of this is a delightful and wonderful way of saying that you
are on course, that you are on the path. It is time for the energy of duality to transform into this New Energy of "four"
that we have spoken of.
That is why we come to you on this day with, not a lesson, but an acknowledgment, saying that you are coming to
new understandings of love, a love like you have never known before, and a love like Spirit has never known before.
And, it is coming from within you.

QUESTION: Dear Tobias, a lot of times I can see the disaster potential of a situation. For example, when I see
someone riding a bicycle, I can see in a flash how that person is crashing and getting hurt, etc. But, in reality nothing
is happening to that person, and he’s just riding by. Can you offer some explanation?
TOBIAS: Indeed, there IS the potential for disaster to occur. There is the potential for some sort of disaster. This is
all part of the energy of duality that we spoke of. Riding right along side of that biker, riding right along side of every
vehicle going down the road, is the other potential. And, you are seeing that. You are seeing that, especially now,

because you are more sensitive than ever before. Through the Language of Ah, you are beginning to sense things.
Do not let it frighten you. You are seeing the beautiful example of duality, working to create new energy.
Now, occasionally what you call disaster does occur. The other potential is put into force. There are times when
your psychics, your readers… they are always predicting disaster, but it does not so often occur. They too are seeing
an energy potential that is the antithesis of what is taking place at the time. And, occasionally it does. But, it does not
mean that the potential you are seeing is the reality that will take place.
So, you frighten yourself when you see these things. You wonder… you think that perhaps then you were going to
create the accident for that person? No, it does not work that way, not unless you go over and physically push them
off their bicycle. (audience laughter) But, you have too much wisdom for that, so don't scare yourself with that
thought either.
This is a beautiful example, Shaumbra, a beautiful example of the duality that we spoke of – the white marble and
the dark marble. Even when the white marble is the one expressing itself in reality, the potential of the dark marble
sits right along side of it. That is how duality works. That is why Metatron comes in to Earth at this time. He comes to
help with the understandings of what we will call the "spiritual physics," but which are the physics of the New Energy.

QUESTION: Dear Tobias, is there something I can do to speed up the process of developing technical and
scientific abilities?
TOBIAS: (chuckling) There is, and it is simply to get out of your damn head! (audience laughter) Now, that is
meant for all of you, not just for the one asking this. You grind away… oh, we can hear those gears in your head
going at times! And, you grind away. You have a gift, a new understanding, the new Language of Ah. Inspiration will
come into you. It will come in, and it will come up to your head at some time because that wonderful brain of yours is
still needed for implementation on this human plane. But, if you allow yourself, there is so much knowingness within
you. We’re not just talking of this spiritual knowingness. With spiritual knowingness comes knowingness of the way
things work or should work. Be in the Language of Ah. And allow duality to leave.
One of the few things that blocks the inspirational process – the boulders in the river – is the brain. It is the brain.
Now, do not misunderstand us. The mind is a wonderful thing. It is indeed, but it is not the pinnacle. It is only part of
the process. Occupy that brain of yours by doing mundane tasks… go out and mow the lawn… go out and shovel
the snow… and do those things that will take your mind off the moment. These understandings that are already
within you – and we can see them – they will come forth. There are so many understandings within you, you know.
They are like packets, waiting to be opened. They are like presents within you. They are yours. You do not get them
from somewhere else.
Oh, there are inspirations that are wanting to come forth, but you still try to bring it through up here (Tobias pointing
to Cauldre’s head). Keep yourself occupied. (chuckling) Go get a job at a factory, and do mundane work. That will
allow the inspirations to rise up, because your mind will be occupied with something else. Then it can come up. Then
you will have the idea. It will be wrapped in knowingness. You will know what to do with it. You will know who to go to
for assistance and help. Then, you can quit your factory job and make these things a success. (audience laughter)
Throughout the history of man, the scientists and philosophers and inventors who came up with the greatest
inventions, used the least amount of "mind" at the inception stage. The mind comes in later, at the implementation
stage. So, that will give you something to NOT think about for a while. (audience laughter)

QUESTION: My dreams have been especially detailed these past few months. I remember conversations word-
for-word, and my body still feels the physical interactions upon awakening. Did I really do that with that person on the
astral plane because the veil is thinning? It’s so real.
TOBIAS: Indeed, dreams will continue to be more and more dynamic as the veil is lessened. There will not be
such a distinction between your waking state and your dream state. You will find yourself, as so many of you are,
talking to yourself in your dream state, wondering if it is a dream, wondering if it is reality. There is a new
communication that goes on in the dream state, a wonderful communication. We encourage you to continue working
with this.
This is a wonderful thing, when the dreams and what you would call reality meld. This is taking all of the energies
and putting them together. There is no longer the wall that separates the two. This is a wonderful indicator that
duality is slowly dissolving. The new understanding of love is coming in. Yes, the dreams in particular, you will
remember the detail more than ever.
Now, understand that dreams still present themselves to you in a symbolic form to you. Generally, do not take your
dreams literally. They are a series of symbols. As you open yourself to the Language of Ah on your human sensory
level and the divine sensory level, you will begin to understand the sequence of these symbols.
We would also… (pausing) Cauldre does not like what we have to say here, but this happens so often now.
(audience laughter) Your "dream dictionaries" and "encyclopedias" have been wonderful tools. But keep them on the
bookshelf! That is where they belong right now! You are better off going within your being, into your knowingness,
and asking what the symbols represent. If you see a bridge in your dream, it is not necessarily what your dream
dictionaries tell you.

We know, so many of you have these dream dictionaries at home. So many of you have four or five of these at
home! Have you ever wondered why you need four or five? Have you ever wondered why they are not consistent
with each other? But, go within, and ask yourself what the symbol of the bridge meant… what the rock meant… what
the cave meant… what the moon in your dream is trying to tell you. These are all symbols from yourself. They do not
come from outside.
Now, we will add a footnote here, a challenge for Shaumbra. The study and the understanding of dreams, is one of
the greatest areas for human discovery. You have your ocean, some to be discovered yet. You have your universe,
new stars, new planets – much to the discovered. But, even beyond that is the discovery for what is held in the
dreams, because in the dreams you travel interdimensionally. You go through various states of consciousness.
Through the understandings of the dream, you can truly begin to understand your journey.
Teachers, Shaumbra, we encourage any who are drawn to dreams to begin working on this. When you do… when
you begin that path of dream study and understanding that can be taught to others, there will be much guidance and
assistance around you from our realm and then from the human realms. Oh, why have humans not spent more time
researching this vast, grand territory of dreamland?

QUESTION: Tobias, there are times when I seem to be getting what no agenda, no outcome, no expectation, is.
Yet as I move toward the future, I cannot help but hold some sort of expectancy. Can you comment on my process?
TOBIAS: Indeed, you have been trained to have expectation. You have been trained to think of desired outcomes.
As the awarenesses of the New Energy, the new love, and the new dynamics come in, this will quickly replace some
of these concerns and doubts that you have. Now, dear friends, you would like an exercise… you would like
something tangible… you would like for us to tell you that you must do this and this. And, there are times when we
do that. There are lessons like today that indeed are not really a lesson at all. They are part of the process and the
understandings of where you are.
Duality IS leaving you and being replaced by a New Energy, the energy of love, but not a love like you've had in
the past. Duality is leaving. You do not need to force it out. You do not need to think it out. You simply need to allow it
out. It is a process that takes a bit of time.
In the meantime, understand that when your body aches, love it, embrace it. Know that that is part of the process.
Don't try to escape from the experience it is going through. Try to bless it, for it is indeed a wonderful experience.
When you hit some low points – and you will, you will – it is part of the cycles of the ups and downs, the on and off of
energy. It is part of the way duality itself is releasing itself. When you go into the lows, that helps duality transform,
release. So, do not scramble to try to get out of the lows, but honor the space that you walk in.
So many of you are concerned that if you let go when you are in a low, you will fall into the pit, into the abyss,
never to return again, to be eaten by some dragon of the deep dark. (audience laughter) Dear friends, it does not
work that way for you any more. It does not work that way. When you are in a low, don't try to force yourself out of it.
Understand it is an energy cycle. Understand, in a sense, with all that is happening within you, that there is a spiral
that will take place that will work you through it at the appropriate time.
During these times, seek the friendship of others. Share with them what you are going through. You will find they
are going through common experiences, and in that discovery, there is new wisdom, and there is new energy. For all
of Shaumbra, all of you, we suggest – and, yes, to Cauldre, too – we suggest the facilitations works that help move
the Old Energies out of the body. They do have a tendency to get stuck there. Do facilitation work that helps you
understand your breathing. As simple as it seems, breathing is such a wonderful tool… and you forget to use it
consciously. Get facilitation work that helps you to hear your own voice. There are wonderful counselors all over the
world, throughout the family of Shaumbra, who are good listeners. And, sometimes that is all it takes.
Now, one other point on this day, and that is about something we mentioned earlier. We talked of the self-doubts
that come in. We have talked to you today about grand information: Home finally, finally being able to have the first
rays of its energy touch you. Home, now for the first time, being able to touch you and to acknowledge you and to
share with you once again. It will take place over a period of time. It will start small within you. It will grow, and then it
will touch more and more of mass consciousness.
This is grand information, and it opens the door to grand self-doubt. That is part of the energy dynamic of what is
going on right now. That is part of this whole process of the transformation of duality into the New Energy. This is
appropriate. When the self-doubt comes in, dear friends, this is one of the cycles, what you would call perhaps a low
cycle or a down cycle. Do not try to put the blanket over it, or to extinguish it, or to deny it. Walk through it. Walk
through that self-doubt. It is one of the snakes on the road. It is there for a reason. It is still helping to produce
energies that will propel you, that will propel your own divinity to new levels of understanding.
For this next period of time, until we get together again, simply relax and enjoy. You have worked hard. Understand
that this new love comes in. Be in a place of peace and integration within youself. No studying, no homework for the
next 30 or so days, dear friends.
We love you dearly, and we are ALWAYS with you.
And so it is!

April 7, 2002

And so it is, dear friends, that we gather with you on this very special day in an energy of the "now." It involves all
of you humans… people who are here in this direct space, and all of the others who are now able to tap into this
energy (on the Internet). And everyone who will read this at a later date. They, too, are sitting here in this moment in
the "now." From all across the world Shaumbra gathers. You do not need to all be in the same physical space or time
to be in the same "now." You do not need to be in the same room, because you ARE all in the same space.
Those of us on this side, especially those of us who have not been in human form in a while, love the energy of
human technology. There are humans who think technology is not such a good thing. But, dear ones, dear ones,
technology is the RESULT of consciousness. Technology can never be greater than the consciousness of
humankind. Technology follows your consciousness. So, when these tools such as this Internet come into being,
there might be those who say, "This is not a good thing. This could be used for dark or for evil." But, dear friends, it
comes in as a result of your consciousness, so therefore, honor it.
We will talk much of consciousness on this day. We will call this "the day of consciousness," the changing
consciousness of you and of Earth. A special day it is indeed, for typically gathered here with Shaumbra at this time,
we would have a lesson. We would go through a specific understanding with you.
But, it is that Metatron asked if instead he could deliver an energy, wrapped in a message given in words, to
Shaumbra all over the world. The message and the energy behind it are timeless, but so appropriate to the moment
that you are in now.
Now, we see here that you have a new physical space that you are in (referring to the new Crimson Circle meeting
location). We see that you keep moving to bigger and bigger spaces! (audience laughter) It makes no difference to
us the type of walls that are around you in physical form, for it is the energy that collects here.
Perhaps you can feel the changes, the building up of energy, and the bringing together of all energies. There is, in
a sense, a ball of energy that has been created by you, the humans here in the "now." It is a ball of energy that glows
from the center point of this space. It has been created by you.
And, its energies of love and consciousness expand through your physical bodies, through your Internet. This ball
of consciousness that you have created in this new space expands even through the walls of this place, into Earth,
and through your omniverse. We can feel it from our side of the veil. Can you feel it in the very space you have
created here? Can you your collective consciousness in your being through the Language of Ah?
Take a moment now, dear ones, to breathe in the energies of Shaumbra, of the Crimson Council, of Metatron, and
of Home. Breathe these deeply through your being. This simple breath is what brings it and anchors it into your
"now." This simple breath ignites the divine that is growing within you. So, breathe in now, deeply, dear ones.
Breathe this in. Know that you are in a place here that is family. Know you are in a place that is filled with love, but a
new type of love.
There are times when we sit here and just admire you. Oh, we look out at you. We love to just – as you would call
it – stare at you, gaze at you in amazement and in wonder.
There is one who sits here today, on our side of the veil who is looking at you now. She was with you a month ago
on your side. She is looking now, this dear one you called Mira (Mira Stanley, coordinator for the Shaumbra Prison
Program, who crossed over on April 1, 2002). She is here with us indeed and with you, but she is looking now from
our side. She is seeing something that she had never seen before when she was walking as a human in this lifetime.
Amazed, she is, so amazed!
She says, "Now I know why I chose to be a human. Perhaps I will go back into human form a little sooner than I
thought." She is shaking her head, saying, "My, I said I would never go back, but now I see the reason to be on Earth
as a human. I see the reason when I look at a group of humans and see the love that is blossoming. It is like
watching flowers in the spring, the most beautiful time to gaze upon flowers, when they are growing and budding,
and when the first petals start to unfold, and the first fragrances start to come forth."
This is what we see also. This is what Mira sees. This is why we honor you all so much. We are sending you many
messages right now, each appropriate to you individually, but we are sharing these with you on the other levels. You
can sense what we are delivering to each of you individually through this Language of Ah. We talk to you in many
voices, in many ways. It is not just through the words of Cauldre (Geoffrey Hoppe) that we speak to you. But,
especially on days like this with the energies as intense as they are, we talk to you in many ways.
Now, let us speak for a moment of the New Understanding of Love, which we talked of in our last gathering
together (Lesson Eight). Dear friends, there is a New Energy that is blossoming, and it is coming up within you. And,
in this is a new physics of love, a new balance of energy.

In the past you knew love as a mirror. You learned of love through the mirror. You learned of it by playing this game
of duality – light and dark, good and bad. That is how your consciousness grew. Yes, and there were times when you
found another who you loved so much. But, in a sense, they were a mirror to you, that mate or spouse, that family
member, that dear friend.
You came to understand love by looking in the mirror, by going through the steps of duality. That is why so often
love in the end seemed incomplete. That is why you kept on searching for love, even after finding your soulmate.
Your search continued, even after finding a family and coming to them in a lifetime and knowing love. Your search
continued, for dear friends, it was only a mirror.
In the new understanding of love the elements of duality come together in a dance. In the new understanding of
love there is no mirror anymore from you to the outside, or from you to yourself. In the new understanding of love,
there is a marriage that takes place. And, it is within you. It is all of those elements that are you. It is the light and the
dark joining together as a new type of illumination. It is not light like what you have thought of before. And it is not the
void of darkness. It is a new illumination.
In the new understanding of love, there is a marriage of the elements. These elements have always been there. In
a sense, they were opposing each other, bumping into each other. This action transformed energy from one state to
another. But, it was not new energy. It was only the transofmration of existing energy.
In the new understanding of love that is coming into you, there is something new being created. It is no longer
simply a transformation of energy from one form of consciousness to the other. The new understanding of love IS
New Energy.
We WILL talk more about that, and we WILL have several more lessons after this for a total of eleven in this
Ascension Series.
Dear friends, there is a new understanding of love, and you do not need to try to capture it in your brain. You do not
need to try to create it or pull it from the depths from within you. It is blossoming like a spring flower.
Now, let us talk for a moment about consciousness. Consciousness is a key word right now in what you are going
through, and what Earth is going through.
Consciousness is the wisdom of your past experiences, and the potential of the future, brought together
and expressed in the "now."
Consciousness, dear ones, the wisdom of your past. It is the enlightenments that you have come to through the
very experiences of duality that you have gone through. It is the wisdom of the past. It is knowing, dear ones, what it
was like to be in duality; to experience battles and love; to experience abundance and lack; to experience a fulfilling
relationship… and to be alone. These are all experiences, and they created a wisdom within you.
Oh, indeed there are scars from some of these experiences, but the scars are only illusions. The wounds are only
a perception that can change, that can be released. When the scars and the wounds have healed and are gone,
what is left is wisdom. Pure, unadulterated wisdom within your soul. This is part of consciousness.
Consciousness is also the potential of what lies ahead, based on where you have come from. You have created
many potential scenarios for where you will go. In a sense, you could say that you transcend time, that you
investigate the potential of the future. But, you do not experience it. For those who are wondering – for those who
think that the future has already been created – it has not. You can only view the potentials, but you cannot
experience the future until you are in the "now."
Consciousness is when you bring together the wisdom of the past with the potentials of the future into the "now"
and express it. That is consciousness. And, consciousness right now is changing rapidly within you and on the face
of this Earth. Very, very rapidly.
Dear ones, there are those of you who have wanted to know your own power, your own God-self. Some of you
have sat quietly, and you put a stone or perhaps another object on the table in front of you. You tried to move it with
your thoughts and with your power, didn’t you? You tried to make physical objects suspend in midair. You have tried
to blow out candles without your breath, but through your mind. You have tried to move that stone on the table by
willing it to be so, by willing it to move. And, it did not!
When you weren’t able to move the stone with your mind, you became confused and frustrated and did not think
that you were powerful. You did not think that you had gotten the formula of God right yet. But, dear ones, you were
not looking at it correctly. You were trying to exert a power that was not real power.
Real power occurs when you change your consciousness. Sit in front of the rock now. Your new consciousness
changes the consciousness of the rock. Your new consciousness does not take any form of exertion, or willing, or
strength, or pushing. It is simply a consciousness shift. The rock moves in direct response to your new
That is how you move a rock without touching it, without willing it, or without trying to psyche it out. Change your
consciousness, and the consciousness of the rock changes. Then, you will understand how to move it without
touching it. Oh, and it will take no real effort on your part!
But, Tobias, you say, "How do I change my consciousness?" It is quite simple. You have just been looking in the
wrong places. You have been trying to make it so difficult. How do you change your consciousness? You simply

release your old consciousness. That is all. When you release the consciousness of yesterday, it opens the way for
your new consciousness to come in.
It is always changing, and you will continue to go through releases and releases. The energy only gets stuck and
only becomes painful to you physically, mentally, emotionally when you hold on. Release the concepts that might
have been true yesterday, or the day before. Release the energy of old experiences. Release the traumas of the
past, and those pains and sufferings of the past.
What we are saying to you is, "Release fully." We have been saying this over and over to you. That is why we have
said, "Release the crystals. Release the old books." Ah, their consciousness gave you wisdom, but it is time to
release. It is time to take your grip off of those things, for they hold no power now.
The power is within. The wisdom that you gained is within. The wisdom was not in words that were in a book. It
was the energy behind it. The wisdom was not in the crystal. It is what you learned about yourself in the mirror of the
You change your consciousness. You allow it to soar to new heights by releasing the Old. Releasing. Releasing…
a rather challenging and difficult thing it is for humans, I know. I, Tobias, walked in sandals at one time. Releasing is
difficult . There is a fear that comes from the elements of duality that makes it difficult to release until something new
is there to take its place.
But, the New Energy does not work like that. It is releasing today in the "now," in the moment. And, immediately a
new consciousness will come forth, a consciousness that is the meld of the wisdom of the past and the potential of
the future.
Dear ones, consciousness is changing rapidly within you and within Earth at this time. It is changing very, very
rapidly. So much so that there is – how to say –"concern" on our side. There is no fear in this word. There is no fear
on our side, but we see that you have done such an amazing job within yourself, changing your consciousness and
releasing. We see that humanity as a whole has shifted consciousness to the point where everything is going so
quickly, so fast right now. Even we were not anticipating this.
We have been watching – measuring, as you might say – watching your progress, knowing what you have been
going through with your releasing. You have done such a wonderful job that it has created a very delicate balance.
Duality is shifting its consciousness into a New Energy. It is no longer of light and dark, no longer of good and bad.
Duality is shifting its consciousness into a New Energy, what we have called the energy of "four." Four is a very
stable energy, a balanced energy. With it will come new learnings and new understandings and indeed New Energy.
But, because of this rapid shift, we find that you are at a delicate point. Your Earth is at a very delicate point.
That is why Metatron has asked to address you today. He desires to deliver a message, but more important, he
desires to deliver an energy to each of you.
Now, we will shift here in a moment. We have been preparing for this for several weeks. The energy of Metatron is
very strong, very powerful. We will shift from Tobias talking to you through Cauldre to Metatron talking to you through
Cauldre. The energies of each of you will become involved, as well as the energies of Cauldre, the energies of the
Crimson Council, and I, Tobias, and indeed the energy of Metatron. Oh, it will be a chorus of energies that the
message of Metatron rides upon!
(sensing Cauldre’s apprehension) And, for you, Cauldre, we tell you to simply allow this flow. Simply allow this to
So, we ask now that each one of you gets comfortable in your seats. We ask you now to breathe in deeply. We will
take a moment to adjust. Breathe in deeply and open yourself to a new consciousness.

I Am Metatron, Your Voice in Spirit.
I am not used to talking directly to you. For those who know my past, you will understand that I have sent
messengers to be with you. So, it is quite an honor for me to come in directly like this to join with Tobias, to join with
you in this gathering. And, in a sense, I am as nervous about this direct presentation to you as Cauldre might be, or
you might be.
The energy of Earth is changing rapidly. The consciousness is moving swiftly. I come to you today, with the many
others, to speak to you about what is going on within you and all around you. There will be many, many changes.
There is the potential for changes that might be uncomfortable, unnerving. These changes may affect your body and
certainly affect the Earth.
You are coming into a consciousness where you are able to hold in your divinity. You are coming to a time where
the grids have been changed and altered in response to your growth. It is a time when the work of Kryon in changing
the magnetic balances is coming to an end.
There is a delicate balance in this time of rapidly changing consciousness. There is a delicate balance. There is a
delicate balance to these things, particularly between now and the end of your calendar year. But, it is not limited to
that. There will be residues of this rapid change even after the end of your calendar.

My dear ones, the winds will blow a changing energy over your Earth. The winds will carry sadness with them. For
in any change there is sadness. And, the sadness will be thick. It will be heavy. It will touch those the most who have
opened themselves and held in their divinity. The winds are those of change, and the sadness is only temporary. The
winds will help clear an Old Energy from the land and from the people upon it.
And the Earth herself will shake and tremble, for she has been holding in much energy. It will be time to release,
time to let go. And, when the trembling takes place, and it is even under your own foot, do not fear. Know that this is
appropriate. Know that duality is simply trying to leave, and this is part of the process.
There will be those who claim God is sending a message. And, it is true, in a way. But, the message is not about
sin. It is not about wrong-doing. The message is about appropriateness. You will hear these words of righteousness
from others. They will attempt to tell you what you have done wrong. They will attempt to place the blame on you for
not following their truth. When the trembling takes place, and you hear the shouting of other’s voices in your ears,
understand that it is appropriate. Understand that it is a releasing that is taking place, much like the releasing that
you have done.
And the fires shall come over your lands. And, they shall scorch many places and drive many, many from their
homes. And, this also is appropriate. The fires help to release. The fires help to clear. The heat helps to transform.
And, when there are those who tell you and the others that it is nature's way of punishing for what has been done
wrong in the past, know these words are not complete, and not in full truth. Know that the fires are appropriate. Know
that these fires are simply transformational.
And the waters will come. They will come from the sea. They will come from the sky. And, they will be grand. The
waters will be more than what you have seen even in lifetimes of the past. The waters come to cleanse. The waters
come to purify. And, the waters come to put out the fire that is within the hearts of men and women. When the waters
come, and those claim it is yet another sign from God, understand that it is appropriate. Understand that all of the
elements that come now – the winds, and the earth, and the fire, and the water – are part of the transformation from
duality. It is part of the final clearing and final releasing.
So, we come to you today, Shaumbra, to say to you that the delicate balance at this time of change is appropriate.
Do not be shocked at what you read in your news. Do not be shocked or put down by the words of others who are
trying to make it into something it is not. Do not be saddened, dear ones, when many humans choose to leave at this
time. It is appropriate.
Most of the elementals – the devas and the ones from the magic kingdom – left in these past 12 or more years.
They knew it was appropriate to leave the Earth. They left so you could own and accept the power of your own
divinity. The elementals were holding in a balance. And, they left.
There are many humans who have stayed on Earth to hold an energy. They have been holding onto an energy.
And, when they cross over, when they come to our side, do not be sad, for it is appropriate. So many of them will
come back to help you. There may be great numbers of humans who choose to leave, and it may be done in ways
which appear dramatic.
Do not be saddened when these winds blow, and the fires rage, and the Earth shakes, and the waters come. Hold
your own divinity, dear friends. Hold your own divinity.
We come to you today to deliver a message in energy, but also to ask you questions. We ask you, as we are
speaking, to look within your own soul and your own being, for now comes a time. Now comes the time.
Are you ready to FREE yourself? Are you ready to free yourself of the patterns and the ways of the Old? Are you
ready to free yourself of the duality that you have been walking in? Are you ready to allow yourself to soar; to let go
of the wounds of the past; to free the spirit within you that is coming forth, this divinity that is trying to come forth and
The blockages, the walls, that you still have around are not allowing you to be free. So, we ask each of you. Come
now the time – are you ready to be free?
Shaumbra, are you ready to LOVE yourself? Are you ready to truly love yourself? Not in the ways that you might
have thought of in the past. Not in a way that is simply pampering yourself. Rather, in a way that is an acceptance of
everything you have done, everything that you have been, both light and dark. Are you ready to accept that you have
been in duality and that all the experiences you have had have built the wisdom that Tobias was speaking of? Are
you ready to truly love yourself as much as you have loved others, and as much as you have tried to love God?
In the Old Energy of duality, you were taught that loving yourself was not appropriate. Are you ready to love
yourself now, to love everything of who you are? Not to love some illusion of some grand angel that might or might
not be you, not to love something in the future that you think you might want to become, but to love yourself NOW.
Are you ready to do this, to love yourself now?
Shaumbra, come now the time. Are you ready to KNOW yourself, to truly know yourself? In the past you have
known aspects of who you were. You have tried to know yourself. You have tried to find yourself. But, are you ready
to truly know something about you that has been kept within, that has been kept a secret from you by yourself? It
has been kept a secret, because in duality there was part of you that did not want to accept who you are – a unique
being with all of the energy and all of the power of God.

