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Notre Dame preps
Disney packs perks for big showdown
into event nights MORE PUZZLES,
No. 4 Ohio State matchup is time
MORE FUN for QB Sam Hartman to deliver,
For some guests, shorter waits, FULL PAGE IN LIFE columnist writes. In Sports
entertainment make after-hours
events worth extra cost. In Money MATT CASHORE/USA TODAY SPORTS

Senate Zelenskyy tries to rally

OKs top
military Congress for more aid
Sudiksha Kochi
and Tom Vanden Brook

WASHINGTON – The Senate con-

firmed one military nominee to a new
post on Wednesday and is set to ap-
prove two more, maneuvering around
a monthslong hold by Sen. Tommy Tu-
berville, R-Ala., in protest over a De-
partment of Defense policy.
Military promotions for decades
have been approved at large without
controversy. But Tuberville has held
up about 300 promotions for senior
military jobs since February in protest
of a Pentagon policy that includes
some paid leave and other expenses
for service members traveling to have
an abortion.
In remarks on the Senate floor
Wednesday, Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-
N.Y., criticized Tuberville’s blockade
and said he would seek to advance the
nominations of the chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. C.Q. Brown;
the commandant of the Marine Corps, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, center, walks with Sens. Mitch McConnell, left, and Chuck Schumer. Zelenskyy’s
Gen. Eric Smith, and the Army chief of visit included a bipartisan meeting with a group of House lawmakers and an all-senators meeting. JACK GRUBER/USA TODAY
staff, Gen. Randy George.

Sen. Tommy
Tuberville said Some Republican US nonprofits
Wednesday his
hold will stay in lawmakers appear helping Ukrainian
place as long as
the Pentagon’s tired of repeated kids cope with
abortion policy
stands. MARK appeals for billions trauma of war
Ken Tran and Francesca Chambers Terry Collins
The Senate confirmed Brown on
Wednesday evening. The upper cham- WASHINGTON – Ukrainian Presi- Tears flowed around the room as
ber is also expected to confirm George dent Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Thursday Alina Ilchuk’s letter to Ukrainian Presi-
and Smith this week. made his second visit to Capitol Hill in dent Volodymyr Zelenskyy was read
“These men should have already another pitch to U.S. lawmakers to con- aloud.
been confirmed. They should already be tinue supporting his embattled nation’s The 11-year-old mentioned her fa-
serving in their new positions,” Schumer war effort against Russia’s invasion. Alina Ilchuk, 11, of Rivne, Ukraine, ther, Serhiy Ilchuck, who was hailed as
said. “The Senate should not have to go But on the surface, his appearance wrote a letter to Ukrainian President a hero after being fatally shot by Rus-
through procedural hoops just to please looks to have done little to change the Volodymyr Zelenskyy about her sian troops while evacuating around
one brazen and misguided senator.” hearts and minds of lawmakers skep- feelings after her father was killed. 300 Ukrainians near Kyiv about a
“Sen. Tuberville’s obstruction is tical of providing additional assis- PROVIDED BY COMMON MAN FOR UKRAINE month into the war. Alina told Zelen-
pushing the Senate down this road and tance to Ukraine. skyy that she and her family remain in
where it goes from here will depend on Zelenskyy’s stop in Washington, deep mourning over her dad.
all of us,” Schumer also said Wednesday. which included a bipartisan meeting “We want to help give these “I have a dream that the war will end
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin con- with a group of House lawmakers and because kids are growing up without
gratulated Brown on his confirmation an all-senators meeting, noticeably kids a voice, give them the their parents, like me. I really want to
as the nation’s highest-ranking officer lacked the fanfare he saw when he ad- power to talk about these see my dad and hear his voice,” said
and criticized Tuberville for holding up dressed a joint meeting of Congress Alina’s letter translated into English. “I
promotions for hundreds of others. last December. difficult feelings.” really want to believe that he will come
“Senator Tuberville’s continued Susan Mathison
hold on hundreds of our nation’s mil- See US AID, Page 3A Common Man for Ukraine co-founder See CHILDREN, Page 2A
itary leaders endangers our national
security and military readiness,” Aus-
tin said in a statement. “It is well past
time to confirm the over 300 other mil-
itary nominees.”
Democrats have put holds on promo-
US Latinos face language shaming
tions in the past, too. Notably Sen. Tam-
my Duckworth, D-Ill., prevented votes
in 2019 for two weeks over her concern
Many ridiculed for not
that then-President Donald Trump had speaking Spanish well
retaliated against an officer who had
testified in his first impeachment. Marc Ramirez

INTERNATIONAL SPECIAL EDITION About half of U.S. Latinos who don’t

This is a special edition of USA TODAY designed and
edited for readers around the world. Additional content speak Spanish well say they have been
and late-breaking news and sports scores can always be shamed by other Latinos for it, a Pew
found at
Research Center survey has found,
though 75% of all Latinos say they can

speak the language at least pretty well.

Latinos ages 18 to 29 – the least likely
age group to be able to carry on a con-
versation in Spanish – said jokes or
comments about their limited language
ability happen extremely or very often,
significantly higher than all other age
“It’s really damaging because lan-
guage is a part of your identity,” said
©COPYRIGHT 2023 USA TODAY About half of U.S. Latinos who don’t speak Spanish well say they have been
a division of Gannett Co., Inc.
shamed by other Latinos, a Pew Research Center survey says. GETTY IMAGES See SPANISH, Page 4A

Continued from Page 1A

home soon, but it is not true because

now he is in heaven. ... He will not feel
any pain anymore.”
Other Ukrainian kids who lost their
fathers wrote similar grief-stricken and
heartfelt letters to Zelenskyy. It was part
of a healing exercise conducted during a
retreat for 30 Ukrainian kids held last
month by Common Man for Ukraine, a
small New Hampshire-based humani-
tarian aid nonprofit. The organization
funds these monthly trauma counseling
and healing retreats, where about 400
kids have participated in 11 sessions in a
mountainous area in Zakopane, Poland,
since the war started.
“We want to help give these kids a
voice, give them the power to talk about
these difficult feelings,” said Susan Ma-
thison, a Common Man for Ukraine co-
founder. “This too, is a part of the war
that needs to be heard.”
The nonprofit is among the numer-
ous aid organizations big and small
globally that fear for the mental and
physical well-being of a reported more Common Man for Ukraine members have homemade pizza with Ukrainian kids during a retreat in Zakopane, Poland, in May.
than 5 million Ukrainian children The retreats are for kids who have lost a loved one during the war in Ukraine. PROVIDED BY COMMON MAN FOR UKRAINE
who’ve had their lives disrupted be-
cause of the war. Many kids with their
families have fled Ukraine to other en the chance to experience peace. Yet “We’ve always believed in helping An insurance company owner, Luc-
countries, including Poland, Romania, again, we call on all parties to protect ci- others and making a social impact,” Ma- zyn told USA TODAY via email that he
Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slova- vilians and civilian infrastructure, and thison said. “This is a calling to us.” appreciates working side-by-side with
kia. to abide by their legal and moral obliga- Local Rotary Club leaders Ray and the Common Man co-founders. He ad-
Aid workers said they are struggling tions to protect children.” Rand reached out to a Rotary Club in Za- mires their 24-hour overseas trips,
to get more resources to help the kids Both Redlener and Mathison said mosc, Poland, asking how they could which typically include a flight to War-
deal with their grief, emotions, and in their nonprofits are doing what they help. Within days, the four co-founders saw, Poland, then a train ride to Lublin,
some cases, upheaval. Common Man for can. Redlener said there are about a doz- of the newly created Common Man for Poland, followed by a van ride to Chelm,
Ukraine said it may run out of funding at en or so similar groups in the United Ukraine traveled to Poland with sup- Poland.
year’s end. States alone that he’s aware of assisting plies and met with 15 Rotary presidents From there, the co-founders often
“My thinking is there are about 1.5 kids in Ukraine. He said those organiza- from the region who had projects under- spend a day helping Polish and Ukrai-
million Ukrainian children who need tions work closely with overseas aid way or in development. nian Rotary volunteers load up vans
support,” said Dr. Irwin Redlener, co- groups such as Sincere Heart in Lviv, Ray then donated $1 million to the with supplies to cross to the Ukrainian
founder of the Ukraine Children’s Ac- Ukraine, the Association of Ukrainians nonprofit and challenged his friends to border the following day for distribu-
tion Project, a New York-based nonprof- in Victoria, Australia, Sunflowers Kids help fundraise another $1 million in hu- tion.
it that also provides humanitarian aid. Club in the United Kingdom, and others manitarian aid. After a couple more “Help for children is needed. It
“That’s a huge number.” in Western Europe and Israel. trips to Ukraine and Poland touring doesn’t matter what country that help
“But even if you add up what we are makeshift orphanages and refugee and comes from,” Luczyn said about his
‘These kids’ pain and suffering’ all doing, it’s not enough,” said Redlener. counseling centers, Common Man for Common Man for Ukraine colleagues.
“The number of Ukrainian children who Ukraine decided to focus on Ukrainian “These four are very involved in giving
The actions of these American advo- need special services simply over- children displaced by the war. aid; they personally participate in con-
cates for Ukrainian kids come as whelms the capacities of these organi- Mathison said the on-the-ground ex- voys, and they load and unload cars
Ukraine’s first lady Olena Zelenska said zations that want to take care of them.” periences, especially seeing kids who with humanitarian aid with their own
recently in a BBC interview that the war He said “a devastating combination” are far from their homes, schools, and hands. They risk their own lives.”
has even taken a toll on her children. Ze- of widespread psychological trauma communities, are hard to ignore. Com- Mathison said their nonprofit wants
lenska told the network that she and her and education disruption, first because mon Man for Ukraine said it has donat- to do more than just wire funds. “We
kids don’t live with Zelenskyy because of the global COVID-19 pandemic, and ed about 800 tons of food, 10,000 sleep- want to do the real work,” she said.
of the war. now “a war with no end in sight,” has se- ing bags and hundreds of generators to
“The family is separated,” Zelenska verely wounded Ukrainian kids. orphanages and safe houses, as well as ‘These kids will help rebuild
said. “We have the opportunity to see In March, a Ukraine Children’s Ac- thousands of hours of counseling Ukraine one day’
each other, but not as often as we would tion Project study revealed about 28% of throughout western and central Uk-
like. My son misses his father.” children were separated from a family raine. The nonprofit spends about The kids who attend Common Man
Zelenska added that the uncertainty member in the past year and 24% expe- $140,000 monthly, Mathison said. for Ukraine monthly retreats share an
of living with war has come at an emo- rienced some form of shelling or bomb- She describes Ukraine as “a complex unfortunate trait. They lost a loved one
tional cost for her children. ing. The study, which surveyed 2,000 puzzle of terror and normalcy” and its to war. The kids live throughout Ukraine
“It pains me to watch that my kids mothers, grandmothers and guardians people have “both fear and courage, with their mother or other relatives.
don’t plan anything. At such an age, across the war-torn country, showed along with an unshakable spirit” that They come either by train or by bus to
young people. My daughter is 19. They that of the Ukrainian children not at- they will win the war. Lviv and are then taken by a charter bus
dream of traveling, of new sensations, tending school, 60% of their parents Mathison said she occasionally gets funded by the nonprofit to Poland.
and emotions. She does not have such said it was because their kid’s school asked why is the nonprofit helping Uk- While the retreats consist of hiking,
an opportunity,” Zelenska said. “There was closed and another 37% said they rainian kids when they could help kids playing soccer, making arts and crafts
are limitations in time in what you can were afraid to send them. in the U.S. She usually responds un- and writing, those activities are weaved
allow yourself, they exist, and we some- The study also showed that Ukrai- apologetically, mentioning she’s presi- into group and individual therapy ses-
how try to live within them.” nian kids’ mental health sharply de- dent of her local Habitat for Humanity sions. Certified psychologists, volunteer
Mathison said the setbacks for Uk- clined during the war. About 55% of par- and each of the co-founders do charita- teachers and Polish Rotary club mem-
rainian kids living through the war led ents polled reported their children being ble work domestically as well. bers work with the Ukrainian kids to
her and three others to create the Com- bothered by loud sounds, such as “I say there is enough good to go share their thoughts, Mathison said.
mon Man of Ukraine. The nonprofit has bombs and gunfire, 41% of parents re- around, enough need to go around, you The goal is to help kids cope with
raised nearly $3 million of its $10 million ported their children being irritable or can do what you can do, and what these their grief, Mathison said. But she add-
goal to provide kids with food, relief apathetic and 25% of those parents sur- kids are going through (in Ukraine) is ed some kids also can’t resist looking at
supplies and counseling since it formed veyed said their children showed trau- enough for me,” she said. their phones to monitor the war’s move-
last year. matic experiences participating in Mathison said the group is further ments (and if they may have lost any
“That’s the collective lens we look games or activities. committed to Zelenskyy and humane loved ones) through an app that means
through when we see this war,” Mathi- And those Ukrainian children who leaders across the globe in condemning “Air Alarm” in English.
son said. “These kids’ pain and suffer- experienced the death of a loved one in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s on- “These kids will help rebuild Ukraine
ing.” combat only compound the trauma, Re- going aggression after hearing Zelen- one day,” Mathison said. “They are going
dlener believes. skyy speak to the U.N. on Tuesday. to be future leaders of this country and
Need ‘overwhelms the capacities’ “This trauma that millions of Ukrai- “We’ve sat in the dark, cold Ukrai- will have to know how to deal with ad-
of small humanitarian aid groups nian children are going through may im- nian orphanages and safe houses with versity. We want to give them the tools
pede their long-term ability to meet many of these precious children in hid- and the strength to be the best they can
Earlier this month, Regina De Domin- their optimal potential,” said Redlener. ing – those hoping to avoid the fate of be.”
icis, UNICEF’s regional director for the thousands of their kidnapped Mathison said the kids enter the re-
Europe and Central Asia, reiterated the Americans entering the war zone peers,” Mathison said. “The look in their treats as strangers, “but leave as broth-
toll the war is having on Ukrainian chil- eyes – combining both fear and hopeful ers and sisters. They create a network of
dren, this time after a child was report- As the Russian invasion of Ukraine resilience – compels us to stand with support we hope will last a lifetime.”
edly killed in a market area in the Do- intensified in early 2022, Mathison, these inspiring kids and provide aid for Luczyn said last month he delivered
netsk region of eastern Ukraine. who lives in Plymouth, New Hampshire, as long as they need us.” the children’s letters to the Ukrainian
De Dominicis cited a United Nations said she and her partner, Steve Rand, Consul in Krakow, Poland. He is confi-
figure that at least 1,715 Ukrainian chil- along with another couple, Alex Ray and ‘Doesn’t matter what country’ it dent the letters will reach Zelenskyy’s
dren have either been killed or maimed Lisa Mure, asked each other: “What can comes from, help always welcome office.
since the war. She went on to say that we do to help?” Mathison said she looks forward to
every attack and life lost, whether it is a Send food? Clothes? Supplies? Cash? Common Man for Ukraine collabo- her seventh humanitarian aid trip to the
child or their loved ones, “etches lasting All four live pretty good lives as rates closely with Ryszard Luczyn, a Ro- region in October, hopefully, with the
wounds deeper” into their collective small-town retirees. Mathison spent 30 tary Club Zamość Ordynacki member in news Zelenskyy has read and respon-
mental well-being. years with the U.S. Forest Service. Ray Poland. He helps coordinate the con- ded to the kids’ letters and more funding
“This war continues to play out as a owns a chain of popular family-owned voys of 20 vans delivering tons of food to continue their efforts.
war on children, with repercussions restaurants called Common Man. Mure to orphanages and safe houses. Luczyn “I think we’re making a small dent in
which could reverberate for genera- was a longtime public health advocate, also helps with monthly counseling re- an enormous problem. Our work is far
tions,” De Dominicis said. “These at- and Rand is a third-generation owner of treats in Poland’s Tatra Mountains for from over,” Mathison said. “We’re not
tacks have to stop. Children must be giv- a century-old local hardware store. Ukrainian children. finished.”

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US aid Nine deputies are charged in

