Assig 19 Questions Consumer Behavior

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1) The Secret to Persuasive Communication. Explain.

According to the Forbes article, honesty is the secret weapon for persuasion to resonate
with an audience.

For example, a leader or executive who needs to make changes in his company must
address change issues with his employees in an honest and sensitive manner that will require his
message to be delivered and accepted in the best way possible.

Significant changes such as these require a sensitive and comprehensive message that
proactively acknowledges and addresses the inevitable questions and concerns.

2) Psychology of Persuasion and Social Influence. Explain.

1. Social influence- when an individual talks or communicates with other individuals in a
society it may result in a change of individual behavior, thoughts, feelings and attitudes.
This attribute is said to be social influence.
2. Persuasion- intentional or unintentional changes or reinforcements of attitudes, beliefs or
behaviors of a person as a result of communication with others. It is a method of
changing a person's cognitions or feelings or beliefs or behaviors towards some object,
issue or person through communication.

Social influence and persuasion are used in bringing behavioral changes in order to solve
social evils like caste system, patriarchy, climate change, solid waste management etc.

3) Consumer Behavior - Reference Groups. Explain.

Reference groups have specific characteristics that impact their ability to influence
consumers. For example, they create rules, roles, socialization, prestige, and power in the society
in which they live.

1. Observance of norms: Norms are the norms and standards of behavior that a group of
people has developed. It implies that group members must adhere to specific standards,
including eating habits, vehicle brands, clothing styles, and cosmetics, among other

2. Functions: Roles are the responsibilities that a group gives to a member to achieve the
organization's goals. Family decision-making involves a variety of roles that have been
recognized, including those played by influencers, gatekeepers, decision-makers,
purchasers, and consumers.
3. Current status: The position that a person has within a group as their status. A high
social standing entails more power and influence. For example, a person can have the top
position in the organization while being the weakest member of the tennis club.
4. Process of socialization: It is the process through which customers acquire the
information and abilities required to function in the marketplace that is referred to as
consumer socialization.
5. Strength: A group's dominance over an individual is directly linked to the organization's
influence over the person.

4) What a Reference Group Is in Marketing. Explain.

Marketers and advertisers utilize reference group appeals to connect with their
consumers. They utilize three kinds of group influence: informational, comparative, and

1. Influence information: Influence via expert spokespersons, comparative influence

through average customers, and normative influence by demonstrating the benefits of
using a product or the dangers of not using it. Marketers employ professional
spokespersons to sway public opinion. They then discuss product performance and
characteristics. For example, a doctor is employed for a medicinal product, whereas an
engineer is utilized for a technical product. Marketers typically present expert
spokespersons in two ways. One is to depict the expert's role like in the example.
2. Comparative Impact: Consumers are influenced by advertisements that others just like
them have selected the offered goods. The average customer is presented as comparable
to the potential buyer by mentioning shared wants and concerns. For example, Dove
targets the "typical consumer," i.e., the women who do not have time to look attractive. A
buyer of soap might readily identify with these people. Advertisers may also employ a
celebrity to communicate comparative influence.

3. Normative Impact: Marketers communicate collective acceptance through advertising.

These advertisements utilize shining hair, a pleasant ride, and a clean floor to simulate
social acceptance. A close friend, neighbor, spouse, and many more have approved the
consumer's decision in each instance.

5) Reference Groups in consumer buying. Explain

Reference groups as seen above have the greatest influence with the closest personal
connection with customers. The reason is mostly because of the value they associate with these
groups. And the length of time that they have been involved with each group. Understanding
these influences would greatly assist organizations toward better profitability.

1. Primary and secondary reference groups in consumer buying

A primary reference group is one with which an individual interacts on a regular basis
and whose opinion is of importance to him, family, neighbors, close friends, colleagues and co-
workers are examples of primary reference groups.

Secondary reference groups are those with which an individual interacts only
occasionally and does not consider their opinion very important.

2. Formal and informal reference groups in consumer buying

Labor unions, social clubs and societies are other types of formal reference groups to
which individuals may belong. A formal reference group has a highly defined structure, specific
roles and authority positions and specific goals.

In contrast, an informal reference group is loosely defined and may have no specified
roles and goals. Meeting your neighbors over lunch once a month for friendly exchange of news
is an instance of an informal reference group.

3. Membership and symbolic reference groups in consumer buying

A membership reference group is one to which a person belongs or qualifies for

membership. All workers in a factory qualify for membership of the labor union. A symbolic
reference group is one which an individual aspires to belong to but is not likely to be received as
a member.


The Secret To Persuasive Communication

Psychology of Persuasion and Social Influence
Consumer Behavior - Reference Groups

What a Reference Group Is in Marketing

Reference Groups in consumer buying

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