We know it is difficult to accept. But, in knowing yourself, you will come to know this. You will come to know who
you truly are. It will shatter the illusion of who you have thought you were. And in that could be fear. In that there
could be holding back. Are you ready to truly know yourself, fully and completely? It is not the illusion that you have
thought it would be. It is something totally different. Knowing yourself as a Christed one, knowing yourself as one
with Spirit, who came from Spirit… that is a very difficult challenge. Are you ready to know yourself?
Shaumbra, come now the time. Are you ready to OWN your divinity? To not only love it, and to not only know it, to
not only have it in freedom? But, dear ones, are you ready to own it within you, to understand that it IS you, to hold it
within you, to not try to hide who you are? Are you ready to own that this is yours?
Your divinity was not given to you by any other. You have had it all along. It has been sealed. It has been locked
away by seven seals, held tightly within. The seals are now ready to burst open. It is like they have been filled with
stress. That is what you have been feeling, the seals wanting to burst open, all seven of them, not one by one by
one. The seals do not open that way. They open in unison. They open together. Are you ready to own what comes
forth, to accept it within your being and to know it has always been there? It has only been locked away. Are you
ready to own the God that you are?
Come now the time, Shaumbra. Are you ready to SHOW and to express who you are? Are you ready to release
the timidness, the hiding, the doubt? Are you ready to show yourself and the world and all of us the grand angel who
you are? No longer hiding behind thin veils, no longer suppressing your own energy, no longer fearing the sound of
your own voice when speaking to self or others? Are you ready to show your divinity and allow it to come forth,
bursting forth into the "now" that you live in? Are you ready to take that foot off the brake, as Tobias has talked of, to
show who you really are?
There is no greater example for another human than to see one who is owning their divinity and expressing it. If
you do not show who you are, the energy becomes tangled up within you, and it becomes painful in your mind and in
your body.
We ask you, Shaumbra, are you now ready to show who you are, to release these past lives you are trying to hide
behind, where you said, "I will never expose myself as one who is filled with Spirit, for I was ridiculed, for I was put
down and even imprisoned for this." In this New Energy that is shifting out of duality, showing who you are is one of
the keys. That does not mean to be evangelistic. That does not mean to try to convert others. It means to
ILLUMINATE your energy outward. There may not even be words that need to be said. It is simply illuminating who
you are, expressing it through your being. As the seven seals come open, this energy of you will want to come
forward. Are you ready to show who you are?
Shaumbra, come now the time. Are you ready to ALLOW others their space, their consciousness? Are you ready to
accept that the things that go on in people around you and energies around you are appropriate? It is not up to you
to judge the right or wrong, but rather to be in a place of allowing. Are you ready to allow, to accept other, and all
things around you?
This is a key to moving into the New Energy. It is what Tobias has spoken of in "standing behind the short wall." In
doing so, you will understand how things are truly created, but you will also honor the others for their path. Are you
ready to allow others their path, their space, and more importantly, their consciousness? For if you do not, your
energy becomes intertwined with theirs, and you could find yourself joining them on THEIR journey, rather than
continuing yours.
Dear ones, dear Shaumbra, are you ready to RECEIVE the gift, what Tobias has spoken of as the "Fruit of the
Rose?" It is your divinity! You have carried it with you ever since you left Home. Your divinity has always been there.
It is your gift to yourself. Within the Fruit of the Rose is the solution that you already placed within your
consciousness . Dear God who is sitting before us today, you have already created the solution, but you wanted to
explore other possibilities! The solution is in the Fruit of the Rose that has always been with you.
You have never given yourself a challenge where you did not prepare the answer. You prepared the answer in love
and compassion for yourself and placed it there. And now, each time you have a challenge in your life, understand
that the Fruit of the Rose is the solution you have already worked out. You have just not been willing to look at it. You
have been looking at other potential solutions.
There is a divine solution, and it was not written, or created, or given to you by Spirit, by Metatron, Tobias, your
guides, or angels. It was created in your own heart, and that IS the Fruit of the Rose, the solution to everything that
comes within you. But, you have to accept it as your own, that it is not given to you on a silver platter by another
entity. For that is the game you have been playing. That is the game, looking for solutions created by others. Are you
ready to receive the Fruit of the Rose, your divine solution?
And finally, we ask you, come now the time, are you ready to release the illusion of duality? Are you ready to
release this grand illusion, an illusion so strong that you consider it real and truth? Your consciousness is changing
now. You are beginning to understand the energy dynamics of duality. You are slowly coming to understand that
DUALITY IS SIMPLY AN ILLUSION. Are you ready to release this illusion?
To you it might seem like a platform. It might seem like your foundation or your grounding. It might be fearful trying
to release this, not knowing what the new foundation or the new grounding is. You are on the fence right now. You
are on the fence, one foot in duality, the other in ascension, wanting to drag the foot that remains in duality.

We put out the challenge to all of you today at this crucial time in the energetic balance of Earth. Are you ready to
release duality, the illusion of duality? So strong, it is difficult to perceive it only as an illusion, but it is. Are you ready
for this change in consciousness? We have asked to interrupt your regular series to be here, not only for your path,
but also for all of our paths. Consciousness, dear ones, the consciousness of Earth, and what happens on Earth
affects all of us. So goes the consciousness of Earth, goes the consciousness of the universe.
The decisions you make not only affect the consciousness of who you, but also have a direct affect on
consciousness of all other parts and places. It pierces through the dimensions. It pierces through space – your
consciousness and the consciousness of all who are on Earth. The delicate balance that humanity is in right now,
affects us, affects us.
That is why we come to you today, to ask you at this time:
Are you ready to be your divine self?
Are you ready to give up this illusion of duality and weakness, of illness, of loneliness, of despair?
Are you ready to give up the illusion of love, of what you thought it was like?
Are you ready to give up the illusion that you are not free?
Are you ready to give up the secret place you have been hiding yourself behind, the seven seals?
Are you ready to know who you are at the deepest and the most intimate and the most compassionate level?
Are you ready to release this game, this game you have been playing of trying to find yourself, a wonderful game
that has gained you much wisdom and us much consciousness?
We will call it what it is – a game of trying to find yourself. All of the layers of illusions that you have put around
you… wonderful, playful, very creative. But, are you ready, God, to come forth? The rest of humanity, the rest of the
universe is waiting for your answer, your answer that is within.
So goes the consciousness of you, also goes the consciousness of All That Is.
Remember the energy of this day when we came to speak to you… when we asked you the inner questions…
when we asked you to look deep within, a place that has seemed illusive, perhaps frightening to you, but a place that
is deep within you. Know that we understand these are difficult questions, very difficult questions.
Your Earth, and therefore the universe, sits at a critical balance. There is no fear in the energy that we are
delivering here. There is no fear. There is only observation of where you are at – rapidly changing consciousness,
duality trying to transform, trying to leave. All of this has created a situation on Earth that needs your divinity to come
Be in a place of peace as things happen around you. You are ones who are open to feelings, to energies, to shifts.
You have opened yourself well to these. But, in opening yourself, you become fragile, when there is not the deep
inner ownership of your divinity. You become very fragile, when you are not allowing your divinity to express.
You feel things from other people, and you feel events that are taking place even in other parts of your world. You
feel the potential of upcoming grand changes between countries, in the Earth, and all around you. You feel the
impact of these deeply.
We come to you today to say that there is the strong potential for grand and swift changes upon your Earth at this
time. Be in a place of peace with your divinity. That is the grandest thing you can do.
Stand behind that short wall.
Allow others their space and their experience.
Release your illusion of duality.
I am Metatron, your voice in Spirit. We will return to Tobias.
And so it is, dear friends, that the energy of Metatron has been delivered. The words have been given, and indeed,
as I was observing this, the love has been shared, a new love indeed. It was interesting for Metatron to come
forward like this, not quite used to this type of direct gathering, always having messengers like myself and the others
come forward. It was somewhat humorous for me to observe his own uncomfortableness with this situation!
Metatron reminds you that he will continue to make his presence known among Shaumbra and among men and
women of Earth. For, in the shifting consciousness that you are going through… this opens the door for the energies
of Metatron to come flowing in. And, as you own your divinity and express it, Metatron will be right there.
Now, these words were perhaps for you strong, perhaps for you challenging. It was the intent of Metatron to be
very direct with you, to be very direct in the words and the understandings.
So many of you were not really here, but rather taken out during this time, taken to the deeper levels within who
you are, taken out for the energies to come in at the deepest of all levels.
Metatron foresees changes upon your Earth, foresees many things happening. We do not want to go into specific
scenarios, for they have not been created yet. It is all about potential. It is ALL about potential of what could happen.

As we have said to you today, because of the rapid changes of consciousness, you are sitting at a very delicate point
in all of humanity, a very delicate point. Be in that place of peace that Metatron spoke of, with your own divinity. Do
not seek it from another. Do not become rattled when these things happen around you. Do not be swept into the
sadness. Understand that all of these things are appropriate.

And, Shaumbra, I cannot say it enough. I will say it over and over to you. Be together as family. You have been
family of Shaumbra on this side of the veil. We have all worked together, and played together, studied together, and
shared. When you go to Earth, you forget those who are closest to you. You forget the real energy of the words,
You can connect like this all over the world now. Technology and consciousness has made that possible. Share
with each other. Talk to each other. Play with each other here. That will be so important in moving through the difficult
energies of Earth. Know that indeed you are never, ever alone.
And so it is!


April 7, 2002

And so it is, dear friends, that we return to this sacred and blessed energy. So strong and so intense is the energy
here. It is something you can literally take with you. You can take it now and bring it forth at any time you choose.
You can bring it forth when there is doubt, when you wonder what is going on. Simply return to the energy of here
and now.
Now, dear friends, you ask how you can communicate with those of us on this side of the veil. And you ask how
you can communicate with yourself and your divinity? You say that you have not been able to tap into it yet, that it
seems so far away, and so distant, and you are not so sure.
The energy of your divinity, and therefore the knowingness and the love of All That Is, is right at your fingertips. It is
already in your heart. It is already part of your mind. It is so close. It is so close that you are overlooking it. You are
looking on the other side of that wall, thinking that it will be delivered by someone else from somewhere else. It is so
close you do not realize that you are already channel. You are already talking to beings on our side of the veil. You
are already in your divinity.
But, because you are looking so far away for the answers, you have not come to the realization that it is already
within. You are in the illusion that it is somewhere else. You have not faced the reality that it is within you.
Do you want to channeling I, Tobias, or any other entity – Metatron, Yeshua, or any of those who have shown up at
the Crimson Circle? Go closer within. Feel the energies first. Do not worry about the specific words. Understand that
it is so close within. Do not worry about the literal words that come through. Feel the energy. In that energy is the
Dear ones, you are searching for something that you think looks and sounds and feels different than you. You are
looking for yet another outside mirror. It is not so. It will not look or feel or smell different than you do. It will be so
much a part of you that it may be a bit difficult to recognize at first. It IS you. It is the divine self that is already there.
Even when you come to the realization that you are walking in the divine moment, many of you will deny it. You will
continue to look somewhere else for your divinity.
When your awakening divinity is ignored, when you do not acknowledge it, it says to you, "Perhaps I will go back to
my sleep for a while to let you finish your game."
That is why Metatron said today, "Are you ready to show your Spirit, to let it burst forth, to know that it is YOU and
not look for a foreigner. Do not look for a grand angel. Do not look for some higher, distant self. Simply walk each
moment in your divinity, knowing that it is there, knowing that it is so much a part of you already that perhaps you do
not recognize it."
Now, in the energy that was delivered on this day, there are many questions that have come up, questions about
what predictions we make, what things Metatron sees. Dear ones, as you know, it is all potentials of what is going to
happen. It is all potentials. What happens is based on your consciousness of the "now," the consciousness of the
We will not make predictions of great wars. That would not be appropriate, for we do not know, even from our side
of the veil. We can only see the potential that these things are possible now. Indeed, we see the potential, as you
see the potential, that there are small groups out who hold an intense energy of duality, what you would call the
darkness aspect… who feel they have nothing to lose and everything to gain by letting the darkness burst forth at
this time.
There is the potential for those who possess weapons of mass destruction to come forth at this time. But, it is only
potential. There is the potential here for great changes of the Earth that you would call destructions, because
something needs to be released, something needs to let go. But, we will not make a prediction of an earthquake on a
specific date, or a tidal wave at a specific time. We can only say they are potentials.
We will not make a prediction that a certain disease will sweep across a land. It is a potential that exists right now
in this delicate balance of duality of the New Energy. It is only a potential. Do not, dear friends, get swept away by
the drama of the time that you are in. Do not, dear friends, get swept away by the sadness that may come if certain
potentials are brought into the "now."

There will be a tendency for your own duality to feel a deep sadness. You may feel a need to rush out, back into
the throes of duality, to save others, to save mankind. Perhaps you will feel it is necessary to jump back in that, to
allow the sadness to sweep you away. But, dear ones, remember what we have spoken of today, the
appropriateness of these potential changes.
Remember the path you have been on, coming to know who you truly are, coming to free yourself. Understand that
this is what the others are doing in their lives also. Understand also that at the core of all things is the solution. The
divine solution for your own life has already been created by you. We are not talking philosophically here. We are
talking about "now" reality.
It is the "Fruit of the Rose," the solution that has already been created by you and for you in the moment and in the
"now." Understand that it already sits within you. It is ready for you to absorb, to receive, and to own. We know so
many were confused by this "Fruit of the Rose," but it is the divine solution you have already given yourself. It has
always been there. It is simply waiting for you to receive it.
Challenging times are ahead. Difficult times… only if you allow them to be. Sacred times for Earth and for all of the
universe. As we said before, so goes the consciousness of Earth, also goes the consciousness of the universe.
Consciousness… that beautiful energy that is the meld of the wisdom from the past, the potential of the future
focused and brought into the reality of "now."
You will see many, many changes all around you. Remember your consciousness and what it is. Own that
consciousness. Stand behind the short wall. You will see how and why things are truly happening at this time on your
Now, with that we would be delighted to take your questions. But, we challenge each of you also to feel the answer
within your own being to the questions that are asked. Feel, absorb, and receive the "Fruit of the Rose," and know
the answer lies within you, not in some far-off reaches held by some other entity. The answer is already within. With
that we would be delighted to give our interpretations.

QUESTION: Tobias, many of us have been riding a very low wave these past few weeks. Can you please shed
some light on the subject? Thanks.
TOBIAS: Indeed. Indeed, and you will feel these more intensely. Understand that you are more sensitive than ever
in this New Energy. You are opening up right now. You are feeling the sadness that Metatron spoke of earlier, a
sadness brought in by the winds of change – both literal and figurative winds – that are upon the face of Earth right
now. You are feeling others’ suffering and pain. You are taking it as your own in so many cases. You are feeling the
burdens of others. Understand what it is, and honor it, but understand, dear ones, that it does not necessarily come
from you.
You are also riding many cycles within yourself, ups and downs. They are becoming more intense and more
frequent. It is the energies of duality, seemingly going out of phase, because, in a sense, that is literally what they
are doing. Light and dark were always phased appropriately. Now they are going out of phase. You will feel these
dips. You will feel the peaks also. They are going out of phase in order to realign in this new marriage that we spoke
of earlier. In doing so, you are creating a New Energy.
First go within to know if this sadness, is coming from you or from the outside. If it is coming from you, understand
that it is part of a process. Understand that the lows are helping to build a momentum to move through this energetic
shift, to move you into the New Energy.
We will speak of the New Energy in the next several lessons. You are literally creating New Energy. That is part of
the cycles. They will be intense, these cycles, for a period of time. Do not try to get out of them or ignore them. Try to
have wisdom about them. Try to have wisdom of what is going on. Dear friends, these cycles you are going through,
and the changes in duality going on within, will be expressed on the outside also, as humanity also goes through
these shifts. You will see it expressed in very strong ways here.

QUESTION: Tobias, am I where I should be spiritually and physically?

TOBIAS: You are where you are at, and therefore, it is appropriate. The humans wonder if they are doing the right
thing, if they have made the right decisions and choices in their life – like we would know! (audience laughter) It is
only a choice. It is only a decision. There is no right or wrong about it. That is duality. So many of you are locked in
this. That is why Metatron spoke of showing yourself and expressing yourself.
There is a fear that you are not "doing the right thing." There is no right and no wrong. There simply IS. There is no
place you should be or shouldn't be. You simply ARE. It is all in the moment of "now." There is not a prescribed
course or pattern. God did not put you on Earth and say, "You must find the hidden treasure." That would be
ridiculous. You are here as part of a journey, a journey of new consciousness, a journey of expanding Spirit. In that
expansion there is no right or wrong.
In the journey of Earth, the one who is in the gutter, the one who is destitute and sick in the body and feeble in the
mind, is highly honored on our side of the veil. This human has not made wrong decisions. This human has made
deep decisions. This human has not feared to go to the depths of the darkness to find out what it's like down there.
We applaud this human as much or more than the human who sit timidly at home, sheltered behind their walls and

their doors, afraid to move or make decisions. The human who lays in the gutter has boldly explored the depths of
pain and suffering. And in doing so, this human has helped create a new and expanded consciousness.
Now, this human who is also in the gutter sometimes becomes trapped in this consciousness. They begin to think
this is now the reality. They lose their way, and forget how they can get out. They are so immersed in this energy that
sometimes they get lost within it. Indeed, indeed, sometimes Spirit and you get lost!
Then one day, while they were laying in the gutter, miserable and cold and hungry and angry, a human comes up
to them and does nothing more than smile, and ask them how they are doing. What goes beyond the words and the
physical appearance is a glow, is a glow of divinity and a glow of hope. The human who has become lost in their
journey sees that it is possible to get out. For what they are beholding in front of them is a grand and divine angel
who wears the name of Shaumbra, who has been on the long journey, and who has discovered themself. And, the
one who you would call a bum laying in the gutter, beholds this and knows that they can find this glow within their
own being also.
When Metatron spoke of showing who you are, it is not a lot of loud words, or philosophies. Sometimes, it is simply
showing, allowing your illumination to come forth. We thank you for this question. And, Cauldre tells us that we get
very long-winded at times. (audience laughter)

QUESTION: Tobias, is there anything specific I could do to be better at owning my divinity that I am not now
TOBIAS: It is to understand that it is already within. There are no rules, or regimens, or disciplines. The old
ceremonies, the old rules, the old disciplines, actually distract from your coming to understand your divinity. Your
divinity unfolds and blossoms naturally. It is doing that now. You are in the midst of the blossoming.
Sometimes all of you look so far into the distance. You think your divinity comes riding up over the hill with the
setting sun on a white horse to sweep you away. And, as long as you continue looking out onto that ridge, dear ones,
your own divinity that is blossoming at your feet cannot truly enter into the "now-ness" of your life. Without your
nurturing, your divinity will start to wilt. It will go back to that place in hiding where it has been for so very long. It will
wait til the next day or the next lifetime when you are ready to acknowledge that "You are God Also."

QUESTION: Tobias, I just started working with the Creator Series Lessons about six weeks ago. Although I’ve read
all the following channels, including the Ascension Series Lessons, I very much want to be current and up to speed,
both of the content of the lessons and, of course, the energy of Shaumbra, which, in a way, of course, I am. If I work
with the lessons at the same rate in which they were given, taking a month for each lesson, I’ll always be eighteen
months or so behind. How can I work with your material and be up to speed? I’m sure this is a question that many
people are experiencing and will experience.
TOBIAS: Dear ones, when these lessons and discussions are given here, they are done so on a monthly basis.
There is an underlying appropriateness to have these spaced as such for the groups we are talking to at the time.
We will explain that in a moment. For those who are now being drawn into this energy, there is not a particular order
that these need to be read in.
Cauldre interrupts us (audience laughter) and says that it would be better to read them in order, so as not to
become confused, because of the language that we build upon. But, WE say (more laughter) that these do not need
to be read in order at this time. There does not have to be a monthly sequence.
It would be most appropriate to read and absorb three at a time, for we deliver the lessons in "quads." There are
three lessons that are tied together before we move onto the next three. It would be a good idea to focus on three at
a time. It would also be a good idea to have an energetic understanding before you move on to the next.
These lessons are delivered in this group in the "now" in spacings of approximately 30 days. This is done so that in
the future, when you use these materials as a foundation for what you are teaching, there is time for you students to
absorb and experience the lessons. If you try to take your students through too many lessons at one time, it will be
Now, back to the specific question. You, the one who asked the question, do not need to space these out at 30-day
intervals. But, again we would recommend reading at least three lessons during the same time period. This will tend
to keep a better balance within you.

QUESTION: Tobias, you have instructed us that now is the time to do what we came here to do, and we would
have a knowing of this. I have searched all of me and found others feeling as adrift as myself. Can you give me
some guidance as to finding that knowing, while we wait for our students to appear? Thank you.
TOBIAS: As the human saying goes "The student will appear when the master is ready." Now, so many of you are
still looking in the distance, in the future over the hill, for this knowingness. It is already there. But, you are looking
past it. You are expecting it to come in some grand form. But, it is already there. It is SO close within. You are
expecting something to be written on the wall. You are expecting a grand sign or revelation from Spirit. We know. We
see it in you. But it is already there.

Now, if you ask us what it is, we cannot reveal it to you. You must reveal it to yourself. But, there is one clue in this,
a clue that we have been speaking of since the beginning of our discussions. Shaumbra are teachers, teachers in
many different ways, teachers in their own right, all having different ways of teaching the material. Look at this clue.
Then look within yourself. You will come to understand.

QUESTION: Dear Tobias, is it not the habit of the intellectual mind to focus always on old forms and patterns that
actually obscure the knowing and experiencing of the already existing divinity? The shift of focus away from these
illusions of form would, in effect, take the foot off the brake – correct? Analyzing what is already in synthesis creates
separation. Please elaborate.
TOBIAS: Indeed, it is natural to go back to experiences of the past. But, this is not so bad in itself. It depends on
how much you hang on to it. As we said, the past created wisdom. Bring forth the wisdom of the past into the "now."
With that said, we find so many humans getting locked into the analytical. In a sense, you are not integrating the
other energies, the energies of what you would call the "heart," and the "compassion," and the "knowingness" that
are already there. You tend to focus in the mind only, trying to figure things out, rather than "knowing" them out, or
"feeling" them out. Simply integrate your entire being in the process with this.
Yes, indeed, many things become locked in the brain tissue as you analyze, and you go over and over again. But,
we do not want you to cut out the brain. There is a certain modern concept, a modern philosophy, that says the brain
is the root of evil, that the ego is bad. Dear ones, it is all part of the process. The mind IS part of the overall process.
Right now so many of you are finding that the knowingness tends to come in as a feeling. It is eventually
processed in the mind so that it can be acted out in your human reality. The mind is valuable. The mind is very
valuable in this. With the acknowledgement that you understand that the past is simply experience from which
wisdom is derived, you will find your own mind allowing you to release, so that you can move forward. Your mind is
trying to perform a function that it has been directed to do. But now, you can redirect it. Let your mind know it is time
to bring in wisdom rather than analysis.

QUESTION: Tobias, thank you for all you do. You have really helped me on my journey. Is there anything you want
me to know?
TOBIAS: That you are God, and you are dearly loved! And, as we said earlier, that there are no right or wrong
answers. There only IS. There is only expression. We want you to know that there is family all around, all of the time.
And that you hold the power of your own divinity. You are the one that has magnificent potential in the New Energy.
It is you, dear one, who we come to at night. We know you have wondered what this is. We come to you at night,
simply to be with you and to sit with you. You do not need to make it so complex.

QUESTION: Tobias, can you comment on the nature of relationships in this time of change and transitions from
Old Energy to the New Energy? I will offer an example of what I mean. I have encountered an old relationship in the
present, which presents problems for me. The person who initiated a relationship with me has made, since the last
time I saw him, the choice to become a Catholic priest. He tells me he would like to expand the definition of priest
within the context of changing times while at the same time following the traditional relational codes of priests. He is
moving toward the New and taking steps backwards as we discover and affirm our kinship of heart and spirit. The
dualism confuses me and puts stress on our friendship. It also makes me wonder why people who are moving
towards the New Energy, like me, can get caught in Old forms while trying to reshape them toward the New. Any
comments from your side of the veil would be welcome.
TOBIAS: We thank you for bringing up this energy of relationships – most challenging right now in this New
Energy, as you know. And, indeed, because you are in the New Energy does not mean that all things around you are
in it. We spoke of this quite a while ago, of the "two Earths." You will be in one state of consciousness and
awareness, and you will understand the other state of consciousnesses all around you… but, perhaps they will not
understand you. This is a time in relationships, in particular, when duality seems to come forth in the strongest and
sometimes the most peculiar ways.
There is a tendency for many people to go back, or what appears to go back, because many are trying to resolve
or heal something from the past. They realize that in order to move forward, part of them must go back to heal the
past. This is appropriate for them. This is something that should be honored.
What you are feeling right now is yourself getting drawn into their energy, into their own conflict and understanding
of duality. With this individual, in particular, there is a long history going beyond this lifetime. There person led you in
the past. You followed this person in so many ways. And, now you are confused about who you were following. In a
sense, they are saying to you, "Do not follow me anymore. Do not follow me. Follow yourself. And, in you following
yourself, and me following myself, we can release the old bonds of the past, and we can come back together in a
relationship that is newer than new, not based on old karma and old contracts with each other." In other words, this
person is trying to release you. He is trying to get you to follow your own divinity.