death of inmate in Tennessee
Continued from Page 1A

President Joe Biden in August re-

quested lawmakers to approve anoth-
er $24 billion in additional aid related
to Ukraine.
Video shows man being with warrants issued Wednesday.
Nashville District Attorney General
with assault causing bodily harm.
Jeffrey Gibson, Anthony Howell, Da-
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R- kicked and punched Glenn Funk authorized the charges mian Cooper, Ebonee Davis, Lareko
Calif., who has expressed reluctance to against Memphis-based Shelby County Donwel Elliot and Chelsey Duckett were
include Ukraine aid in a spending Lucas Finton, Katherine Burgess, Sheriff ’s Office deputies. charged with aggravated assault result-
package to fund the government, de- Micaela A Watts and Krystal Nurse ing in the death of another, according to
clined to commit to putting Biden’s ask USA TODAY NETWORK Security footage shows deputies, court records.
on the House floor on Thursday. Freeman in physical confrontation One officer’s name was redacted
“I think a lot of this doubt lies on Nine deputies in Tennessee have from the report but was also charged
President Biden. He hasn’t made the been charged in the death of an inmate Security footage released in March with aggravated assault resulting in the
case to the American public, what is after video showed them punching, showed officers handing out boxed death of another, according to an indict-
victory? What does it take to be able to kicking, pepper spraying and eventu- meals to inmates on Oct. 5, 2022. When ment released Thursday morning.
win?” McCarthy said. “But I believe ally kneeling on the 33-year-old man’s they reached Freeman’s cell, he ran out The corrections officers are all Shel-
when we’re looking at where we’re go- upper back last October amid a and appeared to grab at an officer. The by County Sheriff ’s Office employees
ing right now, Zelenskky has answered lengthy struggle. sheriff ’s office said Freeman bit one of and weren’t previously identified.
a lot of questions for me.” The charges stem from Gershun the corrections officers when he ran Shelby County Sheriff Floyd Bonner,
Ahead of Zelenskyy’s visit, a coali- Freeman’s death at the Shelby County out. who is running for mayor of Memphis,
tion of 28 GOP lawmakers from the Jail. The county’s sheriff and Mem- Officers wrestled Freeman to the said officers are on paid leave and will
Senate and House signed a letter op- phis mayoral candidate held a news ground and began to punch and kick “be the first to donate” any fundraising
posing Biden’s request, arguing the conference criticizing the charges this him. Freeman gets up and is met by opportunities for their legal costs.
White House has not done enough to week, making public news of the in- more officers. In total, 10 officers were Attorneys representing Freeman’s
persuade Congress on the war’s pro- dictments before the accused were seen in the cell block attempting to re- family in a civil lawsuit strongly disput-
gress. fully notified. strain Freeman. One officer was seen ed Bonner’s characterization of the in-
“It would be an absurd abdication of An autopsy report said Freeman hitting Freeman with what appeared to dictments as political.
congressional responsibility to grant collapsed after a “physical altercation be a canister of pepper spray. “He’s responsible,” Timmons said.
this request,” the letter reads. with corrections officers.” Freeman The camera shifted to Freeman run- He supports his officers. He creates
Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, who led the was restrained, had a cardiac arrest ning up escalators. The next angle these policies. He is personally and di-
letter opposing the White House’s re- and was given CPR before being pro- showed an officer pushing Freeman rectly responsible for the death of Ger-
quest for supplemental aid, told re- nounced dead. against a wall, and Freeman appeared shun Freeman.”
porters Thursday he did not bother to His manner of death was listed as to swing at him.
attend Zelenskyy’s all-senators meet- homicide, although it “is not meant to Two more officers arrived and held Sheriff criticizes charges
ing and derided his visit as a “farce.” definitively indicate criminal intent,” Freeman to the ground, attempting to
“I think that the entire thing is a bit the autopsy said. handcuff him after a few punches. More Bonner blasted the indictments, say-
of a farce. Zelenskyy comes and According to the autopsy, Freeman officers arrive as Freeman is hand- ing the investigation was political and
speaks to us for 45 minutes. I didn’t at- had a history of psychosis, which was cuffed, face down on the ground. He that he had requested it be reassigned
tend because we were given guidance considered a possible contributory eventually moved, and one officer ap- from Funk. Funk’s office was chosen by
this morning that we wouldn’t likely be cause of his death. He was also healing peared to place his knee on Freeman’s a panel of district attorneys after Shelby
given the opportunity to ask a ques- from a stab wound in his back at the upper back for several minutes before County District Attorney Steve Mulroy
tion,” Vance said. “So what is the pur- time of his death. Freeman was lifted. recused himself from the case.
pose of him coming here if not to allow Memphis attorney Jake Brown and A dark red substance was left on the “Let me be clear, no actions by any
the American people’s elected repre- civil rights attorney Ben Crump have floor where his body was. Freeman, at Shelby County Sheriff ’s Office employ-
sentatives to ask him questions.” filed a lawsuit against Shelby County. this point, appears to be limp as officers ee caused Mr. Freeman’s death,” Bonner
The White House on Wednesday Crump called Freeman’s death anoth- lift him by his wrists. He is set down, said Wednesday. “The medical examin-
night gave a classified briefing on the er “shocking example of police brutal- and his head falls forward between his er plainly said that he died from a pre-
war effort to senators, which Vance ity” in March. knees. Medical personnel arrived near- existing heart condition.”
said he did attend, either. He said he He said the released video showed ly two minutes later. Freeman’s autopsy report, however,
was “actually really disappointed” and Freeman naked and suffering from a said Freeman’s heart condition was ex-
added the briefing offered little chance mental health crisis as he alleged offi- Who are the 9 charged officers? acerbated by the physical altercation
for lawmakers to ask questions. cers brutalized the 33-year-old. The with the officers.
House Republicans’ proposed stop- video is “is visual evidence that at Two corrections officers, Stevon Contributing: The Associated Press
gap spending measure to avert a shut- least 10 officers brutalized and beat Jones and Courtney Parham, were Lucas Finton, Katherine Burgess, Mi-
down – referred to as a continuing res- Gershun to death,” the statement says. charged with second-degree murder and caela A Watts report for Memphis Com-
olution – noticeably omits Ukraine According to court records, a grand aggravated assault while acting in con- mercial Appeal. Krystal Nurse reports
aid. McCarthy, who attended the bi- jury made the indictments Tuesday, cert with others. Jones was also charged for USA TODAY.
partisan House meeting with Zelen-
skyy, called the discussion “produc-
tive,” but he raised concerns to the Uk-
rainian president about “accountabil-
ity” and transparency in how the U.S.
is aiding the war-torn country.
Teens charged in Vegas hit-and-run death
McCarthy also confirmed that he
turned down a request to let Zelenskyy
Journalist harassed
address the American public from the over coverage of case
House floor. He told reporters Thursday
they “don’t have the time” to host a joint Cybele Mayes-Osterman
meeting given Congress is still working USA TODAY
to avert a shutdown. He said the re-
quest for a joint session came roughly a A 64-year-old Las Vegas resident on
week before Zelenskyy’s visit. a morning bike ride on Aug. 14 was
Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, struck by a stolen car and killed in
chair of the House Foreign Affairs what police say was a deliberate hit-
Committee, said Thursday there was and-run.
“universal support” for Ukraine at the Now, two teenagers have been ar-
meeting. McCaul, one of House Re- rested and charged with murder, a
publicans’ strongest proponents of graphic video of the incident police say
continued support for Ukraine, said he was filmed by the teens has emerged,
pressed national security adviser Jake and a Las Vegas newspaper’s coverage
Sullivan to rally stronger support for of the case has been the subject of a
the war effort in a closed-door meeting vicious online campaign spurred on by
earlier this month. He laid the blame at Elon Musk.
the White House’s feet for falling sup- And the hit-and-run that killed An-
port for Ukraine aid among GOP law- dreas Rene Probst, a retired Bell, Cali-
makers. fornia, police chief, may have culmi- Andreas Probst’s daughter, Taylor, said, “We ask you to not politicize or use
“This war of attrition is not going to nated in a string of violence that day: Andy’s murder to fuel political agendas or to create cultural wars.” TY O'NEIL/AP
win. You’ve got to give them everything The two teens also intentionally struck
they need or get out,” McCaul said. “It’s a 72-year-old bicyclist and another
been a slow walk and this thing has been car, leaving two with non-life-threat- incident on Aug. 14. Three out of the four Online harassment targets
mismanaged and that’s why they’re los- ening injuries, police say. stolen vehicles driven by the pair had journalist, newspaper staff
ing support from my side because they been recovered, police say. During a
don’t want to support a losing effort.” What happened when search, officers also recovered clothing The incident sparked an online fren-
Sullivan said he had meetings with Probst was struck? worn by the suspects during the inci- zy of harassment toward a local paper
Republican and Democratic leaders dent. for its coverage of the story. A post to X
from both chambers about the Ukraine One teen was arrested on Aug. 14 USA TODAY has reached out to Las of the Las Vegas Review-Journal’s ini-
war. He argued at a White House news and another was arrested Tuesday by Vegas police and family members of the tial headline, which read “Retired police
briefing on Thursday that support for Las Vegas police in connection with victims for comment. chief killed in bike crash remembered
Ukraine continues to be broad and a the fatal hit-and-run of Probst. for laugh, love of coffee,” suggested the
small but vocal minority is holding as- A video shot from the passenger Who was arrested in the incident? paper had attempted to cover up the fact
sistance up. side of the 2016 Hyundai Elantra the that the crash was a deliberate act.
The White House also announced a teens were in captures the incident. Jesus Ayala, 17, and Jzamir Keys, 16 The post gained national attention
new military aid package on Thursday Authorities said they obtained the have been booked into the Clark County when Elon Musk shared it, adding, “An
that Sullivan said will help Ukraine video from a local school resource offi- Detention Center in connection with the innocent man was murdered in cold
through what is likely to be a tough cer who contacted police after it was hit-and-run, the Las Vegas Review- blood while riding his bicycle. The kill-
winter and maintain the gains it has shown to them by a student. Journal reported. Judges ruled on ers joke about it on social media. Yet,
made in its counteroffensive. In the video, both teens laugh as Wednesday that the two juveniles will where is the media outrage? Now you
The Senate is seeing mostly biparti- they speed down a multilane road. be tried as adults. begin to understand the lie.”
san support for continued U.S. aid to Seeing Probst riding his bike ahead, Police arrested Ayala on the day of USA TODAY has reached out to the
Ukraine. Following Zelenskyy’s all- one teen tells the other to “hit” him be- the hit-and-run on traffic charges. Keys, Las Vegas Review-Journal for comment.
senators briefing, Sen. Jeanne Sha- fore striking the bicyclist. The camera who was reportedly riding in the pas- Sabrina Schnur, who wrote the story,
heen, D-N.H., a senior member of the swivels to show Probst lying on the senger seat when the two hit Probst, fled told the Poynter Journalism Review that
Senate Foreign Relations committee, side of the road as the car speeds away. wearing a mask but was later identified the attacks leveled against her became
and Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., co-chair “On Aug. 29th, a school resource of- and arrested on Tuesday. increasingly personal. Harassers ac-
of the U.S. Senate NATO Observer ficer was approached by a student who Police believe Keys was driving the cused her of being anti-white.
Group, released a joint statement ad- provided him a video related to the in- car when it struck another bicyclist ear- “Over the past three days, Review-
vocating for Ukraine support. cident which depicted, which we’ve all lier in the day. Journal employees’ social media and
“The quickest way to end this war is seen, a very appalling video which “In the criminal justice system, if you email accounts have been filled with ac-
for Congress to continue to provide lacks morality,” Las Vegas Metropoli- are a minor and you are eligible to be cusations of every bias you can imagine,
Ukraine with the assistance it needs to tan Police Department Lt. Jason Jo- charged with a crime of murder, you are obscenities, racist tirades and wishes of
defeat Putin and his unprovoked at- hansson said at a news briefing. automatically sent to the adult system,” personal suffering and death,” Review-
tempt to overrun a sovereign nation,” Authorities believe the hit-and-run Clark County District Attorney Steve Journal Editor Glenn Cook wrote in an
the statement read. that killed Probst was the third such Wolfson said. op-ed for the paper.

Rift escalates between Canada and India

Death of Sikh separatist in 2016 and published by Canada’s Glob-
al News, Nijjar wrote: “I am a Sikh na-
reverberates in 2 nations tionalist who believes in and supports
Sikhs’ right to self-determination and
Kim Hjelmgaard independence of Indian occupied Pun-
USA TODAY jab through a future referendum.”
When he was killed in June, Nijjar was
He was known as a prominent Sikh organizing an unofficial referendum on
community leader and human rights ac- an independent Khalistan among the
tivist in the Canadian province of Brit- global Sikh diaspora with the U.S.-based
ish Columbia. He was also wanted in In- organization Sikhs For Justice.
dia, where the government accused him Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a lawyer
of masterminding a bombing in the and spokesperson for Sikhs For Justice,
Sikh-majority state of Punjab, training has said Nijjar was warned by Canadian
terrorists and supporting a banned sep- intelligence officials about being target-
aratist insurgency. ed for assassination by “mercenaries.”
When Hardeep Singh Nijjar died at The Canada-based World Sikh Or-
age 45 on June 18, he was running a ganization said Nijjar was one of several
plumbing business in a Vancouver sub- prominent Sikh leaders to have died in
urb and serving as president of a gurd- targeted killings in recent months in-
wara, the Punjabi word for Sikh temple. cluding in Pakistan and the U.K.
According to police reports, Nijjar died
outside the temple from multiple gun- How are Canada and India
shot wounds while inside his pickup reacting? And why it
truck. Police said two heavy-set men, in matters to the West
face coverings, fled the scene in a silver
2008 Toyota Camry with the help of a Mourners carry the casket of Sikh community leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in India has dismissed the allegations it
third suspect. All three suspects remain Surrey, British Columbia. Nijjar’s death has sparked an argument between may have been involved in Nijjar’s death
at large. Canada and India. DARRYL DYCK/AP as “absurd” and politically motivated.
This week, an argument broke out And its foreign ministry has accused
between Canada and India after Prime Canada of harboring “terrorists and ex-
Minister Justin Trudeau said his gov- according to Canadian and Indian news What is Sikhism? What is tremists.” Suspending visa services for
ernment was aware of “credible reports. A 2016 Interpol notice request- the Khalistan movement? Canadian citizens was the latest sign of
allegations” of India’s involvement in ed by India called him the “mastermind the deepening rift.
Nijjar’s slaying, an accusation that if and key conspirator of many terrorist There are more than 25 million Sikhs Trudeau has sought to calm the dip-
true, could amount to an extrajudicial acts in India.” around the world, according to the U.S.- lomatic clash that erupted at the U.N.
assassination of a private citizen on for- Over the next few years, India added based Sikh Coalition, which defends this week, saying Canada is “not looking
eign soil. additional allegations against Nijjar, in- Sikh rights and civil liberties. to provoke” India.
The argument has had broader global cluding that he was a member of the The Sikh faith is a monotheistic reli- “We are simply laying out the facts as
reverberations. As world leaders, in- Khalistan movement, which advocates gion that was founded on the Indian we understand them and we want to
cluding Trudeau and Indian Prime Min- for an independent Sikh homeland in subcontinent more than 500 years ago. work with the government of India to lay
ister Narendra Modi, were gathered at the Punjab region. India has banned it “Sikhism preaches a message of de- everything clear and to ensure there are
the U.N. General Assembly in New York and branded it a terrorist group. Last votion and remembrance of God at all proper processes,” Trudeau told report-
on Tuesday, India expelled a top Cana- year, Indian authorities announced a re- times, truthful living, equality of man- ers Tuesday in New York. “India and the
dian diplomat from its country in a tit- ward for any information leading to Nij- kind and denounces superstitions and government of India needs to take this
for-tat move after Canada earlier acted jar’s arrest after it accused him of in- blind rituals,” according to a University matter with the utmost seriousness.”
to expel a senior Indian intelligence offi- volvement in an alleged attack on a Hin- of Cambridge definition. So far, Canada has not publicly pro-
cial over its allegations. On Thursday, du priest in India. The vast majority of Sikhs live in In- duced evidence to support its allega-
India suspended visa services for Cana- dia, where they are a religious minority. tions.
dian citizens. The U.K., Canada and U.S. have the larg- The White House has said it is “deep-
Here is a look at the people at the est Sikh communities - about half a mil- ly concerned” about the allegations.
heart of the saga, why it matters to the “Western ministers and lion each - outside India. And Mélanie Joly, Canada’s foreign
rest of the world, and the challenges Sikhs represent the majority of peo- minister, has said that “if proven true,
Sikhs - members of the world’s fifth- officials will be working ple in India’s Punjab state, but they this would be a great violation of our
largest religion - are facing. hard to try to ensure the make up just 1.7% of India’s population sovereignty and of the most basic rule of
of 1.4 billion people. how countries deal with each other.”
Who was Hardeep Singh Nijjar? diplomatic row between In the 1940s, there was a Sikh inde- But James Landale, BBC’s diplomatic
pendence movement centered in Pun- correspondent, brought up another di-
Nijjar emigrated to Canada from the
Canada and India does jab that sought to establish an indepen- mension to the episode.
North Indian state of Punjab in 1997, ac- not bleed into other dent Khalistan. It turned into a bloody “Western ministers and officials will
cording to Indian news reports. There, armed insurgency from the 1970s to be working hard to try to ensure the dip-
he got married and had two sons international relationships.” 1990s, according to Human Rights lomatic row between Canada and India
while establishing his plumbing busi- James Landale Watch. Thousands were killed. But does not bleed into other international
ness. He obtained his Canadian citizen- BBC’s diplomatic correspondent there is little evidence that its militant relationships. The last thing the United
ship in 2015, according to Marc Miller, side is still active today. States and other western powers want
Canada’s minister of immigration. However, the Indian government has now is a row that divides them from In-
Nijjar became president of the Guru Na- Nijjar consistently denied all the alle- warned repeatedly over the years that dia,” he wrote in an opinion piece Tues-
nak Sikh Gurdwara in 2020. The temple gations against him. Sikh separatists have been trying to day. “On the grand geopolitical chess
is in Surrey, about 20 miles outside “This is garbage – all the allegations. I make a comeback, a claim that has coin- board, India is a key player. Not only is it
Vancouver. am living here 20 years, right? Look at cided with Modi’s Hindu nationalist-led a growing power - the most populous
Authorities in India had been seeking my record. There is nothing. government, which has cracked down country in the world, the fifth-biggest
Nijjar since at least 2007, when his “I am a hard worker. I own my own on both non-Hindu rights movements, economy. But it is also seen by the West
name surfaced in connection with the business,” Nijjar told the Vancouver Sun dissidents and opposition media. as a potential bulwark against China.”
bombing of a movie theater in Punjab, newspaper in a 2016 interview. In an open letter written to Trudeau Contributing: Associated Press

Spanish comprehension, prompting Cruz to re-

spond in Spanish.
ald Trump’s characterization of Mexi-
can immigrants as rapists and drug run-
law to force them to relinquish their lan-
While the U.S. has one of the world’s ners leading up to his 2016 presidential
Continued from Page 1A largest Spanish-speaking populations, bid. Losing family, community ties
a familiar pattern plays out with immi- In 2018, for instance, a New York City
Lourdes Torres, a professor of Latin grants, Torres said: Native language lawyer berated a local restaurant’s staff When language is lost intentionally
American and Latino studies at DePaul skills are mostly lost within three gener- for not speaking English in a video that or by assimilation, it also tears at family
University in Chicago. “So when you’re ations, with the first generation main- subsequently went viral, accusing them and community fabric, Muñoz noted:
told that your language is a problem, taining their primary language, the sec- of living off his money: “I pay for their Children lose the ability to communi-
what people are telling you is that ond generation becoming bilingual and welfare,” he said. “I pay for their ability cate with their grandparents; people
there’s a problem with you.” the third primarily speaking English. to be here. The least they can do is speak lose the ability to converse with their
The Pew survey, conducted in August “It’s a pattern that the U.S. has unfor- English.” The man publicly apologized Spanish-speaking neighbors or the
2022, collected responses from a na- tunately had for decades,” Torres said. after being kicked out of his office space Mexican restaurant owner down the
tionally representative sample of 3,029 “Linguists refer to the U.S. as a language and drawing the ire of elected officials. street.
Latinos. While three-quarters of all La- cemetery. It’s where languages come to Many Latino immigrant parents who “If you have a child growing up in
tinos said they spoke Spanish at least die.” experienced discrimination and humili- English-speaking society, you want that
pretty well, that was true for just 57% of While English isn’t officially the ation for their limited English skills, child to do as well as possible,” she said.
those born in the U.S. – including 69% of country’s official language, Torres said, Torres said, choose to raise their chil- “Encouraging them to speak English is
second-generation Latinos and just 1 in it’s unofficially so. dren to speak English – which is a part of that. So there’s this massive
3 Latinos (34%) who were third-genera- “There’s a push for people to learn shame, she added, given the cognitive pressure on young children of Latino
tion or higher. English as soon as possible,” she said. benefits scholars have found in bilin- heritage to abandon their language.”
Among surveyed Latinos with limit- “People are shamed if they don’t speak gualism. Rosa said the stigmatization of lim-
ed or no Spanish-language ability, 54% English well.” “They don’t want their kids to suffer ited or imperfect language skills is frus-
said family or friends had joked about or Both types of shaming, she said, il- the same harm that they did,” Torres trating considering the “incredible dex-
commented on their inability. The por- lustrate what writer Gloria Anzaldúa said. “We’re a country that, despite the terity” many Latinos have demonstrat-
tion was slightly higher among those 18 has called “linguistic terrorism” – the rhetoric, is really hostile to other lan- ed in terms of their multilingual abili-
to 49 years old (57%) and highest among notion that neither their English nor guages. Instead of looking at them as an ties, not just in Spanish and English but
those with college experience (61%). their Spanish is “good enough.” asset, they’re treated as a negative as- including indigenous languages and
“You’re dealing with a situation pect that needs to be eliminated.” various Spanish forms.
Language skills in US fade where Latinos are continually faced Laura Muñoz, an assistant professor “That gets lost in the discussion
with younger generations with questions about their American- of history and ethnic studies at the Uni- when you’re just focused on what peo-
ness,” said Jonathan Rosa, an associate versity of Nebraska-Lincoln, said the ple lack or how much English or Spanish
About 62.5 million Latinos resided in professor at the Stanford Graduate major force in generational language they know,” he said. “We’re talking
the U.S. as of 2021. School of Education in Palo Alto, Cali- erosion is Americanization. The process about a population that is incredibly lin-
This summer, an interview with a fornia. “Language is often positioned as has historically been linked to politics, guistically diverse.”
young soccer fan conducted by ESPN one of the clearest signs…. People are she said – for example, in Arizona, The idea that people should speak
Deportes’ Jose Del Valle after Mexico’s seen as assimilating too much or not as- where lawmakers in the early 20th cen- one language or the other is incorrect,
CONCACAF Gold Cup win in Inglewood, similating enough.” tury made English proficiency manda- Rosa said: The melding of the two in it-
California, went viral after the Latino tory for voting rights. self can be a mode of maintaining histo-
boy was unable to understand the re- Political and social pressures “You had people who had been politi- ry and heritage.
porter’s questions. The exchange play roles in fueling rhetoric cally active who were essentially disen- “That’s what you can miss when you
prompted criticism of the boy’s parents franchised because they could not read create the idea of a pure standard,” he
for not teaching him Spanish. Such patterns persist because of po- or write English,” she said. “But they said. “It’s not a sign of failure, but a sign
At a 2016 Republican primary debate, litical pressures like heightened anti- could pay taxes. It’s not just saying you of navigating really challenging politi-
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio attempted to immigrant sentiment and the xenopho- must speak English in order to be Amer- cal, economic and cultural circum-
belittle Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’ Spanish bia perpetrated by rhetoric such as Don- ican. It’s about terrorizing people with a stances.”

Gen Z builds save-and-splurge
mindset amid economic stress
Claire Thornton Many graduated high school or col-
USA TODAY lege during the COVID-19 pandemic, a
time when Americans who were sepa-
Young adults are big spenders and rated from family or co-workers had
big savers. And even with economic time and space to think more deeply
uncertainty and stress, the Gen Z gen- about what they valued most. At the
eration is not paralyzed by money de- same time, soaring inflation over the
cisions. past 21⁄2 years has forced Americans of
EVAN AGOSTINI/INVISION/AP A vast majority (89%) of Gen Z – or all ages to scrimp and save.
people born between 1997 and 2012 – Gen Z adults, who range in age from
said they have saved money on some- 18 to 26, have been deeply affected by
MURDOCH STEPS DOWN AS thing in 2023, more than any other both phenomena. They’re more likely to
HEAD OF FOX, NEWS CORP. generation, according to a Harris Poll buy less of something if it doesn’t matter “My cats are my children,” 25-year-old
conducted in May. Yet they’re also not to them and to splurge on the things Jacob Mata told USA TODAY. The San
Rupert Murdoch is stepping down from shy about splurging on items. Seven- they say matter most, like luxury pet Francisco political field organizer feeds
his roles as chair of Fox Corporation ty-five percent of Gen Z said they food and ski equipment. his cats a human-quality diet of raw
and executive chairman of News Corp, spent a lot on something in 2023, also meats he buys from a luxury pet store.
he announced Thursday in a letter. more than other age groups. See GEN Z, Page 6A PROVIDED BY JACOB MATA
Murdoch, 92, is transitioning to the title
of chairman emeritus and said he was
in good health. He will officially make
the transition in November. His son,
Lachlan, is set to become the sole
chairman of both companies.



More than 80,000 cases of individually

wrapped Kraft Singles of American
cheese slices are being recalled after it
was found that a strip of film may re-
main on the slice even after the wrap-
per has been removed. Food giant
Kraft Heinz announced the recall Tues-
day, saying the recall comes as a pre-
caution after a “temporary issue” with
one of its wrapping machines. A thin
strip of the film may remain on the slice
after the wrapper has been removed.
Approximately 83,800 cases are affect-
ed, according to Kraft Heinz. Several
customers complained about finding
plastic stuck to a slice of cheese, in-
cluding six complaints of customers
who said they choked or gagged.

Each of Disneyland’s popular Disneyland After Dark events has a unique theme and event-specific experiences.
Starbucks will have to face a consumer PROVIDED BY DISNEYLAND RESORT
protection lawsuit alleging that its fruit

After-hours events
Refresher drinks do not contain the
fruit advertised, a federal judge decid-
ed Monday. The lawsuit, brought by
Noan Kominis, of New York, and Jason
McAllister, of California, accused the
chain of failing to include fundamental

offer Disney perks

ingredients in its Refresher drinks. They
claimed that the Mango Dragonfruit,
Mango Dragonfruit Lemonade, Pineap-
ple Passionfruit, Pineapple Passionfruit
Lemonade, Strawberry Açai and Straw-
berry Açai Lemonade Refreshers did
not contain mango, passion fruit or
Açai. The plaintiffs claimed in the suit
For some guests, they may be best deal for visit to parks
that they paid a premium for the
drinks, which they would not have Eve Chen You need a special ticket
bought had they been aware they were USA TODAY
missing some of the fruits. They al- Standard tickets won’t cut it for after-
leged that the products are made pri- There’s a secret to shorter lines at hours events. If you don’t have a ticket
marily of water, grape juice concentrate Walt Disney World and Disneyland, specifically for the event, not only will
and sugar. and it has nothing to do with Genie+. you have to exit before it starts, but you’ll
Limited capacity, after-hours events get less park time than usual because
at both resorts allow guests to experi- parks close early on event nights.
ence the parks in a completely different
way. Not only are there shorter waits for Hours are limited
rides, but many also offer event-exclu-
sive entertainment, experiences and Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween
snacks after hours. Party, Oogie Boogie Bash and Mickey’s
You do get less time in the parks Very Merry Christmas Party are each five
than on regular park days, but for many hours long. Disney Jollywood Nights
guests, the perks make it more than A Disney Halloween Party returns to lasts four hours.
worthwhile. Disneyland Resort. This separately This can be a rude awakening to
Here’s what you should know about ticketed, limited-capacity, after-hours guests who don’t plan ahead, even
Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Par- event at Disney California Adventure though both Disney World and Disney-
PROVIDED BY ERIKA KRISTAL EUCKER ty, Oogie Boogie Bash, Mickey’s Very Park is a seasonal guest favorite, and land post operating hours on their web-
Merry Christmas Party and new Disney will be held on 25 select evenings sites months in advance.
Jollywood Nights, so you can decide between Sept. 5 and Oct. 31.

A nearly two century-old funeral home

with rooms “gutted and waiting” for
you is on the market in Massachusetts Wage gains don’t cover inflation in every home
with a sign outside the property read-
ing “probably haunted.” The Turgeon Paul Davidson 40-year high of 9.1% year over year. ment. He’s also teaching an additional
Funeral Home, erected in 1850, rests on USA TODAY As their restaurant takeout bill bal- class to bring in extra cash.
a plot at 56 Main St. in the small town looned from about $70 to $100, Hewitt, So the Hewitts are ordering in more
of Millbury, according to the listing. The Since inflation began its climb to- his wife and two kids cut their twice- often, though they haven’t returned to
property, listed on MoveWithMedia- ward the stratosphere in spring 2021, weekly meal deliveries in half. their previous ritual.
.com for $769,000, is in Worcester David Hewitt’s paycheck has lagged In August, however, inflation clocked “I’m not seeing the big changes in
County within Blackstone Valley about far behind. in at 3.7%. Meanwhile, Hewitt is bene- prices that happened last year,” Hewitt,
six miles southeast of Worcester. Ac- In June of last year, the gap between fiting from a 3.5% pay raise late last year 52, says. At the same time, he adds,
cording to the listing by Media Realty the two turned into a chasm. Hewitt’s and looking forward to a bigger bump in “Prices aren’t going down.”
LLC, the 5,188 square-foot property pay as a university professor rose 1.5% the coming months after his faculty After trailing inflation for more than
has three bedrooms, 1 full bath and from the prior year, a typical bump, union and the University of Pittsburgh
two half baths on a .74-acre lot. even as consumer prices surged to a reach a new collective bargaining agree- See WAGES, Page 6A

Gen Z clothing to be “new” because it’s new to

in San Francisco, said he doesn’t let him-
self have more than one drink at a bar
cessities allows them to splurge on luxu-
ry items.
“If I buy new things, they’re from any time he goes out. That way, he can John uses the cash she saves on
Continued from Page 5A thrift stores,” said Bella Longerbeam, a drive himself home. makeup and other staples to buy her
23-year-old graduate student and bar- “I know that an Uber ride would be concert tickets. As she completed the
Gloria John, a 21-year-old health tender in Seattle. As a result, most of the just like robbing me,” Mata, 25, said. online check-out process for the Del Rey
screening coordinator in San Antonio, clothes in her closet are thrifted, and she Even though he has a car, Mata typi- concert seats, she “didn’t even think
Texas, said she will shell out as much as doesn’t buy new apparel from places like cally combines public transportation about how much it was going to cost,”
needed to see indie pop singer Lana Del Target or Urban Outfitters, she said. with walking and riding his bike. she said.
Rey live but stops buying certain makeup At a Goodwill store in Raleigh, North More than any other generation, Gen The 75% of Gen Z who spent freely in
items if the price rises just slightly. Carolina, 21-year-old Patrick Macalintal Z also spends in a way that reflects “eco- 2023 were most likely to do so on luxury
“I will be so cheap with certain things, was combing through the entire men’s conscious values” that align with “bud- fashion items, high-quality home goods,
where I’m not even willing to spend an section on a recent Friday in a hunt for get-conscious values,” said Libby Rod- or luxury beauty or skincare products,
extra dollar,” she said in an interview pieces made in Italy. “I’d like to say I’m ney, chief strategy officer at Harris Poll. the Harris Poll in May found.
with USA TODAY. “But then there’s other pretty good with my money,” said Maca- And don’t forget pets.
things that I’m very willing to put money lintal, an intensive care unit nurse. Get that discount “My cats are my children,” Mata said.
into because I think it’s worth it.” Besides shopping for fancy used “For them, I’m willing to splurge.”
Overall, while a majority of people in clothes, Macalintal said he cooks at Gen Z shoppers are savvy about how Every meal, Mata’s cats Blue, Piper
Gen Z feel good about managing their home as much as possible, spends time they cut back, applying online codes and and Gwen get to eat human-quality raw
bills each month (73%), that doesn’t in nature to save on leisure activities, sorting through coupons to lower the meats that cost him $100 per month.
automatically translate into feelings of and has an apartment close to work to cost of full-price items, Rodney said.
long-term security, according to a more cut down on gas costs. He also meticu- This summer, when John was shop- Gen Z has their eyes on the future
recent Harris Poll conducted exclusively lously cleans his tennis shoes with ping for a dress to wear to a wedding, she
for USA TODAY in late August. That sur- toothpaste and a toothbrush to keep wasn’t satisfied with finding the perfect For Mata, feeding his cats raw,
vey revealed two-thirds (67%) of Gen Z them looking like new. Pointing to the look at an online retailer. She needed to healthy food instead of kibble is a long-
doubt they will feel financially secure New Balance sneakers on his feet, he get the price down too, she said. term investment because the special diet
anytime soon. And 60% fear they are one said he’s been wearing them since 2018. So she turned to TikTok and searched could help prevent the animals from get-
financial emergency away from being “coupon code” and the name of the re- ting kidney disease later in life, leading
completely underwater. Everything in moderation tailer. “I tried as many as I could until I to expensive vet bills, he said.
“There is a little bit of stress there,” found one that worked,” she said, and got Macalintal said he’ll keep thrifting for
John, of San Antonio, said. “But because Gen Z consumers said they’d rather 15% off. Italian menswear and taking items to the
there’s stress, I feel like I’m pretty good at buy less of something, like alcohol and tailor. With the money he saves, he’s
cutting back where I can.” gasoline, than spend too much. In 2023, Big purchases don’t cause stress seen Broadway productions of “The Lion
36% of Gen Z respondents opted out of King,” “Wicked,” “Peter Pan” and “Miss
The thrifty generation social events in order to save, especially While it may seem paradoxical, it Saigon.”
when travel was part of the cost, accord- makes perfect sense that Gen Z shoppers “It doesn’t have to be that deep,” he
To lower costs, some unfussy Gen Z ing to the Harris Poll taken in May. are both savers and spenders, Rodney said. “Sometimes it’s just nice to relax
shoppers consider thrifted, or used, Jacob Mata, a political field organizer said, noting that pinching pennies on ne- and be taken on a journey.”

Disney Guests can check wait times and

show times on Disney World and Dis-
Party and Oogie Boogie Bash. They just
have to follow event guidelines available
ular park days offer guests more bang for
their buck.
neyland’s free apps. online. For example, a ticket to Mickey’s Very
Continued from Page 5A Holiday outfits and Christmas paja- Merry Christmas Party on Nov. 14 would
There’s special mas are welcome at Mickey’s Very Merry cost $159 for an adult. Assuming you en-
After-hours guests may enter their re- entertainment and food Christmas Party. Just remember that ter Magic Kingdom as soon as possible at
spective parks early, but it still adds up to Florida can still be toasty in November 4 p.m. and stay until the event ends at
less total park time than on non-event The big draws at these events are the and December if you’re thinking of wear- midnight, that would work out to just
days. unique entertainment offerings guests ing a Christmas sweater. Dapper attire is under $20 per hour in the parks.
Disney Jollywood Nights guests can can’t experience regularly, including: encouraged for Jollywood Nights. A standard one-day, one-park adult
get in 1.5 hours early, while regular guests h Mickey’s Boo-to-You Parade, Hocus ticket to Magic Kingdom for that same
are still inside. Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Pocus Spelltacular show and Disney’s Tickets cost about the same day would cost $154. The park’s regular
Halloween Party, Oogie Boogie Bash and Not-So-Spooky Spectacular at Mickey’s as standard admission hours that day are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., be-
Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party let Not-So-Scary Halloween Party. cause of the after-hours event. If you
guests in three hours early. h The Frightfully Fun Parade, Mick- Tickets for Mickey’s Not-So-Scary stayed the whole time, it works out to $17
ey’s Trick and Treat show, and Villains Halloween Party started at $109 this year per hour in the park.
Not everything is open Grove at Oogie Boogie Bash. for adults or anyone over age 9. That’s An even better value would be visiting
h Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas- less than the $124 starting price for a Magic Kingdom on Nov. 15, when it’s
While many attractions stay open, time Parade, Mickey’s Most Merriest standard one-day, one-park ticket to open from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. and a stan-
some shutter when the parks close to Celebration show and Minnie’s Wonder- Magic Kingdom. Disney World tickets dard one-day, one-park adult ticket
regular guests. For instance, Walt Dis- ful Christmastime Fireworks at Mickey’s vary by date, park and total number of costs $159. That works out to a little over
ney’s Enchanted Tiki Room and Country Very Merry Christmas Party. park days. $13 per hour in the park.
Bear Jamboree don’t offer shows during h A new musical variety show featur- Both Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas
Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party. ing Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy, an Party and Disney Jollywood Nights Does Disney still do After Hours?
If you want to experience them, you’ll “other-worldy soiree” at The Hollywood tickets start at $159, which is right in line
need to do so during those overlapping Tower Hotel Courtyard, and the night- with the starting prices of Magic King- Disney World and Disneyland’s sea-
hours when the park is open to all. time spectacular Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM! dom and Hollywood Studios tickets dur- sonal after-hours events aren’t the same
at Disney Jollywood Nights. ing the holiday season. as Disney After Hours events, with a
Most lines are shorter Additionally, guests at both Mickey’s Oogie Boogie Bash tickets are more of capital A and H.
Not-So-Scary Halloween Party and Oo- a splurge. Those started at $134. That’s Those were held earlier this year and
The waits for many attractions will be gie Boogie Bash can load up on candy notably more than a standard one-day, allowed specially ticketed guests to stay
shorter after hours, so guests can zip while trick-or-treating at those events. one-park ticket for Disney California Ad- three extra hours past regular closing.
right through them. Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party venture, which is as low as $104 on some They didn’t offer any event-exclusive en-
Some meet-and-greet lines, however, guests get cookies and cocoa included event dates. But that didn’t keep the pop- tertainment, but there were free snacks.
can get long, particularly for characters with their tickets. ular event from selling out the same day Meanwhile, Disneyland offered spe-
guests may not normally see in the tickets went on sale. cially themed, limited-time Disneyland
parks. Jack and Sally, Elvis Stitch and Dressing up is encouraged After Dark events: Sweetheart Nite,
the Seven Dwarfs are particularly popu- Is it worth it? Princess Nite, Throwback Nite, Star
lar at Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Guests are invited to wear costumes Wars Nite and for the first time, Pride
Party. to Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween If you break it down by the hour, reg- Nite earlier this year.

Wages eight months,” propping up purchases

despite high inflation and interest rates,
Opening wallets a bit more other 1% contribution to her 401(k) ac-
count. “I hope I can retire at 65,” she says.
Daco says. That’s key because consumer Hewitt, an economics professor in “That is a priority.”
Continued from Page 5A spending makes up 70% of economic ac- Pittsburgh, says weekly groceries for his
tivity. family cost about $300, up from $250 ‘I don’t see any prices going down’
two years, average U.S. wage growth But about one-fifth of those who got a before the inflation spike. And with hotel
turned the tables in May, outpacing price pay increase said it wasn’t enough to prices up about 20%, they scrapped their Jessica Zeigerman, of Edgewater,
increases, giving consumers more pur- comfortably afford those kinds of goods annual trip to Erie, Pennsylvania. New Jersey, is required to work in her
chasing power and bolstering the econo- and services. Seventy-eight percent said Yet he says they’ve loosened the purse company’s Manhattan office four days a
my. But while the development means they would need another bump to feel strings somewhat. Inflation has stabi- week after toiling remotely since the
Americans have a little more breathing fully confident in their financial health. lized amid his larger pay increase, and he pandemic. That change means she’s
room, most say they still haven’t caught Why? sees the prospect of a 5% raise this year, paying more than $300 in monthly com-
up to the big run-up in prices and are Sure, average wages were up 4.3% an- along with the added income from his muting costs and adding to her lunch ex-
spending warily, according to an exclu- nually in August, above inflation’s 3.7% extra class. Besides ordering in more of- penses. She also had to update her ward-
sive Harris Poll survey for USA TODAY clip, according to the Labor Depart- ten, the family plans to take a weekend robe after working remotely for 21⁄2 years.
and interviews with workers. ment’s monthly jobs report and its con- trip to Erie this fall. “I didn’t have as many expenses (in
U.S. workers are also grappling with sumer price index. By comparison, in They took a similar middle-ground 2022) in terms of commuting and taxes,”
high interest rates, the cutoff of COVID- June 2022, 9.1% inflation dwarfed approach when their refrigerator recent- says Zeigerman, 44, who coordinates
related federal aid and return-to-office typical pay increases of 5.4% – a robust ly broke, buying a mid-priced model for community investment projects for a
mandates that are boosting daily costs, figure that reflected pandemic-related $1,600. “We’re not going out and buying bank. “I’m finding my (condo) fees are al-
like commuting and lunches out. labor shortages but that many Ameri- top-of-the-line, but we’re also not find- ways increasing, property taxes are go-
Whether or not pay hikes continue to cans barely felt because of soaring ing the cheapest thing we can possibly ing up, my income taxes are going up. …
top inflation and encourage Americans prices. buy,” he says. My commuting fee is going up as of
to spend at a healthy clip could help de- Yet most consumers still don’t feel Other workers are feeling some bene- Oct. 1.”
termine if the U.S. dodges a recession whole because they’ve only partly closed fits from the rising or steady wage “I didn’t get any competitive raise this
over the next year, says Gregory Daco, the gap between prices and wages that growth and slowing inflation. year that would get close to matching the
chief economist of EY-Parthenon. began forming in early 2021, according to cost of living,” adds Zeigerman, who got
a Bankrate analysis. Adding more to savings her typical 3% bump in pay.
Are wages keeping In the April-to-June quarter, prices To curtail inflation, the Federal Re-
up with inflation? were up 15.8% since early 2021 while Claudia Miranda, of Lake Mary, Flori- serve has lifted interest rates by more
wages had risen 12.8%, according to the da, said the insurance company where than 5 percentage points in 16 months –
Of the 52% of employees who got a Bankrate study of CPI and another wage she works gave out 8% raises late last its most aggressive campaign in four
raise the past year, 70% say it has eased measure called the employment cost in- year – well above the 2% to 3% employ- decades. However, the additional inter-
their financial stress from inflation and dex. ees normally receive. est payments themselves are straining
allowed them to make additional pur- That 3% gap is less worrisome than “That actually helped,” says Miranda, many borrowers.
chases, according to the Harris Poll on- the 3.7% divide in the summer and early 55, a senior risk analyst. Kristen Shirer, of Tacoma, Washing-
line survey of 2,076 adults conducted fall of last year, but it’s still significant. At She still pays an extra $30 a week for ton, says her income has grown but “I’m
Sept. 8-10. About one-third said it let the current pace, workers won’t recover groceries and has put off the purchase of not making additional purchases.”
them comfortably afford electronics, their lost purchasing power until the end a new crossover to replace her 2006 “I’m working hard at paying off debt
household goods, experiences, discre- of 2024, the Bankrate study shows. Honda Fit because the price is several and putting money away in savings,” she
tionary purchases and investing. “Wages are catching up in the race, thousand dollars more than she antici- says. “With interest rates rising, I’m pay-
“It’s really been the driving factor be- but they’re still lagging,” says Bankrate pated. But she’s socking away more ing down credit cards and not using
hind (consumer) spending the last six to analyst Sarah Foster. money for emergencies and adding an- them.”