There are also those humans moving into the New Energy who want to change the old institutions. We are seeing
this more and more as you become balanced in your own divinity. They want to go back and shake up the old ways.
We do not make any judgment of this. It is just an interesting observation.

QUESTION: Please tell us some more about dream analysis.

TOBIAS: Dreams are an area we will be speaking more of, but we are delighted to have this question now.
Dreams are a very interesting phenomenon. It was not known that when humans went to Earth and took on physical
body that they would have dreams at night.
Now, there is tremendous understanding of dreams that has not been tapped yet. We will encourage Shaumbra
and specific groups within Shaumbra to work on the understandings of dreams. Your oceans of Earth are vastly
undiscovered. Your universe and the stars all around you are nearly totally undiscovered by humans at this point. But
dreams are the most undiscovered territory of all. What you remember about a dream is only a small portion of what
is truly taking place.
In the New Energy there will be much more interest and much more understanding of dreams. Your scientists,
researchers and psychologists have been frustrated because they have tried to place dreams in a box and give them
these symbols and definitive meanings. But, they have not looked at where the real understandings of dreams are.
We will speak more of with this in future discussions. You are having different types of dreams right now, different
types of experiences in those dreams. This is all part of the process you are going through right now. In particular, if
you want to look for an energy behind these dreams, it all has to do with releasing duality.
When you interpret your own dreams now, look at it from the standpoint of releasing duality. Use this as your key
understanding. Then, you will begin to put all the parts and pieces together.
Dear friends, it has been a wonderful energy today. It was a delight for Metatron to come in and speak directly with
Shaumbra and to bring this energy into all of you. Now, some of you may experience an unusual tiredness within
your being, or an unusual surge of energy. It is all the elements of duality. Some of you may feel burned out for a bit
of time after this, or a fogginess around you for several days. All of this is appropriate. As the energies of your divinity
and those of us on this side come in closer and closer, it is like getting in shape for these experiences. You will
handle them easier each time. They will not have so much effect on your physical being.
There is much that has been given today. We know you will also want to go back and read these words for deeper
understandings. You will want to see if there is some secret coding within these words. In a sense, yes there is. But,
the coding is not in the words that are on a piece of paper. The coding is in the energy that was weaved in through
them throughout this day. That is your homework – to figure this out and what it was really telling you from the inside.
We will return next month and resume with our next lesson.
And so it is!


May 5, 2002

And so it is, dear friends and dear teachers, that we gather together with you in this circle of the New Energy. It is a
delight to be back with you. The energy here is loving and caring. It is filled with compassion and filling with the
essence of your journey.
For those who think it is energizing for us to come in, you have it all backwards. It energizes US to be here with
you. It gives us – how do you say – your goose bumps all over our etheric being. (audience laughter)
For those who can see the colors of the ones who gather around you and gather around this stage, you will see
the shimmering all over as we come into your sacred temple. A sacred temple… that is what you create here,
Shaumbra, teachers. When you gather like this, you create the temple of the New Energy. You have allowed us into
your sacred space. You have allowed us to come into the doors of your divine temple.
We take off our shoes in honor to you. Cauldre… he thinks that we have him remove his shoes because we do not
so much like those funny things on the feet. But, it is also our way of showing honor to you when remove our shoes
and to be here with you. We thank you for bringing us into the temple of the New Energy.
Dear ones, what an honor to be here! What an honor to see what you are doing! No small task is it to be the first
into the New Energy. We will speak of that today. We will talk of what New Energy truly is. But, what an honor to be
here with you!
We send out so much love. It does not need to be carried in words. Do you feel what we are sending you? Do you
feel what you are creating here, you, the ones who sit in this room, the ones who are connecting through your mass
web? What you are creating!

In a way, you could say that we take pictures of you, even though we heard Cauldre say no pictures allowed!
(chuckling) We take a type of energy picture when we gather with you. We put these on the walls here on our side of
the veil. We line up the pictures of this group, of the Crimson Circle. We line up individual pictures of each one of you
who is here, or who reads this. Then we compare… we look back one year ago, and two years ago. We see the
magnificent changes that have taken place within you.
You, too, can see these pictures. Simply ask. We will bring you here to this room where all of these energy pictures
are posted. We will bring you here at night in your dreams, or even in your waking state. As you learn to release
duality, you will learn to travel without cars or airplanes. And, you, too, can get a glimpse of your pictures, of the
progress you have made in a few short years.
Oh, do you know, a few years is such a short period of time, after you have had hundreds or thousands of
lifetimes! Look at what you are doing in a short period of time!
This room fills with the energies of those who come in for this lesson, the one who is the invited guest, and the
many others who gather in the circles around… watching… honoring… and feeling the love of a small band of
humans who has walked a long, long difficult road for many lifetimes.
"Yes," is what we heard from you one month ago. "Yes," is what we heard from your soul, and from your human
ego and consciousness, when Metatron asked you, "Are you ready, dear ones?" "Yes," is what we heard from you
when we asked, "Are you ready to free yourself of those things that have held you back?"
Indeed, there were those who put their own clauses into their "yes"! "Yes, Spirit, but you must give me this!" And,
do you know what, dear ones, that is appropriate! We want to know what things you need on Earth. And your own
being, your own soul, needs to hear it, too.
You have been afraid to ask for things. You have thought that the bucket of Spirit was limited. You thought there
was only so much soup in the container of Spirit! You wanted to make sure there was enough to go around for every
human on Earth. We love you for that! But, this is like a bottomless dish. There is more than enough for everyone.
It is important for you to let us know what you need on your journey. Perhaps, we cannot deliver it to you in a
tangible, material product. But, we can deliver it to you with our energy and our love.
When you ask for things, it helps your own soul know what you need at this time. Do not be afraid to ask. Dear
ones, let us know if there is love that you need, compassion that you need. And, let yourself know that you need
abundance now.
Do not place limitations on how much, or when, or where. Simply put out the vibration that now is the time for these
things of humanness, for these things of emotion, for these things of Spirit to come into your life. And, they will be
brought to you. This is one of the physics of the New Energy. It comes to you.
And, "Yes," is what we heard when Metatron asked, "Are you ready to show who you are? Are you ready to
express your being and your divinity?" "Yes," is what we heard when Metatron asked you, "Are you ready to
illuminate your divinity?" Not to keep it in that secret, hidden space, but to illuminate it within your being and all
"Yes," is what we heard – a chorus of yeses coming from Shaumbra – when you were asked, "Are you ready to
know who you truly are?" Not this illusion of a human with limitations, not the illusion of one who is trapped in cycles
of lifetimes on Earth. But, are you ready to know yourself as God?"
You left Home a long, long time ago… but, indeed, not so long ago. As one who was in the Kingdom with the King
and the Queen, you would one day inherit the throne. You would one day bring that into your being. That is why
Metatron asked, "Are you ready to know that you are the one that is inheriting the throne?"
There are many implications of this, which we will continue to discuss with you. But, it is time for you to be God-self
in your own right, still in unity with All That Is, but now with a separate identity. "Are you ready to know who you are?"
"Are you ready to receive the Fruit of the Rose?" And, what we heard was, "Yes, but I am somewhat confused
about what this is!" (audience laughter) This is the ownership of who you are, your divinity. It is the knowingness that
you have created all solutions, even before the experience comes to you in your life. The Fruit of the Rose IS your
When we asked, "Are you ready to receive it," you answered all over the Earth and in your individual hearts, "Yes,
Metatron! Yes, Spirit, and yes, Tobias! We are ready! Why the heck do you think we have gone through so many
difficulties? (audience laughter) Why do you think you have to ask us these questions? Haven’t we told you time and
time again?" But, Metatron asked again because now the time is so appropriate.
We asked you, "Are you ready to allow others their space, to understand that they are on a journey of their own?"
In due time, they will come to you. But, in the meantime, it is a matter of allowing them to play their game, allowing
their soul to develop, to experience, and to grow, as you have.
Dear ones, when we asked you, "Are you ready to love yourself," we heard all across the world, "Maybe …
maybe." (audience laughter) This was the most difficult for you to answer because it put the questions so deep within
you. This question raised issues with you for nights and nights and nights to come about your worthiness.
"Are you ready to love yourself?" You caught glimpses in your dreams, and even in your waking state, of things
you had done in the past. There were betrayals, murders, illnesses, abuse of power, and corruption. You created all
of these things in the energy of duality. And then you judged yourself for them.

"Are you ready to love yourselves, dear ones, now? Are you ready to understand that this was all about
experience?" You have paid your dues! You have paid your dues from lifetime to lifetime. There is no reason now to
hold onto anything from the past other than the wisdom of the experience. Spirit, and Metatron, and all of the others
hold no judgments. They do not even know what sin is. They do not even know this thing that you call karma, for you
have placed that on yourself. "Are you ready, dear ones," we ask you today, "to love yourself, dearly and intimately?"
You have been taught that there is something wrong with loving yourself, that it is narcissistic, that it is perverted.
But, dear friends, it is the most sacred thing you can do! Love all of who you are, and understand that all of your
experiences have brought you to this moment of wisdom.
Dear ones, Metatron also asked you, "Are you ready to release the illusion of duality? Are you ready to let go, even
when you do not so much know what is coming in its place?" Ah, a grand challenge! So many of you said, "I'm ready
to release this, but I am so close to it, I do not even know that it is there." "Duality is such an innate a part of who I
am," you said, "that I do not know how to release it." The "yes" that came from your heart, and from your being, that
came from your mouth, and was expressed for all to hear… this "yes" sets up an energy that helps to release duality.
You still do not know what you are moving into, this thing called the New Energy. It is like a mystery. It is elusive. It
is not understandable at this point. But, it will come. We will speak of it in this lesson.
When Metatron spoke of the winds, and the fires, and the rains, and the rumblings of Earth, indeed, he was
speaking of those things that you will read about in your newspapers. And he was conveying a message to you
about yourself.
"Are you ready for the fires that will sweep through your physical body?" You may know this fire as the flu. You may
know it as skin irritations. You may know it as hot flashes. These are the fires that come from the clearing within, for
there is much friction taking place right now in your energetic being at your deep, deep levels. The friction causes
heat, which brings on the inner fires. These fires clear the inner being, and clear the old scars. In your forests there
are trees that are down. There is debris on the ground. In your own being it is much the same. There are things that
need to be cleared now. The inner fires help release them.
And, the quakes that come up… indeed, Metatron was also speaking of the shakings and the rumblings that come
up within you, the body aches and pains. Your very DNA is being changed right now by you. Indeed, we are there at
night. We stand around and help to provide a buffering effect for this. You are changing your own DNA structure,
your own molecules, your atomic-level being. You are changing within, and this will cause quakes.
You hold energetic imprints from the past in your tissues, in your bones and all over your physical body.
Sometimes it takes a quake to release these imprints from within. When that happens, do not come to us, and say,
"Metatron and Tobias, why have you done these things to me? Why is my body aching?" Dear one, it is because you
are releasing. Understand that process and flow with it.
And, the waters that come… the waters… these are tears. These are the tears of your heart. For there indeed is a
sadness about leaving the old energy, the energy of duality that you have called home for so, so long. The tears of
your heart help to wash away the emotional residues of the past. They cleanse the old, to allow you to truly move
into the new.
Ah, and the winds. The winds within. No wonder there are winds within, for dear ones, you are going so fast right
now! Have you ever put your head out of a car window going 100 miles an hour? You can feel the blast. That is
much of what you are doing right now. You are going so rapidly into the New Energy that it is causing a type of wind
within. And, the winds also clear. The winds also release. At times the winds are like a velvet brush going across
your entire being, soothing and comforting. At other time the winds are roar like a hurricane or tornado.
All of these things happen within as you go into this thing called the New Energy. Much of what Metatron spoke of
in our last gathering was about you. It was about you.
You will also see these things happening in the world outside of you. Even as you are changing your
consciousness, it is helping others to change theirs. Even if you sit at a desk all day not do much interfacing with
others, the consciousness changes within you are affecting the others around you. They are going through a
process, much like what you have gone through. Theirs will be a bit easier, because they will have teachers – you –
to guide them through. They will come to you at the appropriate time.


The energy of Metatron is firmly upon Earth. It has taken a while for this to come through. It has taken a while for
Metatron to adjust his energy and it has taken a while for you to be able to absorb it. But, this energy is firmly here
now. No messengers need to be sent. No filters or barriers like we had before. It is here.
Metatron, dear ones, IS you. Metatron is the collective energy of those who are moving into the New Energy. You
can see your reflection in Metatron. It is the illumination of who you are. It is your divinity. Metatron, who introduced
himself as "your voice in Spirit" is a part of you that has not been able to integrate at the Earth level for many, many
reasons. Metatron is the divine consciousness that was not able to come into duality until now. And, this energy of
Metatron, of you, of your divinity is now firmly planted here.

It was a delight for this consciousness of Metatron to speak to you a month ago. His consciousness will continue
speaking to you, but recognize yourself in this. Recognize Shaumbra in this voice of Metatron. Metatron will continue
to work with you.
Now, indeed, there is a special guest who comes in for this lesson. He has been coming in lately, little by little,
coming in for the appropriate time. He comes in today for a celebration, and to show you an example of a journey
into the New Energy.
The one who comes in today has been a visitor in some of our recent discussions. It is the energy of Gautama, of
Buddha, Siddhartha. He is known by many names, such as the Enlightened One – the true essence of the word
Buddha, "The Enlightened One". Gautama is present, particularly at this time of the year, the time of your month of
May, a time when dear Buddha was thought to have received his enlightenment under the Bo tree.
Gautama comes in today to be with us as we talk about the New Energy of Earth. The energy of Gautama is
present among all of you. Feel this fluid, fluid, golden energy moving in and out, shimmering with all colors, but filled
with golden qualities.
We invited Gautama to several of our recent gatherings. We indeed brought him into your place of the Salt Lake
when we spoke of changing truth, evolving truth. There is no single, static truth. Truth evolves in each moment of
time and change of consciousness.
Look at the pictures of yourself that we posted on the wall. You knew truth two years ago. The truth you know now
is different. You have evolved, and you are wiser.
We brought Gautama in to this place by the Salt Lake (Tobias Seminar, March 30, "What Is Truth") to let you know
that truth evolves and changes. Your life and your truth will change, even from what it is today. A week and a day ago
Gautama came into the place of the New York City (Tobias Seminar, April 27, WESAK Festival), into the temple, into
the sanctuary that was made for him. His energy was present with all who were there.
It was important that his energy was there, for we spoke of a realization Siddhartha came to. It was fulfillment that
he could not have in that lifetime. He understood it. He knew of it in his mind, and he felt the vibration of it in his
being. But, he could not be in that consciousness because the energy of his day would not allow it. He came in a
week and a day ago in this city that has gone through so much to deliver a message about going into the Void of
Creation, the Void of Creation. And, he will speak through I, Tobias, and Cauldre more about that today.
Before we proceed with Lesson Nine of the Ascension Series, dear friends, we will take a short pause. We will ask
you to breathe. We will adjust the energies of this sacred temple.


Gautama is smiling, for he knows that you are ones who also walk the path. You are searchers, looking for truth,
looking for the answers within. Like the Buddha, you do not settle for any truth along the path. You do not stop and
plant your feet, and say, "This is truth. I will go no more." You too are Buddhas… you are Enlightened Ones.
I will tell a short story. (Tobias chuckling) Cauldre (Geoffrey Hoppe) is laughing. He thinks my story is funny. But,
indeed I literally met Gautama the Buddha in my lifetime as Tobias. As Tobias the merchant, I traveled to lands far
and wide to buy for the king. Some of my journeys were perhaps a bit longer than what the king was pleased with.
I was drawn to this area where Gautama taught. I heard that he was in a village not so far from where I was
buying, so I went to listen to him. I was a relatively young man at the time. He was in his senior years. I sat and
listened to him.
I was a Jew, strong in my own beliefs, but yet always searching, always investigating. While being very strict with
my own beliefs, I always liked to hear what others had to say. When I heard Gautama that day, and saw the peace
upon his face, and the divine presence all around, this changed much of my thinking.
I listened to him for hours then had the pleasure of speaking with him briefly afterwards. There were not many
words from his mouth, yet there was much energy that came pouring from his heart. I asked him, "Dear Enlightened
One, Prince Buddha, tell me of the truth you have found. What do you know that I should know also."
Buddha burst out laughing. He said, "Why is it that you think that I have found the truth?" I replied, "Dear Buddha,
because they say you are the Enlightened One. You are called the Wise One."
Again he laughed and said, "Truth is always evolving. You never find it. You just realize certain energies having to
deal with it. When you think you have found truth, it is time to move on. It is time to look for the next level of truth."
"Why," he said, "do you think I continue to walk these many roads from village to village, not teaching everything I
know, not satisfied with staying in one place?"
"But," he said, "I do teach each person that the divine is within, that the Enlightenment is within. They will never
find it in another person, or another place." And, a sadness came over Gautama. He said, "Do you know, dear
Tobias, that this is my message, and yet so few want to hear it? They want to see miracles." He continued, saying, "I
can perform a few miracles. They are tricks, in a way, perhaps miracles. But, I choose not to, because I do not want
the energy focused on that. They want miracles, and they do not want to hear that it is within. They want a savior. I
cannot be that for them, so I continue to search for my expanded truth. I can only hope that the message of the
divine within reaches some ears."

That lifetime when I met Gautama had a tremendous impact. Can you imagine what a delight it is for me to have
Gautama in our presence on this day, to be with you energetically, and also to reveal something about who you are?
Gautama was born into royalty, a prince. This should tell you something right there… the fact that he was a prince,
born in the kingdom to the king and the queen, to royalty. And, one day he would inherit the throne. There is no
coincidence in this story!
His parents and family knew there was something different about him. Does this sound familiar, dear friends? They
tried to keep him from the path of enlightenment, from pursuing the difficult journey. They pampered him in many
ways. They shielded him in many ways, not allowing him to see the difficulty and challenges of the human journey.
But, there was something nagging within him that wanted to explore the outside, to help him understand who he was
on the inside. Does this sound familiar, Shaumbra?
So it was that Gautama tried to satisfy those around him. He married at a very young age, when he was but
sixteen years old. He married because this was expected of him. This was an energy that others placed on him.
Within a few years of time he and his wife brought a child into the world.
And, what did he do? What did he do? He left. He was disillusioned with life. He renounced the world of royalty he
was living in. Oh, could you imagine the headlines if he was living today? "Father Abandons Family!" or "Prince
Leaves Family for Selfish Journey."
But, Gautama had to search for his own truth and his own divinity. He left the royal family and took the vows of
poverty. Does this sound familiar, dear friends? He took the vows of chastity. He changed his disguise and changed
his identity, dear Shaumbra.
Gautama felt that his body and his humaness were not appropriate. They were holding him back, keeping him from
knowing who he truly was. So, he abused his body by not feeding or nourishing it. He tried to deny himself, rather
than following the song of his heart. He did this in his search for the truth. Does this sound familiar, dear Shaumbra?
He left his relationships, with all who he had known. He endured many physical and emotional hardships on the
path. And, he went to study with a teacher, a grand and a wise teacher. He studied, dear ones, the art of "no-thing,"
thinking that if he emptied out his entire being, he would come to know who he was. He studied hard and long with
this master of releasing.
Gautama is here now to tell you that what he was doing was one more level of denying. He was denying his mind
the ability to operate, and to have vibrations and energies pass in and out of it. He was taught in his studies how to
block the mind, how to stop the flow of energy. He also did this with his body. He denied his body of the love.
Indeed, he learned much in doing this. He learned that pain is not so much fun! He learned that there are many
altered-state trips that you can take when your body and your mind are at those deep levels of denial. But, he
learned that the altered-state trips were not based in living or reality. They were also illusions. They did not bring the
essence of love, the essence of Spirit, and the essence of truth.
Gautama had "fun" playing with this deep level of denying… when his hair fell out, because there were no nutrients
feeding it… and when his toenails literally fell out. He was not loving his body. He was denying it. And, when his
bones became brittle, he learned more about this denial, this "no-thing."
One day the inner voice within Gautama realized that this was not the truth he sought. It was but an aspect. So, he
left, and he continued down the road. He continued his deep levels of meditation. He continued his ceremonies. He
continued all those sacred practices. In a sense, these were helping to drive him. These were creating low points.
Oh, indeed, Gautama had depression, and fear, and anxiety. But, what he was really doing was creating a low to
help him eventually get to a new level of enlightenment.
Along the road he heard of another teacher. The teachings of this new wise one sounded true and deep. So, he
went to be schooled by a second master. The second master taught him the art of non-perception. He taught him the
art that all things are merely illusions.
Gautama loved this study, this game of the mind, of having no perception, no illusions of anything, of releasing all
things. In a sense, it was the antithesis of the denial that he had previously studied. But he soon learned that "no-
perception" is simply another form of denial. When everything is called an illusion and nothing is brought back, when
there is denial of the "now" you are experiencing… this is just another form of denial. Does that sound familiar,
Gautama left the second school with deep despair, not finding the answer and the truth that he was truly searching
for. At some point he realized that this life of denial, blockages and not living in the "now" … was not truth. He
resumed eating, feeding his body with the energy it needed. He went back to a life of some abundance. He realized
that having no abundance was only causing pain.
With this new wisdom he had a balance of understanding… of energies… of abundance… of feeding the body… of
allowing flow through the mind. He came back into the "now" world, resuming relationships with the ones who were
families and who had been friends.
Do you understand what Gautama is telling you on this day, dear friends? After he endured pain and suffering
through denial, he received his major enlightenment in that lifetime. While he was sitting under the tree, Gautama
realized that indeed he was Spirit, expressing as a human… but indeed he was Spirit.

When he understood this at the deepest levels within him, others saw it upon his face and in his countenance.
They began to follow him. They wanted what he had. He told the followers over and over, "It is within you. Indeed, I
can offer you the wisdom of my experience, but the journey is your own." He did not so much like this following, but
they did, they did.
Now, many books have been written about the Enlightened One. Many temples have been built in his honor.
People around the world talk about his journeys and what he learned. He is here today to tell you one thing: this so-
called enlightenment, this so-called divine understanding… he could not fully grasp it in his lifetime. But, it is
available to you, Shaumbra in your lifetime. We will explain what we mean by this.
Let us talk for a moment about energies, about how they work, and about duality. Let us talk for a moment of the
highs and the lows. Then, let us talk of the New Energy of Earth that you are walking into. In the remaining lessons
of this series will speak to you about the New Energy, and what is truly happening around you.
Duality was a method for you to look at yourself, to look at the opposite in the mirror. You came from One, from the
Kingdom, where there was only One. When you left Home, when you left the First Circle, dear friends, the first
energies of duality came in. This is when you were first able to start looking at yourself in the mirror. Duality – two
opposites. Dual reality.
This is when you first began to have an identity that was your own. Until then, you were simply one who lived in the
Kingdom, in oneness. Now you were beginning to develop your own identity. This identity of yours as the Prince, as
Jack, was like a boulder in the water. We spoke about the boulders recently. It was like a boulder. It caused the water
to break its flow.
The energies in the Kingdom were a singular flow. Now, your new identity was like a boulder in the stream of divine
energy. When you put a boulder in the water it creates turbulence. It breaks up the flow. Some water rushes over.
Some water rushes around the side, and vortexes are created at the other end of the rock. In a sense, that is what
duality is. Your sense of identity outside of the kingdom sits like a boulder in the stream of energies. All of this is
appropriate, all appropriate. It is helping you, dear Prince and Princess, to develop new understandings of who you
truly are.
The energies of duality, in a sense, are like waves that occur after the boulder. In the waves, there are highs and
lows, ups and downs. Duality is like a wave of energy. You have seen how this is drawn – a wave of energy going up
and down, up and down.
When you crossed through the Wall of Fire, there was – we know there are some who will want to argue this – but
there was a finite amount of energy that went with you. When you left Home, there was a finite amount of energy that
left. Now, this finite amount is vast! As a human, you do not have to worry about running out of energy. But,
everything outside of the First Circle contains a finite amount of energy.
Over the course of time, even before you came to Earth, the energies of duality played off of each other. The light
played off the dark. The left played off the right. Male played off female. And, in a sense, they did a dance together.
At times the energies collided with each other as a way of shifting energies, but never creating new energy. These
energies of duality would change their balance of light:dark, but never change the amount of energy within them.
Duality is simply two energies opposing each other. At times they come together, at times they trade roles, and at
times these energies put on a new face, a new mask. But the sum, or amount, of energy never changes.
Now, in your lifetimes there are highs and lows. These are the waves of duality that come through. You experience
them at many different levels. You experience highs and lows, emotionally, and physically, and even spiritually. As
humans, you try to get out of the lows and only experience the highs.
The lows are appropriate. Look back on your life. Was it not the lows, in the most challenging times of your life,
that you had the greatest insights, the greatest understandings? And, you also had the greatest desire to get the
heck out of that low! (audience laughter) You would do anything to get out of the low! You were not complacent in the
Neither was Gautama when he went through his period of denial. He was in the lowest state of lows, physically
and mentally. But, yet this provided the energy and motivation for him to keep moving along.
In duality, the lows provide – how to say – a roller coaster effect to take you to a high. The highs periods are when
you solidify the enlightenments and the wisdom that you gained in the lows. It is here that you bring the new wisdom
into a more tangible, crystalline form.
But, do you know what happens, dear Shaumbra, when you get to the high peak? You want another roller coaster
experience! So, you allow yourself to dive back into the low. Do you see yourself in this? The lows help you to gain
the potential for wisdom, to gain the motivation to continue moving forward. Then, you bring these into your high
states, and in a sense, anchor them there before you go into your next roller coaster ride. That is how duality has
worked – highs and lows.
It is very detrimental to try to avoid the lows. That is why we have spoken against these psychotropic drugs that put
a blanket on living in the now. Ah, the lows! They have been so precious. They have been such a part of your
journey, and such a part of Gautama’s journey. This is the way duality has worked. We know so many of you fear
these lows. You loathe the lows. You do not want to be in these. You think there is something wrong with them, but
they are a natural part of duality. The waves of high and low have brought you to this point on your path.