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I worked as a kid in slave sweatshops

Even then, I knew in my heart that are falling at the first hurdle when it
people would not choose to purchase comes to even reporting on the actions
these items if they truly understood they are taking. Governments must es-
Nasreen Sheikh
where they came from and how they tablish sound policies that do not allow
Opinion contributor
were made. That is why an economic businesses to exploit the massive loop-
system built on transparency is desper- holes that exist in legislation.
ately needed on a global scale. The result of the current system is
After breaking free from my exploita- decades of corporate social responsibil-
The footprint of modern slavery can tion, I came to the United States and vis- ity that is merely voluntary, modern
be found all around us – if only we were ited a large chain store for the first time. slavery reporting legislation with no
made aware so that we could open eyes I walked the aisles in disbelief – I had consequence for noncompliance, and
to the problem. The clothes we wear. never experienced this level of both lux- greenwashing campaigns that could
The smartphones in our pockets. The ury and convenience. convince the savviest of consumers that
solar panels on our buildings. It was horrifying to see – but also a they are acting ethically.
These and many other common great revelation to recognize the exploi-
goods often carry the taint of forced la- tation and abject poverty attached to The unspoken truth
bor and modern slavery. Nasreen Sheikh, in blue, worked in these products. Seeing in my memory
Most people have no understanding illegal sweatshops in the inner-city the ghostly faces of children like me, The development of policy to address
that everyday goods are part of a supply slums of Kathmandu, Nepal, and grew scattered into the thousands of prod- modern slavery always will be impeded
chain that is touched by extreme exploi- up in forced labor. PROVIDED ucts around me, brought me to tears. as long as it ignores how the issues are
tation. But the question is, if the world deeply intersected with wider struc-
understood just how close we are to Scrutinize supply chains tures, systems and behaviors. Focusing
modern slavery, would this change the have on the environment? on issues in silos will hold us back from
way we consume? If the latest data from the Global Businesses have increasingly com- solutions for decades to come.
Unconscious consumer culture has Slavery Index sounds impossible, con- plex global supply chains that lack Modern slavery thrives in the shad-
long fueled the exploitation of some of sider that behind these numbers is a transparency of who is working where ows and darkness, the unspoken truth,
the poorest and most vulnerable story like mine. and under what conditions. Too often, the hidden parts of our global society
groups. Too often, international human I fell prey to the massive organization this works to the companies’ advantage. too ugly or horrific to witness in light.
rights laws are left ignored, while the of illegal sweatshops in the inner-city By failing to meaningfully engage with But truth is the key.
need to cut costs for greater profits con- slums of Kathmandu, Nepal, and grew modern slavery risks, businesses can We need radical supply chain trans-
tinually trumps all other business goals. up in forced labor. turn a blind eye, avoid remediation and parency and meaningful engagement
Along with thousands of others, my continue to place profits over people. from all businesses and corporations.
50 million living in modern slavery childhood was traded for a life of suffer- The sad fact for most companies is We need modern slavery legislation that
ing, malnourishment and industrial that if they look hard enough for worker imposes the duty to protect all workers
A new report sheds light on the sur- poisoning on a scale unimaginable to exploitation – or if they even look at all – in supply chains and ensures the pro-
prising extent of the problem – and the the average consumer. they will find it. Supply chain transpar- tection of our planet. We need to hold
culpability of some of the world’s rich- Ask yourself, if the next time you ency should be built into business oper- companies liable for breaches and inac-
est nations. According to the 2023 Glob- were browsing a department store and ations as standard, to guarantee that tion, leaving no one behind in the pur-
al Slavery Index by the human rights the tag told you that this garment was products have been made under fair suit of a thriving global economy.
group Walk Free, nearly 50 million peo- made using modern slavery, would you conditions that uphold ethics and hu- With 50 million people living in mod-
ple are living in modern slavery. Millions still make the purchase? Would this man rights. ern slavery around the world, the time
are being exploited because of society’s make you reflect on how you may be While businesses should willingly for meaningful action and renewed
desire for cheap goods. consuming the suffering of a child or take on the responsibility to ensure that commitment is now.
The report shows that an annual hurting our planet? their supply chains are free of modern If not addressed immediately, the
$468 billion worth of goods imported As a child, I worked 12-15 hours a day slavery, governments also have a role to next Global Slavery Index will record an
into the Group of 20 industrial and in a textile sweatshop, receiving less hold them to account and to set a level exponential growth of exploitation built
emerging-market nations are at risk of than the equivalent of $2 per agonizing playing field for our global economy. on the backs of child laborers like my-
being produced by forced labor. and traumatizing shift – but only if I This role includes ensuring businesses self, against a backdrop of a culture of
This includes nearly $150 billion completed the hundreds of garments and governments are actively looking ignorance in the face of suffering.
worth of garments. demanded of me. for forced labor in supply chains. Wouldn’t you want to know if I made
These colossal numbers might come Most of the time, the sweatshop While some governments around the the very shirt on your back?
as a surprise to some, but would know- owner paid no one, closed up shop and world are stepping up, there remain se- Nasreen Sheikh, survivor leader and
ing the human cost to our purchases moved on to his next group. I ate, slept rious gaps in legislation that businesses international human rights advocate, is
change the way corporations and buy- and worked my fingers raw, in a work- can exploit. For example, research by the founder of Empowerment Collective
ers behave? And what effect would this station the size of a prison cell. Walk Free finds that most companies and Local Women’s Handicraft.

If adult child won’t move out, it may not be bad

The overall U.S. birth rate has dropped Taking some time before traditional turity in the United States was “leaving
20% since 2007. adult commitments can also mean a the nest,” but that, too, has changed.
Many of the reasons behind these more stable life. Studies show that peo- The percentage of 25- to 34-year-olds
changes are good ones. The biggest con- ple who marry in their early 30s have the living with their parents has jumped
tributing factor to the rising median age lowest rates of divorce. nearly 50% since 2000.
of first-time motherhood is a decline in Parents may fear that if their off- Today, nearly 1 in 6 of young adults
Phil McGraw teen pregnancy. spring never marry, they won’t experi- still lives at home.
and Dr. John Whyte It fell from 61.8 births per 1,000 ence the psychological benefits of long- That’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Opinion contributors females ages 15-19 in 1991 to 15.4 in 2020. term partnership, such as companion- It’s normal in many countries, and it can
This is a hugely positive development. ship, emotional support and a sense of help people save money and deepen
Similarly, as opportunities for wom- stability. While these advantages are connections with parents, siblings and
Today’s young adults are less likely to en to work and earn income have grown, real, people can find them outside of hometown friends.
date, marry, have kids and move out of they’ve been relieved of some of the fi- marriage.
their parents’ homes than previous gen- nancial and social pressure that con- A sense of belonging and purpose Moving toward independence
erations. Some people are hitting the tributed to marrying younger. can come from many places, including
panic button about an epidemic of “pro- extended family, a religious community, What’s more concerning is when
longed adolescence” - and what will Marriage now less driven by need or even a neighborhood softball team or young people move out only to later
happen if millions of young Americans local bar. move back in.
don’t assume adult responsibilities. In 1950, only about 30% of females In other words, the fact that young Research suggests that “boomerang-
Will they face health or financial older than 15 participated in the labor people are delaying family formation ing” back to your parents’ house after a
problems? How will their choices affect force, whereas by 2005, that figure was isn’t itself the problem. period of independence can lead to
the rest of society? 60%. Education levels have risen, too: In Rather, it’s that they’re doing so mental health challenges beyond what
The complicated reality is not neces- 1970, 12% of women ages 25-34 held a while also failing to cultivate meaning- might have precipitated the move, such
sarily cause for alarm. four-year college degree. A half-century ful social connections elsewhere: 27% as a break-up or job loss.
Demographic comparisons between later, that figure is 41%. of millennials, born between 1981 to From a mental health perspective,
previous and current generations miss Meanwhile, Food and Drug Admini- 1996, say they have zero close friends. what matters is that young people are
the ways that institutions such as mar- stration approval of the first contracep- Generation Z, born between 1997 to moving toward residential and financial
riage, family and work have evolved. tive pill in the 1960s radically reduced 2012, might have it even worse. independence.
Young people’s behavior has altered be- unplanned pregnancies, another source But if young people want to move out
cause the demands and expectations of pressure to marry. Loneliness is the bigger concern and can’t because of debt or other finan-
placed on them are no longer the same. Taking advantage of opportunities to cial stressors, that is a reason for con-
And changes that look alarming to older study, work, make money and control In total, about 61% of young Ameri- cern. Financial stress harms mental and
generations might actually have signifi- one’s fertility is hardly a sign of pro- cans report experiencing “serious lone- even physical health.
cant upsides. longed adolescence; it’s a rational re- liness,” according to a 2021 Harvard Symptoms that seem to indicate a
Consider family formation. It’s true sponse to the options available. study. The rate of friendship formation case of generational prolonged adoles-
that more young people are delaying Today, marriage is driven less by is at a historic low. cence are, upon closer examination,
marriage and child-rearing, and even need and more by love and desire for The loneliness epidemic among more complicated.
opting not to have kids. companionship, but it can result in tan- young people is a far graver public Most aren’t problems in and of them-
In just two generations (since the gible benefits just the same. Research health concern than delaying tradition- selves. But some draw attention to so-
1950s), the median age at which men suggests that married individuals make al life markers. Studies have repeatedly cial trends that should concern us, and
and women first get hitched rose seven more money than single people, and shown that close friends play a decisive that we must address soon.
and eight years to 30 and 28, respective- that may be because married people can role in preventing depression and sui- Dr. Phil McGraw, Ph.D., is one of the
ly. And 44% of Americans ages 18-49 re- be more selective when job hunting. cide. Psychiatric researchers estimate most well-known mental health profes-
port not wanting to have children. They don’t have to take the first job offer that the health effects of prolonged so- sionals in the world and the host of one
Those who do are having them later that comes their way, because a working cial isolation equate to smoking 15 ciga- of daytime TV’s top-rated programs,
in life - the median age for a woman giv- spouse has their back in terms of house- rettes a day. “Dr. Phil.” Dr. John Whyte is chief med-
ing birth is now 30, up from 27 in 1990. hold income. Another conventional marker of ma- ical officer of WebMD.

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TRAVEL lined with reconstructed half-

timbered houses. Be sure to visit
the Zum Römer, where Holy Ro-
man emperors were coronated.
Römerberg, Altstadt

10. Alte Oper
The Italian Renaissance-style
Alte Oper is Frankfurt’s original
opera house. Can’t make a show?
Linger at an outdoor cafe on
Opernplatz, the Opera Square.
Opernplatz 1
+49 69 1340 0

10Best Local Experts GO SEE ...

take you to the best
spots around Berlin,
Frankfurt, Munich 1. St. Peter’s Church
Munich’s oldest church, “Alter
Peter” (Old Peter) is recognizable
Andrea Schulte-Peevers by its 91-meter tower, offering
some of the best views of the city.
Robyn Polzin Rindermarkt 1
+49 89 2102 3776
Mike Richardson
in MUNICH 2. Hirschgarten
This used to be part of the roy-
al hunting grounds. Today it’s the
GO SEE ... site of a family-friendly beer gar-
den (Bavaria’s largest), serving
BERLIN top-notch local food.
Hirschgarten 1
1. Berlin Wall Memorial +49 89 1799 9119
The Berlin Wall may be gone,
but it will never be forgotten. 3. Odeonsplatz
This outdoor museum, which in- For photo opportunities, it’s
cludes the last remaining stretch hard to beat this square in cen-
of the wall in its original location, tral Munich. Odeonsplatz, named
explains how the barrier divided for the Odeon concert hall, is bor-
a city and its people for 28 years. dered by some of the city’s most
Bernauer Strasse 119 significant buildings.
+49 30 467 986 666 Odeonsplatz 1
+49 89 222 324

Former inmates lead tours of Marienplatz, above, has 4. Viktualienmarkt

the prison where the East Ger- been the main square of From sausages and fish to ex-
man secret police held suspected Munich since 1158, al- otic fruit, Munich’s open-air food
opponents of the regime — most though New Town Hall market boasts the highest-quality
of them innocent of wrongdoing. dates only to 1874. West gourmet groceries in town. At its
Genslerstrasse 66 of Frankfurt lie the ruins center lies a beer garden with a
+49 30 9860 8230 of Rheinfels Castle, left. lively atmosphere.
Viktualienmarkt 3
3. Panoramapunkt 3. Museumsufer +49 89 8906 8205
For the best bird’s-eye view of A walk along the Main River’s
central Berlin, let Europe’s fastest Museum Embankment is a must. 5. Alte Pinakothek
elevator whisk you 24 floors to Twelve museums sit on a single The former royal collection of
this lofty perch above Potsdamer tree-lined street, the most nota- Old Masters paintings resides
Platz in a mere 20 seconds. ble being the Städel art gallery. here. Dürer, Rembrandt, Peter
Potsdamer Platz 1 Städel, Schaumainkai 63 Paul Rubens and El Greco are
+49 30 2593 7080 +49 69 605098 232 among those represented.
Barer Strasse 27
4. Schloss Charlottenburg 4. Rheinfels Castle +49 89 2380 5216
See how the Prussian kings 7. Neukölln neighborhood 10. Bikini Berlin West of the city, this castle’s
who ruled much of Germany un- Catapulted from gritty zone to Browse fashion and design at ancient stone ramparts rise over 6. Marienplatz
til 1918 lived at this mini-Ver- vibrant district, Neukölln is per- Germany’s first “concept mall,” in the Rhine at Sankt Goar. The ru- Munich’s main square since
sailles, framed by a lovely park fect for DIY exploration. Cafes a 1950s landmark building with ins recall the Middle Ages, while 1158, Marienplatz is abuzz with
perfect for summer picnics. like Katie’s Blue Cat invite linger- front-row views of the monkey the restaurant and its lovely ter- activity and a great place for pho-
Spandauer Damm 20-24 ing between stops at vintage bou- enclosure of the Berlin Zoo. race herald the modern day. tos, with the Gothic Revival-style
+49 30 320 911 tiques and hipster bars. Budapester Strasse 38-50 Schlossberg, Sankt Goar New Town Hall in the spotlight.
Katie’s Blue Cat +49 6741 7753 +49 089 2330 0115
5. Humboldt-Box
This multimedia exhibit ac-
Friedelstrasse 31
+49 178 806 9701 GO SEE ... 5. Goethehaus 7. Residenz
companies the ongoing recon-
struction of the city’s Prussian 8. Jüdische Mädchenschule FRANKFURT Grand wood staircases take
visitors through the reconstruct-
Take a tour of the former main
royal palace of Bavaria, with its
imperial palace, which was de- A former Jewish girls’ school in ed timbered house where the 130 rooms and 10 courtyards.
molished by the communists in a Bauhaus-era building has 1. Palmengarten writer Johann Wolfgang von Goe- Residenzstrasse 1
1950. Humboldt-Box introduces evolved into a cultural hot spot, Established in 1868, this oasis the spent his childhood. +49 089 290 671
the future tenants and explains featuring cutting-edge galleries, a in the Westend is Germany’s larg- Grosser Hirschgraben 23
how the huge building will fit museum about the Kennedys and est botanical garden. Displays in- +49 69 138 800 8. BMW Museum
within the city’s historic center. even stellar restaurants. clude more than 13,000 tropical From the earliest BMW en-
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+49 69 2123 3939 River, relax in the garden at this to the car lover in all of us and
6. Pergamonmuseum 9. Museum in der 16th-century flour mill renovated rolls out fun for all ages.
This crowd-pleaser wows with Kulturbrauerei 2. Hauptbahnhof Station as a hotel complex. Am Olympiapark 2
monumental antiquities from This exhibit in a former brew- The busiest train station in Gerbermühlestrasse 105 +49 89 125 016 001
Greece, Rome and the Middle ery uses original documents, pho- Frankfurt consists of a massive +49 69 689 7779 0
East. Star exhibits include the ra- tographs and objects to peel back main vestibule and two adjoining 9. Nymphenburg Palace
diant blue Ishtar Gate and the in- the Iron Curtain on daily life in neoclassical halls made of steel 7. Hauptwache Station This baroque beauty housed
tricate facade of a caliph’s palace. communist East Germany. and glass. Inside are a series of This busy rapid-transit station Bavaria’s rulers beginning in
Bodestrasse 1-3 Knaackstrasse 97 platforms, shops and food stands. resembles an underground city 1675. Perhaps more spectacular
+49 30 266 424 242 +49 030 4677 7790 Am Hauptbahnhof with its street performers, chalk than the palace itself are the 490
artists, international markets, dry acres of formal gardens.
cleaners and even an entrance to Schloss Nymphenburg 1
Narrow slits the Galeria department store. +49 089 179 080
in barriers at An der Hauptwache 17
the Berlin 10. Asamkirche
Wall Memori- 8. Kleinmarkthalle A rococo gem, Asamkirche was
al provide This market hall hosts some 60 built as a private chapel for the
glimpses of vendors selling fresh food, wine brothers who completed it in
the “death and flowers every day except Sun- 1746. Now it’s open to the public.
strip,” where day. Locals like a glass of wine in Sendlinger Strasse 32
those fleeing the outdoor garten upstairs. +49 089 2368 7989
East Berlin Hasengasse 5
were often +49 69 2123 3696 Want even more great ideas?
gunned down. Go to for handy
GÜNTER STEFFEN, 9. Römerberg travel lists, cool pics and hot
VISITBERLIN Heart of Frankfurt’s old town, tips by Local Experts in popular
this charming central square is destinations around the world.

UNEXPECTED 4. Ramones Museum

Avid Ramones fan Flo Hayler
common? All have played this im-
pressive neobaroque-style exhibi-
other movies were made offers
tours and a 4-D theater.
GERMANY shares his collection of memora-
bilia in this cool east Berlin
tion hall, which dates to 1909.
Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
Bavariafilmplatz 7
+49 089 6499 2000
shrine to the punk-rock pioneers. +49 69 1340 400
BERLIN Krausnickstrasse 23 9. Eisbach River Surfing
+49 30 7552 8890 7. English Theatre On the Eisbach’s canal next to
1. Story of Berlin Delight in a memorable perfor- the Haus der Kunst, look for the
This museum’s engaging multi- FRANKFURT mance at this gem of a venue in spot just off the road where peo-
media trip through the city’s his- the city center. Seating 300, it’s ple surf year-round — in Munich.
tory culminates with a tour of a 5. Long Island Summer the largest English-language Prinzregentenstrasse
Cold War nuclear bomb shelter. PHILIP KOSCHEL, VISITBERLIN
Lounge theater in continental Europe. +49 089 2339 6500
Kurfürstendamm 207-208 Sunflowers, rather than jets, Relaxing by day and edgy at Gallusanlage 7
+49 30 8872 0100 aim skyward at Tempelhof. night, this beach bar atop an ur- +49 69 2423 1620 10. Kartoffelmuseum
ban parking garage is a refreshing The Potato Museum follows
2. Tempelhof Park 3. Rembrandt Collection antidote for what ails you. MUNICH the starchy vegetable and its vari-
Tempelhof Airport, site of the The 16 Rembrandt works at Park House Exchange, Deck 7 ous uses throughout history, with
first Lufthansa flight and the Ber- the Gemäldegalerie form one of +49 151 6150 9889 8. Bavaria Filmstadt special emphasis on its ties to
lin Airlift, closed in 2008. It’s now the world’s largest, most exquisite The famous film studio where Munich. The museum is free and
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Pac-12 off
to record
success in
what could be
final season
Paul Myerberg

Eight teams in the US LBM AFCA

Coaches Poll, the most of any confer-
ence in the Football Bowl Subdivision.
An overall record of 29-5 in nonconfer-
ence play. With a 7-3 mark against
Power Five conference teams, the only
league with a winning record against
the best of the best in the FBS.
Home to the biggest story in college
football, the best quarterback, perhaps
the second-best and third-best quar-
terbacks, the most explosive offenses
and the most top-end depth in college
football – the list goes on for the most
impressive conference in the country
Taylor Swift performs during her Eras Tour at SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California. through the first three weeks of the
The SEC? Big Ten? Good guesses,
but try again. This would be the Pac-12,

which just in time and for the very last
time has re-emerged as a national
player with sights set on reaching the
College Football Playoff and playing for
the national championship.
And not a moment too soon. The

A Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce love tale Pac-12 has been ravaged by conference
realignment, with all but two current
members poised to join another Power
(Not really but we can dream) Five league in 2024. While remaining
members Oregon State and Washing-
ton State could forge ahead and at-
tempt to remake a new conference un-
der the Pac-12 brand, the two programs
Mike Freeman
are more likely destined to join an ex-
isting Group of Five league such as the
Mountain West.
“We’re focused with the task at
Travis Kelce made his official re- hand, what is right in front of us,” said
turn on Sunday and all we can say is he Oregon State coach Jonathan Smith,
fit back into Kansas City’s offense like a adding that he was in agreement with
perfect rhyme. Washington State coach Jake Dickert
August slipped away, and as good as “in regard that Oregon State and
quarterback Patrick Mahomes is, as the sea- Washington State belonging and com-
son opening loss to the Lions showed, he peting at the highest level.”
needs Kelce, because without him, the
castle crumbled overnight. Kansas City See PAC-12, Page 2B
brought a knife to a gunfight. The Lions
took the crown but it’s alright. Then
came the Jaguars.
Mahomes is the best quarterback in
football. Maybe the best player in the sport.
But Mahomes needs his great receiving
counterpart. This isn’t to say Mahomes will
be asking, “Lord, what will become of me, Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce caught four
once I’ve lost my novelty?” passes for 26 yards and 1 TD in his first game
It is to say that when you look throughout of the 2023 season Sunday.
NFL history, some of the best offenses have a NATHAN RAY SEEBECK/USA TODAY SPORTS
formidable one-two punch. They never had
bad blood, they always had mad love. Not al- Hill, Mahomes made it clear it wasn’t some sit-
ways. But a lot of the time. There was John- uation that needs to be handled. Hill was gone
ny Unitas and Raymond Berry, Joe Montana but Mahomes still had Kelce.
and Jerry Rice, Jim Kelly What makes Kelce so good? One word: ex-
and Andre Reed, among plosive. His speed and fluidity allow him to run
others. Mahomes had like a receiver and also make it impossible for a
that somewhat when linebacker to cover him. Faster corners try, but
Tyreek Hill was with the at 6-foot-5 Kelce is often too tall for them. Com-
team but he definitely bo and zone coverages often don’t work either
has it with Kelce.
When Miami signed See FREEMAN, Page 2B Southern Cal quarterback Caleb
Williams is the reigning Heisman
GETTY IMAGES Trophy winner.


Notre Dame finally has a big-time QB for a big-time game

Tom Noie up for No. 9 Notre Dame (4-0) is a big
Columnist game, its biggest to date. At home. At
South Bend Tribune | USA TODAY Network night (7:30 EDT, NBC and Peacock).
Against No. 4 Ohio State (3-0).
SOUTH BEND, Ind. – This week is Big games are the norm for this pro-
why. gram, but big games with someone like
Why he decided at age 24 that a sixth Hartman at quarterback? Haven’t seen
year of college football was doable. Why that yet. We will for the next month.
he pursued said season in a part of the Buckle up.
country where he’d never lived and In two of its four losses in 2022 – at
knew no one. And why on a Monday af- Ohio State to open the regular season,
ternoon, instead of a quick lunch and a then at Southern Cal to close it – Notre
lift within the halls and walls of the Dame didn’t have much of a chance be-
Guglielmino Center where he seemingly cause it didn’t have much of a quarter-
eats, works and sleeps every single hour back. It was Tyler Buchner in Columbus
of every single day, Notre Dame football over Labor Day weekend and Drew Pyne
quarterback Sam Hartman stood some- in Los Angeles over Thanksgiving week-
where he’s never stood this season. end. Both are fine fellas, but only to a
That would be in the interview room certain point. They might be good, but
of Notre Dame Stadium, a place that, the position demands great.
should everything go to Irish plans, he’ll Buchner rebounded from early-
have to hit again late Saturday night. Transfer quarterback Sam Hartman has thrown 13 TD passes in his first four
That’s why he’s here. And there. Next See NOIE, Page 2B games for Notre Dame. MATT CASHORE/USA TODAY SPORTS

Pac-12 the top three offenses in the FBS (Wash-

ington, USC and UCLA) and another
three ranked in the top 15 (Oregon, Ari-
Continued from Page 1B zona and Oregon State). Overall, Pac-12
teams have averaged 38.7 points per
Yet in this last hurrah, the Pac-12 has game in nonconference play, with that
turned back the clock and rediscovered average pulled down by Arizona State’s
the personality and offensive ingenuity Power Five-worst average of 13 points
that once made the conference impos- per game.
sible to ignore. h And those offenses are led by the
“We’ll see how it ends up at the end of best collection of quarterbacks in the
the season,” said UCLA coach Chip Kel- country. Three quarterbacks are at the
ly. “But right now there are some teams front of the race for the Heisman Tro-
that are playing some really good foot- phy, led by last year’s winner, USC junior
ball.” Caleb Williams. He’s hit the ground run-
The best and brightest example is ning in what is expected to his final sea-
No. 19 Colorado, which has captivated son, completing 78.6% of his throws
the nation under coach Deion Sanders. with 12 touchdowns on an FBS-best 12.5
While without precedent in modern col- yards per attempt.
lege football history, the Buffaloes’ surge Washington senior Michael Penix Jr.
from last year’s one-win finish to the has thrown for at least 400 yards and
sport’s most popular team – 9.3 million three touchdowns in all three starts, in-
viewers tuned into Saturday’s late- cluding 473 yards and four scores in last
night win against Colorado State, mak- weekend’s rout of Michigan State. The
ing it the fifth-most-watched regular- biggest surprise of all has been Colora-
season game in ESPN’s history regard- do’s Shedeur Sanders, who has 1,251
less of time slot – serves as a stand-in yards and 10 touchdowns to go with last
for the Pac-12’s bittersweet resurgence Saturday’s early Heisman moment in a
onto the national stage. 98-yard march to tie Colorado State
In multiple ways, the Pac-12 has be- with under a minute left in regulation.
come the league you can’t ignore. h There are premier matchups be-
h The Pac-12 has eight ranked ginning this weekend. The SEC has
teams, representing two-third of the long cornered the market on can’t-miss
league’s total makeup: No. 5 Southern Defending Pac-12 champion Utah is 3-0 thanks to players such as quarterback conference games. But the Pac-12’s deep
Cal, No. 8 Washington, No. 10 Utah, Bryson Barnes. RICK BOWMER/AP slate of ranked matchups will carry
No. 11 Oregon, No. 15 Oregon State, Colo- heavy influence on the final playoff
rado, No. 24 Washington State and rankings and possibly provide the
No. 25 UCLA. and more. The 7-3 mark against fellow “I think there’s a lot of great teams in league with the benefit of the doubt with
This is the most of any Power Five Power Five competition stands in con- this conference and I think that’s really the playoff selection committee when
league by a wide margin. The SEC and trast to the league’s 8-19 mark in these evident with how they’ve performed comparing Power Five champions or
ACC both have five ranked teams, the games across the previous three years, outside of the conference,” Oregon runners-up with similar records.
Big Ten has four ranked teams and the including the postseason. coach Dan Lanning said. Saturday’s schedule alone features
Big 12 has two. The eight ranked teams is No other league is better than .500 in h The league is home to the best of- three ranked games: Colorado at Oregon
a new Pac-12 record in the Associated games against the Power Five. The ACC fenses in the FBS. The Pac-12 has seven (3:30 p.m. EDT, ABC), UCLA at Utah
Press media poll, breaking the previous has gone 8-8 and the Big 12 has gone 6-6, teams in the top 20 nationally in scor- (3:30 p.m. EDT, Fox) and Oregon State at
record of six. while the SEC is 5-7 and the Big Ten is ing: USC (59.3 points per game), Oregon Washington State (7 p.m. EDT, Fox).
And Kelly thinks the league is still 5-8. (58), Washington State (48.3), Wash- “There are some great teams,” Lan-
one short: “Arizona should be ranked,” The Pac-12 is also a combined 12-1 ington (46), Colorado (41.3), Oregon ning said. “I think we’ll continue to see
he said. against the American and Mountain State (41) and UCLA (40.3). that each week. I think we have a really
h The Pac-12 is winning reputation- West, the two top leagues in the Group By the even more illustrative metric tough schedule and certainly a tough
making games against the Power Five of Five. of yards gained per play, the Pac-12 has opponent coming up here this week.”

Noie It doesn’t matter that he’s never

played in a game featuring two Top 10
this team. Saturday is the starting point
for Hartman. For Notre Dame. On your
teams. It doesn’t matter that he’s never marks ...
Continued from Page 1B been under the lights at Notre Dame You get Hartman in front of the mi-
Stadium or worn the green uniforms crophones and the notepads and an-
season shoulder surgery to beat South (jerseys, pants, shoes) that he’ll wear swer a few questions, because if Satur-
Carolina in the bowl game and Pyne was Saturday. It doesn’t matter that he day goes Notre Dame’s way, this season
at the controls in the win over Clemson, stresses he won’t stress over the magni- becomes a whole different rocket ride.
but you can’t bat .500 in big games at tude of the moment. For the Irish. For Hartman. Heisman
Notre Dame. Better win ’em all. Other- Hartman’s the Notre Dame quarter- hype? Way too early for that nonsense
wise … back, which means Notre Dame could just yet. But a win Saturday adjusts that
Notre Dame didn’t beat Ohio State win Saturday. How about should? Make narrative. Why? It’s Notre Dame.
with Buchner. It didn’t beat USC with a big game that too often has been the In press gatherings, Hartman plays it
Pyne. Somewhere along that bumpy exception the expectation. Time to run straight down the middle. Think a
road, head coach Marcus Freeman and more than last season’s Clemson win on screen pass instead of a home-run
his staff realized (correctly) that if this an endless television loop around the heave. No bulletin board material for the
football program is to be taken seriously, Sam Hartman has a 71.1 completion Irish Athletic Center. Freeman has said other team. No proclamations about
is to maximize its potential, is to experi- percentage with 64 passes going for that for Notre Dame to reach its poten- guaranteeing wins. It’s about his offen-
ence a smoother ride, it needed to get 1,061 yards this season, and he’s tial, its stars have to be stars, and no- sive line. His skill guys. It’s about the
serious at the game’s most critical posi- earned a 217.8 ESPN QB rating. body more than No. 10. coaches and the schemes and confi-
tion. MATT CASHORE/USA TODAY SPORTS This is why he’s here. dence and trust in everything and ev-
Here is Hartman after five seasons at When Hartman sat for five media eryone. It’s certainly not about himself.
Wake Forest. He’s been a nice story, be it minutes in the run-up to the Central He’s dry. He’s monotone. He answers
the human interest feature about him didn’t mention the obvious one. The Michigan game, you figured that would questions without revealing … well,
having a rib removed that eventually quarterback. be the last anyone would hear from him anything. He plans to keep his blinders
was made into a necklace or his jet- “This moment,” Freeman said about for a few weeks. Maybe pre-USC. Or on this week, to stay focused on what
black beard-hair combo or his gaudy Hartman, “won’t be too big for him.” post-bye week. But the Notre Dame Freeman preaches in winning the day.
stats through four games. Notre Dame has a chance Saturday to public relations team, knowing what Not worrying about Saturday until Sat-
That’s all fine and a lot of fun but it’s take its season in an entirely different Saturday means in a big (national) pic- urday, but he knows.
time to deliver in a game against some- direction because it has Hartman. He ture, had Hartman follow Freeman after “It’s a big game,” he said. “To shy
one other than a service academy matters that much. He just does. No the head coach’s usual Monday media away from that is foolish.”
(Navy) or an overmatched “State” longer do the Irish only hope to compete window. Smart move. Right move. No fooling. What would a win Satur-
school (Tennessee State, North Carolina with the game’s elite – first up, Ohio That’s what this one means. day mean? Let’s put it in the context of
State) or a directional one (Central State, then USC in a few weeks. Notre “It’s a huge opportunity for us,” Hart- Hartman’s favorite pastime – fishing.
Michigan). Dame sees unproven Kyle McCord at man said. “The road to the finish line Beating Ohio State would be like Notre
Freeman was asked Monday about Ohio State and reigning Heisman Tro- leads through this game.” Dame laboring to land an Atlantic blue
what’s different in his second go-round phy winner Caleb Williams at USC and The finish line, the Heisman, the marlin off the coast of South Carolina,
against Ohio State. He rattled off a few raises each the veteran Hartman. Maxwell, the O’Brien, the College Foot- where his family now calls home.
items, be it the experience of his team If not now for Hartman and Notre ball Playoff and everything else you This one would be quite a catch.
and the identity of his program. He Dame, then when? could imagine this season could be for That’s why he’s here.

Freeman What also makes Kelce a problem for

defenses is how Reid schemes him
open. Reid doesn’t take Kelce’s abilities
Continued from Page 1B for granted. Spiderboy, king of thieves,
weave your little webs of opacity, be-
because he’s a skilled route runner. He cause part of the game plan with Kelce is
finds creases in defenses as well as any to be as confusing to defenses as pos-
receiver in the league and his rapport sible.
with Mahomes makes things even I’m sure Mahomes, when Kelce was
tougher. Kelce is no Mr. Perfectly Fine. gone, and the quarterback was looking
Defenses, in fact, have a common re- back at the Week 1 loss to the Lions,
frain: Sorry, I can’t see facts through all thought to himself: It takes everything
of my fury. in me just to get up each day but it’s
You saw Kelce’s impact against Jack- wonderful to see that you’re OK.
sonville. It wasn’t a huge Kelce day but Kelce is okay. Kansas City is okay. All
he did score a touchdown and the focus is right with the world. The team will be
on him from the defense opened things back on its vigilante stuff again, for all
up for other receivers. those who wrote them off after the first
Kelce isn’t just one of the most un- week.
stoppable forces in the NFL. He’s one of And Kansas City fans are dancing in
the most unstoppable in all of sports. Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce warms up before his first game of the season their Levis, drunk under a streetlight.
Defensive coordinators tell their against the Jaguars. NATHAN RAY SEEBECK/USA TODAY SPORTS Waiting for another Super Bowl ring.
players: You won’t stop him, you can And if they get burned, well, at least
only hope to contain him. Defensive they were electrified.
players know it’s true, telling coaches coach Andy Reid, two masterminds, You also need to understand, Ma- (Hannah Yasharoff and David Oliver
they call up plays again just for Kelce to around them the planets and the fates homes might say, why he lost his mind contributed to this story by ranking all
break them like a promise, so casually and all the stars always align. Amazing when Kelce was gone, and fought the of Taylor Swift’s lyrics. They are both
cruel in the name of being honest. how they ended up in the same room, at wars, and why he spent Kelce’s absence untouchable, burning brighter than the
It’s also fun to watch Mahomes and the same time. trying to put it in words. sun.)

Italian vacation lesson: Dynasty fall never fun

Only because of Saban’s track record
for finding solutions do we have to allow
Dan Wolken for the possibility that all of these out-
Columnist comes are possible. If it were anyone
USA TODAY else, we’d laugh at No. 3 as a Pollyannish
dismissal of all the data that shows how
ordinary this team has been.
Maybe we should have suspected What we should all agree on, though,
this was going to be a different year for is that Alabama-in-decline is a story
Alabama when Nick Saban went on a that is closer to slapping us in the face
real vacation this summer – overseas than at any other point in Saban’s ten-
and everything – and admitted that it ure. And that’s a big deal on its own
was actually a nice experience. when you consider there’s no precedent
“It was for our 50th wedding anniver- in college football for a team being good
sary, which was really in the past,” Sa- enough to contend for national champi-
ban said of his trip to Italy. “But I kept onships every year from 2008 to 2021.
getting out of going because I really Until Saban came along, college foot-
didn’t want to go and take 10 days to not ball maintained a sort of equilibrium cy-
be around. But it was a great trip and I cle where the blue bloods would take
would recommend anybody go.” turns dominating over a stretch of five
As much as Saban’s off-the-charts to seven years before falling off. Saban
work ethic has been part of the story managed to extend that window, even
during his entire coaching career, it’s re- Alabama QB Jalen Milroe and coach Nick Saban take on 3-0 Ole Miss this double it, because of his ability to moti-
markable that his singular-focused weekend. The Crimson Tide are ranked No. 12. GARY COSBY JR./USA TODAY SPORTS vate and organize, amass elite talent in
compulsion to be on top of every little huge numbers and then adapt his phi-
thing in his organization wouldn’t even losophy to how the sport was evolving.
allow him to consider why millions of weekend, would anybody really be sur- yards against a lower-rung team in the It’s hard to say there’s something big
people might enjoy visiting Italy until he prised? American Athletic Conference – was that has changed at Alabama recently,
turned 71 and had already won seven The entire concept of Alabama’s dy- fairly stunning. because the entire Saban era has been
national titles. nasty ending – an idea that first sprung Now here comes 3-0 Ole Miss with a about change. Assistants come and go.
And now, after allowing himself a few up in late 2014/early 2015 – was never terrific quarterback in Jaxson Dart, a Five-star recruits arrive, develop, go to
days to see the Vatican and the Colosse- just about going a couple of years with- swaggering Lane Kiffin and a lot of ways the NFL and get replaced by a new crop.
um, it’s all suddenly falling apart? out winning a national championship. It to push the ball down the field. When The offensive philosophy shifts based
We joke about this, but you just know was based more on the aura of this pro- you come into a game like this and it on personnel. But in the end, it always
if Alabama loses to Ole Miss this week- gram being so overwhelmingly skilled, feels like there’s real mystery about how works.
end, there’s going to be some guy in well-coached and physically dominant it’s going to go, even in Tuscaloosa, So why isn’t it working now? The an-
Leeds or Bay Minette furiously punch- that beating them seemed like some- maybe we’re already in the post-dynas- swer probably lies in a whole bunch of
ing in the “Paul Finebaum Show” hot thing almost superhuman. ty phase. small things eroding the historical edge
line Monday afternoon, ready to put Mi- You can’t watch Alabama lose deci- As it stands, there are three legiti- Saban enjoyed. If Georgia gets two or
chelangelo and da Vinci on blast for dis- sively to Texas, then struggle to put mate possibilities for how this game is three more five-stars who might have
tracting Coach Saban from his mission. away South Florida in back-to-back going to play out. otherwise gone to Alabama, it chips
Sound ridiculous? Maybe. But given weeks, and not wonder whether that’s The first is that Ole Miss wins, which away. If NIL and the transfer rules are
how distant any real Alabama football already taken place. will knock Alabama out of the College spreading out talent even a couple of
adversity now feels and how entitled its Because the truth is, Alabama hasn’t Football Playoff conversation before the degrees more, it chips away. If you make
fan base has become, the eventual de- been physically dominant over other season even really gets going and add a questionable personnel decision on a
cline of the Saban era is guaranteed to good teams for the last couple of years, rocket fuel to the conversation about quarterback or an assistant coach, it
be theater of the absurd. They’re just especially on either line of scrimmage. It whether Saban is past his prime. chips away.
not going to handle it well. hasn’t been exceptionally well-coached, The second is that Alabama squeaks Then one day you look up and Ala-
Because of how many times Saban either, if you look at some key indicators out another win while once again show- bama isn’t that scary anymore but rath-
has pivoted, reinvented and rescued like penalties, where the Tide ranked ing some limitations, keeping its goals er just another good team that has is-
seasons that seemed a little bit wobbly, 123rd in the country last season and for the season alive but creating more sues like everyone else, and a 71-year-
rushing to declare the end of Alabama’s 114th in 2021. doubts about its viability as a champi- old coach who is suddenly taking sum-
dominance is fraught with risk. Yet The edge Alabama managed to re- onship contender. mer vacations after a lifetime of grind-
there’s enough evidence being laid out tain, at least until this year, was a ridicu- And the third is that Alabama’s roster ing over film.
by this team to suggest that it’s already lous stable of skill players. But without of former four- and five-star recruits fi- If Saban loses this weekend, the re-
happened. an elite quarterback like Bryce Young nally starts playing like blue-chippers, criminations are coming, and it won’t be
The reality is how Alabama performs erasing mistakes and bad plays with his quarterback Jalen Milroe gets more a pleasant scene in the state of Ala-
Saturday will tell us everything we need ability to improvise, the Crimson Tide comfortable in the passing game now bama. But as he surely learned this
to know. have looked ordinary. Though it never that he’s got a lock on the starting job summer walking the streets of Florence,
A second loss for Alabama by the end seemed like Alabama was in real danger and we get social media memes of a where the House of Medici once
of September would be unprecedented of losing to South Florida, its sluggish- smirking Saban by the thousands on reigned, the fall of a dynasty is rarely
in the Saban era, but if it happens this ness moving the ball – just 310 offensive Saturday night. pleasant.