Now, the waves have never created New Energy. They have simply brought new understandings to the energy that
was already there. Now, comes the time that Metatron spoke of when you enter into the New Energy. You are
entering into it now. It is no longer like a wave of high and low.
It is difficult to describe the New Energy. Indeed, even the words we speak today will evolve in later discussions.
The old energy was like a linear wave of highs and lows, going in one direction. The New Energy is like adding
another wave that runs sideways. It interweaves with the old wave of duality – one wave still going up and down, but
a new wave that goes sideways, that goes left and right. These waves intersect each other.
Now, we will have many more discussions about this. But, it is to say that duality is not destroyed or denied. It is
expanded. You go from "2" to "4." You will see that there are four wave patterns in the New Energy, ups and downs,
but also side to side. They intermingle with each other and intersect with each other. This changes the perception of
the lows, because there is a new balancing wave that flows on its side. This is the New Energy. It still contains the
essence of duality, but it has a whole new dimension to it.
We spoke a week and a day ago of the Void of Ascension. We have planted this energy in New York City, where
there is a large void from the World Trade Centers. These buildings represented duality. Oh, and we spoke less than
a year ago to you. We said the walls would come tumbling down. We meant this literally and figuratively. And, indeed
the walls of duality, represented by the two buildings, came down.
No, we did not know less than a year ago that this would be the specific place. But, we knew the energies were
ready for it. It could have been other buildings. It could have been institutions. It could have been governments. In a
sense, you as humans chose this symbol of duality, next to your Statue of Liberty, the symbol of freedom. Do you not
think the energies of freedom helped to release the energies of duality?
Now, when these buildings came tumbling down, and the debris was cleared, as it is now, there remains a void.
There is nothing but a hole. And, it is not the time to rebuild. Leave the void in place. Oh, indeed it may be
appropriate to put a monument there, a park. Yet it is best to leave it blank for a while, for a period of time.
How does this relate to you in your life? How does this relate to the New Energy, and how does it relate to
Gautama, our guest on this day? It is simple. As you are transitioning into the New Energy, and you have
experiences come up in your life, and you have questions come into your life, and challenges, go into the Void for a
brief period of time. When you have a very pressing question on your mind, do not ask us. Do not even try to fill in
the blank yourself.
Oh, there is such a tendency with humans. When you are ready to release something, you want the answer to the
new before you release. It does not work that way in the New Energy. Go into a void. We say "void," because you
just allow it to be for a period of time.
Take a situation in your life. Perhaps it is about a job. Perhaps, your job has been pulled out from underneath you.
There is a tendency to want to replace it immediately. There is a strong human tendency to want to replace it. You
see your bills stacking up, and you see your checkbook going down. You scream out and say, "I need my job to be
Instead, go into the void, the Void of Ascension. There are issues in your life – we saw so many of them at your
recent seminar on abundance (Higher Learning Series). We asked Cauldre talk about being in a place of stillness, of
quiet, of not asking Spirit for the answer. And not trying to manufacture an answer for yourself. Instead, go into the
void for a short period of time.
This is putting the problem or the question at hand aside for a period of time. Why? Because if you try to replace it,
if you try to solve it in the moment, you are trying to solve it in the mind of duality. You are trying to solve it in the Old
Energy. Put it aside, whatever this challenge or question is.
What happens is that your own divinity, that exists in the New Energy, will bring resolution. This is the solution that
Metatron spoke of, the one that is already there. But it exists in the New Energy, not in the Old. It allows your divinity
to bring this up, in you and through you. Then you will have the "Ah hah!" moment, the knowingness, the "Ah" that
we spoke of, the enlightenment that we spoke of.
But, there is the short time of this Void of Ascension, when you have let go of the Old, when you have released the
Old and not replaced it yet. It is not an abyss. It is not darkness. It is not the low of duality. It is just setting it aside for
a divine moment, into the void.
What happens here, dear friends, is a miracle. It is a miracle. As you put it to the side, you let the Fruit of the Rose
bring forth the divine solution. As you allow this to happen, something takes place that is precious, that is fulfillment.
It is something even Gautama could not realize in his lifetime. When you let your divinity find the solution, new
energy is created. New energy.
We said earlier that when you left Home, the Kingdom, a finite amount of energy came with you. No new energy
has ever been created outside of the First Circle. You have just changed and transformed the existing energy base.
And do you remember when we have spoken to you about all things in the Second Circle coming to an impasse?
The energies of the universe came to a standstill at one point. Duality could no longer re-express itself.
In the Crimson Circle school – Cauldre corrects us – Intensive (Crimson Circle Intensive I: Outside the Circle) we
speak of this. It was the "star wars" period where energy could move forth no more. It came to an impasse. It

stopped. That is when the Order of the Arc was created to find a solution to the impasse. Earth was created to find
solution to the energetic impasse that occurred.
When you gaze into the stars at night, you are looking at your past. When your scientists use the new,
sophisticated telescopes to probe the universe, they are also looking at your past. They are looking at what you left
behind, at what you created. That is what it is.
As we have said before, technology follows consciousness. Your consciousness is rising. You are at that point of
quantum leap in your personal consciousness. So, is it no wonder that these recent, amazing pictures from space
(using the Hubble telescope) would come back to you now?
And, do you know what your scientists will see quite soon that will go in the face of everything that they have ever
speculated? And, it will indeed go in the face of what so many of your world religions teach. They will find that the
universe is finite! They will find that at some point in the history of the universe, all energies stopped.
They will not understand how to interpret this. They will not understand why there can be so much energy in the
universe, and yet, why everything stopped at a point. What they don't realize is that they are seeing something from
the past. But, that is a whole other discussion.
When you go into the Void of Ascension, you are not bringing in the old energy or duality. You are not seeking
solutions from the mind of duality. You go into this quiet space. You do not fret over your problems. You allow the
Fruit of the Rose to bring forth the resolution. This is indeed when new energy is created. It has never before been
Now, this new energy is not in a form that you might recognize right away. It is not in a form that is going to shoot
through your hands and feet. It is not in a form that you can consume. But, it is new energy. And, there will be
implications all around you. We will speak of that in our next two lessons in this series.
Lesson Nine of the Ascension Series – YOU ARE CREATING NEW ENERGY. You are creating it by releasing
duality without trying to replace it with a consciousness of the Old Energy. When you find solution that comes from
within, this creates New Energy. It has never been done before. The implications of this are tremendous… the
implications to consciousness, to Earth, and to you as individuals.
Your homework for the next 30 days is to go into the Void of Ascension, into this place where you are no longer in
the Old Energy. You are not trying to find the solution in your mind of duality. Go into this place. It will be terrifying at
first, but you will get through. The solution will come from within. And, you will know the voice as your own. It will be
surrounded by wisdom and enlightenment.
Gautama is delighted to be here on this day. It marks the month of his own supposed enlightenment. But, he
shakes his head and says, "I had enlightenment for that time and that consciousness of Earth." "But, because of the
entire consciousness of Earth," he says, "I could not go into this true place of divinity. I could not create New Energy."
"Indeed, I came to understand many things about my journey," he says, "but the true enlightenment I could not
realize, because the consciousness of Earth was not ready for it at the time."
Gautama could not go into the ascension energy that you can. There are many wonderful things that he realized.
But, he could not go into the Void of Ascension, for it did not exist.
Now, we bring Gautama in today, in particular, because we also want to point out something that’s important here.
Meditation has been a very important part of your journey up to now. And, we have asked you recently to release
this. Meditation served you well. Indeed, it served the Buddha quite well. But, in meditation there has been a form of
denial where you tried to block the mind and the body.
In the New Energy, even in the Void of the New Energy, there is no blockage. All energies come through your
being. The river flows once again. Identity is melded into the river now. It does not need to be a boulder in the water.
It flows through you. It is like the breath coming through you. It flows in, and it flows out.
We have asked you to release the meditation. Do not assume another practice to replace it. Do not try to replace it
with anything else at this time. The void is not a meditation. It is not an attempt to clear the mind. It is allowing your
divinity to bring solution and expression in and through you.
If you are always struggling and pushing and trying to do ceremony, and trying to do prayer and meditation, your
divinity does not have a chance to come through because you are trying to fill it with something. When the void is
there, the divinity can come through. Do not try to replace the old energy with something new.
Do not try to replace the destroyed buildings in New York with new buildings. There is an attempt to do this at this
time, for they want to cover up something. They want to quickly fill in.
The void is uncomfortable. There is nothing there. Humans in duality always wanted something there, always
wanted to fill, always wanted to replace. Be in the Void of Ascension for a bit.
Then, your divinity, your God-self can come roaring through you. When it does, you will have insights and
understandings that you could not possibly have had in the mind of duality. You will have realizations, and you will
have things happen to you that are not in the least what you are expecting, because you are expecting from a mind
of duality.
It will be very different. We cannot explain it much further than that. It is an experience you will have on your own.
That is why we asked you to release your guides. That is why we asked you to release the crystals, and all of the

other accoutrements that fill your energy. Release them. Be in the Void of Ascension. This is when your divine self
can come through. And, again, it will be NOTHING like what you expect it to be.
Lesson Nine of the Ascension Series: you ARE creating New Energy. You thought this New Energy was just a
replacement word for New Age! It is not. The New Energy is a new physics, and it is beginning to happen now. When
we speak of New Energy, YOU ARE CREATING IT.
Cauldre now scolds us and tells us the day is getting long. Indeed, indeed it is. We wanted to take the time to bring
in the understanding of what it is like to be in the Void of Ascension, to know that divineness comes through, to know
that a new energy is coming in. It is taking place now. It is phenomenal. It is taking place after eons of time. It is
happening now. And you wonder sometimes why your journey has been difficult?
Gautama says his journey was difficult for him at the time, but nothing like yours. The waves of duality, these highs
and lows, were more spread out. And, they weren't as high or as low in his lifetime as Buddha. Yours are very
compressed now. The waves are coming very fast. There are high highs and low lows. They are flipping, changing
directions, faster than ever. This has indeed posed a challenge for you. Indeed!
We also point out that Gautama told stories of journeys. We all told stories of journeys back in our days. That is
how we explained things. That is how we expressed enlightenments. And, indeed, even Siddhartha had four
realizations… and four enlightenments… and met four humans on the road. It is not just I, Tobias, that does that!
(some audience laughter).
There is a significance to the number of "four." It is the New Energy. And, there is a significance to any story of
Shaumbra on the road. When Shaumbra is on the journey for truth, you are accompanied by the ones who call YOU
master. They go by the name of Yeshua, and Metatron, and Gautama and all of the others. For you are never alone.
We love you dearly.
And so it is!


May 5, 2002

And so it is, dear friends, that we return to the energy of your sacred temple. The New Energy is starting to
percolate, coming forth from your very being. How appropriate that we play this song (Over the Rainbow) leading
into our question and answer discussion, because as we have talked of before, you do not go Home. You do not.
You left Home so long ago on a grand journey to discover who you were, to discover a truth that could not be
known in the First Circle. The journey has been most interesting, filled with many experiences. We know that you
have had the desire to be at Home again, to leave this journey and return to the place that you came from. But, even
as Gautama (Buddha) found out on his long journey, you never go Home. You can't go Home, for you are in a new
place of consciousness that does not make going Home practical anymore.
Home will come to you. Home expands to meet you. This is what is happening now. The energy of Home,
represented by Metatron, comes to Earth, comes to you. You are coming to a point of fulfillment, not to the end of a
journey. Even Gautama found that the journey continued. The journey continued. Truth evolves.
You are coming to a point of fulfillment, of completion, before going into a next cycle. The fulfillment is creating
New Energy from a finite source, getting out of the game of duality, where you were just changing the appearance
and the looks of two energies of duality. Now with your new identity and knowingness, you are making it possible for
the creation of New Energies, and, at the same time, making it possible for Home to come to you.
We have discussed much about New Energy on this day. Perhaps, you think to yourself, "What does it have to do
with me today? How does this make my life better today?" The implications of this New Energy are vast. They are
far-reaching. It will not necessarily be something that affects you the moment you walk out this door. But, it will in
these days and these moments ahead. It will if you allow the solution that is already within you to come to you in this
There is a tendency for humans to push, and replace, and struggle, and grasp. That was the way of duality.
Humans do not like "void." They are uncomfortable with that place. It is not the dark that we speak of. It is not even a
vacuum. A void is a nothingness, a pause. It is silence.
As you go to this Void of Ascension, something will come from within you. The solution you seek cannot be
credited to another. The solution that you seek, perhaps, is nothing like you thought it would be. That is why we have
asked you to release your agendas. By releasing your agendas, you have no preconceived box, limitation, or idea of
what the outcome is. Releasing agenda is, in a sense, being in the void, with no expectations of the outcome. The
outcome in the New Energy is far grander than it was in duality.
Shaumbra, so many of you have been trying to make duality easier or better. That is not why you are here. You are
not here for a new and improved duality! (audience laughter) You are here for the creation of New Energy. You are
here to be at that moment where duality is transcended, and you move into this new consciousness. To get there
means releasing the old, being in this place of pause, to come to the realizations of the new.

In the New Energy there will be subtle changes in your life. For instance, as Cauldre learned today, time is warped
in the New Energy. It is not linear like what you have experienced in duality. Your perception of time will change quite
a bit. In a sense, that is good, for you can learn new aspects of time, new ways to work with it. In a sense, it will be
difficult for some of you who have time-regulated lives, like having to be to a job at a certain time. You will find that it
is more difficult to work with this, because your perception of time as it has been no longer exists.
It is the same with space. Space will appear different. For some who have not been so claustrophobic, being in
tight spaces will make you claustrophobic in the New Energy for a short period of time. For those who get anxiety
being in these small places, perhaps now things will not seem so small. Space will also change. Time… space…
depth will change.
So many of the elements of duality will change around you. Things will not be so linear. It may seem like they are
going in swirls when you have been used to going down the track in a straight line. You are releasing the bonds that
created a linear type of existence. Now, you are going to an existence that is a spiral, but not limited to any direction,
not limited to any phase.
The old energies of duality are leaving. We are here to share some of the aspects of New Energy. Oh, indeed, we
will be working with you on this in the many, many months to come.
Now, with that we would be delighted to answer your questions.

QUESTION: Tobias, please explain how to remove the seven seals.

TOBIAS: You do not remove them with force or pressure. You release them. You release them. As Metatron said in
our last gathering, they all open at once. They open together. Do not visualize yourself with a mallet in your hand,
trying to break these seals! Indeed, that will cause them to be tighter than ever. If anything, you simply love yourself,
as we spoke of earlier. You simply come to new understandings of your past, new wisdoms. Instead of holding
judgment against yourself and looking at yourself as being unworthy, you come to know that everything you
encountered on your path had a purpose. That is why Buddha comes in on this day, to sit with you, to share the
energy of his path, which was also long and difficult.
The seven seals open as you walk into the Void of Ascension, as you walk into this yet-to-be-created "now," this
yet-to-be-created consciousness, and sit in there. That is when the seals can open. (chuckling) That is when they
know the coast is clear. You are not inhibiting them with the consciousness of duality. You will learn, when you come
to this Void of Ascension, that the seals were not really sealed so tight. But, there was a pressure, much like
pressure on an object underwater, a pressure that kept them from opening. When you release duality around you,
the pressure is taken off. There is no longer the element of duality that keeps the seals in place.

QUESTION: Dear Tobias, and dear Gautama, as a teacher of Buddhist meditation for many years, I do not
understand how most people can gain experience of the void or the space of allowing without spending quiet time
with themselves, in other words, meditating. Also, I don’t quite understand how or why it is that we are now creating
New Energy that has never before existed. Thank you.
TOBIAS: From our perspective, and talking to those who crossed over to our side, there were so many humans
who sat in meditation with expectation. There were so many who attempted to clear the mind. And, as you know, this
does not work so well. These were times of denial when you put up the blocks and keep the waves of energy from
coming through. Ultimately, you struggled so much with this thing called meditation.
Others used meditation to deny living in the "now." They used meditation to escape duality, their humanness and
life around them. Being in ascension status means being in the moment. If you are in the moment, there is really no
need to meditate. You do not need to DO meditation. You ARE a walking, living, breathing meditation.
Now, one of the things you learned from meditation was that you needed alone space to re-energize and to
revitalize yourself. But, those who are now taking long walks… those who are simply finding a quiet space, and
especially driving down the road… they know there is more fulfillment in this than their old form of meditations.
We are not saying that meditation is wrong, for that would be placing a judgment on it. We are saying that you
have moved past the point of meditation. Gautama spent much, much time in meditation, much, much time clearing
the mind, and even he realized that this was not the ultimate truth. This was not.
The void is different. It is putting the situation aside for a moment. It is not trying to replace it with something else.
We used the example of your Twin Towers. The old energy came tumbling down. It is not time to replace it. Things
are changing in your life. Things are being taken away energetically from you, perhaps relationships, or jobs, or even
health for a period of time. There is a tendency to want to go out and replace it, to fix it.
When you get sick, you want to fix it right away. Be in the Void of Ascension. Know there might be a temporary
imbalance within your body. Know that your divine being will provide a solution that was far grander than anything in
your medicine cabinet. But, humans, you want to replace everything so quickly. You want to replace your meditation,
since we took that away, with something else. You want to replace your ceremony with something else. It is a time of
"nothingness" when there is no pressure or struggle. You are not trying to replace. You are not fearing or panicking. It
is a divine moment. In that moment the answers come through. If you feel yourself struggling in the mind, struggling
in your being, chances are very good that you are not going in the right direction. You are still struggling with duality.

Again, we ask you to try this in the next month of time. You will find one thing – there is such an immediate desire
to replace something that has gone from your life. Remember the images of the Twin Towers. Remember the images
you saw even on the screen today where there is nothing, nothing. Indeed, you want to replace it with something, but
if you do, you would be replacing it with a consciousness that exists in duality. Instead, go to the Void. Then, you will
understand the next steps.
Our discussion of the New Energy will cause much talk amongst you, wondering about energies. There will be
some who will go into the analytical and try to evaluate and discuss how energy works. Even one of your great
scientists (Albert Einstein) came to the conclusion – a brilliant conclusion at the time – that energy could not be
created or destroyed. And, that was appropriate that many years ago.
There is a new equation, which we will talk of later, that explains the new equation of energy. This equation will
offer a theory of how new energy can be created. Initially this will be a theory. But, as you know, technology will
follow. If you are creating a new energy of consciousness, soon, quite soon, there will be those who will come to
understand how to create it in your practical world as well.

QUESTION: In the Keys of Enoch it mentions the "null zone" necessary for the ascension process. Has the Earth
entered the zone? If not, when is the approximate time and its effects on us?
TOBIAS: There have been many "null zones" that you as Shaumbra have gone through on your journey. You
remember many of these. These also appeared to be times of depression. What is referred to in these Keys of
Enoch is not necessarily the Void of Ascension. It is similar, but it is not of the same energy. It is to be remembered
that this book was written in a different time and consciousness. It is oriented towards an understanding of duality.
And it provides a deeper understanding of the biblical scriptures. At that time it was not possible for humans to walk
into the New Energy, so it was not possible for a book to accurately describe what it was like.
Now, there are "nulls" all along the path leading to ascension. But, they are more of what we would compare to the
channeling where we talked about the "no-thing," the "no-thing," do "no-thing." There are periods of time where
activity should cease, where you can recharge yourself. But, this is quite different than the Void of Ascension that we
speak of. This is quite different from this time and consciousness that you go into, where you are not trying to replace
or rebuild, but yet you are allowing your divine answer to come through.

QUESTION: Please talk more about the Fruit of the Rose and how it manifests. Thank you.
TOBIAS: The Fruit of the Rose is your divine lineage. It comes truly comes through and manifests when you sit in
the void we have discussed today. It is the solution that has not been brought in yet. It is a potential solution that
exists in a neutral or dormant state. But, it has always been there. It is all of the answers that you have ever sought,
but you could not come to realizations until the appropriate time. We have said before that, in a sense, you have
already buried the answer for yourself, along your path. You have already created all of the potential solutions before
you got there. This is the Fruit of the Rose. It IS your divinity. It IS that part of God that you brought with you from
Home. It is your individual identity in meld with the essence of Spirit.
Now, that does not mean that the answers have already been worked out. It means the energy for the solution is
there. It still takes you living in human form, living in the "now," to bring the solution to realization. There requires
participation at all levels of your being. Your divine consciousness has been behind the seven seals that are now
opening. The Fruit of the Rose is the unrealized solution, but the solution that has always been there. The Fruit of the
Rose does not contain the exact road map and directions for the solution, but it contains all of the energy for
realization of it.

QUESTION: Dear Tobias, before I pushed my Oracles to the side, I was given an Oracle idea that I was quite
excited about, hesitant, but still excited. What I would like to know if this still appropriate and not only for myself –
even though I would love to know if this is personally appropriate for me – but also for others who have had or will
have ideas, desires, to bring forth more Oracles and things of this nature. If we do bring them in, will it be bringing in
yet more tools that should be put away? I do not know that I was brought to my "now" with all my tools. This was
needed for me. Are they still needed and appropriate? Thank you.
TOBIAS: Indeed, it is time to put these aside. Look at the energy behind your own question. There is a lack of
meaning or direction. There is also an innate understanding of the answer at the deepest levels of your being while
you wrote your question. It is time to release them. Honor them, but also release. Dear friends, one of the greatest
challenges for Shaumbra has been our asking you to release so many things, so many things that you have held
dear. We know that some of you still hold things under your pillow at night. (audience laughter) Perhaps books,
perhaps techniques. Certainly crystals! Does that not hurt your head? (more laughter) It is time to release all these,
to honor and release.
Now, for many of you these products and these programs that you have had… they have also been your livelihood.
It is what you have taught others. And, there is a fear that if you let go of these things, how would you make a living?
How would you make a living? So, you look around, and what do you do? You want to replace it with something else.

You even want Tobias and Gautama to give you a new tool, do you not? Do you not want to replace what you are
letting go? And, that is our point of this whole discussion today.
There IS something else. We cannot tell you what it is, for even we do not know. But, it is something in the New
Energy. It is a solution and a fulfillment far grander than the Oracle, or any of these other things that you hold onto.
You cannot go into the New Energy holding relics of duality. If you think you are sneaking something through,
(audience laughter) there will be somebody at the door, letting you know it is not appropriate. (more laughter) You
think your own security screeners now are tough! But, try to get on board this New Energy… we have even tougher
We know it is difficult. We can feel the panic come up within so many of you, thinking about releasing the old.
However, this is only about you. There are still things that are appropriate to teach others. And, if they come to you
for the facilitation that you do, or the methods that you have… if they are still knocking on your door, then it is
appropriate to be teaching that. But, for YOU it is time to enter the whole new zone, the New Energy that we spoke
of today.
Dear ones, you cannot possibly imagine the grandness, the love, the fullness of the New Energy in the mind that
you have today. So, quit trying. Quit trying. Come into the Void of Ascension. The answer will come up through you.
This IS the Fruit of the Rose.
Oh, dear ones, some of you have already gone through this experience with a few things in your life. And, what do
you do at that time? You say, "Ah, I could never have imagined this. Why did I hang on so tightly to the past? Why
did I hang on so tightly? Why did I not trust myself? Why did I not trust myself to let go and know that divinity would
be there within me?"

QUESTION: Tobias, what is May 19 going to bring us?

TOBIAS: Indeed, nothing. (audience laughter) You look to your stars, and you anticipate great events. Aren't you
tired of that now? It does not happen! It is a distraction. It is not appropriate. You are continually trying to replace one
thing for the other. On May 19, go into the Void and stop looking into the skies!