Cowboys’ Micah Parsons wrecking QBs

Although the Jets were without
Rodgers (a results-documented Cow-
boys killer), the defense did a number in
Jarrett Bell shutting down a running game powered
Columnist by the 1-2 punch of Cook and Breece
USA TODAY Hall. Last Monday, on the night the Jets
lost Rodgers to a ruptured Achilles ten-
don, Hall rushed for 127 rushing yards
ARLINGTON, Texas – After leaving and Cook chipped in with 30. On Sun-
his fingerprints on another romp with day, they combined for 16 yards on eight
another monster performance, Micah carries.
Parsons was left to explain himself. This Parsons saw that as progress, show-
might seem simple enough: Wreak hav- ing a dimension that complements the
oc. Blow up game plans. Kill the quarter- pass-rush prowess.
back. “This offseason, we committed to say
Yet as he begins his third pro season we’re going to make these guys catch the
with the Dallas Cowboys, Parsons real- ball,” Parsons said, mindful that Wilson
izes that it’s deeper than that. Jets quarterback Zach Wilson gets off a pass under pressure from Cowboys passed for just 170 yards with a 38.1
“I’m just hungry,” Parsons said fol- linebacker Micah Parsons in a preseason game. SAM HODDE/AP passer rating. “We’re going to force
lowing the 30-10 beatdown of the New them to let us rush. When we come
York Jets at AT&T Stadium, which not down and set the tone and say, ‘We’re
only improved Dallas’ record to 2-0 but Last year, the top defensive honor defensive formations. This ignites a big- not going to let you run on us,’ and then
added a layer of reputation to a defense went to Nick Bosa, the San Francisco play defense that has had led the NFL in go get our sacks, that changes every-
led by its star edge rusher. “It doesn’t 49ers defensive end who led the NFL takeaways dating to the 2021 campaign thing.
matter where I’m at, I’m coming. I don’t with 18 1⁄2 sacks. In previous years, the and currently leads the league with sev- “To all of the teams with those game
care if I’m gassed out, my lungs hurt. It’s award has gone to T.J. Watt of the Pitts- en takeaways while posting 10 sacks, plans, come on. Run at me, run at who-
mind over matter. Every time I’m out burgh Steelers and his now-retired tied with Washington for the league ever. We coming.”
there, I seize every opportunity. I take brother, JJ. And Aaron Donald, the Los lead. The unit ranks first in the NFL for No, Parsons didn’t suddenly enter the
this extremely to heart.” Angeles Rams amazing D-tackle, col- fewest yards allowed and first for fewest transfer portal to join Coach Prime at
It shows. On Sunday, Parsons pun- lected the hardware so often that he points allowed (ahead of the Cleveland Colorado. But like Deion Sanders once
ished poor fill-in quarterback Zach Wil- pretty much owned the trophy for a few Browns in both categories). did while starring in the secondary, Par-
son with two sacks and four other quar- years. “We’re off to an outstanding start,” sons has brought some special sizzle to
terback hits. Three of his four tackles Now Parsons, tied for third in the NFL McCarthy said. “The pressure and the the Dallas defense.
were for lost yardage. He batted away a with three sacks, seemed poised to join takeaways are at an incredible level af- He figures he still has to make strides
pass. And he stripped Dalvin Cook of such company in part because he keeps ter two games. This group has taken it to tighten up his total game. Parsons
the football while stopping a sweep, getting better. Since the Cowboys draft- up a notch clearly from last year.” nearly returned the fumble by Cook for a
then recovered the fumble. ed him 12th overall from Penn State in The Cowboys are tweaking their of- 37-yard touchdown after collecting the
“He was just a wrecking crew today,” 2021, then discovered the pass rushing fense with quarterback Dak Prescott football, rising to his feet and racing to
marveled Cowboys coach Mike McCar- gift that his college coaches ignored, aiming for more efficiency and McCar- the end zone. It would have provided a
thy. Parsons has demonstrated what all that thy assuming the play-calling duties signature highlight of a stuff, strip,
Added cornerback Stephon Gilmore: hunger can produce. On Sunday, in his once held by since-departed coordina- scoop and score.
“He’s special. Like I’ve told you all be- 35th game, he matched Shawne Merri- tor Kellen Moore. But upon further review, the call was
fore, I’ve never seen nothing like it.” man and Aldon Smith for most multi- Yet for all of the potential firepower of reversed and Parsons was ruled down
Through the first two weeks of the ple-sack games (10) over that span to the “Texas Coast” offense, the Cowboys by contact after he recovered the ball.
season, Parsons has arguably estab- start an NFL career. are increasingly carried by the defense. Parsons got in a rep nonetheless for
lished himself as the front-runner for It’s part of a larger picture. With de- And there’s no dispute that Parsons streaking to pay dirt.
Defensive Player of the Year honors. fensive coordinator Dan Quinn pushing is the best player on that unit, if not the But even with this, he’s seeking per-
Sure, it’s way early in this grind. But the buttons, Parsons has connected entire team. fection.
with the Cowboys yielding just 10 points with the right coach at the right time. “I went against these guys for all of “I definitely think I’ve still got my
through two games – OK, the Jets of- Quinn, who once coordinated the Seat- spring and into training camp, and it running back skills,” he said. “It’s a little
fense sans Aaron Rodgers wasn’t exact- tle Seahawks’ championship (and was not easy,” Prescott said. “So, it’s just rusty. I want to be more fluent in my cuts
ly the best test – and Parsons being the championship-contending) Legion of awesome to see the fruits of the labor backs and my jukes, but we’ll take it how
alpha dog in that mix it is apparent the Boom defense, has creatively used Par- coming in and against another team for we get it.”
bar is raised. sons from various angles all across the those guys.” And take it as far as they can go.


series tries
to light
the ‘Wick’
Brian Truitt
“The Continental: From the World
Peso Pluma canceled his Tijuana, of John Wick,” Peacock’s prequel to
Mexico concert in the wake of being the movie series, is a hit-and-miss ef-
threatened by a cartel. The Mexican fort that digs into the wider universe
singer, who is currently on his Doble P of Keanu Reeves’ iconic hitman,
Tour, was scheduled to perform at though it proudly leans into the films’
Estadio Caliente on Oct. 14. On Sept. penchant for brutal, bone-crunching
12, a banner threatening the action and a whole lot of guns.
24-year-old was posted on a bridge The three-part miniseries (eeEE;
in the border town of Tijuana. “It will streaming weekly on Fridays) is a
be your last show due to your disre- 1970s-set origin story for Wick’s chief
spect and loose tongue,” the banner ally Winston Scott, the suave man-
read, in part, and was signed by the ager of a luxury hotel for assassins
Jalisco New Generation Cartel, re- played by Ian McShane in the films.
ported The Arizona Republic, part of The Continental also is home to some
the USA TODAY Network. On of the most intriguing “Wick” mythol-
Wednesday, Pluma’s record label ogy, although the show disappoint-
Prajin Music Group announced the ingly opts not to concern itself with
concert has been canceled, writing much of that.
“For the security of everyone in- Instead, the throwback outing
volved, we will be canceling our show takes its sweet time figuring out what
in Tijuana. Many thanks to all of our it should be, and is overstuffed with
fans for understanding. We love you.” supporting characters, subplots and a
mix of genres, from heist flick to po-
lice drama, before finding its groove
courtesy of an extremely violent,
movie-length finale.

David Byrne’s giant suit in Jonathan Demme’s “Stop Making Sense”



‘Stop Making
Sense’ played
Tom Felton is 36. Bonnie Hunt is 62.
Teyonah Parris is 36. Colin Woodell stars as Winston Scott

to the Heads’
In “The Continental: From the World


strong suit
Is it worth sticking around until
then? Depends on how much of a
Aries (March 21-April 19). A truth may
“Wick”-phile you are.
propel you into your next move.
In the Reeves movies, Winston –
Standing at the precipice? Daily reality
alongside best friend/concierge Char-
is ready to shift.
Patrick Ryan USA TODAY on (played by the late Lance Reddick)
Taurus (April 20-May 20). Trust what – runs the posh New York hub of a
you know. Your heart is speaking loud- NEW YORK – It’s a costume so colossal, it gets its own billing. string of hotels connected to a shad-
er than ever. The first quarter moon owy guild for international killers
moves you in that direction.
h “Mr. Byrne’s Big Suit” is named in the end credits of “Stop Mak- known as the High Table. When “The
Gemini (May 21-June 21). You can
ing Sense,” the Talking Heads’ rapturous 1984 concert film. Gail Continental” begins 40 years earlier,
however, Winston (Colin Woodell) is
finally push past a relationship issue Blacker’s supersized creation is gloriously on display during “Girl- less powerful and connected, working
that’s been lingering.
friend is Better,” a rollicking showstopper in which David Byrne as a London businessman, when he’s
Cancer (June 22-July 22). Feeling the nabbed by goons and brought back by
pressure? Procrastinating may catch
shakes and shimmies in boxy gray duds. h “At that point in the force to America.
up with you under the first quarter show, it’s pretty hot under there, so I got the jacket off as soon as I Vicious crime boss Cormac O’Con-
moon. Get your head together. nor (Mel Gibson) is the Continental
could,” Byrne recalls with a laugh. “I didn’t want that whole jacket owner, and a criminal mentor to Win-
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22). Something that
brings you joy has waited long enough
to get soaked – that would not be a good look.” ston and his older brother Frankie
(Ben Robson) when they were kids.
to get your attention. Value it higher
Frankie, a Vietnam vet, steals a valu-
on your priority list.
The now-iconic outfit – which MTV Video Music Awards. able coin press – which cranks out the
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). A home Byrne likens to “those playing cards But even still, “I have no idea why gold pieces used as currency by the
situation can reach a critical point. in ‘Alice in Wonderland’” – has been that (suit) became a thing,” Byrne High Table – and Cormac is under
Need to take action? The first quarter mimicked by everyone from Miley says. pressure from his bosses to get it
moon kicks you into gear. Cyrus to Kermit the Frog, with Fall back. So he orders Winston to find
Out Boy rocking similar garb at the See SENSE, Page 5B Frankie and bring back the item, or
Libra (Sept.23-Oct. 23). Ready to let
go of an old story? The first quarter
At the same time, Winston begins
moon urges you to move past an out-
to put together a crew of folks for a
dated mindset.
hostile takeover of the Continental.
Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your desire Among them: Yen (Nhung Kate),
to acquire is a driving force today. Frankie’s deadly love interest and a
Ready to make this dream a reality? former Khmer Rouge soldier, and mar-
Get your finances aligned. tial arts siblings Lou (Jessica Allain)
and Miles (Hubert Point-Du Jour).
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). A spark
Unlike other movie spinoffs such as
to achieve is lit. Own your free will
Disney+’s “Star Wars” series or Net-
during the first quarter moon. You’re
flix’s “Karate Kid” sequel “Cobra Kai,”
ready to go places.
much of “Continental” ventures too
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Today can far afield of the franchise. Granted,
send you on a journey to enlighten- said franchise consists mostly of
ment. Searching for the meaning of it Reeves murdering people in balletic
all? Spiritual progress awaits. action sequences, but it still deserves
more than a generic crime show. Most
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Unfinished
of it might as well be “Law and Order:
business with a friend? The first quar-
’70s Hitmen” if you take out the
ter moon wants to transition what’s
movie-related scenes, as when Win-
been in limbo. Aim for resolution.
ston goes to corners of New York City
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20). Advancing populated by “Wick” regulars or
your career may require partnering up. Talking Heads members Jerry Harrison, left, Tina Weymouth, Chris Frantz sparks a relationship with Charon
Activate alliances under the first quar- and Byrne unite at a screening of the 1984 concert film in New York this


Estefans, Yatra show legacy of Latin music

Melissa Ruggieri original person who sang the song and I
USA TODAY got to sing it in front of billions of peo-
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Gloria Estefan Though Yatra, 28, has been touring
remembers during her breakthrough for almost a decade, he acknowledges
years with Miami Sound Machine in the learning much from Enrique Iglesias
mid-’80s, she was among only a handful and Ricky Martin when he joined them
of female pop singers. for a tour in 2021.
“There was Madonna … Cyndi Laup- “They represented so much for me
er … you could count them,” Estefan growing up and when you go on tour and
says. see their routine and how nice they are
The market for Latina singers was to everybody, that means something,”
even smaller – save for Celia Cruz, a Yatra says. “There is a lot of luck in-
worldwide sensation who managed to volved, but it’s also about being pre-
make an indelible mark yet fell short of pared and doing things right and treat-
breakthrough stardom. Then Estefan ing people kindly.”
and producer whiz husband Emilio Yatra, who won two Latin Grammys
transformed the mainstreaming of Lat- in 2022, is nominated this year for best
in music with early pop smashes “Dr. pop song (“Contigo”), but he demurs
Beat,” “Conga,” “Rhythm Is Gonna Get about his chances of winning.
You” and “Bad Boy.” Sebastián Yatra, left, performs with guitarist Toby Tobon at the 2023 RIAA “Shakira is in (that category) with
Now, fierce females such as Karol G Honors on Tuesday in Washington, D.C. PHOTOS BY PAUL MORIGI/GETTY IMAGES ‘Bzrp Music Sessions,’ so let’s see what
and Rosalía are following the path goes on there,” he says with a laugh. “But
etched by Estefan’s musical heirs Jenni- it makes me mega-proud. … Your heart
fer Lopez and Shakira and storming the “You have to have a certain number of starts to beat fast when they’re about to
crossover charts. And Estefan couldn’t years that you’ve been around to even announce the winner and if you win,
be more delighted by their success. be nominated and also be a songwriter,” amazing. But if not, you applaud and are
“Their music is very different (than she says. “It wasn’t a fertile ground for happy for whoever won this year, be-
mine) and they’re doing their own thing. Hispanic women all those decades.” cause, you know, it’s a long life.”
But I am very proud that they can do Gloria and Emilio were feted by the
that thing,” says Estefan, who has sold RIAA with awards for Icon and Industry The future of Latin music
more than 100 million albums world- Trailblazer, respectively. Burgeoning
wide. “When I came up, it was wonder- superstar Sebastián Yatra was being During the ceremony, RIAA Chair-
ful that I had Emilio because women in honored as Artist of the Year, as well as man and CEO Mitch Glazier pronounced
the industry, at some point, someone Sony Music Latin’s Maria Fernandez as Yatra “the future of Latin music.”
was going to do something not nice. Executive of the Year and Reps. María It was clear that Yatra, sitting with
Now there is real female power coming Elvira Salazar, R-Fla., and Veronica Es- Gloria Estefan accepts her Icon award the Estefans, was eager to hop on stage
in through music. They still have to fight cobar, D-Texas, as Policymaker of the at the 2023 RIAA Honors on Tuesday in and perform a trio of bilingual hits with
for it – it’s still not equal – but I can see Year recipients. Washington, D.C. the backing of a guitarist and pianist.
so much more happening.” He sat on a stool and closed his eyes to
Yatra vows to ‘treat people kindly’ unleash the ballad, “Un Año” and his
RIAA honors the Estefans, Yatra Jimmy Butler. “Encanto” hit, “Dos Oruguitas” before
Down the hall from the Estefans, the Intensifying his tennis prowess is an bouncing up and down a few times to
Estefan, 66, is sitting in a conference soft-spoken Yatra is cheerfully recount- apt analogy for Yatra’s career, which hit stir excitement for “Tacones Rojos.”
room on Tuesday at the Recording In- ing his recent exhibition match at the a crescendo in the past year with the 78- At the close of the event, Emilio Este-
dustry Association of America head- U.S. Open with hotshot tennis star Car- date tour behind his “Dharma” album – fan, 70, assumed his favorite place be-
quarters in Washington, D.C., with Emi- los Alcaraz, a fan of the Colombian sing- he was surprised at the ceremony with a hind the congas for a medley of Gloria’s
lio, her partner in all things professional er’s “Vagabundo.” Fortunately for Yatra, plaque celebrating the album as 5x Lat- songs from their Tony-nominated mu-
and personal (they just celebrated 45 he had recently befriended Rafael Na- in Platinum – and a performance on the sical, “On Your Feet.”
years of marriage). dal, who invited him to his tennis acad- Oscars of “Dos Oruguitas,” from “En- Upon receiving his Icon award, Emi-
In June, Estefan became the first Lat- emy in Spain for some training. canto.” lio turned reflective as he recalled the
ina inducted into the Songwriters Hall “Three months ago I couldn’t even hit “That was the first time a full Spanish early days of their careers when record
of Fame, recognition she appreciates the ball. Now I’m starting to play a little song was sung by a Spanish person (on executives pressed the couple to change
because it showcases the longevity and better,” Yatra says, smiling as he talks the awards). It shows the evolution of their sound and the name of their group.
intense work that have anchored her ca- about winning the doubles match Latin music and it’s so much more on a “We never changed,” he said. “I want
reer. against Francis Tiafoe and NBA star global scale now,” he says. “I was the to leave my kids a legacy of pride.”

Sense Continental
Continued from Page 4B Continued from Page 4B

Jumbo jackets are just a small part of (Ayomide Adegun), Cormac’s young
the legacy of “Stop Making Sense” (in right-hand man.
IMAX theaters Friday, everywhere Sept. Adegun captures the same emo-
29), which has been crisply remastered tional complexity Reddick fabulously
and rereleased by A24. Directed by the brought to the role; Gibson’s perfor-
late Jonathan Demme (“The Silence of mance is dull at first before he veers
the Lambs”), the movie is widely con- fully operatic and evil as the biblically
sidered “the greatest concert film ever,” bonkers Cormac; but Woodell falls well
as director Spike Lee declared during a short of McShane’s dangerous charm.
recent Q&A with the new wave band at Unlike the movies, “The Continental”
the Toronto International Film Festival. fails to deliver on colorful killers, out-
Captured over three nights in Decem- side of silent sibling weirdos Hansel
ber 1983, the 90-minute film is pure joy (Mark Musashi) and Gretel (Marina
encapsulated. We dare you not to smile Mazepa). Katie McGrath’s masked Ad-
during “Burning Down the House,” as judicator, an enforcer for the High Ta-
Byrne buoyantly runs in place with tour- ble, is the series’ coolest-looking per-
ing guitarist Alex Weir. Or in “Take Me to sonality, yet she’s underused, and the
the River,” when background vocalist Tina Weymouth, left, Ednah Holt, Lynn Mabry, David Byrne and Alex Weir series misses an opportunity to reveal
Lynn Mabry cracks up midchorus at the perform in the film “Stop Making Sense.” PROVIDED BY JORDAN CRONENWETH/A24 enticing bits about Wick’s enigmatic
sight of Byrne in his enormous pants. foes from the films.
“It’s just so much fun,” says keyboar- In other ways, “Continental” em-
dist-guitarist Jerry Harrison, 74, seated feeling of surrendering to the groove,” it’s not implied, but it’s obvious it braces its “John Wick” jam, from
with Byrne at an East Village hotel. “We says Byrne, 71. “It’s a kind of possession; would be there. So I think it can be ex- themes of revenge to action-packed
exude that we’re having fun on stage, of letting go of your sense of self, and let- aggerated.” sequences. A few duds, like a lacklus-
and that comes out to the audience. In a ting yourself be taken by the music and Weymouth and Frantz have been ter car chase early on in the show, are
lot of concert films, it’s interesting to ze- the group and the community. And you open about past tensions with Byrne, offset by a dynamite phone-booth fist-
ro in on a guitar player’s hands, but it’s get something bigger than yourself in calling him “competitive,” “insecure” fight and a final episode directed by Al-
not exactly fun. Jonathan did a wonder- return.” and “Trumpian” in previous inter- bert Hughes (“Menace II Society,” “The
ful thing of capturing the personalities Much of the excitement around the views and op-eds. Today, they’re more Book of Eli”) that’s packed with gnarly
and the interactions between (us). Also, movie’s rerelease has been the unlikely diplomatic, as the foursome cordially brawls and bloody carnage.
the music is just great to dance to.” reunion of Talking Heads. Until this promotes the film at various events. As a bruising and bullet-ridden ret-
Unlike the majority of concert month, the band’s four original mem- “He’s never going to apologize, but ro tale, its aim is true. And if you love
movies, Demme’s film is not intercut bers hadn’t all been in a room together that’s just not in his vocabulary,” Wey- the hits of the ’70s, get ready for all
with interviews or behind-the-scenes since 2002, when they were inducted mouth says, in a separate sit-down your favorite needle drops. But as an
footage. Instead, he allows the perfor- into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The with Frantz. She repeats just how essential addition to the “Wick” canon,
mance to just play out in its entirety. art-funk group first came together in “beautiful” the experience of “Stop “The Continental” is more of a misfire.
“Thank God we didn’t do the inter- 1975, finding mainstream success with Making Sense” was, and how all the
views,” says bassist Tina Weymouth, now-timeless hits including “Once in a happiness captured on screen was
72. “That’s the flaw of most ‘rockumen- Lifetime,” “Psycho Killer” and “This genuine.
taries.’ We speak so much better Must Be the Place (Naive Melody).” “The press always does love a con-
through our instruments. With The But after eight albums, the band dis- flict, and we totally understand why
Band in ‘The Last Waltz,’ there was way solved in 1991. Byrne described it as an people might be curious about the in-
too much Robbie Robertson. And we did “ugly” split in People magazine and ex- ner workings (of the band),” Wey-
watch ‘Spinal Tap’ and say, ‘Oh, my God. pressed regret over his controlling, mouth says. “But for whatever little
I think I said things as stupid as that sometimes unpleasant behavior. family feuds, we had the perfect chem-
once.’ ” He has since learned to be a better istry, musically and artistically. So it
“We were like, ‘We can never take collaborator, a lesson that’s come with seems foolish, in this world where
ourselves seriously again,’ ” jokes drum- “time and experience working with oth- there’s so much suffering, to even
mer Chris Frantz, 72, who is Wey- er people,” Byrne says now. dwell on all these petty things.”
mouth’s husband. “I’ve got to say, it wasn’t so bad,” Har- And now, Frantz adds, “we all agree
Some of the movie’s most hypnotiz- rison chimes in. “It wasn’t so tyrannical. that this rerelease of ‘Stop Making
ing moments are of Byrne, swaying back That didn’t mean I didn’t get pissed off Sense’ is going to help the legacy of
and forth with a floor lamp or jogging once in a while, or like, ‘Why didn’t he Talking Heads, and we all agree that Winston Scott (Colin Woodell) runs
laps around the stage. At times, his con- listen to me about this?’ But everybody Talking Heads was a unique and really into trouble when he’s tasked with
torting dance moves seem to defy phys- in the band contributed; there was a real rocking band and that it’s worthwhile finding his brother in the “John Wick”
ics. interplay of ideas. And David’s the sing- for all of us to be here. And we’re get- prequel series “The Continental.”
“As the show progresses, there’s this er, so there’s a leadership there that … ting along fine – it ain’t no thang.” KATALIN VERMES/STARZ ENTERTAINMENT


Miller’s box set celebrates ‘The Joker’ at 50

Marco della Cava

Steve Miller was convinced his career

was about to end.
It was 1973, and the then 30-year-old,
who’d been gigging professionally since
his early teens, already had released a
half-dozen albums and had a smatter-
ing of successes with “Living In The
U.S.A.” and “Space Cowboy.” But the rec-
ord label wanted monster hits – or else.
“This was like a last chance kind of
moment for me. I was on my own, I
wasn’t trying to do anything like anyone
else and didn’t care about hit singles but
just wanted a good album,” Miller tells PROVIDED BY UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP
USA TODAY of his breakthrough album
“The Joker,” a 50-year-old gem that gets
a massive box-set treatment called “J50: trove of “J50” is in the eight unreleased
The Evolution of ‘The Joker.’” songs and 27 private tracks that give
“J50” includes three albums plus a 7- fans insights into how an artist comes
inch disc as well as a photo-filled book- up with ideas, workshops them, and ul-
let with essays by Miller and rock biog- timately commits them to posterity.
rapher Anthony DeCurtis. (The physical By way of example, Miller explains
box set is $179.98, available on Amazon (in one of a variety of narrated voice-
as well as the Steve Miller and Universal overs recorded for “J50”) that a song
Music Group online music stores. A called “Lidi” was tinkered with repeat-
digital version also is available on edly on Miller’s four-track tape recorder
iTunes.) to the point where it wound up contrib-
“I wish I could say I knew ‘The Joker’ uting the chords to the chorus of “The
would be a hit single,” Miller says with a Joker.”
laugh as he prepares for a gig in Seattle. Steve Miller poses for a studio portrait in 1972 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The Miller attributes the archival mother-
“But I had no idea.” next year he'd release a breakthrough album, “The Joker.” lode to the exhaustive work done by his
In October 1973, “The Joker,” replete PROVIDED BY GIJSBERT HANEKROOT/REDFERNS wife, Janice, who “went through 600
with a quizzical cover featuring Miller in hours of audio and video I’d saved and
a kabuki-style mask (the result of him got it down to 20 hours for me to look at.
being shy about photos), landed in ’Cause I speak of the pompatus of love.” it was best to have five hooks. Not one, I’m amazed at the things she found, like
stores just as Miller and his new band – “Pretty soon it seemed you couldn’t not two, not three, not four, but five, if the home movies of me. I was a kid.”
Gerald Johnson on bass, Dick Thomp- turn on the radio without hearing it,” you really wanted to deliver a hit. ... Miller is no longer a kid; he’s pushing
son on organ and John King on drums – says Miller, still sounding amazed at the Some people call me the Space Cowboy.’ 80 and still on the road, much like his
hit the road. turnaround in his fortunes. “They didn’t What the hell was that? Then it con- mentor and godfather Les Paul. He
Initially, Miller slipped “The Joker” call things viral then, but that’s what tinues and it gets your attention again: wouldn’t have it any other way, espe-
into his opening acoustic set, still un- happened.” the slide guitar, the chorus, the harmo- cially considering he felt the sun might
convinced of its power. But the rollick- ny, the wolf whistle. It all adds up.” be setting on his career a half-century
ing album version was soon in demand Why was ‘The Joker’ such a hit? It The album of course is far more than ago. And then “The Joker” landed.
from fans, who found themselves had five hooks, Miller says just “The Joker.” Other tunes on Miller’s “The box set is a sweet look back at a
hooked by its irrepressible opening lyr- lynch-pin recording include the raucous period of timed when I was really
ics: “Some people call me the space cow- What was it about “The Joker” that “Sugar Babe” opener, the syncopated stressed out,” he says. “I thought it was
boy, yeah/Some call me the gangster of clicked? In his liner notes, Miller ex- “Shu Ba Da Du Ma Ma Ma Ma” and a live over. But 50 years later, well, it all
love/Some people call me Maurice/ plains: “To make a hit record, I thought version of “Evil.” But the real treasure worked out.”


‘Sorry/Not Sorry’ traces Louis C.K.’s fall and return

Marco della Cava What can you expect to see
USA TODAY in ‘Sorry/Not Sorry’?

Louis C.K. is back. Well, sort of. In The new documentary about Louis
some ways, he barely left after a 2017 C.K. was directed by Caroline Suh and
scandal - and that concerns the film- Cara Mones and produced by The New
makers behind the new documentary York Times. It kicks off when the come-
“Sorry/Not Sorry.” dian’s career took a nosedive, and looks
You might remember the schlubby at the allegations leveled against him as
comedian for his laconic woe-is-me de- well as the repercussions for the women
livery, which amused stand-up audi- who came forward only to see C.K.’s ca-
ences and powered the successful qua- reer revived.
si-autobiographical FX series “Louie.” “There were questions to be asked
Or his name might ring a bell as a fea- and perspectives to be brought forth,”
tured player in the #MeToo movement, producer Kathleen Lingo told The Asso-
when The New York Times broke the ciated Press. “What happens when a
news that five women claimed the co- woman says the truth? What happens
median had exposed himself and mas- to her?”
turbated in front of them.
If you’re someone who wants to Why has Louis C.K. been able to
know more about how Louis C.K.’s light- make such a rapid comeback?
ning-quick return to the cultural fold
happened, and question whether it In interviews to promote “Sorry/Not
should have, along comes “Sorry/Not Sorry” at Toronto Film Festival, the di-
Sorry,”that just premiered at Toronto rectors and a producer said they were
Film Festival and has been acquired for surprised when “every single comedian”
distribution by Greenwich Entertain- Louis C.K., doing stand-up in a Washington, D.C., club got his start writing for they approached to talk about C.K. and
ment. stars such as David Letterman and Chris Rock before breaking out on his own. his fall and quick rise turned them
Louis C.K. could not be reached for PROVIDED BY CARA HOWE/NETFLIX down.
comment. What stands out for Lingo is how
Here’s a quick rewind on the C.K. sa- many women who spoke out about C.K.
ga and details on the documentary. years earlier. This followed a few years lation cut deeply emotionally and fiscal- around 2017 then declined to talk when
of reports about the comedian’s inap- ly, reportedly costing him upward of $35 filmmakers approached them several
Who is Louis C.K.? propriate behavior around women, million in lost revenue. “I Love You, years later. She called it “a sobering real-
which he had steadfastly denied. Daddy,” a movie he had made just as the ity” that shows “the bravery of the wom-
Louis Alfred Szekely, 56, grew up in For some on the comedy circuit, the scandal erupted, had its distribution en who are in the film,” Lingo told the
Massachusetts idolizing comedians revelations sounded familiar. Reports dropped. The film featured C.K. as well crowd at Toronto.
such as George Carlin and eventually had surfaced years before on the web- as an often bikini-clad Chloë Grace Mo- Looking back at the #MeToo move-
landed writing jobs in the mid-’90s with site Gawker about an unnamed come- retz playing his creepily adoring teenage ment now, “everyone’s always asking,
Dana Carvey, David Letterman, Chris dian, widely thought to be C.K., who had daughter. The comedian’s appearance ‘Are things better? Are things worse?’ ”
Rock and Conan O’Brien. masturbated in front of a female com- in an HBO comedy special was can- she said. “The fact that the women, who
Although he worked on a range of edy duo in Aspen, and blocked their exit celed, and his manager and publicist at that moment felt this sense of prom-
movies early in his career, his perfor- when they tried to leave. In 2016, Rose- dropped him. ise, to now not feel that anymore, I think
mance breakthrough came in the anne Barr told The Daily Beast that an- But it did not take long for C.K. to re- is quite dark.”
mid-2000s with a series of successful other comedian besides Bill Cosby surface. In 2018, he made largely unan- Some critics who have seen the docu-
HBO comedy specials, and later, his TV would be caught soon for being sexually nounced comedy club appearances, mentary come away feeling that the last
series “Louie.” C.K. has won numerous inappropriate. She named C.K., citing a some of which were surreptitiously laugh is had by C.K., who has emerged
Grammys and Primetime Emmys. “whisper network” among female co- filmed and distributed online, prompt- as much a cultural force as he was be-
Louis C.K.’s filmography includes medians. ing a “too soon” backlash. In 2020, C.K.’s fore 2017.
parts in 2013’s “American Hustle,” 2015’s After the Times article was pub- longtime friend, comedian Dave Chap- Writes Sam Adams in a review of the
“Trumbo” and the 2013 Woody Allen lished, Louis C.K. issued a contrite re- pelle, invited him to appear on his series film for Slate, “Now that C.K. is entirely
movie “Blue Jasmine.” sponse, noting that the accusations “An Intimate Socially Distanced Affair.” self-sufficient - even for performances
were “true” and adding, “The power I In 2022, C.K. took home his third like the Madison Square Garden gig, he
Why was Louis C.K. canceled? had over these women is that they ad- Grammy Award, best comedy album for rents out arenas himself rather than go-
mired me. And I wielded that power ir- his stand-up show “Sincerely Louis ing through bookers - there’s no check
In 2017, a number of women ap- responsibly.” C.K.,” infuriating some of his accusers. on his behavior, as long as his fans con-
proached a group of New York Times re- Later that year saw the release of tinue to support him.
porters who had been working on sto- What happened after Louis C.K. “Fourth of July,” a film he wrote and di- “As one observer in the documentary
ries about sexual predator Harvey was canceled? rected. In early 2023, C.K. performed to puts it, he’s ‘waving the banner for peo-
Weinstein, alleging that Louis C.K. had a sold-out crowd at Madison Square ple who don’t care,’ and plenty are will-
masturbated in front of them about 10 C.K. claimed that the cultural cancel- Garden. ing to join the parade.”

EDITED Amanda Rafkin
Numbers More puzzles:
Want solutions?
BY Matthew Stock


FOR (REPRISE) Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x2
box contains the numbers 1 through 9 (no repeats). box contains the numbers 1 through 6 (no repeats).
ACROSS 2 6 8 5 4 5 2 6
1 Competing in a
no-blinking contest
8 Tall piece of
7 6 3 6 1
14 Umbrella seen in “A 1 5 7 6 3 2 4 6 1 3
Sunday Afternoon
on the Island of La 7 3 9 5 3 5 2 4 6
Grande Jatte”
15 Tropical reptile 3 1 9 2 7 8 4 3 5
16 “You’ve really ___
yourself this time!” 4 5 8 9 3 4 1 2
17 Species of small
18 “What terrible luck”
6 9 5 3 8 Friday’s Answers

19 Currently 1 5 7 2 9 8 3 4 6 6 5 2 3 1 4
unstoppable 7 2 6 6 2 8 5 4 3 1 7 9 3 1 4 5 2 6
21 “r u serious rn” 3 4 9 7 1 6 5 2 8
22 Sounds of books 7 8 3 1 8 9 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 6 1
falling off shelves 2 3 6 9 5 4 7 8 1 2 6 1 4 3 5
9/25 DIFFICULTY RATING ✮✩✩✩✩ 7 1 4 3 8 2 9 6 5
25 Grandmas SUDOKU FUSION 1 3 5 6 4 2
26 Garden tool used 9 7 3 8 6 5 4 1 2
ON YOUR PHONE 4 8 2 1 3 9 6 5 7 4 2 6 1 5 3
before sowing © Andrews McMeel 9/25 © Andrews McMeel 5 6 1 4 2 7 8 9 3 9/22
seeds 58 Make it through20 Informative 42 Spanish for “fast”
27 Variant 59 one-page
Kindle or Nook, e.g. 43 Future doctor’s
29 A set of them might 60 Oozed document program
hold an audiobook 61 Poseidon and 23 Member of the 44 Underground
30 Tirade Tangaroa Scooby-Doo gang
drainage systems
31 “ASAP!” who always has 46 Land by the sea
33 Tennis legend DOWN something handy in 47 Sand hills Kubok 16 By Davide Coppo
Monica 1 Parts of watering her purse 51 Without adornment
34 “Find the guy in cans 24 Fathers of 54 “How’re you doin’?”
a red-and-white- 2 Worked as an racehorses 56 Samosa veggie
striped shirt” book educator 28 Neither here ___ 57 Word shouted
36 Does a pirouette 3 Jazz saxophonist there before “You’re it!”
38 “Ouch, what a diss!” Blythe 30 Test-grader’s
39 Story 4 “Totally rockin’” writing tool Friday’s Answer
40 Primatologist’s 5 Prefix meaning 32 Website with
animal “equal” virtual animals
41 Silly people 6 Off-limits action 33 Shredded
45 Finish up 7 Actress Close cabbage side
46 “Noble” horse 8 Pageant crowns dishes
48 Drum used in a 9 “Shrek” and others 34 Risk-taking
drumroll 10 Tavern part of one’s
49 A shot from behind 11 Crushed ice-and- personality
the arc is worth coconut milk 35 Picnic pest
three (Abbr.) dessert from the 36 Treeless
50 Jacuzzi Philippines grasslands
52 Laser tag sound 12 Organism in which 37 Company with
53 Toxic substances clownfish live a color of the 1. Each row and FRIDAY’S
55 When kinder- 13 Circles with year 9/22 column must
SOLUTION Solution to Saturday’s puzzle
gartners sleep on bull’s-eyes 40 Made formal CROSSWORDS contain the Solution to Friday’s puzzle
numbers 1 Enter the missing
mats 17 Curtains cover them amends ON YOUR PHONE through 4 numbers from
Answers: Call 1-900-988-8300, 99 cents a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-320-4280. get our crossword app (easy) or 1 1 to 16 without
though 6 repetitions so
without that the sum of
TXTPERT repeating. the four numbers
in each row and
2. The numbers column is the
1 2 3 4
TXTPERT Today’s theme within the
House and home
heavily outlined same as the
Across Down boxes, called corresponding
5 6 1. 762538 1. 739 Use the 5
cages, must circled number.
5. 9255 2. 235527 phone M A P K S combine using
6. 233 3. 82253 keypad to
decode the I E E the given ©2023 Kubok. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. 9/25/23
7 8 7. 2528837 4. 653 6 operation (in All rights reserved.
clues. B E D R
9. 2326 7. 2699 For example: 7 8 9 any order) to
10. 9273 8. 882 2 could be A, O S T R A I T produce the target numbers in the top-left
B or C ... and
5678 could
D O L corners.