QUESTION: Tobias, can you give some insight into the status of women on the planet? It seems like there is such
an inequality, and in many cases women are seen as sexual objects. I feel there will be a balance coming in the
future. Any comments? Thanks.
TOBIAS: Dear ones, the balance is coming now, we are delighted to say. When we read the overall consciousness
of women on Earth compared to a year ago when we talked about it, it HAS changed. Some of your challenging
situations have put a new focus on the role of women. And, certainly your consciousness as Shaumbra has changed
those institutions that were so ingrained in the male energy. Look at what has happened since we talked with you
less than one year ago. Look at the changes and at your headlines.
This will continue to change, for there has to come a balance between male and female. And, there has to be a
respect for both sides, both sides. All of you contain the elements of male and female, all of you do. You cannot
simply replace your old male energy with a female energy. It has to be a balance. Do not disrespect or dishonor the
male portion of your consciousness either. But, do allow the female portion to come bursting forth. You will see it.
You will see a new balance of the female energy on Earth. You will especially see it in the people around you. You
will marvel at how they are integrating their male side if they are female, their female side if they are male. There will
be a new tolerance for the ones you call "gays." They are ones who brought in a much better balance of male and
female energy. They are ones who knew there would be challenges, who knew that they would be called sinners,
who knew that they would be called perverted. They knew this when they brought in the higher level balance of male
and female. It was a way to show the world that you could be integrated in both male and female.
All of this energy is such a signal that duality is unfolding, changing, transforming, and creating New Energy in the
number of 4. Give thanks to those who have endured the challenges to integrate the female energy in particular.
Give thanks to those who have worked so hard at their conscious levels to bring this in. Look at what is happening in
the world around you. There is a whole new respect and understanding for both energies, male and female.
But, also remember as these changes are taking place, as duality is winding down, as the imbalanced male-female
energy is coming back into a new sacred balance, remember that there are energies making their last stand. They
do not want to change. You will see things in the news, as Metatron talked to you about, that perhaps shock you,
perhaps throw you off balance. But, it is just the Old Energies trying to hold on, trying to hold on.
Dear ones, we have covered much ground today. And, we will continue to talk of the New Energy in the lessons
ahead. We ask you to not just walk from this temple space of yours back into duality and forget about what we have
said. Use this tool, the Void of Ascension. Use it. Come to new understandings. Know that you do not need to
replace things right away. It may be fearful at times, for the old duality within you may be screaming to have it
replaced with something. But, in this energy of ascension, answers will come to you, solutions, fulfillments, new ways
of doing things and thinking about things that you could never have imagined before. Work with this, dear friends.
It has been a delight and a pleasure to be here with you on this day. And, we will be working with you in your
dreams and also in your daily life. We love you dearly. Gautama bows to you at this time. Indeed, he is welling up,

very emotional. He sees the true enlightened ones. He sees you going into a new consciousnesses that he never
was able to go to. Indeed the Buddha honors you.
And so it is!

June 1, 2002

And so it is, dear friends, dear Shaumbra, that we gather together again in our circle. The energy of all who are
here in body or spirit is loving, and is strong, and is enduring. The path of ascension you are walking is not what you
thought it would be. It has not been so easy. But, you continue. You continue your journey. You continue with the
lessons we bring forth to you, because of the love and the commitment within your being.
Those of us on this side of the veil can feel your commitment. It is thick. Your love and your energy are thick. Your
desire to keep going on is strong. There comes a point when it is time to take a pause. This is the time for you to sit
in relaxation and quiet. You can release the struggling, the challenges and the emotional and physical pain. It is time
to simply receive the love of those who are your family.
For this next short period of time that we are together here, we ask you to open yourselves to our love. We ask you
to take a break from the challenges of your human life. We ask you to take a refreshing moment on your path to sit
under the tree, much as the Buddha sat under the tree, to enjoy the shade. Use this time to bring your energy back
We will do the work here for this next period of time while we are in the circle together. We will move the energy.
We will bring you the love that you so richly deserve in your life. Dear friends, we know that part of your journey has
been giving up love. It has been giving up the very ones who you have been close to in the past, whether in this
lifetime or others. You have given up the closeness of the human relationships so that you could focus on your inner
spirit and being.
Perhaps it was your biological family. Perhaps it was a mate, or in some cases, many mates. Perhaps it was your
own children or friends that were near and dear. They were not taken from you. Instead, you released them. You
released them so that you could continue on your path and bring forth your own divinity.
But, we know it has been difficult, being without this direct love, the intense love from other humans. We know this.
That is why we come to you now as family, as ones who support you, and encourage you, and love you dearly, and
know you so well. We come to you now and say, "Simply relax." You are here with friends. You are here with
Shaumbra and angels who come from all types of dimensions to join you in this circle.
How much we love you for the work you do! How much we admire you for the work you do! There is not much
more that we need to say to you. It is the energy that we bring in, the love that we bring in.
And, yes, for the one who just asked, yes, this too will change. The loves and the relationships in your life indeed
will change, but it will be different than what you have known in the past. Some of you rejoice for that. It will be
different. It will be a new type of love. We spoke of that in Lesson Eight.
It will be a love that is complete unto itself because YOU are complete in yourself. It will be a love that carries no
agendas. The love will not be the other face of duality like it was in the old energy. It will be a love that is complete,
and full, and true unto itself. It will engage you only for the purpose of love. Imagine that - a relationship with another
human that engages you ONLY for love. It won't be about agenda, or about somebody trying to get into your
emotional back pocket. Only for love!
Dear ones, we cherish this time we have together. We have much to discuss today. These times are precious, and
these times are few. We know so many of you, Shaumbra, are so busy right now in your lives. We know so many of
you, Shaumbra, are also lost in your life. We will speak of that today. We know that you feel the speeding up of
duality in and around you right now that you hardly have the time to sit like this with Spirit, with Self, with Shaumbra.
The energies here are building and intensifying. Through your divine senses you can feel that there are visitors
who are coming in through the doorways of the other side. There are many visitors who come in now to sit in the
Second Circle to be with you, to observe, and to love, and to support. Yet, there are two in particular who come today
who join in this circle, who bring interesting energies.
Indeed, for the ones who can feel this energy building, you are already aware that one you know so well now, the
one who is guiding you, walking with you side-by-side on the journey into the New Energy, this one called Metatron
is here again today. Metatron's energy is different than when he first came in many months ago. The energy of
Metatron is much different.
It is not that Metatron has changed, dear friends. It is that you have changed. The energy of Metatron does not
impact you like it did before. He does not throw you off balance. He does not come roaring through. Now, he feels
much more comfortable, much gentler, but yet still very intense. That intensity in Metatron's energy represents the

intensity of your own journey. But, Metatron comes in for this lesson where we will talk about you… and who you are
no longer.
Metatron's energy builds in this room, builds with each of you. But, you are much more familiar with it now
because, dear friends, Metatron has been so close to you. Metatron IS you! Metatron is your voice in Spirit.
Metatron held a balance of energy on the other side of the veil. Metatron held the balance of energy in a very
sacred temple within the Order of the Arc, a temple that was secure, and safe, and very sacred. Very few were
allowed into this temple. That is where part of your own divine energy has been watched over by Metatron. That is
where part of you that is so divine, and so pure - the purity of love - has been waiting, watched over by your voice in
Spirit, Metatron, until the time was appropriate. Metatron has walked with all of us throughout this Ascension Series.
Metatron is now able to bring his energy directly to the level of Earth. This was not possible before. It was not
possible. Metatron is able to join with us now, bringing his energy into this space, into this circle. And, indeed his
energy is here today.
Feel the energy of Metatron today, not as an outside being, not as some male-angel entity. Feel the energy as your
very own divinity, under the name of Metatron, under a collective energy of Metatron. Allow yourself to feel yourself
in Metatron. And, allow Metatron to feel himself in you. Allow the melding to take place.
Metatron, the symbol of your divinity and your voice in Spirit, joins us now. Metatron is your divinity, allowing you to
take a rest along your rather challenging journey, in this time we share together. Metatron allows you to be held in
the hands of your own divinity, to bring your energy back together for a moment of rest and to rejuvenate your body,
your emotions, and all who you are.
Oh, dear friends, you are indeed allowing this energy in. We can see it from all around the room, from all around
the circle we sit in together. You are indeed like a flower unfolding, allowing your own divinity to come in now.
There is another one who joins us for this lesson. He now brings his presence forward. It is an energy you have
known quite well, the energy of - how to say - the one you have called "boss." It is a very familiar energy. At times
you have gotten very frustrated with him. You will know of what we speak here in a moment. In a sense, he is a type
of group leader or guide for you who comes from a family you are very familiar with. He comes here now because
this is one more turning point for you, one more transition point.
Welcome the energy of Archangel Michael. His presence has not been very noticeable in this "classroom of the
new energy." He has not been one of the featured guests until now. But, he comes in for this lesson. He comes in
with the sword that you curse so often. The Sword of Truth Archangel Michael holds is blazing, on fire, and
illuminated. The time is appropriate now for him to join us. It has not been appropriate until now.
We will tell you a little bit about Archangel Michael. He asks you to simply open up to his vibration as we talk.
Michael, in a sense, carries a responsibility for each of you. Michael is one you work with very closely at many
different levels. When the Order of the Arc was formed in an effort to bring about the New Energy of the universe, it
was Michael who worked with you, helping to train you, helping to prepare you for your journey to Earth that began
so long ago.
As you know, Michael has never taken human form. He is an architect who, along with you, helped create the
templates of Earth and human biology and human consciousness. Michael, in a sense, was your drill sergeant
before you left the Order of the Arc to come to Earth. Michael was the one who gave each of you a Sword of Truth, a
symbol of your own journey. The sword is part of your own consciousness and your own biology, given to you by
Michael before you embarked on your journey to find your own truth. The sword was given to you before you left for
Earth. It has been part of who you have been ever since.
Those who teach your Bible and scriptures tell the story of Michael and how he fought Satan, or Lucifer in the giant
battle in the heavens. Michael threw Satan out of heaven. Dear friends, the story is somewhat mixed up, because in
the story, the one that is Satan is really you! (audience laughter and Tobias chuckling) But, it made a better story to
present it as the devil.
It was YOU that left the Order of the Arc, or what would be called "heaven." It was Michael who trained you. It was
Michael who gave you the sword and sent you on your way. You were not thrown out of anywhere. You chose to
leave this "heaven" and come to Earth. You agreed to it in advance.
The real story is that when Michael handed you the Sword of Truth, which is a symbol for the consciousness of
your search, there were tears in his eyes. Michael knew it would be a long and difficult journey for you. Michael knew
that there would be times when you would not recognize him when he came to you in your dreams and in your
altered states. That brought sadness to him.
The real story is not about a big battle where Satan was thrown out of heaven. It was about your own departure
from the Order of the Arc to come to Earth. It was about your journey to find your truth, dear friends. Your truth is
your divinity. You had to find it on your own. You had to find it with the elements of duality, and furthermore, with the
element of the veil - two very strong forces that hid you from your past, hid you from yourself, and hid you from us for
so long. You had to go out on this journey to Earth in a very - how to say - neutral environment to discover your
divinity. The Sword of Truth represents your own journey.
Is it no wonder that Michael comes in to be with us now? He comes here as one who was your trainer, as one who
you have bonded with closely over long periods of time. Michael comes in for this lesson, for it is also a type of

graduation ceremony. He is here to release you, so that you can come to those final energetic moments of finding
your truth within.
The energies of Metatron and Michael are here to nurture you, so you can take a rest from the busy process of
ascension you have been going through.
Dear friends, we have covered much ground in our lessons with you. We have gone now through two complete
series (New Earth and Creator). Now we are coming to the conclusion of this Ascension Series. We ask you to look
back at the essence of what we have been talking to you about.
Indeed, we have given you the story of how you left Home. You were the young Prince or Princess, seeking to go
out on a grand adventure, seeking to find an identity for yourself outside of the First Circle. You wanted to discover
who you were before you inherited the throne.
We have gone through many discussions in these past three years. We have talked about standing behind the
short wall, and putting problems in the Oven of Grace. We have talked of the fact that it is no longer about you or
who you thought you were. It is not about you anymore. There is something far grander.
It is not about healing your karma from the past. It is not about even healing karma from the time before you came
to Earth. It is not about you anymore. You transcended that in your ascension status. We have talked to you about
releasing so many things, putting them in the Oven of Grace. We have talked about having no agenda, letting go,
because agenda… oh, it is so much based in duality in the Old Energy!
We spoke with you in our gathering last month about the void, about going into the void, an interesting lesson, an
interesting concept. And, indeed, indeed we chose this word "void" very carefully. Indeed, it brought up reminders of
when you left Home. There IS a correlation to the past. When you left the Kingdom, you did go into a void.
When you leave duality, again you go into a void, because what lies beyond duality has not been created yet. You
are the ones creating it, my dear friends. You are the first to go into the New Energy. You are setting the foundation
for the others. And, indeed it does bring about fears, and memories, and concerns of the past when you left the
Kingdom and went into the Void.
So, is it no wonder that in these past 30 or so days you would have old feelings come back up… that you would
have fears… that you would have perhaps remembrances of remorse… that you would have concerns about what
you are doing? Many of you thought in the days that followed our last lesson, " Is this some type of trick? Am I
releasing all of who I am? Am I letting go of myself? Am I being asked to go to a place where I can be taken over by
others, or influenced to the dark side?"
And, as you know, we said to you, "Indeed, if that's what you would like to do. Indeed." But, we know that you
don't. And, we know that you are ready to release this old game of light and dark. You are ready to release that
energy, the fear that if you do not hold on tightly to duality that you will be consumed by some evil force.
That is old, dear friends. It does not apply anymore. There is no entity out there who can take you over… other
than, yes, for the one who just asked… a spouse does that from time to time. (audience laughter) But, entities from
our side cannot do that. Even if Metatron or Michael chose to take you over right now, to consume you and to
influence you, they cannot. None can. You hold and own your own divinity!
We have gone through many, many discussions with you. The essence of these has been about releasing,
releasing the past, releasing who you were, releasing the habits, the patterns, indeed, letting go. It has been, by your
terms and your definition, a slow journey. It has taken these past three years to learn how to release. By our
definition it has been a very short time!
You are releasing experiences that go back thousands, and millions, and more millions of years. These are
patterns that were established a long, long time ago. This is what you are letting go of. The lessons over the past
three years have truly been focused on letting go. As you are finding out, you cannot take your old luggage with you
into the New Energy.
And, that is the challenging point you are at right now. There is a desire, a very strong desire, to take certain things
with you, to take - how to say - consciousnesses of your identity, parts of your identities from the past with you. This
is primarily because you do not so much trust yourself.
Even the mention of going into the void brings up a fear within. It brings up all the questions of "what if." "What if I
release everything? Will I have no identity left whatsoever? Will I be consumed by another entity? Will I be influenced
to an evil or dark side?" All of these concerns come up. And, they are appropriate right now. Do not deny yourself
these feelings, thoughts and concerns. Releasing and going into the void right now is part of the process of the New
Energy. But, dear friends, it is not denying who you have been. It is not trying to cut off parts of yourself.
The Void of Ascension is a quiet space where you do not wrestle with the duality within yourself. In this Void, you
ask all parts of yourself to be in pause for a moment, to be in a place of quiet for a moment. It is where you ask those
marbles - the white and the black and the gray - to be still and to feel the birthing of the energy of your divinity. It is
where you do not try to figure out things in the limitations of your human mind.
In the Void of Ascension, you allow the mind of the divine to come through. It is your own. You are listening to
yourself. You are simply putting duality on the shelf for a moment. You will get a taste of YOUR New Energy, of
YOUR divinity. Many of you here have already experienced this feeling. And, this is just the beginning.

Put aside the "should I/shouldn't I?" concerns, those doubts that haunt you. Put them aside for a moment. Be in
the void. Then the divinity that is yours, and only yours, can come forth. That is the Void that we speak of. You are
clearing the passageway to allow your divinity to come through.
Continue to work with this. Feel what happens when you truly put an issue in pause, when you can truly put one of
your concerns in pause. Then your divinity can speak to you. You will be able to hear it because you will not be so
caught up in the details of duality.
Now, let us speak of duality. It is the energy of "two" that has existed for as long as you have known your identity
outside of the First Circle. It is changing now, as we have spoken of so often. We are going from the energy of "two"
to the energy of "four." You will see it all around you.
We have spoken often about the quad math. We have spoken about new insights and new discoveries that will
help take human consciousness from duality into the New Energy. We said that at the right time, the information will
start coming through. As your consciousness changes, the scientific information will come through to validate it.
There are researchers and scientists who are working on this.
A scientist/mathematician has even written a book about this, published since our last gathering ("A New Kind of
Science" by Stephen Wolfram, Wolfram Media). It has created quite a bit of interest, quite a bit of debate. But, the
essence of the research contained in this book, self-published by the author, is now making its way into the
mainstream. It shows that if there are three elements, each with a different type of energy, and a fourth energy that is
added to it, this will create a type of New Energy. The research shows how the patterns of nature are created, and
how it can be created in the New Energy. It talks about the sequence of energies and how they work. But, it is
always an energy of 4. It is always one element of the 4 influencing the other 3.
This is now available in print. You can read about it. It is just the beginning of the understanding of the quad math
that we have talked about. It is the first step. Other researchers will come in to try to understand it or to try to
disprove it. This will initiate even more scientific and mathematical validation.
You are seeing it in your lifetime, dear friends. This is not something that is out in the ethers and that does not
affect you. You are seeing it in your lifetime. You are seeing the validation of your journey.
In the meantime, duality wants to hang on. It wants to hang on. You can see evidence of this in your newspapers,
in your headlines. Duality desperately wants to hang on. It does not want to go. It does not want to leave, to be
annihilated, to be forgotten. It is trying to hold onto its identity.
Yes, indeed, duality has its own identity. It has its own vibration. In a sense, it is like an entity, much like you. But,
as you know from your own experiences, duality also is tired. Duality knows it is time to transform into the New
Energy. Even duality is at odds with itself, part of it wanting to hang on, part of it wanting to let go. What a beautiful
orchestra! It is beautiful indeed! All of this creates higher highs, and lower lows, and faster cycles, which all indicates
that large changes are taking place and will continue to take place.
As Metatron stated, as duality makes its last stand you will see many disturbing events all around you with people,
and tribes, and nations, and governments. We have asked you not to pray, not to meditate, and not to visualize until
you truly understand the dynamics of what is taking place in the world around you. Stand behind the short wall and
observe the transition from duality into the New Energy. Then you will understand what it is you should be doing.
All of the events you are witnessing are appropriate. Duality is flipping back and forth between wanting to be free
and yet wanting to hang on. It is happening not only in your world, but it is also happening within you as well. It is
happening even as you are walking in the shoes of ascension.
You have gone from one lifetime to the other while staying in the same physical body. Most of you even kept your
same name even though you have crossed into a new lifetime. You have maintained much of your previous identity.
There is that part of you that does not want to let go, and yet another part that desperately wants to let go. You are
seeing the conflict in your own life, the challenges in your own life. There is such a desire in you to hang on, but yet
you want to change - an interesting energy drama!
Look at the things around you. Look at the face of duality. Look at people trying to hang on to who they thought
they were. Yet this old identity is being pulled away from them, by themselves. We chuckle when we see the
popularity of tattoos in your society. It is a way of saying, "I want to hang onto my identity so much so that I want it
printed on my body, so I remember who I was. I do not want to let go of my identity. I want to embed it deep within
my physical and my emotional being."
We chuckle when we see humans trying to maintain their identity with the markings on their clothes, the
personalization of their wardrobes, personalizations even when they put their names on their shirts. We think that is
funny. Do they not really know who they are? (audience laughter)
But yes, you will continue to see people trying to maintain their identity, trying to hold on, but yet the other part of
them desperately wanting a change. This dichotomy is all part of the process of moving into the New Energy.
This changing of identity causes much sadness for Shaumbra. We are touched by the sadness that so many of
you are going through right now. There is little that we can do, other than to reassure you this is part of the process.
There is little we can do other than to come in at times like this to sit with you and to share with you the reason for
your journey. There is little we can do other than to come in here and share with you that you are not alone. This

space filled with two grand entities, Michael and Metatron, and many, many, many others who come in to love you at
this rest stop along your path.
The sadness within you is because you are losing something. You are losing who you thought you were. You are
losing relationships, jobs, and for some of you, your health. You are losing everything you thought you were. We
know the sadness affects you deeply and it is strong. We are here to tell you that it is simply part of the process, dear
friends. Know that you are not alone.
This sadness can be replaced, but not with the energy you might think. You will not wake up one morning and be
filled with the old joy you had in duality. A completeness will come about. A completeness will come about. It will be a
different type of emotion. You will not even want to use a word to describe this new feeling because a word is too
limiting. In the meantime, understand that we know what you are going through.
When you sit with other humans as their teacher, you will have the empathy and the understanding for what they
are going through. You will have experienced the changes first hand. You will be able to hold their hand and tell them
that you understand their sadness, the sadness that comes about when everything they thought they were, and
everything they thought they would be, is different.
Dear friends, it is time to trust yourself. Michael comes in today to share this with you. You have gone through so
many experiences, carrying the Sword of Truth within you. It is time to trust yourself and everything that is happening
to you in your life, even, even if a spouse is leaving. You blame yourself. Outwardly you blame them, but inwardly we
know that you blame yourself.
Many things are happening in your life. You are wondering who you are, what you are doing right now, why you are
here. Oh, you are filled with so much doubt at the inner levels. Michael comes in to ask you to trust yourself, to trust
in your divinity, to begin to understand that all things are appropriate. Even if it feels like the walls inside are coming
down. Even if it feels like the fabric of who you are is coming unraveled.
Indeed, it is time to trust yourself. You are carrying the energy of divinity. Indeed, you are carrying your own Sword
of Truth. It is time to trust yourself. Come forth, as difficult as it may seem when you're going through challenges in
your life, as Metatron talked about. Begin your teaching, begin your work.
Oh, we know. We hear you say, "But, Tobias, I do not so much know what I'm supposed to do. I am waiting for the
sign." Dear friends, THERE AIN'T GOING TO BE A SIGN! There will not. You are waiting for something. It is already
there! It is already at your front door. It has already moved into your new house. It is already there. You either don't
see it, because you don't want to, because of the responsibility involved. Or, you see it, and it frightens you.
Shaumbra, you are ones who have agreed to be the teachers. It is time to start teaching. If you don't know what
that means, or what it looks like, go to the Void of Ascension we talked about in our last lesson. Be still. Put aside
duality. You will hear it, or you will feel it, or you will know it. The answer is within.
Michael comes in on this day to talk to you. You were once students of his. He comes in to challenge you now to
be the teachers. Stop going to school. Start going to work. There is nothing more you can learn at this point that is
going to make you more of a teacher of the New Energy.
You will learn more as you teach, but at this point there is no more school. There are no more books. You have
read them all. There are no more classes. You have gone to them all. Now, start teaching. Now, start teaching, dear
ones. You will learn as you go. You will know what to do.
Michael, the one who gave you that Sword of Truth before you left the Order of the Arc, now challenges you to be
the teacher. Michael challenges you to trust yourself at the deepest levels. Oh, it is terrifying, we know. You want to
trust something or someone else. The last thing in the world that humans want to do is to trust themselves. It is too
much responsibility.
Michael, your teacher and trainer, says that it is time now to set you free. He has been working with you on the
sidelines ever since you left the Order of the Arc to come to Earth. He has been an important part of the energy. He
is now releasing you. He is now graduating you. He is now walking away from that old role with you. He says he will
always be a friend and always be an admirer of you. But, it is time now for him to back out of your energy field, so
that you can accept the energy of YOUR voice in Spirit, represented by Metatron.
Michael comes in on this day to challenge each of you to trust yourself enough to begin your teaching. The time is
right, and the world indeed will need it. Do not wait any longer. Do not be meek. Do not hold back. Work with each
other. That is why you have joined together as the family of Shaumbra all across the world.
Michael says, "But, now what are you waiting for? When are you going to start practicing? When are you going to
be the teacher? When are you going to accept that responsibility within yourself?" The events, the energies, the
people, the opportunities… they will not be clear in your spiritual vision until you accept that responsibility, the
responsibility of being the teacher for others.
We know so many of you are thinking, "Oh, but who am I to teach? And, what will I teach? And, how will I teach?"
Those questions are answered in a moment, as soon as you accept the responsibility. But, you must accept the
responsibility first. Then the answers will come to you.
Michael is here today to put that challenge to you, as you move from the student to the teacher. He asks you to
trust yourself, to trust your own divinity so you can be there for others. Michael says that other humans who are
beginning this journey of ascension will need you.

Duality is at a delicate balance point. The world needs you. Trust yourself enough to step forward, dear ones. Trust
yourself. It is difficult to do when you are filled with sadness, when there are challenges in your life, and when things
are leaving your life. It is difficult to do. You want to wait. You want to wait until everything is settled down, until you
feel everything is just perfect.
Part of your sadness comes from the divine calling within you. There is a calling and you have not answered it.
There is that knocking at the door, and you have not answered it. That is part of the reason for your sadness. There
are ties to the old energy that need to be cut now. There are things that need to be released. Just do it. Trust in
yourself. It will work out for you. You know deep within your being that it is time to trust yourself and truly fulfill what
you came here to do in this New Energy.
Now, dear friends, when you left the Kingdom so very long ago, you developed an identity and an awareness of
self. Prior to that, you know, it was a oneness. When you crossed through the Wall of Fire, you had for the first time a
true awareness of your own identity. You were no longer just part of the Kingdom. You were no longer just part of
what we would call in this metaphor the royal family. You developed your own identity. You have been developing
your identity through many lifetimes and through many experiences before you ever came to Earth.
But, now, oddly enough, it is time to let go of the identity. It is time to release it. In the past you have built your
identity, what you would call your soul level identity, from one lifetime to the next. You added to it in a very linear
fashion, one experience after the other. You have done that ever since you left Home.
As you move into the New Energy, you will also go into a new identity. Instead of one step at a time of the building
of your identity, now you take a leap. You take a leap of identity. You leap from who you thought you were, into
having a time of no identity, then into a new identity. The Void of Ascension we spoke of in Lesson Nine is when the
energy of your old identity temporarily goes away.
You go through a period of no identity. No identity. You look into a mirror and it does not have a reflection. This is
the zone many of you are in now. This is part of the reason for the sadness. This is part of the reason why you
wonder who you are, and you wonder what you should be doing. This is part of the reason for the deep and extreme
self-doubt that you have within. Your identity is fading away. In the meantime you have no identity before you
develop your new identity.
Dear friends, Lesson Ten of the Ascension Series - From No Identity to New Identity. You have the experience of
no identity prior to moving into your new identity. It is the mirror without a reflection.
Look into a mirror. You will see your own physical image. But as you continue to look at it, the image will not even
feel like you anymore. It will not resonate with you. It will not feel right. For some of you, the image may just totally go
away, and you'll see nothing but an empty mirror!
Why do you think it is that others seem to be ignoring you lately? (audience laughter) It is because your identity of
who you thought you were - we underline that word - who you THOUGHT you were is leaving. Along with it leave all
of the energies and symbols of the old you. Things like those cars that you smash up, or things like your home. We
know that is a difficult one for some of you… your clothes… your friends… all of these things.
In this period of no identity, those things that you held onto most tightly are being taken away. They are not taken
away by us, not by Michael, and certainly not by Metatron. They are taken away by yourself. You are going into the
period of no identity before you go into your new identity. It IS the Void that we spoke of in our last gathering. It is
part of the process of ascension. What you are going through now is most difficult and challenging.
Look in the mirror. You will hardly recognize the human in the reflection, if you see anything at all. Oh, we know,
many of you have noticed this lately. You look in the mirror and say, "This could not be me. What I see in the mirror
does not feel like who I am anymore." Do you know of what we speak? Who you thought you were is leaving.
Now, indeed, you are not truly disappearing. You are not evaporating. You are simply going through a change,
much like the caterpillar goes through the change before it transforms into the butterfly. What a wonderful analogy!
What a wonderful example you placed in nature to remind youself of the ascension metamorphosis you would go
Imagine the caterpillar, wondering while he sits in the cocoon, "What the hell - yes, we swear on this side
(audience laughter) - what the hell is going on?" That's exactly what the caterpillar is thinking. "What is going on? I
thought I was going to be an ascended caterpillar!" (audience laugher) "With more legs and more green and maybe
some additional eyes and maybe more attractive than I was before, a little smarter. What is happening to me, dear
God? I must have taken the wrong turn on the path to ascension!" (more laughter) "I am in this big nothing cocoon,
wondering what is going on, wondering why I am not doing what I thought I would be doing."
The poor caterpillar is thinking all of this only moments before he bursts forth from the cocoon with wings filled with
color. Wings! The caterpillar never knew anything about wings! And color? The caterpillar only knew green! But, here
it is now, a spectacle for all to behold.
Dear friends, did you know that angels really don't have wings? They really don't. Some very insightful artists
understood that humans would, at one point, go through a metamorphosis. They knew humans would go through a
change. They picked up on the energy of the metaphor of the butterfly and drew wings on the angels they painted. It
was to symbolize that some day the human would go through this also.

The poor caterpillar looks into the mirror as it sits in its cocoon, wondering what is happening. It does not even
recognize itself. It sees itself no longer as a caterpillar, but rather as some ugly, changing creature. The caterpillar
does not know what is happening. It wonders why it is trapped and wonders why everything it thought it was … is no
longer. The caterpillar has these thoughts moments before it bursts forth from the cocoon to soar as a butterfly.
This is what is happening to you. You go from the point of "no identity" just before your new identity. But, you have
to go through this zone, this void, this "no identity" time so that all the processes can come into play for you to truly
emerge with your new identity.
Your new identity will be nothing like your old. You held tightly to your old identity and to who you were and to what
you saw in the mirror. In the New Energy it is not that way. You will not have an identity that is locked in. It will be
very flexible, very fluid. With your new identity, you will be aware of self, but you will also be more aware of all things
around you. This awareness will come in through the divine senses, through the Language of Ah.
In your new identity you will not be bound by old contracts. You will not be locked into a mold. You will have wings
of new consciousness. It will not be linear. It will be multi-dimensional. You will not have to develop and protect your
identity. You will be secure unto yourself, complete within yourself. Your new identity will want to express. You will
want to expand. You will want to soar, dear friends.
Michael comes in on this day to say, "Trust yourself in this period of no identity. Trust yourself. Step forward now.
Step out of your cocoon. Take responsibility as a teacher. Take responsibility as your new identity emerges all around
Lesson Ten - From No Identity To New Identity. We will talk more in the future of this new identity, of who you are in
the New Energy. But, understand, dear friends, understand why you are going through what you are right now. It is
part of a process, the journey of Shaumbra, the journey of all who will follow after you.
The homework for this lesson is quite simple. It is something you do each day. Look in the mirror. Look in the
mirror at who you thought you were. Look beyond the face in the mirror. Look into the energy as a reminder of the
past. Look at the changes that are occurring, the changes similar to what a caterpillar goes through before it
becomes the butterfly. Know that you are going through quite a process.
Before we leave, we will throw in one more thought that will really confuse you! This will be the subject of many of
our discussions in the future. The New Energy is not just improved Old Energy. It is truly different. As you move into
the New Energy, as you take responsibility for your ascension status, this also releases the identities of who you
have been in the past. It releases your past lives.
In a sense, you could say your past life identities depart the family of your own energy, of your own soul. They will
always be a part of you, but in a sense, you set your past life identities free. These aspects of you then go out and
create their own new identity. This does not initially happen in the realms of Earth. These aspects of you will go out
to other places in the universe to begin creating their unique identities.
Remember the universe? We have said that there's not much out there right now. You created this grand hall
called your universe for new life forms in the New Energy. When you take on your new identity, it releases the
identities of who you were in the past, each individual lifetime (and it's more complex than that). You release them.
They then go out in non-physical form to other parts of the universe to take on their own independent identity.
Dear friends, you have just given birth to New Energy! You are the parent of yourself. Think about it. Think about it.
Perhaps now you have a better understanding when we say, "It is not just about you any more." You are the parent
of many children of yourself, giving them identity from a lifetime that you walked through and then setting them free,
so they can go out, too, and become creators much like you. But, you are the only ones… you are the only ones who
will have this type of parenting or identity-creating capability. The aspects of yourself that you send out, that you free
so that they can go and develop their own, will not have the same type of creator ability in terms of releasing aspects
of themselves.
This is all so much part of a big, grand picture, and you are the creators right in the middle of it. You are releasing
the identity of who you thought you were, going into a period of no identity, so you can develop who you truly are.
This is your divinity. In the process of doing so, you release your past. You birth your past, so it can go out and
create its own identity. Very interesting things are happening! And you thought you lived in a small world!
Dear friends, it has been such an honor to be with you. It has been a delight for you to release here in our time
together and to allow us to love you and to nurture you. We are glad you have chosen this rest stop to sit under the
tree and to be with your friends. You needed it. You have been quite weary lately. You have been filled with
sadnesses and disappointments. It is because you are changing who you thought you were.
It has been a delight for us to come in today to be with you. It has been a delight for Michael, the one who gave
you the Sword of Truth, to set you free, no longer a student, but now the teacher. He is always a friend, but no
longer, as some of you called him, the "boss."
We will return in a month and a few weeks for the final lesson of this series. There is much that will happen to you
and in your world in these weeks.
Know that you are dearly loved and that you are never alone.
And so it is!

June 1, 2002

And so it is, dear friends, that we return to this place where you are truly learning about the New Energy of Earth.
Indeed, this is the classroom, and you are the ones who have chosen to be both the students and the teachers.
Indeed, this is where those of us who are on this side of the veil learn so much about the human journey. Through
you we learn so much about ourselves, and about the universe, and about our journey ever since we left Home. That
is why there is such an interest from our side in what you are doing here. That is why we are delighted to come in at
every opportunity that we can get - and sometimes perhaps speak longer than Cauldre would like to have us talk!
(audience laughter) But, we enjoy our time with you.
There is also a certain amount of energy that we come to deliver to you. There is a certain amount of energy that
you have asked us to bring to you. And, yes, it takes a certain amount of human time to do that. Because of the
dimension that you exist in, the delivery vehicle that we use takes a certain amount of time. It is not just the words
that we say. It is the energy that we deliver to you. When we came in today, we could tell that you were depleted, that
you were in need of a bit of a rest, an infusion of energy from those who are your true family, including the one who
comes in today, Archangel Michael.
Now, the question that we receive from our side - and, indeed we do hear all that you say, whenever you talk to
us… but, the question that we truly hear these days from you is, "Dear Tobias, dear Michael, and Metatron, and
Spirit, what is it that I am doing wrong?" This is the question you ask the most in your quiet and private moments.
You think you have taken a wrong turn. You think that perhaps you are moving backwards, when you should be
moving forward. You think that there is some secret, that there is something you have missed. You think that you
have not studied hard enough, or practiced the lessons enough, and perhaps you missed a point.
Dear friends, you have not missed a thing. You have not taken a wrong turn. Sometimes a step back is more
appropriate than a step forward. It does not always work the way you think it should work, or perhaps the way you
would like it to work.
Many of you have led exceptional lifetimes where you were in charge of large religious organizations, or where you
ran entire countries. There is one here today that was a brilliant researcher, an inventor who was written about in
many, many books that fill your libraries. Yet, in this lifetime that person holds a very ordinary job, and doesn't think
that they have, in your terms, a high IQ. They do not think they are so smart. They would not believe us if we told
them that they were quite famous in the past.
Did they do something wrong? Was it a step backwards? Did they miss something? Not at all! They chose a new
and a deeper level of studying, a new experience in this lifetime.
You ask us, "What am I doing wrong in this process?" We shake our heads, and we even sometimes laugh. And,
we say, "Why nothing!" Just because you had an incident happen in your life that you did not expect does not mean
you did the wrong thing. Sometimes along this path of ascension you take what might considered detours, whereas
we consider it a higher road. And, you choose a difficult experience or circumstance to fill in some of the truth, and
knowledge, and wisdom of your journey.
What may seem like a step backwards might actually be a gift you are giving yourself before you continue moving
forward. The step back is not a step back at all. You just did not expect it to happen. And, what does this tell you?
Perhaps, it is time to release your expectations and come to understand that in the New Energy there is no right and
wrong. In a sense, even in duality there wasn't a right or wrong, but that is difficult to explain. There is no right and
wrong. There is constant expansion. Every experience that you have and everything you do is constant expansion.
Release those judgments of yourself. As Michael said in this lesson, "Trust yourself. Trust yourself enough to be
teachers to others. Come out, come out wherever you are on your path to be the teachers, for they are needed now."
(audience laughter)
As we said in our lesson, these times are challenging, not just for you, but also for the others. Look at the wars.
Look at the wars in your world right now and what is causing them. People and countries and religions are trying to
hold on to their old identities. They are trying to hold on to who they thought they were. They did not want to let go.
Oh, dear ones, you have been there! You know what that's like to have your identity released. And, you know what
it is like also to sit in this point of no identity… yes, the cocoon when the caterpillar has not yet become the butterfly,
when you have not realized yet who you truly are. Look out across your world, and look at what is happening -
people, nations and religions trying to hold onto an old identity, so much so that they would fight for it, and they
would kill others. That is what is happening all around you.
Now, we know it is time to get to the questions of this day. But, we do want to remind you that we do hear when
you speak to us. You have all been asking lately, "What is it that I am doing wrong? What is it that I have missed?"
And, we say, "Nothing at all." Look at the beauty of the plan that you have laid out. No matter how extreme or how

crazy you might think it is. Even if you think it is a step backward, it is not. It is part of the experience. Release that
judgment of yourself.
And, with that we would be delighted to answer your questions.

QUESTION: Tobias, myself and two other moms in the Crimson Circle that I know of have kids who live with a lot
of fear. They are afraid to go into empty rooms by themselves, even the bathroom, scare easily, and are afraid to
sleep by themselves. My son is 9. Would you comment on this and some advice? Thank you. We love you so.
TOBIAS: The children come in with a heightened sense of awareness. They come in with more sensitivity. The veil
around them is not quite so thick as it was for you when you were growing up. They remember these things we have
spoken of. They remember past lives. And, in particular, they are troubled by the energies and the memories of the
times before they ever came to Earth. They are troubled by the times that are being replayed in so many ways,
replayed on your movie screens, replayed even in the experiences that you have today. What is being replayed are
the times before you came to Earth when you were in the void, creating the universe.
Indeed, we heard the discussion earlier on this day about your movie, "Star Wars." This is your past. This is your
past. It was about duality. It was about the conflict between the light and dark. It was about individuals or groups
trying to consume others for their energy. Again, as we have talked about, this was done because you were all trying
to find your way back Home. You felt that if you could conquer others and take them over, then you could find your
way back Home.
Now, as you have discovered, this is not the way Home. Home comes to you. Home comes to you when you take
responsibility and accept your divinity. What is happening is that the young ones… they do not have so many filters
around them. They are more aware, more in tune with their own past. You will find they are, as you know, very
talented, very intuitive. They pick up on things quite easily. But, yet they have this other side that is filled with fear,
that is filled with phobias.
Conventional … Cauldre, he always stops us when we get into giving this type of advice. (audience laughter) But,
he has agreed today to let us go forward. (more laughter) Conventional psychology will only add confusion, because
conventional psychology, based in duality, does not understand the dynamics of what is going on within the children.
So, we will put out a challenge to you, Shaumbra, to the Crimson Circle, and the humans of Earth. You have the
wisdom. You have walked the path. Now, develop the classes for the children. Take responsibility for this. Don't give
them pills. Don't send them off to some counselor who doesn't understand the nature of the soul, who only focuses
on the mind. Develop the classes for them.
This is what Michael comes in to talk about today. Become the teachers. It is not that hard. You do not have to
have a wall full of degrees. You only need to tie into your own divinity. The answers will be there. Yes, it will take
some work. Yes, there will be some struggles. Yes, there will be times when you feel you are stepping backward,
instead of moving forward. It is just part of the process. So, we throw out the challenge to you, not only for this type
of situation, but also for all of the things. Become the teachers. You understand what is happening. Now teach them.
Now teach them. Thank you for this question.

QUESTION: Dear Tobias, can you explain lucid dreaming and the alternate realities I perceive on bodies of water?
TOBIAS: Lucid dreaming is an interesting state. We could talk at great length about this, but we will give the short
version today. There are so many of you who have lucid dreams, even if you do not know what these are or what
they are called. But, this is when you truly allow yourself to soar. We connect with you so often when you do this.
This is an excellent way of expanding your consciousness.
There are several factors to take in account here. The first is to understand that all of the things and experiences
that you have in these lucid dreams… do not take them literally. These are a series of symbols. You are entering into
a different type of consciousness where the thought and interpretation process is not the same as you would find in
your human reality. In lucid dreaming when you come across a symbol, when you come across an energy, do not
take it for its face value. Pause… address the energy… and ask the energy what wisdom or insights it contains for
you, practical to your human level.
There are so many of you who soar off in the lucid dreams and come back with somewhat of a distorted
understanding of what took place. Perhaps, energetically you got it, but it is distorted on the human intellectual level.
When you dream of the waters, you are, in a sense, journeying back to a place where you came from. But, again,
we ask you not to think of it literally as water, or the surface of water, or images upon the water. This is somewhat of
a distorted human interpretation. This water represents energies from where you came before you were ever on
Earth, but not to be taken literally like your lakes and your seas and your oceans.
There is one more element to lucid dreaming. Consciously allow yourself to you bring these energies back with
you, back to the human plane in the human dimension. For, so often as you are traveling back, as you are - how to
say - you are landing back in human consciousness, you lose many of the parts and the pieces. But, if you
consciously remind yourself during these journeys that you will bring the energies, and the wisdoms, and the insights
back with you, they have a much better chance of coming back. Then, you will know how to apply them on this level,
on your human level.

So often what you gather during these journeys is not practical or applicable to your human experience. It is time to
meld these together again. Many of you will find that you can take these lucid dreams, these consciousness
expansions… you do not need to go off on your own into a quiet space. You can do it sitting by yourself for a
moment. You can do it while you are dining, for instance. You can have these mini-lucid dreams. You will find this to
be more and more frequent. We thank you for this question.

QUESTION: Tobias, are there accidents or incidents that are not planned, like traumas that change our original
contracts or arrangements?
TOBIAS: It would be inappropriate to say all accidents or traumas are planned long in advance. When you are
planning your lifetime, you do not write in every specific incident and accident. In a sense, you are only defining the
flow and the rate of experience, much like the flow and rate of a river, but the river can take many turns along the
way. Do you see? The river can divert. The river can create new channels and new conduits. You simply determine
the overview of where you want to go.
So, when there is an accident in your life, and you say, " I must have planned this before I got here," it was not that
way. The planning, particularly as you move into the New Energy, becomes almost spontaneous and immediate. It
becomes very rapid in relationship to where your consciousness is.
Now, you are also not locked in to any contract or even to any plan. You can change the river of your life at any
time. But, understand that at certain levels within you there is a need to know and to understand things, so check in
with yourself to see what type of experiences you are looking for. You are not bound by contract, or plan, or any of
that any more. Understand that you are truly the creator.

QUESTION: Tobias, how do I find, know my gift in helping in ascension? Or, is there none?
TOBIAS: It is already within you. It is already within you. It is not even something that we can tell you. It is
something you must discover on your own. As we mentioned earlier, dear one, the only thing you need to do is to
accept the responsibility of being a teacher, and all things will start coming into play at that point. But, so many of
you, Shaumbra, so many are still timid about taking on that responsibility. You are waiting for it to be written out for
you and defined for you.
This is the New Energy. Sometimes it requires just beginning a process. Then, you will see how all things come
into play. Remember, once again, that you are the creator of this. We do not have a list here on this side that says,
"Bill must be doing this, and Mary must be doing that, and Ben has this job and that responsibility." We have none of
that here. We are waiting for you to choose what you want to do. Then, we can kick in and start to support you. Then
the runners can begin their work. We have a lot of runners here that are not very busy right now (audience laughter),
because you have not taken that responsibility and that step.
That is why Michael comes in today to say, "No more being the student. You are the teachers. Accept that within
you. Accept it." In a sense, it changes your very vibration to where you will attract those appropriate things to your
front door. Thank you.

QUESTION: Tobias, my life is very happy with good relationships. Does this mean I am not changing or
progressing? (audience laughter)
TOBIAS: How to say - count your blessings! (more audience laughter) There are some who are most fortunate.
They are not going through difficulty. There are many reasons for this. In your case, in particular, there has been so
much clearing that was done prior to this lifetime, and even in the early, early years of your lifetime. You are one who
has not held tightly to an identity. You are one who, in a sense, said, "I want the path of my river to flow easily and
smoothly. I choose not to have the difficulties right now." Give thanks to yourself for that.

QUESTION: Hi, Tobias. Am I on the right path to heal my body?

TOBIAS: It is first to understand that human words are so difficult at times. There is no healing. We know we are
picking on words here. But, understand that there is no healing. Healing indicates that something was wrong. There
is no healing. It is acceptance of your own body. It is acceptance.
Understand also that there should be no struggle in the mind to try to patch yourself up. There should be no
struggle to try to wipe out cancer, to try to wipe out a disease, to try to wipe out imbalances. In a sense, you are only
adding to the energy of duality. You are saying, "I will get rid of what I think is bad, and only accept what I think is
good." True balance and divine healing is accepting … everything.
If your body has a cancer on it in the New Energy… accept all of it. We know this is difficult to do. You want to be
gone with it. Your intent is to get rid it. Instead, understand why it is there, the role that it plays. It is to understand
why you have chosen that for yourself. It is to understand that maybe it will persist, maybe it will not.
But, you have to be ready to go to that space. You have to be ready to accept that this is one of the options. When
you do that, you rise above the conflict of duality in the body. Then, you can understand not what healing is about,
but what the ascended body is about. There is so much - how to say - energy of duality around the word, the human

word "healing." There is, dear friends. You want it only to be good. You want only the highs, and not the lows. By
embracing all of it, you get the perspective and the wisdom to truly understand what to do.
We see ones, not so much Shaumbra, but others who are in human form who are so particular about what they
eat, and think, and do. They think they can only eat a certain type of food, and think a certain thought, and wear a
certain type of shoe. They are playing the game of duality. They think they are being in the light. But, in a sense, they
are only being righteous. They are not embracing all of who they are. They are still deeply entrenched in duality.
We see that these people are the first ones to become sick… and imbalanced… and emotional… and to go
through great difficulties. It is the ones… it is Shaumbra who are learning what all the marbles represented… who is
learning all the aspects of duality, and learning now to expand duality from 2 to 4. This is where the real glow of
divinity comes forth.
In these weeks ahead you will have experiences in your life that puts identity of who thought you were in your own
face. This will be challenging at times and very, very refreshing at other times. You will come to understand that this
identity that you have clung onto for so long was just an illusion. It is time to let it go. And, we know there is a
sadness with this because… oh, you were so good, so good at playing this wonderful game of duality. It is time to
release that.
As we said, your homework is to look in the mirror, not just once or twice, but throughout these next six weeks.
Look in the mirror. Look at the old self, look at the caterpillar before it becomes the butterfly. Understand that this
period that you are in right now of no identity leads to a place of new identity in the New Energy.
Dear friends, there is so much that you have to teach. You just don't realize it yet. You are the ones that Metatron,
Michael, Spirit, and all of the others are counting on. You are family. You are never alone.
And so it is!


Presented at the Midsummer Light Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico

July 19, 2002

And so it is, dear friends and family, that we gather for the last lesson of the Ascension series. We have had a long
and wonderful year with you. We have enjoyed all of the changes and the transformations that you have gone
through. We have taken pleasure in the joy that you have been experiencing in so many new ways in your life.
We gather here today with a group who is family in the dearest and the deepest way. We also gather with the ones,
and we touch each of the ones who gather through your web system, or who read these messages in their moment
of "now." Yes, we are as much with you at this moment as we are present with those in this room.
The sacred space we create together is filled with the purity and the love of Spirit. We can feel you opening your
heart. You are releasing so many of your burdens. You are allowing your spirit to shine forth. Indeed this is a sacred
and safe space. With all you are learning and experiencing, you will be able to take this energy with you wherever
you go.
Feel for a moment. Feel how you feel. Yes, perhaps, there are a few aches and pains. But, feel the innermost
feeling of who you are. This glow that you have now... we can see it in you. We can see it all around you. This is
what we have been talking about for several years now. This is the energy of your divinity. You are allowing it to
come forth.
Indeed, it is an honor for all of us to be here… the energy of the Kryon in the north... the energy of Michael in the
west... the energy of Metatron in the east... ah, and the loving, nurturing energy of Mother Mary in the south. They
stand at the four pillars and at the four corners to be here with you now. They, in turn, are surrounded by another
group of angels and entities.
But now, dear friends and dear family, get comfortable. Get very comfortable. Breathe in deeply. Relax. Humans of
this day tend to be so stiff at times, so filled with stress, their bodies so rigid. In my days, we were much looser. We
were not so uptight about things. Oh, we had our share of woes. And, indeed we had our share of heavy guilt. But,
we were not quite so stiff as humans these days.
Do not mind the heat in here either. In my days the sign of sweat was good. It was a type of healing. So, allow
yourself to flow. Allow your body to flow. Enjoy the heat that you are producing in this space.
Now, we have gone through many difficult and challenging lessons in the Ascension series. We began in the first
lesson by telling you, dear ones, "It is not about you anymore. It is not about you." You do not have contract, and you
do not have karma anymore. We know there are days when this is hard to believe, but it is not about you anymore.
You are moving to a whole new level where you do not have to work through all of these experiences and
challenges. You do not have to set these up for yourself anymore. It is not about you. You have chosen to remain on

this place of Earth to be the teachers. At any moment, you can put down all of the challenges that you have set up
for yourself, so you can focus your energies and attention on being divine human guides for the others.
It is not about you anymore. Indeed there are energies within you and around you that would have you doubt this.
But, remind yourself when you look in the mirror that it is not about you anymore.
In Lesson One of the Ascension Series we shared with you that you have already ascended. What did you think
would happen? What did you expect? And, who did you think would meet you when you ascended? Ascension is
moving from one lifetime into the next without changing your physical body. You have gone through one, perhaps
two, and for a small number of you, three lifetimes already in these past few years. You have gone through these
You have ascended. The reason why it is challenging and difficult is because the energies all around you, the
energies of what we call the Old Earth, have not ascended. So, what you see all around you, the reality outside of
you, causes you to doubt what has happened within you.
You also had preconceived notions of what ascension was. You thought perhaps you would grow wings and fly
around. (audience laughter) It is much easier to take an airplane! (more laughter) You thought all of the difficulties
and challenges would be gone. But, as we said, most of the rest of the Earth is still holding on to that vibration, and
because you are more open and sensitive, you can still feel the pains and the sorrows of those around you. And,
often times you interpret them as your own.
And the old memories still linger within you. They remind you of your past, of your childhood, and of your past
lives. There is also part of you that is not so sure. You want to let go of old karma. As strange as that sounds, some
of you still feel you have a price to pay for things you have done in the past. This is not so. You can forgive yourself.
Indeed, Spirit never held judgment against you. You can forgive yourself at any moment and be clear and free of the
shackles of karma.
Ascension: It's not what you thought it would be. This would be a wonderful bumper sticker! (Tobias chuckling and
audience laughter).
In Lesson Two, we spoke to you of "owning your divinity." That is a subject we will remind you of over and over
again. Divinity is yours. It does not belong to Kryon, or Michael, or Metatron, or Mary, or any of the others. Your
divinity is yours. Own it!
At times you are like a bucket with holes. Your divinity leaks out. You wonder what happened, and where it went.
You are not so sure of your divinity. You are not sure if you are worthy of it. One moment you try to embrace it. And,
the next you are giving it away to others.
Own your divinity. Know that it is yours. It is your birthright as a spiritual being. You have carried the divine seed
with you ever since you left Home. When you left the Kingdom and went through the Wall of Fire to create an identity
of your own, you carried the divine seed within. It has always been there. You will never find it in another. Spirit
cannot even give it to you, for you already have it. Own it!
In Lesson Three, we spoke to you of "releasing the darkness within." The "snakes" we spoke of are something you
will encounter over and over. They are there for a reason. They are there… the challenges, the problems that you
encounter… they are there for a reason. Simply ask them what it is you should know. Ask these snakes that are in
the road, which are a part of you, what it is that you can learn from the experience.
We also told you that "the darkness is part of you, Lightworker." The darkness is part of you. If you try to annihilate
the dark, you are only hurting and harming yourself. You are deluding yourself about who you truly are. You are part
dark and part light.
The elements of duality were essential to your journey. You cannot cut off the darkness. You can only integrate this
energy. It is part of the four marbles we have spoken of over and over and over again. It is the new "quad" energy. It
is the integration of all of who you are embraced by your divine energy. As you release the darkness, which you have
suppressed within you, it comes forth and helps create an energy that will propel you into a blessed place in your
house of ascension.
The darkness… you do not like looking at it so much. You do not like thinking of some of the things that you might
have done in the past. You like to think that you only live in the light. You will continue to have problems and
challenges until you accept all. The dark and the light… this is what happened when you left Home. These were the
energies that you created. The darkness spins the light. The darkness moves light forward. They work together in
harmony. They work together in an energetic marriage.
Now, does this mean you need to be an evil person? No, we are saying to understand that there is a balance of
energies here. Lightworkers tend to think they only work in the light. In reality it is the integration and the melding of
these energies into a unity and a harmony embraced by your divinity.
We spoke to you of the "Language of Ah" in Lessons Four through Six. The Language of Ah is the inner
knowingness. It is your divinity shining forth and providing solutions to the challenges.
We talked to you of how these divine senses awaken. First of all, they begin in your human senses. You will see
things like you have never seen before, and hear in a way that you did not know before. There will be new depth to
your sense of taste, and to your sense of smell, and to your feel... and, indeed to your heart, and to your mind.