3. Freebies: fill in single-box cages with the
© USA TODAY and Rich Coulter Friday’s solution
number in the top-left corner.


By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek 9/25 N E L E P H A N T L I N
Find and Circle: K NW H D V I R D M T O
Three types of TV programs ☑☐☐ O V T S Q G P P WN S T
Three flowing bodies of water ☐☐☐
© Andrews McMeel

Three state capitals ☐☐☐ O E R S T R E A M V U S

Three eight-letter mammals ☐☐☐
Two four-letter trees starting with P ☐☐ R R K P I N E H L U A O

By John Wilmes 9/25 By David L. Hoyt and Russell L. Hoyt 9/25

Remain --> 1. THE

State with three big “C”
cities 3.

--> relaxed 4.
© Andrews McMeel

Foot cover 7. ALARM

Clues: Friday’s Answer

Hailing from Bangkok
1. Peter Benchley novel HIGH JUMP
Friday’s Answer 2. 2022 Ben Affleck movie JUMP IN
Troubles 3. Level of H2O IN MEXICO
L A S H 4. Important furniture part MEXICO CITY
“Days” in Hebrew 5. Hamstring, for one CITY HALL
A L O U 6. High-performance vehicle HALL PASS
7. Auto theft deterrent PASS UP


9/22 PUZZLES.USATODAY.COM © Andrews McMeel

English author Gilbert K. Rearrange the words to complete the quote.
this thought.
________ MAKE ________ FRIENDS; WE ________ OUR
___________; ________ ________ MAKES ________
NEXT-DOOR ______________.
Friday’s Answer: “Shopping is better than sex. If you’re not satisfied after shopping
you can make an exchange for something you really like.” - Adrienne Gusoff


By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Unscramble these Jumbles,
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

one letter to each square,

to form four ordinary words.




Now arrange the circled letters
©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon.

(Answers tomorrow)


Answer: Noah Webster took the selling of his dictionaries
very seriously and — MEANT BUSINESS



Below 10 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+


Reykjavik St. Petersburg 45/32sh
57/47c Oslo 63/51pc Almaty MONGOLIA Vladivostok
ICELAND Bergen 59/50c Helsinki 68/46s Urumqi 71/58s
61/54sh 62/53c 61/43pc
Aberdeen Stockholm Pyongyang
65/51pc Gothenburg 60/50c 70/61c
Xian Seoul
Edinburgh 79/56s 65/59r 71/67sh
65/54w 65/44c Tokyo
IRELAND Newcastle DENMARK Copenhagen LITHUANIA Islamabad Lhasa 89/72r
Galway Belfast 65/48pc IRAN 91/68s Changsha Shanghai
65/55h Minsk Kathmandu 72/48pc 88/71r
65/55w 63/55w 86/74r
IRELAND Manchester 68/42s PAKISTAN 83/66t
67/52pc New Delhi
Shannon Dublin Hamburg NEPAL Dhaka Guangzhou Taipei
66/55pc 65/55pcBirmingham 69/48h 95/81t 95/79s 94/77s
Amsterdam Warsaw BELARUS Karachi Hanoi
68/52pc GERMANY Berlin 94/77h Kolkata 93/77t TAIWAN
68/53pc 71/55s BURMA
WALES ENGLAND 71/51c 93/81t Hong Kong
London Brussels Bonn Mumbai Rangoon Da Nang Manila
71/52pc 72/46pc 89/79t INDIA 92/78t
72/55c Krakow THAILAND 86/78t 90/78t
Prague Bangkok VIETNAM
BELGIUM 67/56c
Le Havre LUX. CZECH REP. Phnom Penh Ho Chi Minh City 88/76r
68/59pc 72/47c Munich Bratislava SLOVAKIA 89/77t 89/78t PHILIPPINES
75/53pc Zurich 67/42s Vienna SRI LANKA
68/44s HUNGARY
EUROPE Salzburg 73/55pc
69/46s AUSTRIA Budapest Singapore Balikpapan
SWITZERLAND 79/58s ROMANIA 91/80c 90/76h
Bordeaux Venice SLOVENIA
80/55s 78/59s
74/51s 78/54s GUINEA
FRANCE Florence Belgrade 98/74h
Santiago de Compostela Marseille BOSNIA
82/61s 77/60pc Sofia Port Moresby
77/58s 79/55s
75/53c 87/75t
Ajaccio Dubrovnik KOSOVO BULGARIA
Rome Cairns
Madrid 78/55s 78/71t Skopje
PORTUGAL 82/59s 82/67r
85/53s 76/54c MAURITIUS Broome
SPAIN Barcelona 79/60t 94/74s
Lisbon 77/63s Naples Alice Springs
87/65s 76/62s 94/62s
Cagliari Brisbane
Palma 80/59pc 79/56s
Seville 82/63s Perth
Faro 91/62s 78/58s
81/66s Athens
Palermo 71/61pc
Algiers Tunis
81/57s Melbourne Canberra
79/67pc 68/47sh 73/47pc

c Cloudy f Fog i Ice r Rain sf Snow flurries sn Snow w Windy Note: The forecast highs are for the 24-hour period of that
dr Drizzle h Haze pc Partly cloudy s Sunny sh Showers t Thunderstorms day. Low-temperature forecasts are for the upcoming night. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather Inc. ©2023

Clouding Very Mostly Mostly Partly Sunlit, High Partly Sunny, Mostly Shower,
up windy cloudy cloudy sunny hot clouds sunny nice cloudy hot
68/53 61/53 80/61 71/51 71/52 96/71 65/55 65/55 82/61 72/47 92/82
High Mostly Sunny, High High
TUE WED Windy WED T-storms WED TUE TUE TUE Hot TUE TUE Rain TUE Sunny TUE Sunny WED T-storms
clouds cloudy warm clouds clouds
62/52 90/78 95/73 62/49 85/60 75/50 92/80
72/57 81/55 76/57 72/55 66/59
Partly Very Clouding High Morning Very Some sun,
sunny warm up clouds rain warm warm
62/53 90/78 80/55 94/74 89/79
71/59 79/59 73/59 69/60 61/47 86/58 76/55

Sunny, Mostly Stray Sunny, Mostly A little
TUE Hot MON MON Windy MON MON Some sun MON Sunny TUE MON Breezy MON MON MON Sunny MON
warm cloudy t-storm nice sunny rain
98/74 79/37 78/59 85/53 81/53 67/42
87/63 72/55 90/78 78/54 65/45 64/56
Sunny, Sunny, Not as Plenty of High Partly
WED TUE TUE TUE Showers TUE Sunny TUE Sunny WED Rain TUE Sunny TUE TUE TUE TUE Shower
hot warm warm sun clouds sunny
71/52 80/61 84/54 87/78 80/53 64/54
98/75 87/63 69/48 81/57 65/46 71/44
Very Stray Mostly Sun, Stray Mostly Sunlit, Mostly Mostly
warm t-storm sunny clouds t-storm sunny warm cloudy sunny
98/75 68/54 73/45
88/65 67/50 82/62 85/56 89/79 80/55 83/59 67/46 65/56

Partly Showers A little Some sun, Partly Shower, A P.M. Sunny,
sunny around rain nice sunny hot shower nice
81/74 82/59 60/50 73/55
75/53 71/67 88/71 63/51 72/60 94/77 84/71 68/44
Very Very High Mostly Some sun, Breezy, Cloudy, Sunny,
warm warm clouds cloudy nice hot humid warm
82/77 83/60 80/65 72/47
77/56 86/73 64/48 64/50 74/60 94/78 84/74 81/54
Cloudy, Some sun, An A.M. Sunny, Mostly
WED WED Humid WED Sunny THU Humid THU Humid WED WED Showers THU Windy THU T-storms THU WED WED
warm mild shower warm sunny
95/72 82/58 80/58 84/72 65/52 73/56 93/78
77/60 65/53 86/76 81/54 75/50


MON TUE Strasbourg 73/43s 75/46s Buenos Aires, Argentina 61/53w 58/47w Seattle
Aberdeen, Scotland 65/51pc 60/44c Tallin 64/52c 65/49pc Calgary 69/52c 67/45pc 65/55r
Athens 85/67s 81/68s Tirana 79/60t 88/58pc Cancun, Mexico 90/74pc 89/74t
Barcelona 77/63s 78/65s Valencia/Aeropuerto 81/61s 83/63s Caracas, Venezuela 93/75pc 93/75t Portland
Belfast 63/55w 60/48sh Venice 78/59s 82/62s Cozumel, Mexico 90/76c 89/76t 65/56r Boston
Belgrade 77/60pc 80/59pc Vienna 73/55pc 81/54s Fort-de-France 92/76t 94/77t Minneapolis-St. Paul 62/56r
Bergen, Norway 61/54sh 66/54pc Vilnius, Lithuania 65/44s 70/53h Halifax, Nova Scotia 65/44c 63/47pc 67/58r
Bern 69/42s 72/45s Warsaw 71/55s 78/55s Lima, Peru 71/64c 70/63pc
Bilbao 82/58s 75/61pc Montreal 68/47s 66/48s New York
Birmingham, England 68/52pc 67/49sh ASIA / OCEANIA Nassau, Bahamas 88/80c 88/78t 64/56r
Bonn 72/46pc 75/50s TUE WED Philipsburg, St. Maarten 92/81s 92/82pc Chicago
San Francisco 74/62pc
Bordeaux 80/55s 79/59pc Adelaide 71/48s 68/45pc Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 93/79t 94/78t 75/63c
Bratislava 73/55pc 80/55s Alice Springs Airport 94/62s 90/58s Punta Arenas, Chile 49/41w 48/35r Washington
Denver 70/60c
Bucharest 86/60h 84/58w Bali 88/74s 88/76s Quebec 63/42pc 66/45s 84/52s
Cadiz, Spain 89/60s 89/60s Broome Bilingurr 94/74s 93/71s Quito, Ecuador 70/46c 69/42sh St. Louis
Caen 73/58pc 74/54pc Cairns Airport 82/67r 83/68pc San Jose, Costa Rica 84/69r 86/69r 83/64pc
Cagliari 80/59pc 83/62s Changde 83/71pc 85/71pc Santo Domingo 92/76pc 92/75t Los Angeles
Cardiff 66/56c 65/53sh Changsha City 84/73pc 88/73pc Sao Paulo 83/67pc 94/77pc 78/59pc
Dresden 72/47s 78/53s Christchurch 56/40r 52/36sh Toronto 70/58pc 65/55s
Dubrovnik 78/71t 85/67s Colombo 87/78t 84/77r Vancouver 64/55r 62/52r Phoenix Atlanta
Duesseldorf 73/51h 75/54pc Da Nang 86/78t 88/77t Winnipeg 69/54s 72/52s 105/75s 87/69pc
Edinburgh 65/54w 61/46sh Darwin 93/76s 93/75s Dallas-Fort Worth
Faro, Portugal 81/66s 79/67s Dhaka 95/81t 95/81t AFRICA / MIDDLE EAST 89/70pc
Figari 80/45s 82/52s Guangzhou 95/79s 93/78t MON TUE
Geneva 70/45s 73/49s Hagatna, Guam 88/76r 87/76t Abidjan, Ivory Coast 85/76pc 86/78t
New Orleans
Genoa 80/67s 83/69s Hanoi 93/77t 92/77s Abu Dhabi 107/86s 108/87s Houston
90/76pc Miami
Glasgow 64/55w 61/47sh Ho Chi Minh City 89/78t 87/77sh Accra, Ghana 86/76pc 86/76pc 94/73t
Gothenburg, Sweden 62/54c 64/53c Hobart 61/35c 66/45c Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 70/54sh 71/55sh
Hamburg 69/48h 71/53h Karachi 94/77h 96/79pc Alexandria, Egypt 90/73s 90/72s
Helsinki 62/53c 64/52pc Kathmandu 83/66t 85/65t Algiers, Algeria 81/57s 81/57s
Innsbruck 73/47s 77/51pc Kolkata 93/81t 94/80t Amman, Jordan 91/68s 91/67s MON TUE MON TUE MON TUE
Krakow 67/56c 77/52pc Kuala Lumpur 90/76sh 92/75sh Ankara, Turkey 87/54s 83/52c Albany, N.Y. 68/49pc 66/46pc Fargo, N.D. 68/54sh 74/55s Philadelphia 66/58r 67/54c
Kyiv 81/58pc 78/55pc Kyoto 91/71r 91/75r Baghdad 111/78h 108/78h Albuquerque 85/61s 83/58s Fort Myers, Fla. 91/77t 90/76t Phoenix 105/75s 105/74s
Las Palmas 83/71pc 83/72pc Lhasa City 72/48pc 72/46c Bahrain 100/86s 100/86s Allentown, Pa. 60/56r 61/45c Grand Rapids, Mich. 72/58c 68/57t Pittsburgh 70/57c 67/55c
Le Havre 68/59pc 70/56pc Macau 89/82t 88/80t Beirut 88/76s 87/74s Anchorage 52/36s 51/38s Greensboro, N.C. 79/61pc 72/58c Portland, Maine 65/47c 62/43s
Lisbon 87/65s 81/61c Mumbai 89/79t 88/79r Cape Town, S.A. 64/49r 68/49s Atlanta 87/69pc 83/67pc Hartford, Conn. 62/53r 67/43c Portland, Ore. 65/56r 67/56r
Lucerne, Switzerland 67/46s 71/50pc Nanchang City 90/77pc 90/77pc Casablanca, Morocco 88/61pc 84/65s Atlantic City 70/62r 66/58w Honolulu 89/76pc 88/76sh Providence 61/55r 61/45c
Luxembourg 67/48pc 70/51s New Delhi 94/78s 95/76s Damascus, Syria 98/61h 96/58s Austin 94/71t 93/67s Houston 94/73t 91/72t Raleigh, N.C. 81/64pc 76/60pc
Lyon 74/51s 78/54s Noumea 79/55pc 74/59pc Dar es Salaam, Tanz. 90/70s 92/72pc Baltimore 69/60c 66/54c Huntsville, Ala. 87/64c 86/66pc Rapid City, S.D. 74/47s 75/48s
Malaga 81/67s 81/65pc Osaka 89/72r 89/76r Harare, Zimbabwe 88/59s 88/65s Baton Rouge 88/72t 90/71t Indianapolis 81/61pc 78/60t Reno 80/49pc 78/49pc
Manchester 67/52pc 65/49c Pago Pago 87/79pc 87/78r Istanbul, Turkey 82/70w 81/70w Billing, Mont. 80/51s 85/51pc Jackson, Miss. 83/68t 88/72t Richmond 74/62c 71/58c
Marseille 79/55s 81/55s Perth 78/58s 90/61s Kabul 78/55s 79/56s Birmingham, Ala. 86/70t 87/68s Jacksonville 94/71pc 85/72t Rochester, N.Y. 70/51c 69/48pc
Milan 78/54s 81/57s Phnom Penh 89/77t 88/78t Kinshasa, Congo 89/72pc 90/74c Boise, Idaho 88/53pc 75/52pc Kansas City, Mo. 83/58pc 82/58s Sacramento 76/60c 82/53pc
Minsk 68/42s 69/45s Pyongyang 70/61c 78/62pc Kuwait 114/81s 112/76w Boston 62/56r 62/53c Knoxville, Tenn. 82/60c 84/64t St. Louis 83/64pc 84/63s
Monte Carlo 75/66s 77/68s Rangoon 92/78t 91/78t Lagos, Nigeria 87/76t 86/76t Buffalo 72/54c 70/50c Las Vegas 93/69s 93/70s Salt Lake City 85/62s 85/60s
Naples 76/62s 84/62s Sapporo 76/62pc 79/63pc Luanda, Angola 82/70pc 82/71pc Cedar Rapids, Iowa 75/57sh 70/57t Little Rock 88/69pc 92/66s San Antonio 95/76t 95/72pc
Nice 77/64s 79/66s Singapore 91/80c 93/81pc Lusaka, Zambia 90/65s 90/68c Charleston, S.C. 90/69s 89/71pc Louisville 84/62pc 85/66c San Diego 74/63pc 74/62s
Oslo 59/50c 61/52c Tianjin 80/61c 80/60h Luxor, Egypt 106/73h 106/76s Charlotte 84/65pc 76/63c Memphis 85/67c 88/67s San Francisco 75/63c 74/58pc
Palermo 73/68sh 77/69pc Vladivostok 71/58s 71/58sh Mecca, Saudi Arabia 107/80s 107/82c Cheyenne, Wyo. 80/48s 82/48s Miami 90/80t 90/80t San Juan, P.R. 93/80c 91/81t
Palma 82/63s 81/63s Wellington 51/46c 54/45r Mombasa, Kenya 87/73s 88/74pc Chicago 74/62pc 73/61t Milwaukee 70/63c 68/63t Sarasota, Fla. 90/75t 89/73t
Prague 69/50s 76/54c Wuhan City 83/71pc 86/71pc Nairobi, Kenya 84/54pc 84/60c Cincinnati 78/59pc 82/61sh Minneapolis 67/58r 69/58pc Savannah, Ga. 92/68pc 89/70t
Reims 72/48pc 74/52h Yokohama 82/71sh 84/72r Nicosia, Cyprus 98/65s 96/67s Cleveland 68/60c 70/58c Mobile, Ala. 91/70c 87/73t Seattle 65/55r 62/53r
Reykjavik 57/47c 55/43c Rabat, Morocco 79/60s 80/63pc Colorado Springs 80/51s 84/50s Myrtle Beach, S.C. 85/69pc 80/65pc Shreveport, La. 87/71t 93/70s
Riga 65/44c 65/52h AMERICAS Tangier, Morocco 85/67s 84/68s Columbia, S.C. 88/65pc 83/66pc Nashville 85/62c 86/65pc Spokane, Wash. 75/51c 64/48sh
Salzburg 69/46s 73/50pc MON TUE Tbilisi, Georgia 77/57pc 77/56pc Columbus, Ohio 72/59c 75/59pc New Orleans 90/76pc 89/74t Syracuse, N.Y. 74/52c 68/45pc
Santiago de Comp. 77/58s 74/54pc Acapulco, Mexico 90/76t 91/75t Tehran, Iran 84/65s 83/64s Concord, N.H. 68/46c 67/40pc Norfolk, Va. 74/67c 71/64c Tampa 91/77t 90/75t
Sarajevo 63/55r 74/47s Belize 90/74t 89/76t Tel Aviv, Israel 88/72s 88/74s Dallas-Ft. Worth 89/70pc 91/70s Oklahoma City 88/61s 90/61s Topeka 86/56pc 85/57s
Sevilla/San Pablo 91/62s 90/63s Bermuda 86/77sh 84/74s Tombouctou, Mail 107/66s 106/78s Daytona Beach, Fla. 89/73t 88/75t Omaha 77/54pc 74/52s Tucson 100/68s 102/69s
Skopje 75/54c 84/53pc Bogota 70/45c 72/46c Tripoli, Libya 82/53s 83/69sh Denver 84/52s 85/52s Orlando 93/75t 89/73t Tulsa 89/63s 89/63s
Sofia Intl Airport 75/53c 76/53pc Brasilia, Brazil 96/66pc 97/69c Tunis, Tunisia 79/67pc 82/70s Detroit 67/60c 69/59c Palm Springs, Calif. 99/72s 101/75s Washington, D.C. 70/60c 67/58c
St. Petersburg 63/51pc 64/48h Bridgetown, Barbados 92/80sh 92/79pc Zanzibar 86/72s 87/75sh El Paso 97/72s 93/66t Pensacola, Fla. 89/73pc 86/73t Wichita 90/60s 88/62s

The point is
hearing the nation on
your morning commute.*

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