Your divine powers come in through the human senses you already have. It is through the corridors that are
already in place, through the structures that you have set up for the human sensory experience.
But, now know that you can see beyond what is obvious. And, you can hear deeper than ever before. You have the
sense of knowingness. You have that sense of feel all over your body. This is where divinity first shows up. As you
learn to integrate your divine senses with your human senses, it becomes a complete package. Your divine sense
are the ones you brought with you as an angel before you came to Earth. Integrate all of these into your being. This
is where your power lies. This is where your understanding, your ability to sense things within and outside of you
In Lesson Seven we talked of "knowing no agenda," a very difficult and challenging lesson indeed. Know no
agenda. Many of you scratched your heads for days and weeks wondering how to release your agendas. But, as you
release the agendas, you come to new knowingnesses of the way things work. You realize that you do not need to
have an agenda. Without agenda, you will find yourself in the appropriate place, at the appropriate time.
In Lesson Eight we talked of "a new understanding of love." We will speak more of this in our upcoming lessons.
You will find that love is changing. That is why relationships are changing. In the Old Energy, love was the bringing
together of energies to create wholeness. In the new understanding of love you are whole unto yourself; therefore,
when you meld with another, it creates yet a new energy. Love is changing. The perception of love… the feeling of
love… and the experience of love… they are all changing. Why do you think your relationships are changing also?
As you change your consciousness, those things around you will change as well.
We spoke to you of "the Void of Ascension" in Lesson Nine. The Void is taking a step aside for a moment, stepping
aside to let your divinity come forth. You have been trained as humans to use this mind of yours to solve all of these
problems. You have learned, in a strange sense, to trust your mind and not trust many other things.
Through your experiences, you have found it difficult to trust God, because God has not been there for you when
you have called on Him or Her. You learned to not trust because you did not know or understand this concept of
God. So you go back to relying on your own self, your old self, hoping that someday perhaps God will come along,
have mercy on you, and bestow these things on you that you ask for. In the meantime, you have learned so much to
trust your own mind that you have forgotten how to open up to your divinity.
So, we said go into the Void of Ascension. Step aside. Release. Open. It is a bit scary indeed. We know so many
of you have worked with this. And, it does bring up a certain amount of fear, wondering what will happen when you
let go of that tight grasp of things, when you let go of the control that you thought you had.
When you go into the Void of Ascension, something miraculous happens. Your own divinity is given permission to
come forth, to integrate with the human aspect of who you are, to provide the solution, and provide the insight, and
the knowingness. It is a part of you that you have not known for a long, long time, this divinity. It has always been
there, simply waiting to come forth In Lesson Ten, we talked to you of going from "no identity to new identity." That is
much of what you have been doing for the past several years. You have been releasing your identity, releasing all of
the things around you, releasing things like your home, or your relationship, or your job, or perceptions, or beliefs, or
thoughts, family, friends.
As your consciousness changes things around you change. And, it is appropriate to let go, to let go, of all things,
beliefs, material items. Let go of these if it is time for them to leave. What is appropriate for you and for them will
come back to you. What is not, bless it, and let it walk out the door. You are going from a period of no identity, and
now you are beginning to build the new identity of a divine human - a difficult and challenging process indeed,
You are in the end times now. Much has been written about this. Much has been discussed of the end times. You
are in the days of revelation. And, what a wonderful thing it is to have the revelation of who you truly are and where
you have come from.
It has been written in your holy scriptures, this Book of Revelations, to be a dark, and punishing, and ugly thing.
But, dear friends, the name of the book itself - Revelations, new revelations and new insights… it is what happens
Did you know that the apocalypse is happening now… the apocalypse of your soul is happening at this moment?
Apocalypse, defined by your own human dictionary... APOCALYPSE MEANS LIFTING OF THE VEIL! This is the
original Greek definition. Apocalypse means lifting of the veil.
You are living in the days of apocalypse right now. The veil is lifting all around you. It is the apocalypse of the soul.
And, as you lift this veil, as you come to new understandings and insights, you also help change the consciousness
of everything around you.
That is why we honor you so much for the work that you do. What you precipitate, what you start, sets up a pattern
that enables others to then use those tools and those energies for transformation in their own life. You are the
teachers. Apocalypse - lifting of the veil. The very work of the Kryon changed the grids in response to your changing
consciousness. As the grids are adjusted and changed, this lifts the veil.
So, when certain people come to you waving their fingers about the apocalypse and about revelations, smile and
tell them you know what they are talking about. Tell them you understand it is the transformation of the soul. Tell

them that you felt the four horsemen right here in this sacred land, in this sacred room. And, the four horsemen are
the Kryon, and Michael, and Metatron, and Mother Mary!
When you read your Holy Scriptures and look at this Book of Revelations, look at it from a point of consciousness.
The stories were not specific events that would take place. There would not be angels spreading death all over your
world. This was referring to your consciousness when John wrote about this. He was in a lucid state, and he was
writing about a change of consciousness that would take place beginning within and then spreading all over the
When John speaks of the seven angels spreading changes over the world, this is a process that is taking place
within you. This is the change, and it relates to the old chakras. They are being eliminated. They are being
destroyed, so to speak, so that you can have a single chakra, one chakra. So, the seven angels come, and they
make change within. And, when Revelations speaks of Israel, it speaks of consciousness. It is not about the country.
It is of the consciousness, and the soul, and the heart of the world, and who you are.
This Book of Revelations indeed was accurate because you will have new revelations and new understandings.
The veil indeed will be lifted. It is already being lifted amongst all of you here. And, changes will come. You have
seen that in these last years. Changes will come within your own being.
It does not mean that God will set to destroy most of the world. It does not mean, by any means, that there will be
groups who are "left behind." It is a shame that these things are even written about! But, you know what, it makes for
good drama! (audience laughter). What it means, dear friends, is that parts of the old you, of who you were in the
past… you are releasing part of you and they are being "left behind" so to speak. You are releasing these old parts of
As we talked about recently in our last lesson, something miraculous is happening here. When you left Home,
there was a limited or finite amount of energy that left with you. There was a finite amount of energy that entered the
void, what is now your known universe. Oh, that amount of energy was vast, but it was finite.
Through the journey that you have taken ever since, and the journey of many lifetimes on Earth, you are creating
New Energy. That is a miracle! You do not see it yet in your own life. But, you will come to understand what we are
talking about. You will understand why the Kryon is so excited about the work you do, why all of us who gather here
honor you.
Something is happening. Never before has "new energy" been created. Energy was transformed and changed, but
never created. You are creating New Energy. You are releasing your past lives. You are, in a sense, leaving them
behind. You are releasing them. And, as you do, they take on their own identity. They go off to other parts of your
multi-dimensional universe to begin their own journey.
You have birthed these new aspects. These are your past lives. They are the ones who gather in the circle outside
of Metatron, Michael, Kryon, and Mother Mary on this day. They are now off in other multi-dimensional areas,
beginning their own new journey. These are your children. They are your creations.
Mother Mary comes forward in the time of this lesson. She brings a nurturing and loving energy. And, we are not
referring here just to the identity of Mary as written about in your scriptures. But, it is the symbol, the representation
of the Mother energy.
Do you know that there has been an imbalance of the Mother and the Father energy on Earth for quite sometime?
It is time for that to come back in balance. You will find that the Mother energy is coming forth now because her
presence is being allowed back in. It is bringing a new balance to the energies of male and female.
You will find more and more people channeling the Mary energy, working with this energy, being drawn to this
energy in the next few years of time. You will feel the pure, pure blue color of her energy around you at many times,
loving you, and nurturing you, and supporting you.
The Mother energy is here because you are birthing your own divinity. The Mother energy is here at this time of
birthing your divinity. You will feel this energy through your divine senses. She is very present in this space right now.
Many of you have worked with her before. But, there are new aspects to her that you are not so familiar with.
There is a brighter and lighter appearance and feel to Mary.
As the veil is lifted, she can come forward. Her energy comes into to Earth to provide a type of love and nurturing
that is so needed. Each of you can benefit from this energy as you work as teachers to others.
Now, we pause for a moment, simply to look out at you… to look out at your light and your glowing divinity. We see
your eagerness to move forward to the next step. We see your eagerness to help others. We see your eagerness to
fulfill the journey of your own soul.
We would like you to take a moment to feel our love and energy. You can feel this even if you are reading these
words at a later date. You do not need to have special gifts for this. Take this moment to feel the love Spirit has for
Ah, there are times that we would almost prefer to just sit here like this with you. We can communicate so much
better on the other levels without all the words. Your mind is filled. Your heart is open. We can come in, and embrace
you, and hold you.

Dear friends, dear family, as you go through this journey, you open your heart. When you learn to trust your heart,
you will find things change around you drastically. As you get out of your head, thinking that this is the only place that
problems are solved, and you begin to live in the "now" moment and trust your divinity, you will come to understand
who you truly are.
We ask you to BE THE SONG OF YOUR SOUL. Be the song of your soul. It is there. It is singing to you. Your
divinity is singing, waiting for you to simply be it… not to wonder what it will be like… not to wait for it… but simply to
be the song of your soul.
We ask you to hold this song of your soul. Embrace it and to hug it, for it is you. Your divinity is right there. We can
see it. It is not in your physical being necessarily. It is all around you and within you. It wants to come forth. It wants
the final birthing. You have gone through the labor pains in the birthing of your divinity these past few years. It wants
to come through now. It wants you to hold it. It is your divinity, but, in a sense, it is like a child. It wants you to hold it.
And, so it is that Lesson Eleven of the Ascension Series is "Behold the Song of Your Soul." Behold the song of
your soul. It is there. It is not outside of you. It is not owned by someone else. It is not in your head.
You can never, never find God through your head, through your mind. Humans have tried for eons of time. Many of
you still try to figure it out in your heads. You think that if you can help to understand the hierarchy of the angels that
you will figure out how to get to heaven. It does not work like that. You try to figure out this soul of yours through the
mind of yours. It does not go that way.
Open your hearts. Open your hearts. Behold the song of your soul. This is a melding and an integrating with who
you are. Hear it. Feel it. It is there. Behold it, right now, in this moment. It is you. It is you. It is like a child wanting to
come forth and express itself in all love and innocence. It is like a wise father with a knowingness that surpasses
anything you have experienced before. It is like a loving and nurturing mother, wanting to care for you also. This is
your divinity, your divinity within you, wanting to come forth.
Behold the song of your soul. As you do, you will move into a new clarity. We would like to talk to you about that for
a moment. As you behold who you are in your own divinity, you will begin to have a new clarity that you have not
experienced before. You will begin to understand the headlines when you read them. You will begin to understand
things like this Book of Revelations when you read it again. You will have clarity of the people around you and the
events that occur all around you.
Now, this is a wonderful thing… to a point. At times the clarity is difficult because you will see, and sense, and feel
things like you never have before. There will be a tendency to want to shut back down. Do you understand that there
are all these filters that you have placed around yourself for a reason? It is because sometimes the energies from
the outside are difficult to handle.
In the new clarity that you are coming into, sometimes it will jar old beliefs and thoughts. Sometimes you will not
want to see what is before you. With your new clarity you may not want to hear the words that are spoken. With the
new clarity that you have from beholding the song of your soul, you may not want to get certain feelings. You may
not like that feeling that you get when you walk in the store, and you feel dense and thick and dark old energy.
And, there may be a tendency at levels within you to say, "I do not know what this is. I do not know why things
around me are so harsh right now, or why I'm being bombarded with energies, and thoughts, and feeling that make
me nauseous, or unstable, or unbalanced." And, you might want to retreat back behind the veil and the filters that
you had set up.
Understand that this is the part of the process. The new clarity does not always paint the prettiest picture. From
your new perspective in the New Energy you will see some things about the Old Energy that might be difficult to
handle. It is like the first year medical students who go down into the lab and begin to cut things apart. It is not
always so pretty. We want to bring this to your attention, because you will be feeling it and experiencing it in these
days and weeks ahead.
Perhaps you will not like it so much, and there may be a strong potential for you to want to shut down. You may
say, "What is wrong with this process? What is wrong with my blossoming spirituality? I thought everything was
supposed to be rainbows, and cotton candy, and fluffy clouds." Indeed, you will have the clarity that you have asked
for, but you may see things that seem rather harsh at first.
Then, you will wonder why you have never seen the set-up this way, why you have never seen into the feelings,
and the hearts, and the minds of others. It is because there have been filters. There have been veils to protect you.
On the other hand, dear family, as you behold the song of your heart, and you develop this new clarity, you will
also be able to have a new, and full, and joyful experience with other things in your life. The clarity will help you
resonate with music like you have never felt before. We will help you go into the depths of things like taste.
Ah, indeed for the one who is asking over here… yes, sex, making love will be more fulfilling than what you ever
experienced. There will be a clarity to it. It will not just be a physical act. It will now be a complete act that involves
your physical being, your emotional being, and your spiritual being.
In the new clarity you will be able to talk to your body. You will be able to talk to your cells. You will be able to feel
things and know things from them. Do not try to go in and will the cells and the molecules and the atoms of your
body to change. How do you know what you want them to change to? Go in with the new clarity and listen. They will
tell you. They will tell you something. They will tell you what type of balance is most desired. Your own soul and spirit

will tell you how to bring things back into harmony and balance within your body. But, stop going within and trying to
WILL that cold, or that flu, or that cancer out of you. When you do that, when you try to will it out, is that you are truly
nailing it in place.
With the clarity, go within. You will find you can journey and travel around your body. Have no preconceived notions
of what this will be like. Simply allow yourself to go in. You may talk to your body like it was a little teddy bear inside.
You may see animated cells. You may see a factory of biology. It will be different for all of you. But, go within and
talk. It will tell you.
The new clarity will open up a creative side of you that has been blocked. You are smart, humans, but you forget to
be creative! You have locked that away. Your own teachers and parents have taught you to lock that away. They
taught you to think rather than feel, and be, and create, and do. In your new clarity you will understand how to open
up this magnificent creative side of yourself.
As you behold the song of your own soul, you will have a clarity in your physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects.
We know this is coming because we have worked with some of you, some specifically who are in this room, and
others who are connecting in your other ways. We worked with a small group of you in these past months. As you
are opening to clarity to see what type of reactions Shaumbra gets with new clarity, we have seen wonderful and
beautiful things, the ability to have deep inner knowingnesses.
But, we also see that when you have this clarity, and you see what you would consider the darker, the uglier, the
more difficult sides of life, you want to run back in your house and shut the door, close the windows, and draw the
blinds, and say, "I want nothing to do with this. I was uncomfortable with my new clarity."
So, we are presenting this to you now. We will be working with you on this in the days to come. Know that this
clarity is coming into your life. Work with each other. Share your experiences. Document what you are going through.
The others who come will need the information that you have gained.
Now… now… dear friends, dear family, we are also going to be changing the way we speak to you after this
lesson. When we channeling to you, we come into the room, and we gather up the energy of all of you who are here.
And, then we, in a sense, channeling this through Cauldre back to you. It has been somewhat of a passive type of
information channel.
When we gather together next month to begin our new series, we will be doing it in a new way. We will be
escorting all who are present and all who are willing to a new space. But, it is YOU that will be doing the talking. We
will be talking through Cauldre. But, it will not so much be us. I, Tobias, will be there, very present, for I am family,
and I love you dearly. But, we will be relying more and more on you.
There is a word that we use here on this side to describe this. It is a word that carries the vibration of "shoud." It
would be spelled "s-h-o-u-d" in your English language. This is a vibration that means that you are beginning to
express yourselves and your own divinity.
You do not need as much of the energy of I, Tobias, or the others. We will gather with you, but it will be more of
your voice in Spirit that comes through, more and more of you that comes through. We will become more and more
of the audience that is listening to what you are saying.
The way that the information is channeled will be different. You will be able to sense it and feel it. We are asking
you, and we are asking Cauldre, to make another change and another giant step. This is a new way of
communicating and a new way of sharing information.
We will still be there at your side. But, we are asking you to step up. We are asking you to own your divinity. We
are asking you to be the ones bringing forth your divinity and, therefore, the new information in the New Energy.
We love you dearly. We honor you for the work that you do. We have much to do, and much to say, and much to
share with you for the remainder of this weekend. We will be here strong and present, for you are never alone.
And so it is!


Presented at the Midsummer Light Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico
July 18, 2002

And so it is, dear friends, that we gather together as family, as family who has journeyed together for so very long.
As we pour into this space of yours, it gives us such great joy to see how you can come back together again from all
corners of the world to be here to create this sacred energy together. Oh, what a wonderful time we will share with
you these next few days (at the Midsummer Light Conference in Santa Fe)!
If you have brought your worries and your cares here, this is indeed appropriate. If you have brought your troubles
and your burdens here, this is what we asked you to do. Do not be ashamed of the tears that come from your eyes.
Do not be ashamed of the sadness that is in your heart. Do not be confused if your journey is not clear at this
moment. That is why you are here… to be with family. Our family is the humans who share this room, and the

humans who connect through your Internet, the humans who will read this message in the days to come, the angels
and Spirit.
Dear friends, as Cauldre (Geoffrey Hoppe) knows so well, it is time to be out of that mind of yours! Yes, be out of
your mind. It is appropriate. Open up that heart of yours. Open up your heart to receive everything that will come
your way the next few days. Lay it out for us. Let us hold you, and nurture you, and love you intensely for these next
few days of time.
Oh, we are always here. You are never alone. But, now you are in a safe and sacred space with old friends, ones
you have traveled with before. Look around you. Yes, look at the ones to the side. Look at the ones in front of you.
Turn and look at the ones in back of you. These are ones you have shared so many lifetimes and experiences with.
Now, dear ones, stand up and touch their face! (audience laughter) Touch their face. Indeed.
(Pause while participants carry out Tobias' invitation with much commotion, laughter, and chuckling from Tobias.)
Now, dear ones, the joke here was truly on Cauldre, for he does not so much like this when we disrupt our
conversation! (more audience laughter and Tobias chuckling)
As you reached out and touched the face of the person next to you, you could feel that you know them. You know
them. You have been with them before. You have shared an incredible journey that goes back to the time of Mu
(Lemuria), to the time of Alt (Atlantis).
And, you share an experience so much closer in time, the time of some two thousand years ago when you
incarnated to bring in and to open up something that has been called the Christ Consciousness.
You have gone through many experiences in this lifetime - the transition from the Old Energy into the New Times.
Difficult, isn't it? Not what you thought it would be! Oh, this journey of the angels that you are on! Challenging, for it
goes to the root of who you thought you were, of who you thought you were.
Things change, and they're not what you thought they would be. Things all around you are changing. What is old is
transforming, or being taken away… not by us… not by Spirit… but that loving, Christ-conscious part of yourself that
holds you in a loving embrace. It is guiding you into this New Energy. We know it is difficult at times.
But, dear ones who gather here, the pioneers of the new times, you have come to understand that this journey is
so important to all, to all of humanity and to all of Creation.
Now, indeed, the energy of this room, of this space that we create together, is so sweet! There is so much of family
here! Amazing how you could all find your way back together to be in this moment of time!
There will be many things that happen this weekend - changes within you, changes in the ones sitting around you.
There will be some surprises here. There will be some unexpected things that happen to you. But, that is what this is
all about. Give us your burdens, your day-to-day burdens. Let us hold them. Let us love you these next three days.
We must make a comment before we continue. We heard this discussion of this book (The Tobias Materials - The
Creator Series). And, we saw that Cauldre received a fine pen as a gift (earlier in the evening). But I, Tobias, must
note here that it is MY name that is quite large on this book! (much audience laughter)
(chuckling) In my time it was nearly impossible to have a book written, although I've been published in other books
(the Book of Tobit in the Holy Bible). It was very difficult to have a book written in my days, so I take as much and
perhaps a bit more pride in MY book. (audience laughter) I thank Cauldre for putting these words of MINE together
(more laughter), and for doing this quite beautiful job on the artwork. And, I noticed that he did put his own picture on
the front cover, but my name is still larger! (more audience laughter)
More importantly, dear family, this is YOUR book. This is your book, for we channeling you. We channeling your
consciousness. We channeling your thoughts and emotions. We take what comes from your heart, and simply collect
that, and put the words back through Cauldre. This book is dedicated to Shaumbra, to you, to Shaumbra all over the
world. It is the book of your journey.
And I, Tobias, can guarantee this book will be read for years, and decades, and perhaps centuries to come. It will
become a textbook for moving from the Old Energy into the New Energy. It is the book of YOUR journey. So, all of us
here on this side of the veil applaud YOU for putting this together.
Now, the energy of this weekend… we know there are questions to answer, but we will talk here for a moment.
(audience laughter)
The energy of this weekend is coming together. There are entities, strong entities, who come in to be with you. We
would like to introduce them now. They will be present with you. They will be here for you throughout our time
together. Even for the ones who are tuning in to this on your web system or reading these words… this energy will
be available to you also, because you are here, perhaps not in body, but in consciousness. You are here with us.
There are four entities who come in now. They will take your burdens, they will carry them for you so that you can
do the real inner work these next few days. Do you understand? Let those burdens go. Yes, as Cauldre discovered,
get out of that mind. No sense to think, and no need to think here. Open that special place within you that you call
the heart, your soul, your divinity. Allow it to come forward while we take care of these other things for you.
From the north comes an energy that will remain strong throughout the weekend. It is the energy of the Kryon. The
energy of the Kryon comes in and sits at the place of the north, the place of the understanding. Kryon represents
understanding, the meld of emotion and the mind for a true understanding of things. Kryon, who has walked with you
for these years, comes in once again to join you, and will sit at the seat of the north.

From the west comes the energy of Archangel Michael. Indeed, you are all part of the Family of the Sword. You are
truly learning to understand what the sword stands for. It is the Sword of Truth. The strong, loving, compassionate
energy of Michael comes and sits at the west.
From the east comes the energy of Metatron, your voice in Spirit. Metatron, dear family, IS you. Metatron is the
symbol of your divinity integrated with your humanity. Metatron is not a singular angel. Metatron, according to your
books, sits at the right hand of Spirit. It is YOU. Now that you have made so much progress in integrating who you
truly are while you are on Earth in human form, Metatron can come in. He has been visiting us, as you know, for
many lessons in the Ascension Series. The energy of Metatron, while once perhaps difficult for some of you to adjust
to… you find it to be much more comfortable and much more nurturing. Metatron, sitting across from Michael, takes
the seat on the east.
And finally, dear friends, comes an energy that so many of you have been feeling these last few weeks, and
especially these last few days. You could not identify it so clearly, but you knew something was there, something was
different. The fourth energy coming in at this important time for you… coming to take the seat of the south… it is the
energy of Mary… what you would call Mother Mary. Oh, we well up with emotion even at this mention, for she comes
in now to take her appointed place at this gathering with you. From this seat of the south, she brings an intense love,
and an intense nurturing for each of you.
Mary is known in your Bible, but dear friends, her energy much more vast than that. Her energy has been with you
through all the times, not just in your Christian literature. It is the energy of the Mother, of the nurturer. It is the energy
of the Queen from the Kingdom. Oh, we know, we know you have missed that connection to love from the Kingdom.
We know you have asked to feel the love of God in your life. This is available through the energy of Mary. She is
here to balance the energies of Kryon, Michael and Metatron.
Mary sits across from the seat of Kryon, as a balance, as compassion, and understanding. Mary, Kryon, Michael
and Metatron will remain here for you to feel, for you to take from, for you to communicate with. They will be here all
weekend, stronger than perhaps what you can do when you are not in this group of family like this.
This is a gathering of family, a gathering of old friends, a gathering of beautiful human angels, living in all different
parts of your world. But yet, you are all walking the path of ascension. You are all sharing experiences that are very
similar. You are all sharing the movement into the new times.
So, we say to you now, "Let us carry your burdens, and your sadnesses, and your physical pains." Allow yourself
the time for your true inner work. Allow one gift to yourself. That gift is trusting your own divinity. You have struggled
with this. You have tried to trust your own divinity. But yet, that human part of you continues to go back to the old
ways. You are not so sure HOW to trust your divinity, WHEN to trust your divinity, or who leads in this beautiful dance
of Spirit.
Your divinity is you. It is not some outside entity. It is not Michael, Kryon, Metatron or Mary. It is you.
Trust who you are. Trust the intuition that has been trying to come forth. Trust those inner messages and feelings
that you are not so sure of. Have confidence in who you are, in your divinity. Be in a state of release. Be in the Void
to allow all that you are to come forward.
And, if you see another who is hurting these next three days, who is filled with sadness, who is not so sure how to
get unstuck, dear friends, say no words, have no agenda. Simply touch them on the face, one angel to the other.
They will know what you mean, for you are allowing your divinity to touch theirs. No words, no agenda. Do not try to
heal them. Do not pray for them. Simply a touch, one angel to the other. They will know. They will know.
Now, so many of you have been stuck lately, not knowing which way to turn, feeling that you simply cannot get out
of that spiritual rut, feeling that you are not in the world of the Old, but not yet in the New either. But, you know, this is
so appropriate. You are at that chasm, that crossing-over point, not having trusted your own inner self enough, so
you have not truly let go of your old ways. You are still trying to hang on. You want something from the New Energy
to replace it before you let go, don't you?
Now is the time to let go of the Old. Trust your divinity to guide you into the New Energy fully and completely. That
is when you will get out of the rut. That is when relationships will move forward for you. Right now you are trying to
hang on to old attributes regarding relationships, but wanting in your heart a new relationship.
With your job, or lack thereof… you are trying to hang on to the Old. But, dear friends, let go so that you CAN go
into the New, so that your divinity - and everyone of you here, everyone of you who is touched by this message has
a divinity, make that very certain. No misunderstandings about it… none of you was missed in the divinity
department. You all have it. You've been stuck in things because you've been wondering, wondering if you are truly
ready, if you are truly worthy to have that final letting go of the Old.
Let us take your burdens this weekend, so that you can meld with your divinity, so you can do that final releasing,
so you can get out of that rut and find new ways for your life to go forward. Indeed, WE want this, because we want
each one of you to complete this cycle. We want each one of you then to have the wisdom and the compassion, the
knowledge and the understanding to be teachers to others.
As we have said before, teachers of divinity are needed all over the world. We can see this from our perspective.
We can see the souls who are beginning on the journey, the journey that you started ten years ago, thirty years ago,
perhaps even ten lifetimes ago, the journey of integrating divinity. They will need teachers. That is why you are here.

That is why you have incarnated at this time. That is why you did not choose to go back Home when we asked you if
you were ready to come back. It is time to transition into the new times, and this energy of this weekend is the most
appropriate place to do this.
Now, we would be delighted to answer your questions.

QUESTION: Tobias, you have said to follow my heart, but my heart doesn't seem to be leading. Something needs
to be done. The answer just isn't there. I don't know what to do.
TOBIAS: Ah, such an appropriate question! You are still trying to figure out your divinity from your head. You are
trying to figure out how to go to your heart, but you are doing it through your head. You will NEVER come to
understand God, and you will NEVER come to understand yourself through your head.
You have been trained to use this wonderful tool. But, for some of you, as you know, the mind can actually be a
barrier. Opening up your heart means releasing those fears. It means releasing your old identity. You are trying to
figure out how to go to your heart, but you still want your mind to control. Can you release this? Can you truly let your
divinity blossom?
That is why the energy of Mary comes in for you now. It is not a head energy. It is heart. It is emotion. And, it is
love. She is here to help you and all the others who are facing this to learn to work from your heart. And yes, you
might cry this weekend. That is helping to open the heart. Do not hold back these tears. It means releasing and
letting go. It means even letting go of the concept of what you thought the heart energy was. Open up. Open up, and
accept all of who you truly are.

QUESTION: Tobias, what can I do to bring my special healing modality into form so that I can start practicing and
healing others? Thank you.
TOBIAS: Indeed, you have a strong intuition, a strong inner wisdom, but, in a sense, it is being blocked from
coming forth to its greatest potential because you still have concepts of what you think healing is. There are blocks
because you have a preconceived notion of healing. Look at it. Look at it in the mirror, your definition of healing.
Then, look within you to see what true healing is.
True healing has no agenda. True healing is complete giving AND a complete receiving. It is a full cycle. True
healing is the compassion to know that when you sit with your client, they may choose not to be healed. True healing
is the understanding that the power, indeed, does come from within you. You are not drawing on a power from
outside of you, simply being a conduit for you. It is your own divinity shining, shining in front of the others.
Try true healing. Simply touch the face of another. You will begin to understand. It is so simple, so easy. You are
trying to make it complex with this head thing of yours. When you put this final piece together, dear one, oh, you will
be so powerful! You already are. You are already beginning to recognize what you have. Release these final barriers,
dear one, and they will come knocking at your door.

QUESTION: I want to know the outcome of my relationship with this man that I love dearly. But, it seems that we
are most of the time physically apart. Distance inevitably comes between us.
TOBIAS: The outcome of this relationship is totally up to the two of you. We have no influence. We have no
agenda. We can tell you one thing for certain: There are many, many Old Energy attributes in this relationship. And,
that is why you are doing somewhat of an on-again, off-again dance with each other. Go into yourself and see what
you are really looking for, what you are really desiring in this relationship. Spend some quality time away from this
individual for a while. You will begin to see your true feelings. Your true understandings will come up.
We are going to talk much more about relationships in our next series, which begins in your next month. That is
quite an issue for so many of you. We have said this before - perhaps some of you have been disappointed with it -
but relationships are not what they used to be and will not be what they used to be. Relationships are changing
because you are changing. You are no longer seeking another portion of yourself out there. In the New Energy you
are complete unto yourself, and therefore, your relationship will not be something that needs to fulfill you. It will be
because you simply choose to be with this individual.
Look at the relationship that you have with him now. Go into your inner self. You will understand what you are
doing with this. We will watch, and we will cheer you on in the greatest of love, but the decision is up to you and this

QUESTION: Tobias, please explain what kind of will you have. If you have Divine Will, you would have to give it up
to come to Earth and take on Free Will. Then, you'd have to give up Free Will to get Divine Will back. Thanks!
(audience laughter)
TOBIAS: When you left Home… when you went through the Wall of Fire, you went from singular, or One Will, to
Free Will. You created a new identity for yourself. You had Free Will. Through all of the times before you came to
Earth, through all the planets, and the galaxies that you visited, through all the lifetimes you had before you ever
came to Earth, you brought this attribute of Free Will with you.

Free Will is simply Spirit saying, "You can doing anything you want, and I will love you unconditionally. You can
play any game you want, including the game of cancer, including the game of abuse, including the game of being a
victim. You can play all of these games." And, Spirit says "I will love you unconditionally."
But, when you choose to stop playing these games, when you choose to move from duality into the New Energy,
then your Divine Will comes forward. Divine Will is a remembering of Home, remembering why you left Home in the
first place. Divine Will is saying, "I'm tired of the games now. I'm tired of duality. I have learned enough. I have grown
enough. Now, I choose Divine Will, which is divine fulfillment."
You still have Free Will. It does not leave. But, now, now it is embraced by Divine Will. It is the understanding. It is
the clarity. It is the remembrance of Home, of who you are, and of why you are here. There are no angels on the
other side pulling the strings, like you are a puppet. Spirit still does not pull the strings, because in the consciousness
of Divine Will you come to understand that you are Spirit, you always were Spirit, and you always will be Spirit. It is
simply saying, "Let us come now to a time of fulfillment of our journey."
Some of you have reacted quite emotionally when we talked about releasing your Free Will. But, it is the very thing
that you are striving for. Divine Will, which is the higher understanding of your journey… Divine Will provides for the
completion of your journey.

QUESTION: Even though all the doors opened for me to move to an island, the job I thought Spirit wanted me to
have did not pan out. Is this because of the Void?
TOBIAS: Spirit does not want you to have any particular job. Understand that. Understand that Spirit is not trying
to tell you anything except "I love you dearly." Spirit is not trying to nudge you one way or the other. Neither are the
entities who gather here for this weekend - Metatron and Michael, Kryon and Mary. They are not trying to tell you
anything other than, "We love you." We want you… we want all of you to begin saying, "What is my own self, what
am I trying to tell me?" Are you trying to tell yourself that you should move to an island? Are you trying to tell yourself
something else?
Dear ones, DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR POWER TO ANY OTHER BEING! We know we are not directly answering
your question. We are answering an issue that we have with you, with all of you. Spirit is not trying to tell you
anything. When something happens, and you feel you are being guided, you feel you are being moved, give thanks
to yourself, for it is you.
Now, is your divinity trying to move you to an island, trying to move you anywhere? Your own divinity is trying to
communicate to you that change is at hand. It is done through symbols, which you will begin to understand with a
new clarity very, very soon. But, do not think that this is specifically an island in a geographic place. It is a symbol. It
is a symbol that contains energy, and it is for you to unlock. And, you can unlock it, for you hold the key. Your own
divinity is telling you that change is imminent, a move is imminent. But, it will require letting go of some of your old
consciousness. We thank you for allowing us the opportunity to pontificate for a moment. (audience laughter)

QUESTION: Is the water in Hot Springs, Arkansas what Kryon refers to as "the water?"
TOBIAS: There is not one specific place or one specific water. We consult with Kryon here. (pausing) There are
energies in any natural waters that can be assimilated into the body as long as you allow your own divinity to make
energetic and molecular adjustments. Kryon and Tobias do not want to see 350 Lightworkers running off to Hot
Springs, Arkansas in search of the Holy Grail! (audience laughter)
Ultimately, you will find that you can take any water, any water, any food items, particularly the live food, and put it
into your being and have it serve you. Do you know that even those chocolate chip cookies want to serve you?
(Tobias chuckling along with audience laughter) I could not resist that! (audience laughter) The food that is upon your
plate, waiting to enter your system… it wants to serve you. You simply have to give it permission. We do not care if it
is asparagus, or green beans, or meat, or potatoes, or crackers, or whatever. It wants to serve you.
If you have a consciousness that certain food is bad, IT WILL SERVE YOU THAT WAY. It WILL make you sick. If
you have the consciousness that what is on your plate is there to serve you in a healthy way, it will do so. It is that
simple, dear friends. Do not make it complex. And yes, we do add in a note… this water in Hot Springs is high
energy, but it is not the only water.

QUESTION: What am I to do more of than I'm already doing to gain more freedom on my path for the rest of my
lifetime here?
TOBIAS: In this snapshot of time, what you can do more of, what all of you can do more of, is releasing the
vestiges of the old. The times of old were wonderful. They served you well. Your past lives served you well. Even this
lifetime has served you well. But, it is time to truly release, truly let go.
This includes, for all of you - Cauldre does not like what we are going to say, but as we tell you so often, we will
say it anyway - this includes your old relationships. Let go of them. The one you are in right now, with the mate you
are with right now… let go of it. If it is appropriate, it will come back to you. Now, we are not saying that all of you
should run to see lawyers on Monday. (audience laughter) What we are saying is to step back a moment. Let that

partner of yours go. Release them to their highest. Take the burdens and the expectations that you have put on
them, and let them go. See what happens.
Some of them will walk out the door, and they will never come back. They will be happier and more fulfilled. Others
will be so surprised when you energetically release them, that they will come flying back to you with a new
unconditional and brilliant love, a love much like what you experienced when you first bonded. But, now it will be
pure, and clean, and without contract.
What can you do right now in your journey? It is to let go. We have been speaking about this. We have been
speaking about "no identity," releasing the old. We have been speaking about the Void of Ascension - that is,
standing out of the way when there is a situation or a problem. Stand out of the way. Get out of your head. Allow your
divinity to come forth. Then, you will see miracles.
Releasing is… the most difficult thing you will ever do as human angels, for there is a desire to build layer upon
layer. But, at some point the layers have to come down. That is what you are doing in this lifetime. We thank you for
this wise question.

QUESTION: Knowing all things are for my good, why did the transmission break down on the way here, and I have
to stay an extra three or four days? (audience laughter)
TOBIAS: Dear one, the transmission broke down because it was in bad mechanical order! (much audience
laughter) Now, the question is, "Can you deal with it? Can you adjust to it?" Can you understand that Spirit is not
making your transmission break? It was the manufacturer who made it break. (more laughter) Spirit is not trying to
tell you anything. But, can you handle the moment that you are in? Can you deal with a change? Can you deal with a
RAPID change?
In a sense, if you really want to define why this situation is here, it is your own divinity preparing you, getting you
ready. Can you handle fast change? Then, can you manifest the appropriate thing in the moment that you are living
in? Quit looking behind you and above you, wondering why Spirit or the angels are doing this, or what they are trying
to tell you. They do not drive automobiles. They do not so much care. (audience laughter) But, can you handle the
moment of time that you are in? That is the question.

QUESTION: What can I do to prepare myself for my new line of work?

TOBIAS: Again, we go back to the issue of releasing, releasing the expectations of what you thought things were,
releasing what you thought these things of healings, these things of teaching even. Yes, we ask you to release the
consciousness that you have of teaching. We have been told by our dear Linda that there are many humans that
have a preconceived notion of teaching. Even so many of you, Shaumbra and family, have an idea of what you think
teaching is. Release this. Step into this Void that we have talked about. You will begin to see a large, and clear, and
beautiful picture. You will have a new clarity as you do this. Then you will understand how to approach your new

QUESTION: Will I be staying in my house, and if so, for how long? If I do move, will it be out of state? Thank you
for any information you can provide.
TOBIAS: We already know that you know that we won't answer this question. (audience laughter) We are not
prophets. We do not have crystal balls. We cannot see what you are going to do. YOU are empowered. YOU are the
one who has to decide. We simply sit, and watch, and love you, and care for you. It is up to you. This is a beautiful
question. It is a beautiful metaphor. Are you ready to move out of your old house? Are you ready to release the old?
Are you ready for your divinity? Oh, yes, Metatron IS asking you, "ARE YOU READY?" It is up to you when it is
appropriate to move.

QUESTION: What is the significance of the white stone that developed a bluish-green strata through it during the
last year's Tobias channels?
TOBIAS: It is simply, dear friend, your own power, and your own vibration that has changed this. You have, in a
sense, placed your own energy into this stone. It is a reflection of you. It is telling you, and it is telling all of the others
of how powerful you are as humans. You can change the molecules in a stone! Your energy can change things
around you! This is a beautiful symbol that you carry with you that says that you are divine. Spirit is stronger than
rock. The heart is more effective than stone. You can truly change consciousness. And, in changing consciousness,
you change all things around you. We ask you, the one who brings this question, to show this stone to others, to
show them throughout these three days the power of a Divine Human and what can be done. That is one of the
reasons that you have given yourself this gift - so you could show others that consciousness moves mountains.

QUESTION: Tobias, do you have some insights on educational reforms and programs for our children in the New
TOBIAS: We do indeed: A clean sweep! (audience laughter) But, this will be difficult. This will take time. This will
take new consciousness on your part. It will not happen overnight. It will happen as you start teaching others about

divinity, and they teach another. And, eventually what you teach another human about their divine journey will find its
way into the schools, perhaps not in the same words that you have used, but in consciousness.
When humans begin to understand that the power is within, and it does not lie in a book, in a nation, in a creed, or
any of these other things… this change in consciousness will change the way children are taught.
For yourselves and your children, all of you who are Shaumbra, teach now, teach now by listening. Listen from
your Divine Self with the Language of Ah. Listen to what is really being said from the child who is trying to
communicate with you. You will begin to understand how true teaching is done.
These principles that you come to know and understand will eventually find their way into your school systems.
But, it will take a while. From our perspective there is sweeping reform that is needed. And, many of you here who -
how to say - join us now are here in this energy… you will be ones spearheading this effort. But, it will take a while,
and it will take energy.

QUESTION: Tobias, even with all the releasing that I've done throughout the years, I still have an adverse physical
reaction anytime anyone attempts to get emotionally close to me. What do you suggest?
TOBIAS: There are so many wounds within you. There is so much hurt. Perhaps now is the time to be with
yourself to understand that an outside relationship is not so important. Perhaps you cannot heal these old wounds
with the bandage of an outside relationship. Perhaps it is time for you to spend time with your inner self.
Don't worry so much about whether you should have relationships, or whether people are close to you or not.
Spend time with yourself and with Spirit, with your inner being. Through that you will come to heal and release these
old wounds. Then, you will be able to have an open and loving relationship with others. Do not press yourself into
having to have relationships right now. Go inside, and allow it to happen naturally.

QUESTION: Tobias, will my husband come home? (some audience laughter)

TOBIAS: Again, this is not a question we can answer. What we can tell you is not to worry about this, not to worry.
What is happening right now is appropriate. What is happening right now is also indicating to you that it is a time for
you once again to nurture yourself, to take care of yourself, to not worry about the others, but to take care of
yourself. There are so many deep emotional issues in this that would be difficult to go into now. But, understand also
that he is going through a very intense internal process himself right now. Even if it does not appear that way from
the outside, he is going through a deep, deep soul-searching. In a way, you could also say that you helped to
precipitate this soul-searching within him. Whether he returns, we cannot say, but if he does, he will not be the same
person that you knew before.

QUESTION: My dear Tobias, just when I'm beginning to accept my physical self, you tell us that the person we see
in the mirror really isn't who we are. (audience laughter) Can you please "unconfuse" me?
TOBIAS: When you look in the mirror, look past what you see in physical form. As you look in the mirror, gaze into
your own soul. Gaze into your own divinity. Look past that physical body. But, as you do look at that physical body,
we ask you to love it also. But, then look past it into who you truly are. Look not just into your own eyes, but into your
soul as seen through your eyes. We're not asking you to give up your physical identity. We are asking you to look
past it, and see who you truly are in the mirror.

QUESTION: Tobias, I'm at a time and open to receiving an intimate encounter without a lasting relationship. Do
you see it on the horizon? (audience laughter)
TOBIAS: (chuckling with more audience laughter) With your current state of mind and thinking, we see that you
will attract relationships… one right after the other. (audience laughter) For you are searching, you are looking for
something outside of you. You are desiring a relationship. Try having your relationship with your own divinity first.
Then you will attract a very fulfilling and very long-lasting relationship with one who will bring much happiness into
your life. We do not like making predictions, but indeed, there is one who is waiting for the time, for the right time.
But, you must be content within yourself first before their energy can come to yours.

QUESTION: Please attempt to explain the timeline - linear time on Earth as past, present, and future, versus the
other side of the veil, where it's all intertwined as one. How does what we do today affect other lifetimes existing
TOBIAS: We hope you have a LONG time to hear our answer, (audience laughter) for it would take much, much
time to explain it, much more time than Cauldre, or even we are willing to devote tonight. First of all, release the
perception that there is no time on our side. We don't know where this comes from. There IS a type of time on our
side. It is not like it is on yours. We do not walk around with these watches on our hands.
But, there is a progression and order to events that take place. In our energy, on our side of the veil, ALL things are
NOT taking place all at one time. That would be so confusing for us. At the extreme end of thought, you are right,
there is no time, for you will find that all things are like a circle, all things come back. But, it is an expanding and
spiraling circle. Events do not fall back on themselves. So, in a sense, there is a sequence of events.

Now, from your own perception as humans walking on Earth, you have defined your life by time, and this has been
appropriate. You should not try to break through the barriers of time. You have better things to do with your life.
However, you WILL find your perception of time changing. Some days will seem much longer, some days much
shorter. You will have a "time wobble effect," in your own personal lives. And, you will feel this particularly in these
next few years. You will especially feel the time wobble as humanity comes to the point of this quantum change.
We know many of you have felt this wobbling of time in your own life. And then, we find it amusing that so many of
you try to stop it. You panic. You try to get back on your old timeline. It is appropriate that this is changing and
fluctuating. And, it will continue to be so.
In regards to defining how time works on our side, how time works in your universe… we would prefer to answer
this at another time, (audience laughter) because we would like the focus of family to be on the integration of divinity.
And, this is an energy that comes from the heart. It is an energy that comes through and is assisted by Mary, who
sits at the seat of the south. If you get too caught up in this time analysis, you are going to the mind once again. You
are trying to find God through your mind. However, if you allow this divinity to continue to blossom, you will have
understandings of time that you do not need to try to analyze in the brain. It will come in a different way.

QUESTION: Tobias, how are we to ascend into a new life with these - for some of us - bodies?
TOBIAS: That is an excellent question, and we are still trying to figure out that one with you. (audience laughter)
The cells, the molecules, the atoms of your physical body have a certain memory to them. They have a certain
pattern that has been established over generations and over eons of time. They are in the pattern, so to speak, of
going through a birthing, a living, and a death process.
Now, how do we change this? Well, the easiest way is through your consciousness. That is not, by the way,
through your mind. You cannot WILL yourself to live longer, but you can ALLOW yourself to live longer. Look at the
stone that this one has in the question that came up earlier. The stone shows the effect of consciousness on matter.
As you change your consciousness, you can change the patterns of the cells and the molecules within you. You can
expand your health. You can expand your life.
But, it has to be through the consciousness. It cannot be through the mind. We already see some of you struggling
right here, saying "I will live longer. I will live longer. Damn it, atoms, molecules, live longer! Be healthier!" (audience
laughter) It will not work that way. You will simply confuse your body, and then it will go into disease.
Consciousness is the understanding of your Divine Self. Consciousness is the expanded understanding of all
things and of who you are. Consciousness is not a belief that is created in the mind. It is an energy that comes from
the heart and the soul. Through your consciousness you can change the behavior of matter within you and all
around you.
We will talk more tomorrow of this thing of the body, of the transition of the body. We will talk more of some of the
very reasons why some of you choose, or may choose, to leave. We will talk more of - how to say - the compatibility
and the communication with your own physical being to extend life, if you so choose. But, there in itself lies one of
the big questions - how far are you willing to go with this?
And with that, dear friends and family, so many, so many here in the energy of this room we have worked with and
known so well… for the next three days of time, let Michael, and Kryon, and Metatron, and Mary hold you, and
nurture you, and love you. You are worthy of what they bring here. Give of yourself to them. Let them take you in
their arms, and love you, and cradle you, and nurture you, for you truly deserve it. As they do, then your divinity in
you can do the real work right now.
We love you dearly. And, for the next three days of your time, we will be here in all of our glory and majesty to
honor you, the true angels.
And so it is!

Geoffrey Hoppe
Channeler for Tobias
Tobias of the Crimson Council is presented by Geoffrey Hoppe, aka "Cauldre," Golden, Colorado. The story of Tobias, from the
biblical Book of Tobit, can be found on the Crimson Circle web site at The Tobias Materials have been
offered free of charge to lightworkers and Shaumbra around the world since August 1999, the time when Tobias said humanity
moved past the potential of destruction and into the New Energy.
The Crimson Circle is a global network of human angels who are among the first to transition into the New Energy. As they
experience the joys and challenges of the ascension status, they help other humans on their journeys through sharing, caring and
guiding. Over 40,000 visitors come to the Crimson Circle web site each month to read the latest materials and discuss their own
The Crimson Circle meets monthly in the Denver, Colorado area where Tobias presents the latest information through Geoffrey
Hoppe. Tobias states that he and the others of the celestial Crimson Council are actually channeling the humans. According to
Tobias, they are reading our energies and translating our own information back to us so we can see it from the outside, while
experiencing it on the inside. Crimson Circle gatherings are open to the public, although RSVPs are appreciated. There is nothing
to join and no dues to pay. The Crimson Circle receives its abundance through the open love and gifting of Shaumbra throughout
the world.
The ultimate purpose of the Crimson Circle is to serve as human guides and teachers to those walking the path of inner
spiritual awakening. This is not an evangelical mission. Rather, the inner light will guide people to your doorstep for your
compassion and care. You will know what to do and teach in that moment, when the unique and precious human who is about to
embark on the journey of the Bridge of Swords comes to you.
If you are reading this and feel a sense of truth and connection, you are indeed Shaumbra. You are a teacher and a human
guide. Allow the seed of divinity to blossom within you in this moment and for all times to come. You are never alone, for there is
family around the world and angels in the realms around you.
Please freely distribute this text on a non-commercial, no-charge basis. Please include the information in its entirety, including
these footnotes. All other uses must be approved in writing by Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden, Colorado.

© Copyright 2002 Geoffrey Hoppe, P.O. Box 7328, Golden, CO 80403. All rights reserved.


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